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Orion Series

Network Performance Monitor

Version 7.1

Adminislralor's Guide for Orion Series Nelvork Ierformance Monilor, Version 7.1,
March 2004

1995 - 2004 SoIarWinds.Nel. AII Righls Reserved.

Microsofl and Windovs 2000 are eilher regislered lrademarks or lrademarks of
Microsofl Cororalion in lhe Uniled Slales and/or olher counlries.

Grah Layoul TooIkil and Grah Idilor TooIkil 1992 - 2001 Tom Savyer Soflvare,
OakIand, CaIifornia. AII Righls Reserved.

Iorlions Coyrighl ComonenlOne, LLC 1991-2002. AII Righls Reserved.

Some images and arlvork 2000 - 2003 Iuroean Sace Agency. AII Righls Reserved.

Abnut 5n!arWinds.Nct
SoIarWinds.Nel, Inc., founded in 1995, is a rivaleIy heId OkIahoma Cororalion vilh
headquarlers in TuIsa, OkIahoma. The comany deveIos and markels an array of
nelvork managemenl, moniloring, and discovery looIs lo meel lhe diverse
requiremenls of loday's nelvork managemenl and consuIling rofessionaIs.
SoIarWinds' comrehensive roducls conlinue lo sel benchmarks for quaIily and
erformance and have osilioned lhe comany as lhe Ieader in nelvork managemenl
and discovery lechnoIogy. SoIarWinds' cuslomer base nov incIudes over 45 ercenl of
lhe Iorlune 500 and cuslomers from over 90 counlries. The SoIarWinds gIobaI business
arlner dislribulor nelvork nov exceeds 100 dislribulors and reseIIers.
Tab!c nI Cnntcnts
Chaptcr 1: Intrnductinn ..........................................................................................1
Who ShouId Read This Guide............................................................................1
Whal's Covered in This Guide...........................................................................1
Overviev of Orion...............................................................................................1
Whal's Nev in This ReIease ...............................................................................2
Hov lo Conlacl SoIarWinds...............................................................................3
Chaptcr 2: Insta!!atinn and 5ctup.........................................................................5
Licensing and Version Olions..........................................................................5
Syslem Requiremenls..........................................................................................6
Server Sizing.........................................................................................................7
Sle 1: InslaIIing SQL Server..............................................................................9
Sle 2: InslaIIing Orion NIM.............................................................................9
Sle 3: Configuralion and Selu......................................................................10
Selu Dalabase ..............................................................................................11
Creale Websile...............................................................................................13
InslaII Services ...............................................................................................14
Whal lo Do Nexl ................................................................................................14
Chaptcr 3: Using 5ystcm Managcr .....................................................................15
Gelling Slarled ...................................................................................................15
Adding Nodes and Inlerfaces ..........................................................................16
Node DelaiIs.......................................................................................................18
Inlerface DelaiIs .................................................................................................20
VoIume DelaiIs...................................................................................................22
Ivenls ..................................................................................................................23
ReaI-Time Vievs ................................................................................................25
Irinling Vievs...............................................................................................27
Ixorling Viev Dala ....................................................................................28
Syslem Sellings ..................................................................................................29
Dalabase .........................................................................................................29
Slalislics ..........................................................................................................31
Node Tree.......................................................................................................34
Advanced Sellings .............................................................................................35
aseIine CaIcuIalion......................................................................................35
AvaiIabiIily CaIcuIalion ...............................................................................36
Node Warning InlervaI ................................................................................37
Counler RoIIovers .........................................................................................38
XML Snashols..............................................................................................39
Vieving Charls...................................................................................................40
Righl-CIick Charl Olions ...........................................................................41
Chaptcr 4: A!crts ....................................................................................................45
Gelling Slarling..................................................................................................45
Crealing a Nev AIerl ........................................................................................47
GeneraI Tab....................................................................................................47
Iroerly lo Monilor Tab ..............................................................................48
Monilored Nelvork Ob|ecls Tab ................................................................49
AIerl Trigger Tab...........................................................................................50
Time of Day Tab............................................................................................51
AIerl Suression Tab..................................................................................52
Aclions Tab ....................................................................................................54
Send an I-maiI/Iage ................................................................................55
IIay a Sound..............................................................................................56
Log lhe AIerl lo IiIe .................................................................................56
Windovs Ivenl Log.................................................................................57
Send a SysIog Message ............................................................................58
Ixecule an IxlernaI Irogram..................................................................58
Ixecule a V Scril ..................................................................................59
I-maiI a Web Iage....................................................................................59
Change Node or Inlerface Iroerly.......................................................60
Texl lo Seech Oulul .............................................................................61
Send a Windovs Nel Message ...............................................................62
DiaI Iager or SMS Service.......................................................................62
Send an SNMI Tra.................................................................................64
Gel or Iosl a URL lo a Web Server ........................................................65
Tesling an AIerl..................................................................................................66
Idiling an AIerl..................................................................................................67
Coying an AIerl................................................................................................67
DeIeling an AIerl................................................................................................67
Deaclivaling an AIerl ........................................................................................67
Chaptcr 5: Nctwnrk Discnvcry............................................................................69
efore Gelling Slarled.......................................................................................69
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI.................................................................70
Chaptcr 6: Map Makcr ..........................................................................................79
IxamIe Mas....................................................................................................80
Gelling Slarled ...................................................................................................81
Underslanding lhe Menu..................................................................................82
IiIe Menu........................................................................................................82
Idil Menu.......................................................................................................84
TooIs Menu ....................................................................................................85
Ma Menu......................................................................................................86
Windov Menu...............................................................................................87
Making a asic Ma ..........................................................................................88
Nesling Mas .....................................................................................................91
Irinling Mas.....................................................................................................93
Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs.............................................95
Node Iroerlies ............................................................................................95
Ob|ecl SlyIes..............................................................................................95
Nelvork Link Iroerlies .............................................................................97
LabeI Iroerlies.............................................................................................98
Ma Iroerlies ..............................................................................................99
Advanced Olions...........................................................................................100
Using lhe AIignmenl TooIbar....................................................................100
Using lhe Aulo-Arrange TooIbar..............................................................100
Using lhe Ma TooIbar...............................................................................100
Selling a ackground Image.................................................................101
Selling a ackground Texlure ..............................................................102
Selling a ackground CoIor ..................................................................103
Cuslomizing Links......................................................................................104
Draving Slraighl and Curved Lines....................................................104
Changing lhe Line Aearance............................................................104
Associaling a Node or Inlerface lo a Line ...........................................104
Cuslomizing Nodes ....................................................................................105
Adding Nodes lo a Ma........................................................................105
Changing lhe Node Aearance..........................................................105
Associaling a Node or Inlerface lo an Icon.........................................105
Cuslomizing LabeIs ....................................................................................105
Adding a LabeI lo a Node .....................................................................105
Adding a LabeI lo a Line .......................................................................106
Adding a LabeI lo a Ma.......................................................................106
Changing lhe LabeI Aearance..........................................................106
Adding a URL lo an Ob|ecl........................................................................107
Imorling and Migraling Mas .....................................................................108
Imorling a Ma .........................................................................................108
Migraling Mas...........................................................................................109
Ixorling Mas................................................................................................110
Ixorling Mas as an Image .....................................................................110
Ixorling Mas as HTML..........................................................................110
IubIishing Mas lo a Remole Web Server ...................................................111
Ma Maker Sellings.........................................................................................112
Icon SlyIes Tab.............................................................................................112
Line SlyIes Tab.............................................................................................113
Ma DefauIls Tab........................................................................................114
Node Tree Tab .............................................................................................115
Chaptcr 7: Custnm Prnpcrty Editnr ..................................................................117
Gelling Slarled .................................................................................................118
Underslanding lhe Menu................................................................................118
IiIe Menu......................................................................................................119
Idil Menu.....................................................................................................120
Iroerlies Menu..........................................................................................121
Adding a Cuslom Iroerly............................................................................122
Adding a Iredefined Cuslom Iroerly...................................................122
uiIding a Cuslom Iroerly from Scralch ..............................................123
Removing a Cuslom Iroerly........................................................................124
Idiling Cuslom Iroerlies .............................................................................125
Idiling Cuslom Iroerlies on Nodes.......................................................125
Idiling Cuslom Iroerlies on Inlerfaces.................................................125
Idiling Cuslom Iroerlies on VoIumes ..................................................125
Using IiIlers in Idil Viev...............................................................................126
Crealing a IiIler...........................................................................................126
Removing a IiIler........................................................................................127
Imorling Cuslom Iroerly Dala .................................................................127
Ixorling Cuslom Iroerlies.........................................................................131
Irinling Cuslom Iroerlies............................................................................132
Cuslom Iroerly Idilor Sellings...................................................................133
Chaptcr 8: Rcpnrt Writcr ....................................................................................135
Gelling Slarled .................................................................................................135
Ireviev Mode ..................................................................................................137
Design Mode ....................................................................................................138
The GeneraI Tab..........................................................................................138
The SeIecl IieIds Tab ..................................................................................139
The IiIler ResuIls Tab.................................................................................142
The To XX Tab...........................................................................................143
The Time Irame Tab...................................................................................144
The Summarizalion Tab.............................................................................145
The IieId Iormalling Tab...........................................................................146
The Reorl Grouing Tab..........................................................................147
The SQL Tab ................................................................................................148
Ixorling Reorl Dala ....................................................................................149
IxamIe Reorl................................................................................................150
Chaptcr 9: Accnunt Limitatinn Bui!dcr............................................................157
Gelling Slarled .................................................................................................157
Adding an Accounl Limilalion......................................................................158
DeIeling an Accounl Limilalion.....................................................................159
Irinling Accounl Limilalions.........................................................................160
Chaptcr 10: Wcb Administratinn......................................................................161
Slarling Orion NIM.........................................................................................161
Admin Olion ..................................................................................................162
Accounl Manager.............................................................................................162
Accounl Lisl......................................................................................................163
Accounl Vievs .................................................................................................164
Cuslomize Vievs .............................................................................................164
Crealing Nev Vievs...................................................................................165
Idiling Vievs...............................................................................................165
Resource Configuralion IxamIes ...........................................................169
SeIecling a Nelvork Ma......................................................................169
DisIaying a Lisl of Ob|ecls on a Nelvork Ma................................170
DisIaying a Cuslom Lisl of Mas.......................................................172
DisIaying an Ivenl Summary - Cuslom Ieriod of Time ................173
Secifying User Defined Links .............................................................174
Secifying Cuslom HTML or Texl .......................................................175
Secifying an Orion Reorl...................................................................176
DisIaying a Cuslom Lisl of Reorls...................................................177
Grouing and IiIlering Nodes .............................................................178
Cuslomize Menu ars .....................................................................................179
To Idil or Add a Nev Menu ar ..............................................................179
Adding a Cuslom Menu Ilem...............................................................182
CoIor Scheme....................................................................................................183
NIM Web Sellings...........................................................................................184
Dalabase DelaiIs...............................................................................................186
License DelaiIs..................................................................................................187
IoIIing Ingines.................................................................................................188
CIear Web Cache..............................................................................................188
Chaptcr 11: Accnunt Managcr ...........................................................................189
Crealing Nev Accounls..................................................................................189
Idiling User Accounls ....................................................................................191
DisabIing Accounls.....................................................................................191
Selling Ixiralion Dales on Accounls......................................................192
Selling Adminislralor Righls on Accounls..............................................192
AIIoving Cuslomized Viev Crealion......................................................192
AIIoving Ivenl AcknovIedgmenl and RemovaI...................................193
Selling Accounl Limilalions ......................................................................193
Selling DefauIl Menu ars.........................................................................194
Selling a DefauIl Home Iage Viev ..........................................................195
Selling DefauIl Nelvork Devices .............................................................195
Selling DefauIl Vievs.................................................................................195
Selling a Reorl IoIder...............................................................................196
Chaptcr 12: Databasc Uti!itics...........................................................................197
Dalabase Manager ...........................................................................................197
Gelling Slarled.............................................................................................197
Adding a Server ..........................................................................................198
Dalabase acku.........................................................................................199
Reslore a Dalabase......................................................................................199
Comacl a Dalabase ...................................................................................200
Comacl IndividuaI TabIes .......................................................................201
Viev Dalabase DelaiIs................................................................................201
Viev TabIe DelaiIs ......................................................................................201
Ixorling Dala ............................................................................................202
Idiling Dalabase IieIds..............................................................................202
Delach a Dalabase.......................................................................................202
Crealing a Dalabase Mainlenance IIan ...................................................203
Using Inlerrise Manager .........................................................................203
Dalabase Mainlenance ....................................................................................205
NighlIy Mainlenance ..................................................................................205
Dalabase Comaclion.................................................................................206
Dalabase Migralion..........................................................................................206
Upgradcs and Migratinns...................................................................................207
Ugrading lo Manage More IIemenls..........................................................207
Ugrading Irom Version 7.0.5 lo Version 7.x..............................................207
Ugrading Irom Version 6.x lo Version 7.x.................................................208
Ugrading from IvaIualion 7.x lo a Licensed Coy...................................209
Ugrading Irom Version 5.x SL-Series lo Version 7.x................................209
Ugrading Irom Version 5.x AX100 lo Version 7.x....................................210
Moving Orion NIM lo a Nev Server/Comuler ........................................211
Migraling SQL Server lo a Nev Server/Comuler .....................................211
Migraling Desklo Ingine lo SQL Server Slandard or Inlerrise Version
A!crt 5upprcssinn Examp!cs..............................................................................213
Deendenl Node AIerl Suression IxamIe.............................................215
IaiIure of Load aIancing AIerl .....................................................................218
Pn!!ing Enginc Lnad Ba!anccr ...........................................................................225
Reassigning Nodes lo a IoIIing Ingine ........................................................225
Pn!!ing Enginc Tuning........................................................................................227
Using lhe IoIIing Ingine Tuner.....................................................................227
Islimaling a Good VaIue ................................................................................228
Selling lhe Regislry for Maximum IoIIs Ier Second ..................................229
5nItwarc Liccnsc Kcy..........................................................................................231
InslaIIalion ........................................................................................................231
Autnmatic Lngin ..................................................................................................235
Using Windovs Iass-Through Securily.......................................................235
Using lhe DireclLink Accounl........................................................................238
Trnub!cshnnting ..................................................................................................239
Things lo Try Iirsl ...........................................................................................239
ack U Your Dala .....................................................................................239
Verify Irogram Oeralion.........................................................................239
Slo and Reslarl ..........................................................................................239
Rerun Configuralion Wizard.....................................................................239
IrequenlIy Asked Queslions..........................................................................240
Websile IrobIems........................................................................................240
Ma Maker IrobIems .................................................................................244
Syslem Manager IrobIems ........................................................................244
Nelvork Discovery IrobIems ...................................................................250
Dalabase Manager IrobIems.....................................................................250
Configuralion Wizard IrobIems...............................................................251
Gelling More HeI...........................................................................................253
A!crt Macrns .........................................................................................................255
Macro Modifiers..........................................................................................255
uffer Irrors ................................................................................................256
Inlerfaces ......................................................................................................256
Inlerface Irrors............................................................................................257
Inlerface Slalus ............................................................................................258
Inlerface IoIIing ..........................................................................................258
Inlerfaces (CATV version onIy).................................................................258
Inlerface Traffic ...........................................................................................259
Node IoIIing................................................................................................261
Node Slalislics .............................................................................................262
Node Slalus..................................................................................................262
Ob|ecl Tyes ................................................................................................262
VoIume IoIIing............................................................................................263
VoIume Slalislics .........................................................................................263
VoIume Slalus..............................................................................................264
Machine-Secific .........................................................................................266
IxamIe Messages Using Macros.............................................................267

Chaptcr 1: Intrnductinn
Whn 5hnu!d Rcad This Guidc
his guide is inlended for lhose resonsibIe for inslaIIing and selling u lhe
SoIarWinds Orion Nelvork Ierformance Monilor version 7.x (hereafler referred lo
as Orion NIM). This viII normaIIy be lhe syslem/nelvork adminislralor, bul couId aIso
incIude lhe Webmasler. The Windovs accounl used lo inslaII Orion NIM viII need lo
have adminislralive righls on lhe server.
What's Cnvcrcd in This Guidc
This guide incIudes seclions lhal discuss
InslaIIalion and ugrades
Configuralion of lhe syslem
Discovering your nelvork
Crealing and configuring aIerls
Making mas of your nelvork
Crealing cuslom roerlies
Selling u users
Configuring lhe Web Inlerface for users
Dalabase uliIilies
Advanced configuralion and cuslomizalion
Ovcrvicw nI Orinn
The SoIarWinds' Orion NIM is a highIy cuslomizabIe, veb-enabIed fauIl and
erformance managemenl looI suile for II nelvorks. Orion NIM coIIecls and slores
reaI-lime dala and hisloricaI slalislics lhal make il easier for you lo evaIuale and
imrove lhe erformance and reIiabiIily of your nelvork. Orion NIM rovides a
fIexibIe inlerface for disIaying lhe dala and slalislics lhal are imorlanl lo you. Orion
NIM fealures a configurabIe aIerling engine lhal can aulomalicaIIy nolify lhe eoIe
vho need lo knov aboul nelvork evenls by a variely of melhods based uon
user-defined evenl lhreshoIds and lhe lime of day or day of veek lhe evenls occur.
MuIliIe users can access lhe syslem simuIlaneousIy using Inlernel IxIorer, each vilh
2 Chaler 1: Inlroduclion
Whal's Nev in This ReIease
lheir ovn cuslomized vievs. Orion NIM incIudes a cuslomizabIe charling engine lhal
enabIes overfuI vievs of your dala al a gIance.
The Orion NIM ackage incIudes a Windovs service lhal runs in lhe background, a
vebsile, and a sel of uliIily rograms for selu, configuralion, and mainlenance.
Comonenls in lhe aIicalion suile incIude:
SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service
Syslem Manager
Configuralion Wizard
Nelvork Discovery Wizard
Ma Maker
Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Accounl Limilalion uiIder
Dalabase Manager
Dalabase Mainlenance looIs
What's Ncw in This Rc!casc
Opcrating 5ystcm 5uppnrt - nov suorls Windovs 2003, Windovs XI
IrofessionaI, and Windovs 2000 Server lechnoIogies.
Wcb Capabi!itics - nev funclionaIily suorls grouing and fiIlering, veb
based reorls, enhanced mas and fealures nev charls, gauges, and LIDs.
Mnnitnring Capabi!itics - addilionaI moniloring caabiIilies for CIU, Memory,
and High Caacily Counlers for severaI device lyes incIuding devices from
Cisco, NorleI, Ioundry, and more...
Nctwnrk Diagramming and Mapping - nov incIudes a nev and advanced Ma
Maker aIicalion lhal aIIovs lhe crealion of comIex nelvork mas and
diagrams used lo deicl lhe slalus of your nelvork on lhe Orion vebsile.
Ncw Tnn!s - lhe addilion of severaI looIs lo lhe Orion suile incIuding lhe Cuslom
Iroerly Idilor, Reorl Wriler, Accounl Limilalion uiIder, and Reorl
ScheduIer (dovnIoad onIy).
And much mnrc!
Chaler 1: Inlroduclion 3
Hov lo Conlacl SoIarWinds
Hnw tn Cnntact 5n!arWinds
The SoIarWinds vebsile is an exceIIenl resource Iocaled al hll://vvv.SoIarWinds.Nel.
If you faiI lo find vhal you need via lhe veb, Iease do nol hesilale lo conlacl a
SoIarWinds reresenlalive.
Visil lhe Suorl vebsile al hll://SoIarWinds.Nel/Suorl/index.hlm lo access lhe
KnovIedge ase, IrequenlIy Asked Queslions, oblain Irogram Udales, conlacl lhe
Suorl Team, rovide feedback, visil lhe User Iorum, and more!
You can hone SoIarWinds in lhe USA al 918-307-8100. Iaxes can be senl lo 918-307-
Send e-maiI lo a SaIes reresenlalive al SaIes+SoIarWinds.Nel for aII your saIes needs.
8221 Iasl 63
TuIsa, OK 74133 USA
Chaptcr 2: Insta!!atinn and 5ctup
his chaler viII vaIk you lhrough lhe inslaIIalion rocess for Orion Nelvork
Ierformance Monilor (Orion NIM). If you are reinslaIIing Orion NIM or
ugrading from anolher version, see Ugrades and Migralions on age 207. InslaIIalion
roceeds in 3 sles:
InslaIIing lhe Microsofl SQL Server
InslaIIing Orion NIM
Running lhe Orion Configuralion Wizard
Liccnsing and Vcrsinn Optinns
Licensing of Orion NIM is based uon lhe highesl of lhe foIIoving lhree vaIues:
TolaI number of managed nelvork inlerfaces - incIuding svilch orls, hysicaI
inlerfaces, virluaI inlerfaces, sub-inlerfaces, VLANS, elc.
TolaI number of managed nodes - incIuding roulers, svilches, servers, access
oinls, modems, elc.
TolaI number of managed voIumes (IogicaI disks).
Orion NIM is avaiIabIe in lhe foIIoving versions:
SL100 SL250 SL500 SL2000 SLX
Maximum number of
eIements that can be
100 250 500 2000 Unlimited

While the SLX version is not limited in the number of elements that it can manage in terms of licensing, there
is performance limitations on how many elements can be managed based on the server hardware. Current
technology limits management to an estimated 8,000 10,000 elements per SLX polling engine.
6 Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu
Syslem Requiremenls
5ystcm Rcquircmcnts
Syslem requiremenls for Orion NIM vary based uon lhe number of eIemenls
managed, oIIing frequency, number of simuIlaneous users, and severaI olher faclors.
The labIe beIov reresenls some generaI guideIines for a minimum configuralion.
Minimum System Requirements
Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with Service Pack 4
Windows XP Professional
Web Server
Microsoft nternet nformation Server (S), version 5.0 or 6.0
Web Browser
Microsoft nternet Explorer version 5.0 or later
Microsoft SQL Server 2000

Orion NPM SL series uses SQL Server's Open architecture database. A Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop
Engine with 2GB capacity is included with this product.
Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu 7
Server Sizing
5crvcr 5izing
Orion NIM is caabIe of moniloring nelvorks of any size from smaII cororale
LANs lo Iarge enlerrise and service-rovider nelvorks. Mosl Orion NIM syslems viII
erform veII on Ienlium-cIass 1GHz syslems vilh 1G of RAM using lhe defauIl
oIIing engine sellings. Hovever, vhen moniloring Iarge nelvorks, you shouId give
addilionaI consideralion lo lhe hardvare used and lhe configuralion of lhe syslem.
There are lhree rimary variabIes lhal affecl scaIabiIily. The mosl imorlanl ilem lo kee
in mind is lhe number of eIemenls lhal you viII be managing. Syslems moniloring more
lhan 1,000 eIemenls may need lo be luned lo offer olimaI erformance. The second
ilem lo consider is oIIing frequency. Ior inslance, if you are coIIecling slalislics every
five minules inslead of lhe defauIl nine, lhe syslem viII have lo vork harder and syslem
requiremenls viII increase. IinaIIy, lhe number of simuIlaneous veb users accessing lhe
syslem viII have a direcl imacl on lhe erformance of lhe syslem.
When Ianning your Orion NIM inslaIIalion, lhere are four main faclors lo kee in
mind vilh resecl lo scaIabiIily. These four ilems are CIU, memory, number of oIIing
engines, and oIIing engine sellings. The labIes disIayed on lhe foIIoving age Iisl
SoIarWinds' recommendalions for minimum configuralion of CIU, memory, and
numbers of oIIing engines. IoIIing engine sellings are discussed in lhe aendix,
IoIIing Ingine Tuning.
In some silualions, Orion NIM viII be inslaIIed on a differenl comuler lhan SQL Server. If
you exerience erformance robIems or you Ian lo monilor a very Iarge nelvork vilh
Orion NIM, you shouId consider Iacing Orion NIM and SQL Server on differenl
comulers. This scenario offers severaI erformance advanlages, as lhe Orion NIM server
does nol have lo erform any SQL Server rocessing and does nol have lo share resources
vilh SQL Server.
8 Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu
Server Sizing

Orion Version SL100 SL250 SL500 SL2000
Managed EIements

100 250 500 2K
CPU Speed
800MHz 1.0GHz 2.0GHz 2.4GHz
512MB 768MB 1GB 2GB
SQL 2000

CPU Speed
(in GHz)
2.6 3 2.6 3 2.6 3 2.6 3 2.6 3 3

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2+


0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5+

Location of
SQL Server

SQL 2000

The labIes assume defauIl slalislics coIIeclion inlervaIs of nine minules. Decreasing lhe
oIIing inlervaI viII increase lhe syslem requiremenls.

An element is defined as the smallest managed component of a device for which statistics are stored. Examples of
an element would be a serial interface on a router or a VLAN on a switch. For the purposes of counting elements,
Orion NPM keeps track of the number of nodes, the number of interfaces, and the number of volumes you have
selected for monitoring.
SQL Server Desktop Edition (included with Orion NPM distribution) is adequate, but you may use the Standard or
Enterprise version.
SQL Server Standard or Enterprise Edition
f you have configured Orion for frequent polling and/or roll data up into statistics on a long schedule, or due
to other performance reasons, you may need SE.
For more than 50,000 managed elements, please contact the SolarWinds Sales Team at Sales@SolarWinds.Net.
ncreasing the number of polling engines will decrease the system requirements. The inverse is true as well.
Additional Polling Engines are sold separately.
SQL may be installed on the same (local) machine as Orion if performance requirements are modest.
SQL may be installed on the same (local) machine as Orion if performance requirements are modest.
Remote SQL Server. For systems monitoring more than 10,000 elements, it is recommended that SQL Server be
installed on a separate server.
Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu 9
Sle 1: InslaIIing SQL Server
5tcp 1: Insta!!ing 5QL 5crvcr
Orion NIM uses a Microsofl SQL Server 2000 dalabase. A Iicensed coy of SQL Server
2000 Desklo Ingine (MSDI) is dislribuled vilh each coy of Orion NIM. MSDI
suorls a maximum dalabase size of 2G. If you are inslaIIing Orion SL2000 or Orion
SLX, ve recommend lhal you acquire and inslaII eilher lhe Slandard or lhe Inlerrise
version of SQL Server. You may inslaII MSDI from lhe CD or by Iogging inlo lhe
cuslomer area of lhe SoIarWinds.Nel vebsile and dovnIoading Orion NIM. If you are
inslaIIing from dovnIoad, be sure lo foIIov lhe inslruclions in lhe incIuded ReadMe fiIe.
SQL Server inslaIIalion defauIls are secified in lhe SITUI.INI fiIe. If you vanl lo inslaII
SQL Server anyvhere bul lhe defauIl Iocalion, or lo enabIe Iogging for lroubIeshooling,
lhis fiIe can be modified once il is saved lo your hard drive. More informalion aboul
inslaIIalions olions can be found on Microsofl's vebsile al
5tcp 2: Insta!!ing Orinn NPM
1. egin lhe InslaIIalion of Orion from eilher lhe CD or lhe dovnIoad fiIe. If you
are ugrading or migraling, Iease refer lo lhe Ugrades and Migralions
seclion on age 207 for secific inslruclions.
2. Choose lhe largel direclory vhere you vouId Iike lo inslaII Orion NIM. The
defauIl is C:(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds(.
3. IoIIov lhe sles of lhe InslaIIalion Wizard and if romled lo do so, reslarl
your comuler.
If romled lo InslaII lhe Soflvare License Key, Iease foIIov lhe inslruclions on age
231, lhen roceed vilh lhe Configuralion Wizard.
10 Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu
Sle 3: Configuralion and Selu
5tcp 3: CnnIiguratinn and 5ctup
When Orion NIM has been inslaIIed on your syslem, you viII need lo run lhe
Configuralion Wizard lo conlinue lhe inslaIIalion and selu rocess. The Wizard viII
configure conneclivily lo your SQL dalabase, lhe Orion NIM vebsile, and lhe
SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service.
To begin,
1. Oen lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Configuralion Wizard
from lhe Windovs Slarl menu: Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Configuration Wizard.

If romled lo InslaII lhe Soflvare License Key, Iease foIIov lhe inslruclions on age
231, lhen roceed vilh lhe Configuralion Wizard.
The Configuralion Wizard oens lo disIay u lo four labs, vhich musl be comIeled in
lhe order al vhich lhey are disIayed. The WeIcome lab disIays lhe version of lhe
Orion NIM Wizard lhal you are running and shovs lhe name of lhe looI lhal you are

2. CIick Start lo roceed lo lhe Setup Database lab.
Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu 11
Sle 3: Configuralion and Selu
5ctup Databasc
The Setup Database lab configures SQL Server conneclivily and creales a dalabase.
CIick Continue lo roceed vilh lhe dalabase selu.
1. SeIecl lhe name of lhe SQL server lo vhich you viII be connecling from lhe
dro dovn Iisl rovided. NormaIIy you viII find any SQL Servers on your
nelvork in lhe dro dovn Iisl, bul you may need lo enler lhe name (or II
address) of lhe servers Iocaled eIsevhere. Use lhe radio bullons lo seIecl lhe
aulhenlicalion lye for lhe SQL Server. CIick Continue.

If you use lhe SQL Server ID and assvord olion, you musl use an ID vilh sufficienl
righls lo creale nev dalabases on lhal server (for examIe, lhe SQL Adminislralor

2. Creale a nev dalabase by enlering a Dalabase Name in lhe lexl box rovided
or connecl lo an exisling dalabase by seIecling lhe Dalabase Name from lhe
Iisl. Use lhe EIIipsis bullon lo disIay your direclory slruclure. Navigale
12 Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu
Sle 3: Configuralion and Selu
lo lhe Iocalion you vish lhe dalabase lo be slored. The defauIl alh is
C:\Program FiIes\SoIarWinds\Data.

3. Once salisfied vilh your dalabase seIeclions, cIick Continue.
4. Nexl, sel a User Name and Iassvord on lhe SQL Server lhal can be used by
Orion NIM's vebsile and oIIing engines lo access lhe dalabase. The defauIl is

5. CIick Continue lo advance lo lhe Create Website lab.
The informalion secified in lhis orlion of lhe Configuralion Wizard is slored in lhe
SWNelIerfMon.db fiIe Iocaled in lhe defauIl Iocalion of C:\Program
FiIes\SoIarWinds\Network Performance Monitor V7 direclory. Wilhin lhis fiIe is lhe
"conneclion slring" lhal Orion NIM viII use lo communicale vilh your SQL Server
Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu 13
Sle 3: Configuralion and Selu
Crcatc Wcbsitc
1. SeIecl lhe II address, TCI orl number, and rool direclory you vanl lo use for
your Orion NIM vebsile and cIick Continue.

If you secify any orl number olher lhan 80, you viII have lo incIude il in URLs lhal
access lhe Orion NIM sile, in lhe form hll://OrionServer/NelIerfMon:Iorl Number. Ior
examIe, if you secify orl 8080, lhe URL vouId be hll://OrionServer/NelIerfMon:8080.
2. A message viII be disIayed asking if you vish lo overvrile lhe exisling
vebsile, if you are inslaIIing lhe Orion NIM vebsile on a server lhal aIready has
anolher vebsile running on il - incIuding lhe defauIl sile lhal inslaIIs vilh IIS.
The vebsile musl be eilher disabIed or given il's ovn II address in order lo
coexisl vilh lhe Orion NIM sile. lf ou choose Yes, the exlstlng uebslte ulII be
3. Once lhe Websile has been crealed, cIick Continue lo roceed lo lhe InstaII
Services lab.
14 Chaler 2: InslaIIalion and Selu
Whal lo Do Nexl
Insta!! 5crviccs
The InstaII Services lab of lhe Wizard inslaIIs and slarls lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork
Ierformance Monilor Service (NIM Service).

1. CIick Continue lo inslaII and run lhe NIM Service.
2. Afler lhe NIM Service is inslaIIed and running, cIick Continue. The
Configuralion Wizard viII cIose and Syslem Manager viII Iaunch.
What tn Dn Ncxt
Afler successfuIIy comIeling lhe Configuralion Wizard, you musl ouIale lhe
dalabase vilh lhe nelvork eIemenls you vanl lo be monilored. This can be
accomIished by eilher adding Nodes/Inlerfaces manuaIIy in Syslem Manager or by
using lhe Nelvork Discovery Wizard lo aulomalicaIIy discover lhe devices on your
nelvork and imorl lhem inlo your dalabase.
Inslruclions on adding Nodes and Inlerfaces manuaIIy via Syslem Manager are Iocaled
on age 1.
DelaiIs on using lhe Nelvork Discovery Wizard are found on age 70.
Chaptcr 3: Using 5ystcm Managcr
rion NIM's Web Inlerface disIays dala and slalislics lhal are coIIecled by lhe
NIM Service and slored in a SQL dalabase. The NIM Service is configured,
cuslomized, and managed in Syslem Manager. Syslem Manager is aIso used lo erform
funclions such as adding and deIeling nodes, configuring oIIing olions, and adding
nev eIemenls lo be monilored. Syslem Manager is a comrehensive looI in ils ovn
righl, and can be used lo viev much of lhe same informalion aboul nodes and inlerfaces
avaiIabIe from lhe Orion NIM Web Inlerface.
WhiIe lhe AIerl fealure is configured vilhin lhe Syslem Manager, ils exlensive
funclionaIily merils a searale chaler. IIease see lhe AIerls chaler beginning on age
Gctting 5tartcd
Syslem Manager is oened by seIecling Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor System Manager.

Syslem Manager oens vilh an exandabIe lree disIaying lhe monilored nelvork
resources on lhe Iefl and a SIash Screen on lhe righl. The SIash Screen rovides
addilionaI aIicalion informalion and resenls a coIIeclion of bullons lhal can be used
lo erform lhe soflvare's mosl common funclions. This funclionaIily is aIso avaiIabIe
from lhe aIicalion menu and looIbar.
16 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Adding Nodes and Inlerfaces
Adding Nndcs and IntcrIaccs
Adding nodes and inlerfaces is lhe fundamenlaI lask in Syslem Manager. WhiIe grous
of nodes can be added by Nelvork Discovery (for more informalion, see Nelvork
Discovery on age 70), individuaI nodes and inlerfaces can easiIy be added using
Syslem Manager. SeIecling eilher Nodes Add Node or Interfaces Add Interface from
lhe menu (or cIicking lhe Nev bullon on lhe looIbar) viII oen lhe A!! Nc!c cr
|nicrjacc ic Mcniicr diaIog.

Ior our uroses, a Node is defined as anylhing vilh an II address. Ior examIe, Nodes
lyicaIIy incIude roulers, svilches, e-maiI servers, and vorkslalions.
Inler lhe II address or nelvork name of lhe node you vanl lo add and suIy lhe
SNMI communily slring by eilher enlering il or seIecling il from lhe dro-dovn Iisl. In
mosl cases, lhe read-onIy communily slring is sufficienl.
If you vanl lo monilor onIy nelvork Ialency or resonse lime and avaiIabiIily of a node,
check lhe box IabeIed "Node does nol suorl SNMI . . ." and lhe hosl viII be
monilored onIy for ils resonse limes, node slalus, and ackel Ioss. In lhis case, no
communily slring is required. If you choose lhis olion, lhe device is added lo your Iisl
of monilored nodes immedialeIy vilhoul offering any addilionaI resource moniloring
Once salisfied vilh your enlries in lhe A!! Nc!c diaIog, cIick OK. A |cscurcc diaIog is
disIayed Iisling aII discovered inlerfaces and voIumes on lhe secified node. Use lhe
check boxes or lhe series of SeIecl/DeseIecl bullons lo secify aII Resources
you vish lo
monilor and vhich sels of charls you vanl lo make avaiIabIe for each inlerface.

For our purposes, Resources are defined as interfaces, volumes, memory, and CPUs.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 17
Adding Nodes and Inlerfaces
When you have made your seIeclions, cIick OK. Your choices viII be added lo lhe
dalabase and moniloring viII begin.

Resource What is Monitored
CPU CPU load as percentage of capacity
Memory and buffer utilization as total usage and percentage of capacity
Memory and buffer utilization as total usage and percentage of capacity
nterface Bandwidth utilization, percentage of capacity, errors and discards, and total
bytes transferred

For Memory and Volume monitoring on Windows 2000 systems, Service Pack 4 must be installed on the
Windows machine being monitored.

18 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Node DelaiIs
Nndc Dctai!s
y righl cIicking on a node in lhe Node Tree, you can o u a menu lhal incIudes an
olion lo viev Node DelaiIs.

The Nc!c Ociai|s screen conlains a Iive viev of dala from lhe Node.

Irom lhis viev, you can oII lhe node on demand, rediscover lhe node, and disIay and
modify ils monilored resources by cIicking lhe aroriale bullon on lhe righl side of
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 19
Node DelaiIs
lhe vindov. You may aIso sel lhe oIIing inlervaIs for slalus checking (lhe Node DelaiIs
frequency lhal lhe device is lesled for u or dovn slalus) and slalislics galhering (a
query lhal galhers slalislics on everylhing you are moniloring on lhal node) by moving
lhe sIiders rovided.
Changes made in lhis vindov affecl onIy lhe node being vieved. Ior examIe, you can
make lhe oIIing inlervaI shorler for crilicaI devices, vhiIe Ieaving a Ionger defauIl
inlervaI in effecl for olhers.
If you have high-seed inlerfaces and are exeriencing frequenl counler roIIovers, you
may vish lo enabIe 64-bil counlers. Confirm lhal lhe device suorls 64-bil counlers
and seIecl lhe AIIow 64-bit Counters check box on lhe Nc!c Ociai|s screen.
Some Vendor imIemenlalions of 64-bil counlers roduce fauIly dala. If you are
exeriencing erralic or incorrecl dala, you may vish lo disabIe 64-bil counlers by
unchecking lhe AIIow 64-bit Counters box.
You may aIso give lhe Node a nev name, II address, or communily slring from lhis
screen. Changing lhe Node name onIy affecls lhe vay lhe Node is idenlified on charls
and grahs vilhin Syslem Manager and lhe Orion NIM vebsile. Il does nol imacl lhe
device on lhe nelvork.
WhiIe changing a node's name does nol affecl dala coIIeclion, changing ils II address or
communily slring does. You shouId change lhe II address or communily slring in lhis
diaIog onIy if lhey have changed on your nelvork. Changing lhese vaIues in lhis diaIog
aIIovs you lo conlinue lo accumuIale slalislics for a node ralher lhan having lo slarl over
vhen lhese vaIues have been changed on lhe nelvork.
20 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Inlerface DelaiIs
IntcrIacc Dctai!s
When you righl-cIick on an inlerface name in Syslem Manager's Node Tree, you are
resenled vilh a o-u menu incIuding an olion lo viev Inlerface DelaiIs.

The |nicrjacc Ociai|s screen rovides a comIele Iisling of lhe mosl recenlIy acquired dala
and slalislics for lhe inlerface of inleresl, aIong vilh severaI looIs.

