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Austin Drzewiecki

Academic Research and Composition

24 February 2014
Living Life on the Edge
Aron Ralston has proved to the world the man he can be. He went on a climb
and was too prideful to even tell his friends his route. After he started his descent, a
very large boulder shifted and pinched his arm. He used all of his strength to try to move
the boulder, but had no prevail. Five days later he, broke his arm and amputated it. He
came down the mountain and was finally spotted by rescue helicopters. This tragedy
showed how adventurous, brave, and humbled he was. Adventurous is a perfect word
to describe Aron Ralston. He was willing to take risks, and try out new methods that
werent always the safest. His confidence with adventure cost him an arm. If he would
have told someone his route, they could have rescued him, but that was too safe for
him. It was more of a thrill for him to be alone. Aron Ralston also showed how brave he
could be. He was stuck in a boulder for 127 hours, and only drastic actions could free
him. It takes a very brave man to do what he did. James Franco talking about how to
watch 127 Hours without fainting said, If youre feeling woozy, just cover your eyes.
Theres nothing wrong with covering eyes. It took 40 minutes [for Aron to cut his arm
off], so what Danny showed is mercifully short. Ralston as he was rescued, from then
on became a truly humbled man. He knew he was given a second opportunity to live his
life. To some, Ralstons story was one of inspiration. His 368 page account, Between a
Rock and a Hard Place rose to no. 3 on NY Times best-seller list an article stated
explaining how Ralston turned his life around. Ralston has shown the transformation
from an arrogant man, to one of unbounded bravery.

Works Cited
Brick, Michael. "Climber Still Seeks Larger Meaning in His Epic Escape." The New York Times.
The New York Times, 30 Mar. 2009. Web. 25 Feb. 2014.

Yaun Jada James Franco and Aron Ralston Explain How to Watch 127 Hours without
Fainting New York Magazine. The New York Times. 25 Oct, 2010

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