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How to Defend Yourself From a Street Attack"

In the state of Maine, according to the ofcial
state website, there were 1616
violent crimes recorded (robbery,rape,murder
and aggravated assault). At some time, the US
census bureau ranks Maine having the lowest
crime rate (per 100,000 people) in the country.
But it's good to know how to do these things
just in case, because crimes still out there.
Here is an example of a street assault, the
knockout game. The knock out game is a
game that many teens around the country
have been playing. The rules are to run past
someone and hit your victim as hard as you
can in the face and try knocking them out. The
people who have been caught have been
charged under a hate crime or assault. Street
attacks have risen highly because of the
knockout game. These are some ways to
defend yourself from a street attack.

-Reason with your attacker.
Don't say any thing to egg them on.

-If reasoning does not work, assume a
ghting stance or give the attacker
what they want.

-Punch your attacker's gut.

-poke his/her eyes; the eyes can't be

Gun Defense

-Think: is your life in danger?

-If your attacker is armed, do not

-The best way to dodge a bullet
is to tilt left and right by dodging
the bullets.

-Think about using your weapon
or disarm you opponent .

Other Self
Defense Items:


-Pepper spray


Ways to Avoid Being

-Look where you're going.

-Don't listen to music all the
way up so you're not "blind".

-Try not to walk at night.

-Walk on the side walk .

-Walk with some one else.

-Go armed if you feel like
you're unsafe.

Don't try to be heroic just give the attacker what they want
Better them take what you have and not you life right?


B, Pat. "Knifes 101." Off the Grid News. Off the Grid News,
21 Nov. 2013. Web. 13 May 2014

"Self-Defense Overview." Findlaw. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2014.

"15 Tactics for Self Defense." That Can Save Your Life. Web. 20 May 2014.

"" N.p., n.d. Web. 22 May 2014.

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