}usl as vilh lhe Nc!c Ociai|s viev, you can ad|usl lhe oIIing and slalislics coIIeclion
inlervaIs for lhe chosen Inlerface vilhoul affecling lhe vaIues for olher Inlerfaces. You
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 21
Inlerface DelaiIs
can change lhe name for lhe Inlerface vilhin Syslem Manager, lhus modifying lhe vay
il aears on charls and grahs (lhis onIy affecls lhe vay lhe node is idenlified vilhin
Syslem Manager and lhe Orion NIM vebsile, and does nol change lhe name in lhe
nelvork). You may aIso oII lhe node on demand (lo udale lhe Inlerface DelaiIs
slalislics) or rediscover lhe node (lo verify and udale lhe idenlily informalion) using
lhe aroriale bullons.
This diaIog is aIso used lo viev lhe ifIndex of lhe Inlerface. An lflndex of zero lndlcutes
thut the lnterfuce ls no Ionger present on the node.
There are aIso lexl boxes lhal aIIov you lo change lhe Transmil and Receive andvidlh
vaIues. These vaIues are used vhen caIcuIaling Iercenl UliIizalion. The Syslem
Manager sels iniliaI configured bandvidlh vaIues vhen lhe inlerface is added. These
vaIues are nol udaled during rediscovery, lherefore, lhe bandvidlh vaIues can be
manuaIIy sel. They may aIso be sel indeendenlIy for asymmelric circuils (ADSL or
CATV inlerfaces, for examIe, vilh differenl uslream and dovnslream dala rales).
Selling lhreshoIds vhen moniloring cuslomer circuils is anolher frequenl use of lhe
Transmil and Receive andvidlh sellings. Ior examIe, a cuslomer may have a 10 Mbs
conneclion (via Ilhernel), bul may onIy be aying for 512 Kbs vilh overcharges vhen
lhey exceed lhe 512k Iimil. You couId sel lhe Transmil and Receive andvidlh sellings lo
512000 and disIay Iercenl UliIizalion charls for lheir circuil in lerms of 512 Kbs.
ullons for adminislraliveIy shulling dovn and enabIing lhe inlerface are aIso
rovided. In order for lhese lo vork, lhe read-vrile communily slring musl have been
rovided for lhe node lo vhich lhe inlerface is allached.
If you choose lo adminislraliveIy disabIe an inlerface, be cerlain lhal you are nol disabIing
lhe inlerface you are using lo connecl lo lhe device.
22 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
VoIume DelaiIs
Vn!umc Dctai!s
If you righl-cIick on a voIume in lhe Node Tree, you are resenled vilh a o-u menu
offering you choices for managing voIumes.

SeIecling VoIume DetaiIs oens lhe viev beIov.

As vilh vievs of Nodes and Inlerfaces, aII currenl dala and slalislics for lhe voIume are
disIayed, and sIiders are rovided lhal aIIov you lo ad|usl lhe oIIing inlervaIs for lhis
voIume, vilhoul affecling lhe defauIl inlervaI for olher voIumes. You may aIso oII lhe
node on demand (lo udale lhe slalislics) and rediscover lhe node (lo verify and udale
lhe idenlily informalion) using lhe aroriale bullons.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 23
SeIecl Events Event DetaiIs, (or cIick lhe Ivenls bullon ) lo viev a Iog of aII
Ivenls recorded by your syslem.

The Ivenl DelaiIs viev Iisls aII Currenl Ivenls in lhe dalabase, vilh lhe mosl recenl al
lhe lo. IndividuaI Ivenls can be acknovIedged and cIeared from viev by
cIicking lhe acknovIedgmenl icon ( ) al lhe Iefl side of lhe Iine for an Ivenl's enlry. If
you righl-cIick anyvhere in lhe |tcni Ociai|s screen, a o-u menu offers choices lo
cIear various calegories of Ivenls.

Irom lhe |tcni Ociai|s screen, you can aIso viev Iasl Ivenls, vhich incIude aII Ivenls
acknovIedged or nol sliII in lhe Iog. When you cIick Past Events al lhe bollom of
lhe |tcni Ociai|s screen, you are resenled vilh a screen shoving no Ivenls, bul vilh a
sel of lexl boxes and dro-dovn Iisls al lhe lo of lhe vindov in vhich you can secify
24 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
lhe range of lime, lye of evenl (or aII evenls), and arlicuIar ob|ecls (or aII ob|ecls) for
vhich you vish lo viev evenl informalion.

The Nelvork Ivenl Log is mainlained as arl of lhe NighlIy Dalabase Mainlenance Ian
defined vilhin lhe Dalabase lab of lhe Syslem Manager's Sellings diaIog. Records are kel
for lhe number of days secified using lhe Nelvork Ivenls sIider in lhe Slalislics
Summarizalion seclion (lhe defauIl is 30 days). Ior more informalion, see age 29.

SeIecl Events Event Monitor, lo viev a summary of Iogged evenls.

As evenls occur, lhey are added lo lhe viev, as lhey are acknovIedged, lhey are
removed (from lhe viev, bul nol from lhe Ivenls dalabase). A disIayed calegory of
evenls can be acknovIedged by cIicking lhe acknovIedgmenl icon ( ) al lhe Iefl of lhe
calegory's enlry. If you cIick anyvhere eIse vilhin lhe |tcni Mcniicr screen or on
Events Event DetaiIs, or on lhe Ivenl icon on lhe looIbar lhe |tcni Ociai|s screen
viII oen.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 25
ReaI-Time Vievs
Rca!-Timc Vicws
The View olion on lhe Syslem Manager menu or looI bar oens a vasl range of
ossibiIilies for vieving lhe reaI lime dala and slalislics galhered by Syslem Manager.
There are over 20 vievs aIready defined, and you may define as many olhers as you

26 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
ReaI-Time Vievs
A viev resenls dala and slalislics in labuIar formal.

Righl cIicking in lhe viev vindov os u a menu of looIs for managing lhe ilem
under lhe cursor.

The olions in lhe bollom aneI of lhe menu above viII onIy funclion if you have inslaIIed
a SoIarWinds looIsel lhal incIudes lhem.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 27
ReaI-Time Vievs
Irom lhe View menu, seIecling eilher New View or Customize Current View oens a
diaIog from vhich you can seIecl lhe ilems you vanl lo incIude in lhe Viev you are

Uon making your seIeclions and cIicking OK, you viII be resenled vilh a labuIar
viev of your dala. You can rearrange lhe coIumns by dragging lhe coIumn headings Iefl
or righl lo lhe osilion you vanl and droing lhem. CIicking in lhe coIumn head viII
cause lhe dala in lhal coIumn lo become lhe sorl-order basis for aII lhe dala shovn, and
cIicking in il again viII cause lhe order lo reverse.
Printing Vicws
When a viev is on lhe screen arranged in lhe vay you vanl il, cIick lhe rinl bullon lo
rinl lhe viev - using slandard rinling rocedures.
28 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
ReaI-Time Vievs
Expnrting Vicw Data
Viev dala may be exorled for use or vieving in olher rograms in a variely of formals,
incIuding comma-deIimiled ASCII, Iain lexl, HTML (vievabIe in a veb brovser), IDI
(Adobe Acrobal), and XLS (IxceI sreadsheel). Wilh lhe viev you vanl lo exorl
seIecled, cIick FiIe Export and make a choice of lhe dala formal you vanl.

You viII lhen be resenled vilh a vindov lhal aIIovs you lo seIecl lhe fieIds you vanl
lo incIude.

When you cIick OK, you viII be asked lo rovide a fiIe name for your exorled dala,
and lhe dala viII lhen be exorled lo lhe fiIe.
The difference belveen lhe choice IabeIed Export to ExceI Spreadsheet and lhe olion
IabeIed Export DirectIy to Microsoft ExceI is lhal lhe firsl saves an IxceI fiIe onIy, vhiIe
lhe second oens lhe saved sreadsheel in Microsofl IxceI.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 29
Syslem Sellings
5ystcm 5cttings
Syslem Sellings are mainlained in a diaIog found by seIecling FiIe Orion Network
Performance Monitor Settings in lhe menu or by cIicking lhe Settings bullon on
lhe looIbar. In lhis diaIog, you can secify hov your dala is iniliaIIy coIIecled, hov oflen
il is rechecked, hov oflen il is roIIed u inlo slalislics, lhe behavior of charls, lhe
aramelers for oIIing, lhe aearance of lhe inlerface, and much more. In olher vords,
lhis is lhe Iace vhere you make Orion NIM behave lhe vay il vorks besl for you.
The Database lab conlains olions lhal conlroI lhe rouline mainlenance of your
dalabase. Il is here lhal you seIecl lhe lime for NighlIy Mainlenance lo run, and lhe
frequency of dala summarizalion.

NighlIy Mainlenance runs al lhe lime you secify al lhe lo of lhe diaIog, and
consisls of
Summarizing delaiIed slalislics oIder lhan a secified number of days (defauIl is
7) inlo hourIy slalislics
Summarizing hourIy slalislics oIder lhan a secified number of days (defauIl is
30) inlo daiIy slalislics
DeIeling daiIy slalislics oIder lhan a secified number of days (defauIl is 365)
DeIeling monilored nelvork evenls oIder lhan a secified number of days
(defauIl is 30)
30 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Syslem Sellings
The Ionger you kee slalislics arlicuIarIy lhe fine-grained delaiIed slalislics lhe
Iarger your dalabase viII be.
A bullon al lhe bollom of lhe diaIog runs lhe Dalabase Mainlenance rogram, from
vhich you can force NighlIy Mainlenance lo run immedialeIy or run lhe Shrink
Dalabase Size olion.
Ior suggeslions in crealing a comrehensive Ian for backu of your SQL dalabase, see
Crealing a Dalabase Mainlenance IIan on age 203.
IoIIing consisls of a check lhal delermines avaiIabiIily slalus (u or dovn) of resources
on your nelvork and lheir resonse limes. IoIIing is lhe funclion lhal delermines
AvaiIabiIily, Slalus, Nelvork Lalency, and Iackel Loss and is normaIIy done more
frequenlIy lhan Slalislics coIIeclion. In lhe PoIIing lab, you can sel defauIl vaIues for lhe
frequency vilh vhich oIIing is conducled.

These sellings viII be aIied lo nev devices as lhey are added, and can be aIied lo
aII currenl devices by cIicking lhe AppIy these Settings to AII bullon.
If you cIick AppIy These Settings to AII, lhe vaIues you may have sel for individuaI
devices viII be reIaced by lhe nev defauIl vaIues.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 31
Syslem Sellings
The Rediscover Resources sIider conlroIs lhe frequency lhal Orion NIM verifies
discovered delaiIs aboul monilored devices. Orion uses lhis informalion lo vaIidale lhe
idenlily of monilored nodes, inlerfaces, and voIumes and aulomalicaIIy ad|usls for mosl
changes in lhis informalion.
Slalislics coIIeclion goes much furlher lhan a slalus check. When slalislics are coIIecled,
aII monilored nodes, inlerfaces, and voIumes are checked for lhe vaIues of inleresl.
Slalislics coIIeclion relrieves dala from your devices' inlerface lraffic and errors, as veII
as VoIume and CIU usage. Il is normaIIy done Iess frequenlIy lhan IoIIing. The
frequency of slalislics coIIeclion is sel in lhe Statistics lab.

You can sel defauIl slalislics coIIeclion inlervaIs for nevIy added Nodes, Inlerfaces, and
VoIumes. You can aIso aIy lhese vaIues lo aII currenlIy monilored devices by cIicking
AppIy These Settings to AII. If you cIick AppIy These Settings to AII, lhe vaIues you
may have sel for individuaI devices viII be reIaced by lhe nev defauIl vaIues.
This is nnt a snapshnt. Slalislics reresenl summaries, eaks, and averages coIIecled
during an enlire vindov of lime. UnIike lhe SoIarWinds andvidlh Gauges, Slalislics do
nol reresenl |usl lhe vaIue of aclivily occurring al lhe lime of lhe coIIeclion, bul are
caIcuIaled vaIues lhal summarize lolaI aclivily since lhe Iasl coIIeclion.
32 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Syslem Sellings
The Charts lab offers lhe oorlunily lo ad|usl lhe aearance of rinled charls by
seIecling a reference vilh lhe Print Charts in . command. If rinling lo a
monochrome rinler, inslead of converling each charl lo bIack and vhile vilh symboIs
before rinling, you can seIecl Monochrome with symboIs and Syslem Manager viII
converl lhe charls lo bIack and vhile each lime one is rinled.

DefauIl Ionl Size is ad|usled gIobaIIy by seIecling one of lhe lhree sellings: SmaII,
Medium, or Large. Syslem Manager viII aIso dynamicaIIy ad|usl lhe fonl size for each
charl as lhe charl vindov is resized.
Node and Inlerface erformance charls can aIso be sel lo refresh aulomalicaIIy by
checking lhe bullon of your choice. If you choose lo have charls aulo refresh, you viII be
resenled vilh a sIider used lo sel lhe eriod of lime lo eIase before a charl viII be

Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 33
Syslem Sellings
This selling affecls onIy lhe disIay of Charls in Syslem Manager, nol on lhe Orion NIM
Under lhe Network lab are lhe conlroIs for lhe behavior of SNMI ackels, and for lhe
behavior and conlenl of lhe ICMI ackels used lo IING lhe devices on your nelvork.

The ICMP Timeout is lhe maximum amounl of lime (in miIIiseconds) lhal lhe NIM
Service viII vail for a resonse from an II address. If lhere is no resonse vilhin lhe
Iimil sel, lhen lhe NIM Service changes lhe Node Slalus lo Warning. If lhe device
conlinues lo faiI lo resond during lhe Node Warning InlervaI, lhe Node Slalus viII
change lo Dovn (for more informalion aboul selling lhe Node Warning InlervaI, see
age 37). The Timeoul vaIue can be increased or decreased by moving lhe sIider. You
shouId ad|usl lhis vaIue lo lhe minimum raclicaI vaIue ossibIe in order lo maximize
erformance. A good slarling oinl is lvice lhe maximum IING lime across your
nelvork. A fev days or veeks of observing your nelvork's normaI resonse limes viII
give you a good idea of vhal a raclicaI minimum shouId be.
The ICMI ackels' conlenl may aIso be ediled lo make lhem idenlifiabIe vilh a
arlicuIar source or lo ad|usl lheir size. The dala ayIoad size can vary from zero (0) lo
200 byles.
34 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Syslem Sellings
Some nelvork devices consider ICMI ackels vilh dala in lhe ayIoad arl of lhe ackel lo
be susicious. Try ad|usling lhe ackel size lo be Iess lhan 10 byles or remove lhe dala from
lhe ayIoad arl of lhe ackel.
The counler al lhe righl above lhe Dala Iorlion lexl box mainlains a running counl of
byles in your ackel.
VaIues can aIso be sel for SNMI ackels lo limeoul, and lhe number of relries for
sending ackels. The Timeout selling delermines lhe number of miIIiseconds lhe NIM
Service viII vail for a reIy before assuming lhe ackel vas Iosl and lry again. This
selling shouId normaIIy be sel lo lvice lhe maximum IING lime lo any device you are
moniloring. Again, by observing your nelvork's behavior, you viII be abIe lo ad|usl
lhese vaIues lo lhe Iovesl vaIues lhal assure a resonse if lhe device is aclive, bul
vilhoul vasling lime vailing for devices lhal are nol.
Nndc Trcc
In lhe Node Tree lab, lhe disIay of icons reresenling Nodes in lhe Node Tree al lhe
Iefl side of lhe Syslem Manager vindov can be configured.

y defauIl, Nodes are reresenled by an icon lhal signifies lhe lye of device and
Inlerfaces are reresenled by a slalus indicalor. You may change lhis, as you vish, vilh
bolh disIay olions avaiIabIe for bolh lyes of monilored devices.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 35
Advanced Sellings
Advanccd 5cttings
The A!tancc! Nciucrk Pcrjcrnancc Mcniicr Sciiings diaIog is disIayed by seIecling FiIe
Advanced Settings from lhe Syslem Manager menu. Wilhin lhis diaIog you may sel
lhe baseIine and avaiIabiIily caIcuIalions, lhe inlervaI of lime for a Node's slalus lo
remain as varning, lhe counler roIIover melhod, and XML snashol fiIe crealion.
Basc!inc Ca!cu!atinn
When lhe NIM Service slarls u (usuaIIy vhen ils hosl is slarled), lhere is no currenl
dala for your nelvork. y defauIl, a aseIine CaIcuIalion is made vhere aII Resources
are oIIed righl avay. As soon as lhe oII is comIele for lhe nelvork, il is oIIed again.
This resuIls in lvo sels of dala from vhich slalislics can be caIcuIaled for a nearIy inslanl
viev of your nelvork's erformance.
This caIcuIalion cIearIy requires a Iol of dala galhering and number crunching, vhich
viII affecl lhe erformance of lhe Orion NIM hosl and some rouler's CIUs unliI
aseIine CaIcuIalion is comIeled. If you are unIikeIy lo need slalislics immedialeIy
vhen slarling Orion NIM's hosl, seIecl DisabIe BaseIine CaIcuIation at Startup from
lhe aseIine CaIcuIalion lab.

36 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Advanced Sellings
Avai!abi!ity Ca!cu!atinn
The AvaiIabiIily CaIcuIalion lab aIIovs you lo seIecl one of lvo melhods for device
avaiIabiIily. The firsl melhod, lhe defauIl, is based uon lhe Node's u or dovn slalus.
As Iong as lhe device resonds lo a ing vilhin lhe defauIl lvo-minule varning inlervaI
(sel in lhe Node Warning InlervaI lab), lhe node is considered u. Melhod 2 bases lhe
nodes avaiIabiIily on a ackel Ioss ercenlage. Il is besl lo Ieave caIcuIalions based on
Melhod 1, unIess you have a need for ackel Ioss ercenlage based avaiIabiIily.

Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 37
Advanced Sellings
Nndc Warning Intcrva!
A device may dro ackels or faiI lo resond lo a oII for many reasons. When il does
faiI lo resond, ils slalus is changed from Up lo Warning. In lhis lab, you secify hov
Iong il viII remain in lhe Warning slalus before il is marked as Down. During lhe
inlervaI secified, lhe service erforms a "fasl oIIing" lo conlinuaIIy check lhe node
You may see Ivenls or receive AIerls for Dovn Nodes lhal are nol acluaIIy dovn. This is
commonIy caused by inlermillenl ackel Ioss vilhin lhe nelvork. You can sel lhe Node
Warning InlervaI lo a higher vaIue lo avoid lhese faIse nolificalions.
38 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Advanced Sellings
Cnuntcr Rn!!nvcrs
Deending uon lhe lyes of devices lhal you are moniloring and your Orion NIM
sellings, Orion may be galhering informalion from 32-bil counlers on your nelvork
devices. 32-bil counlers have a maximum vaIue of 2
or 4,294,967,296. The Counter
RoIIover selling conlroIs hov Orion viII comensale vhen il delecls lhal a 32-bil
counler has reached ils maximum caacily and "roIIed over" lo zero.

Orion NIM aIso has lhe abiIily lo galher slalislics from lhe 64-bil counlers on nelvork
devices - for lhose devices lhal suorl lhe use of lhese high caacily counlers. 64-bil
counlers have a caacily of 2
or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. To enabIe lhe use of 64-bil
counlers on a nelvork device, seIecl lhe "AIIov 64-bil Counlers" check box on lhe Node
DelaiIs viev in Syslem Manager. Ior more delaiIs, see age 18.
SoIarWinds Orion NIM fuIIy suorls lhe use of 64-bil counlers, hovever, some
hardvare vendors' imIemenlalion of lhese high caacily counlers exhibil erralic
behavior and bugs. If you nolice ecuIiar resuIls vhen using lhese counlers, use lhe Node
DelaiIs viev lo disabIe lhe use of 64-bil counlers for lhe device and conlacl lhe hardvare
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 39
Advanced Sellings
XML 5napshnts
Syslem Manager can be sel lo make an XML fiIe of ils dala on a eriodic basis. This
XML Snashol can be used by olher rograms, mosl commonIy veb aIicalions, for
lhe urose of disIaying informalion aboul seIecled devices or inlerfaces al a chosen
oinl in lime.

XML Snashol generalion is a CIU-inlensive aclivily. Leave lhis olion disabIed unIess
you are acluaIIy using lhe XML Snashols.
40 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Vieving Charls
Vicwing Charts
Syslem Manager rovides subslanliaI means for vieving informalion aboul your
nelvork in ils ovn righl. If you exand lhe Node Tree al lhe Iefl of lhe screen, you viII
find lhal lhere are a Iarge number of charls avaiIabIe for vieving slalislics aboul Nodes
and Inlerfaces you have chosen lo monilor. CIicking on any of lhese viII cause lhe charl
lo be disIayed.

The charls lhemseIves viII dynamicaIIy redrav lhemseIves as lhe vindovs conlaining
lhem are resized, and lhe scaIes viII ad|usl for maximum readabiIily and delaiI. Il is aIso
ossibIe lo driII inlo a charl by draving a bounding box around an area of inleresl,
vhich has lhe effecl of zooming in lo lhe seIecled area.
When you driII inlo a charl, you musl begin dragging vilh your cursor vilhin lhe bounds
of lhe grah ilseIf. Wilh lhe viev zoomed in, aII lhe dala remains avaiIabIe for disIay by
scroIIing lhe image using lhe scroII bar lhal aears al lhe bollom of lhe charl.
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 41
Vieving Charls
The charls disIay lhe mosl recenl dala and slalislics by defauIl. Use lhe labs al lhe
bollom of each charl lo secify differenl eriods of lime. The Custom Period olion
oens a diaIog lhal aIIovs you lo secify lhe eriod for vhich you vanl informalion.

The Autorefresh bullon, Iocaled in lhe Iover-Iefl of lhe charl vindov, loggIes
Aulorefresh on and off for Node, Inlerface, and Summary charls. The bullon viII
iniliaIIy disIay in lhe slale seIecled for lhe defauIl on or off in lhe Settings menu
on lhe Charts lab (see Charls on age 31 for more delaiIs).
Right-C!ick Chart Optinns
Charls may be configured lo disIay in lhe vay you vish from a Iarge range of olions
avaiIabIe by righl-cIicking vilhin lhe charl.

42 Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager
Vieving Charls
Many of lhe olions avaiIabIe on lhe fIy-oul menus are summarized on severaI labs in
lhe Cusicnizaiicn diaIog, shovn beIov.

These sellings affecl onIy lhe charls as disIayed in Syslem Manager, and have no effecl
on lhe charls disIayed in Orion NIM's vebsile.
Charls may be quickIy modified by using lhe bullons on lhe looIbar, as delaiIed in lhe
labIe beIov.

Refreshes lhe charl (aIso relurns il lo ils defauIl slale)

More delaiI (bars become Iines, Iines become oinls.lime comresses)

Less delaiI (oinls become Iines, Iines become bars.lime exands)

Oens Cuslomizalion diaIog (above)

Adds labuIar disIay of dala lo charl shoving vaIues al each oII
Chaler 3: Using Syslem Manager 43
Vieving Charls

In addilion lo diverse olions for disIaying informalion in charl form, lhe Export diaIog
offers choices for formalling dala incIuded in a charl lo be exorled for use by olher

Chaptcr 4: A!crts
Ierls are generaled for nelvork evenls, and may be lriggered by lhe simIe
occurrence of an evenl or by lhe crossing of a lhreshoId vaIue for a monilored
Inlerface, VoIume, or Node. AIerls can be sel lo nolify differenl eoIe on differenl days,
differenl limes of lhe day, differenl eoIe for differenl evenls, or any combinalion of
limes, evenls, and eoIe. AIerls may be configured lo nolify lhe eoIe vho need lo
knov aboul lhe emergenl evenl by severaI mediums, incIuding:
Sending an e-maiI or age
IIaying a sound on lhe NIM machine
Logging lhe AIerl delaiIs lo a fiIe
Logging lhe AIerl delaiIs lo lhe Windovs Ivenl Log
Sending a SysIog message
Ixeculing an exlernaI rogram
Ixeculing a VisuaIasic scril
I-maiIing a veb age
Changing lhe vaIue of a Inlerface or Node roerly
IIaying a lexl lo seech oulul
Sending a Windovs Nel Message
DiaIing a Iaging or SMS Service
Sending an SNMI lra
Iosling a URL lo a veb server
Gctting 5tarting
AIerls are configured vilhin lhe Syslem Manager aIicalion. You may oen Syslem
Manager by seIecling Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor System
To begin, cIick AIerls on lhe looIbar or AIerts Configure AIerts from lhe menu.
CIicking lhe AIerts bullon viII disIay lhe Aciitc A|cris diaIog. The Aciitc A|cris diaIog
disIays a labIe viev of your AIerls Iog aIIoving you lo cuslomize lhe Iisl by seIecling a
grouing crilerion. SeIecl eilher Type of AIert or Node from lhe dro dovn lo change
lhe disIay. A Refresh bullon is rovided lo disIay lhe mosl recenlIy lriggered aIerls
lhal have nol yel been resel.
46 Chaler 4: AIerls
Gelling Slarling

CIick Configure AIerts lo disIay lhe Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog. The diaIog incIudes a
coIIeclion of redefined AIerls and a series of aclion bullons.

As you add nev AIerls lo lhe syslem, lhey viII be Iisled in lhe disIay. A check box is
incIuded al lhe bollom of lhe diaIog aIIoving you lo DisabIe aII Aclions for AII AIerls.
This viII disabIe lhe aclions configured for AII AIerls (send e-maiI, age, elc.), bul each
AIerl occurrence viII sliII be recorded in lhe Iog and disIayed in lhe AIerls diaIog. This
fealure is arlicuIarIy usefuI vhen you are vorking on a nelvork issue vhere lhe AIerl
aclions vouId onIy rove more cumbersome. AIlernaliveIy, lo aclivale or inaclivale an
individuaI AIerl, simIy check or uncheck lhe largel AIerl accordingIy.
Chaler 4: AIerls 47
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Crcating a Ncw A!crt
To creale an AIerl, cIick New AIerts vilhin lhe Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog. The |!ii A|cris
diaIog is disIayed vilh lhe GeneraI lab aclive.
Gcncra! Tab
The GeneraI lab aIIovs you lo change lhe name of lhe AIerl, rovides a check box lo
enabIe lhe aIerl, and incIudes a brief overviev of aIerl funclionaIily. As you comIele
lhe informalion in lhe GeneraI lab, cIick on lhe Property to Monitor lab lo advance lo lhe
nexl sle.

48 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Prnpcrty tn Mnnitnr Tab
The Property to Monitor lab disIays a lree slruclure vilh aII avaiIabIe roerlies.
Navigale lhrough lhe lree slruclure and seIecl lhe roerly lhal you vish lo monilor for
lhis AIerl. Ior mosl roerlies a descrilion is disIayed al lhe bollom of lhe diaIog
uon seIeclion. The syslem onIy aIIovs you lo seIecl one roerly er AIerl aclion,
reIacing lhe revious seIeclion vilh each nev seIeclion. This fealure aIIovs you lo cIick
on each roerly, viev lhe descrilion vilhoul lhe concern of deseIecling il Ialer, aiding
in lhe delerminalion of lhe desired roerly.

Chaler 4: AIerls 49
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Mnnitnrcd Nctwnrk Ob|ccts Tab
The Monitored Network Objects lab disIays a checkIisl of lhe ob|ecls on your nelvork
based uon your seIeclion in lhe Property to Monitor lab. y defauIl, aII ob|ecls are
seIecled. IndividuaIIy uncheck lhe ob|ecls you do nol vish lo monilor for lhis AIerl, or
use lhe CIear AII, SeIect AII bullons rovided. Once salisfied vilh your seIeclions,
roceed lo lhe AIert Trigger lab.

50 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
A!crt Triggcr Tab
The AIert Trigger lab dynamicaIIy changes lo disIay crileria based uon lhe Iroerly
you chose lo monilor in lhe Property to Monitor lab. In lhe examIe rovided, lhe Node
Slalus roerly vas seIecled. IoIIov lhe inslruclions on lhe disIay lo sel lhe AIerl's
lrigger and resel condilions before advancing lo lhe Time of Day lab.
When an AIerl is lriggered, lhe secified aclion(s) resuIl. The aclion(s) viII nol be reealed
unliI lhe Resel condilion has firsl been salisfied.

Chaler 4: AIerls 51
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Timc nI Day Tab
Sel lhe days and limes al vhich you vouId Iike lhe chosen roerly lo be monilored.
The seIeclions made vilhin lhis lab viII effecl vhen lhe AIerl aclion viII be lriggered
and resel. Ior inslance, if you vanl lhe AIerl lo be aclive onIy during non-vorking
hours you vouId secify 5:01 IM lo 7:59 AM and check mark each veekday. You
vouId lhen use lhe Copy AIert bullon on lhe Cusicnizc A|cri diaIog lo creale a searale
aIerl for lhe veekend, secifying 12:00 AM lo 11:59 IM and seIecling lhe check boxes
nexl lo Salurday and Sunday in lhe Time of Day lab.

52 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
A!crt 5upprcssinn Tab
Use lhe olions avaiIabIe on lhe AIert Suppression lab lo define lhe condilions or
deendencies for vhich you vouId Iike lo receive or suress AIerls. Many error
condilions can occur in a nelvork lhal viII lrigger muIliIe AIerls from a singIe Ivenl.
There are aIso condilions lhal may nol need lo lrigger an AIerl by lhemseIves, bul
shouId if lhey occur vilh olher condilions.

y defauIl AIerl Suression is inaclive. The lvo olher olions under lhe AIert
Suppression lab aIIov you lo sel u lhe condilions lhal handIe comIex silualions,
incIuding lhe suression of lhe aIerl if, 1) any of cnc or more condilions exisl, or 2) a|| of
lvo or more condilions exisl. If eilher of lhe Ialer lvo olions is seIecled, lhe AIert
Suppression lab changes lo disIay a Iisl of configured aIerls lo choose from. Add, Edit,
and DeIete bullons are aIso rovided.
Chaler 4: AIerls 53
Crealing a Nev AIerl

The Add and Edit bullons disIay lhe A!! cr |!ii A|cri Supprcssicn diaIog roviding lhe
Prnpcrty tn Mnnitnr, Nctwnrk Ob|cct, and 5upprcssinn Triggcr labs. Secify lhe nelvork
ob|ecl, ob|ecl roerly, and condilions, vhich need lo be mel in order lo suress lhe
AIerl. Once salisfied vilh your suression configuralion, roceed lo lhe Actions lab.
Refer lo lhe AIerl Suression IxamIes beginning on age 213 for more informalion.
54 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Actinns Tab
The Actions lab disIays a Iisl of aII currenl aclions for lhe seIecled AIerl. To deIele an
aclion from lhe Iisl, highIighl lhe aclion and cIick DeIete SeIected Action. You may aIso
change a seIecled aclion's configuralion by cIicking Edit AIert Action.

The Add AIert Action bullon viII disIay lhe Sc|cci an Aciicn jcr inis A|cri diaIog
resenling a coIIeclion of aclion lyes avaiIabIe. Choose an Aclion and cIick OK. Iach
aclion lye disIays a dislincl coIIeclion of labs for configuring lhe aclion aramelers.

Chaler 4: AIerls 55
Crealing a Nev AIerl
5cnd an E-mai!/Pagc
The |!ii |-nai|/Pagc Aciicn diaIog incIudes severaI labs for configuralion. The lo
orlion of lhe E-MaiI/Pager Addresses lab incIudes free form enlry fieIds lo enler one or
more e-maiI and/or ager reciienls. When enlering muIliIe addresses in a fieId,
searale each address vilh a comma onIy. The bollom orlion of lhe lab incIudes lhe
informalion regarding lhe Irom I-maiI Accounl. Inler lhe Name and a ReIy
Addresses in lhe fieIds rovided. This informalion viII disIay vhen lhe reciienl
receives lhe e-maiI or age.
Some ager syslems require a vaIid reIy address in order for lhe age lo comIele.

The SMTP Server lab incIudes a fieId for you lo enler lhe Hoslname or II Address lhal
you vish lo use lo send lhe e-maiI and/or age message. This fieId is required and viII
nol Iel you exil vilhoul secifying.
The Trigger Message and Reset Message labs incIude defauIl messages lhal viII be
senl in lhe e-maiI and/or age. You may change lhis lexl if you vish, bul il's imorlanl
lhal you undersland lhe use of Macros beforehand. CIick lhe HeIp with Macros bullon
for onIine heI or visil AIerl Macros on age 255 of lhis guide.
If you vouId Iike lo suress lhe e-maiI for eilher lhe aIerl lrigger or resel condilion, simIy
remove lhe lexl from lhe sub|ecl and message fieIds on lhe corresonding Trigger or Resel
Message lab.
56 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
P!ay a 5nund
AIerl aclions can be configured lo Iay a sound from lhe Orion Server. The |!ii P|aq
Scun! Aciicn diaIog disIays aIIoving you lo secify a sound fiIe for lhe AIerl Trigger
and AIerl Resel condilion. Tye lhe comIele alh and name of lhe fiIe in lhe lexl box or
use lhe IIIisis bullon lo navigale your foIder slruclure and seIecl a fiIe. Once you
have secified a sound fiIe, you may cIick lhe musicaI nole bullon lo lesl lhe sound.

Lng thc A!crt tn Fi!c
To Iog an AIerl lo a fiIe, secify lhe fiIe in lhe |!ii A|cri Icgging Aciicn diaIog. Use lhe
IIIisis bullon lo navigale your foIder slruclure and seIecl lhe largel fiIe, or enler a
fiIe name and comIele direclory alh in lhe lexl box rovided. If lhe fiIe secified does
nol exisl, il viII be crealed vilh lhe firsl AIerl occurrence.

DefauIl messages are rovided for lhe lrigger and resel condilions. You may change lhis
Chaler 4: AIerls 57
Crealing a Nev AIerl
lexl, if you vish, bul il's imorlanl lhal you undersland lhe use of Macros beforehand.
CIick lhe HeIp with Macros bullon for onIine heI or visil AIerl Macros on age 255 of
lhis guide.
Windnws Evcnt Lng
You may secify lhal an AIerl be Iogged lo lhe Windov's Ivenl Log on eilher lhe
NelIerfMon server or a Remole server. Use lhe radio bullons rovided lo make your
evenl Iog seIeclion.

DefauIl messages are rovided for lhe lrigger and resel condilions. You may change lhis
lexl, hovever, a basic underslanding of Macros is required. CIick lhe HeIp with Macros
bullon for onIine heI or visil AIerl Macros on age 255 of lhis guide.
58 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
5cnd a 5ys!ng Mcssagc
The |!ii Scn! Sqs|cg Aciicn diaIog enabIes you lo secify lhe largel Hoslname or II
Address of lhe machine's SysIog for vhich you vouId Iike lo record lhe aIerl lrigger and
resel messages.

The Trigger Message and Resel Message labs incIude lhe defauIl message lexl and a
dro dovn Iisl lo seIecl lhe severily lhal shaII be recorded in lhe SysIog. As vilh aII
aIerls, lhe defauIl messages may be changed if you have a basic underslanding of
macros. Ior lhis reason, lhe HeIp with Macros bullon has been rovided aIong vilh an
AIerl Macros seclion on age 255 of lhis guide.
Exccutc an Extcrna! Prngram
There are severaI circumslances vhere a rogram may need lo be execuled vilh lhe
occurrence of a nelvork evenl. You may use lhe |!ii |xccuic Prcgran Aciicn diaIog lo
secify lhe comIele alh and name of lhe execulabIe lhal shaII be kicked off vhen lhe
secified AIerl is lriggered or resel. The IIIisis bullons rovided aid in secifying
lhe desired rogram by disIaying your fiIe slruclure.

Chaler 4: AIerls 59
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Exccutc a VB 5cript
In some silualions you may vish for a VisuaIasic scril lo be execuled vilh lhe
occurrence of a nelvork evenl. The |!ii |xccuic Prcgran Aciicn diaIog is used lo secify
lhe name and comIele alh of lhe fiIe lhal shaII be execuled vhen lhe secified AIerl is
lriggered or resel. You may use lhe IIIisis bullons lo disIay your fiIe slruclure lo
aid in secifying lhe desired rogram. SeIecl lhe aroriale V Scril Inlerreler
inslaIIed on lhe NIM machine from lhe dro dovn rovided.

E-mai! a Wcb Pagc
The |!ii |-nai| Wc| Pagc Aciicn diaIog incIudes severaI labs for configuralion. The lo
orlion of lhe E-MaiI/Pager Addresses lab incIudes free form enlry fieIds lo enler one or
more e-maiI and/or ager reciienls. When enlering muIliIe addresses in a fieId,
searale each address vilh a comma onIy. The bollom orlion of lhe lab incIudes lhe
informalion regarding lhe Irom I-maiI Accounl. Inler lhe Name and a ReIy Address
in lhe fieIds rovided. This informalion viII disIay vhen lhe reciienl receives lhe e-
maiI or age.

60 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
The SMTP Server lab incIudes a fieId for you lo enler lhe Hoslname or II Address lhal
you vish lo use lo send lhe e-maiI and/or age message. This fieId is required and viII
nol Iel you exil vilhoul secifying.
Wilhin lhe Trigger URL and Reset URL labs you musl secify lhe URL for lhe vebsile
and Windovs userid and assvord, if required. This viII onIy be needed if lhe vebsile
is nol running vilh anonymous access. You may lesl lhe URL secified by cIicking lhe
Preview URL bullon. A defauIl sub|ecl Iine for lhe e-maiI and/or age is rovided. You
may change lhis lexl if you vish, bul il's imorlanl lhal you undersland lhe use of
Macros beforehand. CIick lhe HeIp with Macros bullon for onIine heI or visil AIerl
Macros on age 255 of lhis guide.
Changc Nndc nr IntcrIacc Prnpcrty
You may secify lhal an aIerl change a cuslom roerly vaIue uon meeling lhe
defined aIerl lrigger and/or resel condilion(s). Ior informalion on adding a cuslom
roerly lo your dalabase, see lhe Cuslom Iroerly Idilor chaler on age 117. This
can be usefuI in silualions vhere you have Iimiled lhe users Orion NIM Web Inlerface
viev based uon a roerly vaIue, lhus shoving lhe users a moving deiclion of lhe
nodes, inlerfaces, or voIumes lhey need lo monilor. You may aIso ouIale lhe roerly
vilh a cuslom URL for each issue needing moniloring. Ior more informalion on
Iimiling users vievs see age 193.

You musl enler lhe name of lhe Iroerly exaclIy as il aears in lhe labIe header of lhe
Idil Viev vilhin lhe Cuslom Iroerly Idilor aIicalion. See Idiling Cuslom Iroerlies
on age 125 for more delaiIs.
Wilhin lhe |!ii Cnangc Prcpcriq Aciicn diaIog, enler lhe Iroerly name and lhe vaIues
lhal shaII be ouIaled uon aIerl lrigger and resel. CIick OK vhen you are salisfied
vilh your secificalions.
Chaler 4: AIerls 61
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Tcxt tn 5pccch Output
You may secify a hrase lhal viII be soken uon AIerl lrigger and a searale hrase
for lhe AIerl resel. Microsofl Seech Synlhesis Ingine version 4.0 is incIuded vilh
Windovs 2000 and version 5.0 is incIuded vilh Windovs 2003 and XI IrofessionaI.
You aIso may inslaII and uliIize anolher engine by visiling lhe SoIarWinds vebsile al:
If you do nol Iike lhe vay lhe engine ronounces a vord, use lhe Pronunciation
Dictionary bullon lo lveak lhe vord lo your Iiking. Tesl lhe hrases secified cIicking
lhe Test bullon and use lhe sIiders rovided lo ad|usl lhe seed, ilch, and voIume of
lhe seech.

DefauIl lexl is incIuded vilhin lhe Trigger Phrase and Reset Phrase labs. You may
change lhe lexl lo anylhing you vish, vilh a basic underslanding of Macros. CIick lhe
HeIp with Macros bullon for onIine heI or visil AIerl Macros on age 255 of lhis guide.
62 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
5cnd a Windnws Nct Mcssagc
AIerls can be configured lo disIay a o-u Windovs Nel Message on a secified
comuler. Use lhe |!ii Nci Mcssagc Aciicn diaIog and secify lhe largel Comuler
Name or II Address. Check lhe box if you vish lo send lhe Nel Message lo aII
comulers in lhe Direclory or Workgrou.

