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SONAR to REAPER Quickstart

A Transition Guide for Cross-Graders

by Geoffrey Francis
August 2010, Edition 1.02
Introduction and Preamble
This booklet has been produced as an aid to experienced users of !"A# $ho are trying out #EA%E#, or $ho ha&e already decided either to 'ake the s$itch or to add #EA%E# to
their soft$are collection.
(t is an introductory guide, no 'ore, no less. Each chapter consists of a table or a nu'ber of tables, de&oted to one 'ain aspect of using a )A*. *ithin each table you $ill find a
nu'ber of key tasks identified, together $ith a su''ary of ho$ that task is approached in !"A# and ho$ the sa'e +or 'ost closely e,ui&alent- task is approached in #EA%E#.
The &ersions used are !"A# ../0 and #EA%E# 0.1/ $ith * Extensions 1.22. The * Extensions can be do$nloaded fro' http344$$$.standing$'
The layout has been designed so as to 'ake it easy for you to print any page you $ish as a su''ary infor'ation card. 5ou $ill find 'ore expansi&e and co'prehensi&e
explanations in the #EA%E# colu'ns of the tables than the !"A# ones. That is si'ply because ( ha&e assu'ed that as an experienced !"A# user you are already fa'iliar $ith
ho$ !"A# handles the &arious tasks. That infor'ation is pro&ided as a reference point only, not to teach you ho$ to use !"A#.
This docu'ent is far fro' being 1006 co'prehensi&e, nor is it intended to be, nor +probably- could it e&er be. 7eep in 'ind that there are so'e tasks that can be achie&ed in
!"A# but not in #EA%E# and &ice &ersa. ( ha&e had to take so'e fairly arbitrary decisions about ho$ this docu'entation approaches these at ti'es, including $hat to include
and $hat to 'iss out. ( didn8t $ant to end up $ith another 900: page 'anual; (ts ai' is to help you ad<ust to #EA%E#8s $ay of $orking, not to teach you e&erything you could,
possibly $ant to kno$ about #EA%E#. =e prepared in 'ost cases to consult the #EA%E# >ser Guide and the * Extension Guide for 'ore infor'ation on 'ost topics.
Finally, to state the ob&ious, !"A# isn8t #EA%E# and #EA%E# isn8t !"A#. (8&e considered ,uestions like $hether it $ould be a good idea to create pseudo?!"A# 'enus that
you can use $ith #EA%E#, or pseudo?!"A# key'aps. After consulting $ith other ex?!"A# users ( ha&e decided against doing this. Apart fro' the extraordinary a'ount of ti'e
this $ould take, there are 'ore philosophical reasons. These are3
The t$o progra's operate in 'any cases ,uite differently and according to different design paradig's. Trying to @onariAeB the #EA%E# 'enu $ould be at best a fudge.
o'e co''ands $ould need to be included $hich are not strictly e,ui&alent, others $ould be dropped off the 'enu all together.
Changing #EA%E#8s keyboard shortcuts to 'ore closely align $ith !"A#8s key bindings $ould 'ean re?allocating keys currently assigned so'e other function +and often
an i'portant function- in #EA%E#. (n so'e of these cases, !"A# has no e,ui&alent co''and.
(n the end, the only $ay you $ill e&er successfully be able to learn and use #EA%E# is D to use it as #EA%E#, not as a sort of ,uasi?!"A# +or anything else-. This 'ight
'ake the learning cur&e a little steeper at first, but in the longer ter' this should sa&e you ti'e and deli&er you benefits.
This represents a first atte'pt at producing this docu'ent. (f you find any significant errors or o'issions,or $ould like to suggest i'pro&e'ents, please %E nicholas on the
#EA%E# foru'.
