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Mathboxes #3 Name ______________

Match the names and shapes. Match the number with its name.
Twelve 2
Two 10
Twenty-two 12
Rectangular prism Ten 20
Twenty 22

Subtract. Put an X on the hundreds.

42 55 74
- 21 - 36 - 16 417 325 864

33 72 932 741 593

- 17 - 23

Fill in the box with 9 names for 9. Continue the pattern.

15, 20, 25, ___, ___, ___, ___, …

75, 70, 65, ___, ___, 50, 55, ___, …

22, 32, ___, ___, ___, 72, 82, ___,…

10, 20, ___, ____, ____, ____, …

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