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Shaquille Keith
Post Production Feedback (Task 1)
Key: Evelyn Nortey, 18 Farai Dondo, 17 Ruth Shikoya, 18

General Comment:
You had very good eye contact, and I could see you were really confident. I thought you also had
very good clarity of voice which really helped when you were asking your questions. Speaking of
which I think you had pretty good questions.
I thought you were very confident and enthusiastic. You made the interview seem very engaging.
You appeared to be an active listener as well.
I like your Binge drinking interview. I liked the different ranges of editing techniques and the music
you selected relates with the target audience
Presenting Style:
I liked it because it was really relaxed but you were still able to come across as serious
I liked your interview style, because it was a one to one interview and you were able to get a lot of
him. It seems like the typical interview style you would see for teenagers
I thought it was really good I liked how you were able to interact wirth your audience from the
Body Language:
You had a very good posture and it helped you seem very professional
You were able to keep very good eye contact and you always seemed interested in what the client
had to say, you appeared to be an active listener
I thought youre body language was really good, you sat up straight, and you werent fiddling or
twitching or anything your attention was completely on him which I thought was really good
Your clothing seemed appropriate to fit the genre and style of the interview, nice shirt by the way
I liked how you kept your clothing smart casual, so it was still appealing to your target audience
Its something I would typically see in your target audiences age group so I think you kept to the
dirty south brief when it comes to clothing

Structure of your questions:
Shaquille Keith
I liked how you were able to question your client efficiently, you were able to build bridges really
good and I thought you made him feel very comfortable
You were able to build bridges really well, I thought you were very considerate of your interviewee
with your opening questions
I liked youre questions, you were able to get to the route of the problem quickly and efficiently
Overall I think that my feedback was relatively positive and I think that my target audience generally
did enjoy watching my interview. I think I was able to stick to the brief my client had set me and was
able to gain remarkable feedback.

Pre-Production Process (Task 2):
To prepare myself for this interview a lot and thought had to be taken into consideration for my
interview. I had to consider locations, the dangers within the location and also the availability. This
involved a lot of prep work such as recces and research.
Location: The location for this interview took place in the green room. I chose to do my interview
here because I was taking into consideration background and sound. The first thing Ill talk about is
the background. For a hard news interview one of the fundamentals that goes into creating it, is
scenery. Of course Ive considered other locations located in the outdoors, but I considered sound.
Although the outdoors may have been a good idea, I took into consideration the sensitivity of the
microphones and how they are able to pick up wind, and traffic. The client I needed to interview also
wouldnt have been able to come with me to an outside location so I decided to find a location
My first location was actually the studio; I picked this room because of its ability to block out sound.
It seemed very efficient but then I realised it was in constant use which meant, constant
interruptions which is something that wouldnt benefit me in terms of time keeping. I disregarded
this location as an option.
The next relevant place I considered was the sports hall. It wasnt used often, and it was very
spacious, but that in itself was its downfall. The room caused too much reverb and would be difficult
when having to edit sound.
The final room I went with was the green room. It was good at blocking out unnecessary sound; I
was able to adjust the lighting and due to the actual green screen I was able to manipulate the
(Health and Safety, was taken into consideration as part of my recce).
When I finalized my location I made a recce, this helped remember the time I scheduled to use this
location and the health and safety issues behind it. The green room is a publicly used area, so its in
constant use to those who schedule it for a particular time, I thought it was wise to include the time I
want to use it for, not only that but I thought it was wise to include the date also. I also gave a copy
Shaquille Keith
of it to my interview client. This also gives the interviewee a chance to look at what they need to be
cautious about within the area.

