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Changes to the Environment

Thematic Unit Topic: Fruits and Vegetables

Classroom Area: Block Area
List the Items You Plan to Introduce and How Much They Will Cost (a minimum of 6):
The items should be safe, child-directed, encourage the use of multiple intelligences
and provide opportunities for sensory learning).
The items should be reasonably priced, able to be made by the teacher or easily
Try to use objects that are already in the classroom in creative, new ways.
Think about what items you might obtain through donations from family, local
business, etc.

1. Fruit Puzzles ( yard sale/teacher will make)
2. Plastic fruit/vegetables (donation)
3. Farm type trucks (family donation)
4. Farmers (family donation)
5. Toy trees (family donation)
6. Artificial grass (family donation)
7. Artificial plants (yard sale)
8. Pots small ( 2 for .99)
9. Fruit counters ( Family Donation)
10. Magnetic board (in class)
11. Laminate fruit & veggie with names (teacher will make)

When will you introduce these items? (At the beginning of the thematic unit, throughout
the unit during a small group lesson plan, circle time)
I will introduce these items during circle time in the middle of the thematic unit.

Are there any special rules that the children need to follow when using these items?
There are no special rules for children to play with the items.

What do you hopethe children to learn?
I hope the children would learn where fruits and vegetables come from through their play in the
block area. I hope children would continue to expand their knowledge about fruit and vegetables
with the items provided in block area. I hope the children will talk among themselves f about
fruit & veggies.
What are some ways that the children can reflect on what they have learned?
The children can reflect what they have learned during their block play time by talking to one
another. Children can reflect back what they have learned by dictating a play story to a teacher
during block time. I can ask open-ended question to the children like what do I need to plant an
apple tree?

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