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3 table spoons of tomato paste

1 tea spoon of cinnamon
1 onion
1 garlic
Maple syrup
2 carrots
200g pork mince
1 table spoon of vegetable oil
a pack of shell pasta
A couple of leaves of parsley
Plain bread


1. Put pot of water on stove and bring to boil.
2. Peel and dice garlic, onion, and carrots.
3. Place pot onto stove and heat pot with the vegetable oil.
4. Once heated put onions into the pot and wait until they sweat or start to change colour.
(Which ever you prefer)

5. The water should be boiled by now so pour into the boiled water and let cook.
6. Once the onions have sweat add garlic and carrots and wait for them to soften before
adding in the pork mince
7. Make sure all vegetables and mince are cooked before pouring in dolmios classic sauce.
8. The pasta should be cooked by now so take off the stove and drain the water out of it.
9. Stir sauce before taking off the stove.
10. Slice bread then place into grill to toast until toasted the take out.
11. Now start plating up.
12. Put as much pasta as you want onto your plates then add the sauce after that place parsley
on the top and put the bread on the side.
13. ENJOY!!!!!!!!
Time Action Accumulative time
30 Seconds Putting apron and hair net on and washing hands. 30 Second
3 Minutes Gathering ingredients and utensils. 3.30 Minutes
10 Minutes Chopping and preparing ingredients. 13.30 Minutes
10 Minutes Cooking carrots, garlic, and onion 23.30 Minutes
1.30 Minutes Placing food onto the plate 25 Minutes
10 Minutes Cleaning up 35 Minutes
10 Minutes Cooking meat and sauce 45 Minutes
5 Minutes Boiling pasta water 50 Minutes
10 Minutes For the pasta to cook 60 Minutes


Chopping board
2 Pot
1 Wooden spoon
2 Plates

Prep time: 10 minute
Cooking time: 20-30 minutes
Plating time: 5 minutes
Serving size: 2 people

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