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The Sound of Sweets Capstone Proj ect i s

a fundrai ser that wi l l take pl ace at J ames

Ri ver Hi gh School . Al l proceeds wi l l be
donated to the VH1 Save The Musi c
Foundati on.
McKenzi e J oseph

The VH1 Save the Musi c
Foundati on

The VH1 Save The Musi c
Foundati on i s a non-profi t
organi zati on dedi cated to
restori ng i nstrumental musi c
educati on i n Ameri ca' s publ i c
publ i c school s, and rai si ng
awareness about the
i mportance of musi c as part
part of each chi l d' s compl ete
educati on.
Praesent vitae nisl.
Vi si on of The Sound of
Sweets Capstone Proj ect:
Through The Sound of Sweets
Capstone Proj ect, funds wi l l be
rai sed and donated to the VH1
Save the Musi c Foundati on,
whi ch wi l l i n turn provi de
i nstruments to publ i c school s i n
need wi thi n Ameri ca. The goal of
thi s fundrai ser i s approxi matel y
two hundred dol l ars. To promote
the caf theme of thi s Capstone
Proj ect the use of decorati ons,
and l i ve performances
throughout the durati on of the
event wi l l be present. Desserts
wi l l be di spl ayed i n an appeal i ng
way on pl atters and cake stands,
and the event wi l l be surrounded
by l i ve performances.
Obj e c t i v e s a n d In v o l v e me n t :
A caf styl e fundrai ser wi l l be set up
wi th a spread of sweets and desserts
for sal e. Li ve entertai nment from
J ames Ri ver s very own wi l l perform
at the event. The l i ve entertai nment
wi l l promote the musi cal si de of the
Capstone Proj ect. Musi ci ans wi l l be
chosen through audi ti ons and
referral s.
I n order for thi s event to be a success,
many vol unteers and monetary
donati ons wi l l be needed. Vol unteers
are needed to hel p i n the set up, whi ch
wi l l l i kel y take pl ace after l unch, and
wi l l al l ow for the event to begi n ri ght
after school . Vol unteer bakers wi th
ski l l s i n baki ng and desi gn wi l l al so be
needed the day before to prepare al l
desserts. Lastl y, The Sound of Sweets
Capstone wi l l al so need vol unteers to
hel p run the event ( sel l desserts,
handl e proceeds, provi de sampl es,
etcetera) .

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