Finally, here8s one 'ore point to consider D
!ne criticis' so'eti'es le&eled at #EA%E# +often by people $ho ha&e ne&er 'ade any serious atte'pt to learn or use the progra'- is that it is @co'plicatedB or @difficultB to use
because of its 'any hundreds of extra actions, 'any of $hich lie hidden belo$ the surface. (n 'y opinion, nothing could be further fro' the truth. #EA%E#8s standard interface
contains all of the co''ands, functions and features needed to run it as a standard )A*. For the 'ost part, the extra actions are there to help you if you $ant to tailor the
progra' to $ork 'ore precisely in line $ith your o$n needs +for exa'ple, to i'pro&e your producti&ity and $orkflo$-. 5ou don8t need to do this if you don8t $ish to;
Geoffrey Francis, August 2010
Table of Contents
!Fundamental "esi#n "ifferences!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$
%!Settin# &' and Gettin# Started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(
)!Recordin# Essentials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
+!Tracks and Track ,ana#ement Essentials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-
$!,edia Item ,ana#ement .asics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%
(!,ana#in# and Editin# ,I"I Items!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+
/!Plu#-in and F0 ,ana#ement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(
1!2oo's3 ,arkers and Re#ions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
-!Pro4ect Renderin# and Related To'ics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
%!,iscellaneous6 78at Else Is Similar3 78at9s "ifferent and 78at9s ,issin#:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!%
A special @thank youB to 'abian +Eario =ianchi- and usan G. for their in&aluable help in checking, contributing ideas to, and co'piling this docu'ent.
! Fundamental "esi#n "ifferences
!n the surface, !"A# and #EA%E# look ,uite si'ilar. They are both )igital Audio *orkstations. =oth allo$ you to record audio and E()( ite's. =oth pro&ide you $ith facilities for editing
these ite's. =oth offer a nu'ber of useful features +such as FT plug?ins and auto'ation en&elopes- to help you to bring your pro<ects to a final 'ix. And so on D.
That8s on the surface. !nce you start looking belo$ the surface you $ill disco&er four &ery i'portant things3
There are so'e tasks co''on to both !"A# and #EA%E# $hich are acco'plished in a si'ilar fashion in both progra's. Go$e&er, these tasks are relati&ely fe$ in nu'ber and
relati&ely basic. They include such standard *indo$s acti&ities as sa&ing files, opening files, closing files, deleting clips and ite's.
There are so'e features $hich are co''on to both !"A# and #EA%E# but $hich are acco'plished by different 'eans in the t$o progra's. For exa'ple, the default 'ethods of
Aoo'ing in and out of, and na&igating thru, a pro<ect are significantly different in both progra's.
There are so'e features $hich though broadly co'parable in !"A# and #EA%E# &ary significantly in their i'ple'entation and their functionality. For exa'ple, !"A#8s Audio
nap and #EA%E#8s )yna'ic plitting both exist to ser&e si'ilar purposes. =oth, ho$e&er, $ork differently fro' each other, and 'ost users $ould consider !"A#8s Audio nap to
be 'ore fully featured. Hike$ise, both progra's 'ake auto'ation a&ailable to you, thru the use of en&elopes and +in the case of #EA%E#- para'eter 'odulation. Eost people
$ho ha&e used both progra's for auto'ation $ould say that #EA%E# is superior in this regard.
=oth progra's possess features that the other si'ply does not ha&e. For exa'ple, #EA%E# possesses no feature that is re'otely co'parable to !"A#8s taff and Hyrics Fie$s.
!n the other hand, #EA%E# does include channel splitting and includes a #outing Eatrix Fie$ for $hich !"A# has no e,ui&alent.
5ou $ill find the transition fro' !"A# to #EA%E# easier if fro' the outset you de&elop at least a general sense of the differences in the design paradig's of the t$o different progra's.
The table belo$ ai's to explain so'e of the 'ost i'portant differences. (t co'es $ith the usual disclai'er that its state'ents are generaliAations and perhaps at ti'es o&er?si'plifications.
"e&ertheless, it should help to get you thinking along the right track.
Audio and E()( ite's are called @clipsB. (n this docu'ent (8ll use the #EA%E# ter'
@'edia ite'sB $hen referring to !"A# clips..
Eakes extensi&e use of Eain He&el Eenus. These can be custo'iAed.
(ncludes a large nu'ber general and specialist of toolbars, 'akes extensi&e use of
tools. >ser can create custo' toolbars.
Eakes so'e use of right?click context 'enus.
Hi'ited keybinding capability.
"o extra actions other than $hat appears on 'enus. "o user 'acros.
o'e scripting capability thru CAH.
Hi'ited ability to custo'iAe progra' settings and options.
Audio and E()( ite's are called @'edia ite'sB.
Eakes extensi&e use of Eain He&el Eenus. These can be custo'iAed.
