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Matt Davis, Jake Steadman PM Company November 21, 2013

SPEECH 2: Informative Speech Outline

Life Elevated
David Litchford

Specific Purpose:

Our audience will be motivated by the knowledge and experience of David Litchford;
they will feel inspired to change their attitudes in their daily lives.

Organizational Pattern:

We will use the Problem-Solution pattern of organization describing the different
problems in our lives and how changing our attitude is the solution.



Hook: We will role play an angry attitude that should be changed. Matt will be
angry about his grade and hell have a bad attitude toward Jake.

Thesis: We have to change our attitude to live above line.

Preview: The four points we will preview are:
1. You are able to choose your attitude.
2. There are many benefits when you choose a good attitude.
3. Your attitude improves your health.
4. Visualizing helps your attitude.


I. Choosing your attitude

A. Attitude is your choice
B. Life is 10% circumstance
C. Life is 90% response

II. Attitude Extends Life

A. Live Longer
B. Dear old Mom
III. Attitude improves health

A. Physical Health
B. Mental Health

IV. Attitude Strategies

A. Goals
B. Uplifting things
C. Pre-live events
D. Best outcome

Review: Three important points I want my audience to remember
1. Attitude is YOUR decision!
2. Choose a good attitude and live above the line
3. Imagine yourself in the future

Conclusion: We will do another role play where we show our changed attitude. Matt
will accept responsibility for his grade and he wont blame others.


Litchford, David. Life Elevated. UVU Leadership Conference. 21 October 2013. Speech Jack J. Lesyk, Ph.D.

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