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Release Notes - dcm4che - Version dcm4che-2.0.

** Bug
* [DCM-467] - The source distribution zip is missing the dcm4che-code packag
* [DCM-468] - Binary distripution package contains batch files to launch pro
vided implementations of phonetischer Algorithmus for fuzzy matching in root ins
tead bin/ directory
* [DCM-469] - DicomImageReader should handle multiframe YBR flavours correct
* [DCM-473] - VOIUtils selects wrong object when GSPS contains no VOI inform
ation - defaults back to base object, fails OVLY_Pnn test
* [DCM-474] - Some DICOM objects use the wrong VR for shared functional grou
* [DCM-475] - reading from invalid DicomInputStream can exhaust memory
* [DCM-483] - Trailing 0 byte(s) in encoded Passwords in UserIdentityRQ
* [DCM-487] - VOI LUT images with a rescale slope other than 1 that are not
on the range 0..something come out all black or all white.
* [DCM-491] - NPE in HPNavigationGroup.updateDicomObject()
* [DCM-492] - Changing hostname in NetworkConnection doesn't change InetAddr
* [DCM-495] - Modality LUT sequence should not be used for XA and XRF images
* [DCM-497] - Filecache failes to delete files when an relative path is used
* [DCM-499] - RLEImageReader converts images to BGR format, and some imageio
operations don't support BGR
* [DCM-500] - ModalityPerformedProcedureStepSOPClass has wrong character in
UID value.
* [DCM-503] - Modality rescale slope/intercept which creates data outside pi
xel range, combined with VOI LUT corrupts the combined LUT
** Improvement
* [DCM-466] - dcmqr: add option -nodefret
* [DCM-479] - Allow more than 1 item in the pool of associations used for ma
king connections when re-used associatiosn are enabled
* [DCM-482] - Allow access to positioned input stream for raw access to DICO
M image data.
* [DCM-486] - Improve handling of invalid tags
* [DCM-494] - add getter for tsuid in the dicomImagereader
* [DCM-506] - Make calculateFrameLength parameter from DicomImageReader publ
icly available
** New Feature
* [DCM-470] - Allow DicomImageWriter to write file-meta-information free hea
der for direct use in C-Store etc
* [DCM-490] - Add batch size for dcmsnd tool to avoid sending too many files
on the same association
** Task
* [DCM-488] - Update element and uid dictionary to DICOM 2011
* [DCM-489] - Rename UID string constants
* [DCM-501] - Add entry for Toshiba US Private Data Storage SOP Class to dic
* [DCM-511] - Release dcm4che-2.0.26

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