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1 ladle
1 wooden spoon
1 large bottom saucepan
1 medium saucepan
Measuring cups
1 table spoon
1 knife

1 cups Arborio rice
1 table spoon of chicken stock
small onion, chopped
3 nobs of unsalted butter
cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 cherry tomatoes
1 table spoon of oil
Sea salt, to taste


1. Get a medium sized tray and cover it in baking paper. Place your cherry
tomatoes on it and season them with oil, salt and oregano. Place them in
the oven at 204 degrees Celsius and cook for 15-20 mins. (till soft)
2. Heat the stock to a simmer in a medium saucepan. Lower the heat so
the stock stays hot.
3. In a large bottomed saucepan place your oil and onions to sizzle. Cook
onions till light golden brown.
4. Once this process is finished, add your rice in with the oil and onion
and stir lightly with a wooden spoon. Make sure the rice doesnt turn
brown or stick to the pan.
5. Add a ladle of hot chicken stock in with your rice and stir till it is fully
absorbed. When the rice is almost fully dry, add another scoop of
chicken stock and repeat this process till the rice is cooked.

(note: it is important to keep on stirring the rice consistently to assure
the rice wont burn or stick to the pan)

6. Once the grains of rice are tender and well-cooked you will begin to
notice a creamy, oozy consistency.
7. Turn off the stove and add your nobs of butter and parmesan cheese.
Stir till your butter is melted. Make sure your cheese is mixed through
properly making it melted in your hot rice. Season with the appropriate
amount of salt. Add some oregano and coriander to bring some colour
to the dish.

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