)efault toolbar is 'ini'al. =y default, #EA%E# 'akes little use of tools, but users
can custo'iAe the 'ain toolbar. 5ou can also create your o$n tools and your o$n
custo' toolbars.
Eakes extensi&e use of right?click context 'enus.
Al'ost unli'ited keybinding capability.
Hiterally hundreds of extra actions that can be co'bined $ith each other and $ith
#EA%E# co''ands into user?defined 'acros.
upports scripting using %ython and4or %earl.
Fery 'any aspects of progra' beha&ior can be custo'iAed.
o'e of these issues $ill be discussed further in the section Customi5ation!.
%! Settin# &' and Gettin# Started
Section O<er<ie;
Any )A* re,uires a certain a'ount of ti'e to set up. These tasks include, for exa'ple, selecting your audio dri&ers and specifying the location of your FT plug?ins. (n addition, you $ill
find that #EA%E# has 'any 'ore pages of preferences settings I and 'any 'ore options $ithin those pages I than does !"A#. )on8t be inti'idated by this. %art of the #EA%E# design
philosophy is that $here&er possible indi&idual users should be able to custo'iAe progra' beha&ior if they $ish to suit the $ay they $ant it to $ork. *e8ll get to 'any of these later, but for
the 'ost part you8ll 'ost probably find that you can $ork perfectly $ell <ust lea&ing 'any preferences options at their default settings.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
T8e Install Process #un the setup file, either do$nloaded or
fro' )F)
)o$nload the latest &ersion fro' http344$$$'4reaper4do$nloads.php +updates $ith bug
fixes, perfor'ance enhance'ents and ne$ features are usually released e&ery t$o $eeks or so-.
5ou8ll notice straighta$ay that #EA%E# installs ,uickly +a couple of 'inutes at 'ost- and lea&es a s'all
Eost of the ele'ents listed in the Choose Co'ponents screen are self?explanatory. Check the Additional
Functionality options for such features as x19 FT =ridging, Control urface upport, C)
#ipping4=urning, and #e$ire. =y default, 'ost of these options are enabled.
5ou should also install #ea#oute A(! dri&ers if you $ant to run #EA%E# linked to another progra' such
as !"A#.
Settin# u' Audio !ptions Audio !ptions %references Audio
!ptions %references Audio )e&ice +or click once on right end of 'ain 'enu bar-
"ote the follo$ing3
#EA%E#8s olo in Front is e,ui&alent to !"A#8s )i' olo
#EA%E#8s Channel "a'e Aliasing is si'ilar to !"A#8s Friendly "a'es
#EA%E# prefers A(! dri&ers.
Settin# u' ,I"I !ptions E()( )e&ices !ptions %references Audio E()( )e&ices
)ouble?click on any input or output de&ice to configure settings.
Installin# to a Flas8 or T8umb
!"A# does not support this feature. Fro' the *indo$s start 'enu, chose All %rogra's #EA%E# (nstall #EA%E# to >= 7ey or
#e'o&able Eedia.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Settin# u' Control "e<ices !ptions Controllers4urfaces >se !ptions %references Control urfaces for any de&ice operating in any of these 'odes3
=ehringer =CF2000
Frontier Alphatrack
Frontier TranAport
Eackie Control Extender
Eackie Control >ni&ersal
"o&ation Auto'ap
%resonus Faderport
For =C#2000 users, please note that a plug?in has been de&eloped by #EA%E# foru' 'e'ber a<ay'
that allo$s you to install the =C#2000 as a control surface. ee #EA%E# $eb site.
For other de&ices , use !ptions E()( )e&ices. Configure de&ice to (nput +Control !nly- and output
S>stem Info and File 2ocations !"A# stores 'uch of its syste'
infor'ation in the *indo$s #egistry.
5ou can use !ptions Global Folders to
specify the locations pf &arious file types.
#EA%E# does not use the *indo$s #egistry. Eost syste' infor'ation +FJ Chains, Color The'es, 7ey
Eaps, Eenu ets, K Effects etc- are stored in the App )ata directory, accessed fro' #EA%E#8s !ptions
ho$ #EA%E# #esource %ath D co''and.
"ati&e #ea%lugs +#eaEL, #eaCo'p, etc.- are stored $ithin the #EA%E# progra' directory.
Global default location for 'edia files is specified under !ptions %references ?MAudio #ecording.
