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Currently the e- mail marketing is now one of the most used strategies for Internet businesses is a

means of communication very effective for low cost , fast and easy direct-to-
delivery and enables by creating lasting relationships between business and
customer or prospect , generate the necessary confidence between the parties to
achieve greater business opportunities . The development and implementation of a
Campaign E- mail Marketing should follow the following plan :
. 1 Objectives The objectives of the campaign an online marketing campaign can
be for:
Promotion of products or services
Customer Loyalty
Attracting Subscribers
Invitation to an event , course, once the campaign is over seminarioUna can
easily determine whether the objective was achieved and to what extent . February
. Campaign Strategy
Building, Opt -In database segmented data.
Make JoinVenture our competition for Opt -In database data.
Message Type to Use Text or HTML: The message written in HTML format allows
us to track , know that emails have been opened and links that have struck our
prospects .
Transmission frequency : This is according to the year in question , but in no case
should saturate shipment to our base.
Generation of Trust: This is one of the biggest benefits to the campaign , build
trust among customers or prospects and your company
.3 . Computer Program For Shipping Development Planning and commissioning of
computer program which will make receiving and sending e -mails to our
4- Base Data Base Preparation Opt -In data from our customers or prospects, to
which the campaign messages were sent. May . Creation and Production of posts
Customizing e- mail: With the name of the sender ( name or company newsletter
) and the recipient.
Powerful Title in Subject line : Your prospects usually have a look at the titles in
search of the most important emails and gives them priority or not to open or
dispose of it directly to the trash. This should generate interest for your customers
or prospects eagerly open and read your email messages .
Generation of Sense of Belonging : Is what to feel recipient of your message ,
which belong to an exclusive group of interest.
Inclusion of e- mail contact for our prospects to contact in case of questions .
Inclusion of link to Unsubscribe : At the end of the message should always
include a link to your desired subscriber is removed from your database , if you do
not wish to continue receiving e- mails from your business .
6. Graphic Design should be careful if we decide to include in the message,
graphics , flash , audio or video animations , as there are technical limitations , so
not all programs allow your email recipients see the message correctly , what I
recommend is a kind of message " Hybrid" if you can read by your customers or
prospects but apparently your e- mail is a simple text message, without images ,
audio or video, actually is made in HTML format this way you can highlight certain
parts of your posts , highlighting them , and you can also add links to landing
pages , which are mini sites in these mini pages if you include all the graphics ,
audio and video as you need to reaffirm your advertising message.
7. Landing Page Design Website Design Landing Page to be targeting those
customers or prospects by clicking the links within the messages of our campaign ,
this is our bill of sale or if any pages complementary interest.
8. Simulation Courier
Before shipments must test the entire process.
We must create users ? Test ? contained within the database for testing
shipments .
Test with different messages and different lines of business.
Check that all links work contained in the message and correctly leading to the
landing page .
Check that there are no spelling errors that we may have passed.
Check that the layout of the message is correct and has not suffered any
Analysis of test results to optimize the campaign before its launch.
9. Campaign Launch Of Track campaign e- mail marketing , analyzing the
percentage of opening e- mails, follow-ups to the landing page , whether these
sales or subscription and sales ratio analysis of the product or service promoted if
applicable .
10. The Analysis Campaign Once the campaign is over we get results very quickly
, allowing us an excellent responsiveness and control over it. In this part we have
to make an analysis of:
Number Of Delivery : This indicates the e- mails that have successfully reached
the subscriber , we can measure the quality of our database , if we have a high
percentage of failed deliveries we may have to do a review and to a renewal of
Number of messages read (Open Rate) : Know the number of users who have
opened the e- mail , indicates the degree of interest of our subscribers , we also
show that actually generated trust between your business and your subscriber .
Number of Hits Returned : We know according to the number of hits obtained in
the pages of arrival or Landing Page , these pages are the ones that are targeted
subscribers when they click a link within the message , we make a comparison
between visits obtained the Landing Page and or shipments made to measure so
the ROI ( return on investment ) of our campaign e- mail marketing.
Once the campaign is over and according to the analysis of all the variables
involved in it , we can modify all the points that can be improved for the sake of
continuity and optimization for the launch of upcoming campaigns . 11.
Maintenance Campaign According to the strategic objectives ( customer loyalty,
direct marketing, promotion of products or services) campaign , we can give or not
continue the campaign , either continuing with the management of customer
relationships or terminate or give prospects . Conclusion : It tests , fully tests and
test again , each and every one of your posts , until they become a fine clockwork.
We have to be analytical , observers and especially especially at first while we
polish and greased all machinery : very patient , the results will come , these are
the fruits of effort , patience and ongoing testing your campaigns. The construction
and generation of bonds of trust is one of the biggest benefits of a campaign of e-
mail marketing , besides its low cost , fast and easy delivery direct to your prospect
lets you get more business opportunities in this hyper now through communication

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