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Canberra Grammar School

Year 7 Ancient Civilisations

Summarise your knowledge on this worksheet. Think before you write, and write neatly. (You will use this to revise for the test.)

How did this dynasty rise to power?
List two ways this dynasty helped
unite China.
What belief systems did this dynasty encourage?
And discourage?
How did this dynasty affect daily
life in China?
How did this dynasty govern China?
Canberra Grammar School
Year 7 Ancient Civilisations

Summarise your knowledge on this sheet. Think before you write, and write neatly. (You will use this sheet to revise for the test)

How did this dynasty rise to power?
List two ways this dynasty helped
unite China.
What belief systems did this dynasty encourage?
And discourage?
How did this dynasty affect daily
life in China?
How did this dynasty govern China?

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