This can be o&er$ritten for any pro<ect $hen sa&ing the pro<ect file by selecting the Create ubdirectory
and Eo&e All Eedia (te's to %ro<ect )irectory options. 5ou can also set this in the File %ro<ect ettings
dialog box.
Settin# u' ?ST and "0 Plu#-ins !ptions Global FT %lug?ins !ptions %references %lug?ins FT
!ptions %references %lug?ins #e$ire4)J
o'e )J plug?ins 'ay not be auto'atically be recogniAed by #EA%E#. (f this is the case, go to your
NApplication )ataN#EA%E# folder and edit the text file reaper?dxplugins.ini. 5ou $ill need to change the
line HoadO0 to HoadO1 for those plug?ns that ha&e not been recogniAed.
@e>board S8ortcuts3 Ti's and Tec8niAues6
File %ro<ect ettings Alt : Enter
!ptions %references Ctrl : %
"a&igate %references pages either $ith 'ouse or keyboard +press first letter off page na'e +e.g. type C to <u'p to Control urfaces page-.
>se Find text box +botto' left corner of %references $indo$- to search I see i'age on right.
)! Recordin# Essentials
Section O<er<ie;
For the 'ost part !"A# and #EA%E# handle creating tracks and recording in $ays that are ,uite si'ilar. The biggest and 'ost ob&ious differences can be found in ho$ the t$o products
handle E()( recording. !"A# uses different track types for audio and E()(, $hereas #EA%E# uses one co''on track type for both audio and E()(. (n fact, $ith #EA%E# you can record
both audio and E()( ite's on the sa'e track if you $ish. #EA%E#8s basic track controls do not by default include the 'any controls that are included in !"A#8s E()( tracks. 5ou can add
these &ia the co''and ho$ Track E()( Controls in the 'ain Track 'enu or the track context 'enu. Another 'a<or difference is that #EA%E# does not include a separate ynth #ack Fie$.
#EA%E# does, ho$e&er, include the follo$ing features3
A Firtual 7eyboard that you can use for E()( input. >sing either your 'ouse or your %C keyboard.
(t allo$s you to use as 'any different synths +and4or different instances of the sa'e synth- as you $ish $ithin a single track, either in serial or in parallel.
5ou can play back E()( e&ents fro' different channels thru different synths $ithin a single track.
These features go beyond the scope of this @,uick startB guide3 for 'ore infor'ation, consult the #EA%E# >ser Guide and4or #EA%E# %o$er;
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Create Audio TrackBsC (nsert Audio Track
(nsert Track fro' Track Te'plate
(nsert Eultiple Tracks
Track (nsert "e$ Track or (nsert Track
Track (nsert Track fro' Te'plate or (nsert Track fro' Te'plate
(nsert Eultiple Tracks
Create ,I"I TracksBsC (nsert E()( Track
(nsert Track fro' Track Te'plate
(nsert oft ynths
Track (nsert "e$ Track then Track ho$ Track E()( Controls
Track (nsert Track fro' Te'plate or (nsert Track fro' Te'plate
(nsert Firtual (nstru'ent on "e$ Track
Arm="isarm Audio Track For
>se the track8s #ecord !n4!ff toggle button. >se the #ecord Ar'4)isar' Toggle button in the track control panel. )efault setting is to record
track input.
Select O'tion to Record Track
Out'ut Brat8er t8an in'utC
"ot a&ailable. #ight click on track #ecord Ar' button, follo$ 'enu to #ecord3 !utput, then select your
preference fro' sub?'enu..
Assi#n Track In'uts >se (nputs drop do$n list in track controls. #ight click on track #ecord Ar' button, follo$ 'enu to Eono (nput, tereo (nput, or E()(
Assi#n Track Out'uts >se !utputs drop do$n list in track controls.
=y default, all audio track output auto'atically
goes to the Easter.
Click on track (4! button to open the track8s routing $indo$. =y default, output of all top le&el
tracks goes directly to the Easter. !utput of all child tracks +contained $ithin folders- goes to
the folder and fro' there to the Easter.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Enable="isable In'ut ,onitor >se the track8s (nput Echo button. >se the track8s #ecord Eonitoring button, or right click on #ecord Ar' button, follo$ 'enu to
either Eonitor (nput or Eonitor (nput +Tape Auto tyle-. !ptionally, you 'ay also enable
Eonitor Track Eedia *hen #ecording.
