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English 10 Honors Christine Bailey

Period 4 5/9/14
Julius Caesar Essay
People often need to on!ine others to follo" the#$ Politiians espeially need to s"ay
the people%s #inds to gain #ore support$ &hrough dition' rhetori' and theatrial gestures' (ar)
*ntony s"ays the ro"d to"ard his position$
*ntony uses "ord hoie to s"ay the people%s #inds' #a)ing the people feel #ore
strongly a+out *ntony%s ause$ *ntony spea)s' But Brutus says he "as a#+itious ,line --.$
&his use of the "ord says i#plies that *ntony does not really +elie!e "hat Brutus had spo)en'
and that "hat "as spo)en "as not neessarily the truth$ &his #a)es the ro"d feel less strongly
a+out Brutus and they start to +elie!e *ntony$ *ntony says' /hen the poor hath ried' Caesar
hath "ept ,line 90.$ &he 1uote lets the people )no" that not only "as Caesar sad' +ut he "as so
distressed to the point of "eeping for the sa)e of his people$ &his state#ent helps the ro"d to
understand that Caesar "as good' and "hat they +elie!ed in Brutus "as "rong$ /hen tal)ing
a+out "hen Caesar delined the ro"n' *ntony says' /hih he did thrie refuse2 ,line 99.$
&his sho"s ho" Caesar did not si#ply 3ust 4not "ant% the ro"n' +ut three ti#es he passionately
refused po"er$ &he ro"d +etter understands "hy Caesar "as not tyrannial and ho" *ntony
"as right$
*ntony uses persuasi!e tehni1ues to help #anipulate the people%s #inds a"ay fro#
Brutus%s argu#ents and to"ards *ntony%s$ *ntony repeats' Brutus says he "as a#+itious ,lines
--' 95'100.$ &his use of repetition suggests that *ntony does not +elie!e Brutus' and +y
repeating the state#ent' it is #ade lear to the people$ People are less inlined to Brutus%s side'
and #ore to"ards *ntony%s$ *ntony as)s the rhetorial 1uestion' 5id this in Caesar seen
a#+itious ,line 96.7 after pre!iously gi!ing e8a#ples of Caesar%s hu#ility$ &he 1uote sho"s
that Caesar indeed "as not a#+itious9 it did not re1uire an ans"er$ &he 1uestion #a)es it
o+!ious that Brutus "as "rong and that *ntony "as right$ *ntony uses pathos "hen he says'
:ou all did lo!e hi# one' not "ithout ause ,line 104.$ &his re#inds the ro"d of their
feelings to"ard Caesar' helping their #inds to +e s"ayed$
*ntony #a)es use of theatrial gestures to gra+ the audiene%s attention$ He says' (y
heart is in the offin there "ith Caesar *nd ; #ust pause till it o#e +a) to #e ,lines 10-<109.$
&his 1uote and ation of *ntony #a)es the ro"d to feel sy#patheti to"ards *ntony and his
ause$ *ntony as)s' =hall ; desend7 /ill you gi!e #e lea!e ,line 1>6.7 His ation auses the
ro"d to reali?e that *ntony "ishes to +e on their le!el' and +y as)ing the#' he dra"s attention
to his ation and allo"s the audiene to understand the signifiane of his ation$ *ntony says'
@oo) in this plae ran Cassius%s dagger2 ,line 1A-.$ *ntony sho"s ho" +rutally Caesar "as
#urdered9 ho" he "as +etrayed +y his lose friends and assoiates$ &he ro"d understands the
sa!agery of "hat too) plae and they are s"ayed to *ntony%s side$
(ar) *ntony uses dition' rhetori' and theatrial gestures to on!ine the ro"d to
+elie!e hi#$ He hanges their #inds +y +eing perhaps o!erdra#ati' +ut suessfully
i#ple#ents persuasi!e tehni1ues$ =ha)espeare portrays ho" fi)le the hu#an #ind an +e' and
ho" easily it an +e persuaded' if the person persuading is on!ining enough$

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