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Green represents

The native people ,

Mostly the Roman
White represents the
Peace between the
Two people
Orange represents
The protestants

No official meanings
Capitol : Dublin
The current population is 4,670,976

In comparison to the world its 120
The life expectancy is 80.19 years

In comparison the world its 26
Religion is mostly roman catholic
Roman Catholic beliefs are the special
authority of the pope, the ability of
saints to intercede on behalf of
believers, the concept of Purgatory as
a place of afterlife purification before
entering Heaven, and the doctrine of
transubstantiation - that is, that the
bread used in the Eucharist becomes
the true body of Christ when blessed by
a priest.
Most used language is English

Gaelic is mostly spoken on the western

-lainn (beautiful)
-Slinte (cheers)
-Cairdeas (friendship)
-is ea (yes)
-n h-ea (no)

The Celts celebrated their new year on
November 1. This day marked the end of
summer and the harvest and the beginning of
the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was
often associated with human death. the Celts
believed that on the night before the new year,
the boundary between the worlds of the living
and the dead became blurred. On the night of
October 31, they celebrated the festival of
Samhain, when it was believed that the ghosts
of the dead returned to earth. The Celtic
people feared the evening of October 31 more
than any other day of the year.

Apple barley pudding
-4 tablespoons of Pearl
-1.5 pounds of apples,
peeled, cored and sliced
-3 tablespoons of Sugar
-Good cup of heavy
-1 tablespoon of lemon
Boil the Barley in water and add the
apples. Cook until both begin to soften.
Drain and blend the mixture in a blender
or sieve. Cook the mixture after adding
the sugar and lemon and boil again.
Allow to cool and then chill, adding the
cream on top.
Ulster Museum
People would want to go
here to see the Irish
antiques and display of
art and treasures from the
Armada shipwreck, Girona

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