Interviews do not always go according to plan, so prepared some rehearsal times with the
interviewee. It wasnt anything to complicated, we just ran through the lighting and the camera
angles and briefed him on the questions I was going to ask him. I also briefed on what the topic was
about and the kind of language which is and isnt prohibited on the Dirty South TV show. We also ran
through the health and safety regulations.
How I contacted my client was via emails. We had simple discussions when he was available as to
when he would be able to come down and go through the interview show with me.
Evaluation (Task 3):
Looking over my evaluation I realized it came out completely different to how I expected it to.
How was it different?
Time Management: In terms of time of management as I mentioned before, I had to book
the room I needed. I also had to compare editing time, with filming time. Thats why I also
made a production schedule as well a recce. The production schedule consisted of when we
would record and when I would edit the clips. This was very wise and it helped me work
around the clock to edit, film and when I should and shouldnt book the green room. This
helped me not overlap anything, as in, it helped me not record when I was supposed to edit
or visa versa. I personally think it also helped me with the client. The client knew when to
make his schedule free for when he needed to record with me. The only disadvantage about
having a specific time is that if I needed to re-record something, I could ask him if hes
available but if its not within the specified times I gave him, he didnt have to come, because
it was last minute and that time wasnt finalized.
Shaquille Keith
I find that my interview came out differently due to the fact that I used different interviewees.
During my planning with my Dirty South team originally we had planned to interview a dentist, a
nurse and a student. However, that didnt go to plan. You see we ended up individually recording
our designated clients. I went to interview the nurse, and my team went to interview the dentist and
the student. This was a very good turnout, but unfortunately complications with the nurse occurred
and the interview had to be delayed. So in the end we recorded much later than I should have. This
set me back in terms of time. However I did get the interview done. Once completed when I went to
editing I realised that this isnt exactly going to appeal to my target audience so I decided to re plan
and get a student instead (knowing that this would set me back even more in terms of time for
How was the editing?
The editing within my interview came out pretty well in my opinion. I was able to manipulate a lot of
things such as the background. The background was simply done by keying out the green and I
placed in a background appropriate for the theme of my interview. I did go through a number of
backgrounds till I found the correct one. It was a matter of looking at some examples. I found my
desired background after analysing a series of news shows.
The first example I looked at was this one below. The reason I didnt choose it however is because it
doesnt seem very serious. It seems like a background you would see in a comedy sketch. I think its
the clich Breaking News that threw me off the idea of using such a background.

The second background I came across, was the BBC news intro. As effective and as iconic as it is, it
didnt quite satisfy what I was looking for. I referred to it as an idea of something that I wanted but I
never even considered to use it. Also, seeing as this intro belongs to the BBC I dont want to get into
the habit of using copyrighted products into my work.
Clich Breaking News title gave off the
impression that my interview isnt serious.
I did however like the introduction
of how the graphic lines were
circulating the globe.
Shaquille Keith

In the end I did actually find a background I
wanted to use. It used the same colour scheme as the BBC intro (minus the white) and it was simple
but effective. I felt as though it changed the whole vibe of the interview.

The images above show and demonstrate how effective my background was. You see, it gave the
interview a sense of isolation from the actual world and it appeared to just be my interviewee, my
trusty table and me. This would allow the audience to engage with the interview. The background
does also move at a steady pace, not fast enough to distract the audience but just enough so that
the interview doesnt look stiff.

Editing sound was not that much of a problem in this interview. In the actual interview the sound
was very good. Unfortunately, the sound from my interviewee wasnt exactly coming out in the best
quality, which then required me to alter the sound a bit. Not much adjustment was taken to the
sound other then a slight raise in the dB. The sound was also a problem again in my introduction. My
camera was picking up to much of the noise from the wind outside. I raised the dB in this clip also
which did make a slight difference but you could also still slightly hear the wind. If I was to re do this
interview I think I would export the sound onto logic Pro and adjust the sound properly.
In my interview I had a slight problem with imagery. When I keyed the background some of the clip
wouldnt key properly which required me to edit it a bit.
Shaquille Keith

To key a video clip (alter the background) the clip
must have a background of just one shade you can
alter, in this case, this clip used one color but the
shadow is what caused to not key properly. This
wasnt a dramatic issue; it was able to be quickly
resolved. Most of the time is error occurs due to
the lighting. The lighting causes the green screen
to have different layers of the same colour which
makes the shadow effect occur when youre trying to key one particular colour
The image on the right is what you use to refine the key and this
is what I applied to the image to help the image to get rid of the
shadow effect on the image. If the hair or jacket of the
individual suffered from the same situation as the background
then I would have used the edges tool (located in the picture
next to the sample color tool). This enables me to adjust and fix
the coloring of the hair and jacket just like the background.

Here you can see that I have applied the key refiner and now
the shadowy effect that was on the image has now gone.
This tool was very useful when I was editing my clips
because I had to do this quite often.
Other than the flaw I just pointed out the editing for imagery
was quite easy to do.
Target Audience (Task 4)
My target audience are teenagers. Knowing that, there were certain things I put into my interview to
make it relateable and appealable to those of the age between 15 19.

