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Worid Day for Safety and Health at Work1 28 Apri1 2014




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hined intematiollal collaboFatiOn is wgett to mcct tlle cllal ging nccds tt ie wo

in increasingly globalizing cconomy, Wc 1lly suppo mc illtcrlllational collaboion
dressing emerging trends in the ield of occupationtt s2

and heali.It is umely thtt e

ay ibr saatty and]Icalth at Work in 2014 focuscs On safcty and hcalth in thc usc of
chemicals at work as tl c thcmc for strengthcl cd illtemttional collaborttion in this ield.
Thc magmtu of wo_rkrelated itturies,discases ttd ttdides woridwide aws intebnd
attention. detection and prevention of many occt4pational disettes is o cn difflclllt
collaborativc cffott is strongly ncedcd to enhancc ess alld strengthcn cohercnt policies
and tlleir implemclllation.In illtematio d collaboratiOn it is ptticulally illlpO ant to

phasizc thc dcvclopmellt of proactivc risk ttscsSmCnt and cont l and thc extension of
effective and basic occupatiod hcalth sen/ices vi ie active suppo of legislation and
actionoriellted pFogramlnes.
It is cncouraging iat action Oented prOlrneS fOr applying pttactive me s arc
seading in var10us scctors and in devcloping FegiOns with the collboration of internalional
partner orgai7atiolls.Practical toolkitt for workpiacc improvcmcntt in thctt vattous secto
arc galning impoFtanCC as cttctlvc mealls ofprcvcnting work relatcd ttwicS alld discascs of
wottcrs exposed a varie of oC iOnd h ds p carly in deding with ncw
tccologics and chcmicals 1

e need to fher promotc intcmational ncttorkir.g for

dcvclopmc ld usc of locally attustCd tOolktts as pttctical mctts oftthievirlg a cul

VCttbn tt tlewol
ICOH cxpresses warln cor.gatulations on le 95th Fttniverstty of the ILO its ieadeFShip
rolc in tllc lmprovclnett of safcty ald hcaltil at wott thrt ughollt J worldo Wc ccnd ow
sincere gratitude for our continued collaborative reiations.We reitcrate the cali for sustaincd
joint cttrtin dcvcloping c
ctivc mcans ofpverlting wo

latcd ittWiCS and diseases.

E.Kbttuta Kogi
Presidcnt ofthe lnternational Conllnission oll
Occupational Health(ICOH)

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