DefauIl message lexl is rovided for lhe Trigger and Resel messages vilhin lhe
corresonding Trigger Message and Reset Message labs. You may change lhis lexl if
you vish, bul il's imorlanl lhal you undersland lhe use of Macros beforehand. CIick
lhe HeIp with Macros bullon for onIine heI or visil AIerl Macros on age 255 of lhis
Dia! Pagcr nr 5M5 5crvicc
If you don'l have messaging soflvare inslaIIed, you viII be romled vilh a diaIog
incIuding a hyerIink lo dovnIoad (vvv.SoIarWinds.Nel/Orion/NoleIage.hlm).
AIerl aclions can be inlegraled vilh NoleIage messaging soflvare and configured lo
send a SMS message lo a mobiIe hone or ager. Wilhin lhe |!ii NcicPagc Aciicn diaIog,
Target Machine or Domain lab, secify lhe Iage Reciienl and Irom vaIues.
Chaler 4: AIerls 63
Crealing a Nev AIerl

CIick on lhe IIIisis bullon lo be resenled lhe NcicPagcr |ccipicnis diaIog, vhich
rovides a Iisl of aII individuaIs and grous configured in lhe NoleIager regislry.
DoubIe-cIick on a Reciienl in lhe AII Reciienls box on lhe Iefl lo move il lo lhe Send
Iage To box on lhe righl, or use lhe arrovs rovided. AIlernaliveIy, a doubIe-cIick or
lhe use of back arrovs viII remove an individuaI or grou from lhe Send Iage To box.

UliIize Shifl + cIick lo highIighl muIliIe conseculive rovs or ClrI + cIick lo highIighl muIliIe
non-conseculive rovs.
Once salisfied vilh your seIeclions, cIick OK lo relurn lo |!ii NcicPagc Action diaIog.
DefauIl message lexl is rovided for lhe Trigger and Resel messages vilhin lhe
corresonding Trigger Message and Reset Message labs. You may change lhis lexl if
you vish, bul il's imorlanl lhal you undersland lhe use of Macros beforehand. CIick
64 Chaler 4: AIerls
Crealing a Nev AIerl
lhe HeIp with Macros bullon for onIine heI or visil AIerl Macros on age 255 of lhis
5cnd an 5NMP Trap
SNMI Tras can be configured for AIerl Trigger and AIerl Resel condilions vilhin lhe
|!ii SNMP Trap Aciicn diaIog. Secify lhe II Address or Hoslname of lhe IC lhal viII
receive lhe lra in lhe lexl box rovided on lhe Target Machines lab and cIick Add. The
added machine viII aear in lhe disIay screen. Conlinue adding machines using lhis
melhod, cIicking lhe DeIete bullon lo remove any unvanled machines.

Once aII desired machines are added, advance lo lhe Trap to Send on Trigger and Trap
to Send on Reset labs. SeIecl from lhe Tra TemIale dro dovn lhe lye of SNMI
lra lhal shaII be senl uon meeling lhe Trigger and Resel condilions. Olions incIude
Generic and DelaiI. The Generic rovides vhom lhe lra is from and lhe message, vhiIe
lhe DelaiI rovides addilionaI informalion. You may change lhe defauIl messages
rovided using lhe rocedures resenled vhen cIicking lhe More Informalion on
Cuslomizing SNMI Tras hyerIink.
Chaler 4: AIerls 65
Crealing a Nev AIerl
Gct nr Pnst a URL tn a Wcb 5crvcr
You may secify a URL vhen lhe AIerl is lriggered and for vhen lhe AIerl is resel
vilhin lhe lexl fieIds rovided in lhe |!ii Pcsi U|I |crn diaIog. The secified URL
couId be an inlerface inlo a lroubIe lickel syslem, and by correclIy formalling lhe GIT,
you couId aulomalicaIIy creale a nev lroubIe lickel. Whalever your desired use, enler
lhe URL(s), secify lhe Gel or Iosl command, and cIick OK.

66 Chaler 4: AIerls
Tesling an AIerl
Tcsting an A!crt
AIerl aclions may be lesled before aclivalion lo ensure roer configuralion. To disIay
lhe Tcsi |irc A|cris diaIog, cIick Test AIert vilhin lhe Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog or oen from
lhe Windovs Slarl menu: SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Advanced
Features Shutdown NetPerfMon.

Use lhe dro dovn lo seIecl lhe Nelvork Node you vouId Iike lo use lo lesl lhe AIerl. If
aIicabIe, choose lhe Inlerface or VoIume radio bullon for lhe Node and seIecl lhe
desired vaIue from lhe dro dovn. Once you have made lhe Ob|ecl seIeclions, choose
lhe AIerl you vish lo lesl from lhe dro dovn rovided. Use lhe Test AIert Trigger and
Test AIert Reset bullons lo lesl lhe AIerl aclions. AddilionaI bullons are incIuded al lhe
bollom of lhe diaIog lo DisIay and CIear lhe AIerl Irror Log.
You may edil lhe aIerl from lhe Tesl Iire AIerls diaIog by doubIe-cIicking on lhe aIerl name in
lhe disIay. This viII oen lhe aIerl in Idil mode.
Chaler 4: AIerls 67
Idiling an AIerl
Editing an A!crt
To edil an AIerl Iisled in lhe Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog, highIighl lhe desired AIerl and cIick
Edit AIert. The |!ii A|cris diaIog is disIayed vilh lhe GeneraI lab aclive. IoIIov lhe
inslruclions for Crealing a Nev AIerl beginning on age 47.
Kee in mind lhal checking or unchecking lhe AIerl aclivales or deaclivales lhe AIerl
aclions and is nol lhe same as highIighling lhe AIerl for ediling.
Cnpying an A!crt
To coy an AIerl Iisled in lhe Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog, highIighl lhe desired AIerl and
cIick Copy AIert. The |!ii A|cris diaIog is disIayed vilh lhe GeneraI lab aclive.
Navigale lo lhe lab lhal conlains lhe crileria in vhich you vouId Iike lo change. Ior
inslance, you may have an aIerl sel lo nolify an individuaI for veeknighls and vouId
Iike lo nolify a differenl individuaI on veekends. In lhis examIe, you vouId coy lhe
firsl aIerl and change lhe secificalions in lhe Time of Day and Action labs accordingIy.
Refer lo lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev AIerl beginning on age 47 for descrilions
of each lab.
Dc!cting an A!crt
To deIele an AIerl, highIighl lhe desired AIerl in lhe Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog and cIick
DeIete. DeIeling an AIerl viII ermanenlIy remove an AIerl and ils configuralion from
lhe syslem. If you vouId Iike lo relain lhe AIerl's configuralion, you may ol lo simIy
deaclivale lhe individuaI AIerl aclion inslead of deIeling il enlireIy.
Dcactivating an A!crt
To deaclivale an aIerl, deseIecl lhe check box receding lhe AIerls name vilhin lhe
Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog. Deaclivaling an AIerl revenls lhe defined aclion from occurring
vhiIe sliII relaining lhe AIerl configuralion for aclivalion al a Ialer lime.
Chaptcr 5: Nctwnrk Discnvcry
his chaler viII discuss rocedures for using lhe Nelvork Discovery looI lo find
devices on your nelvork and imorl lhem inlo lhe Orion NIM dalabase. There are
a fev lhings lo kee in mind aboul lhe Nelvork Discovery rocess. Iirsl, lhe Nelvork
Discovery rocess viII nol duIicale devices aIready incIuded in your dalabase, so ils
safe lo use il lo recognize nev devices added lo your exisling nelvork. Nexl, CIU and
Memory UliIizalion are aulomalicaIIy enabIed for your Windovs, CISCO Syslems, and
Ioundry Nelvorks devices. Lasl, lhe VoIumes on your devices are nol aulomalicaIIy
discovered. If you desire, manuaIIy add VoIumes lhrough Syslem Manager by righl
cIicking on lhe device in lhe node lree, seIecling Lisl Resources from lhe Iisl, and
checking each voIume you vish lo monilor.
BcInrc Gctting 5tartcd
The Nelvork Discovery looI vorks by firsl coIIecling informalion in a lemorary
dalabase, lhen rocessing lhe galhered informalion lhrough lhe NIM Service and
ouIaling a SQL Server dalabase vilh lhe resuIls. Il is lherefore very imorlanl lhal lhe
NIM Service be running for lhis rocess. In lhe Services conlroI aneI, find lhe
SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service, and verify lhal il is running.

Since lhe dalabase crealed during Nelvork Discovery is lhe same as a SoIarWinds
Nelvork Sonar Dalabase, if you aIready have a Nelvork Sonar Dalabase, you can use il as
lhe basis of your discovery rocess. Al Sle 2 of lhe foIIoving Using lhe Nelvork
Discovery TooI seclion, |usl seIecl Oen Discovery Dalabase and seIecl your exisling
Nelvork Sonar Dalabase, lhen roceed as delaiIed for a nev dalabase.
70 Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI
Using thc Nctwnrk Discnvcry Tnn!
1. Slarl lhe Nelvork Discovery looI. The aIicalion is Iaunched from lhe
Windovs Slarl Menu: Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Network Discovery and oens lo disIay a SIash Screen as
iIIuslraled beIov.

The SIash Screen rovides addilionaI aIicalion informalion and resenls a coIIeclion
of bullons lhal can be used lo erform lhe soflvare's mosl common funclions. This
funclionaIily is aIso avaiIabIe from lhe menu and looIbar.
2. SeIecl FiIe New Discovery Database. Secify a fiIename and Iocalion lo creale
and slore lhe dalabase. Save your choice. The Sicp 1 - SNMP Ccnnuniiq
Sirings vindov aears.
Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery 71
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI

3. Inler aII lhe SNMI communily slrings used on your nelvork. The communily
slrings ubIic and rivale are incIuded by defauIl. To add olher vaIues,
enler lhem in lhe Nev SNMI Communily Slring fieId, and lhen cIick Add.
When you have added aII your communily slrings, you can highIighl lhem,
lhen move lhem u or dovn in lhe Iisl by using lhe arrovs lo lhe righl.
To seed u discovery, move lhe mosl commonIy used communily slrings on your nelvork
lo lhe lo of lhe Iisl.

4. CIick Next Step lo advance lo lhe Nciucrk lab.

72 Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI
5. Add lhe subnels on vhich your devices can be found. There are lvo vays lo
add subnel informalion (foIIov a or b described beIov):
a. Irom lhe menu bar, choose Subnets Add Subnets or |usl cIick Add

Irom lhe A!! Su|ncis diaIog,
1. Inler subnel addresses and masks.
2. CIick Add Subnet lo add
lhem lo lhe Iisl.
3. When you are done, cIick
OK lo conlinue.
b. Irom lhe menu bar, choose Subnets Discover Subnets Using Seed
Routers or |usl cIick Discover Subnets Using Seed Routers.

Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery 73
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI
1. Add your seed roulers by lying in lheir II addresses in
lhe Add Rouler vindov, lhen cIick Add.
2. When aII your seed roulers have been added, cIick
Continue. The Nelvork Discovery looI viII lhen discover
lhe subnels lhal are connecled lo your seed rouler.
3. When lhe subnel discovery is comIele, cIick OK lo cIose
lhe Nelvork TooIogy Discovery vindov and conlinue.
6. SeIecl lhe subnels on vhich you vish lo discover devices by checking lhe
boxes beside lhe subnels.

7. CIick Next Step, and lhen cIick Start Network Discovery. When lhe nelvork
discovery has slarled, a vindov viII be disIayed shoving lhe rogress and
seed of lhe discovery. You can seed u or sIov dovn lhe nelvork discovery
by moving lhe sIider lo lhe Iefl or righl, resecliveIy.
74 Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI

If you have a high-seed nelvork, you can confidenlIy sel lhe sIider for maximum seed.
If you have a sIover nelvork or are accessing your nelvork by vay of a diaI-u
conneclion, you shouId sel lhe sIider lo a Iover selling. If you nolice lhe discovery rocess
did nol find aII eIemenls on your nelvork, rerun lhe discovery vilh lhe sIider sel al a
sIover seed.

Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery 75
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI
When nelvork discovery is comIele, lhe Discovering Nelvork vindov viII disIay
Nelvork Discovery ComIele.
Nelvork Discovery can be aused by cIicking Pause Discovery Process. If you lhen
cIick CIose, you can even shul off your comuler and resume Ialer by reslarling Nelvork
Discovery. Al Sle 2, seIecl FiIe Open Discovery Database and oen lhe dalabase you
defined before. CIick Next Step lhrough lhe Wizard lo gel back lo lhe Discover Nelvork
Devices aneI, and cIick Start Network Discovery. Discovery viII resume vhere il Iefl
8. CIick CIose lo relurn lo lhe Oiscctcr Nciucrk Octiccs screen. The screen viII Iisl
lhe lyes and numbers of devices lhal vere discovered.

9. CIick Next Step lo advance lo lhe Import lab. This arl of lhe discovery viII
imorl lhe discovered devices inlo lhe Orion NIM dalabase.
10. CIick Next lo conlinue.
76 Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI

If you gel an error slaling UnabIe lo Ioad service configuralion ob|ecl., you viII need
lo slarl lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service before conlinuing. (See
efore Gelling Slarled on age 69 for more delaiIs.) CIick OK and slarl lhe SoIarWinds
Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service before conlinuing.
11. Check lhe boxes beside lhe devices you vanl lo imorl or cIick SeIect AII.

12. CIick Next lo advance lo a screen lhal aIIovs you lo seIecl lhe lyes of
Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery 77
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI
inlerfaces you vanl lo imorl.

13. Check lhe boxes beside lhe inlerfaces lo imorl or cIick SeIect AII, lhen cIick
Next. You advance lo a screen offering choices aboul lhe oeralionaI slalus of
inlerfaces lo be imorled. You may choose lo imorl onIy inlerfaces lhal are
oeralionaIIy u, oeralionaIIy dovn, inlerfaces lhal are shul dovn, or any
combinalion of lhe above.

14. Make seIeclions, lhen cIick Next. The Wizard resenls a screen lhal offers a
78 Chaler 5: Nelvork Discovery
Using lhe Nelvork Discovery TooI
seIeclion of devices lo be incIuded in lhe moniloring dalabase. AII devices
seIecled for imorl by defauIl. You may uncheck lhose you vish lo omil, or
use CIear AII lo omil everylhing, and lhen recheck lhose you vish lo incIude.

The imorl rocess viII slo vhen lhe number of eIemenls for vhich you have a Iicense is
mel, and any eIemenls nol aIready rocessed viII be excIuded.
15. When salisfied vilh your choices, cIick Next lo imorl lhe devices inlo lhe
Orion NIM dalabase.
If lhe imorl rocess faiIs lo slarl and you gel an error message inslead, il is robabIy
because your SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service is nol running. (See
efore Gelling Slarled on age 45 for more delaiIs.)
As your choices are imorled, lhe rogress of lhe rocess is indicaled, and successfuI
comIelion is signaIed vilh lhe message Imorl ComIeled.
Uon comIelion, you can viev lhe resuIls of your discovery by vieving lhe Node Tree
in Syslem Manager, or oening lhe Orion NIM vebsile.
Chaptcr 6: Map Makcr
rion Ma Maker is a overfuI looI for crealing cuslom mas and nelvork
diagrams. The mas crealed in Ma Maker enabIe users lo viev a grahicaI
deiclion of lheir nelvork on lhe Orion NIM Web Inlerface. You can aIso uliIize lhe
Ma Maker aIicalion lo creale nelvork documenlalion, vhich can lhen be rinled
(g. 93) and exorled (g. 110) lo meel your needs. Crealing a ma can be as simIe as
seIecling a background image, dragging nodes lo lhe image, and connecling lhem vilh
a fev Iines. Hovever, Orion Ma Maker 7.x resenls olions enabIing you lo be as
crealive as you Iike, incIuding:
A Iarge sel of redefined background coIors, lexlures, and images for use, bul
doesn'l slo lhere, as Ma Maker aIso aIIovs you lo use a ma of your ovn. See
Using lhe Ma TooIbar on age 100 for delaiIs.
The abiIily lo disIay Nodes in LID, shae, or grahicaI form, each vilh lheir
ovn sel of slyIes used lo visuaIIy orlray lhe Node slalus. You can creale
numerous effecls, visil Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs on age 95
lo discover lhe olions.
AIler Lines lo virluaIIy any shae, size, coIor, or slyIe, iIIuslraling lhe associaled
ob|ecl's slalus. Refer lo Nelvork Link Iroerlies on age 97.
IoIIoving lhe maslery of "Making a asic Ma" vilh lhe inslruclions resenled on age
88, exIore lhe abiIily lo:
UliIize lhe cuslomizabIe looIbars lhal conlain addilionaI soflvare fealures for use
in lhe crealion of more sohislicaled mas. See Advanced Olions on age 100
for furlher delaiIs.
Ugrade and enhance lhe mas crealed vilh revious Ma Maker versions
using lhe Imorling and Migralion fealure exIained on age 108.
Nesl mas (g. 91) aIIoving lhe user lo driII dovn lo lhe nexl IeveI of delaiI.
Ior examIe, a user may be resenled vilh a ma of lhe vorId incIuding severaI
icons lhal vouId rogressiveIy driII dovn lhrough muIliIe IeveIs ending vilh a
disIay of a rouler inlerface.
80 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
IxamIe Mas
Examp!c Maps
Shovn beIov are |usl a fev examIes of mas you can creale using Orion's Ma Maker.

Chaler 6: Ma Maker 81
Gelling Slarled
Gctting 5tartcd
efore you can begin crealing a Ma for use on lhe Orion Web Inlerface, you musl have
a dalabase ouIaled vilh devices and inlerfaces lo be monilored. (See Using lhe
Nelvork Discovery TooI on age 70 for secifics.) If you choose lo use your ovn
images, some consideralion shouId be given lo lhe scaIe of lhe images, as lhey viII
disIay al lheir fuII size on Orion veb ages. You may rescaIe lhe image, hovever, il is
besl lo use lhe image al scaIe for olimaI disIay quaIily. efore you sellIe on a size,
consider lhe Iayoul of lhe ages of vhich lhey viII be a arl (for more informalion aboul
age Iayouls, see Idiling Vievs on age 165), and lhe resoIulion of lhe screens on vhich
lhey viII be disIayed.
The Ma Maker aIicalion is Iaunched from lhe Windovs Slarl Menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Map Maker and oens lo a SIash
Screen as iIIuslraled beIov:

The SIash Screen rovides addilionaI aIicalion informalion and resenls a coIIeclion
of bullons lhal can be used lo erform lhe soflvare's mosl common funclions. This
funclionaIily is aIso avaiIabIe from lhe Ma Make menu and looIbars.
82 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Underslanding lhe Menu
Undcrstanding thc Mcnu
Ma Maker incIudes a Menu lhal dynamicaIIy configures based uon lhe aclion you are
erforming and laiIors ilseIf lo disIay onIy your mosl commonIy used funclions. Ior
inslance, if you never use lhe Ixorl fealure, your FiIe menu disIay viII nol be
cIullered by disIaying lhis unused funclion. CIick or hover over lhe doubIe arrov
incIuded al lhe bollom of lhe menu and lhe Iisl viII exand lo make your rareIy used
fealures avaiIabIe. Ior lhe urose of lhis seclion, screen shols vilh lhe fuII Iisl of
funclions are disIayed.
You can remove lhe IersonaIized Menu fealure by righl-cIicking any menu or looIbar.
Choose Customize from lhe Iisl and seIecl lhe Options lab. Check or un-check lhe
IersonaIized Menu olions based on your individuaI references and cIick CIose.
Fi!c Mcnu

A Iisl of icons and funclionaI descrilions is incIuded beIov:

New Map Creates a new map. See Making a Basic Map on page 81 for
a description of the simple steps necessary to create your
own map.

Open Map Displays the Open Orion Map dialog, which allows you to
navigate through your folder structure and select an existing
map to open.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 83
Underslanding lhe Menu

Save Saves the open map to its current location. f the map has not
been previously saved, opens the Save As dialog allowing
you to name the map and select a location in which to save.

Save As Opens the Save As dialog allowing you to name the map and
select a location in which to save.

Revert to Saved
Displays the map as it was last saved, discarding all changes.

Import mports maps created using a previous version of Orion. Visit
mporting a Map on page 108 for complete instructions.

Export Provides a list of formats to export the open map. See
Exporting Maps on page 110 for details.

PubIish to Remote
Web Server
Starts a publishing wizard enabling you to publish your maps
to a remote web server. Refer to Publishing Maps to a
Remote Web Server on page 111 for a discussion on the
uses of this functionality.

Print Setup Displays the Print Setup dialog, which allows you to enhance
the printout of your map.

Print Preview Displays the open map in a Preview mode allowing you to
view the way your map will appear on a printed page.

Print Displays the Print dialog, which allows you to specify the
desired printer and basic printing options.

Settings Displays the Map Maker Settings dialog allowing you to
customize the default application settings. For a complete
discussion on Settings and the options available, visit Map
Maker Settings on page 112.

Exit Closes the Map Maker application prompting you to save
changes to open maps.

84 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Underslanding lhe Menu
Edit Mcnu

A Iisl of icons and funclionaI descrilions is incIuded beIov:

Cut Cuts the selected object from the map and saves it to the

Copy Copies the selected object from the map and saves it to the

Paste Pastes the most recently cut or copied object from the
clipboard onto the open map.

Paste SpeciaI

DupIicate Makes a copy of the selected object, including all associated
properties, and pastes a duplicate onto the open map.

DeIete Permanently removes the selected object, including all
associated properties. This command is often used in
conjunction with the Select functions.

DeIete AII Deletes all selected objects from the map. This command is
often used in conjunction with the Select functions.

Hide SeIected Hides the selected object from view.

UnHide AII Displays all previously hidden objects on the map.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 85
Underslanding lhe Menu

SeIect AII Selects all objects associated to the open map.

SeIect AII Network
Selects all Network Objects included on the open map. This
does NOT include objects hidden from view.

SeIect AII Network
Selects all Network Links included on the open map. This
does NOT include objects hidden from view.

SeIect AII LabeIs Selects all Labels included on the open map. This does NOT
include objects hidden from view.

Tnn!s Mcnu

A Iisl of icons and funclionaI descrilions is incIuded beIov:

SeIect Displays the cursor as a narrow enabling you to select any
object on a map.

Pan Displays the cursor as a hand enabling you to drag the view
of the map to any area of the Map window.

Zoom Provides a list of preset zoom percentages and the ability to
set a custom zoom.

Marquee Zoom Displays the cursor as a magnifying glass enabling you to
click and draw a box around the area in which you wish to

Interactive Zoom Displays the cursor as a magnifying glass with arrows
enabling you to click the desired area of the map; drag up to
zoom out, drag down to zoom in.
86 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Underslanding lhe Menu

Navigate Follows the path of the line with a single click on the line. This
is particularly useful if the entire map does not fit in the
display window. A single click on the truncated line will scroll
the display to show the endpoint.

Add Lines Displays the cursor as a line enabling you to draw a straight
line. See Customizing Links on page 104 for additional line

Add Curved Lines Displays the cursor as a curved line enabling you to draw a
curved line by clicking each point you wish the curve to
appear. Fine tune the shape by grabbing the line and
dragging it to the desired shape. Refer to Customizing Links
on page 104 for additional line features.

Add Graphics/Nodes Displays the cursor as a transparent box enabling you to click
the desired location on the map in which you would like the
new Node to appear.

Locked Locks any tool for repetitive use by selecting lock followed by
the desired action. The action will remain locked until you
deselect Locked, or change the locked focus by selecting
another action. Alternatively, if the tool is Unlocked the cursor
returns to SeIect after each action.

Map Mcnu

A Iisl of icons and funclionaI descrilions is incIuded beIov:

Background CoIor Displays the Color dialog for selection of a background color.

Background Texture Displays the Select Background Texture dialog providing a
list of available textures and a preview pane.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 87
Underslanding lhe Menu

Background Image Displays the Select Network Diagram dialog providing a list of
available background images.

CIear Background
Removes the background image leaving all other map
properties in tact.

Auto-Arrange Provides a list of arrangements for the objects on your map.
For complete details on the auto-arrange feature visit Using
the Auto-Arrange Toolbar on page 100.

Grid Lines Provides a list of available grid line styles to display on the
open map. When active, enablessnap to grid functionality.

Map Properties Displays the Map Properties dialog. This is generally
considered an advanced feature and is best left utilizing the
default settings. For details, see Map Properties on page 99.

Windnw Mcnu

A Iisl of icons and funclionaI descrilions is incIuded beIov:

Cascade Displays all open maps in a cascade view.

TiIe VerticaIIy Displays all open maps side by side.

TiIe HorizontaIIy Displays all open maps on top of each other.

Minimize AII Minimizes the view of all open maps.

CIose AII Closes all open maps prompting you to save any changes.
88 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Making a asic Ma
Making a Basic Map
The sles necessary for crealing a ma can be as simIe as seIecling a background
image, dragging nodes lo lhe image, and connecling lhe nodes vilh Iines. Ma Maker
aIso incIudes severaI cuslomizabIe looIbars (refer lo lhe Advanced Olions seclion on
age 100) for vhich you can use lo enhance your mas. We'II slarl vilh lhe sles for
buiIding a basic ma for vhich you can Ialer exIore lhe advanced olions lo exand
Iree Video TuloriaIs on lhe Ma Maker aIicalion are avaiIabIe on lhe SoIarWinds
vebsile al hll://SoIarWinds.Nel.
1. Oen Ma Maker from Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Map Maker.
2. SeIecl a Nev Ma using Nev Ma on lhe Slandard looIbar, or FiIe New
Map. The Ncu Map vindov oens.

3. If you desire, choose a background image for your ma by seIecling Map
Background Image, or ackground Image on lhe Ma TooIbar. The
Sc|cci Nciucrk Oiagran diaIog oens vilh a Iisl of foIders conlaining defauIl
images avaiIabIe in Orion. IoIders are named for lhe ixeI-vidlh of lhe
images incIuded. Kee in mind lhal Ma Maker aIso aIIovs you lo use one
of your ovn images. Navigale lhrough lhe foIder slruclure and seIecl lhe
desired image. CIick Open.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 89
Making a asic Ma

SeIecl ThumbnaiIs from lhe Viev Menu vilhin lhe SeIecl Nelvork Diagram diaIog lo
aid in image seIeclion.
4. Drag lhe desired node or inlerface ob|ecl from lhe Iefl coIumn of lhe Ma
Maker screen lo lhe Ncu Map vindov and dro il in lhe desired Iace. Reeal
lhis sle unliI aII desired ob|ecls have been added.

When you seIecl an ob|ecl on lhe ma, lhe ob|ecls delaiI is disIayed vilhin lhe Nev Ma
vindov. The IIIisis rovides lhe Iroerlies diaIog for advanced fealures. Wilhoul
any ob|ecls seIecled, lhe IIIisis rovides lhe Iroerlies diaIog for lhe Ma. See
Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs on age 95 for a more delaiIed discussion
on ob|ecl roerlies.
90 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Making a asic Ma
5. Connecl lhe ob|ecls vilh Iines using Add Lines on lhe TooIs looIbar, or
TooIs Add Lines. Ior more lis on draving Iines see age 104.

Use Revert to Saved Copy found in lhe FiIe menu lo undo any mislakes made vhiIe
crealing your ma. Remember lo save oflen during ma crealion for olimaI use of lhis
6. Save lhe ma, using Save on lhe Slandard looIbar, or FiIe Save.
In order lo ubIish lo lhe Orion NIM vebsile lhe ma must be saved in lhe defauIl
direclory: C:(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds(Nelvork Ierformance Monilor V7(Mas.

Mas saved using TerminaI Services viII resuIl in oor ma quaIily as Ma Maker's image
managemenl funclion uses lhe currenl sellings of lhe machine. TerminaI Services runs in
8-bil coIor.
Nov lhal you have crealed and saved your ma, ul il lo use on lhe Orion NIM Web
Inlerface (see Cuslomize Vievs on age 164) or exorl (visil Ixorling Mas on age
110) your ma for uses oulside lhe Orion reaIm.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 91
Nesling Mas
Ncsting Maps
Ma Maker incIudes lhe abiIily lo drag and dro a ma as an ob|ecl on anolher ma.
SimIy drag lhe mas icon from lhe lree slruclure found on lhe Iefl of lhe Ma Maker
vindov and dro il on lhe desired Iocalion of lhe oen ma. The IeveIs for nesling
mas are virluaIIy IimilIess and, once ubIished lo lhe Orion NIM Web Inlerface,
rovide a user vilh lhe abiIily lo driII dovn lo any IeveI of delaiI desired. Ior
examIe, lo creale lhe nesled effecl you may make a ma of a machine room and dro
ils icon on a ma of a region. The regionaI ma couId lhen be incIuded in a ma of lhe
counlry, and counlry mas onlo a ma of lhe vorId. Ior more informalion on hov lo
make your Mas avaiIabIe on your Orion NIM Web Inlerface, see Cuslomize Vievs on
age 164.
The lolaI number of ob|ecls on a ma, incIuding lhose disIayed on a chiId or sub-ma,
direclIy imacls lhe seed al vhich lhe ma viII Ioad on lhe Orion NIM Websile. If your
mas are Ioading sIovIy, lry decreasing lhe number of ob|ecls incIuded on lhe mas.

IIIuslraled beIov, lhe arenl ma of lhe Uniled Slales incIudes an icon for lhe chiId ma
of OkIahoma.

92 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Nesling Mas
A user vouId have lhe abiIily lo driII dovn on lhe icon in OkIahoma lo see lhe nexl
IeveI of delaiI.

The chiId ma of OkIahoma can aIso become a arenl ma lo a nelvork diagram.
Therefore, each sub-ma viII incIude a viev of ob|ecls (devices or olher mas) deIoyed
on il. Any ob|ecl can be cIicked on lo move dovn lo lhe nexl IeveI of delaiI, unliI a Node
or Inlerface IeveI is reached, disIaying aII avaiIabIe informalion.

Chaler 6: Ma Maker 93
Irinling Mas
Printing Maps
Orion Ma Maker nol onIy rovides you vilh an exlensive sel of ma buiIding looIs lo
creale mas for lhe Orion NIM Web Inlerface, bul aIso incIudes exanded rinl
caabiIilies enabIing your mas lo be rinled for olher uses. The Prini Sciup diaIog
(FiIe Print Setup) aIIovs you lo seIecl exaclIy vhich arl of lhe grah lo rinl (enlire,
currenl vindov, or a seIeclion) and scaIe lhe rinl |ob. The olion lo incIude borders,
backgrounds, grids, calions, age numbers, and cro marks heIs you lo creale lhe
exacl finish you desire.

The Page Setup bullon in lhe bollom Iefl corner of lhe Prini Sciup diaIog enabIes you lo
furlher cuslomize your rinl |ob by aIIoving you lo seIecl aer size, orienlalion, and
creale margins.
94 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Irinling Mas

A Printer bullon is rovided on lhe bollom righl corner of lhe Pagc Sciup diaIog lhal
enabIes you lo seIecl lhe desired rinler and furlher cuslomize lhe rinl resuIls.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 95
Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs
Custnmizing Ob|ccts Using Prnpcrtics Dia!ngs
Iroerlies diaIogs are avaiIabIe for Nodes, Links, Mas, and LabeIs. Iach ob|ecl can be
associaled lo a device, and vilh lhe excelion of LabeIs, cuslomized lo icloriaIIy
disIay lhe device slalus.
CIicking lhe IIIisis bullon, vilhin lhe Iroerlies diaIog, viII disIay lhe SeIecl Nelvork
Ob|ecl diaIog enabIing you lo change lhe device assigned lo lhe ob|ecl.
Nndc Prnpcrtics
The Nc!c Prcpcriics diaIog is accessed by cIicking Node Iroerlies or by righl-
cIicking lhe Node and seIecling Node Iroerlies from lhe Iisl. The Nc!c Prcpcriics diaIog
rovides a vindov lo viev delaiIs erlaining lo lhe seIecled ob|ecl, incIuding lhe device
assigned lo lhe ob|ecl, and lhe abiIily lo sel lhe ob|ecl's slyIe.

Ob|cct 5ty!cs
Ma Maker incIudes lhe abiIily lo cuslomize lhe aearance of lhe icons on your ma
by roviding an exlensive sel of ob|ecl slyIes and grahics. The slyIes and grahics
aIIov you lo nol onIy laiIor lhe visuaI aeaI of lhe ob|ecls on your ma, bul aIso
enhance lhe amounl of informalion lhe user can derive icloriaIIy. Ior inslance, you
96 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs
may seIecl an ob|ecl's icon lo disIay a Mainframe grahic, vhich viII visuaIIy
dislinguish lhe lye of device being monilored. You may lhen seIecl a slalus slyIe, such
as 3D Iad Undernealh, vhich viII iIIuslrale lhe icons u, dovn, varning, or unknovn
The Ob|ecl SlyIe may be sel from lhe radio bullons Iocaled in lhe middIe of lhe Prcpcriics
diaIog. The seIecled slyIe viII aear in lhe reviev ane enabIing you lo easiIy
delermine lhe desired ob|ecl slyIe. The dro dovn box Iocaled |usl beIov lhe reviev
ane dynamicaIIy changes based on lhe seIecled ob|ecl slyIe. ToggIe belveen lhe radio
bullons and lhe dro dovn unliI lhe desired resuIl is achieved in lhe reviev ane.
Il's besl lo seIecl lhe Grahic radio bullon and choose a SlyIe from lhe dro dovn box before
cIicking SeIect Graphic. This viII disIay lhe slalus slyIe in lhe SeIecl Grahic Image
diaIog reviev ane. You can lhen loggIe belveen diaIogs lo derive lhe desired icon effecl.
}usl a fev examIes of hov you may cuslomize Nodes are iIIuslraled in lhe foIIoving

Chaler 6: Ma Maker 97
Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs
Nctwnrk Link Prnpcrtics
The Iink Prcpcriics diaIog is accessed by cIicking Nelvork Link Iroerlies or by
righl-cIicking lhe Link and seIecling Nelvork Link Iroerlies from lhe Iisl. The Nciucrk
Iink Prcpcriics diaIog rovides delaiIs erlaining lo lhe seIecled Iink. The inlerface or
node assigned lo lhe Iink is disIayed vilh lhe abiIily lo sel lhe Iinks vidlh, coIor, and

The defauIl vidlh, slyIe, and coIor sel in lhe Link Iroerlies diaIog reresenl hov lhe Iink
viII disIay vhen lhe device slalus is U.
98 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs
Labc! Prnpcrtics
The Ia|c| Prcpcriics diaIog is accessed by cIicking LabeI Iroerlies or righl-cIicking
lhe LabeI and seIecling LabeI Iroerlies from lhe Iisl. The Ia|c| Prcpcriics diaIog
rovides a means lo change lhe IabeIs lexl, sel lhe fonl, coIor, and aIignmenl, as veII as
secify a hyerIink. A check box is rovided lo give a lransarenl background lo lhe
IabeI. The reviev ane al lhe bollom of lhe diaIog is disIayed lo aid in lhe formalling

If you choose lo creale a hyerIink you musl lye in lhe comIele URL (incIuding hll://)
for lhe Iink lo vork roerIy.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 99
Cuslomizing Ob|ecls Using Iroerlies DiaIogs
Map Prnpcrtics
The Map Prcpcriics diaIog is accessed by cIicking Ma Iroerlies (or righl-cIicking a
bIank sace on lhe ma and seIecling Ma Iroerlies from lhe Iisl). The Map Prcpcriics
diaIog is used lo configure lhe vay lhe ma is disIayed on lhe Orion Web Inlerface.
The Zoom LeveI sIider conlroIs lhe size of lhe ma as il viII aear vhen vieved from
lhe Orion vebsile. The Ma Slalus sIider is used lo configure lhe vay lhe ma ilseIf viII
change slalus vhen used as an ob|ecl on anolher ma. Use lhe sIider lo sel lhe
ercenlage of ob|ecls on lhe ma lhal musl be "u" in order for lhe ma lo have an "u"
slalus. The defauIl selling is 100%, meaning 100% of lhe ob|ecls conlained on lhe ma
musl be "u" in order for lhe ma's slalus lo be u vhen disIayed on a arenl ma.
AIlernaliveIy, if arl of lhe ob|ecls on lhe ma are in a "dovn" or "varning" slale, lhe
ma's slalus viII be "varning". Likevise, if aII of lhe ob|ecls on lhe ma are "dovn", lhe
ma's slalus viII be "dovn".
You may aIso override lhe accounl Iimilalions sel al lhe user accounl IeveI on lhe Orion
NIM Web Inlerface. If lhis fealure is aIIoved, lhe user viII be abIe lo viev aII Nodes on
lhe ma regardIess of lhe reslriclions sel al lhe user accounl IeveI. Hovever, lhe user
viII sliII be reslricled from "driIIing dovn" on lhe nodes according lo lhe Iimilalion. If
lhis fealure is nol aIIoved, aII reslricled Nodes viII be removed from lhe ma disIay.
Visil age 193 for delaiIs on hov lo Sel Accounl Limilalions on lhe Orion NIM Web

Ma roerlies are generaIIy considered an advanced fealure and are besl Iefl uliIizing
lhe defauIl sellings.
100 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Advanced Olions
Advanccd Optinns
Once you've maslered lhe basic ma-making funclions, exIore Ma Maker's advanced
looIbars and menu olions. To disIay an Advanced looIbar, righl-cIick any bIank arl
of lhe Ma Maker looIbar and seIecl lhe desired looIbar name from lhe Iisl.
Iree Video TuloriaIs on many of lhe advanced looIs are avaiIabIe on lhe SoIarWinds
vebsile al hll://SoIarWinds.Nel.
Using thc A!ignmcnt Tnn!bar

The AIignmenl looIbar heIs creale a rofessionaI louch lo your mas. SeIecl lhe desired
ob|ecls by hoIding dovn lhe Shifl key and cIick each ob|ecl (or Edit SeIect aII Network
Objects). Then use lhe AIignmenl looIbar lo dislribule, cenler, and aIign lhe seIecled
Using thc Autn-Arrangc Tnn!bar

The Aulo-Arrange looIbar rovides a quick means of organizing your ma's ob|ecls inlo
one of severaI arrangemenls. Use Edit SeIect AII (or drav a bounding box around lhe
ob|ecls) and seIecl lhe desired formal from lhe Aulo-Arrange looIbar. UliIize lhe
Arrange LabeIs bullon afler choosing SeIect AII LabeIs from lhe Edit menu.
Using thc Map Tnn!bar

The Ma looIbar enabIes you lo lurn gridIines on and off and seIecl or change lhe
background of lhe ma. Ma Maker has severaI background images avaiIabIe, or you
can choose one of your ovn. As an aIlernalive lo a background image, lhe Ma TooIbar
rovides lhe abiIily lo seIecl a background lexlure or coIor. The Ma Iroerlies bullon
is aIso incIuded. Visil Ma Iroerlies on age 99 for more delaiIs.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 101
Advanced Olions
5ctting a Backgrnund Imagc
1. Wilh lhe desired Ma oen, seIecl Map Background Image (or ackground
Image from lhe Ma looIbar). The Sc|cci Nciucrk Oiagran diaIog oens vilh a
Iisl of foIders conlaining lhe defauIl mas avaiIabIe in Orion. IoIders are
named for lhe ixeI-vidlh of lhe images incIuded.
SeIecl ThumbnaiIs from lhe Viev Menu vilhin lhe SeIecl Nelvork Diagram diaIog lo aid in
image seIeclion.

