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Eckhart Tolle & Sri Aurobindo

Two Perspective on Enlightenment

A. S. Dalal
Imprints: EI≈ ISBN 10: 81-89658-31-X,
ISBN 13: 978-81-89658-31-1; pp. 172; paperback; 5½ x 8½ inches;
Rs. 300, $14.95, £10.95, €12.95

The teachings of the break-away best-selling author of “The

Power of Now” and an eminent modern Hindu mystic are
insightfully examined for their similarities and contrasts in a very readable and
transformative study by an Aurobindo scholar and psychologist. Exclusive
interview with Eckhart Tolle in India included.

Before I Am

Imprint: EI & AP; ISBN 10: 81-89658-18-2,
ISBN13: 978-81-89658-18-2; pp.172; paperback; 5 ½ x 8½;
Rs. 295; $14.95, £10.95, €12.95

With a fresh vision of nondual spirituality, responding to

questioners in the memorable imagery of his two cultural
backgrounds—the West Indies and the U.K.—Mooji brings
listeners to a deep awareness in what seems like a
remarkably short span of time at his Tiruvannamalai retreats and sessions held
throughout the world.

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