In'ut Quanti5eB,I"IC Tracks (nput LuantiAe #ight click on track #ecord Ar' button, then choose Track #ecording ettings.
Select Record ,ode Normal Transport #ecord !ptions then 'ake sure
Auto %unch is not enabled.
!ptions #ecord Eode3 "or'al
Select Record ,ode Auto'unc8 Transport #ecord !ptions then enable Auto
!ptions #ecord Eode Ti'e election Autopunch or
!ptions #ecord Eode Autopunch elected (te's
Enable="isable ,ulti'le Takes Transport #ecord !ptions then select ound
on ound or !&er$rite.
#EA%E#8s default beha&ior is si'ilar to !"A#8s ound on ound 'ode. Ctrl :H toggles display
of 'ultiple takes in lanes. To use its e,ui&alent of !&er$rite 'ode, choose +fro' the !ptions
'enu- Tri' Existing (te's =ehind "e$ #ecording. #EA%E# also supports Free (te' %ositioning
Eode +on track context 'enu-.
S8o;=Dide ?irtual ,I"I @e>board !"A# does not support this feature. Fie$ Firtual E()( 7eyboard.
S8o;=&se ,etronome !ptions %ro<ect Eetrono'e !ptions Eetrono'e and %re?#oll ettings, or
(nsert Click ource +on selected existing e'pty track-
Start Recordin# Transport #ecord or use Transport =ar Click #ecord button on Transport =ar.
Sto' Recordin# Transport top or use Transport =ar. Click top button on Transport =ar.
Ot8er Trans'ort .ar Functions Core functions +%lay, top, %ause, etc.- are si'ilar. ee !"A# and #EA%E# docu'entation for other features and differences.
@e>board S8ortcuts3 Ti's and Tec8niAues6
(nsert "e$ Track Ctrl : T ho$ Eultiple Takes in Hanes +toggle- Ctrl : H
!ptions %references Ctrl : % Fie$ =ig Clock +toggle- Alt :C
tart #ecording Ctrl : # Fie$ )ocker +toggle- Alt : )
top #ecording pacebar
ee also !ptions %references Audio #ecording for &arious options and settings.
+! Tracks and Track ,ana#ement Essentials
Section O<er<ie;
(n 'any respects, #EA%E#8s and !"A#8s track 'anage'ent features are ,uite si'ilar, and are a&ailable in the Arrange +Track- &ie$ and Eixer +Console- &ie$ . Go$e&er, there are so'e
i'portant differences, as explained in the table belo$. "ot e&ery option or feature is listed, only the 'ost co''on ones. !ne key area of difference is in routing. #EA%E# 'akes no pre?
distinction bet$een tracks and busses. Any track can be used as a bus and any bus can be a track.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
In'ut Trim for Track or .us >se tri' fader in the track panel. "o real input tri'. >se Folu'e +%re FJ- en&elope or a K Folu'e plug?in in FJ chain.
Ad4ust ?olume Click and drag track &olu'e fader. Click and drag &olu'e fader. >se Ctrl key for fine tuning ad<ust'ents or croll 'ouse$heel
o&er &olu'e fader +this can be disabled in %references, Editing =eha&ior, Eouse- or #ight
click o&er &olu'e fader and enter a &alue.
Ad4ust Pan Click and drag track pan fader. Click and drag pan fader. >se Ctrl key for fine tuning ad<ust'ents or croll 'ouse$heel o&er
pan fader +this can be disabled in %references, Editing =eha&ior, Eouse- or #ight click o&er
pan fader to o&er?$rite default pan la$.
,ute Track Bto##leC Click on track 'ute button. Click on track 'ute button, or right click for &arious 'ute options.
Solo Track Bto##leC Click on track solo button. Click on track solo button, or right click for &arious solo options.
Solo in Front >se )i' olo button. !ptions olo in Front. >se Audio page of !ptions %references to configure.
Free5e=&nfree5e Track Click on FreeAe button. #EA%E# does not fully support a freeAe function. Create and use a freeAe4unfreeAe 'acro.
Set Automation ,ode Click on #ead or *rite button. #ight?click on En& button, choose one of Tri'4#ead, #ead, *rite, Hatch or Touch.
