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Brands in society

In my opinion the brands are a hallmark in the society since they seek through its image,
attract consumers, for which the companies this is not an easy job since you need to do many
studies that relate to the life cycle of the various products on the market, among others, life is
usually immersed in brands and I think that to some extent they try to us Captivate , to
somehow fall into a vicious cycle, this anyway is beneficial for any organization that inserts a
mark in society and that also want to boost in the market, since its goal is to make that their
products reach the consumer and that it prefers it, therefore used tactics ranging from the
brand recognition which seeks with this is mark the difference with respect to the other, the
image is the perspective that has the customer about this, but the release is what makes the
difference from my point of view is the beginning that will draw the attention of the public and
will therefore be the first step most important by introducing it to the market, usually brands
seek to stay in the retina of the consumer because of this product has to have an impact on
society so that it is permanently, basically meeting a very good tactic is to place people
recognized in the social sphere so give a positioning and a characteristic in the market
recognition and thus is able to give some confidence to the consumer prefers a product or a
brand specific and somehow achieve what every organization I hope I think that achieving an
effective positioning in the market occurs with time and work because it is not easy for any
organization work since you are looking for is to achieve the confidence of the client and this
preferred above all other brands in the market.

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