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Madoes Primary School Pupil Council Meeting Minutes

Date: 24.9.09
Present Andrew, Abbie, Eve, Erin, Natalie, Jordan, Danielle, Jenny, Sarah

Apologies Katy

Agenda Action to be taken

1. The upper school boys toilets are still very smelly. We do not Mrs Sheldon to get air
Toilets think the air fresheners work. New toilets are supposed to be freshners checked. She
being installed this year will also ask when new
toilets will be installed

2. Snack Shop Some children would like a snack shop. We will ask Miss Green Ask P7
and P7 if they would run a Fair Trade snack shop occasionally

3 Trophy Could we put the trophies in a cabinet? Mrs Sheldon will price Mrs Sheldon to price
Cabinet one but it could be expensive
4. Themed Day All pupils want a themed day. We have just had the China week Mrs Sheldon will tell
and will be doing Perth 800 in January more about this next

5. Clubs Everyone wants more clubs. Every teacher runs a club already Suggestions put to staff
and we will have Activity clubs every Friday. Suggestions for to run the activity clubs
new activities included Chess, Drama, Rounders, Street Dance suggested
and Rock Club singing.

6. Bike The Bike Shelter is full up. This is good as it means lots of
Shelters people are cycling to school. We will get a new one to put at the
green gate so that people do not have to take their bikes right
across grass to the car park
7.Outdoor toys Some people would like more outdoor toys e.g. chess Ask MrsTaylor to price

8 Pupils would like more benches for the school grounds. We will Mrs Sheldon to check
need to see if we have enough money school funds

A. O. C. B. Discussed the Green cards system. All those who are .

Totally Green will get a reward.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Thursday 26th November 2 pm

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