Add F0 to Track #ight click o&er track FJ bin. Click on FJ button.
Sa<e TrackBsC as Track Tem'late #ight?click, then a&e as Track Te'plate. elect track+s-, right?click, then a&e Tracks as Track Te'plate.
Grou' Parameters #ight click o&er para'eter, then select a group or
choose Group Eanager.
#ight click and choose Group %ara'eters +or use Group Eatrix Fie$-.
Dide=S8o; Track #ight click and choose Gide Track, or %ress E to
display track 'anager
#ight click and deselect ho$ track in track list, or #ight?click, Filter Fisibility by Track "a'e,
or Fie$ * Tracklist +re,uires installation of * Extension %ack-.
Arc8i<e Track >se track8s Archi&e button. #EA%E# does not support this feature. Go$e&er, by default tracks that are 'uted and
hidden $ill use no resources.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
C8an#e Track Order )rag and drop ? be careful; )rag and drop +on track nu'ber- I be careful;
&se ,iEer ?ie; Fie$s Console. >se buttons on left to
Fie$ Eixer. >se right click 'enu +o&er background area- to custo'iAe.
Create a Send to a .us Create the bus, then right?click in track panel,
(nsert end then choose bus.
Create an e'pty track to be used as a bus, then D. )rag and drop fro' the track (4!
button to the bus (4! button, or Click on the track (4! button and add send, or >se the
#outing Eatrix Fie$.
Create a Send to Anot8er Track !"A# does not support this feature. )rag and drop fro' the source track (4! button to the destination track (4! button, or
Click on the track (4! button and add send, or >se the #outing Eatrix Fie$.
Create SubmiEes Create a bus. (n the track panel for each track to
be included in the sub'ix, select the bus fro' the
output drop do$n list.
Create a track to be used as sub'ix and create sends fro' each track to be included.
)isable direct output to Easter for each of these tracks, or (nsert a ne$ e'pty track abo&e
the first track in the group. Click on its track folder icon once to 'ake it a folder. Click t$ice
on the track folder icon for the last track in the group.
2ock Track Controls Bto##leC !"A# does not support this feature. #ight click o&er track nu'ber, choose Hock Track Controls.
S8o; .us=Track Peak ,arkers >se Eeter !ptions drop?do$n list on toolbar. #EA%E# does not support this feature.
.us 7a<eform Pre<ie; Bto##leC >se the bus *a&efor' %re&ie$ button. #EA%E# does not support this feature.
,ouse and @e>board S8ortcuts3 Ti's and Tec8niAues6
#EA%E# has nu'erous shortcuts and actions that can be used to control track display and &isibility. Histed here are those 'ost co''only used3
Track "is'la> and Na<i#ation S8ortcuts
)rag bet$een tracks $ith 'ouse Ad<ust indi&idual track height * or Go'e Go to start of pro<ect
%age>p (ncrease all track heights +Aoo' in &ertical- End Go to end of pro<ect
%age)o$n )ecrease all track heights +Aoo' out &ertical- Ctrl : Alt : >p Go to pre&ious track
F key Toggle all tracks nor'al4'ini'iAed Ctrl : Alt : )o$n Go to next track
G key Toggle 'axi'iAe track Toggle Fie$ Eixer Ctrl : E
)ouble?click &ertical scroll bar Toggle 'ini'iAe4nor'al4'axi'iAe Ctrl : Alt : E ho$4Gide Easter in Arrange Fie$
H Qoo' out horiAontal Eouse$heel Qoo' in4out horiAontal
- Qoo' out horiAontal Ctrl : Eouse$heel Qoo' in4out &ertical
Ctrl : %age)o$n Qoo' to pro<ect length
$! ,edia Item ,ana#ement .asics
Section O<er<ie;
#EA%E# and !"A# superficially ha&e ,uite si'ilar approaches to 'anaging and editing 'edia ite's3 ho$e&er, the deeper you dig, the greater the differences. The infor'ation on this
page should at least get you started. o'e points to note3
Fade?ins, fade?outs and slip edits are handled si'ilarly by both progra's.
=asic techni,ues for copying, 'o&ing and deleting ite's are ,uite si'ilar. #EA%E# also has 'any nudge options, including a "udge $indo$ +right?click, "udge (te's-.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Insert ,edia Item File ('port or use Hoop Explorer. (nsert Eedia File or use Eedia Explorer +Fie$ Eedia Explorer-.
