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By: Gia

Grade 7
Posing Questions
Posing a question means giving a question
that comes from experiences that comes
from that you have and from observations
and inferences that you make.
An experiment of posing a question is what
temperature do crickets chirp the most?
Posing a question is an important step in
scientific inquiry process because it starts or
begins the process of scientific inquiry.
Developing a Hypothesis
Developing a Hypothesis is a educated
guess, or an explanation about what will
happen. It must always be tested.
My Hypothesis to my question is that
crickets chirp the most in warm temperature.
Developing a Hypothesis is important in
scientific inquiry process because it is your
opinion on if your experiment is going to be
Designing an Experiment
A experiment is a procedure undertaken to make a
To test this experiment you can get three different jars,
and three different temperatures. The first jar you can
put it in a very low temperature, like 50 degrees. Then
you would put the second jar in warm temperature like,
70 degrees.Finally I will put a jar in a hot temperature
like,80 degrees.
This is important because it tells you if your Hypothesis
is right or wrong.
When you collect your data you collect the
facts , figures and other evidence gathered
through observations.
Ex: You would observe how many times the
crickets chirp in the three different
temperatures.Like to see if the crickets chirp
more in warm temperature then in cold .
Its important because you gather the
information for your experiment.
Drawing Conclusions is when you decide
and look at your data to see if your
hypothesis was right. Sometimes no
conclusion can be reached and more data
are needed.
My Conclusion will be that the crickets chirp
more in warm temperature , then they do in
cold and hot temperatures.
This is important because you decide
whether that your hypothesis you guess in
the beginning of the Scientific Inquiry is right
or wrong.
Communicating is the sharing of ideas and
experimental findings with others through
writing and speaking.
An example of Communicating is putting it
up on the internet for everyone to see.
This is an important step because you
exchange ideas and what you learned with
other people.

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