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Beruin, Laurence C.

September 21, 2011

Laus Sense of Inferno
My inferno is composed of 6 levels/stations organized in a counter-clockwise pattern with the
most gruesome inferno located in the middle. Each level has its own sin/crime with an associated action
or penalty. Every path is filled with fiery flames that connect each level. The infernos levels are as
Level 1Crime: Damage of Property; Penalty: Trounce
Level 2Crime: Theft; Penalty: Axing both hands
Level 3Crime: Extramarital Sex; Penalty: Hacking the reproductive organ
Level 4Crime: Child Molestation; Penalty: Chopping off both legs
Level 5Crime: Murder; Penalty: Chopping off both arms and limbs
Level 6Crime: Treason: Penalty: Guillotine

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