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Forensic Psychology

Lecture 1: Applied psychology introduction

Forensic psychology
- Forensic psychology was originally denoted to: direct provision of
psychological information to the courts, that is, to psychology in the
courts only see clinical knowledge that is used within the court e.g.
to see if the person is fit to stand trial or give information about
mental disorders that cause them to do certain things
- Psychologists have wanted to widen this usage to cover all aspects of
psychology that are applied or relevant to the legal process a lot
more than just clinical knowledge (apply knowledge to things in legal
- The APPLICATION of psychological knowledge and theories to all
aspects of the criminal and civil justice systems, including the
processes and the people
- Perception eg. Face recognition (eye witness) people being
influenced by others around them e.g. Jury
Experimental forensic psychologist
- draw on research to explain and understand some of the processes
and people involved in the legal system
- EXAMPLE: identification/line up, eye witness testimony, repressed
and recovered memory, are certain people competent to stand trial??,
media influence, treatment of offenders and risk prediction

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