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February 2011
Tonia von Hugo
Tumbril (n.) A two-wheeled cart that was used to carry victims to the
guillotine in the French Revolution, and later on army supplies. (page 12)
Plebs (n.) An ordinary, lower-class person (page 24)
Blotto (adj.) To be very intoxicated (page 28)
Ecclesiastical (adj.) Relation to the Christian Church (page 35)
Rigmarole (n.) A lengthy procedure, or a rambling story (page 35)
Piffling (adj.) Trivial thing (page 35)
Roisterer (n.) Someone who is partying, loudly. (page 42)
Craven (adj.) Lacking in courage (page 47)
NCO (n.) Non-commissioned officer (page 54)

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