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For the non-Puerto Ricans among us, the Chupacabra is a creature that is current

ly rampaging through the island, relieving farm animals of their blood. As of ye

t, the Chupacabra, which translates into "goat-sucker", has not attacked humans,
although no one can say for certain that this will not happen in the future. Th
e origin of its name comes from its earliest attacks, where goats were found wit
h their blood drained and with two peculiar puncture marks on their necks. There
have been reports alleging that particular organs were missing from some of the
victim's bodies, without any visible way for those organs to have been removed.
Sightings have increased as the months go by, fueling paranoia and fear.
Speculation has placed the Chupacabra as a resident of another galaxy (see the t
ruth behind the Chupacabra), or a half-man, half-beast vampire who roams the cou
ntryside terrorizing farm animals. Others say that the Chupacabra hops like a ka
ngaroo and leaves a sulfur-like stench. Still others say that the Chupacabra is
a panther-like creature with red eyes and a long snake-like tongue. I, for one,
think that the truth may lie in the UFO area my theory being that the Chupacabra
is actually the pet panther, which hops like a kangaroo, of some irresponsible
aliens who let it wander around. Like obnoxious relatives who let their children
rampage through the house, the aliens have overstayed their welcome in our isla

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