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Agricultural producing states

1. Largest producing state of Rice : West Bengal.

2. Largest producing state of Wheat : Uttar Pradesh.
3. Largest producing state of Coffee : Karnataka.
4. Largest producing state of Sugar : Uttar Pradesh.
5. Largest producing state of Sugarcane : Uttar Pradesh.
6. Largest producing state of Soybean : Madhya Pradesh.
7. Largest producing state of Kapas (unginned cotton) : Gujarat.
8. Largest producing state of Tobacco : Andhra Pradesh.
9. Largest producing state of Tea : Assam.
10. Largest producing state of Mustard (Sarso) : Rajasthan.
11. Largest producing state of Rubber : Kerala.
12. Largest producing state of Milk : Gujarat.
13. Largest producing state of Peanuts (Mungfali) : Gujarat.
14. Largest producing state of Onions : Maharashtra.
15. Largest producing state of Potatoes : Uttar Pradesh.
16. Largest producing state of Fish : Kerala.
17. Largest producing state of Eggs : Andhra Pradesh.
18. Largest producing state of Oranges : Maharashtra.
19. Largest producing state of Apples : Himachal Pradesh.
20. Largest producing state of Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) : Kerala.
21. Largest producing state of Silk : Karnataka.
22. Largest producing state of Sunflower : Rajasthan.
23. Largest producing state of Cashew : Kerala.
24. Largest producing state of Maize : Uttar Pradesh.
25. Largest producing state of Jute : West Bengal.

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