- Interviewee: My interviewee, Kitso Mamejeta who is aged 18, represents the youths that are
going through the same things he is going through. Using a client of this age range was a
powerful thing. He had a bigger part in this interview than he thinks. The reason I chose him
as my interviewee is because he actually seems to be going through the typical things most
teens tend to go through. Hes relatable, and in the urban culture thats what entices an
Shaquille Keith
audience, when you can relate to the main person. Whether it be films, songs or in this case
- Composition: The concept and composition of the interview was quite simple. I chose not to
complicate things because I am aware that teens of this age group tend to have a short
attention span and If I overcomplicate things I think that my audience would lose interest in
my interview which 1. Would be bad views 2. Wouldnt be profitable to my client and 3. I
wouldnt be able to spread the word to other teens.
- Costume: Note how the clothes that were worn in this interview were very casual. They
were common clothes you would find teens of this age group wearing. I think by doing this I
gave a sense of familiarity to the audience at home. I think the smallest detail including my
dress sense helped with engaging with my target audience.
- Distribution: Now of course I need to think about where am I going to distribute my
interview. It has to be displayed somewhere I know teenagers are able to get access. Initially
the show was broadcasted on BBC three but I felt like that wasnt enough, so I took the
liberty of also sharing it on YouTube. By doing so I have expanded the amount of exposure
this interview will get, thus getting the word out of careful drinking to more teens. I think
this was a good decision to make. The reason I chose YouTube is because it is the world no.1
online video sharing phenomenon. The youth also have so much access to the internet and
other social networks. I find that if the interview does affect them in the way I hope it does
then they will be able to share the video on sites such as Facebook, Instagram & twitter etc.
- Soundtrack: I made sure to use recent music in my interview. What I mean by recent is
music that has been recently released and is played a lot by the youth. The song I selected
was Kid Ink ft Chris Brown Show me and I think this sound track worked really well with my
interview because it had a very upbeat tempo and it was very familiar to the audience. It
helped set the tone that the interview was urban and for the youth. I felt as though the
soundtrack does make a big impression on the audience too. Often times when people
watch something and they recognise the sound track they often get enticed by the music
(just like in films).

Task (5)
I emulated my style from a mixture of things. One interview style I looked at was the hosts of BET
chat show 106 & park. I liked their unique style of being relaxed and chilled when interviewing their
interviewees. I thought that I could apply emulated my style from a mixture of things. One interview
style I looked at was the hosts of BET chat show 106 & park. I liked their unique style of being
relaxed and chilled when interviewing their interviewees. I thought that I could apply their attitude
to myself when I am interviewing my interviewee. I felt like this could help my interviewee feel very
comfortable. I also looked at the styling of BBC interviewers and how composed they keep
themselves. So immediately I thought of taking the attitude and relaxed style of the 106 and park
interviews and mixing it with the BBC interviewers to create a relaxed and composed interview, so
that 1.) its not stiff and 2.) Its not breaking the codes and conventions of my style of interview.

Shaquille Keith
I think my presenting style came out slightly different to how I anticipated. I was a lot more formal
than I realized but did not notice until I watched myself. I didnt see this as a problem because I think
the interview still went according to plan. My only worry was that I wasnt going to appeal to my
target audience but somehow my target audience still gave my interview a really good reception. I
was trying to be more like Bow Wow (106 & Parks interview host) but turned more to Charlie Stayt
(BBC breakfast interview host). His style is much more composed, still relaxed but much more
formal. I think this worked out for my interview anyway because I was able to assert myself.
What I really did like about the interview is how it flowed like a conversation and I really think I got
through to the interviewee I was interviewing. I think however, I could have asked much more in
depth questions, never the less the questions I asked were still able to cover the basics. I think thats
better rather than trying to over complicate things. In this interview I was much more prepared and
much assertive than in my following interviews. For example my interview about Brazliian butt lifts
wasnt that interesting due to my interviewees but in this interview the individual I had was better
than the whole cast of students I had in the butt lift interview. I do also like how effective but simple
my editing and technique skills were in this interview. In my other interview my editing was of much
better use and I realise looking back on it now that I wanted I could apply myself more to making the
binge drinking interview seem much more interesting but thats just something Ill have to keep in
mind for the next time. I do prefer the sound track and background in the interview than I do in my
others because I think I spent more time researching about what songs teenagers are listening to
rather than just get a song you know the youths are familiar with. Overall I think my interview had a
really good turn out and really did enjoy making it.

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