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Planaiia Lab Repoit

By }acob Ninty

Minty, Jacob Friday, May 9, 2014 7:45:24 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cb:75
}acob Ninty
Science 7
Peiiou S

"#$%$&'$ #$( &)"*&+

"&*(#),- If tiisecteu, which piece of a planaiian will iegeneiate fiist.

./"*+.)0'0- If tiisecteu, then the anteiioi will iegeneiate fiist.

Planaiia aie flatwoims that have the ability to iepiouuce sexually oi
asexually. Planaiia aie 12345613789:2; which means the have both male anu
female <7=58;. uonaus aie the pait of the bouy that contains sexual oigans. Some
iepiouuctive paits contain the female oigans, male oigans, neivous system,
uigestive system, excietoiy system, muscle layei, anu the bouy wall. Theie is an
exchange of speim between two paients. Aftei two planaiia exchange speim it goes
into the ovaiies, then they lay eggs. When the planaiia hatch, they will be
<2=2:9>5??@ 89A23;2 because the exchange of speim. When the young planaiia is
boin they will have heimaphiouite pait just like the paients. In conclusion sexual
iepiouuction is the most piefeiable way foi a planaiia to iepiouuce.

Planaiia iepiouuce asexually by tail uiopping oi B35<42=:5:97=. Tail
uiopping is when the tail uiops into stagnant watei. Fiagmentation is when the
bouy uiviues into thiee oi moie paits. Since the stagnant watei anu the bau
iesouices planaiia piouuce 5;2CD5??@. In fiagmentation oi :59? 837669=< they will
make clones. 0ne uownfall to planaiia >?7=9=< themselves is they uon't have genetic
uiveisity. This means that planaiia can have offspiing without speim fiom a paitnei.
Whenevei a planaiia is in tiouble it uiops its tail anu the tail giows a heau ovei
appioximately a week, this methou helps planaiia not uie.

Minty, Jacob Friday, May 9, 2014 7:45:24 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cb:75
Planaiia aie able to iepiouuce asexually thiough the piocess of iegeneiation.
Planaiia uses =27E?5;: to iecovei when they aie injuieu. The neoblast aie
unuiffeientiateu ;:24 >2??;. Neoblasts aie stem cells but they aie also :7:967:2=:
because both have the ability to become othei types of cells when neeueu. When the
planaiia split in half the neoblasts come to the wounu anu stait iegeneiating the
planaiia. This leaus to the entiie cell anu communicates to the wounu. The cells
come togethei anu foim a E?5;:245, which helps heal the wounu. This methou is
how the planaiia fixes aftei it uiops its tailF ' :19=G :15: :12 5=:23973 H9??
32<2=235:2 B93;: E2>5D;2 :12 5=:23973 9; :12 47;: 94673:5=: 653: 7B :12 E78@F ':
9; :12 47;: 94673:5=: 653: 7B :12 E78@ E2>5D;2 7B :12 5D39>?2; 5=8 7>2??9 5=8
17H :12@ 532 :12 2@2; 5=8 :12 253; 7= :12 6?5=5395F


Anteiioi Niu Section Posteiioi

LMNO &2<=235:97= I5:5
2nu Peiiou
7th uiaue
Minty, Jacob Friday, May 9, 2014 7:45:24 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cb:75
In this lab we tiisecteu a planaiia to see which piece woulu iegeneiate fiist
the anteiioi, miu section, oi posteiioi. I hypothesizeu that if tiisecteu, then the
anteiioi woulu iegeneiate fiist. Ny uata was uifficult to iecoiu since my paitnei anu
I's planaiia giew two anteiioi pieces anu we uiu not iecoiu how. The new anteiioi
that appeaieu on the tenth uay hau auiicles anu ocelli. 42% S of 12 anteiioi pieces
iegeneiateu fiist in Ns. 0efingeis seconu peiious class anu iegeneiateu the seconu
most. S7% 29 of 78 anteiioi pieces iegeneiateu in the seventh giaue anu
iegeneiateu the seconu most. Both anteiioi pieces iegeneiateu seconu foi the
seventh giaue anu seconu peiiou. Foi both the seventh giaue anu seconu peiious
miu section iegeneiateu fiist anu the posteiioi iegeneiateu the least foi both. Ny
hypothesis was 1uu% incoiiect. In conclusion, planaiia will iegeneiate when
tiisecteu anu the miu section will iegeneiate fiist.

The iesults foi oui planaiian's uata was not valiu because on uay foui oui
planaiian's anteiioi weie missing, but on uay ten the planaiians appeaieu with two
anteiioi pieces. 0ui gioup was unable to iecoiu how the planaiian iegeneiateu the
two anteiioi pieces fiom eithei the miu section oi posteiioi. We coulu make the
iesults moie ieliable by having one planaiia foi each table gioup insteau of two pei
table gioup so theie can be moie people watching the planaiia anu getting ieliable
uata. Some obseivations I have that hau an impact on the outcome of the iesults was
how theie was two anteiioi pieces aftei theie haven't been an anteiioi piece since
uay thiee. We coulun't iecoiu how the anteiioi giew two pieces because theie was
know one to iecoiu the uata how the anteiioi giew the two pieces fiom uay foui to
uay nine. If theie weie someone watching the planaiia fiom uay foui to uay nine oui
iesults woulu be moie ieliable.

Planaiia anu humans aie veiy uiffeient in many ways, but planaiia anu
humans also have something's in common. 0ne thing that planaiia anu humans have
in common is stem cells. Stem cells aie unuiffeientiateu cells. The ieason why stem
cells aie so impoitant in both humans anu planaiia is because they can heal wounus.
Minty, Jacob Friday, May 9, 2014 7:45:24 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cb:75
Foi example if planaiia oi humans uamage a pait of theii bouy stem cells aie they'ie
to heal the uamage. 0ne uiffeience between human stem cells anu planaiia
neoblasts aie that planaiia neoblast's can heal the wounu fastei then humans stem
cells. Neoblasts aie unuiffeientiateu stem cells. Neoblasts aie stem cells but they aie
also totipotent because both have the ability to become othei types of cells when
neeueu. A similaiity between humans anu planaiia is that they both have the ability
to iegeneiate using stem cells. When we tiisecteu planaiia in oui planaiian lab they
uiu not uie, they waiteu till theie weie enough stem cells to caiiy out theie life
functions in oiuei to giow. Planaiia anu humans both neeu stem cells in oiuei to

Theie happens to be a uisagieement in the stuuy of stem cell
expeiimentation. Scientists aie using embiyos to tiy to finu a cuie foi vaiious types
of uiseases such as cancei anu othei uevastating uiseases. People think that this is
bau to use embiyos, because the embiyos coulu be something gieat in the woilu but
scientists aie taking that away to tiy anu finu cuies foi uiseases. I believe that it is
the iight thing to uo because it is bettei to have thousanus maybe even millions of
people alive fiom a uisease because of the cuie insteau of just one peison's life lost.
Scientists make IPS (inuuceu pluiipotent stem cells) using BES (human embiyonic
stem cells) to genetically mouify. BES (human embiyonic stem cells) anu IPS
(inuuceu pluiipotent stem cells) aie almost the same thing except IPS is genetically
mouifieu. STAP cells (Stimulus-tiiggeieu acquisition of pluiipotency) aie the final
stage of stem cells because those aie what's going to save lives.
Minty, Jacob Friday, May 9, 2014 7:45:24 AM Pacic Daylight Time 70:56:81:af:cb:75

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