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The math NWEA/ MAP test will be given on May 19 and May 20 during our math
lass !11"#0$12"#%&' They will be wor(ing on la)to)s in our lassroom'
Please ma(e sure your hild is well rested* and has a nutritious brea(+ast on
those days'
, am ho)ing eah student meets his/her growth goal' My students need to grow
10 or 11 )oints +rom the sore they got in the s)ring o+ +orth grade'
,+ you do not have aess to a om)uter* )lease review the -ournal and .tudy
/in( boo(s' .tudents an also do any math bo0es we have s(i))ed due to time
onstraints in 1nits 1 2 9'
,n order to get more in+ormation you an go to NWEA'org website' There is a
)arent tool(it there3
Thanks for your support to prepare for this important math test!
~Ms. Adler
,+ you would li(e to assist your hild at home during this time"
Also* a good )lae to study is to google 4MAP math'5 6li( on
MAP math* then li( on a )artiular math strand* and wor( at a
range higher than what they got in #th grade'
,7/'om would be another great website'
May 19 2 May 28
Feel free to contact me anytime with questions
or concerns:

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