2. Navigale lhrough lhe foIders and seIecl lhe desired background image. (Kee in
mind you can seIecl one of your ovn images.)
If you choose lo use your ovn image, some consideralion shouId be given lo lhe scaIe of
lhe image, as il viII disIay fuII size on Orion veb ages. efore you sellIe on a size,
consider lhe Iayoul of lhe age of vhich il viII be a arl (for more informalion aboul age
Iayouls, see Idiling Vievs on age 165), and lhe resoIulion of lhe screens on vhich il viII
3. CIick Open.
102 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Advanced Olions
5ctting a Backgrnund Tcxturc
1. Wilh lhe desired Ma oen, seIecl Map Background Texture (or ackground
Texlure from lhe Ma looIbar). The Sc|cci Backgrcun! Tcxiurc diaIog oens vilh
a Iisl of lexlures avaiIabIe on lhe Iefl and a reviev ane on lhe righl.

2. HighIighl lhe desired lexlure in lhe Iisl using lhe reviev ane lo aid in
3. Sel lhe Widlh and Heighl of lhe ma size by lying lhe vaIues in lhe
corresonding lexl box.
4. Once you are salisfied vilh your seIeclions, cIick OK lo sel your background
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 103
Advanced Olions
5ctting a Backgrnund Cn!nr
To Sel a ackground CoIor,
1. Wilh lhe desired Ma oen, seIecl Map Background CoIor (or ackground
CoIor from lhe Ma looIbar). The Cc|cr diaIog oens vilh a Iisl of basic coIors
avaiIabIe on lhe Iefl and a bullon for adding cuslom coIors.

2. SeIecl lhe desired coIor and cIick OK.
104 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Advanced Olions
Custnmizing Links

Drawing 5traight and Curvcd Lincs
SeIecling eilher Add Lines or Add Curved Lines on lhe TooIs looIbar (or from lhe TooIs
menu), enabIes you lo drav slraighl or curved Iines. olh ermil lhe draving of Iines in
lhe mosl inluilive manner lo you. CIick on lhe node and drag aIong desired Iine alh lo
lhe nexl node and reIease, or cIick on lhe desired node as a slarl oinl and lhen cIick on
lhe node you vish lo be lhe end oinl. Once lhe Iine is dravn, you can reshae il any
vay you refer. SimIy grab lhe arl of lhe Iine you vish lo reshae and uII il lo lhe
desired shae. You can remove lhe shaing by dragging lhe oinl back unliI lhe Iine
os back lo slraighl.
Changing thc Linc Appcarancc
You may cuslomize lhe Iine vidlh, slyIe, coIor, and end oinl aearance using lhe
Nelvork Links looIbar. Wilh lhe excelion of Iine coIor, changes are visibIe on your ma
uon seIeclion. To see lhe change in coIor you musl deseIecl lhe Iine. Ior addilionaI
informalion on Iine aearance, see Nelvork Link Iroerlies on age 97.
Assnciating a Nndc nr IntcrIacc tn a Linc
To associale a Node or Inlerface lo a Iine, seIecl lhe desired Iine and cIick Allach
Nelvork Link on lhe Nelvork Links looIbar. The Sc|cci Nciucrk O|jcci diaIog oens.
ScroII lhrough lhe Iisl of Nodes and Inlerfaces, seIecl lhe desired ob|ecl, and cIick OK.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 105
Advanced Olions
Custnmizing Nndcs

Adding Nndcs tn a Map
Nodes may be added lo a ma by dragging lhe desired ob|ecl from lhe Node lree on lhe
Iefl of lhe Ma Maker Main screen and droing il on lhe Ma (or seIecl TooIs Add
Graphics/Nodes and cIick lhe Iocalion(s) you vish lhe Node lo disIay on lhe Ma).
The drag and dro olion aulomalicaIIy associales lhe icon lo lhe Node, vhereas
TooIs Add Graphics/Nodes onIy dros an icon on lhe ma.
Changing thc Nndc Appcarancc
A Node's aearance may be cuslomized lo icloriaIIy dislinguish lhe associaled ob|ecl
and ob|ecl's slalus. You may seIecl a grahic for lhe Node using SeIecl Grahic on lhe
Nodes looIbar. SlyIes are aIso avaiIabIe lo visuaIIy orlray lhe associaled ob|ecl's slalus.
Ior a comIele discussion on lhe cuslomizalion of Nodes aearance and using slyIes
see Node Iroerlies on age 95.
Assnciating a Nndc nr IntcrIacc tn an Icnn
To associale a Node or Inlerface vilh an icon on your ma, seIecl lhe desired icon and
cIick Allach SeIecled Ob|ecl on lhe Nodes looIbar. The Sc|cci Nciucrk O|jcci !ia|cg oens.
ScroII lhrough lhe Iisl of Nodes and Inlerfaces, seIecl lhe desired ob|ecl, and cIick OK.
Custnmizing Labc!s

Adding a Labc! tn a Nndc
LabeIs may be allached lo Nodes by seIecling lhe desired node and cIicking Add LabeI
from lhe Nodes looIbar (or by righl-cIicking lhe Node and seIecling Add LabeI). The
IabeI is Iaced on lhe ma allached lo lhe Node. If you change lhe Iocalion of lhe node,
lhe IabeI viII move vilh il. You may doubIe-cIick on lhe IabeI lo change lhe lexl, or
righl-cIick and seIecl LabeI Iroerlies from lhe Iisl lo cuslomize lhe IabeI.
106 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Advanced Olions
To add LabeIs lo aII Nodes, cIick and drag lo drav a bounding box around aII of lhe Nodes
and seIecl Add LabeI from lhe nelvork Links looIbar.
Adding a Labc! tn a Linc
LabeIs may be allached lo Lines by seIecling lhe desired Iine and cIicking Add LabeI
from lhe Nelvork Links looIbar (or by righl-cIicking lhe Line and seIecling Add LabeI).
The IabeI is Iaced on lhe ma allached lo lhe Line. If you change lhe Iocalion of lhe
Iine, lhe IabeI viII move vilh il. You may doubIe-cIick on lhe IabeI lo change lhe lexl, or
righl-cIick and seIecl LabeI Iroerlies from lhe Iisl lo cuslomize lhe IabeI.
To Add LabeIs lo aII Nodes, cIick and drag lo drav a bounding box around aII of lhe Nodes
and seIecl Add LabeI from lhe Nelvork Links looIbar.
Adding a Labc! tn a Map
To add a LabeI lo a Ma, righl-cIick lhe area of lhe Ma vhere you vouId Iike lhe IabeI
lo reside and seIecl Add LabeI from lhe Iisl. The IabeI can be reosilioned by dragging il
lo lhe desired Iocalion. SimIy doubIe-cIick on lhe IabeI lo change lhe lexl.
Changing thc Labc! Appcarancc
You may cuslomize lhe fonl, size, coIor, and orienlalion of a IabeI using lhe Iormalling
looIbar. The formalling looIbar Iisls lhe 6 basic fonls recognized on mosl veb servers in
lhe fonl dro dovn. Ma Maker aIIovs you lo lye in addilionaI fonls lhal are handIed
on your veb server. Changes made using lhe Iormalling looIbar are visibIe on your
ma uon seIeclion. Ior addilionaI discussion on cuslomizing IabeI aearance, see
LabeI Iroerlies on age 98.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 107
Advanced Olions
Adding a URL tn an Ob|cct
URL's may be aulomalicaIIy generaled or manuaIIy secified and associaled vilh any
ob|ecl (node, Iink, IabeI) on a ma. To add a URL lo an ob|ecl, seIecl lhe ob|ecl and
cIick Idil HyerIink on lhe Slandard looIbar. The |!ii Hqpcr|ink diaIog aears. SeIecl
lhe aroriale radio bullon and cIick OK.

If you choose lo manuaIIy creale a hyerIink, a HyerIink lexl box is disIayed in lhe Idil
HyerIink diaIog. You musl lye in lhe cnmp!ctc URL (incIuding hll://) for lhe Iink lo
vork roerIy.
108 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Imorling and Migraling Mas
Impnrting and Migrating Maps
Mas crealed using a revious version of Ma Maker can easiIy be migraled and buiIl
uon using lhe Imorl and Migrale fealures.
Impnrting a Map
1. Oen Ma Maker from Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor
Map Maker.
2. SeIecl FiIe Import Import from V1 NPM Map. The |npcri jrcn V1 NPM Map
|i|c diaIog oens.

3. Navigale lo lhe foIder vhere lhe desired ma is slored.
The defauIl direclory for Mas crealed vilh Orion NIM V6 is C:(Irogram
IiIes(SoIarWinds(Nelvork Ierformance Monilor V6(Mas.
4. SeIecl lhe desired ma and cIick Open. The ma viII be oened, saved in lhe
defauIl direclory, and avaiIabIe in lhe Node lree.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 109
Imorling and Migraling Mas
Migrating Maps
1. Oen Map Maker from Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Map Maker.
2. SeIecl FiIe Import Migrate OIder Maps to Orion format. The Migraic O|!cr
Maps ic inc ncu Oricn jcrnai diaIog oens.

3. Check lhe box nexl lo each ma you vanl lo migrale or cIick lhe SeIect AII
4. CIick Migrate. Iach seIecled ma viII fIash oen as il is being imorled, saved,
and disIayed in lhe Node lree.
110 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Ixorling Mas
Expnrting Maps
Orion Ma Maker nol onIy rovides you vilh an exlensive sel of looIs lo creale mas
for lhe Orion NIM Web Inlerface, bul aIso incIudes exorling caabiIily aIIoving your
mas lo be avaiIabIe for olher uses. Ma Maker rovides lhe abiIily lo exorl mas as
an image saved in severaI formals, or as HTML vilh lhe olion lo incIude or excIude
manuaIIy added hyerIinks.
Expnrting Maps as an Imagc
To exorl a Ma as an Image, vilh lhe desired ma oen, seIecl FiIe Export Export
Map as * Image, subsliluling lhe desired image formal for *. AvaiIabIe formals incIude
JPEG, GIF, PNG, Bitmap, and Enhanced MetafiIe. You viII be resenled vilh lhe |xpcri
Map diaIog romling you lo choose a Iocalion lo save lhe exorled ma. Navigale lo
lhe desired Iocalion and cIick Save.
Expnrting Maps as HTML
To Ixorl a Ma as an HTML fiIe, vilh lhe desired ma oen, seIecl
FiIe Export Export Map as HTML FiIe. You viII be resenled vilh lhe |xpcri Map
diaIog romling you lo choose a Iocalion in vhich lo save lhe exorled ma. Navigale
lo lhe desired Iocalion and cIick Save. The |xpcri HTMI |i|c diaIog aears enabIing
you lo seIecl lhe hyerIinks lhal you vish lo incIude in lhe HTML fiIe. SeIecl lhe
aroriale radio bullon and cIick OK.

Chaler 6: Ma Maker 111
IubIishing Mas lo a Remole Web Server
Pub!ishing Maps tn a Rcmntc Wcb 5crvcr
There are circumslances lhal creale lhe need lo ubIish Mas lo a Remole Web Server.
Such silualions arise vhen 1) lhe Orion Web Server is a searale machine lhan lhe
machine from vhich you are crealing your mas, 2) you have a back-u Web Server lo
vhich lhe mas shaII be ubIished, or 3) you have muIliIe Orion veb servers.
To ubIish a ma lo a remole veb server,
The Windov's accounl you are using viII need read/vrile ermission lo lhe Remole
1. Oen Ma Maker from Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Map Maker.
2. SeIecl PubIish to a Remote Web Server from lhe FiIe menu. The Pu||isn Maps
ic a |cncic Wc| Scrtcr diaIog aears.

3. IoIIov lhe inslruclions on lhe diaIog, enlering lhe II address of lhe Remole
Web Server or SeIecl lhe InslaIIalion Direclory.
4. CIick OK.
Uncheck lhe ComIele Synchronizalion olion lo enabIe lhe abiIily lo secify vhich mas
you vish lo ubIish lo lhe remole veb server. This fealure is heIfuI vhen muIliIe users are
crealing and ubIishing mas al differenl inlervaIs.
112 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Ma Maker Sellings
Map Makcr 5cttings
The Map Makcr Sciiings diaIog (FiIe Settings) rovides you vilh lhe abiIily lo seIecl
defauIl Icon and Line slyIes, Ma DefauIls, and Node Tree secificalions. Once you
have made aII your seIeclions, cIick OK lo commil lhe changes.
Icnn 5ty!cs Tab
The Icon SlyIes lab aIIovs you lo seIecl lhe defauIl slyIe for each lye of Nelvork
Ob|ecl. Use lhe seIeclion arrovs lo lhe righl of lhe Iisl box lo seIecl lhe desired slyIe.

SeveraI slyIes are avaiIabIe for seIeclion vilh lhe mosl common being LID. See Ob|ecl
SlyIes on age 95 for a more delaiIed discussion of lhe avaiIabIe slyIes.
Chaler 6: Ma Maker 113
Ma Maker Sellings
Linc 5ty!cs Tab
The Line SlyIes lab aIIovs you lo seIecl lhe defauIl Iine vidlh and coIor for each Iine
crealed on a ma. The defauIl sellings for a Iine vilh an associaled ob|ecl viII disIay
vhen lhe ob|ecl's slalus is U. Ior more informalion on associaling an ob|ecl, see
Associaling a Node or Inlerface lo a Line on age 104.

114 Chaler 6: Ma Maker
Ma Maker Sellings
Map DcIau!ts Tab
The Ma DefauIls lab aIIovs you lo sel lhe device lhreshoId for lhe overaII ma slalus.
The slalus indicalor refIecls lhe slale of many ob|ecls al once, lherefore, SoIarWinds
recommends lhe ma slalus be sel al 100%. Wilh lhis selling, vhen any device on a ma
or sub-ma is dovn, lhe robIem slalus viII be indicaled.

Chaler 6: Ma Maker 115
Ma Maker Sellings
Nndc Trcc Tab
The Node Tree lab cuslomizes lhe viev of lhe Node Tree Iocaled on lhe Iefl side of lhe
Ma Maker main vindov. Some users find il heIfuI lo disIay lhe slalus icons of each
node and inlerface, vhiIe olhers find lhe vendor nelvork node and inlerface icons more
usefuI. You may aIso secify lhal lhe nodes names and/or II addresses be incIuded in
lhe disIay.

Chaptcr 7: Custnm Prnpcrty Editnr
rion Nelvork Ierformance Monilor version 7.x fealures lhe Cuslom Iroerly
Idilor, vhich aIIovs a roerly lo be added lo any Inlerface, Node, or VoIume.
Cuslom Iroerlies are addilionaI fieIds (counlry, buiIding, assel lag, seriaI number, elc.)
lhal you vouId Iike lo define and slore in your Orion NIM dalabase. Once roerlies
are added, lhey are avaiIabIe for disIay and fiIlering vilhin lhe Orion Web Inlerface
and lhe Reorl Wriler aIicalion. (Refer lo lhe Accounl Limilalion uiIder chaler on
age 157 lo make cuslom roerlies avaiIabIe for accounl Iimilalions on lhe veb, and
lhe Reorl Wriler chaler on age 135 on hov lo use a cuslom roerly on reorls.) A
fev examIes of hov cuslom roerlies may be uliIized:
Add addilionaI informalion lo Nodes, such as Conlacl, Ovner, Suorl Conlracl,
Add a "Nolificalion" roerly lo Nodes lhal aIIov lhe AIerls fealure lo be
configured lo send an e-maiI/comuler named vilhin lhe cuslom roerly. See
lhe AIerls chaler beginning on age 43 for delaiIs on hov lo change a cuslom
roerly vaIue vilh an AIerl.
Add a cuslom roerly lo Nodes and use lo creale an accounl Iimilalion.
Add a cuslom roerly lo Nodes and use lo grou Nodes on lhe veb or a reorl.
Add a cuslom roerly lo Inlerfaces lo disIay a cuslom descrilion.
Add a cuslom roerly and disIay as an annolalion on a charl.
Add a cuslom roerly of biIIing codes or cuslomer ID's.
Cuslom Iroerly Idilor rovides a coIIeclion of lhe mosl commonIy uliIized roerlies
lo choose from, or you can easiIy and efficienlIy buiId your ovn. Once your cuslom
roerly is defined, lhe Imorl Wizard aIIovs you lo ouIale your nev roerly from
eilher a Texl or Comma DeIimiled fiIe. (See Imorling Cuslom Iroerly Dala on age
127 for secifics.) AIlernaliveIy, if you onIy have a fev individuaI changes or addilions,
you may choose lo make lhose changes using lhe Idil viev. (See Idiling Cuslom
Iroerlies on age 125 for comIele inslruclions.) The Ixorl fealure ermils you lo
exorl lhe cuslom roerlies in one of severaI formals for use oulside lhe Orion reaIm.
(See Ixorling Cuslom Iroerlies on age 131 for avaiIabIe formals and inslruclions.)
118 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Gelling Slarled
Gctting 5tartcd
The Cuslom Iroerly Idilor aIicalion is Iaunched from lhe Windovs Slarl Menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Advanced Features Custom
Property Editor and oens lo disIay a SIash Screen as iIIuslraled beIov.

The SIash Screen rovides addilionaI aIicalion informalion and resenls a coIIeclion
of bullons lhal can be used lo erform lhe soflvare's mosl common funclions. This
funclionaIily is aIso avaiIabIe from lhe Cuslom Iroerly Idilor's menu and looIbar.
Undcrstanding thc Mcnu
Cuslom Iroerly Idilor incIudes a Menu lhal dynamicaIIy configures based uon lhe
aclion you are erforming and laiIors ilseIf lo disIay onIy your mosl commonIy used
funclions. Ior inslance, if you never use lhe Ixorl fealure, your IiIe menu disIay viII
nol be cIullered by disIaying lhis unused funclion. CIick or hover over lhe doubIe
arrov incIuded al lhe bollom of lhe menu and lhe Iisl viII exand lo make your rareIy
used fealures avaiIabIe. Ior lhe urose of lhis seclion, screen shols vilh lhe fuII Iisl of
funclions are disIayed.
Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 119
Underslanding lhe Menu
You can remove lhe IersonaIized Menu fealure by righl-cIicking any menu or looIbar, choose
Customize from lhe Iisl, and seIecl lhe Options lab. Check or un-check lhe IersonaIized
Menu olions based on your individuaI references and cIick CIose.
Fi!c Mcnu

A Iisl of menu olions and descrilions are rovided beIov:

Import Provides a list of formats available for importing custom
property data. See mporting Custom Property Data on page
127 for details.

Export Provides a list of formats to export the current custom
property view. See Exporting Custom Properties on page 131
for complete instructions.

Print Preview Displays the current custom property view in a Preview mode
indicating the way the data will appear on a printed page.

Print Displays the Print dialog, which allows you to specify the
desired printer and basic printing options.

Settings Displays the Custom Property Settings dialog, allowing you to
customize the default application settings. For a complete
discussion refer to Custom Property Editor Settings on page

Exit Closes the Custom Property Editor application automatically
saving all changes.

120 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Underslanding lhe Menu
Edit Mcnu

A Iisl of menu olions and descrilions are rovided beIov:

Cut Cuts the selected data and saves it to the clipboard.

Copy Copies the selected data and saves it to the clipboard.

Paste Pastes the most recent cut or copied text into the selected

DeIete Permanently removes the selected text from the cell(s).

SeIect CoIumn Selects the entire column in which the cursor currently

SeIect AII Selects the entire contents of the view.

Find Displays the Find dialog enabling you to specify search order
and criteria.

Find Next Continues the search action defined using the Find dialog.
Shortcut key F3 is the most optimal execution of this

RepIace Displays the Find dialog enabling you to specify the search
order, criteria, and replacement text.

Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 121
Underslanding lhe Menu
Prnpcrtics Mcnu

A Iisl of menu olions and descrilions are rovided beIov:

Edit Node Properties Displays the custom properties and values for each
monitored node in Edit view.

Edit Interfaces
Displays the custom properties and values for each
monitored interface in Edit view.

Edit VoIume
Displays the custom properties and value for each monitored
volume in Edit view.

Add Custom
Displays the Add Custom Properties dialog enabling you to
select from a list of predefined properties or opt to build your

Remove Custom
Displays the Remove Custom Properties dialog enabling you
to select from a list of current custom properties.

122 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Adding a Cuslom Iroerly
Adding a Custnm Prnpcrty
The A!! Cusicn Prcpcriics diaIog rovides a coIIeclion of lhe mosl commonIy uliIized
roerlies lo choose from, or lhe olion lo buiId your ovn.
Adding a PrcdcIincd Custnm Prnpcrty
1. Oen Cuslom Iroerly Idilor from Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Advanced Features Custom Property Editor.
2. SeIecl Properties Add Custom Properties from lhe menu (or cIick Add
on lhe looIbar). The A!! Cusicn Prcpcriics diaIog oens roviding an
assorlmenl of redefined roerlies.

3. Check each Iroerly you vish lo add and cIick OK. An udales diaIog viII
disIay as each roerly is added and viII aulomalicaIIy cIose uon
Check lhe Shov Advanced Iroerlies box lo viev addilionaI redefined cuslom roerlies.

Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 123
Adding a Cuslom Iroerly
Bui!ding a Custnm Prnpcrty Irnm 5cratch
1. Oen Cuslom Iroerly Idilor from Start SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Advanced Features Custom Property Editor.
2. SeIecl Properties Add Custom Properties from lhe menu (or cIick Add
on lhe looIbar). The A!! Cusicn Prcpcriics diaIog oens roviding an
assorlmenl of redefined roerlies.

3. SeIecl lhe uiId a Cuslom Iroerly from scralch radio bullon. The A!!
Cusicn Prcpcriics diaIog dynamicaIIy changes lo incIude lhe roerly
definilion fieIds.

124 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Removing a Cuslom Iroerly
4. Use lhe dro dovn and lexl boxes rovided lo seIecl lhe NIM dalabase labIe
you vish lo add a cuslom roerly lo, secify lhe roerly name, and seIecl
lhe dala lye. Once you are salisfied vilh your cuslom roerly definilions,
cIick OK. An udales diaIog viII disIay as each roerly is added and viII
aulomalicaIIy cIose uon comIelion.
Rcmnving a Custnm Prnpcrty
To Remove a Cuslom Iroerly, seIecl Properties Remove Custom Properties from
lhe menu (or cIick Remove on lhe looIbar). The |cnctc Cusicn Prcpcriics diaIog oens
resenling a Iisl of aII currenl cuslom roerlies.

Check each roerly you vish lo remove. Once you are salisfied vilh your seIeclions,
cIick OK. An udales diaIog viII oen as each roerly is removed and viII
aulomalicaIIy cIose uon comIelion.
Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 125
Idiling Cuslom Iroerlies
Editing Custnm Prnpcrtics
Sorl lhe coIumns in Idil viev of Cuslom Iroerly Idilor by cIicking on lhe coIumn heading.
CIick lhe heading again lo change lhe sorl order.
Editing Custnm Prnpcrtics nn Nndcs
To Idil a cuslom roerly on a Node, seIecl Properties Edit Node Properties from lhe
menu (or seIecl Idil Nodes on lhe looIbar). A labIe aears in lhe Main vindov
delaiIing your monilored nodes and lhe currenl cuslom roerlies. SimIy cIick in lhe
desired ceII lo add/modify lexl. Changes are saved uon enlry.
Editing Custnm Prnpcrtics nn IntcrIaccs
To Idil a cuslom roerly on an Inlerface, seIecl Properties Edit Interfaces Properties
from lhe menu (or seIecl Idil Inlerfaces on lhe looIbar). A labIe aears in lhe Main
vindov delaiIing your monilored inlerfaces and lhe currenl cuslom roerlies. To
add/modify lexl, simIy cIick in lhe desired ceII. Changes are saved uon enlry.
Editing Custnm Prnpcrtics nn Vn!umcs
To Idil a cuslom roerly on a VoIume, seIecl Properties Edit VoIume Properties
from lhe menu. A labIe aears in lhe Main vindov delaiIing your monilored voIumes
and lhe currenl cuslom roerlies. CIick in lhe desired ceII lo add/modify lexl. Changes
are saved uon enlry.
To search a coIumn as you lye, enabIe lhe Aulo-Search fealure. See Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Sellings on age 117 for more delaiIs on lhis fealure.
126 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Using IiIlers in Idil Viev
Using Fi!tcrs in Edit Vicw
IiIlering is avaiIabIe in |!ii viev of Cuslom Iroerly Idilor (lhe labIe slruclure
disIayed vhiIe ediling cuslom roerlies on nodes, inlerfaces, or voIumes). IiIlers may
be aIied lo maniuIale lhe viev of lhe dala in any vay you desire. The aIicalion
ermils you lo edil lhe lexl vilhin lhe cuslom roerly fieIds vilh a fiIler aIied.
The lexl on lhe FiIter bullon dynamicaIIy changes acling as a fiIler slalus quick reference
for lhe dala in vhich you are vieving.
Crcating a Fi!tcr
1. CIick on lhe FiIter bullon and seIecl AppIy FiIter from lhe Iisl. The |i|icr Vicu
diaIog aears roviding lhe basis for aIying a fiIler.

2. CIick on lhe bIue hyerIinked lexl lo seIecl lhe aroriale crileria.
3. Use lhe IIIisis bullon and seIecl lhe desired condilion lye from lhe Iisl. The
|i|icr Vicu diaIog viII dynamicaIIy change based uon your seIeclion.

4. CIick on each bIue hyerIink lexl and use lhe cascade lo seIecl lhe fiIlering
Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 127
Imorling Cuslom Iroerly Dala

5. Once you are salisfied vilh your seIeclion, cIick OK. The |!ii viev viII change
based uon lhe seIecled fiIler and lhe FiIter bullon lexl viII nov disIay "FiIter
Rcmnving a Fi!tcr
To remove lhe fiIler, simIy cIick lhe FiIter Active bullon and seIecl Remove FiIter from
lhe Iisl. The Idil viev viII nov disIay aII cuslom roerlies.

Impnrting Custnm Prnpcrty Data
Once you have defined your cuslom roerlies, lhe Cuslom Iroerly Idilor Imorl looI
aids in lhe ouIalion of lhe cuslom roerly dala. Ior examIe, you may aIready
ossess a sreadsheel delaiIing lhe assel lags for aII of your nodes and vouId nov Iike
lhis informalion lo be avaiIabIe for reorling and lhe veb inlerface. In lhis scenario, you
vouId add Assel Tag as a cuslom roerly (see Adding a Cuslom Iroerly on age
119), and lhen use lhe imorl vizard lo ouIale lhe assel lag vaIues from lhe
To slarl lhe Imorl Wizard,
1. CIick Imorl on lhe looIbar (or FiIe Import) and seIecl lhe fiIe formal (.csv or
128 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Imorling Cuslom Iroerly Dala
.lxl) from lhe Iisl. The |npcri Oaia inic Cusicn Prcpcriics diaIog oens.

2. Navigale lhrough your foIder slruclure, seIecl lhe sreadsheel conlaining your
cuslom Iroerly dala, and cIick Open. The |npcri Oaia, Oaia |crnai diaIog

3. Use lhe radio bullons lo seIecl lhe deIimiler lhal searales lhal dala, ensure lhe
check box is nol seIecled if lhe fiIe does nol conlain a header rov, and secify
lhe characlers lhal may surround lhe lexl fieIds in your fiIe. CIick Next. The
|npcri Oaia, Sc|cci NPM Oaia Ta||c diaIog oens.
Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 129
Imorling Cuslom Iroerly Dala

4. SeIecl from lhe dro dovn Iisl lhe Nelvork Ierformance Monilor labIe
(Nodes, Inlerfaces, or VoIumes) your fiIe viII be ouIaling. CIick Next. The
|npcri Oaia, Maicn |ic|!s diaIog oens.

5. Use lhe dro dovns lo seIecl lhe key fieId from your fiIe on lhe Iefl and lhe
corresonding fieId of lhe NIM labIe on lhe righl. CIick Next. The |npcri
Oaia, |npcri |ic|!s diaIog oens.
130 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Imorling Cuslom Iroerly Dala

Deending on lhe dala in your fiIe, you may need lo key off of muIliIe fieIds in order for
lhe imorl vizard lo roerIy malch your dala lo lhe NIM labIe fieIds.
6. A Iisl of aII fieIds incIuded in your fiIe is Iisled in lhe ceIIs on lhe Iefl vilh
corresonding bIank NIM ceIIs on lhe righl. Secify lhe fieIds from your fiIe
lhal you vish lo imorl by cIicking on lhe corresonding bIank NIM ceII. A
singIe cIick in lhe NIM ceII viII enabIe a dro dovn. Use lhe dro dovn
vaIues lo seIecl lhe largel NIM fieId you vish your dala lo ouIale. Once
you have secified aII lhe ceII malches, cIick Import.
7. Your requesl viII rocess ending vilh a diaIog box disIaying a counl of rovs
successfuIIy imorled. CIick OK lo cIose lhe diaIog.

Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 131
Ixorling Cuslom Iroerlies
Expnrting Custnm Prnpcrtics
Some silualions may resenl lhe need lo exorl your cuslom roerlies for uses oulside
of lhe Orion aIicalion. The Cuslom Iroerly Idilor incIudes an Ixorl fealure
aIIoving you lo exorl lo one of many formals incIuding: Comma DeIimiled, Texl,
HTML, IxceI, or IDI.
The Ixorl direclIy lo IxceI olion saves lhe fiIe vilh lhe .xIs exlension and oens lhe fiIe
in IxceI for immediale use. The Ixorl lo IxceI olion saves lhe fiIe vilh lhe .xIs
To exorl, seIecl Ixorl from lhe looIbar (or FiIe Export) and choose lhe desired
formal from lhe Iisl. A diaIog viII aear enabIing you lo seIecl vhich fieIds you vish lo
incIude in lhe exorl. SeIecl lhe desired fieIds and cIick OK.

The |xpcri Oaia Tc diaIog aears aIIoving you lo navigale lo lhe Iocalion you vish lo
save lhe fiIe and secify a fiIe name.
132 Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor
Irinling Cuslom Iroerlies

Wilh lhe excelion of IDI, uon cIicking Save, a slalus diaIog viII disIay delaiIing lhe
number of records successfuIIy exorled.
Printing Custnm Prnpcrtics
To rinl lhe currenl |!ii viev (lhe labIe slruclure disIayed vhiIe ediling nodes,
inlerfaces, or voIumes), seIecl Irinl from lhe looIbar or FiIe Print. The Prini diaIog
aears roviding seIeclion crileria for rinler, age Iayoul, range, and number of
coies. CIick OK vhen you are salisfied vilh your seIeclions.
Chaler 7: Cuslom Iroerly Idilor 133
Cuslom Iroerly Idilor Sellings
Custnm Prnpcrty Editnr 5cttings
The Cusicn Prcpcriq |!iicr Sciiings diaIog ermils you lo cuslomize lhe disIay for
Nodes, Inlerfaces, and VoIumes and is accessed by cIicking Sellings on lhe TooIbar (or
FiIe Settings). Check boxes are rovided in each of lhe labs for seIeclion of lhe Syslem
Iroerlies you vouId Iike disIayed vhiIe in Edit viev (lhe labIe slruclure disIayed
vhiIe ediling nodes, inlerfaces, or voIumes).
The Aulo-Search fealure is aIso incIuded in lhe Cusicn Prcpcriq |!iicr Sciiings diaIog.
Wilh Aulo-Search enabIed, lhe currenl coIumn is searched as you lye. You vouId
ress enler al any lime lo edil lhe vaIue in lhe ceII. Wilh Aulo-Search disabIed, lying
viII begin ediling lhe ceII. SeIecl lhe Aulo-Search lab and use lhe check box lo InabIe or
DisabIe lhe Aulo-Search fealure.

Chaptcr 8: Rcpnrt Writcr
s lime goes on, your Orion NIM dalabase accumuIales a greal deaI of informalion.
SoIarWinds has deveIoed lhe Reorl Wriler aIicalion, vhich rovides a quick
and easy vay of exlracling dala from your dalabase and disIaying il in lhe form mosl
usefuI lo you.
SeveraI slandard reorls are incIuded in lhe dislribulion of lhe rogram, vhich you
may modify as you vish, and you can creale nev reorls as necessary. Reorl Wriler
incIudes overfuI looIs lo heI you formal your informalion in lhe mosl usefuI vays
ossibIe, and lo easiIy reviev vhal your reorls viII Iook Iike before you disIay lhem.
When you have lhem lhe vay you vanl lhem, you can rinl your reorls vilh lhe cIick
of a bullon.
Mosl reorls are enabIed for vieving via lhe Orion Web Inlerface by defauIl. Visil
Cuslomize Vievs on age 164 for more informalion on adding reorls lo vievs.
If rinling your reorl or disIaying lhe viev on lhe Orion Web Inlerface doesn'l meel
your needs, reorl vriler suorls exorling your reorl dala in severaI formals. Refer
lo Ixorling Reorl Dala on age 149 for delaiIed inslruclions.
Reorl Wriler caabiIilies are enhanced vhen used in con|unclion vilh Cuslom Iroerly
Idilor. The Cuslom Iroerly Idilor chaler on age 117 discusses hov lo add a roerly
(counlry, buiIding, assel lag, seriaI number, elc.) lo any Inlerface, Node, or VoIume. Once
added, roerlies are avaiIabIe for reorl sorl and fiIler funclionaIily.
Gctting 5tartcd
efore you can use Reorl Wriler, you musl have a dalabase ouIaled vilh devices lo
be monilored, and have coIIecled al Ieasl a fev minules vorlh of dala.
Oen Reorl Wriler from lhe Windovs Slarl menu on your server by seIecling:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Report Writer.
The Reorl Wriler rogram oens, vilh an exandabIe hierarchicaI lree disIaying lhe
Reorls avaiIabIe on lhe Iefl and a SIash Screen on lhe righl. The SIash Screen
rovides addilionaI aIicalion informalion and resenls a coIIeclion of bullons can be
used lo erform lhe soflvare's mosl common funclions. This funclionaIily is aIso
136 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
Gelling Slarled
avaiIabIe from lhe Reorl Wriler menu and looIbar.

A variely of Reorls are incIuded vilh Reorl Wriler. The many differenl lyes of
Reorls avaiIabIe (nol aII of vhich are reresenled by lhe examIes rovided by
SoIarWinds), are dislinguished by lhe icon receding lhe reorl name.
CIicking on lhe name for a Reorl viII cause il lo oen in lhe vork area in lhe Mode
seIecled as lhe defauIl. (You may seIecl defauIl behavior by seIecling FiIe Settings, or
cIicking Settings on lhe looIbar, and making your choice in lhe |cpcri Wriicr Sciiings
Righl-cIick on lhe name of a Reorl and seIecl lhe olion lo oen in Ireviev or Design Mode.
Ireviev Mode disIays a viev of lhe Reorl as il viII rinl, and Design Mode is used lo
buiId nev Reorls or modify exisling ones.
Wilh a Reorl oen, lhe viev can be loggIed belveen Prcticu mode and Ocsign mode
using lhe Preview and Design bullons on lhe looIbar.
Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 137
Ireviev Mode
Prcvicw Mndc
Ireviev mode shovs a Reorl as il viII rinl. When you oen a Reorl in Ireviev
mode, or svilch lo Ireviev mode from Design mode, lhe query lhal generales lhe
Reorl is run, and lhe resuIls are disIayed.

A looIbar is disIayed al lhe lo of lhe Ireviev conlaining bullons lhal aIIov you lo
age lhrough lhe reorl, zoom, and rinl. An indicalor for lhe currenl age/number of
ages is aIso rovided.
DoubIe-cIick on a Reorl reviev lo zoom in and doubIe-righl-cIick on a Reorl reviev lo
zoom oul
138 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
Design Mode
Dcsign Mndc
Use Design mode lo creale nev Reorls and modify or rename exisling Reorls.
The choices avaiIabIe for modifying Reorls are lhe same as for crealing a nev one, and
are dynamic based uon lhe lye of Reorl you vish lo make, lhe dala lhal il viII
incIude, lhe vay il is lo be resenled, elc. WhiIe lhe olions avaiIabIe differ according lo
lhe lye of Reorl you decide lo make, aII Reorls require you lo seIecl lhe dala you
vanl lo Iook al, make decisions aboul hov il viII be sorled and ordered, decide if il viII
be fiIlered, and secify hov il viII be resenled.
To creale a nev reorl, seIecl FiIe New Report (or cIick Nev on lhe looIbar).

SeIecl lhe lye of reorl you vouId Iike lo creale and cIick OK. The Ncu |cpcri - Ocsign
Mc!c diaIog oens. Ior lhe uroses of lhis iIIuslralion, ve viII make a HisloricaI
Inlerface Traffic reorl as il uses mosl of lhe labs avaiIabIe.
Thc Gcncra! Tab
Assign a Reorl Grou name and Reorl TilIe in lhe fieIds rovided. If you vish,
secify a SublilIe lo aear on lhe Reorl. Mosl reorls are made avaiIabIe for disIay
on lhe Orion Web Sile by defauIl. DeseIecl lhe check box rovided if you do nol vanl
Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 139
Design Mode
lhe reorl avaiIabIe for lhe veb. (Refer lo Cuslomize Vievs on age 164 lo Iearn hov lo
add your reorl lo a Viev for disIay on lhe Orion Web Sile.) You may aIso secify lhe
orienlalion for lhe aer on vhich lhe Reorl viII be rinled using lhe radio bullons

If you use a Reorl Grou name lhal aIready exisls, lhe nev reorl viII be added lo lhe
grou. AIlernaliveIy, secifying a Nev Grou name creales lhe nev grou vilh lhe nev
reorl incIuded.
Thc 5c!cct Fic!ds Tab
When you cIick lhe SeIect FieIds lab, you are resenled vilh lhe screen iIIuslraled
beIov. The IIIisis bullon al lhe Iefl of each fieId may be used lo add, deIele, and move
fieIds. In lhis lab, fieIds are chosen, sorl orders eslabIished, and funclions secified.

To secify lhe fieIds lo be incIuded in your Reorl,
1. CIick lhe IIIisis bullon nexl lo "SeIecl lhe IoIIoving IieIds...", and seIecl Add
a New FieId from lhe Iisl .
140 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
Design Mode

2. CIick lhe highIighled aslerisk () afler IieId and seIecl lhe desired fieId using
lhe fIyoul menu. The fieIds disIayed are dynamic based uon lhe lye of
reorl you have chosen lo creale and lhe fieIds slored vilhin your dalabase.

Nolice lhal Cuslom Iroerlies are avaiIabIe on lhe examIe fIyoul menu. If you vouId
Iike lo Iearn more on hov lo define a cuslom roerly for use on your reorl, visil lhe
Cuslom Iroerly Idilor chaler on age 117.
3. If desired, cIick lhe highIighled aslerisk () afler sorl and seIecl a sorl order
for lhe dala in lhe fieId you have chosen.
Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 141
Design Mode

4. If desired, cIick lhe highIighled aslerisk () afler funclion and seIecl lhe
desired funclion lo be erformed on lhe dala.

