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Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal

Editors: Prof. Jose Bagan Prof. Crispian Scully

Associate Editors
Offcial Publication
Oral Medicine and Pathology
-Prof. Germn Esparza Gmez
-Dra. Roco Cerero Lapidra (Spain)
-Prof. Guillermo Machuca Portillo
-Dr. Julin Campo Trapero (Spain)
-Prof. Angel Martnez Sahuquillo
-Prof. Mara J. Garca-Pola Vallejo
-Prof. Wilson A. Delgado (Peru)
-Dr. Abelardo Meneses Garca
-Dra. Ma. Elisa Vega Memije
-Dr. Ronell Eduardo Bologna
-Prof. Roman Carlos Bregni
-Prof. Oslei Paes de Almeida (Brazil)
-Prof. Hugo R. Domnguez
Malagn (Mexico)
-Dr. Fabio Ramoa Pires (Brazil)
-Dr. Arvind Muthukrishnan (India)
-Dr. Marina Achtari (Greece)
-Dr. Arsinoi Xanthinaki (Greece)
-Dr. Vassiliki Karathanasi (Greece)
-Dr. Filipa Oliveira (Portugal)
-Dr. Dimitrios Andreadis (Greece)
-Dr. Marco Meleti (Italy)
-Dr. Eleni Parara (Greece)
-Dr. Anne Hegarty (UK)
-Dr. Ardita Aliko (Albania)
Disabled or special patients
-Prof. Juan Jos Ali Sanz
-Dr. Manuel Bratos Morillo
-Prof. Antonio Cutando Soriano
-Prof. Pedro Diz Dios
-Dra. M. Jos Gimnez Lpez
-Dr. Julin Lpez Jimnez
-Dr . Andrs Plaza Costa
Oral Surgery

-Dr. Alberto Bedogni (Italy)
-Dr. Alonso Carrasco-Labre (Chile)
-Dr. Antonio Barone (Italy)
-Dr. Arash Khojasteh (Iran)
-Dr. Bart vd Bergh (The Netherlands)
-Dr. Bauke van Minnen
(The Netherlands)
-Prof. Fedrerico Hernndez Alfaro
-Dr. Guenter Schultes (Austria)
-Dr. Michele Cassetta (Italy)
-Dr. Paolo Boffano (Italy)
-Dr. Peer W. Kmmere (Germany)
-Dr. Toshinori Iwai (Japan)
-Prof. Juan Carlos de Vicente
-Prof. Abel Garca Garca
-Dr. Rafael Gmez Font
-Prof. Jos Luis Gutirrez Prez
-Prof. Miguel Pearrocha Diago
-Prof. Elena Snchez Fernndez
-Prof. Joseba Santamara Zuazua
-Dr. Rui Pedro Barbosa de Figuereido
-Prof. Pedro Infante Cossio
-Dr. Mikel de Maeztu Martnez
-Prof. Juan Seoane Lestn
-Prof. Eduardo Valmaseda Castelln
-Dra. Nieves Almendros Marqus
-Dr. Eduardo Vzquez Delgado
-Dra. M ngels Snchez Garcs
-Dr. Esther Delgado Molina
-Dr. Jordi Gargallo Albiol
-Dr. Kuauhyama Luna Ortiz
Craneomandibular disorders and
orofacial pain
-Dr. Eduardo Vzquez Rodrguez
-Dr. Jos L. de la Hoz Aizpurua
-Dr. Vicente Jimnez Lpez
-Dr. Guillermo Casares Garca
-Dr. Carmelo Plaza Tolosa
-Dr. Florencio Monje Gil
-Dr. Ramn Kutz Aramburu
-Dr. Juan Manuel Prieto Setin
-Prof. Jos Lpez Lpez
-Prof. Eugenio Velasco Ortega
-Dr. Rafael Segura Saint-Gerons
-Dr. Manuel Ribera Uribe
-Dra. Mara Celia Haya Fernndez
-Prof. Jos M Martnez Gonzlez
-Dr. Manuel Vigo Martnez
-Dr. Angel Gonzlez Sanz
-Prof. Carlos Canalda Sahli
-Prof. Leopoldo Forner Navarro
-Dr. David Jaramillo
-Prof. Laura Ceballos
Editorial Board
C/ Daniel Balaciart N 4 pta. 17
46020 - Valencia (Spain)
pISSN 1698-4447 eISSN: 1698-6946
Medicina Oral S. L. C.I.F. B 96689336
Indexed and abstracted
Science Citation Index Expanded
Journal Citation Reports
Index Medicus, MEDLINE, PubMed
Scopus, Embase and Emcare
Indice Mdico Espaol
Biomaterials and Bioengineering in
-Prof. Manuel Toledano
-Prof. Franklin Garca-Godoy
-Prof. Marco Ferrari
-Prof. Franklin Tay
-Prof. Dwayne D. Arola
-Prof. Giuseppe Cardaropoli
-Prof. Lorenzo Breschi
-Prof. Ricardo M. Carvalho
-Dr. Francesca Monticelli
-Profa. Estrella Osorio
-Dr. Paulo G. Coelho
-Dra. Raquel Castillo de Olage
Prof. Adalberto Mosqueda Taylor - Mexico (Oral Medicine and Pathology)
Prof. Jos M. Aguirre Urzar - Spain (Oral Medicine and Pathology)
Dr. Eleni Georgakopoulou - Greece (Oral Medicine and Pathology)
Prof. Karin Nylander - Sweden (Oral Pathology)
Prof. Manuel Bravo Prez - Spain (Epidemiology and Preventive Dentistry)
Prof. Yolanda Jimnez Soriano - Spain (Methodology)
Prof. Cosme Gay Escoda - Spain (Oral Surgery)
Prof. Raquel Osorio - Spain (Biomaterials and Bioengineering in Dentistry)
Prof. Pedro Bulln Fernndez - Spain (Implantology)
Prof. Juan J. Segura Egea - Spain (Endodontics)
Dr. Jose Luis de la Hoz Aizpurua - Spain (Craneomandibular disorders and
Orofacial pain)
Editorial Offce
Agustina Gaviln Fernndez
Spanish Society of Oral Medicine
Iberoamerican Academy of Oral Pathology and Medicine
Spanish Society of Odontostomatology for the disabled or special patients
Spanish Society of Oral Surgery
Spanish Society of Gerodontology
Spanish Society of Laser in Dentistry
Spanish Society of Craneomandibular disorders and Orofacial pain.
Other sections
-Dr. Tommaso Lombardi
-Dr. Jair Carneiro Leo
-Prof. Ambrosio Bermejo Fenoll
-Prof. Jos Libana Urea
-Prof. Pa Lpez Jornet
-Prof. Guillermo Quinds
-Dra. Mara Margaix
-Dr. Miguel Burgueo Garca
-Dr. Mariano Marqus Mateo
-Dr. Rafael Martn-Granizo Lpez
-Dr. Alvaro Garca Rozado Gonzlez
-Prof. Pilar Baca Garca
-Prof. Jos Manuel Almerich Silla
-Dr. Javier Cortes Martinicorena
-Dra. Maria Carmen Llena Puy
-Dr. Rafael Poveda Roda,
-Dra. Gracia Sarrin
-Dra. Carmen Gavald Esteve
-Prof. zkan ADIGZEL
-Dr. Vanja Vucicevic Boras (Croatia)
-Dr. Toni Espana
-Dr. Josep Arnabat

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