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Jaime Alfredson

1 Smith Street, Geelong

Mobile: 0000 000 000
Ma! 01"
Member of #e$ruitment and %onsulting Ser&i$es Asso$iation
'auren Madden
(h: )0* +,- 0,1+
.ear Sir/madam,
0 am 1riting to e23ress m! strong interest for the full time 3osition that !ou ha&e listed on
Seek for the S!dne! based not for 3rofit organisation. 0 am a re$ent (ubli$ #elations
graduate from .eakin 4ni&ersit! 1ho has maintained a distin$tion a&erage throughout the
duration of m! degree and belie&e 0 am an e2$ellent $andidate for this 3osition.
5hroughout m! degree 0 $om3leted a t1o month internshi3 at #egeneration 4nlimited and
during this 0 1as able to gain hands on industr! e23erien$e and shar3en m! 3ubli$ relations
skills e2tensi&el!. 0 ha&e a strong desire to 1ork for a 6ot for (rofit organisation and 0 feel that
0 fit the range of $riteria that !ou ha&e asked for 3otential job $andidates to 3ossess. 0 ha&e
an e2tensi&e skills list to offer to !ou.
7 8er! strong 1ritten and &erbal $ommuni$ation skills gained through uni&ersit!
edu$ation and de&elo3ed further through m! internshi3 e23erien$e.
7 0 ha&e 1orked through the entiret! of m! 1orking life in a bus! hos3italit! en&ironment
thus de&elo3ing e2tensi&e team1ork skills. 0n addition to team1ork skills 0 am also able to
1ork e2tremel! 1ell autonomousl!, as 0 1as doing for the duration of m! internshi3.
7 E2tensi&e kno1ledge of Mi$rosoft offi$e and ha&e been using it on a fre9uent basis for
man! !ears.
7 Ease at 1orking 1ith ne1 and e2isting te$hnologies in$luding so$ial media:s and a
strong understanding of ho1 to use effi$ientl! and of so$ial media eti9uette.
7 Abilit! to gather and disse$t rele&ant stories and ne1s stories 1ith ease. 0 1as asking
to resear$h ne1s stories hea&il! throughout m! internshi3 to assist 1ith arti$les.
7 A 3rofessional 1ork ethi$.
0 am 3leased to offer m! skills to #egeneration this 3osition and full! belie&e that 0 1ould be
an asset to this $om3an!. En$losed is m! resume for !our re&ie1. 0 look for1ard to hearing
from !ou regarding this 3osition.
;ours faithfull!,
Jaime Alfredson.

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