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Lived on island of Crete

Ruled by Minos
Had running water and frescoes
Women were important
Sea dependent
Volcano weakened Minoans

Fortified cities in southern Greece
Warlike people
Conquered Crete, adopted Minoan ways
Weakened by earthquakes and war

No knowledge of writing
Dark age

Theseus and the Minotaur
Is the son of Aegeus (King)
Goes to meet him and kills many bad people to prove himself
Medea (bad witch) tries to get King to kill Theseus
Wins war, every year 7 children go to labyrinth
Theseus takes place
Kills minotaur while its sleeping
Forgets to let father know hes alive and King commits suicide
Theseus=King, makes Athens a democracy

Daedalus and Icarus
Written by Ovid
Daedalus invented labyrinth of the minotaur in Crete
Try to escape with wings, Icarus falls and dies

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