Tesl your seIeclions as you assembIe your Reorl by cIicking Execute SQL Query lo viev
lhe query resuIls. CIicking Preview on lhe looIbar viII run lhe Query and disIay lhe resuIls
in Ireviev mode.
5. To add more fieIds, reeal Sles 1-4.
6. When you have aII lhe fieIds Iisled for your Reorl, rearrange lhe order by
cIicking on lhe IIIisis bullon of lhe Iine vhose osilion you vanl lo change (or
deIele enlireIy) and seIecl lhe aroriale aclion from Iisl.

Use lhe check box receding lhe fieId slalemenl lo add or remove fieIds disIayed on your
reorl vhiIe relaining lhe sorl and funclion configuralion.
142 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
Design Mode
Thc Fi!tcr Rcsu!ts Tab
Once you have defined al Ieasl some of lhe fieIds lo be incIuded in your Reorl, cIick lhe
FiIter ResuIts lab.
You may seIecl from lhree lyes of fiIlering condilions, each of vhich may be chosen
from a Iisl accessed by cIicking lhe IIIisis bullon al lhe Iefl of each fiIler's enlry.
Choose lhe lye of condilion you vanl lo use, referring lo lhe foIIoving Condilion
TabIe for guidance in seIecling lhe aroriale condilion lye.

Use lhe check box receding lhe fiIler condilion lo add or remove fiIlers aIied lo your
reorl vhiIe relaining lhe configuralion.
As fiIlering choices are made aboul variabIes, lhe choices avaiIabIe for lheir deendencies
change. Ior examIe, if you change lhe defauIl vaIue of fieId lo lhe aIlernalive
conslanl, lhe olions for lhe enlry foIIoving your choice viII change from a fIyoul
menu of aII lhe fieIds in your dalabase lo a diaIog box vhere you can enler a vaIue. If you
choose lo fiIler on Slalus, your choices become a dro-dovn menu conlaining Unknovn,
U, Dovn, or Warning.

Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 143
Design Mode
Deending on lhe size of your dalabase, lhe nalure of lhe query, lhe seed of your
machine, and olher variabIes, a query may lake a Iong lime and consume considerabIe
resources on lhe SQL Server.
Thc Tnp XX Tab
If you vouId Iike lo secify a lruncaled Iisl of eIigibIe ilems for your reorl, cIick lhe Top
XX lab.
Condition Options
Records where * (DatabaseField) *( SpecifiedJalue)
Records where:

eld DatabaseFi
alue SpecifiedJ

eld DatabaseFi
alue SpecifiedJ
Select records where of the following apply
144 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
Design Mode

To viev onIy lhe lo severaI records, or a ercenlage of lhe lo records from your
query, enler lhe acluaI number or lhe ercenlage vaIue in lhis diaIog afler seIecling ils
associaled radio bullon.
Ior examIe, if you vanl lo viev onIy lhe lo 25 samIes for your Reorl, seIecl lhe
Show OnIy the Top bullon and enler 25 in lhe Records fieId.
Thc Timc Framc Tab
To Iimil your Reorl lo a secific eriod of lime, cIick lhe Time Frame lab.
You have lhree choices. You can seIecl Named Time Frame, lhen choose a eriod of lime
from lhe dro-dovn Iisl, ReIative Time Frame, lhen secify lhe number and unils of
lime for vhich you vanl lo see dala, or you can seIecl Specific Time Frame, lhen enler
lhe slarling and ending dales and limes lhal you are inleresled in.

Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 145
Design Mode
If you receive a SQL Timeoul error message, you may edil lhe limeoul selling in lhe
SWNelIerfMon.db fiIe Iocaled in lhe defauIl Iocalion of C:(Irogram
IiIes(SoIarWinds(Nelvork Ierformance Monilor V7 direclory
Since lhe ReIalive Time Irame is a moving largel, Reorls run using il viII IikeIy shov
differenl resuIls, even if run cIose logelher in lime.
Thc 5ummarizatinn Tab
To organize lhe dala in your Reorl by lime eriod, cIick lhe 5ummarizatinn lab.

Choose lhe melhod of grouing dala in your Reorl by seIecling a eriod of lime from
lhe dro-dovn Iisl, and choose vhelher lo Iace lhe grouing informalion a lhe
beginning or end of lhe Reorl.
146 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
Design Mode
Thc Fic!d Fnrmatting Tab
To resenl lhe dala in your Reorl in lhe formal of your choice, cIick lhe FieId
Formatting lab.

SeIecl lhe fieId you vanl lo formal. You viII be resenled vilh formalling olions
secific lo lhe fieId you seIecled.

If you vanl lo change lhe name of lhe fieId, as il viII aear on your Reorl, enler il in
lhe CoIumn Header fieId and make olher formalling choices as aroriale.
The formalling olions avaiIabIe for each fieId may be differenl, according lo lhe nalure
of lhe dala conlained in lhal fieId, as indicaled by lhe foIIoving aIlernalive viev. The
Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 147
Design Mode
Web URL lexl box is avaiIabIe onIy vilh lhe incIusion of lhe Node, Inlerface or VoIume
ID fieId. You may aIso make lhe seIecled fieId hidden by checking lhe Hidden IieId box.

Iormal each fieId, as you vanl il lo aear, using Preview lo loggIe lhe viev lo see vhal
your Reorl viII Iook Iike.
Thc Rcpnrt Grnuping Tab
SeIecl lhe fieId in vhich you vish your reorl dala lo be lo groued from lhe dro
dovn. CIick lhe Add Report Group bullon lo add your seIeclion lo lhe Reorl Grou
Iisl. You many add u lo four grouing IeveIs. Once you have made your fieId grouing
seIeclions, use lhe arrov bullons rovided lo change lhe grouing order.

CIick lhe Preview bullon lo viev your reorl, as il viII aear on a rinled age. ToggIe
148 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
Design Mode
belveen lhe Design and Ireviev viev unliI lhe desired grouing IeveI is achieved.
Thc 5QL Tab
SQL can be enlered direclIy inlo a Reorl onIy by designing a nev Reorl using lhe
Advanced SQL Reorls olion. The SQL query generaled by Reorl Wriler can be
vieved for any Reorl by seIecling Report Show SQL from lhe menu, vhich adds a
viev-onIy SQL lab lo lhe Design vindov.

You can use coy-and-asle lo Iifl lhe SQL query from any Reorl and asle il inlo an
Advanced SQL Reorl, vhere il may lhen be modified. You may lesl il al any lime by
cIicking lhe Execute SQL Query bullon.
Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 149
Ixorling Reorl Dala
Expnrting Rcpnrt Data
The informalion you have coIIecled and arranged for a Reorl can easiIy be exorled for
use in olher rograms. SeIecl FiIe Export (vilh lhe desired reorl oen) lo disIay a
fIyoul menu lhal offers severaI differenl formals for exorling your dala for use in
sreadsheels, dalabases, veb ages, or formalled eIeclronic documenls.

If you vanl lo exorl your Reorl dala lo IxceI or lo olher rograms in order lo erform
caIcuIalions vilh il, you shouId secify lhal your Reorl be crealed vilh Rav dala. To
secify Rav dala, cIick Report Data Format Raw Data.

If you use lhe defauIl Cooked dala you may have vaIues lhal are exressed in a
hybrid manner, vhich is lo say lhal 1,000 may be exressed as 1K. IxceI and olher
rograms lhal erform caIcuIalions are lyicaIIy unabIe lo inlerrel such vaIues.
150 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
IxamIe Reorl
Examp!c Rcpnrt
You mighl vanl lo lake a Reorl lo your Monday morning meeling lhal incIudes
informalion aboul avaiIabiIily of devices on your nelvork in lhe revious veek. You
vanl lo sorl il aII vilh lhe vorsl errors rising lo lhe lo: Dovn Nodes lhal are sliII dovn
al lhe lo, vilh increasing avaiIabiIily as you move dovn lhe Iisl.
1. CIick New. The Ncu |cpcri iqpc-sc|ccicr diaIog oens.
2. Since ve vanl a Reorl aboul HisloricaI AvaiIabiIily, seIecl HistoricaI-
AvaiIabiIity and cIick OK. A nev |cpcri Ocsign diaIog oens.

3. Change lhe enlry in lhe Reorl Grou fieId lo My Reports, and assign a Reorl
TilIe of Last Week's AvaiIabiIity. Check Portrait for lhe aer orienlalion, and
lhen cIick lhe SeIect FieIds lab.
4. CIick lhe IIIisis bullon nexl lo "SeIecl lhe IoIIoving IieIds...", lhen seIecl Add
a New FieId.
5. CIick lhe aslerisk () afler lhe IieId: enlry. SeIecl Network Nodes Node
DetaiIs Node Name.
6. Reeal sles 4 and 5, seIecling Network Nodes Current Node
Status Current Status.
Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 151
IxamIe Reorl
7. Reeal sles 4 and 5, seIecling Network Nodes Current Node Status Node
Status Icon. (WhiIe lhis fieId makes a dislincl visuaI difference for a Reorl
vieved in coIor, il viII make IillIe or no difference if rinled in bIack and
a. CIick Execute SQL Query lo see vhal ve have so far.

b. If you vouId ralher have lhe Slalus Icon recede lhe Slalus
descrilion, cIick lhe IIIisis bullon al lhe Iefl of lhe Node Slalus Icon
Iine and seIecl Move Current FieId Backward.
c. CIick Ixecule SQL Query again.
152 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
IxamIe Reorl

8. Since ve Ian lo aIso shov informalion aboul hisloricaI slalus, ve shouId re-
IabeI lhe Currenl Slalus enlries lo avoid confusion Ialer, so cIick lhe FieId
Formatting lab.

9. Wilh lhe Current_Status fieId highIighled in lhe SeIect FieIds ane, change
lhe CoIumn Header enlry lo Currenl Slalus. Do lhe same for lhe
Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 153
IxamIe Reorl
Node_Status_Icon fieId. Then cIick Execute SQL Query. The changes are
shovn in lhe disIay vindov.

If coIumns aear loo vide or lo narrov, and you vouId Iike lo ad|usl lheir size, Iace your
cursor on lhe divider belveen lhe coIumns vhere lhe cursor viII change form and lhe
divider can be dragged lo a differenl osilion.
10. When you are salisfied vilh vhal you have so far, cIick lhe SeIect FieIds lab.
11. Since ve vanl lo shov currenlIy Dovn nodes firsl, cIick lhe aslerisk () afler
lhe FieId: Current Status enlry and seIecl Descending. CIick Execute SQL
Query lo verify your choice.
154 Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler
IxamIe Reorl

12. Reeal sles 4 and 5, bul seIecl HistoricaI Response Time and
AvaiIabiIity AvaiIabiIity.
13. CIick lhe aslerisk () nexl lo Sort: on lhe nev Iine and seIecl Ascending.
14. CIick Ixecule SQL Query lo viev your vork.

Chaler 8: Reorl Wriler 155
IxamIe Reorl
Al any oinl during lhe crealion of a Reorl (or erhas al many oinls), you may save
vhal you've done by seIecling FiIe Save. The firsl lime you save, you musl give your
Reorl a fiIename, or accel lhe defauIl, vhich viII be lhe Reorl TilIe you assigned in
sle 3.
15. Since ve vanl lo Iimil our Reorl lo AvaiIabiIily in lhe Iasl veek, cIick lhe Time
Frame lab.
16. SeIecl ReIative Time Frame, secify 7 in lhe lexl-enlry fieId, and seIecl Days
from lhe dro-dovn Iisl.
17. If you vanl lo break dovn lhe reorl day-by-day, you can cIick lhe
Summarization lab and secify your choices.

18. If you vanl lo fiIler your Reorl, cIick lhe FiIter ResuIts lab and secify
fiIler ruIes.
19. CIick FiIe Save lo save your vork.
Chaptcr 9: Accnunt Limitatinn
he Accounl Limilalion uiIder aIicalion aIIovs you lo creale and cuslomize
Iimilalions so lhal a user vievs onIy lhe Nodes and Inlerfaces erlinenl lo lheir |ob
dulies via lhe Orion NIM Websile. Accounl Limilalions can be based uon roerlies
(olhervise referred lo as fieIds) aIready incIuded in lhe Orion NIM dalabase (Device
Slalus, Hardvare Manufaclurer, elc.), bul lhe reaI over comes vhen you define your
ovn roerly vilhin lhe Cuslom Iroerly Idilor (g. 105) and uliIize lhe Accounl
Limilalion uiIder lo creale and enabIe lhe Iimilalions for seIeclion vilhin lhe Accounl
Manager orlion of lhe Orion Web Inlerface. (Ior inslruclions on Selling Accounl
Limilalions visil age 193.) Wilh lhe use of cuslom roerlies and accounl Iimilalions,
you are emovered vilh a vasl array of ossibiIilies for fiIlering and grouing Nodes
and Inlerfaces on lhe Orion NIM Websile.
}usl a fev simIe Iimilalion ideas lo gel you slarled:
Limil cuslomer vievs lo lheir secific nelvork nodes.
Limil vievs by Dearlmenl or funclionaI area.
Limil vievs by device lye or device roIe.
Limil vievs based on geograhic Iocalion of lhe device(s).
Limil vievs based uon lhe zi code of lhe device(s).
Gctting 5tartcd
efore you can uliIize lhe Accounl Limilalion uiIder, you musl have firsl crealed lhe
cuslom roerly in vhich you vouId Iike lo use lo Iimil lhe Orion Web Inlerface viev.
If you have nol added your roerly, refer lo Adding a Cuslom Iroerly on age 119
for inslruclions. Once you have lhe cuslom roerlies defined and lhe dala ouIaled
(see Idiling Cuslom Iroerlies on age 125 for sles on individuaIIy ouIaling
roerly dala, or Imorling Cuslom Iroerly Dala on age 127 for delaiIs on hov lo
imorl grous of dala from an exlernaI fiIe such as a sreadsheel), you may begin
Adding an Accounl Limilalion described on age 158.
158 Chaler 9: Accounl Limilalion uiIder
Adding an Accounl Limilalion

The Accounl Limilalion uiIder is Iaunched from lhe Windovs Slarl Menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Advanced Features Account
Limitation BuiIder and oens lo lhe SIash Screen iIIuslraled beIov:

The SIash Screen rovides addilionaI aIicalion informalion and resenls a slarl
bullon lhal enabIes you lo begin using lhe aIicalion.
Adding an Accnunt Limitatinn
1. Slarl lhe Accounl Limilalion uiIder using Start SoIarWinds Network
Performance Monitor Advanced Features Account Limitation BuiIder.
2. SeIecl Start from lhe SIash Screen. A labIe viev of defauIl accounl Iimilalions
is disIayed.
3. SeIecl Edit Add Limitation (or SeIecl Add from lhe TooIbar). The Crcaic
Ncu Acccuni Iiniiaiicn diaIog oens enabIing you lo seIecl from a Iisl of
defined Cuslom Iroerlies.
Chaler 9: Accounl Limilalion uiIder 159
DeIeling an Accounl Limilalion

4. SeIecl lhe desired Cuslom Iroerly from lhe dro dovn. The remaining boxes
are aulo-ouIaled based uon your seIeclion.
If you do nol have any Iroerlies in your dro dovn, you musl firsl define your Cuslom
Iroerly. Visil lhe Cuslom Iroerly Idilor chaler on age 117 for delaiIs.
5. Choose a SeIeclion Melhod from lhe dro dovn, if you refer a slyIe olher lhan
lhe defauIl secified. Olions incIude Check oxes, Iallern Malching, or SingIe
SeIeclion. This is lhe seIeclion formal lhal viII aear vhen choosing vaIues for
lhe Accounl Limilalion via lhe Web Accounl Manager.
You may incIude your ovn descrilion or name by lying over lhe defauIl lexl rovided.
6. CIick OK. The defined Iimilalion viII be added lo lhe lo of lhe labIe viev.
7. Iul your nev Accounl Limilalion lo use via lhe Accounl Manager orlion of
lhe Web Inlerface. See Selling Accounl Limilalions on age 193 for
Dc!cting an Accnunt Limitatinn
1. Slarl lhe Accounl Limilalion uiIder using Start SoIarWinds Network
Performance Monitor Advanced Features Account Limitation BuiIder.
2. SeIecl Start from lhe SIash Screen.
3. CIick lo highIighl lhe rov of lhe Limilalion you vish lo deIele.
UliIize Shifl + cIick lo highIighl muIliIe conseculive rovs or ClrI + cIick lo highIighl muIliIe
non-conseculive rovs.
160 Chaler 9: Accounl Limilalion uiIder
Irinling Accounl Limilalions
4. SeIecl Edit DeIete SeIected Limitation (or seIecl DeIele from lhe
TooIbar). The seIecled Limilalion(s) viII be deIeled from lhe labIe and no
Ionger avaiIabIe via lhe Web Accounl Manager.
If you deIele a Limilalion via lhe Accounl Limilalion uiIder, aII accounls assigned viII
remain arorialeIy Iimiled. DeIeling simIy removes lhe Iimilalion from being avaiIabIe
for fulure seIeclion
Printing Accnunt Limitatinns
You may rinl lhe Accounl Limilalion labIe viev by seIecling FiIe Print (or Irinl
from lhe looIbar). The Prini diaIog viII disIay aIIoving you lo seIecl a rinler and
secify rinl crileria. Once you are salisfied vilh your seIeclions, cIick Print.
Chaptcr 10: Wcb Administratinn
he Web Inlerface is an inlegraI arl of lhe Orion NIM suile. Il can be vieved from
virluaIIy any comuler connecled lo lhe Inlernel using Inlernel IxIorer. The
inlerface can be cuslomized for differenl vievers and lheir individuaIized vievs slored
as arl of lheir rofiIe. Adminislralor funclions are accessed via lhe Admin Menu ar
5tarting Orinn NPM
To gel slarled oen Inlernel IxIorer and enler lhe URL: hll://IIADDRISS, vhere you
subslilule lhe II address or domain name of your server for IIADDRISS.
The firsl lime your slarl Orion NIM, you viII be resenled vilh a age simiIar lo lhe
one disIayed beIov.

IoIIov lhe inslruclions on lhe age for selling lhe assvord for lhe Admin accounl.
This accounl is nol an accounl on your nelvork, your dalabase, or veb server. Il is an
accounl soIeIy used for lhe Orion NIM vebsile.
162 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Admin Olion
Admin Optinn
Once Iogged inlo Orion NIM as Admin your defauIl menu bar viII incIude lhe Admin
olion. IncIuded lherein are a vide variely of looIs lo conlroI lhe aearance and
deIivery of informalion lo users.

To change lhe syslem lo Advanced Mode; seIecl Settings on lhe menu al lhe Iefl of lhe
age, change lhe AIIow Advanced Customization olion lo Yes, and cIick Submit.
Advanced Cuslomizalion aIIovs you lo creale your ovn Menu ars and Vievs, define a
differenl sel of Vievs for each Accounl, and sel Warning and Irror ThreshoIds for various
slalislics. AddilionaI Charls and Resources are aIso avaiIabIe vhen Advanced Cuslomizalion
is enabIed.
Accnunt Managcr
The Accounl Manager aIIovs you lo add and edil user accounls. You can aIso change
assvords from lhe Accounl Manager. Ior a delaiIed discussion of lhe olions
avaiIabIe, refer lo lhe Accounl Manager chaler on age 189.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 163
Accounl Lisl
Accnunt List
The Acccuni Iisi age rovides an overviev of lhe Nelvork Ierformance Monilor
accounl sellings. Informalion rovided incIudes: accounl exiralion dale, Iasl Iogin dale
and lime, accounl Iimilalions aIied, defauIl nelvork device seIecled, menu uliIized,
and lhe reorls foIder for vhich lhe accounl has access. You may aIso use lhe Acccuni
Iisi age lo make changes lo muIliIe accounls simuIlaneousIy. SeIecl or de-seIecl lhe
check boxes rovided for Accounl InabIed, Admin Righls, and AIIov Viev
Cuslomizalion. Changes are effeclive uon seIeclion.

164 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Accounl Vievs
Accnunt Vicws
The Acccuni Vicus age acls as a quick-reference of lhe viev secified for lhe: Home
Iage, Summary, Node DelaiIs, Inlerface DelaiIs, and VoIume DelaiIs vievs. The accounl
slalus, defauIl device, and assigned menu are Iisled. You may aIso use lhe Acccuni Vicu
age lo enabIe/disabIe accounl(s). Changes made lo lhe accounl slalus are effeclive
uon seIeclion.

Custnmizc Vicws
Vievs are coIIeclions of informalion in vhich you are inleresled. A Viev can incIude
Mas, Charls, Summary Lisls, Reorls, Ivenls, and Links lo olher resources. Vievs can
be assigned lo Menu ars and each Viev can be cuslomized. You may aIso seIecl vhich
charls and device roerlies are disIayed on each Viev.
Svilch lo Advanced Mode lo enabIe addilionaI Resources lhal can be Iaced on each viev
and lo creale nev Vievs. Advanced Mode can be sel from lhe Sellings age under lhe
Admin menu (or by seIecling Settings from lhe menu al lhe Iefl of lhe age). Change lhe
Advanced Cuslomizalion olion lo Yes.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 165
Cuslomize Vievs
Crcating Ncw Vicws
To creale a nev Viev, you musl Iogin lo lhe Orion NIM veb age using an accounl
vilh Adminislralor riviIeges. SeIecl lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar and cIick
Customize Views on lhe menu disIayed on lhe Iefl. Irom lhe Sc|cci a Vicu ic Cusicnizc
age, cIick Add.

Inler a name for lhe nev Viev, and seIecl a Type of View from lhe dro-dovn menu.
The Type of View seIeclion viII affecl hov lhe Viev may be made accessibIe lo users, and
your choice may nol be changed Ialer. Ior more delaiIs aboul lhe lyes of Vievs, see
Selling DefauIl Vievs on age 195.
When you cIick Submit, you viII be resenled vilh a Cusicnizc Vicu age. IoIIov lhe
inslruclions for Idiling Vievs lo sel u your nev Viev.
Editing Vicws
To edil an exisling Viev, you musl Iogin lo lhe Orion NIM veb age using an accounl
vilh Adminislralor riviIeges. SeIecl lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar and cIick
Customize Views on lhe menu disIayed on lhe Iefl. Irom lhe Sc|cci a Vicu ic Cusicnizc
age, seIecl lhe name of lhe Viev in lhe Iisl, and lhen cIick Edit.
166 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Vievs

You are resenled vilh a Cusicnizc Vicu age lhal incIudes lhe name of lhe Viev vilh
lhe oorlunily lo give il a differenl name, a Iisl of resources currenlIy assigned for
disIay in lhis viev, and a sel of bullons lhal may be used lo rearrange lhe resources.
The funclionaIily of lhe bullons is summarized beIov.

Add a nev Resource

DeIele lhe highIighled Resource

Move lhe highIighled Resource u in lhe disIay

Move lhe highIighled Resource dovn in lhe disIay

Move lhe highIighled Resource lo lhe nexl coIumn lo lhe righl

Move lhe highIighled Resource lo lhe nexl coIumn lo lhe Iefl

Sel u or change number of coIumns and coIumn vidlhs

Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 167
Cuslomize Vievs
The Add bullon disIays lhe A!! |cscurccs age vilh Resource Grous Iisled in a lree
slruclure. CIick lhe Ius sign nexl lo a Resource Grou lo exand lhe lree and disIay aII
avaiIabIe Resources for lhe grou. In lhis examIe, lhe Node Lisls Grou has been

Resources lhal are aIready Iisled on your Viev viII nol be check marked on lhis age, as
il's a viev of aII utulIubIe resources. Therefore, il is ossibIe lo ick duIicales of
Resources you are aIready disIaying.
SeveraI olions on lhe A!! |cscurccs age are added lo lhe Iisl of Resources for a age
Iike any olher seIeclion, bul lhe acluaI configuralion of a ma, Iink, or code is nol added
unliI lhe age is revieved.
When you have comIeled check marking your resource seIeclions, cIick Submit. You
are relurned lo lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age, vhere you may arrange lhe disIay of
Resources using lhe arrov bullons rovided.
168 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Vievs

CIick lhe CoIumn Layout bullon lo disIay a age lhal aIIovs you lo secify lhe number
of coIumns you vouId Iike lo use for disIaying Resources. You may aIso sel lhe vidlh
(in ixeIs) of each coIumn. When you are salisfied vilh lhe coIumn Iayoul, cIick Submit
lo relurn lo lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age.

CIick Preview lo see vhal your age viII Iook Iike and lo make seIeclions for lhe
resources requiring addilionaI configuralion. You viII be resenled vilh your age in a
nev vindov. In lhe Iocalions for some Resources, you viII find a message acling as a
IacehoIder. Refer lo lhe Resource Configuralion IxamIes seclion on age 169 for
inslruclions erlaining lo lhe secified resource.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 169
Cuslomize Vievs
Afler comIeling lhe required seIeclion, you can cIose lhe Ireviev vindov. The
brovser vindov disIaying lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age viII be oen benealh, vhere you
may rearrange ilems, relurning lo lhe Ireviev as necessary. When you are salisfied vilh
your choices, cIick Done.
Use your cuslomized viev as a defauIl Viev assigned lo a user (see Idiling User Accounls
on age 191), or add il lo Menu ars as a cuslom ilem (see Adding a Cuslom Menu Ilem
on age 182).
Rcsnurcc CnnIiguratinn Examp!cs
SeveraI resources seIecled from lhe A!! |cscurccs age require addilionaI configuralion.
IncIuded in lhis seclion are examIes of lhose resources and lhe sles required for
roer configuralion.
5c!ccting a Nctwnrk Map
IoIIov lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on age 165,
seIecling Nelvork Ma from eilher lhe MisceIIaneous Grou or lhe Nelvork Mas
Grou on lhe A!! |cscurccs age. CIick Preview on lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be
resenled vilh your age in a nev vindov. Navigale lo lhe Iocalion of lhe Nelvork
Ma IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource (or lhe CIick Here hyerIink) lo disIay lhe |!ii Nciucrk Map
170 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Vievs

Inler a TilIe lo disIay on lhe header for lhe ma (if you do nol vish lo use lhe defauIl
lilIe rovided) and choose from lhe avaiIabIe Iisls of mas. SeIecl lhe scaIe al vhich you
vish lhe ma lo disIay. If you Ieave lhis fieId bIank, lhe ma viII disIay al fuII scaIe.
When you cIick Submit, you viII be relurned lo lhe Preview age vilh your chosen ma
shovn in Iace.
Disp!aying a List nI Ob|ccts nn a Nctwnrk Map
IoIIov lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on age 165, seIecling
Lisl of Ob|ecls on Nelvork Ma from eilher lhe MisceIIaneous Grou or lhe Nelvork
Mas Grou on lhe A!! |cscurccs age. CIick Preview on lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be
resenled vilh your age in a nev vindov. Navigale lo lhe Iocalion of lhe Lisl of Ob|ecls
on Nelvork Ma IacehoIder.

Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 171
Cuslomize Vievs
CIick Idil Resource (or lhe CIick Here hyerIink) lo disIay lhe |!ii Iisi cj O|jccis
cn Nciucrk Map age.

The TilIe lexl may be changed lo any lexl you vouId Iike disIayed on lhe header for
lhe Iisl. SeIecl lhe ma vhose Ob|ecls you vish lo incIude. When you cIick Submit, you
viII be relurned lo lhe Prcticu age vhere your seIecled ma's ob|ecls viII be Iisled in
lhe secified Iocalion.
172 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Vievs
Disp!aying a Custnm List nI Maps
IoIIov lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on age 165,
seIecling Cuslom Lisl of Mas from eilher lhe MisceIIaneous Grou or lhe Nelvork
Mas Grou on lhe A!! |cscurccs age. CIick Preview on lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be
resenled vilh your age in a nev vindov. Navigale lo lhe Iocalion of lhe Cuslom Lisl
of Mas IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource (or lhe CIick Here hyerIink) lo disIay lhe |!ii Cusicn Iisi cj
Maps age.

Change lhe lilIe lo vhalever you desire. y defauIl aII avaiIabIe mas viII be disIayed
in lhe Cuslom Lisl. If you vouId Iike lo Iimil lhe Iisl, check mark onIy lhe mas you
vish lo be incIuded. CIick Submit lo be relurned lo lhe Prcticu age. Your chosen mas
viII be Iisled in lhe secified Iocalion.
The Delach Viev bullon can be used al any lime lo oen lhe resource in a searale
brovser vindov.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 173
Cuslomize Vievs
Disp!aying an Evcnt 5ummary - Custnm Pcrind nI Timc
You may vish lo disIay an Ivenl Summary for a cuslom eriod of lime. IoIIov lhe
inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on age 165, seIecling Ivenl
Summary from eilher lhe Ivenls Grou or lhe Ivenls and AIerls Grou on lhe A!!
|cscurccs age. CIick Preview on lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be resenled vilh your
age in a nev vindov. Navigale lo lhe Iocalion of lhe Ivenl Summary IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource lo disIay lhe |!ii Cusicn Iisi cj Maps age.

Change lhe lilIe lo vhalever you desire. y defauIl Today's Ivenls viII be disIayed in
lhe Summary. If you vouId Iike lo change lhe lime eriod, seIecl il from lhe dro dovn
rovided. CIick Submit lo be relurned lo lhe Prcticu age. The Ivenls for lhe chosen
lime eriod viII be disIayed.
174 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Vievs
5pcciIying Uscr DcIincd Links
You may vish lo incIude a Iink on lhe Orion veb age lo anolher syslem, or lo a veb
age lhal conlains addilionaI informalion erlaining lo your nelvork. To do lhis, foIIov
lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on age 165, seIecling User
Defined Links from lhe MisceIIaneous Grou on lhe A!! |cscurccs age. CIick Preview
on lhe Customize View age lo be resenled vilh your age in a nev vindov. Navigale
lo lhe Iocalion of lhe User Defined Links IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource lo disIay lhe |!ii Uscr Ocjinc! Iinks age.

The lilIe can be changed lo anylhing you Iike. Inler a descrilion and URL in lhe fieIds
rovided. If you check lhe box nexl lo Open in New Window, cIicking lhe Iink viII oen
a nev inslance of Inlernel IxIorer in vhich lo viev lhe resource. When you cIick
Submit, you viII be relurned lo lhe Prcticu age, and your Iinks viII be disIayed in lhe
secified Iocalion.
The User Defined Links olion may be used lo creale quick access lo your cuslomized
Vievs. The URLs for your cuslomized Vievs can be coied from lhe Ireviev age for lhe
Viev, and asled in a User Defined Links fieId.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 175
Cuslomize Vievs
5pcciIying Custnm HTML nr Tcxt
In silualions vhere you have slalic informalion lhal you vish lo convey via lhe Orion
veb age, use lhe Cuslom HTML or Texl olion. Iirsl, foIIov lhe inslruclions for
Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on age 165, seIecling Cuslom HTML or Texl
from lhe MisceIIaneous Grou on lhe A!! |cscurccs age. Then, cIick Preview on lhe
Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be resenled vilh your age in a nev vindov. Navigale lo lhe
Iocalion of lhe Cuslom HTML or Texl IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource lo disIay lhe Idil Cuslom HTML or Texl age.

The TilIe lexl can be changed lo any lexl you vanl lo disIay on lhe Header. Inler lhe
lexl or HTML code, as you vouId Iike il lo disIay. When you cIick Submit, you viII be
relurned lo lhe Prcticu age vhere lhe lexl or inlerreled code viII be disIayed in lhe
secified Iocalion.
The Cuslom HTML or Texl olion may be used lo creale quick access lo your cuslomized
Vievs. The URLs for your cuslomized Vievs can be coied from lhe Ireviev age for lhe
Viev, and asled in lhe Texl or HTML code lexl box.
176 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Vievs
5pcciIying an Orinn Rcpnrt
You may vish lo incIude a reorl (crealed using Orion Reorl Wriler) in a Viev. To
incIude lhe reorl, foIIov lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on
age 165, seIecling Reorl Irom Orion Reorl Wriler from lhe MisceIIaneous, Summary
Reorls, or Reorl Wriler Grous on lhe A!! |cscurccs age. CIick Preview on lhe
Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be resenled vilh your age in a nev vindov. Navigale lo lhe
Iocalion of lhe Reorl from Orion Reorl Wriler IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource (or lhe CIick Here hyerIink) lo disIay lhe |!ii |cpcri jrcn
|cpcri Wriicr age.

Change lhe TilIe lexl, if desired, lhal viII disIay on lhe Header for lhe Reorl and seIecl
lhe desired reorl from lhe dro dovn rovided. When you cIick Submit, you viII be
relurned lo lhe Prcticu age vilh lhe seIecled reorl shovn in Iace.
IiIlers can be used lo Iimil lhe dala disIayed on a reorl. If you vouId Iike lo fiIler lhe reorl
dala for lhis Viev, use lhe Shov IiIler IxamIes hyerIink beIov lhe Submil bullon lo aid in
lhe crealion of lhe fiIler.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 177
Cuslomize Vievs
Disp!aying a Custnm List nI Rcpnrts
IoIIov lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev on age 165,
seIecling Cuslom Lisl of Reorls from lhe Reorl Wriler Grou on lhe A!! |cscurccs
age. CIick Preview on lhe Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be resenled vilh your age in a nev
vindov. Navigale lo lhe Iocalion of lhe Cuslom Lisl of Reorls IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource (or lhe CIick Here hyerIink) lo disIay lhe |!ii Cusicn Iisi cj
|cpcris age.

Check each reorl you vish lo be incIuded in lhe cuslom Iisl and change lhe lilIe lexl as
desired. When you cIick Submit, you viII be relurned lo lhe Prcticu age vilh lhe
seIecled reorls Iisled.
To aIIov a user lo viev a reorl incIuded in lhe Cuslom Lisl, you musl sel lhe reorl
access for lhe Accounl. See Selling a Reorl IoIder on age 196 for more delaiIs.
178 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Vievs
Grnuping and Fi!tcring Nndcs
Node Iisls can be cuslomized for a user's Viev by use of grouing and fiIlering. To
incIude a Node Lisl, foIIov lhe inslruclions for Crealing a Nev Viev or Idiling a Viev
on age 165, seIecling Node Lisl - Cuslom Grouing and IiIlering from eilher lhe Node
Lisls or Summary Reorls Grou on lhe A!! |cscurccs age. CIick Preview on lhe
Cusicnizc Vicu age lo be resenled vilh your age in a nev vindov. Navigale lo lhe
Iocalion of lhe Node Lisl - Cuslom Grouing and IiIlering IacehoIder.

CIick Idil Resource (or lhe CIick Here hyerIink) lo disIay lhe |!ii Nc!c Iisi -
Cusicn Grcuping an! |i|icring age.

Change lhe TilIe lexl, if you vish, lhal viII disIay on lhe Header for lhe Node Lisl. Use
lhe dro dovns rovided lo seIecl lhe crileria for vhich you vouId Iike lo grou your
Iisl of nodes. If you vouId Iike lo fiIler lhe nodes, enler lhe fiIler in lhe lexl box
rovided. The Shov IiIler IxamIes hyerIink is rovided lo aid in lhe crealion of
fiIlers. When you are salisfied vilh your seIeclions, cIick Submit. You viII be relurned lo
lhe Ireviev age vilh lhe Nodes malching your secificalions Iisled.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 179
Cuslomize Menu ars
Custnmizc Mcnu Bars
The Cuslomize Menu bar age is onIy avaiIabIe in Advanced Mode. To change lhe syslem
lo Advanced Mode, seIecl Settings from lhe menu disIayed al lhe Iefl of lhe age,
change lhe AII Advanced Cuslomizalion olion lo Yes, and cIick Submit.
The Menu ars disIayed al lhe lo of every age can be configured lo disIay severaI
menu ilems. You can edil exisling Menu ars lo disIay lhe desired menu ilems, or slarl
from scralch and buiId a brand nev one. The abiIily lo define and add your ovn menu
ilems for disIay on a Menu ar is incIuded as veII. You can even cuslomize a differenl
Menu ar for each Accounl. (Menu ar seIeclions for an accounl are made in lhe
Accounl Manager, see Idiling User Accounls on age 191.)
Tn Edit nr Add a Ncw Mcnu Bar
Do nol deIele lhe Admin olion from lhe Admin Menu ar. If you do, you viII onIy be
abIe lo access Admin funclions by Iogging in as Admin, lhen enlering
hll://YourOrionURL/NelIerfMon/Admin in lhe Address fieId.
1. SeIecl Customize Menu Bars from lhe menu al lhe Iefl of lhe Admin viev, or
from lhe Iisl of olions on lhe A!nin age.

2. To edil an exisling Menu ar, cIick Edit under lhe Menu ar of your choice,
180 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Menu ars
lhen make choices as delaiIed for Nev Menu ars. To creale a nev Menu ar,
cIick New Menu Bar.

3. Give your nev Menu ar a name, and lhen cIick Submit. The |!ii Mcnu Bar
age viII disIay.

4. CIick Add lo oen lhe Sc|cci Mcnu |icns age.

Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 181
Cuslomize Menu ars

5. SeIecl lhe Viev(s) lo be added lo lhe Menu ar, and lhen cIick Submit.
If you check mark Reorls from lhe SeIecl Menu Ilems age, you musl aIso enabIe reorls
for lhe Accounl(s) lhal uliIize lhe Menu ar. To do lhis, seIecl lhe desired reorl foIder
from lhe Reorl IoIder dro-dovn on lhe Idil Accounl age vilhin Accounl Manager.
Ior more delaiIed inslruclions and informalion on reorl securily olions visil Selling a
Reorl IoIder on age 196.
182 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Cuslomize Menu ars
Adding a Custnm Mcnu Itcm
Al lhe bollom of lhe Sc|cci Mcnu |icns age, lhe Add Custom Menu Item bullon is
disIayed. Using lhis olion, you can add cuslomized Vievs lo Menu ars.

This bullon oens lhe |!ii Cusicn Mcnu |icn age lhal conlains fieIds for cuslom ilems.

Give your ilem a name, incIude lhe URL (This URL may have been coied lo lhe
cIiboard from lhe Preview screen vhen you crealed a nev Viev, for more delaiIs, see
Idiling Vievs on age 165.), add a descrilion if desired, and check Open in a New
Window if you vish.
When you cIick Submit from lhe |!ii Cusicn Mcnu |icn age, you viII be relurned lo
lhe |!ii Mcnu Bar age vilh your nev menu ilem incIuded in lhe Iisl. CIick Submit lo
comIele your menu ilem addilion.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 183
CoIor Scheme
Cn!nr 5chcmc
The overaII coIor scheme of lhe Orion NIM vebsile can be changed lo one of severaI
coIor schemes, as shovn beIov. To change lhe CoIor Scheme, you musl Iogin lo lhe
Orion NIM vebsile using an accounl vilh Adminislralor riviIeges. SeIecl lhe Admin
olion from lhe Menu ar and cIick CoIor Scheme on lhe menu disIayed on lhe Iefl of
lhe age. Use lhe radio bullons lo make lhe desired coIor seIeclion and cIick Submit.

Kee in mind lhal changes made lo lhe CoIor Scheme are vieved by aII users.
184 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
NIM Web Sellings
NPM Wcb 5cttings
The Nciucrk Pcrjcrnancc Mcniicr Wc| Sciiings age aIIovs you lo svilch from asic
Mode lo Advanced Mode. GIobaI Web sellings such as Iage Refresh, Timeoul, and
Charl Asecl ralios can aIso be ad|usled from lhe Sciiings age.

