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Controls for Call of Duty:

R1- Shoot
R2 Lethal grenades
L1 - aim/scope
L2 Non lethal grenades
Right analog stick - look around
Left analog stick move
L3 - run/ steady sniping
R3 Melee attack
X Jump/vault
Circle Crouch/prone
Triangle - change weapons
Square - pick up guns/reload/action button
Left pad - UAV or Helicopter
Right pad killstreak/other
Down pad - night vision
Start pause menu/class loadouts
Select Scoreboard
The DualShock was introduced in Japan in late 1997, and launched in
the North American market in May 1998. First introduced as a
secondary peripheral for the original PlayStation, a revised PlayStation
version came with the controller and Sony subsequently phased out the
digital controller that was originally included with the console, as well as
the Sony Dual Analog Controller. As of June 2008, over 28 million
controllers have been sold in the DualShock line.
The DualShock Analog Controller (SCPH-1200) was a controller
capable of providing vibration feedback based on the on-screen action
of the game (if the game supports it), as well as analog input through
two analog sticks. The controller's name derives from its use of two
(dual) vibration motors (shock).

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