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Hayden Pehrson
Caden Bushell

1430 West Monroe Street
Sandy,UT 84070
(801) 643-9732

To motivate and inspire others to healthy lifestyles of nutrition and fitness, by
pushing them to their limits and to form positive mindsets. Blitzkrieg will motivate
and inspire our clients to make healthy choices and positive lifestyle changes.

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Table of Contents
Section Page
Summary .............................................................................................. 1
Background .......................................................................................... 3
Vision Statement .................................................................................. 4
Value Proposition ................................................................................. 5
Key Business Areas ............................................................................... 6
Business Structure ............................................................................... 8
Company Strengths ............................................................................. 9
Company weaknesses10
Summary ...12

Equipment we use for business
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Executive Summary
Blitzkrieg Fitness is a fitness center which focuses upon the major parts of physical
health. These include nutrition, weight loss, strength training, rehab, and flexibility. With each
part of the business we want to establish and develop each part making it more diverse and
We will begin in a small space and utilize all that space. We will have a section of
nutrition, weight loss, strength training, rehab, and flexibility. In each part we will have one
certified trainer who has two years experience in each field. We will develop and train them
the way we want our business to run.
Next, we want our clients to succeed no matter how old or young, overweight or at your
ideal weight. No matter how athletic or not athletic you are there is a place for you in Blitzkrieg
Fitness there is a place for you. If you are a person who wants to learn about better nutrition
for you and your family we have a class for that. If youre struggling with your weight we have a
class to help you. If youre an athlete who is looking for that edge and want to develop a part of
your body we have a strength training class for that. . As you see no matter who you are or
what you do there is a place for you. If you want to become more balanced and get faster we
have a yoga class for that.
We understand your weaknesses and we know your strengths and we want to get
clients to their goals. We ultimately want to help our clients succeed in whatever they want to
do. There is no better way to do that than to regain control of your life.

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We picked this business because we both enjoy fitness and the fitness industry. We
decided to pick our passion for fitness with a different type of gym. This gym will allow us to
change peoples lives for the better and make them overall happier and healthier.
Our business is different from every other gym. We use a fast paced energetic type of
training. We not only train them, but we also help with nutrition, weight loss plans, and
strength training. When people sign up for this gym they chose what they want to be involved
with. That determines how much they pay. Our staff will be certified trainers and nutrition
In the beginning Hayden and Caden will own all of the business and make the decisions.
We will ask for input from the clients and the trainers on certain things, but ultimately have the
final say. Later in the company we will have a board and we will be at the head of the board.
We will open ideas to the clients and staff, but we will have the final decision.
Our Lifting Area
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As we looked into the fitness industry we knew we needed to make our gym different
than every other gym. Most of the time you dont have a lot of interaction with the staff, but
with ours we will be directly involved with our clients. We offer nutrition classes, weight loss
classes, and strength training. Unlike traditional companies we offer this all in one place you
dont need to travel different places to find all these things.

Example of the Blitzkrieg Fitness.

Vision Statement
To create a physical environment that promotes, demonstrates, and teaches healthy,
fun, and active exercise lifestyles. Also educate people about the benefits of exercise and teach
people the importance of proper nutrition. We want to develop exercise programs to engage
the body and mind. We desire to demonstrate and encourage the participation in functional
strength exercises through various group class and individual training. We want to develop a
system easy to use and easy to duplicate. We want to build a niche market share of fitness
facilities that are based on the idea and principal of functional strength workout and exercise.
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The vision for our company.

Value Proposition
Our value proposition is a number of different things they include, nutrition, weight loss,
strength training, and yoga classes. These are big part of the fitness industry and we plan to add
value in a number of ways we plan to do so by offering all these things in one convenient
location. Here is what we plan to do with each part.
We offer Weight Watcher type classes where you learn about nutrition and learn
how to keep track of your daily food intake. You are given a book of certain things you should
eat every day and the amount you should eat every day. We also provide a daily tracker where
you evaluate how much your food intake is this really helps instead of just doing it in your head.
Weight loss
On top of the nutrition class we offer a weight loss fitness class. You do
everything in the nutrition class, but you also come to a fitness class. The fitness class takes 30
minutes and really focuses on fat burning exercises. A trainer will be with the class and do
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everything with the class. The trainer will make sure that everyone in the class is not cheating,
doing the exercises correctly, and having fun.
Strength Training
Our strength training class focusses upon building muscle and ultimately burning fat. We
offer a verity of classes these classes include spinning, kick boxing, weight training, endurance,
and specified muscle groups. In the spinning class we will have an instructor who knows all
about spinning and will help everyone improve their technique. In our kick boxing class our
clients will learn how to kick box, using self-defense and ultimately have a great workout. With
the weight training class once again we will have a specified instructor who will teach the
clients proper techniques and the most effective way to attack that muscle group. With
endurance we will focus upon long lasting muscle groups and building the heart and lungs in
rigorous exercises.
In this class we will have all the things for a great yoga class. We will have an
instructor, yoga mats, soothing music, and a warm room. This class helps with flexibility and
also endurance. Yoga improves strength, speed, and your core all of these things will make you
healthier and stronger.
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Key aspects of Blitzkrieg Fitness

