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Name: ..

VOCABULARY: Food and drink.

1 Write the word under the correct pictures.

2 Read the cues. !hen unscra"#e the words.
1. Its a white drink. (klmi)
2. We put it on pizza. (eeesch)
3. We make it with bread. (indwsach)
4. We make chips rom them. (aootptse)
!. "he# are small. "he# are #ellow and white. (s$e$)
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B Burlington Books
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$ Co"pete the pu11e accordin2 to the cues #eow.
Across Down
1 2
u r p r i s e d
( Circe the correct answers.
1. 'an wants some water. (e is thirsty / surprised.
2. "im has $ot a new bike. (es excited / bored.
3. )# sister is frightened / tired because theres a snake in the room.
4. )elissa has $ot a birthda# toda#. *he is sad / happy.
!. 'o #ou want m# sandwich+ ,o- Im not hungry / angry.
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1 Co"pete the chart.
5in2uar 0ura
1. a nut some nuts
2. . e$$
3. . potato
4. . sandwich
!. . onion
.. . man
/. . bab#
0. .tooth
1. . oli2e
13. canar#
Circe the correct answers.
1. "here arent any / a bananas.
2. "here is a / an e$$.
3. "here isnt any / some chocolate.
4. "here is any / some milk.
!. "here is an / a sandwich.
.. "here are some / any nuts.
$ Co"pete the sentences with There is or There are.
1. some e$$s.
2. some oran$e 4uice.
3. some milk.
4. some potatoes.
!. some bread.
( Write 6uestions with the words #eow. !hen co"pete the answers.
1. + 5es- ..
2. ....+ ,o- ....
3. + ,o-
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B Burlington Books
Is there
6re there
oran$e 4uice+
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4. + 5es- ...
% Write the a77ir"ati8e9 ne2ati8e or interro2ati8e 7or" accordin2 to the instructions:;.
1. "here arent an# chips with the hambur$er.(airmati2e) 7 There are some chips with the hamburger.
2. Is there an# cheese in the salad+ (airmati2e) 7
3. "here is some milk in the cup. (ne$ati2e) 7
4. "here are some potatoes on the table. (interro$ati2e) 7
!. Is there an# tomato in the spa$uetti+ (airmati2e) 7
.. "here arent an# nuts in the salad. (interro$ati2e) 7
/. Is there an# bread at home+ (airmati2e) 8
0. "here is some water in the bottle. (ne$ati2e) 8
1. Is there an# su$ar in the coee+ (ne$ati2e) 8
13. "here is an onion in the kitchen. (interro$ati2e) 8
) Co"pete the diao2ue. Use a9 an9 some or any.
Mother: (i- 9ill#. Im at %edros %izza %lace. What pizza do #ou want or dinner+
Biy: )mm. I want
bi$ pizza with
meat on it.
Mother: 'o #ou want
oli2es on it+
Biy: ,o- thanks. I hate oli2es on pizza.
Mother: :;- and what do #ou want to drink+
Biy: I want
Mother: %edros hasnt $ot
milk toda#. 5ou can ha2e

oran$e 4uice.
Biy: :;- but Im hun$r# now.
Mother: "here are
apples in the kitchen. (a2e
Co"pete the sentences accordin2 to the picture. Use There is9 There are9 There isnt
or There arent.
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B Burlington Books
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1. two cats on the table.
2. an onion in the room.
3. an# do$s on the chairs.
4. some milk on the loor.
!. an# cola on the table.
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B Burlington Books
There are

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