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This amiurumi pattern was made !or "our
pleasure b"
Anu Koski
the aein "oun rebel
Note: this pattern does not contain basic
instructions !or crochetin and knittin
techni%ues or makin pompoms. & have
collected tips' links and advices in the patterns
section o! m" home pae#

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
The diameter o! a 3( sts )startin rnd * + rnds, basic
circle is ca. + cm )-.,. A small variation in the aue is
ok' but i! the !abric o! "our amiurumi is much too
loose' stu!!in it will be di!!icult )the !abric will pull
apart and the stu!!in will show between the stitches,.
Stitches used
Sinle crochet )sc, in a continuous spiral !ollowin the
instructions. /o not 0oin rnds.
The e"e areas are crocheted as treble crochet )tr,.
The toes on the !eet are double crochet bobbles.
General instructions
Unless mentioned otherwise' all pieces are !astened
o!! b" cuttin the "arn and pullin it throuh the loop.
Leave a lon tail that can be used !or sewin the
pieces toether.
/1 weiht wool "arn with aue -0---sts$20cm)3.,'
e. Sandnes Smart Superwash' ca. +0 )2 skein,
black' +0 )2 skein, white and a small amount o!
"ellow !or the penuin. Ca. -+ )4 skein,
multicoloured "arn !or the bobble hat )"ou can
also make it striped or sinle colored,.
You will need also
Crochet hook 3mm )or si5e to obtain aue,
/ouble-pointed knittin needles 3mm
Tapestr" needle
6ol"ester !iber!ill
)6lastic ranulate pellets,
7lack plastic sa!et" e"es' 2-mm
7lack and white perle cotton
6ompom maker or cardboard !or makin the pompom

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NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Starting loop
8ou can start crochetin the amiurumi with a basic
chain rin' but there is also a special startin loop
created !or them. &t is called .maic loop..
Take the "arn to "our le!t hand' the tail o! the "arn
pointin upwards. Turn "our hand so that "our palm is
!acin "oursel! and wrap the "arn three times around
"our le!t inde9 !iner )the tail o! the "arn is the
.outermost. behind "our !iner,.
6ush the hook !rom the riht side throuh the !irst two
wraps' take the last wrap )comin !rom the skein, on
the hook and pull it throuh the other two wraps. Take
the "arn on the hook aain and crochet 2 sc on the
loop !ormin o! two strands o! "arn )this does not
count as a stitch,. :emove the loop !rom "our !iner
and work the need!ul amount o! stitches )usuall" (
6ull the tail o! the "arn so "ou will notice that one o!
the strands starts to tihten. Take the tihtenin
strand and pull it to tihten the other strand. Now "ou
can easil" tihten the loop b" pullin the tail o! the
Con!used; There are several videos in 8ouTube
e9plainin the .<aic loop.' here=s a ood one#
Basic circle
The basic piece o! an amiurumi is a c"linder shape
which is sculpted b" increasin and decreasin
stitches. The c"linder is based on a basic circle.
The basic circle is divisible b" (' in other words there
are alwa"s ( increases )or decreases, on one round.
The increases !orm a straiht line' so it=s eas" to
check their positions !rom the previous round. The
basic circle is worked in a continuous spiral' the
rounds are not 0oined. @hen comin to the end o! the
round' 0ust continue into the !irst stitch o! the previous
<ake a maic loop' sc (. 6ull loop closed.
rnd 1: - sc in each sc around > 2- sts
rnd 2: 2 sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > 2A sts
rnd 3: - sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > -3 sts
rnd 4: 3 sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > 30 sts
rnd 5: 3 sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > 3( sts
rnd 6: + sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > 3- sts
rnd 7: ( sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > 3A sts
<ark the last increase with a stitch marker' a lenth o!
"arn or a sa!et" pin' it will ease countin the rows.
/ue to the helical structure' the last stitches o! the
rounds without increases are not in a strict vertical
line but a bit tilted to the riht.

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NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
<ake two bod" pieces' one with black )back, and one
with white )!ront,. Start at bottom.
rnds 17: make a basic circle with 3A sts.
rnds !15: sc )A rnds altoether,
rnd 16: ( sc' sc-to' repeat around > 3- sts.
rnds 171!: sc
rnd 1": + sc' sc-to' repeat around > 3( sts.
rnds 2#21: sc
rnd 22: 3 sc' sc-to' repeat around > 30 sts.
rnds 2324: sc
rnd 25: 3 sc' sc-to' repeat around > -3 sts
rnds 2627: sc
rnd 2!: - sc' sc-to' repeat around > 2A sts
rnds 2"3#: sc
Tip# the increases on the bottom and the decreases
on the upper bod" !orm a vertical line slihtl" tilted to
riht. 8ou can check the riht positions !or the
decreases based on the last round o! the increases.

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NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
@ork with black "arn' startin at the top o! the head.
rnds 16: make a basic circle with 3- sts
rnds 7 14: sc )A rounds altoether,.
rnd 15: + sc' sc-to' repeat around > 3( sts
rnd 16: 3 sc' sc-to' repeat around > 30 sts
rnd 17: 3 sc' sc-to' repeat around > -3 sts
rnd 1!: - sc' sc-to' repeat around > 2A sts
Basten o!!' weave in end.
%ye patches &'a(e 2)
@ork with white "arn. <ake a maic loop' ch 3 )> 2

dc,' 2C tr in loop' 0oin round with sl st )> 2A sts,. Leave
the maic loop a little loose so "ou can poke the e"e
sha!t throuh it.
@ork with "ellow "arn' startin at the tip o! the beak.
<ake a maic loop with ( sc. Tihten loop.
rnd 1: 2 sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > D sc
rnd 2: sc
rnd 3: - sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > 2- sc
rnd 4: sc

