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Goldston 1

Aiko Goldston
Mrs. Crichton
AP English
20 January 2014
Perspective Piece
Putting anyone-my friends, family, even strangers- before myself has always been a
major priority for me. Selfless is an easy adjective I write when papers ask me to describe
myself. Tending to my needs before anyone else has always seemed inconsiderate. I also
wanted to feel better about myself and thought that putting other peoples needs before mine was
the way to do it.
In middle school and early high school, on many occasions, I put other peoples needs
and time before mine. At the end of the day, I felt underappreciated, taken advantage of and
used. I had made a promise to myself to be more assertive but I always let myself down the very
next day. This cycle continued and I felt rotten for many years.
After many instances of people wanting to see my answers and then receiving little
appreciation or even a short thanks, I was fed up and stopped giving the answers. I even signed
a contract with my friend to stop giving out homework, who was also being used for
answers. Although I did break this contract on some occasions, I realized that I was getting
better at refusing.
Soon, I was able to say no and did not feel obliged to help other people. When I put my
goals, time and needs before other peoples, I started gaining more appreciation for when I did put
other people first.

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