The Charl Asecl Ralio shouId normaIIy be sel lo a vaIue belveen 0.25 and 3.0 in order lo
avoid erralic disIay robIems. Your syslem may differ.
The SoIarWinds banner across lhe lo of each veb age can aIso be changed lo your
comany Iogo (or any grahic you vanl) from lhe Settings age. To reIace lhe
SoIarWinds banner vilh your ovn banner, you viII need lo creale an aroriale fiIe.
(The SoIarWinds banner fiIe is 580 by 65 ixeIs.) IIace il in lhe
C:(Inelub(SoIarWinds(NelIerfMon(images direclory (assuming you inslaIIed your
Orion NIM vebsile in lhe defauIl direclory), and lhen enler ils name as a reIacemenl
for SoIarWinds.Logo.|g in lhe Sile Logo URL fieId of lhe Sciiings age.
WhiIe you may change lhe banner al lhe lo of Orion's veb ages lo anylhing you Iike, lhe
SoIarWinds.Nel Ind User License Agreemenl rohibils lhe modificalion, eIiminalion, or
reIacemenl of lhe SoIarWinds.Nel Iogo and Iink on lhe Menu ar or lhe SoIarWinds
coyrighl Iine al lhe bollom of lhe age.
Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 185
ThreshoIds for CIU Load, Iercenl UliIizalion, Disk Usage, Irrors & Discards, elc. can be
sel. These ThreshoIds conlroI vhich devices aear on Summary Reorls. Ior examIe,
vhen lhe Disk Usage Warning ThreshoId is sel lo 80 ercenl, aII disk voIumes vilh
sace usage over 80 ercenl viII aear on lhe High Disk Sace summary.

186 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
Dalabase DelaiIs
Databasc Dctai!s
This is an informalion-onIy age lhal disIays delaiIs aboul lhe SQL Server dalabase.
The lolaI number of monilored IIemenls, Nodes, Inlerfaces, and VoIumes in lhe
dalabase can be found here. This aneI aIso shovs lhe SQL Server version.

Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion 187
License DelaiIs
Liccnsc Dctai!s
This is an informalion-onIy age lhal disIays delaiIs aboul your Iicense. The version of
Orion NIM aIicalions and of DLLs are aIso shovn here.

188 Chaler 10: Web Adminislralion
IoIIing Ingines
Pn!!ing Engincs
Syslem Manager suorls muIliIe dislribuled IoIIing Ingines. Iach Ingine can
monilor and coIIecl dala from a differenl arl of your nelvork. This aneI shovs lhe
slalus of each IoIIing Ingine.

C!car Wcb Cachc
AII Charls, Mas, Reorls, and Gauges are cached by lhe Web Ingine. When a Charl,
Ma, Reorl or Gauge is requesled, lhe cached version is used if il exisls. If you change
ThreshoIds or Sellings, you may need lo cIear lhe Web Cache in order lo see lhe changes
Chaptcr 11: Accnunt Managcr
n Orion NIM's Accounl Manager, you define users and eslabIish lheir defauIl
ermissions and Vievs. If Advanced Cuslomizalion has been lurned on in lhe
Sciiings age (accessed by cIicking Settings on lhe menu al lhe Iefl of lhe age),
cuslomized Menu ars and Vievs can be assigned lo differenl users.
Ior lhe uroses of iIIuslralion and comIeleness in lhis guide, ve viII assume lhal
Advanced Customization has been enabIed. If il has nol been enabIed, lhe range of
olions viII be more Iimiled, and lhe ages viII shov fever choices lhan shovn here.
Crcating Ncw Accnunts
To creale a nev user accounl, you musl be Iogged inlo Orion NIM as a user vilh
Admin righls. Irom lhe Menu ar, seIecl lhe Admin olion, and cIick Account Manager
from lhe menu disIayed on lhe Iefl of lhe age. The Acccuni Managcr age is disIayed.

190 Chaler 11: Accounl Manager
Crealing Nev Accounls
CIick Add lo disIay lhe A!! Acccuni age. Irovide a name for lhe nev user, and enler
and verify a assvord.

Idil lhe nev user's defauIl sellings and ermissions according lo lhe inslruclions in lhe
Idiling User Accounls seclion lhal foIIovs.
Refer lo lhe Aulo-Login seclion on age 235 for delaiIs on uliIizing Windovs Iass-
Through Securily and lhe crealion and uses of a DireclLink Accounl.
Chaler 11: Accounl Manager 191
Idiling User Accounls
Editing Uscr Accnunts
Irom lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age, you can disabIe an accounl vilhoul deIeling il, sel an
exiralion dale, granl righls, sel Iimilalions on vhal can be vieved, define a defauIl
Menu ar, and sel severaI olher defauIls lhal define vhal lhe user viII see. The |!ii Uscr
Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling lhe
Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl.
SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.

There is aIso a bullon al lhe bollom of lhe age lo resel lhe user's assvord.
Disab!ing Accnunts
Accounls are enabIed by defauIl, hovever, in some cases you may vanl lo disabIe an
accounl vilhoul deIeling il. y disabIing lhe accounl, you Ieave ils definilion and delaiIs
in Iace lo be enabIed al a Ialer lime. You may disabIe an Accounl by seIecling No from
lhe dro-dovn menu nexl lo lhe Account EnabIed olion on lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age.
The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges,
seIecling lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu
on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.
192 Chaler 11: Accounl Manager
Idiling User Accounls
5ctting Expiratinn Datcs nn Accnunts
Accounls can be sel lo exire on a given dale by enlering lhe dale in lhe Account
Expires fieId on lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age. The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by
Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu
ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.
y defauIl, accounls are sel Never lo exire. Dales can be enlered in |usl aboul any
formal you Iike, and viII conform lo lhe IocaI sellings on your comuler.
5ctting Administratnr Rights nn Accnunts
Adminislralor Righls can be granled by seIecling Yes from lhe dro-dovn menu nexl lo
AIIow Administrator Rights on lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age. The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is
accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling lhe Admin olion from
lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and
cIick Edit.
Adminislralor Righls are nol granled by defauIl and are required lo creale, deIele, and
edil accounls. Wilhoul Adminislralor Righls, a user is unabIe lo viev any informalion
accessed by lhe A!nin age, even if lhey have lhose olions on lheir Menu ars.
Granling Adminislralor righls do nol aulomalicaIIy cause lhe Admin Menu ar lo be lhe
defauIl for lhe user. If you vanl lhe user lo have access lo lhe Admin olions, you viII
need lo assign lhe Admin Menu ar lo lhe user.
A!!nwing Custnmizcd Vicw Crcatinn
y seIecling Yes in lhe dro-dovn menu nexl lo AIIow Account to Customize Views on
lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age, lhe accounl is enabIed lo creale and edil Vievs. The |!ii Uscr
Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling lhe
Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl.
SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.
y defauIl, cuslomized Viev crealion is nol aIIoved.
Kee in mind lhal changes made lo any Viev are seen by uII users vilh access lo lhal
Chaler 11: Accounl Manager 193
Idiling User Accounls
A!!nwing Evcnt Acknnw!cdgmcnt and Rcmnva!
y seIecling Yes in lhe dro-dovn menu nexl lo AIIow Account to CIear Events on lhe
|!ii Uscr Acccuni age, lhe accounl is enabIed lo acknovIedge and cIear nelvork
evenls. The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin
riviIeges, seIecling lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from
lhe menu on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.
y defauIl, lhe cIearing of evenls is nol aIIoved.
5ctting Accnunt Limitatinns
Users can be Iimiled lo vieving onIy a designaled arl of lhe nelvork or onIy cerlain
kinds of informalion. In order lo Iimil an accounl's viev, cIick lhe Addil Limilalion
ullon under lhe Accounl Limilalion seclion of lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age. The Sc|cci
Iiniiaiicn age is disIayed. (The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a
user vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and
Account Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.)

194 Chaler 11: Accounl Manager
Idiling User Accounls
Cuslom Iroerlies defined uliIizing lhe Accounl Limilalion uiIder viII be disIayed on
lhe SeIecl Limilalion age for choosing. y firsl adding a cuslom roerly (region,
buiIding, assel lag, seriaI number, elc.) lo your dalabase, accounl Iimilalions can lhen be
defined and sel using aImosl any crileria. Visil lhe Accounl Limilalion uiIder chaler on
age 157 for more delaiIs.
When you seIecl a lye of Iimilalion and cIick Continue, you viII be resenled vilh a
age lhal aIIovs you lo aIy secific fiIler informalion for lhe lye of Iimilalion chosen.
Ior examIe, if you seIecl Group of Nodes, you are resenled a age lhal Iisls aII your
monilored Nodes, from vhich you may seIecl lhe ones you vish lo make vievabIe for
lhe accounl being configured.

Olher choices Iead lo ages aroriale lo lhe lask, some vilh dro-dovn Iisls, some
vilh check boxes, and olhers vilh lexl boxes.
5ctting DcIau!t Mcnu Bars
Iach accounl has a Menu ar assigned lo il, and each can be differenl. Menu ars
aIready crealed are Iisled in lhe dro-dovn menu on lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age. The
|!ii Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges,
seIecling lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu
on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.
Ior more informalion aboul crealing cuslomized Menu ars, see Cuslomize Menu ars on
age 179.
Chaler 11: Accounl Manager 195
Idiling User Accounls
5ctting a DcIau!t Hnmc Pagc Vicw
Iach user may be assigned a differenl Home Iage, vhich is lhe Viev vilh vhich users
are resenled vhen lhey Iog in. If no Home Iage is secified, lhe defauIl is lhe age lhal
is designaled in lhe DefauIt Summary View fieId on lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age. The |!ii
Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling
lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl.
SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.
5ctting DcIau!t Nctwnrk Dcviccs
If a user has a designaled Home Iage lhal is a DelaiI Viev of a Node, Inlerface, or
VoIume, il is necessary lo secify lhe arlicuIar device for vhich lhe delaiI is vanled.
This is done from lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age by cIicking lhe Edit bullon associaled vilh
lhe DefauIt Network Device olion and making a choice from lhe Iisl of avaiIabIe
devices. The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin
riviIeges, seIecling lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from
lhe menu on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.
You musl firsl have icked a DefauIl Home Iage lhal requires a DefauIl Nelvork Device
lo be seIecled. The Iisl from vhich you make your choice viII deend on vhal lye of
Viev has been seIecled as lhe DefauIl Home Iage. If Node DelaiIs has been seIecled, lhen
you are resenled vilh a Iisl of Nodes. If Inlerface DelaiIs has been seIecled, you viII see a
Iisl of Inlerfaces, and so on.
5ctting DcIau!t Vicws
As a user driIIs rogressiveIy inlo an ob|ecl, a age for Node, Inlerface, or VoIume
DelaiIs is resenled. If you have deveIoed a Cuslomized Viev designaled in lhe Type
of View fieId as Node, Inlerface, or VoIume DelaiIs, you may seIecl il from lhe Iisl on lhe
|!ii Uscr Acccuni age. (The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is accessed by Iogging in as a user
vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling lhe Admin olion from lhe Menu ar, and Account
Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and cIick Edit.) If None is seIecled,
lhe user for vhom lhe Accounl is being configured viII be resenled vilh a message
slaling lhal lhey do nol have access lo lhal Viev.
196 Chaler 11: Accounl Manager
Idiling User Accounls
5ctting a Rcpnrt Fn!dcr
Reorls may be assigned lo an Accounl by crealing sub-direclories vilhin lhe NIM
Reorls direclory and incIuding lhe desired reorl(s) vilhin lhe sub-direclory. The sub-
direclories viII lhen be avaiIabIe for assignmenl lo an Accounl by seIecling il from lhe
Reorl IoIder dro dovn on lhe |!ii Uscr Acccuni age. The |!ii Uscr Acccuni age is
accessed by Iogging in as a user vilh Admin riviIeges, seIecling lhe Admin olion from
lhe Menu ar, and Account Manager from lhe menu on lhe Iefl. SeIecl lhe accounl and
cIick Edit.
This rovides a reorl securily IeveI vhen adding Reorls as a Cuslom Menu Ilem (as
delaiIed on age 182), or incIuding a reorl in a Viev as exIained in lhe Cuslomize
Vievs seclion on age 164. If you vouId Iike aII reorls lo be avaiIabIe for lhe Accounl,
seIecl lhe (Reorls olion. AIlernaliveIy, use lhe defauIl olion, No Reorls for lhis
Accounl, if you do nol vish lhe Accounl lo have access lo any reorls.
The NIM Reorls direclory is Iocaled in lhe Nelvork Ierformance Monilor InslaIIalion
direclory (defauIl Iocalion: C:(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds(Nelvork Ierformance
Chaptcr 12: Databasc Uti!itics
rion NIM uses a Microsofl SQL Server 2000 dalabase. A Iicensed coy of SQL
Server 2000 Desklo Ingine (MSDI ) is dislribuled vilh each coy of Orion NIM.
MSDI suorls a maximum dalabase size of 2G. Orion NIM incIudes looIs vrillen by
SoIarWinds for managing your SQL Server dalabase. If you are running lhe SLX or
SL2000 version you may need lo acquire and inslaII eilher lhe Slandard or Inlerrise
version of SQL Server.
Orion's Dalabase UliIilies are comrised of lvo aIicalions as described beIov:
Dalabase Manager - an inlerface lo your dalabase aIIoving you lo erform
queries, edil dalabase vaIues, exorl dala, and erform dalabase reair and
Dalabase Mainlenance - a looI used lo summarize, cIean, and comacl lhe
Databasc Managcr
The Dalabase Manager can be used lo erform queries, viev dalabase and labIe delaiIs,
exorl dala, and edil dalabase vaIues. You may aIso reair, comacl, reslore, or backu
lhe dalabase from lhe Dalabase Manager aIicalion.
Gctting 5tartcd
The Dalabase Manager is oened from lhe Windovs Slarl Menu: Start SoIarWinds
Network Performance Monitor Database UtiIities Database Manager. The SoIarWinds
Dalabase Manager oens lo disIay a sIash screen deicled in lhe iIIuslralion lhal
198 Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies
Dalabase Manager

The SIash Screen rovides addilionaI aIicalion informalion and resenls a coIIeclion
of bullons lhal can be used lo erform lhe soflvare's mosl common funclions. This
funclionaIily is aIso avaiIabIe from lhe aIicalion menu and looIbar.
Adding a 5crvcr
Afler inslaIIing Orion, you musl add lhe SQL servers you vish lo disIay and manage
vilhin lhe Dalabase Manager aIicalion. To do lhis, seIecl Add Server from lhe looIbar
(or seIecl FiIe Add Server from lhe menu). The NciPcrjMcn Oaia|asc Managcr diaIog is

Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies 199
Dalabase Manager
SeIecl lhe SQL server from lhe dro dovn or enler lhe II address of lhe SQL Server
machine. Use lhe radio bullons rovided lo seIecl lhe Iogin slyIe. You may use
Windovs NT Inlegraled Securily lo aulomalicaIIy ass lhe vindovs user ID and
assvord lo lhe SQL server, or seIecl lo use a searale SQL Server user ID and
assvord. Uon seIecling lhe Ialer olion, lhe diaIog viII dynamicaIIy change lo
disIay lexl boxes for enlry of lhe SQL Server user ID and assvord you vish lo use.
Afler making your seIeclions, cIick Connect to Database Server. Your seIecled server
and associaled dalabases viII be disIayed in lhe lree slruclure of lhe Dalabase Manager
Databasc Backup
Il is very imorlanl lhal you eriodicaIIy back u your Orion NIM dalabase. To back
u lhe dalabase, righl-cIick on lhe dalabase name in lhe lree of lhe Dalabase Manager
vindov and choose Backup Database.
The Backup Oaia|asc diaIog romls you lo enler a descrilion of lhe dalabase backu
and secify a alh and fiIename for lhe backu fiIe. Inler lhe requesled informalion.
TyicaIIy, C:(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds(Dala(NelIerfMon.AK. Refer lo Crealing a
Dalabase Mainlenance IIan on age 203, for delaiIs on hov lo scheduIe a reguIar
dalabase backu.
Insure lhal lhe largel Iocalion for lhe dalabase backu has sufficienl avaiIabIe disk sace.
Rcstnrc a Databasc
To reslore a dalabase from backu, oen lhe Dalabase Manager and seIecl
Database Restore Database (or righl-cIick lhe SQL Server in lhe lree and seIecl
Restore Database from lhe Iisl). The |csicrc Oaia|asc diaIog is disIayed. Use lhe
IIIisis bullon lo navigale lo lhe Iocalion of lhe desired dalabase, or enler a vaIid SQL
acku dalabase name and comIele alh in lhe lexl box. TyicaIIy lhe defauIl is
C:(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds(Dala(NelIerfMon.AK.
Use lhe Verify bullon lo check lhal you have secified a vaIid SQL acku dalabase name.
200 Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies
Dalabase Manager

Uon seIecling a dalabase, lhe remaining fieIds viII be aulo-fiIIed. The Dalabase Name
fieId is ouIaled vilh lhe name SQL viII use lo refer lo lhe secified dalabase. The
remaining lvo fieIds disIayed are lhe dala fiIes (.mdf is lhe dala fiIe and .Idf is lhe Iog
fiIe) lhal lhe dalabase is comrised of. You may change lhe vaIues rovided, noling lhal
SQL does nol creale direclories, lherefore you musl secify a alh lhal exisls. AIso kee
in mind lhal you cannol reslore a dalabase lhal is currenlIy in use. CIick OK lo reslore
lhe seIecled dalabase.
Cnmpact a Databasc
You can run lhe dalabase comacl rocedure lo remove vhilesace, reindex, and shrink
lhe dalabase. SoIarWinds recommends lhal you comacl your dalabase as il aroaches
1.5 -1.6 G in size, as lhe max size of lhe SQL Desklo Ingine lhal shis vilh Orion
NIM is 2G. Dalabase comaclion can be erformed vilhin Dalabase Manager by
seIecling Database Compact Database (or by righl-cIicking lhe dalabase name and
seIecling Compact Database from lhe Iisl). Uon comIelion, a diaIog Iisling lhe size of
lhe dalabase before and afler comaclion is disIayed.
The same vaIue disIayed in lhe before and afler size is an indicalor lhal lhere is nol
enough free sace in lhe dalabase lo rearrange dala. Use lhe Comacl/RebuiId Indexes
olion on individuaI labIes in order lo free u enough sace for lhe dalabase comaclion
lo occur.
You may check lhe delaiIs of lhe comaclion by vieving lhe Iog al C:(Irogram
IiIes(SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor V7(NelIerfMon-Comacl-
Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies 201
Dalabase Manager
Cnmpact Individua! Tab!cs
IndividuaI labIes vilhin a dalabase may be comacled from lhe Dalabase Manager
aIicalion. Righl-cIick on lhe desired labIe and seIecl Compact/RebuiId Indexes from
lhe Iisl. A diaIog Iisling lhe before and afler size of lhe labIe is disIayed uon
comIelion. CIick OK lo cIose lhe diaIog.
Vicw Databasc Dctai!s
DelaiIs erlaining lo lhe seIecled dalabase can be vieved in Dalabase Manager by righl-
cIicking lhe dalabase name and seIecling Database DetaiIs from lhe Iisl (or by seIecling
Database Database DetaiIs from lhe menu). The Dalabase DelaiIs age is disIayed
vilh lhe Properties lab oen. SoIarWinds recommends lhal you monilor lhe vaIue in
lhe TolaI Sace Used fieId. When your dalabase size aroaches 1.5 or 1.6 G, you
shouId run lhe Comacl rocedure oulIined on age 200, as lhe max size of lhe SQL
Desklo Ingine lhal shis vilh Orion NIM is 2G. The Lasl acku fieId shouId aIso
be noled lo ensure lhal you are adhering lo a reguIar dalabase mainlenance Ian. If lhis
fieId is bIank, you do nol have a backu of your dalabase and shouId refer lo Crealing a
Dalabase Mainlenance IIan on age 203.
Vicw Tab!c Dctai!s
Oaia|asc Managcrs Ta||c Ociai|s age is comrised of lhree labs used lo disIay lhe
labIe's roerly, coIumn, and index informalion. You may viev lhe TabIe DelaiIs by
seIecling TabIe TabIe DetaiIs from lhe menu (or by righl-cIicking lhe labIe name in lhe
lree and seIecling TabIe DetaiIs from lhe Iisl).
The Properties lab incIudes generaI slalislics erlaining lo lhe labIe size and crealion
dale. The CoIumns lab describes lhe coIumns in lhe labIe, lhe keys, and fieId lyes,
vhiIe lhe Indexes lab Iisls lhe indexes used vilhin lhe labIe. You may aIso query lhe
labIe by seIecling lhe Query bullon incIuded on lhe lo of lhe disIay. A defauIl SQL
slalemenl is rovided, as veII as radio bullons for disIaying lhe dala in read or
read/vrile viev. SeciaI care shouId be laken vhiIe ediling dalabase vaIues as you
couId easiIy comromise lhe inlegrily of your dalabase.
202 Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies
Dalabase Manager
Expnrting Data
The dala disIayed in lhe query viev of lhe Dalabase Manager can be exorled lo one
of severaI formals. To exorl lhe query dala, seIecl FiIe Export Export to *,
subsliluling lhe desired formal for *. AvaiIabIe formals incIude: Comma DeIimiled, Texl,
HTML, IxceI, or IDI. You viII be resenled vilh lhe Sc|cci |ic|!s diaIog aIIoving you lo
check mark lhe dala fieIds you vouId Iike lo incIude in lhe exorl. Uon seIeclion, lhe
Satc As diaIog viII be disIayed. Navigale lo lhe desired Iocalion, secify a name, and
cIick Save.
The Ixorl direclIy lo IxceI olion saves lhe fiIe vilh lhe .xIs exlension and oens lhe fiIe
in IxceI for immediale use. The Ixorl lo IxceI olion saves lhe fiIe vilh lhe .xIs
Editing Databasc Fic!ds
Dalabase fieIds may be ediled vilhin lhe Dalabase Manager aIicalion from lhe query
viev. Il is very imorlanl lo exercise greal care vhen ediling dalabase vaIues, as you
couId |eoardize lhe inlegrily of your dalabase. To edil a fieId, you musl firsl slo lhe
service (using lhe looI avaiIabIe from lhe Windovs Slarl menu: SoIarWinds Network
Performance Monitor Advanced Features Shutdown NetPerfMon), lhen righl-cIick
lhe desired labIe and seIecl Query TabIe from lhe Iisl. Use lhe rovided SQL slalemenl
or enler your ovn in lhe disIay. CIick lhe Refresh bullon lo disIay lhe query resuIls in
labIe viev. SeIecl lhe Read/Wrile radio bullon incIuded al lhe lo of lhe disIay lo
enabIe lhe abiIily lo edil lhe fieIds.
Dctach a Databasc
You may eIecl lo delach a dalabase in order lo Ieave lhe dala fiIes (.mdf is lhe dala fiIe
and .Idf is lhe Iog fiIe) lhal lhe dalabase is comrised of in lacl. Delaching a dalabase
removes lhe reference from lhe SQL Server aIIoving you lo safeIy move fiIes lo differenl
Iocalions. Oen Dalabase Manager and seIecl Database Detach Database from lhe
menu, or righl-cIick lhe dalabase name and seIecl Detach Database from lhe Iisl.
SoIarWinds does nol recommend using lhe Delach Dalabase olion lo migrale a dalabase
from one SQL Server lo anolher. IIease use lhe acku and Reslore rocedures described
on age 199.
Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies 203
Dalabase Manager
Crcating a Databasc Maintcnancc P!an
You can creale a dalabase mainlenance Ian lhal viII aulomalicaIIy comacl and
backu lhe dalabase on a scheduIed basis. To creale a dalabase mainlenance Ian for lhe
Orion NIM dalabase, foIIov lhese sles:
1. In Dalabase Manager, righl-cIick on lhe dalabase, and choose Database
Backup ScheduIe.
2. The Dalabase Mainlenance Wizard viII slarl.
3. SeIecl lhe frequency vilh vhich lo run lhe backu, sel lhe lime for il lo run,
and cIick Next.
4. SeIecl lhe check box, if you vish lo comacl and shrink lhe dalabase before lhe
backu (recommended).
5. Choose lhe Iocalion vhere you vouId Iike lhe dalabase backu fiIes lo be
crealed and lhe backu reorls slored. CIick Finish lo conlinue.
6. A message box viII be disIayed slaling lhal lhe backu scheduIe has been
SQL Server Agenl musl be running in order for your dalabase mainlenance Ian lo be
Using Entcrprisc Managcr
If you have a Iicensed coy of SQL Server 2000 Slandard or Inlerrise Idilion, you may
choose lo use Inlerrise Manager lo mainlain your Orion NIM dalabase inslead of lhe
SoIarWinds Dalabase Manager. We recommend lhal you conlacl your DA and
reference lhe documenlalion lhal Microsofl rovides for Inlerrise Manager for
inslruclions on using il lo manage a SQL 2000 dalabase.
If you do nol have a DA and vouId Iike lo use Inlerrise Manager lo sel u a
mainlenance Ian for your Orion NIM dalabase, foIIov lhese sles:
1. Oen Inlerrise Manager and seIecl lhe SQL Server grou in lhe Iefl ane.
2. Irom lhe menu, choose Action New SQL Server Registration.
3. CIick Next lo begin lhe SQL Server Regisler Wizard. Nexl, choose your Orion
204 Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies
Dalabase Manager
NIM Server/Inslance Name from lhe Iisl and cIick Add. If your SQL Server
does nol shov u in lhe Iisl, you can enler il manuaIIy.
4. Choose lhe lye of aulhenlicalion lhal viII be used lo connecl lo lhe SQL
server. 5. SeIecl lhe Server Grou lo vhich lhe SQL Server shouId be added
and cIick Finish.
5. Ixand lhe ilems on lhe Iefl unliI you see your Orion NIM dalabase.
6. Righl-cIick on lhe dalabase and choose AII Tasks Maintenance PIan.
7. The Mainlenance IIan Wizard viII vaIk you lhrough buiIding a mainlenance
Ian for lhe Orion NIM dalabase. CIick Next lo slarl lhe vizard.
8. SeIecl lhe dalabase lo vhich lhe mainlenance Ian shouId aIy and cIick
Next. In mosl cases, lhe onIy dalabase you viII vanl seIecled is lhe Orion
NIM dalabase (NelIerfMon).
9. Configure lhe dalabase backu scheduIe. Il is recommended lhal you back u
lhe dalabase as a reguIar arl of lhe mainlenance Ian and lhal you check lhe
inlegrily of lhe backu vhen comIele. NormaIIy, il is recommended lhal you
run lhe backu |ob nighlIy. CIick Next lo conlinue.
10. Configure lhe direclory vhere lhe dalabase backus shouId be slored. e sure
lo secify a Iocalion vilh sufficienl free sace. AIso, be sure lo secify hov
Iong lo kee lhe dalabase backus in lhe Remove FiIes OIder Than seclion.
CIick Next lo conlinue.
11. Configure lhe lransaclion Iog backu. Il is nol normaIIy necessary lo back u
lhe lransaclion Iog as a arl of lhe mainlenance Ian. CIick Next lo conlinue.
12. Configure lhe reorl lo be generaled during mainlenance. These reorls are
eseciaIIy imorlanl if lhere is a robIem. e sure lo secify lhe Ienglh of lime
lo kee reorls in DeIete Text Report FiIes OIder Than. CIick Next lo conlinue.
13. Configure lhe mainlenance Ian hislory. Il is nol lyicaIIy necessary lo vrile a
mainlenance Ian hislory. CIick Next lo conlinue.
14. IinaIIy, choose a name for lhe mainlenance Ian and cIick Finish.
Ior addilionaI heI vilh using Microsofl's Inlerrise Manager, Iease visil lhe
Microsofl Suorl Websile al hll://
Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies 205
Dalabase Mainlenance
Databasc Maintcnancc
The rimary lasks avaiIabIe for mainlaining a SQL dalabase are dala summarizalion
and dalabase comaclion. Dala summarizalion occurs aulomalicaIIy as a arl of Orion's
nighlIy mainlenance rogram. You can aIso run NighlIy Mainlenance on demand from
lhe Syslem Manager (see age 29) or from lhe Dalabase Mainlenance looI. The dalabase
comaclion funclion is run manuaIIy from lhe Dalabase Mainlenance looI.
The Dalabase Mainlenance looI is oened from lhe Windovs Slarl Menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Database UtiIities Database
Maintenance. The Dalabase Mainlenance vindov is disIayed.

Night!y Maintcnancc
NighlIy Mainlenance erforms a series of dala summarizalions. Dala summarizalion
consisls of galhering aII lhe dala for a defined eriod of lime, caIcuIaling slalislics from
lhe dala, lhen discarding lhe dala ilseIf and relaining lhe slalislics. The benefils of saved
sace and increased erformance are considerabIe.
Dala summarizalion is arl of lhe scheduIed nighlIy mainlenance sel u in Syslem
Manager (see Syslem Sellings on age 29 for more informalion), and normaIIy runs
vilhoul furlher allenlion. Il can be forced lo run al any lime.
You can run NighlIy Mainlenance from lhe Dalabase Mainlenance looI or from lhe
Syslem Manager (eilher from lhe Dalabase lab of lhe Nciucrk Pcrjcrnancc Mcniicr
Sciiings diaIog, or by cIicking FiIe Database Maintenance). Using eilher olion, lhe
Dalabase Mainlenance rogram vindov viII aear. SeIecl Network Performance
Monitor - NightIy Maintenance and cIick Run Job. The rogram viII summarize lhe
slalislics slored in lhe dalabase according lo lhe sellings you have secified vilhin
206 Chaler 12: Dalabase UliIilies
Dalabase Migralion
Syslem Manager.
You may viev lhe delaiIs in lhe Iog al C:(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance
Monilor V7(NelIerfMon-Mainl-YYYYMMDD.Iog.
Databasc Cnmpactinn
Dalabase comaclion invoIves lhe deIelion of emly records from lhe dalabase, a re-
indexing of lhe dalabase, and a dalabase shrink. When dala is summarized via NighlIy
Mainlenance, lhe oId records are emlied, bul nol deIeled. Thus, lhere is no reduclion in
lhe size of lhe dalabase. Ior lhis reason, you viII vanl lo eriodicaIIy erform a
dalabase comaclion.
You may comacl your dalabase from eilher lhe Dalabase Mainlenance rogram, or
from Dalabase Manager. To comacl your Orion NIM dalabase from Dalabase
Manager, righl-cIick on lhe dalabase and choose Compact Database (or seIecl Compact
Database from lhe Database menu). To comacl your dalabase from Dalabase
Mainlenance, seIecl Network Performance Monitor - Compact Database Size and cIick
Run Job.
When dalabase comaclion is comIele, a message box viII aear lhal disIays lhe
size of lhe dalabase before and afler lhe comaclion.
The same vaIue disIayed in lhe before and afler size is an indicalor lhal lhere is nol
enough free sace in lhe dalabase lo rearrange dala. Use lhe Comacl IndividuaI TabIes
olion lo free u enough sace for lhe dalabase comaclion lo occur.
You may viev delaiIs in lhe Iog al C:(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance
Monilor V7(NelIerfMon-Comacl-YYYYMMDD.Iog.
Databasc Migratinn
If you are ugrading from one version of Orion NIM lo anolher, ugrading from
Ingineer's NIM lo Orion NIM, or you vish lo merge lvo searale dalabases,
SoIarWinds rovides an easy-lo-use dalabase migralion looI for moving dala from
eilher Access or SQL dalabases inlo a SQL dalabase. Login lo lhe Cuslomer orlion of
our vebsile al SoIarWinds.Nel. Once Iogged in, cIick on lhe Unsuorled bullon and
dovnIoad lhe Dalabase Migralion looI.
Upgradcs and Migratinns
his chaler viII discuss rocedures for ugrading lo a never version of Orion NIM
and for migraling dala from an earIier version.
efore you erform any sorl of ugrade, you shouId verify lhe inlegrily and roer
funclion of your dalabase and back il u.
Upgrading tn Managc Mnrc E!cmcnts
If you have urchased an ugrade from one ackage of Orion NIM lo anolher, lhe
ugrade rocess is quile simIe. Ior examIe, lo ugrade from lhe SL100 lo lhe SL2000
(or for simiIar ugrades), inserl lhe Orion NIM CD in your server and inslaII lhe nev
ackage on lo of your revious inslaIIalion. When lhe inslaIIalion comIeles, you viII
need lo re-run lhe Orion NIM Configuralion Wizard lo configure lhe Nelvork
Ierformance Monilor. No addilionaI sles are necessary for lhis lye of ugrade.
Upgrading Frnm Vcrsinn 7.0.5 tn Vcrsinn 7.x
If you are ugrading from version 7.0.5 of Orion NIM lo version 7.x,
If you have cuslomized lhe Orion vebsile or have crealed accounls for lhe Orion vebsile
lhal you vish lo kee afler lhe ugrade, you viII need lo backu lhe
NelIerfMon.WebIngine fiIe and Iace il in lhe foIder vhere Orion NIM V7 is inslaIIed
before running lhe Orion NIM V7 Configuralion Wizard.

If you are ugrading a syslem lhal conlains muIliIe oIIing engines, you musl firsl
shuldovn aII of lhe oIIing engines and ugrade each syslem before reconnecling il lo lhe
1. UninslaII Orion NIM V7.0.5. (Oc nci uninsia|| SQI Scrtcr.)
C|ick SiariSc|arWin!s Nciucrk Pcrjcrnancc Mcniicr Un|nsia|| Oricn Nciucrk
Pcrjcrnancc Mcniicr. Wncn prcnpic!, sc|cci Oc|cic A|| jcr snarc! ji|cs.
208 Ugrades and Migralions

2. InslaII Orion NIM V7.1.
|nscri inc Oricn NPM tcrsicn 7.x CO inic qcur scrtcr an! jc||cu inc prcnpis ic
ccnp|cic inc insia||aiicn.
3. Run lhe Configuralion Wizard from lhe Windovs Slarl menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Configuration Wizard.
Upgrading Frnm Vcrsinn 6.x tn Vcrsinn 7.x
If you are ugrading from version 6.x of Orion NIM lo version 7.x,
If you have cuslomized lhe Orion vebsile or have crealed accounls for lhe Orion vebsile
lhal you vish lo kee afler lhe ugrade, you viII need lo backu lhe
NelIerfMon.WebIngine fiIe and Iace il in lhe foIder vhere Orion NIM V7 is inslaIIed
before running lhe Orion NIM V7 Configuralion Wizard.

If you are ugrading a syslem lhal conlains muIliIe oIIing engines, you musl firsl
shuldovn aII of lhe oIIing engines and ugrade each syslem before reconnecling il lo lhe
4. UninslaII Orion NIM V6. (Oc nci uninsia|| SQI Scrtcr.)
C|ick SiariSc|arWin!s Nciucrk Pcrjcrnancc Mcniicr Un|nsia|| Oricn Nciucrk
Pcrjcrnancc Mcniicr. Wncn prcnpic!, sc|cci Oc|cic A|| jcr snarc! ji|cs.
5. InslaII Orion NIM V7.
|nscri inc Oricn NPM tcrsicn 7.x CO inic qcur scrtcr an! jc||cu inc prcnpis ic
ccnp|cic inc insia||aiicn.
6. Run lhe Configuralion Wizard from lhe Windovs Slarl menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Configuration Wizard.
Ugrades and Migralions 209

Upgrading Irnm Eva!uatinn 7.x tn a Liccnscd Cnpy
If you are ugrading from lhe evaIualion version of Orion NIM lo a Iicensed version,
you viII need lo foIIov lhese sles. You viII aIso need lo be sure lo cIose aII of lhe
running aIicalions before beginning lhese rocedures.
You may vish lo back u lhe Orion SQL dalabase (using lhe inslruclions on age 199) as
an exlra recaulion.
1. InslaII Orion NIM version 7.x.
Tc !c inis, inscri inc tcrsicn 7.x CO in qcur scrtcr, sc|cci inc tcrsicn cj Oricn NPM
jcr unicn qcu natc a |iccnsc, an! jc||cu inc prcnpis ic ccnp|cic inc insia||aiicn. Bc
surc ic sc|cci qcur cxisiing cta|uaiicn tcrsicn !aia|asc !uring insia||aiicn in cr!cr ic
prcscrtc qcur !aia.
2. Run lhe Configuralion Wizard from lhe Windovs Slarl menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Configuration Wizard.
Upgrading Frnm Vcrsinn 5.x 5L-5crics tn Vcrsinn 7.x
If you are ugrading from version 5.x SL-Series of Orion NIM lo version 7.x,
You may vish lo back u lhe Orion SQL dalabase (using lhe inslruclions on age 199) as
an exlra recaulion.
1. UninslaII Orion NIM version 5.x. (Do not unlnstuII SQL Serter.)
2. InslaII Orion NIM version 7.x.
Tc !c inis, inscri inc tcrsicn 7.x CO in qcur scrtcr an! jc||cu inc prcnpis ic ccnp|cic
inc insia||aiicn. Bc surc ic sc|cci qcur cxisiing tcrsicn 5 !aia|asc ic upgra!c ii !uring
inc ccnjiguraiicn.
3. Run lhe Configuralion Wizard from lhe Windovs Slarl menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Configuration Wizard.
210 Ugrades and Migralions

Upgrading Frnm Vcrsinn 5.x AX100 tn Vcrsinn 7.x
The version 5.x AX100 Orion NIM uses a Microsofl Access 2000 dalabase. If you are
ugrading from a version 5.x AX100 Orion NIM lo version 7.x, you viII need lo foIIov
lhese sles. e sure lo cIose aII aIicalions before beginning lhese rocedures.
You may vish lo backu lhe dalabase as an exlra recaulion. To backu lhe AX100
dalabase, make a coy of lhe fiIe named SWNetPerfMon.cfg. This fiIe is lyicaIIy Iocaled
in lhe C:\Program FiIes\SoIarWinds\2002 Network Performance Monitor foIder.
1. UninslaII lhe version 5.x AX100 Orion NIM.
2. InslaII Microsofl SQL Server 2000.
|j qcu arc a|rca!q running Micrcscji SQI Scrtcr 2000, qcu sncu|! skip ic Sicp 4. Tc
insia|| inc Micrcscji SQI Scrtcr 2000 Ocskicp |nginc, inscri inc Oricn NPM CO
inic qcur scrtcr, sc|cci inc tcrsicn cj Oricn NPM qcu uani ic insia||, incn sc|cci
Install SQL Server jrcn inc ncnu.
3. InslaII Orion NIM version 7.x.
|nscri inc Oricn NPM tcrsicn 7.x CO inic qcur scrtcr an! jc||cu inc prcnpis ic
ccnp|cic inc insia||aiicn.
4. Run lhe Configuralion Wizard from lhe Windovs Slarl menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Configuration Wizard.
WhiIe running lhe Configuralion Wizard, you viII creale a nev, emly dalabase. Dala
viII be migraled inlo lhe nev dalabase in lhe foIIoving sle.
5. Migrale lhe dala from your AX100 Microsofl Access dalabase lo lhe SQL
Server 2000 dalabase using lhe SoIarWinds Dalabase Migralion TooI. The
SoIarWinds Dalabase Migralion looI is avaiIabIe lo dovnIoad from lhe
unsuorled seclion of lhe SoIarWinds.Nel cuslomer vebsile for aII cuslomers
vilh mainlenance.
6. Reslarl lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service from lhe
Services ConlroI IaneI or from lhe Windovs Slarl menu: SoIarWinds Network
Performance Monitor Advanced Features Shutdown NetPerfMon.
Ugrades and Migralions 211

Mnving Orinn NPM tn a Ncw 5crvcr/Cnmputcr
If you vanl lo move your enlire inslaIIalion of Orion NIM and SQL Server lo a nev
server, foIIov lhis rocedure.
1. Conlacl lhe SoIarWinds suorl leam (inslaIIalion+SoIarWinds.nel) and leII
lhem you are moving your inslaIIalion. e sure lo incIude lhe oId and nev
machine names, and your SoIarWinds Cuslomer ID.
2. InslaII SQL Server and Orion NIM on lhe nev machine. (Dn nnt run
CnnIiguratinn Wizard unti! stcp 6.)
3. ack u your exisling dalabase using eilher lhe SoIarWinds Dalabase Manager
(for delaiIs, see age 199) or SQL Inlerrise Manager.
4. Coy lhe SQL dalabase backu, cuslom mas, and cuslom reorls fiIes from
your oId Orion server lo lhe nev Orion server Iacing lhe fiIes in lhe
aroriale foIders. They viII be found in lhe C:\Program
FiIes\SoIarWinds\Network Performance Monitor\... direclories. (You may have lo
creale lhe foIders on lhe nev server.)
5. On lhe nev machine, use Dalabase Manager lo reslore your backed-u
dalabase lo lhe nev server. (SeIecl lhe SQL Server inslance you |usl added,
righl-cIick and seIecl Reslore Dalabase from lhe conlexl menu, find your
recenlIy moved backu fiIe, and reslore.)
6. On lhe nev machine, run lhe Configuralion Wizard and oinl lo lhe reslored
dalabase on lhe nev server.
7. Modify lhe reslored dalabase lo oinl lo lhe nev oIIing engine. See
Reassigning Nodes lo a IoIIing Ingine on age 225 for more delaiIs.
Migrating 5QL 5crvcr tn a Ncw 5crvcr/Cnmputcr
If you vanl lo move SQL Server from your Orion NIM server lo a searale machine,
foIIov lhis rocedure.
1. ack u your exisling dalabase using lhe SoIarWinds Dalabase Manager (for
delaiIs, see age 199) or SQL Inlerrise Manager.
2. InslaII SQL Server on lhe nev machine.
212 Ugrades and Migralions

3. Reslore your Orion dalabase on lhe nev SQL Server.
4. Run lhe Configuralion Wizard from lhe Windovs Slarl menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Configuration Wizard and secify
lhe reslored dalabase on lhe nev machine.
5. Afler verifying lhal everylhing is vorking roerIy, uninslaII SQL Server from
lhe oId machine.
Migrating Dcsktnp Enginc tn 5QL 5crvcr 5tandard nr
Entcrprisc Vcrsinn
The nev version of Orion NIM coIIecls and slores severaI nev slalislics. If your
dalabase is 1.6G or Iarger, you shouId consider ugrading lo eilher lhe Slandard or
Inlerrise Idilion of SQL Server before ugrading your Orion NIM. In order lo
migrale your dala lo lhe nev version, roceed as foIIovs.
1. ack u your exisling dalabase using eilher lhe SoIarWinds Dalabase Manager
(for delaiIs, see age 199).
2. InslaII lhe Slandard or Inlerrise version of SQL Server.
|c||cu inc insiruciicns inc|u!c! uiin inc scjiuarc.
3. Reslore lhe dalabase using eilher SoIarWinds Dalabase Manager or lhe
Inlerrise Manager incIuded vilh your nev coy of SQL Server.
4. Run lhe Configuralion Wizard from lhe Windovs Slarl menu:
Start SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Configuration Wizard and oinl lo
lhe nev dalabase and SQL Server inslance.
5. UninslaII SQL Desklo Ingine.
|n inc Win!cus Ccnirc| Panc| A!!/|cnctc Prcgrans app|ci, jin! inc insiancc cj SQI
Scrtcr Ocskicp |nginc (Sc|arWin!s), an! uninsia|| ii.
A!crt 5upprcssinn Examp!cs
any error condilions can occur in a nelvork lhal viII lrigger muIliIe AIerls from
a singIe causaI Ivenl. There are aIso condilions lhal may nol need lo lrigger an
AIerl by lhemseIves, bul shouId if lhey occur vilh olher condilions. Olions under lhe
AIerl Suression lab aIIov you lo sel u condilions lhal consider comIex silualions,
and aIerl you vilh lhe informalion you need lo delermine lhe rool cause of lhe robIem.
y defauIl, AIerl Suression is nol configured, and lhus nol aclive. There are lvo
choices for aclivaling AIerl Suression. You may secify lhal AIerls be suressed if
anq of one or more condilions exisl, or if a|| of lvo or more condilions exisl.