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
*ings &'a(e 2)
@ork with black "arn.
Upper piece' startin at the top o! the win#
rnd 1: make a basic circle with 2- sts
rnd 2: - sc' - sc in ne9t sc' repeat around > 2( sts
rnd 3: C sc' - sc in A
sc' C sc' - sc in 2(
sc > 2A sts
rnd 4: A sc' - sc in D
sc' A sc' - sc in 2A
sc > -0 sts
rnd 5: " sc' - sc in 20
sc' D sc' - sc in -0th > -- sts
rnd 6: sc
Crochet - sc' !asten o!!.
Lower piece' startin at the tip o! the win#
rnd 1: make a basic circle with 2- sts
rnd 2: sc
rnd 3: + sc' - sc (
sc' + sc' - sc in 2-
sc > 23 sts
rnd 4: sc
rnd 5: ( sc' - sc in C
sc' ( sc' - sc in 23
sc > 2( sc
rnd 6: sc
rnd 7: C sc' - sc in A
sc' C sc' - sc in 2(
sc > 2A sc
rnd !: sc
rnd ": A sc' - sc in D
sc' A sc' - sc in 2A
sc > -0 sc
rnd 1#: sc
rnd 11: D sc' - sc in 20
sc' D sc' - sc in -0
sc > --
rnd 12: sc
Crochet - sc' !asten o!!.
@ork with black "arn' startin at the tip o! the tail.
<ake maic loop with ( sc. Tihten loop.
rnd 1: 2 sc' - sc in the ne9t sc' repeat around > D sts
rnd 2: - sc' - sc in the ne9t sc' repeat around > 2- sts
rnd 3: 3 sc' - sc in the ne9t sc' repeat around > 2+ sts
rnd 4: 3 sc' - sc in the ne9t sc' repeat around > 2A sts
rnd 5: + sc' - sc in the ne9t sc' repeat around > -2 sts

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NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
,eet &'a(e 2)
/i!!erin !rom the other pieces' the decrease rounds
are as"mmetrical to ive this piece the shape o! a
!oot. @ork with "ellow "arn.
rnd 12: make a basic circle with 2A sts.
rnd 3: sc
rnd 4: + sc' work 2
toe )make a bobble in the ne9t st#
E8F' insert hook in the ne9t st' 8F and draw up a
loop' 8F and draw throuh - loops on the hookE'
repeat + times' 8F and draw throuh all ( loops on
hook. The bobble will consist o! + dc=s.,' - sc' -
- sc' 3
toe' ( sc
rnd 5: sc
rnd 6: + sc' sc-to 3 times' + sc > 23 sts
rnd 7: + sc' sc-to' 2 sc' sc-to )the decreases are
positioned in line with the !irst and last decrease o!
the previous row,' 3 sc
rnd !-1#: sc
Bo..le hat
Cast on 30 sts. Goin. @ork on k- p- rib pattern until
2( rnds. 1-to until "ou have 20 sts le!t )- rnds,. Cut
"arn leavin a lon tail. Usin tapestr" needle' pull
throuh remainin stitches and weave in end.
<ake a small pompom )diameter ca. 3 cm $ 2.+., and
attach it to the top o! the hat.

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NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
,inish the eye patches 0irst: poke the e"e sha!ts
throuh the center o! the e"e patches and tihten the
maic loop' weave in end. @eave in also the "arn tail.
1osition the head piece so that the "arn tail is in the
center at the back. 6osition the e"es on the !ront o!
the head s"mmetricall"' ca. C rnds !rom the bottom.
Leave a ca. - sts space between the e"e patches.
6oke the e"e sha!ts throuh to the inside o! the head
and !asten with the washers.
Bac(stitch the eye patches on place with white
perle cotton )pull the "arn tails o! the patches inside
the head with a needle so the" don=t disturb the
Slipstitch the .ea( .etween the eyes2 ca. - rounds
!rom the bottom and reachin the lenth o! 3 rounds
o! the head.
,old the .ody pieces 0lat so that there=s an
increasin and decreasin line on both sides o! the
!olded piece. Slipstitch the bod" pieces toether
!ollowin the increasin and decreasin lines. Start
sewin !rom the center o! the bottom' so it will be
easier to match the pieces toether. Use the photo as
a uide.
Stu00 the head and the .ody and slipstitch them
toether' the white hal! o! the bod" comes to the !ront.
)6ut 3-3 tablespoons o! ranulate pellets inside the
bod" be!ore the pol"!ill to add some weiht to the
penuin=s bottom.,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
*hipstitch the upper piece o0 the wing to the
lower so that the increasin sts on both pieces !orm a
line on the side o! the win. Use the tail o! "arn o! the
upper part so it=s easier to match the pieces toether.
Leave an openin that is - sts narrower than the win
on both ends. Stu!! the win lihtl" and close the
openin usin the tail o! "arn o! the lower piece.
Slipstitch the wing to place with perle cotton2 ca. 3
rnds !rom the top o! the bod" and the stu!!in openin
!acin the bod". The win will !it naturall" on place
when the stitchin runs 0ust .below. the increasin sts
o! the upper piece and is ca. 20 rnds in lenth - use
the photos as a uide. Sew the other win
Stu00 the 0eet and slipstitch the' to place 0ust
above the last increasin round o! the bottom'
reachin the lenth o! 3 rnds o! the bod".
,old the tail to a triangular shape' one o! the anles
pointin straiht up. Slipstitch the tail to place 0ust
above the last increasin round o! the bottom'
reachin the lenth o! + rnds o! the bod".

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