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I Wish I Knew It Was Me

There was a knock at the door in a ruffled mode,

I went for the keys and the night lamp broke.
I looked at the window and a shadow showed
And it tuned bigger than me as I moved.
I closed my eyes and in seconds, opened one
rom behind the chairs, I could see none.
I hit myself and stood up in relief
While he came again to kick my belief.
There was a knock at the door and still he stood
I ran to my room and hid myself.
There was a call on the landline and I ran to it.
!hew" It was my mother and I cried all the shit.
There was a knock again and I told my mom,
I#m doomed to death and you#re not along.
$he yelled on the phone saying,
% It was her at the door so long%.
The power restored and I ran to the door
There was none other than her and I was reassured.
It#s been years since this happened
And I used to wonder
%Who the window man was&%
And now I laugh standing in the moonlit path
As I see him down there, laughing all along.
'my own shadow'

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