You shouId roceed vilh exlreme care vhen configuring lhe Suression of AIerls. Il is
ossibIe lo suress AIerls lhal conlain imorlanl informalion aboul lhe slalus of your
nelvork. SoIarWinds suggesls lhal you give considerabIe lhoughl, vork vilh a diagram
of your nelvork, and exlensiveIy lesl any scenario lo vhich you aIy suression.
214 AIerl Suression IxamIes

IxamIes of silualions for vhich you mighl vanl lo creale AIerl Suressions are
iIIuslraled in lhe foIIoving diagram. (Nole lhe Iocalion of lhe Orion NIM Server.)

IaiIure of redundanl servers
In lhe diagram above, olh WServersare idenlicaI in order lo rovide faiIover,
redundancy, and Ioad baIancing. If WServer4 faiIs and lhe olher is sliII
funclioning, you may vanl lo be aIerled immedialeIy during business hours, bul
nol aged in lhe middIe of lhe nighl. In lhis case, you vouId configure lhe AIerl
for lhe faiIure of one WServer lo be suressed unIess lhe olher aIso faiIs.
Aarenl faiIure of deendenl nodes dovnslream of a faiIed rouler (or svilch, or
circuil, elc.)
In lhe diagram above lhere are deendencies among devices. Ior inslance, if
Rouler C faiIs, Svilch 3 and aII four Workslalions viII be unreachabIe by Orion.
You viII vanl lo knov lhal lhe Workslalions have faiIed, bul onIy if Rouler C and
Svilch 3 have nci faiIed. You vouId configure lhe AIerls for faiIure of lhe
Workslalions lo be deendenl on Rouler C and Svilch 3 being oeralionaI.
IaiIure of a nelvork Iink vhen a redundanl Iink is sliII funclionaI
During some hours, you may vanl lo be nolified of lhe faiIure of lhe Iink belveen
Rouler and Rouler C onIy if lhe aIlernalive Iink lhrough Rouler A is aIso dovn.
IaiIure of Ioad baIancing belveen devices
You may have configured your nelvork lo baIance lraffic across your WWW
servers. In lhis case, you couId configure an AIerl lhal nolifies you of very high
CIU uliIizalion on lhese, bul onIy if one or more is exeriencing much Iover
AIerl Suression IxamIes 215

In any case, lhe suression of AIerls does nol recIude knovIedge of crilicaI Ivenls.
Nelvork Ivenls viII sliII be Iogged in lhe dalabase vhelher AIerl Suression is enabIed
or nol.
Dcpcndcnt Nndc A!crt 5upprcssinn Examp!c
Suose lhal you have |usl configured an AIerl lhal nolifies you vhen Nodes on a
subnel go dovn in lhis case, vorkslalions on a segmenl of your nelvork on lhe olher
side of a arlicuIar rouler. You onIy vanl lo be aIerled lo Node faiIures if lhe rouler is
sliII oeralionaI.

Ior lhis examIe, lhe rouler shouId nol be incIuded in lhe grou of monilored ob|ecls,
since ils faiIure is lhe lrigger for suressing lhe AIerl. To be nolified of lhe rouler's
faiIure, you musl sel u anolher AIerl.
To configure such an AIerl Suression,
1. Configure an AIerl lhal lriggers on faiIure of devices dovnslream (reIalive lo
lhe Orion NIM Server) of lhe rouler lhal serves lhe subnel. See age 213 for
2. On lhe AIerl Suression lab, seIecl lhe ...ANY... olion. The vindov oens
lo disIay a Iisl of currenl suressions, if any exisl, and bullons vilh vhich
you may Add, Idil, and DeIele condilions.
216 AIerl Suression IxamIes

3. CIick Add. The A!! Ncu A|cri Supprcssicn diaIog oens, vilh lhree labs. The
firsl lab is oen, shoving Properties to Monitor.

4. You can seIecl onIy one roerly from lhose avaiIabIe. SeIecl lhe roerly you
vanl lo monilor in lhis case, Node Status - lhen cIick lhe Network Object lab.
The Network Object lab oens, vilh a viev of avaiIabIe ob|ecls for lhe lye of
roerly you vanl lo monilor.
AIerl Suression IxamIes 217

The lye of ob|ecls avaiIabIe for moniloring deends uon lhe choice you have made in lhe
Iroerlies lo Monilor diaIog. If you had chosen lo monilor an Inlerface-reIaled roerly, you
vouId see a Iisl of avaiIabIe Inlerfaces. Since you've chosen a Node-reIaled roerly, you viII
see a Iisl of Nodes.
5. SeIecl lhe rouler lhal slands belveen Orion and lhe subnel for vhich you have
configured lhe Node Dovn AIerl, and lhen cIick lhe Suppression Trigger lab.
The Suression Trigger lab oens.

6. SeIecl Down, Warning, and Unknown from lhe Iisl of States Which WiII
Suppress AIerts, and cIick OK. (Nole lhal for Slalus condilions, you may
218 AIerl Suression IxamIes

secify more lhan one condilion.) y defauIl, Suressions are nol lurned on.
You musl check lhe boxes nexl lo lheir enlries in lhe Suression SeIeclion
vindov in order for lhem lo lake effecl.
7. If you vanl lo add more condilions, begin again al sle 3.
Fai!urc nI Lnad Ba!ancing A!crt
If you have muIliIe servers configured lo share lhe Ioad on your vebsile, you vouId
vanl lo knov if one of lhem vas nol erforming as il shouId. Ior lhe uroses of lhis
examIe, ve'II assume lhal you vanl lo be aIerled vhen lhe CIU Ioad on lvo servers
exceeds 80 ercenl, bul onIy if one shovs a CIU Ioad of 40 ercenl or Iess. (The AIerl is
suressed if lhe second server reorls grealer lhan 40 ercenl uliIizalion.).

You viII need lo configure lvo AIerls, one for each server. They viII be idenlicaI, excel
for lhe server each monilors. Iroceed as foIIovs:
1. Irom lhe Ccnjigurc A|cris diaIog, cIick New AIert.
AIerl Suression IxamIes 219

2. Wilhin lhe |!ii A|cri diaIog, GeneraI lab, enler a name for your AIerl, lhen
cIick lhe Property to Monitor lab.

3. SeIecl lhe % CPU UtiIization enlry under Node Slalislics, and lhen cIick lhe
Monitored Network Objects lab.
220 AIerl Suression IxamIes

4. SeIecl lhe server you vanl lo monilor, and lhen cIick lhe AIert Trigger lab.

5. Inler lhe ercenlage you vanl for AIerl and Resel lriggers 80 ercenl for
our examIe and cIick lhe Time of Day lab.
AIerl Suression IxamIes 221

6. If you vanl lo sel Time of Day aramelers, sel lhem here. Then cIick lhe AIert
Suppression lab.
7. SeIecl lhe ...ANY... olion. Any reviousIy configured AIerls viII be Iisled

8. CIick Add. The Prnpcrty tn Mnnitnr lab oens.
222 AIerl Suression IxamIes

9. SeIecl % CPU Uti!izatinn, lhen cIick lhe Nctwnrk Ob|cct lab. The Nctwnrk
Ob|cct lab oens.

10. SeIecl lhe second server of lhe air vhose Ioad shouId be baIanced, lhen cIick
lhe Suppression Trigger lab. The Suppression Trigger lab oens.
AIerl Suression IxamIes 223

11. SeIecl Greater Than and enler 40 in lhe lexl-enlry fieId, lhen cIick OK. Nole
lhal iniliaIIy, your nev AIerl Suression is unchecked.

12. Check lhe Suression you |usl defined lo aclivale il.
13. Reeal lhe rocedure, bul reverse lhe server choices made al sles 4 and 10.
Pn!!ing Enginc Lnad Ba!anccr
he IoIIing Ingine Load aIancer is a very usefuI looI for reassigning nodes lo a
differenl oIIing engine, deIeling an unused oIIing engine, and erforming Ioad
baIancing belveen muIliIe oIIing engines. The looI is avaiIabIe for dnwn!nad lo aII
Orion cuslomers vilh a vaIid soflvare mainlenance agreemenl. SimIy Iogin lo lhe
Cuslomer orlion of our vebsile al vvv.SoIarWinds.Nel/Iogin.hlm, seIecl
Unsuorled from lhe menu, and dovnIoad lhe execulabIe.
Once inslaIIed, lhe IoIIer Load aIancing looI viII acl as an add-on lo lhe exisling Orion
NIM suile and viII be avaiIabIe from lhe Windov's Slarl Menu vilhin lhe Advanced
Iealures orlion of lhe Orion NIM olions.
Rcassigning Nndcs tn a Pn!!ing Enginc
Some circumslances may occur crealing lhe need lo assign nodes lo a differenl oIIing
engine. Such silualions may arise if you have, recenlIy moved lhe Orion server lo a nev
server, renamed lhe Orion server, or merged lvo or more Orion servers. If lhese, or any
olher condilions resenl lhe need for reassignmenl, foIIov lhe inslruclions beIov.
1. Slo lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service using lhe looI
avaiIabIe from lhe Windovs Slarl menu: SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Advanced Features Shutdown NetPerfMon.
2. Slarl lhe IoIIing Ingine Load aIancer (afler dovnIoading from lhe
SoIarWinds vebsile see Chaler inlroduclion for delaiIs) from lhe Windovs
Slarl Menu: SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Advanced
Features PoIIer Load BaIancing.
3. SeIecl lhe Nodes you vish lo reassign, uliIizing Shifl + cIick lo highIighl
muIliIe conseculive rovs, and ClrI + cIick lo highIighl muIliIe non-
conseculive rovs.
SeIecl FiIe Settings lo change lhe dalabase fieIds lhal are disIayed for lhe Nodes. This
can be usefuI in moving grous of nodes by disIaying lhal fieId, and cIicking lhe coIumn
heading lo sorl lhe viev.
4. SeIecl PoIIing Engines Move SeIected Nodes to * from lhe menu,
subsliluling lhe largel IoIIing Ingine for *. The Node viII be reassigned and
226 IoIIing Ingine Load aIancer

refIecl lhe name of lhe oIIing engine in lhe IoIIing Ingine coIumn.
5. Reslarl lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service using lhe looI
avaiIabIe from lhe Windovs Slarl menu: SoIarWinds Network Performance
Monitor Advanced Features Shutdown NetPerfMon.

Pn!!ing Enginc Tuning
he Orion Nelvork Ierformance Monilor viII send oul a maximum of eighl slalus
and eighl slalislicaI oIIs er second. This defauIl selling is adequale for mosl
nelvorks and ensures lhal lhe lraffic Ioad on lhe nelvork is bolh smaII and evenIy
dislribuled across lhe oIIing cycIe. In some cases, Iike vhen moniloring a very Iarge
nelvork or oIIing devices very frequenlIy, il is necessary lo increase lhese selling in
order for Orion lo be abIe lo comIele ils oIIing dulies vilhin lhe secified eriod.
Using thc Pn!!ing Enginc Tuncr
The IoIIing Ingine Tuner is avaiIabIe for dovnIoad lo aII Orion cuslomers vilh a vaIid
soflvare mainlenance agreemenl. SimIy Iogin lo lhe Cuslomer orlion of our vebsile
al vvv.SoIarWinds.Nel/Iogin.hlm, seIecl Unsuorled from lhe menu, and dovnIoad
and run lhe execulabIe.
Once inslaIIed, lhe IoIIing Ingine Tuner viII acl as an add-on lo lhe exisling Orion
NIM suile and viII be avaiIabIe from lhe Windov's Slarl Menu vilhin lhe Advanced
Iealures orlion of lhe Orion NIM olions.

228 IoIIing Ingine Tuning

Estimating a Gnnd Va!uc
If you do nol have access lo lhe IoIIing Ingine Tuner, you can eslimale lhe aroriale
vaIues for lhese sellings using lhe foIIoving formuIa:

PPI Interfaces
d lsPerSecon MaximumPol
60 60 60

PP| IoIIs er Inlerface (normaIIy lvo)
|nicrjaccs Number of Inlerfaces being monilored
P|| IoIIing Rale for Inlerfaces (in minules)
Nc!cs Number of Nodes being monilored
P|N IoIIing Rale for Nodes (in minules)
Vc|uncs Number of VoIumes being monilored
P|V IoIIing Rale for VoIumes (in minules)
60 seconds er minule
VaIues for IoIIing Rales can be found vilhin lhe Slalislics lab of lhe Syslem Manager's
Sellings diaIog. Numbers of Nodes, Inlerfaces, and VoIumes can be found on lhe Orion
NIM vebsile from eilher lhe License DelaiIs age or lhe Dalabase DelaiIs age in Admin
Iach Inlerface may have muIliIe oIIers assigned lo coIIecl slalislics. Ior examIe, if
you are coIIecling Inlerface Traffic and Inlerface Irrors, lhen each inlerface has lvo
oIIers. Inlerface Traffic, Inlerface Irrors, and SignaI-lo-Noise Ralio IoIIers each counl
as one oIIer (SignaI-lo-Noise Ralio IoIIers are onIy avaiIabIe in CATV/roadband
Versions). CIU coIIeclion on a node consumes onIy one oIIer and coIIecling voIume
slalislics on a voIume aIso consumes onIy one oIIer. The foIIoving equalion caIcuIales
a good slarling oinl for selling lhe vaIue for maximum oIIs er second.
IoIIing Ingine Tuning 229

An Orion NIM syslem monilors a lolaI of 250 Nodes, 6000 lolaI Inlerfaces, and 100
VoIumes. Il coIIecls Inlerface Traffic and Inlerface Irror slalislics on each inlerface every
five minules, CIU uliIizalion every 10 minules, and VoIume usage every 60 minules.

60 60
10 60
5 60
2 6000
2 d lsPerSecon MaximumPol
( ) 3 . 0 4 . 0 40 2 + + = d lsPerSecon MaximumPol
cond PollsperSe d lsPerSecon MaximumPol 82
This caIcuIaled vaIue can be rounded u lo higher vaIues lo accommodale grovlh. Oc
nci |usl enler an arbilrariIy Iarge number inlo lhe Maxinun Pc||s Pcr Scccn! regislry
sellings. Too Iarge a number viII cause lhrashing vilhin lhe oIIing engine, resuIling in
Iover erformance.
5ctting thc Rcgistry Inr Maximum Pn!!s Pcr 5ccnnd
The Maximum IoIIs Ier Second is conlroIIed by adding lvo regislry vaIues in lhe
Sellings key:
Sellings(Max IoIIs Ier Second
Sellings(Max Slal IoIIs Ier Second
olh vaIues are of lye RIG_SZ (slring) and inc spaccs arc rcquirc!.
The eslimaled vaIue caIcuIaled in lhe revious sle shouId be enlered as lhe vaIue for
bolh keys. Ior simIicily, lhe same vaIue shouId be enlered for bolh lhe Max Pc||s Pcr
Scccn! and lhe Max Siai Pc||s Pcr Scccn! vaIues.
5nItwarc Liccnsc Kcy
uring inslaIIalion, you may be romled vilh lhe |nsia|| Scjiuarc Iiccnsc Kcq screen
(iIIuslraled beIov) romling you lo suIy your name, e-maiI address, hone
number, cuslomer ID, and assvord. If lhis is lhe case, foIIov lhe inslruclions beIov.
You may lhen roceed vilh lhe inslaIIalion.

Optinn 1 - Intcrnct Cnnncctinn: If lhe comuler on vhich you are inslaIIing Orion
NIM is connecled lo lhe Inlernel and nol behind a roxy server, enler lhe informalion
on lhe |nsia|| Scjiuarc Iiccnsc Kcq screen and cIick Continue. The SoIarWinds Iicense
regislralion server viII issue a Iicense key lhal viII aIIov Orion NIM lo oerale.
232 Soflvare License Key

Optinn 2 - Nn Intcrnct Cnnncctinn: If lhe comuler on vhich you are inslaIIing Orion
NIM is nol connecled lo lhe Inlernel, your syslem viII be unabIe lo be aulhenlicaled on
SoIarWinds' Iicense regislralion server. CIick lhe Skip This and Enter Software License
Key Now bullon on lhe |nsia|| Scjiuarc Iiccnsc Kcq screen. The foIIoving screen viII be

You musl oblain a Iicense using a comuler lhal is connecled lo lhe Inlernel. Login lo
lhe cuslomer area of lhe SoIarWinds vebsile al hll://SoIarWinds.Nel/Keys, lhen cIick
Soflvare Keys from lhe Cuslomer Area menu. Choose lhe roducl for vhich you need
Soflvare License Key 233

a key, and foIIov lhe inslruclions on lhe age lo oblain a key. The key can lhen be
enlered in lhe Enter Software License Key... lexl box. CIick Continue lo comIele your
Soflvare License Key inslaIIalion.

Autnmatic Lngin
he Orion NIM Web Inlerface aIIovs you lo lake advanlage of lvo dislincl Aulo-
Login fealures, Windovs Iass-Through Securily and DireclLink. If you choose lo
emIoy Windovs Iass-Through Securily, lhe Orion user viII be aulhenlicaled lhrough
Windovs Securily, vilh no need lo Iogin using a searale Orion Accounl or User ID
and Iassvord. Wilh lhe resence of lhe DireclLink accounl, any URL lhal refers direclIy
lo an Orion NIM veb age viII byass lhe Orion NIM Login Iage by Iogging lhe user
inlo lhe DireclLink accounl.
Orion NIM riorilizes user Iogin in lhe foIIoving manner:
1. The Accounl or User ID and Iassvord assed on lhe URL.
2. The Accounl or User ID and Iassvord enlered al lhe age.
3. The Windov User if IIS NT Securily is enabIed, Iogging lhe user in via NT
4. The Windovs Domain lhe User beIongs lo. I.e. DeveIomenl(Iveryone.
5. The resence of lhe DireclLink Accounl.
Using Windnws Pass-Thrnugh 5ccurity
You may lake advanlage of lhe Windovs Iass-Through Securily funclionaIily vhen IIS
NT Securily is enabIed. y vay of lhis fealure, lhe Orion user viII nol need lo Iogin
using a searale Orion Accounl or User ID and Iassvord. The Iass-Through Securily
can be configured lo uliIize eilher Domain or LocaI comuler securily, or bolh may be
used al lhe same lime. The Orion Accounl or User ID and Iassvords viII lhen need lo
be sel u lo malch lhal vhich is used for lhe Domain and/or LocaI comuler securily.
1. InabIe IIS NT Securily
a. Slarl lhe Inlernel Informalion Services Manager (CIick lhe IIS icon
from lhe Adminislralive TooIs area of lhe Windovs ConlroI
b. Righl-cIick on SoIarWinds NelIerfMon Web Sile and seIecl
Properties from lhe Iisl.
236 Aulomalic Login

c. Irom lhe Sc|arWin!s NciPcrjMcn Prcpcriics diaIog, seIecl lhe
Directory Security lab.

d. CIick lhe Edit bullon vilhin lhe Anonymous Access and
Aulhenlicalion ConlroI seclion. The Auincniicaiicn Mcinc!s diaIog
Aulomalic Login 237

e. Uncheck lhe box enlilIed "Anonymous Access" and check lhe box
enlilIed "Inlegraled Windovs aulhenlicalion".
f. CIick OK lo cIose lhe Auincniicaiicn Mcinc!s diaIog.
g. CIick OK lo cIose lhe A!ninisiraiicn Wc| Siic Prcpcriics diaIog.
h. CIose lhe IIS Manager.
2. Add Accounls lo lhe Orion NIM syslem via Accounl Manager (refer lo
Crealing Nev Accounls on age 189) foIIoving lhe required formalling:
a. NT Domain Aulhenlicalion Iormal: Domain(UserID.
b. LocaI Comuler Aulhenlicalion Iormal: ComulerName(UserID.
238 Aulomalic Login

When Windovs Iass-Through Securily is uliIized you can sliII Iogin as a differenl user.
SimIy seIecl Logoul from lhe Orion NIM Menu ar and Iogin as lhe olher user.
Using thc DircctLink Accnunt
The resence of lhe DireclLink accounl in Orion enabIes an Orion user lo rovide a non-
Orion user vilh a hyerIink lo a secific Orion veb age. Any URL lhal refers direclIy
lo an Orion NIM veb age viII byass lhe Iogin screen, Iogging lhe user inlo lhe
DireclLink accounl. AIlernaliveIy, a URL lhal does nol direclIy secify an Orion veb
age viII disIay lhe Orion Login age. The DireclLink accounl is crealed Iike any olher
accounl and can incIude cuslom vievs and/or accounl Iimilalions.
1. Creale lhe DireclLink accounl via Accounl Manager (refer lo Crealing Nev
Accounls on age 189 for delaiIed inslruclions) secifying DireclLink in lhe
UserID fieId and Ieaving lhe Iassvord fieIds bIank.
2. Creale a Cuslom Viev, if desired, using lhe inslruclions found on age 164,
Cuslomize Vievs. Iul lhe Viev lo use by secifying il as a DefauIl Viev in
Accounl Manger. (See Idiling User Accounls on age 191 for furlher delaiIs.)
3. Use lhe inslruclions for Selling Accounl Limilalions on age 193, if you vouId
Iike lo Iimil lhe DireclLink accounl lo secific device(s) or device lye(s).

f you have robIems vilh Orion NIM, lhe causes are usuaIIy reIaled lo incorrecl
configuralion or corruled fiIes. The foIIoving suggeslions oflen cIear u lhese
robIems. Secific suggeslions for arlicuIar robIems are incIuded in lhe foIIoving
IrequenlIy Asked Queslions seclion.
Things tn Try First
Back Up Ynur Data
As a firsl sle in any lroubIeshooling rocedure, you shouId back u your Orion NIM
dalabase. See age 199 for more delaiIs.
VcriIy Prngram Opcratinn
SeveraI comonenls musl be running in order for Orion NIM lo deIiver informalion.
Check lo see lhal lhe foIIoving comonenls are running:
SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service (NIM)
SQL Server
Inlernel Informalion Service (IIS)
5tnp and Rcstart
Many robIems disaear vhen rograms are reslarled. Sloing and reslarling
Inlernel Informalion Service (IIS) may eIiminale robIems vilh veb ages. IrobIems
vilh oIIing or dala galhering may be eIiminaled by sloing and reslarling lhe
SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service using lhe looI avaiIabIe from lhe
Windovs Slarl menu: SoIarWinds Network Performance Monitor Advanced
Features Shutdown NetPerfMon. Ior comIele refreshmenl of lhe syslem, rebool lhe
Rcrun CnnIiguratinn Wizard
Rerunning lhe Configuralion Wizard, vhich refreshes fiIes on lhe veb server and
erforms checks on lhe slruclure of your dalabase, can soIve many robIems.
240 TroubIeshooling

efore you rerun lhe Configuralion Wizard, you shouId cIose aII oen aIicalions and
slo lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service in lhe Services ConlroI IaneI.
Il viII be reslarled by lhe Wizard al lhe end of ils rocess.
Frcqucnt!y Askcd Qucstinns
Wcbsitc Prnb!cms
Q Why does lhe user see Irror 404: Iage cannol be Iound vhen lrying lo viev lhe
A The veb server is eilher unabIe lo find lhe age requesled or cannol delermine
vhich age lo send.
Mcthnd 1: Insure lhal onIy one vebsile is running on Orion's II address and
orl number.
Mcthnd 2: Reslarl IIS.
Mcthnd 3: Make sure lhe SoIarWinds NelIerfMon Websile is slarled.
Q Why do I gel an Under Conslruclion age vhen I lry lo viev my Orion NIM
A You are mosl IikeIy gelling lhis message because you have a defauIl vebsile
configured on your server using lhe same II address and TCI orl number as
your Orion NIM vebsile.
Mcthnd 1: If you chose aII avaiIabIe unused for your sile's II Address,
change il lo a secific address.
Mcthnd 2: To resoIve lhis issue, oen IIS Manager and slo lhe defauIl
vebsile. Then, slarl lhe SoIarWinds NelIerfMon vebsile.
Mcthnd 3: Assign an addilionaI II address lo your server. Re-run lhe Orion
NIM Configuralion Wizard and secify lhe nev II address vhen romled
for lhe II address lo use for lhe Orion NIM vebsile.
Q Why do my accounls vilh Admin righls nol have lhe Admin olion on lhe Menu
TroubIeshooling 241

A In addilion lo Admin righls, you viII need lo assign lhe Admin Menu ar lo
lhe user. See age 195 for more informalion.
Q I am unabIe lo viev lhe Orion NIM vebsile. When I lry lo access lhe homeage, I
receive a message lhal lhe age cannol be disIayed. AddilionaIIy, vhen I lry lo
bring u my IIS Manager, my syslem is unabIe lo disIay lhis aIicalion.
A You have mosl IikeIy inslaIIed a ersonaI firevaII such as Zone AIarm on your
Orion NIM Server. You viII need lo uninslaII lhal firevaII in order lo use
Orion NIM.
Q Why do I see vhile sace vhere an icon shouId be on lhe Orion NIM homeage`
Or, hov do I add icons so lhal a nev machine lye viII have an associaled icon
vhen vieved on an Orion age`
A The icon is missing because Orion NIM does nol conlain an icon in lhe
vendors foIder for lhe machine lye. To add an icon, foIIov lhe sles beIov.
1. Righl-cIick on lhe vhile sace.
2. SeIecl Iroerlies.
3. Look al lhe address (URL). The Iasl arl of lhe address is lhe name of lhe
icon lhal NIM is allemling lo Iocale. Ior examIe, if lhe address is
hll://, NIM vouId alleml lo Iocale 9.gif.
4. Locale or creale lhe icon lhal you vouId Iike lo viev.
5. Name lhe icon lhe name lhal Orion NIM is allemling lo Iocale. Ior lhe
examIe slaled above, lhe icon crealed shouId be named 9.gif.
6. IIace lhe icon in lhe ../InelIub/SoIarWinds/NelIerfMon/images/Vendors
7. Refresh lhe veb age. The icon shouId disIay vhere secified.
Q Why is il lhal vhen I lry lo access my Orion NIM vebsile I am romled for a
username and assvord for bolh Windovs and Orion`
242 TroubIeshooling

A You can eilher configure your Orion NIM vebsile lo aIIov anonymous access
or lo require Windovs aulhenlicalion. If you are required lo enler a Username
and assvord for Windovs, lhe sile is nol configured lo aIIov anonymous
Q Hov can I sel u an aulomalic Iogin lo lhe Orion vebsile lhal asses a User ID and
assvord direclIy lo Inlernel IxIorer`
A Creale a Iavorile vilh a Iink in lhe foIIoving form:
and subslilule lhe reaI User ID for USIR and lhe reaI assvord for IWD.
Q Why do charls nol shov u vhen vieving from lhe veb` Inslead, I gel an X
vhere lhe charls shouId be.
A The charls may be formalling imroerIy for your disIay, lhe veb server
may be unabIe lo find lhe correcl charl, or lhe user may have inadequale
ermissions lo lhe foIder vhere lhe charls are slored. On lhe Sellings age,
Insure lhal lhe Charl Asecl Ralio is in lhe vaIid range (usuaIIy, somevhere
belveen 0.25 and 3.0, lhe defauIl is 0.625).
Q Why do charls aear as bars`
A The asecl ralio selling for Charls (from Admin Settings, lhen Chart
Settings) is oul of range. Try a vaIue belveen 0.25 and 3.0, lhe defauIl is 0.625.
Q Why do I nol have VoIume informalion on my Windovs 2000 Server`
A In Syslem manager, be sure lhal VoIume Resources are checked for lhe Node.
(y defauIl, VoIumes are nol added during Nelvork Discovery, and musl be
added manuaIIy.)
Q Why do I nol see any recenl dala`
A Verify lhal lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service is running.
Q Why do lraffic charls for Iercenl UliIizalion shov usage over 100 ercenl`
TroubIeshooling 243

A Mcthnd 1: Deending uon lhe configuralion of lhe monilored device, NIM
may nol be abIe lo delermine lhe selling for Transmil and Receive andvidlh.
To ad|usl lhese vaIues in Syslem Manager, use lhe Inlerface DelaiIs diaIog. See
age 20 for more delaiIs.
Mcthnd 2: Thirly-lvo-bil counler roIIovers can cause inaccurale reorls of
high Inlerface lraffic. If lhe device suorls 64-bil counlers, see age 18 for
hov lo enabIe lhis fealure.
Q Why do lraffic charls for Iercenl UliIizalion shov no dala`
A Mcthnd 1: Many limes, lhe lraffic Ioad on nelvork inlerfaces is so Iov lhal lhe
charls viII aear lo have no dala. Zooming in or changing lhe scaIe al vhich
a charl is vieved may reveaI Iov-IeveI slalislics. Melhod 2: Using lhe Inlerface
DelaiIs diaIog, ensure lhal lhe Inlerface is oeralionaIIy u and has a vaIid
ifIndex vaIue.
Mcthnd 2: Using lhe Inlerface DelaiIs diaIog, ensure lhal lhe Inlerface is
oeralionaIIy u and has a vaIid ifIndex vaIue.
Q Why are lhe cuslomizalion olions Iimiled or reslricled`
A Advanced Cuslomizalion has robabIy nol been enabIed.
Mcthnd 1: Verify lhal you are Iogged in as Admin.
Mcthnd 2: Verify lhal Advanced Cuslomizalion is enabIed. See age 162 for
Q Why do no AIerls or Ivenls aear on lhe veb age`
A You may have sel loo shorl a vindov of lime for disIaying Ivenls, and you
may have had no AIerls lo osl.
Mcthnd 1: Verify lhal you have a vaIid dale/lime range.
Mcthnd 2: Using Syslem Manager, verify lhal Ivenls/AIerls have occurred in
lhal dale/lime range.
Q Why are my Mas nol Iisled vhen I edil lhe Nelvork Ma resource`
244 TroubIeshooling

A They may be in an unusabIe form, or in lhe vrong Iace.
Mcthnd 1: The mas musl be saved in lhe ..(Irogram
IiIes(SoIarWinds(Nelvork Ierformance Monilor V7(Mas foIder.
Mcthnd 2: Orion NIM can onIy use mas crealed vilh lhe SoIarWinds Ma
Maker aIicalion, for more info, see 79.
Q Why do I see devices on lhe Orion NIM Web Inlerface bul none in lhe Syslem
A If you recenlIy moved Orion lo a nev comuler or changed lhe comuler's
name, you viII need lo udale lhe Ingines labIe. See age 205 for more delaiIs.
Q Why am I unabIe lo driII dovn inlo lhe Iisl of resources on lhe vebsile vhen lrying
lo add resources on a Windovs 2003 Server`
A You musl add lhe Orion Websile as a lrusled Iisl of vebsiles. To do lhis, oen
Inlernel IxIorer, seIecl Inlernel Olions from lhe TooIs menu, and cIick on
lhe Securily lab. SeIecl Trusled Siles, cIick lhe Siles bullon, and add lhe Orion
Map Makcr Prnb!cms
Q Why is lhe image quaIily degraded vhen accessing Ma Maker via TerminaI
Services on a Windovs 2000 Server`
A The Ma Maker's image managemenl funclions use lhe currenl disIay
sellings of lhe session. TerminaI Services runs in 8-bil coIor (256 coIors).
Therefore, even if lhe originaI image is high coIor, lhe saved ma viII be in 8-
bil coIor.
5ystcm Managcr Prnb!cms
Q Why do I gel an error lrying lo connecl lo lhe Service`
A Mcthnd 1: The Service may nol be comIeleIy Ioaded. Wail severaI seconds
TroubIeshooling 245

and reslarl Syslem Manager.
Mcthnd 2: Check Ivenl Viever for delaiIed error messages. If lhe Service (in
Services ConlroI IaneI) is marked as disabIed and resonds vilh Marked for
deIelion, rebool lhe syslem and reeal lhe InslaII Services lab of lhe
Configuralion Wizard.
Mcthnd 3: Rebool lhe syslem.
Q Why does Orion onIy coIIecl nelvork Ialency and ackel Ioss informalion`
A Mcthnd 1: Verify lhal lhe device is SNMI enabIed.
Mcthnd 2: Verify lhal you have lhe correcl communily slring.
Mcthnd 3: Verify lhal lhere are no access-Iisls (ACLs) reslricling SNMI access
lo lhe largel device.
Mcthnd 4: Verify lhal lhe resource is checked in lhe resource Iisl vindov.
Mcthnd 5: Verify lhal lhe charls under each resource are checked.
Q Why do I have a grou of Nodes in a Warning slale (or have yeIIov slalus icons)
vhen I knov lhe devices are fuIIy oeralionaI`
A Mcthnd 1: If lhe IoIIing Ingine is unabIe lo comIele a cycIe before lhe nexl
one begins, you may see inlermillenl ackel Ioss on your erformance charls.
See IoIIing Ingine Tuning on age 227 for advice on selling lhe oIIing
aramelers for your nelvork.
Mcthnd 2: If you are moniloring lhese devices lhrough a firevaII, many limes
lhe firevaII viII be unabIe lo kee u vilh lhe lraffic fIov generaled by Orion
NIM. Check lhe Iogs on lhe firevaII for ackel Ioss. If lhis is haening,
conlacl your firevaII adminislralor lo exIore olions.
Mcthnd 3: Some nelvork devices consider ICMI ackels vilh dala in lhe
ayIoad arl of lhe ackel lo be susicious. Try ad|usling lhe ackel size lo be
Iess lhan 10 byles or remove lhe dala from lhe ayIoad arl of lhe ackel. See
age 33 for more delaiIs.
Mcthnd 4: In rare cases, due lo a robIem vilh Gigabil Ilhernel, some devices
may lruncale odd-sized ackels. Ad|usl lhe ackel size lo an even-numbered
246 TroubIeshooling

size in lhe Syslem Manager. See age 33 for more delaiIs.
Q Why is my Send an I-maiI/Iage aIerl nol vorking`
A Try lhe foIIoving:
Mcthnd 1: Check eilher lhe Aclive AIerls diaIog or lhe Ivenl Log lo verify lhal
AIerls are being lriggered.
Mcthnd 2: The e-maiI hosl may nol be configured lo aIIov reIaying from lhe
Orion hosl machine. If lhe e-maiI server requires SMTI aulhenlicalion, ensure
lhe box IabeIed "This SMTI Server requires Aulhenlicalion" is checked and
lhal lhe needed fieIds are comIeled. You can lesl lhis by sending a message
inlernaIIy and exlernaIIy using lhe Tesl Iire AIerls looI found in lhe Advanced
Iealures of lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor or in lhe AIerls
orlion of Syslem Manager. See Tesling an AIerl on age 66 for more delaiIs.
Mcthnd 3: Verify lhal TemorariIy DisabIe AIerls is nol checked.
Mcthnd 4: Verify lhal InabIe AIerl is checked for lhe AIerl of inleresl.
Mcthnd 5: Insure lhal you have enlered a vaIid, enabIed e-maiI (SMTI)
Mcthnd 6: Insure lhal you have enlered a vaIid deslinalion e-maiI address.
Mcthnd 7: Verify lhal lhe aIerls are correclIy configured and al Ieasl one
nelvork ob|ecl is seIecled.
Mcthnd 8: Check lhe e-maiI debug Iog al C:(Irogram
IiIes(SoIarWinds(Nelvork Ierformance Monilor V7(OrionAIerlIngine.Iog.
Q Why is my Send a SysIog Message aIerl nol vorking`
A Insure lhe server receiving lhe SysIog Message is Iislening on UDI orl 514.
Q Why is my IIay a Sound aIerl aclion nol Iaying on my Windovs 2003 Server`
A y defauIl, Windovs 2003 Server has sounds disabIed. Go lo
Start Settings ControI PaneI Sounds and Audio Devices, and enabIe lhe
TroubIeshooling 247