Key Business Areas
Our market appeals to all people. Anyone can do it; its not just for 20-30 year olds it is
for old and young and everyone in-between. Our business is very diverse it is not all about
fitness its also about making friends, build lasting relationships, and having fun while exercising.
We are more focused on the person rather than the money. We genuinely care for our
clients and want them to succeed wither its in losing weight, getting stronger, or getting ready
for a sports tryout. We care about individuals and want to see our people happy. The great
thing about our business is whoever you are there is a spot for you.
Within the next five years we see ourselves with a better fitness program and regimen.
With fitness, science learns so much about the body and how it works. In the next five years
there will be advances in nutrition, fat burning techniques, and strength training. So obviously
we will switch up our training and the things we do.
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We will ask our clients what they would like, how we could improve, and if they like the
gym. We will take those ideas and implement them into our fitness center. We overall want our
clients to be happy and have a great fitness experience. Although fitness sometimes is not the
most fun thing to do, we want to make it fun. We also want to change lives with physical and
emotional health. Our fitness center is different because we use all the different types of fitness
and not just focus on one group. Usually you dont get a lot of interaction with the staff of a
gym, but with ours you do.

Key aspects of fitness is to care for the individual

Business Structure
In our business we have four different departments. The departments include nutrition,
weight loss, strength training, and yoga. Within each department we have experts in each field
which helps our clients improve on what they want.
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Each department has specified classes they do. With nutrition we will have a tracker of
or your foods and the types of food you should eat. With weight loss we will have a weight
tracker, a fat burning class, and a fitness plan each with their own job objective. With strength
training we will have instructors for each individual class. We will have a trainer for specified
muscle groups, one for strength class, and one for kick boxing, one for endurance, and one for
spinning. In yoga we will have a specialized instructor for the yoga class. Each class will go 45
minutes. And the nutrition class will be one hour.

Company Strengths
Our companys strengths include a care for our clients, we have all the main points of
fitness, and we are highly trained in the fitness industry.
Hayden &
Nutrition Weight Loss
Day to Day
Receptionist Custodians
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Strength 1: We want our clients to succeed above all other things. We want them to
have everything that they want and if we could be a little part of that we accomplished our job.
Goal 1: We will read studies daily about training the human body to stay most
up-to-date on current physical training methods.
Goal 2: We also want to improve our techniques over time and develop new
methods of training by breakthroughs about knowledge in the human
body the studies will help but we will also volunteer to be a part of those
Strength 2: We include all the parts of fitness in our company. We have nutrition,
weight loss, strength training, and flexibility. With having all these things in one gym is very rare.
It is also very convenient for our clients.
Goal 1: We want to put forth the best fitness atmosphere out there. We will do
this by making our classes upbeat and enjoyable for our clients. We will
have music and encourage them to push themselves. To ensure we are
accomplishing this goal we will give our clients surveys on how we can do
better after every class
Goal 2: We want to expand in all these areas not only to improve upon the
things we have, but to add new things. We will do this by eventually
getting more classes, equipment, clients, and trainers. We hope to
create five new classes every year.
Strength 3: Our staff is highly trained in each portion of fitness. We require a license of
competency. We also require at least two years of experience in the field which they will be

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working for us. Most important our trainers must have excellent people skills. They must care
for each individual and want them to succeed. They must also be a happy person.
Goal 1: Our goal is to continue to find and train new trainers. As we grow we
want to continually add new people on our staff and hopefully open
another fitness center at a rate of two new trainers each year.
Goal 2: We want our staff to continually grow and learn new things in fitness. We
will continually train them and make sure that they have up to date
licenses. We will also test them ourselves each year to ensure their
teaching methods are current and support by research.

The Strength Training we will use.

Company Weakness
The first thing that might be an issue is that we might be starting out too big and not
build it. In starting a company you never want to start too big and try to dig yourself out of a
hole. Instead you want to grow and expand.
Weakness 1: having too many trainers at first. So we want to start out a bit smaller than
first anticipated.
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Goal 1: We want to have six employees, but have them only work certain hours
of the day instead of all day. We will eventually get more when the
demand for them is prominent which we expect to be two years.
Goal 2: We also dont want to rent a space that is too big to start out with, so we
will utilize all the space in a smaller area our machines that we use will be
densely packed at the beginning stages of the gym.
Weakness 2: Our marketing might suffer a little bit. If we have clients who play sports
and they are in season then that will affect our business.
Goal 1: What we want to do is have specified classes that will help them in any
sport. Whether it is football, basketball, baseball, soccer, or wrestling we
want to help them train before the season starts. We will do this by
having trainers who are experts in each sport that our clients will get
support from.
Goal 2: We would like to help in rehab from sports injuries and do our best to get
them back to their sport. We will hire a certified physical therapist who
knows how to help in each injury, and continue to hire them if the need is
great enough.
Weakness 3: With having all these different classes there will be the large cost of
Goal 1: We plan to borrow money for the purchasing of all the equipment. We
will then pay back the bank within five years to keep our monthly rates
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Goal 2: All gyms have the trouble of breaking machines which is usually caused
by misuse of the machine. So we will have our clients trained on the
equipment and then they will sign a contract saying that if they were to
break the equipment they must pay for it.

Where we are weak in our business
Our business is one of a kind we are the only ones who have all aspects of fitness. We
feel our business will be successful for that reason. We genuinely care about our clients and
want them to succeed. We know what our strengths and weaknesses are and continually will
seek to improve both of them. We know we will be successful and would be greatly
appreciative of the opportunity to change lives.

This is where we will go.

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