Q Why is my Texl lo Seech aIerl aclion nol Iaying on my Windovs 2003 Server`
A y defauIl, Windovs 2003 Server has sounds disabIed. Go lo
Start Settings ControI PaneI Sounds and Audio Devices, and enabIe lhe
Q Why am I unabIe lo receive Nel Send Messages on my Windovs 2003 Server vhen
an aIerl is lriggered`
A Go lo Start Settings ControI PaneI4Administrative TooIs4Services. Righl-
cIick on lhe service named Messenger and seIecl Properties. Change lhe Slarlu
lye from DisabIed lo Aulomalic, cIick AppIy, and lhen cIick lhe Start bullon.
Q Why do I nol see Nodes Iisled in Syslem Manager` The vhoIe Node Tree ane is
A The soIulion lo lhis robIem is lo change a regislry selling. Slarl RegIdil and
driII dovn lo lhe foIIoving key:
|HKIY_CURRINT_USIR(Soflvare(V and VA Irogram Sellings(Orion
Nelvork Ierformance Monilor(NodeLislj
In lhe righl-hand vindov viII be a slring IabeIed VisibIe vhose vaIue viII
be IaIse. Righl-cIick on lhe enlry and modify lhe vaIue so lhal
Q Why do I have devices reorling 100 ercenl ackel Ioss vhen lhey are fuIIy
A Mcthnd 1: If lhe IoIIing Ingine is unabIe lo comIele a cycIe before lhe nexl
one begins, you may see inlermillenl ackel Ioss on your erformance charls.
See IoIIing Ingine Tuning on age 227 for advice on selling lhe oIIing
aramelers for your nelvork.
Mcthnd 2: If you are moniloring lhese devices lhrough a firevaII, many limes
lhe firevaII viII be unabIe lo kee u vilh lhe lraffic fIov generaled by Orion
NIM. Check lhe Iogs on lhe firevaII for ackel Ioss. If lhis is haening,
conlacl your firevaII adminislralor lo exIore olions.
248 TroubIeshooling

Mcthnd 3: Some nelvork devices consider ICMI ackels vilh dala in lhe
ayIoad arl of lhe ackel lo be susicious. Try ad|usling lhe ackel size lo be
Iess lhan 10 byles or remove lhe dala from lhe ayIoad arl of lhe ackel. See
age 33 for more delaiIs.
Mcthnd 4: In rare cases, due lo a robIem vilh Gigabil Ilhernel, some devices
may lruncale odd-sized ackels. Ad|usl lhe ackel size lo an even-numbered
size in lhe Syslem Manager. See age 33 for more delaiIs.
Q Why do I see a message slaling CIU Load and Memory UliIizalion Unsuorled
or Unknovn VaIue for cerlain devices on Orion NIM veb ages`
A You viII see a message slaling CIU Load and Memory UliIizalion
Unsuorled or Unknovn VaIue on lhe Orion vebsile vhen CIU and
Memory UliIizalion vas nol seIecled as a resource lo be monilored. You can
check lhis by oening lhe Syslem Manager, righl-cIicking on one of lhe nodes
shoving CIU and Memory Nol Suorled, seIecling Lisl Resources, and
ensuring lhal lhe CIU and Memory UliIizalion check box is checked. If CIU
and Memory UliIizalion are nol Iisled in lhe Lisl of Resources lhen lhe device
does nol suorl lhe HOST-RISOURCIS-MI.
Q Why does lhe Orion NIM reorl lhal lhe TolaI Memory for my Windovs machine
is 2.1G hovever lhe device has significanlIy more memory`
A This is a knovn Microsofl issue. This can be resoIved vilh Windovs 2000
Service Iack 4.
Q Why are my seriaI inlerfaces shoving queslion marks vilhin lhe Syslem Manager
vhen lhe inlerfaces are cIearIy oeralionaI`
A Mcthnd 1: When Orion NIM slarls, Inlerfaces are Iaced in an UNKNOWN
slalus unliI lhe firsl lime lhey are oIIed. If you have |usl slarled lhe syslem,
vail a fev minules and recheck lheir slalus.
Mcthnd 2: If lhe IoIIing Ingine is unabIe lo comIele a cycIe before lhe nexl
one begins, you may see inlermillenl ackel Ioss on your erformance charls.
See IoIIing Ingine Tuning on age 227 for advice on selling lhe oIIing
aramelers for your nelvork.
TroubIeshooling 249

Mcthnd 3: Orion considers an Inlerface lhal is nol cIearIy UI, DOWN, or
DORMANT lo be UNKNOWN. Some Cisco devices vilh IOS 12.2 reorl a
nol resenl slalus for some inlerfaces for lhe foIIoving reason:
CSCdz51138 ug DelaiIs
ReIease Noles
IfOerSlalus on III inlerface shovs incorrecl slalus of nolIresenl(6), vhen
shov inlerface cIearIy shovs UI/UI.
The issue has been resoIved vilh IOS reIease 12.2(14.3).
We recommend conlacling Cisco for more assislance.
Mcthnd 4: The Node is mosl IikeIy DOWN. Verify lhe Node slalus by righl-
cIicking on lhe Node in Syslem Manager and seIecling Iing from lhe
Mcthnd 5: Verify lhal lhe communily slring has nol changed.
Mcthnd 6: Verify lhal lhere are no access-Iisls (ACLs) reslricling SNMI access
lo lhe largel device.
Mcthnd 7: A change has robabIy been made on lhe device. Righl-cIick on lhe
Node in Syslem Manager and seIecl Lisl Resources lo verify lhal no nev
inlerfaces have been added.
Q Can I run Orion NIM vilh a ersonaI firevaII such as Zone AIarm inslaIIed on lhe
A WhiIe Orion NIM has nol been lesled vilh every ersonaI firevaII avaiIabIe, il
is recommended lo run a ersonaI firevaII on lhe same machine as Orion
Q Why does my Windovs 2000 machine VoIume/Disk Sace usage nol change`
A Windovs 2000 machines vilhoul Service Iack 3 udale lhe MI onIy al
rebool. InslaII lhe Ialesl Service Iacks on lhe machines in order lo viev lhe
aroriale VoIume/Disk Sace vaIues.
Q Why is il lhal vhen I cIick on Soflvare Udales in lhe Slarl Menu, il lakes me lo a
veb age lhal says "You are being redirecled lo lhe Udales", bul nolhing ever
250 TroubIeshooling

A You musl add lhe Orion Websile as a lrusled Iisl of vebsiles. To do lhis oen,
Inlernel IxIorer, seIecl Inlernel Olions from lhe TooIs menu, and cIick on
lhe Securily lab. SeIecl Trusled Siles, cIick lhe Siles bullon, and add lhe Orion
Nctwnrk Discnvcry Prnb!cms
Q Why does Nelvork Discovery faiI lo discover some devices`
A Mcthnd 1: Insure lhal lhe devices are SNMI-enabIed and you have lhe
roer communily slring.
Mcthnd 2: Make sure lhe device is reachabIe. Melhod 3: Make sure lhe device
is II addressabIe.
Mcthnd 3: Make sure lhe device is II addressabIe.
Databasc Managcr Prnb!cms
Q Why am I unabIe lo reslore lhe dalabase from a backu fiIe`
A Mcthnd 1: Verify lhe inlegrily of lhe backu fiIe. Wilh lhe fiIe seIecled for
Reslore in Dalabase Manager, cIick lhe Verify bullon al lhe righl of lhe Iine for
lhe dalabase name.
Mcthnd 2: Insure lhal lhe name of lhe dalabase lo be reslored is nol aIready in
use. In Dalabase Manager, exand lhe server unliI you see lhe name of any
inslaIIed dalabases. SoIarWinds looIs do nol aIIov you lo overvrile exisling
dalabases lhal are in use, lherefore you musl eilher rovide a nev, unique
dalabase name or slo aII services and aIicalions currenlIy using lhe
dalabase before erforming a reslore.
Mcthnd 3: Insure lhal lhe MDI and LOG fiIe alhs are vaIid. If lhe backu
vas crealed on anolher machine, lhe alhs may nol exisl on lhe currenl
machine. You can eilher recreale lhe fiIe slruclure on lhe currenl machine lo
receive lhe fiIes, or edil lhe alh in lhe Reslore Dalabase vindov.
Mcthnd 4: Insure lhal lhe MDI and LOG fiIe names do nol aIready exisl. y
defauIl, lhese fiIes are slored in ..(Irogram IiIes(SoIarWinds(Dala. Iach SQL
TroubIeshooling 251

Server dalabase musl have unique names for lhese fiIes. SoIarWinds looIs do
nol aIIov you lo overvrile exisling dalabases, lherefore you musl rovide a
nev, unique dalabase fiIe name.
Q Why is my backu |ob nol being erformed`
A Mcthnd 1: Verify lhal you have correclIy sel u lhe backu scheduIe. See age
203 for more delaiIs.
Mcthnd 2: Insure lhal lhe SQL Agenl is slarled. In Dalabase Manager, exand
lhe viev for lhe SQL Server in queslion. The SQL Agenl aears vilh a slalus
icon lhal is green vhen lhe Agenl is running and red vhen il is nol. Il can be
slarled manuaIIy by righl-cIicking on lhe icon, lhen seIecling Start SQL Server
Agent. You can sel SQL Agenl lo slarl aulomalicaIIy vhen lhe syslem bools by
finding lhe SQLAgenl Service in lhe Services ConlroI IaneI (by defauIl, lhe
SoIarWinds version of lhe Agenl Service is SQLAgenl$SoIarWinds), and
selling lhe slarlu lye lo Aulomalic.
Q Why are my changes lo lhe dalabase labIe nol saved`
A The NIM Service needs lo be sloed rior lo making dalabase changes.
Configuralion Wizard IrobIems
CnnIiguratinn Wizard Prnb!cms
Q Why do I gel an InvaIid ob|ecl nodes error message`
A If you are nol using Windovs NT Inlegraled Securily, you musl Iog in lo SQL
Server using lhe SA accounl. The SA accounl is required al lhis sle lo
correclIy creale lhe dalabase and accounls Orion uses. The SA informalion is
onIy used al lhis sle, and is nol saved. You viII Ialer be romled lo creale an
accounl lhal Orion viII use lo access lhe server.
Q Why does lhe SoIarWinds Nelvork Ierformance Monilor Service nol slarl`
A Mcthnd 1: The Service may nol be comIeleIy Ioaded. Wail severaI seconds
and reslarl Syslem Manager.
252 TroubIeshooling

Mcthnd 2: Rebool lhe syslem.
Mcthnd 3: Check Ivenl Viever for delaiIed error messages. If lhe Service (in
Services ConlroI IaneI) is marked as disabIed and resonds vilh Marked for
deIelion, rebool lhe syslem and reeal lhe InslaII Services lab of lhe
Configuralion Wizard.
Gctting Mnrc Hc!p
The SoIarWinds vebsile is a rich source of informalion lhal can heI you vilh robIems.
Ioinl your brovser lo hll://vvv.SoIarWinds.Nel.
Knnw!cdgc Basc
You can enler keyvord searches on lhe SoIarWinds KnovIedge ase al
The SoIarWinds direclory of IrequenlIy Asked Queslions can be found al
On!inc Tutnria!s
SeveraI Video TuloriaIs are avaiIabIe onIine al
y comIeling lhe form al hll://suorl.SoIarWinds.Nel/Kase/defauIl2.cfm, you can
send lhe TechnicaI Suorl leam al SoIarWinds a delaiIed descrilion of your robIem,
aIong vilh reIevanl delaiIs aboul your oeraling syslem and soflvare version.
A!crt Macrns
he foIIoving macros can be used in AIerl messages vilhin Nelvork Ierformance
Monilor. Iach macro musl be encIosed in curIy braces and begin vilh a doIIar sign.
IxamIe: $NodeID
Macrn MndiIicrs
Iach macro can aIso be modified using each of lhe foIIoving modifiers aended lo lhe
end of lhe macro.
-Raw Displays the raw value for the statistic. For example, if Transmit
Bandwidth is set to 10 Mbps, then the raw value would be"10000000.
The cooked value would be "10 Mbps.
-Previous Displays the previous value for the statistic before the Alert was
-Cooked Displays the cooked value for the statistic. For example, if Transmit
Bandwidth is set to 10 Mbps, then the raw value would be "10000000
and cooked value would be "10 Mbps.
-PreviousCooked Displays the previous cooked value for the statistic before the Alert was

IxamIe use of macro modifiers:
Inlerface $IuIIName has changed from $Slalus-Irevious lo $Slalus $IuIIName
rebooled al $Laslool. Irevious rebool vas al $Laslool-Irevious
256 AIerl Macros

BuIIcr Errnrs
BufferNoMemThisHour Buffer errors caused by low memory during the current hour
BufferNoMemToday Buffer errors caused by low memory during the current day
BufferSmMissThisHour Small buffer misses during this hour
BufferSmMissToday Small buffer misses during the current day
BufferMdMissThisHour Medium buffer misses during this hour
BufferMdMissToday Medium buffer misses during the current day
BufferBgMissThisHour Big buffer misses during this hour
BufferBgMissToday Big buffer misses during the current day
BufferLgMissThisHour Large buffer misses during this hour
BufferLgMissToday Large buffer misses during the current day
BufferHgMissThisHour Huge buffer misses during this hour
BufferHgMissToday Huge buffer misses during the current day
D, nterfaceD, nterface D Unique D of the interface. Network Performance Monitor
assigns a unique D to every network object.
nterfaceCaption, Caption User-assigned name for this interface
ndex, nterface ndex,
nterfacendex, ifndex
ndex of the interface within the network node.
ifType, ifType, nterfaceType Numerical type of the interface. This information is collected
by Network Performance Monitor when discovering the
network node.
TypeDescription, Description, Type
Description of the interface.
MAC, MAC Address, ifPhysAddress,
Physical Address, PhysicalAddress
Physical address (MAC Address) of the interface
MTU, Maximum Transmission Unit,
Maximum Transmission Unit
Speed, ifSpeed, nterface Speed,
Speed of the nterface discovered by Network Performance
Monitor when scanning the network node
AIerl Macros 257

nterfaceName, fName, nterface
Name, Name
Name of the interface discovered from the node
nterfacecon, con, nterface Type
con depicting the type of interface (Ethernet, Frame-Relay,
ATM, Token Ring, wireless, etc).
nterfaceTraffic Traffic statistics for the interface
NodeD, Node D, D D of the Network Node to which this interface belongs.
Network Performance Monitor assigns a unique D to every
network object.
nterfaceType, Type, nterface Type,
Type of interface. Discovered from ifType.
nterface Errors Transmit/Receive errors and discards for the interface
FullName, Full Name Full name of the interface including the name of the network
node it is in
Counter64, F-MB, Counter 64 nterface supports F-MB high-capacity counters
nterfaceAlias Alias or description of the interface discovered from the node
IntcrIacc Errnrs
nDiscardsToday Cumulative number of receive discards for this interface
nErrorsToday Cumulative number of receive errors for this interface
OutErrorsToday Cumulative number of transmit errors for this interface
OutDiscardsToday Cumulative number of transmit discards for this interface
nDiscardsThisHour, nDiscardsThis
Cumulative number of receive discards for this in
nErrorsThisHour Cumulative number of receive errors for this interface this
hour (this counter resets at the top of the hour)
OutErrorsThisHour Cumulative number of transmit errors for this interface
this hour (this counter resets at the top of the hour)
OutDiscardsThisHour Cumulative number of transmit discards for this interface
this hour (this counter resets at the top of the hour)
258 AIerl Macros

IntcrIacc 5tatus
LastChange, Last Change, Last Status
Change, ifLastChange, nterfaceLastChange
Last date and time the interface changed
operational status
AdminStatus, ifAdminStatus, Admin Status,
Administrative Status
Administrative status of the interface (enabled or
OperStatus, ifOperStatus, Oper Status,
Operational Status
Operational status of the interface
AdminStatusLED, AdminLED, Admin LED,
Administrative Status LED
LED showing current administrative status of the
interface (enabled or disabled)
OperStatusLED, OperLED, Oper LED,
Operational Status LED
LED showing current operational status of the
Status, nterfaceStatus Current status of the interface (up, down,
shutdown, etc.)
StatusLED, Status LED, LED Current status of the interface (up, down,
shutdown, etc.)
nterfaceResponding, Responding, nterface
ndicates whether of not the interface is currently
responding to SNMP queries
IntcrIacc Pn!!ing
Pollnterval, Poll nterval How often the interface should be polled (in seconds)
Rediscoverynterval, Rediscovery nterval How often the node/interface should be rediscovered
(in minutes)
NextRediscovery, Next Rediscovery Scheduled time for the next complete discovery of this
NextPoll, Next Poll Scheduled time for next poll of this interface
StatCollection, StatsCollection, Statistics
Collection, Collection Frequency
Frequency of statistics collection
IntcrIaccs (CATV vcrsinn nn!y)
SignalNoise, Signal to Noise Ratio Signal/Noise ratio for this interface in db.
MinSignalNoise, Min Signal To Noise Ratio Minimum signal/noise ratio over the last few polls
AIerl Macros 259

MaxSignalNoise, Max Signal To Noise Ratio Maximum signal/noise ratio over the last few polls
AvgSignalNoise, Average Signal to Noise
Average Signal/Noise ratio of the interface. This is
calculated from the last 10 polls of the interface.
%CodewordsUnerrored Percent of Codewords received by the interface that
without errors.
Percent of Codewords received by the interface that
had correctable errors.
Percent of Codewords received by the interface that
had errors and could not be corrected.
CodewordsUnerrored Current number of Codewords received without
errors by the interface.
CodewordsCorrected Current number of Codewords received by the
interface that had errors, but could be corrected.
CodewordsUncorrectable Current number of Codewords received by the
interface that had errors, but could not be corrected.
TotalCodewords Total number of Codewords received by the

IntcrIacc TraIIic
OutBandwidth, Bandwidth, nterface Bandwidth,
Out Port Speed, Out Bandwidth, Transmit
User-defined transmit bandwidth of the
nterface. The Transmit and Receive bandwidth
can each be set independently in order to
accurately monitor asymmetric circuits.
OutBps, Outbps, Out bps, Transmit bps,
Transmitted bps
Current amount of traffic being transmitted by
the interface
nBps, nbps, n bps, Receive bps, Received bps Current amount of traffic being received by the
OutPps, Outpps, Out pps, Transmit pps,
Transmitted pps
Current rate of transmitted packets per second
by the interface
nPps, npps, n pps, Received pps Current rate of received packets per second by
the interface
nPktSize, AvgPkt, Average Packet Size Average packet size of the packets currently
being received by the interface
260 AIerl Macros

OutUcastPps, OutUnicast, Transmitted Unicast
Current rate of transmitted Unicast packets per
OutMCastPps, OutMulticast, Transmitted
Multicast Packets
Current rate of transmitted multicast packets per
nUcastPps, nUnicast, Received Unicast
Current rate of received Unicast packets per
nMcastPps, nMulticast, Received Multicast
Current rate of received multicast packets per
OutPktSize, AvgPkt, Average Packet Size Average packet size of the packets currently
being transmitted by the interface
nPercentUtil, n Percent Util, n%Util Current percentage of utilization on the receive
side of the interface
OutPercentUtil, Out Percent Util, Out%Util Current percentage of utilization on the transmit
side of the interface
MaxnBpsToday, Max n BPS today Peak received bps today for the interface
MaxOutBpsToday, Max Out BPS today Peak transmitted bps today for the interface
MaxnBpsTime, Max n BPS time Time (today) of the peak bps received
MaxOutBpsTime, Max Out BPS time Time (today) of the peak bps transmitted
nBandwidth, ReceiveBandwidth, Receive
Bandwidth, Receive Port Speed
User-defined receive bandwidth of the nterface.
The Transmit and Receive Bandwidth can each
be set independently in order to accurately
monitor asymmetric circuits.
NodeD, Node D, D Unique D automatically assigned to each node
P, P_Address, P Address P Address of the node. This is the P address that is used for all
management functions.
NodeName, Caption, Name User assigned name for this node
SysName, System Name System name of the node
DNS DNS name determined via a reverse DNS lookup. The DNS
entry is checked during rediscovery of the network node.
SysObjectD, Object D, OD Unique identifier assigned to this node by the manufacture
Vendor, Manufacturer The manufacture of the network node
SysLocation, Location Location retrieved from the system MB
Contact, SysContact System Contact. This information is collected by Network
Performance Monitor when discovering the network node.
AIerl Macros 261

SysDescr, System Description,
System description of the node. This information is collected by
Network Performance Monitor when discovering the network
LastBoot, Last Boot Date and time the machine last booted
Community, SNMP Community
String, SNMP Community
SNMP community string used to communicate with this node
Vendorcon, con, Machine
Type con
con depicting the type of machine
OSmage, OS mage,
OSFamily, OS Family
Cisco OS image family type
OSVersion, OS Version,
OSVersion, OS Version
Cisco OS version
MachineType, Machine Type The machine type or manufacture of the network node
Nndc Pn!!ing
Rediscovery nterval
How often the node should be rediscovered (in minutes)
NextRediscovery, Next
Date and time of next rediscovery
Pollnterval, Poll nterval How often the node/interface should be polled. (in seconds)
NextPoll, Next Poll Scheduled time for the next poll of the node/interface
FastPollnterval, Fast Poll
When a node starts dropping packets or stops responding, it will
be polled every 10 seconds for the amount of time specified by
the "Fast Poll nterval setting. The node will be considered
"Down if it does not respond during the "Fast Poll nterval.
FastPolling, Fast Polling ndicates if the node is currently in Fast Polling mode. Fast
Polling mode is used whenever the node starts dropping
LastFastPoll, Last Fast Poll f currently fast polling, this is the date/time that the node will no
longer be fast polled and switch from Warning to Down. f not
currently fast polling, then this value is the last time the node was
fast polled.
StatCollection, StatsCollection,
Statistics Collection, Collection
Frequency of statistics collection
262 AIerl Macros

Nndc 5tatistics
ResponseTime, Response Time, Current
Response Time
Current response time of the node in milliseconds
PercentLoss, %Loss, % Loss, Percent
Loss, Percent Packet Loss, % Packet
Percent packet loss over the last few minutes.
Packet loss is calculated from the number of CMP
packets that are dropped when polling the node.
AvgResponseTime, Average Response
Average response time for the node over the last few
MinResponseTime, Min,
MinimumResponseTime, Minimum
Response Time, Min Response Time
Shortest response time over the last few minutes
MaxResponseTime, Max,
MaximumResponseTime, Maximum
Response Time, Max Response Time
Longest response time over the last few minutes
CPULoad Percentage of CPU usage
TotalMemory Total RAM reported in node
MemoryUsed Total RAM in allocated in node
PercentMemoryUsed Percentage of used RAM to total RAM
Nndc 5tatus
Status, Node Status Current status of the node. (up, down, warning, etc)
StatusLED, Status LED, LED Current status of the node
GroupStatus Current status of the Node and all its interfaces (Up, Down,
Warning, etc)
StatusDescription, Status
Current status of the Node and its interfaces.
Severity Severity Status of the Node and its nterfaces
Ob|cct Typcs
ObjectType, Object Type Type of network object
ObjectSubtype, Object Sub
Subtype of the network object
AIerl Macros 263

NodeD, Node D, D D of the network node to which this volume belongs.
Network Performance Monitor assigns a unique D to every
network object.
VolumeD, Volume D Unique D of the volume. Network Performance Monitor
assigns a unique D to every network object.
Caption User-assigned name for this volume
Volumendex, ndex, Volume ndex,
ndex of the volume within the Network Node
VolumeType, Type, Volume Type,
Type of volume. Discovered from hrStorageType
VolumeDescription, Description Description of the volume
FullName, Full Name Full name of the volume including the name of the Network
Node it is in.
Vn!umc Pn!!ing
Pollnterval, StatsCollection, Statistics
Collection, Collection Frequency
How often the volume should be polled
StatCollection, StatsCollection, Statistics
Collection, Collection Frequency
Frequency of statistics collection
NextPoll, Next Poll Scheduled time for next poll of this volume
Rediscoverynterval, Rediscovery nterval Rediscovery nterval of this Volume
NextRediscovery, Next Rediscovery Scheduled time for the next complete discovery of this
Vn!umc 5tatistics
VolumeSize, Size Volume size in bytes
VolumeSpaceUsed, Used Total bytes used on volume
VolumePercentUsed, PercentUsed Percentage of volume used as discovered by
Number of volume allocation errors this hour
Number of volume allocation errors today
264 AIerl Macros

Vn!umc 5tatus
Status, VolumeStatus Current status of the volume (up, down, shutdown, etc.)
StatusLED, Status LED, LED Current status of the volume (up, down, shutdown, etc.)
VolumeResponding, Responding,
Volume Responding
ndicates whether of not the volume is currently responding to
SNMP queries
DateTime, Date Time, Date/Time Current date and time. (Windows control panel defined
"Short Date and "Short Time format)
Date, Short Date, ShortDate Current date. (Short Date format)
LongDate, Long Date Current date. (Long Date format)
MediumDate, Medium Date Current date. (Medium Date format)
Time, Short Time, ShortTime Current Time. (Short Time format)
DOW, DayOfWeek, Day of Week Current day of the week.
D, Day Current day of the month
DD Current day of the month (two digit number, zero padded)
AbreviatedDOW, Abbreviated Day of
Week, AbreviatedDayOfWeek
Current day of the week. Three character abbreviation.
LocalDOW, Local Day of week.
Current day of the week. Localized language format.
Month, M Current month
MM Current month. Two digit number, zero padded.
MMM, AbreviatedMonth, Abbreviated
Current month. Three character abbreviation.
MMMM, MonthName, Month Name Full name of the current month
LocalMonthName, Local Month Name Current month name in the local language.
DayOfYear, Day of Year Numeric day of the year
Year2, Year 2 Two digit year
Year, Year4, Year 4 Four digit year
H, Hour Current hour
HH Current hour. Two digit format, zero padded.
AIerl Macros 265

N Current minute
NN, Minute Current minute. Two digit format, zero padded.
S Current second.
SS, Second Current second. Two digit format, zero padded.
AMPM, AM/PM Am/Pm indicator
Alert, AlertName,Alert Name Name of the Alert
Property, MonitoredProperty,
Monitored Property,
PropertyDescription, Property
Property that this Alert is monitoring
Units Unit of measure for this property (bps, pps, %, etc).
Trigger Trigger setting for this Alert. Examples: "> 40", = 1", etc.
Reset Reset setting for this Alert. Examples: "< 20", = 0", etc.
TriggerTime, TimeOfTrigger, Trigger
Time, Time of Trigger
Date and time of the last event for this Alert. (Windows
control panel defined "Short Date and "Short Time)
LastResetTime, TimeOfLastReset,
Last Reset Time, Time of Last Reset
Date and time of the last event for this Alert. (Windows
control panel defined "Short Date and "Short Time)
LongTriggerTime, Long Trigger
Date and time of the last event for this Alert. (Windows
control panel defined "Medium Date and "Medium Time)
LongLastResetTime, Long Last
Reset Time, LongLastReset, Long
Last Reset
Date and time of the last event for this Alert. (Windows
control panel defined "Medium Date and "MediumTime)
TriggeredValue, Triggered Value Value that triggered the Alert
AlertStartTime, Alert Start Time Time of day that the Alert is active and can be
AlertEndTime, Alert End Time Time of day that the Alert is active and can be
LogFile, LogFilename, Log
Name of the Log file for this Alert

266 AIerl Macros

MonitoringMachine, Monitoring Machine Name of the machine Network Performance Monitor
is running on.
Version Version of Network Performance Monitor
Copyright Copyright statement for Network Performance
Release Release date for Network Performance Monitor
Application Full application name of Network Performance
NextArchive, Next Archive Next scheduled database archive
ArchiveTime, Archive Time Nightly scheduled time for database archive
DefaultNodePollnterval, Default Node Poll
Default Poll interval for all new Nodes (seconds)
DefaultnterfacePollnterval, Default
nterface Poll nterval
Default Poll interval for all new nterfaces (seconds)
DefaultStatisticPollnterval, Default Statistic
Poll nterval
Default interval statistics are collected from each
interface (minutes)
DefaultFastPollnterval, Default Fast Poll
Default "Fast Poll nterval for Nodes. (seconds)
SMTP Gateway, SMTPGateway SMTP gateway used by Network Performance
Monitor to forward all E-Mails/Pages
CMPTimeout, CMP Timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for CMP
SNMPTimeout, SNMP Timeout Maximum number of milliseconds to wait for SNMP
SNMPRetries, SNMP Reties Number of times the SNMP engine will retry each
SNMP query
AIerl Macros 267

Examp!c Mcssagcs Using Macrns
The foIIoving examIes iIIuslrale some of lhe uses of macros.
nterface ${Caption} on ${NodeName} is ${Status}. This indicates a problem with this network
segment that should be investigated. This problem was identified at ${DateTime}.
Alert: ${NodeName} has exceptionally high response time. Average Response Time is ${AvgResponseTime}
and is varying from ${MinResponseTime} to ${MaxResponseTime}.
Alert: Percent Utilization of ${Fu1lName} is above ${OutPercentUtil}. Current traffic load of this interface is
Received :${nBps} Transmitted :${OutBps}
Signal-to-Noise ratio on ${NodeName}-${nterfaceName} is abnormal and may indicate deteriating RF
quality on this interface.
Average Signal/Noise Ratio on this interface is currently ${AvgSignalNoise} and is varying between
${MinSignalNoise} and ${MaxSignalNoise}.
nstantaneous Signal/Noise ratio at this time is ${SignalNoise}.
Alert: The Percent of received Codewords without error by ${Fu1lName] is
${%CodewordsUnErrored}. This may indicate deteriating RF quality on this interface. Percent
Correctable Codewords is ${%CodewordsCorrectable}. Percent UnCorrectable Codewords is
Current packet loss for ${NodeName} is ${%Loss}. Average Response time is ${AvgResponseTime} and is
varying from ${MinResponseTime} to ${MaxResponseTime}.
Alert: The SNMP Community string used to query ${NodeName} has been changed from ${Community-
Previous} to ${Community}.
Network Performance Monitor will use the new SNMP Community String when querying ${NodeName}
A!crt An aIarm or varning of lhe nelvork's slale, based uon a user-
defined crilerion, vhich requires Iogging and/or nolificalion.
AIerls are Iogged as evenls in lhe Nelvork Ierformance Monilor
Ivenl Iog.
A bIocking aclion used lo revenl lhe lriggering of an AIerl.
Bandwidth In digilaI communicalions, lhe rale al vhich dala is
communicaled (usuaIIy in bils er second).
BuIIcr A lemorary slorage Iocalion for dala being senl or received.
CATV An acronym for CabIe TeIevision, used lo refer lo syslems lhal
deIiver broadband Inlernel services over convenlionaI CabIe TV
The assvord required for an SNMI cIienl lo requesl MI
informalion from an SNMI server.
Cnuntcr 64 In SNMIv2C, lhe slandard lhal aIIovs for inlegers lvice lhe
vidlh (in bils) of vhal is normaIIy aIIoved. SoIarWinds
suorls lhe use of 64-bil counlers for devices lhal use lhem.
Dcpcndcncy A crilerion used vilh AIerl Suression lo bIock lhe lriggering
of an AIerl.
DN5 An acronym for Domain Name Server. A syslem of comulers
lhal converl domain names inlo II addresses.
E!cmcnt The smaIIesl managed comonenl of a device for vhich slalislics
are slored. An examIe of an eIemenl vouId be a seriaI inlerface
on a rouler or a VLAN on a svilch.
Evcnt An unsoIiciled communicalion from a hardvare device lo an
aIicalion driver. Ivenls are generaIIy allenlion-gelling
messages, aIIoving a erson or rocess lo knov vhen a lask is
comIele or vhen an exlernaI evenl occurs.
270 GIossary

ICMP An acronym for Inlernel ConlroI Message IrolocoI. A nelvork-
Iayer Inlernel rolocoI lhal rovides message ackels lo reorl
errors and olher informalion reIevanl lo II ackel rocessing.
IntcrIacc A orl or IogicaI conneclion on a node.
LED An acronym for Lighl Imilling Diode. A semiconduclor diode
vhich emils Iighl vhen a currenl is assed lhrough il. Orion
NIM's Ma Maker aIicalion conlains icon slyIes vhich mimic
a LID.
MAC Addrcss An abbrevialion for Medium Access ConlroI Address. A 48-bil
unique number adminislered by lhe IIII and assigned lo LAN
MIB An acronym for Managemenl Informalion ase. A MI is a
dalabase of nelvork erformance informalion lhal is slored on a
nelvork device for access by nelvork managemenl soflvare.
MTU Nndc An acronym for Maximum Transmission Unil. The Iargesl unil
of dala lhal can be senl on a given hysicaI medium. Ior
examIe, lhe MTU for Ilhernel is 1500 byles.
Nndc Any device vilh an II address, a nelvork device lhal is oIIed.
A Node may conlain many eIemenls. An examIe of a Node
vouId be a rouler or nelvork server.
Nndc Trcc In Syslem Manager and Ma Maker, lhe Iefl-mosl ane of lhe
rogram vindov lhal conlains an exandabIe Iisl of monilored
NPM An acronym for Nelvork Ierformance Monilor. A fauIl and
erformance managemenl looI for II nelvorks.
Pnrt 5pccd The maximum lransmission rale of a hysicaI orl.
Rcsnurccs Inlerfaces, voIumes, memory, and CIUs.
5M5 An acronym for Shorl Message Service. A service used lo send
lexl messages lo mobiIe devices.
GIossary 271

5NMP An acronym for SimIe Nelvork Managemenl IrolocoI. An II-
based aIicalion Iayer rolocoI lhal is lhe induslry slandard
vay lhal nelvork devices communicale vilh nelvork
managemenl syslems.
5NMP Trap An SNMI nolificalion ackel senl lo an SNMI lra coIIeclor.
The conlenl of lhe SNMI lra message can be used by lhe lra
coIIeclor as nolificalion lhal a Nelvork Ierformance Monilor
AIerl vas lriggered or resel.
5ys!ng An acronym for Syslem Log. The Syslem Log conlains messages
lhal incIude informalion aboul evenls of inleresl on lhe syslem.
Vn!umc A arlilion or grou of arlilions on a disk drive.
XML An acronym for eXlensibIe Marku Language. InabIes
designers lo creale cuslomized lags lo rovide funclionaIily nol
avaiIabIe vilh HTML.
Mosl definilions incIuded in lhis GIossary vere oblained from Nevlon's TeIecom
Diclionary by Harry Nevlon and ubIished by CMI ooks.

32-bit counter, 38
5.x, 209, 210
64-bit counter, 19, 38, 243, 269
ADSL, 21
Alert, 15, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51,
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60,
61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 117, 213,
214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220,
221, 223, 246, 255, 265, 267, 269,
Autorefresh, 41
Bandwidth, 17, 21, 31, 243, 255, 259,
260, 269
Baseline, 35
Cache, 188
CATV, 21, 228, 258, 269
Charts, 32, 33, 40, 41, 42, 162, 164,
188, 242
Community string, 267, 269
Contact SolarWinds, 3
CPU, 2, 7, 8, 17, 31, 39, 69, 185, 214,
218, 219, 222, 228, 229, 248, 262
Custom Property, 2, 60, 117, 118,
122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 131,
133, 135, 140, 157, 159
Database compaction, 200, 206
Discovery, 2, 14, 16, 69, 70, 73, 75,
81, 242, 250
e-mail, 3, 16, 45, 46, 55, 59, 60, 117,
231, 246
event, 1, 24, 45, 57, 58, 59, 265, 269
export, 28, 90, 110, 117, 131, 149,
197, 202
filter, 126, 127, 135, 138, 142, 155,
176, 178, 194
firewall, 241, 245, 247, 249
graphs, 19, 21
grouping, 2, 45, 145, 147, 148, 157,
HTML, 28, 110, 131, 175, 202, 271
CMP, 33, 34, 245, 248, 262, 266, 270
S, 6, 13, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241
mport, 75, 78, 108, 109, 117, 127,
128, 129, 130
274 Index

nstallation, 1, 5, 9, 111, 196
P address, 11, 13, 16, 19, 33, 73,
111, 115, 161, 199, 240, 250, 260,
269, 270
Latency, 30
License, 9, 10, 184, 187, 228, 231,
232, 233
Limitation, 2, 117, 157, 158, 159, 160,
Macros, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63,
255, 267
Map, 2, 79, 80, 81, 82, 88, 89, 90, 91,
93, 95, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103,
105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112,
114, 115, 169, 170, 171, 188, 243,
244, 270
MB, 248, 249, 257, 260, 269, 270
Migrate, 108, 109, 210
Nesting Maps, 91
Network Sonar, 69
Nightly Maintenance, 29, 30, 205, 206
Node Details, 18, 19, 20, 38, 150,
164, 195
Node Tree, 18, 20, 22, 34, 40, 78,
112, 115, 247, 270
NotePage, 62, 63
NPM Service, 14, 15, 33, 34, 35, 69,
Object Styles, 95, 112
Operational status, 258
Packet loss, 262
Pager, 55, 59, 62
Password, 12, 235, 238, 242
Passwords, 235
PNG, 33, 34
Polling, 7, 8, 30, 31, 188, 211, 225,
227, 228, 245, 247, 248, 258, 261,
Polling engine, 7
Query, 141, 201, 202
Rediscover, 31
Registry, 229
Reports, 135, 136, 138, 145, 148,
150, 164, 176, 177, 178, 181, 185,
188, 196
Reset, 50, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63,
64, 66, 220, 265
Rollovers, 38
Router, 73, 214
Script, 59
Setup, 5, 10, 11, 93, 94
Shutdown NetPerfMon, 66, 202, 210,
225, 226, 239
SMTP, 55, 60, 246, 266
Snapshot, 39
SNMP, 16, 33, 34, 45, 64, 70, 71,
245, 249, 250, 258, 261, 263, 264,
266, 267, 269, 271
SQL Query, 141, 148, 151, 153, 154
SQL Server, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 69,
143, 186, 197, 199, 202, 203, 204,
207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 239,
Subnet, 72
Index 275

Syslog, 45, 58, 246, 271
System Manager, 2, 14, 15, 16, 19,
20, 21, 24, 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38,
39, 40, 42, 45, 69, 78, 188, 205,
228, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248,
249, 251, 270
System Requirements, 6
TCP port, 13, 240
Threshold, 185
Trap, 64, 271
Trigger, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 58, 60, 61,
62, 63, 64, 66, 217, 220, 222, 265
Upgrade, 79
View, 25, 27, 28, 60, 89, 101, 126,
139, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168,
169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176,
177, 178, 181, 182, 192, 195, 196,
201, 238, 253
VisualBasic, 45, 59
Warning, 33, 36, 37, 142, 162, 185,
217, 245, 261, 262
Warning nterval, 33, 36, 37
WebEngine, 207, 208, 211
Website, 12, 13, 91, 157, 204, 240,
244, 250
XML, 35, 39, 271

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