,odif> Cli'=Item Pro'erties #ight click, choose Clip %roperties. #ight?click, choose (te' %roperties +or press F2-. Eany of the options a&ailable are
"is'la> ,edia Item Icons FJ button $ill be displayed if FJ ha&e been
added to the 'edia ite'.
!ther icons used include 'ute clip and lock
!ptions %references, then Appearance, Eedia. Enable4disable as you $ish.
O'en ,I"I Item ;it8 ,I"I Editor
BPiano Roll ?ie;C
)ouble?click on ite'. )ouble?click on ite'. At a glance, the t$o E()( Editors appear ,uite si'ilar, but there are
'any funda'ental differences. For exa'ple, !"A# 'akes extensi&e use of tools, #EA%E# of
O'en ,I"I Item ;it8 In-2ine Editor Click %#F button in track pane. elect ite', right?click, !pen (te's in Editor !pen in (n?Hine Editor.
O'en Audio Items ;it8 EEternal Audio
Tools elect Editing progra' fro' 'enu. #ight?click on ite', then !pen (te's in Editor !pen (te's $ith editor as specified in
!ptions %references then External Editors.
Sna' to Grid Bsettin#s and enableC >se nap to Grid button4co'bo on toolbar. !ptions ho$ Grid ettings, or use Grid button on 'ain toolbar.
Ri''le Editin# !"A# does not support this feature. !ptions #ipple Editing +toggles one track, all tracks, off-
Add F0 to ,edia Item #ight?click, (nsert Effect Click on ite' FJ button, or #ight?click, Take ho$ FJ Chain for Acti&e Take, or hift : E
To##le "is'la> of Takes in 2anes >se track8s Track Hayers =utton or Tracks
Hayers ho$ Hayers
!ptions ho$ All Takes in Hanes or Ctrl: H
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
&se Na<i#ator ?ie; Fie$s "a&igator. Fie$ "a&igator.
Ad4ust Take ?olume Closest e,ui&alent is the track Tri' Fader. Click and drag do$n fro' top edge of of ite' to lo$er3 hift click and drag up fro' top edge
of ite' to increase.
S8o; ,edia Item En<elo'es #ight?click, En&elopes Create Clip En&elope #ight click, Take, then Take Folu'e En&elope, or Take %an En&elope, or Take Eute En&elope.
S'lit ,edia Item elect ite', position cursor, press elect ite', position cursor, press .
Create 2oo' From Item #ight?click, Clip %roperties, then Audio
tretching, then Enable Hooping
=y default #EA%E#8s 'edia ite's are loop enabled. To toggle this status off4on, right click,
(te' ettings Hoop (te' ource.
,ute Part of ,edia Item >se Eute tool. Create a custo' action to split and 'ute, or use track or take Eute en&elope.
,ute ,edia Item Bto##leC #ight?click, Eore Clip Eute4>n'ute #ight?click, (te' ettings Eute or use ite' 'ute button.
2ock ,edia Item Bto##leC #ight?click, Eore Clip Hock4>nlock #ight?click, (te' ettings Hock (te' or use ite' lock button.
Render Item #ight?click, =ounce to Clip #ight?click then select one of the Apply Track FJ or #ender (te's options.
Grou' ,edia Items elect 'edia ite's, right?click, then Create
election Group fro' Clips.
elect ite's, right click Group Group (te's.
,ana#e Grou'ed ,edia Items Status !"A# has no real e,ui&alent. elect ite's, right click Group, then choose fro' 'enu.
Nud#e Items %rocess "udge fro' 'ain 'enu, or use
keyboard shortcuts.
>se keyboard shortcuts +see belo$-, or right?click then choose "udge (te's D for "udge
dialog box.
@e>board S8ortcuts3 Ti's and Tec8niAues6
Fie$4Edit (te' %roperties F2 plit (te'+s- at Cursor
Fie$ ource Eedia %roperties Ctrl : F2 plit (te'+s- at Ti'e election hift :
Cut elected Area of (te' Ctrl : )elete "udge ite'+s- up4left4right4do$n "u' Hock 249414.
Copy elected Area of (te's Ctrl : hift : C "udge contents of ite' left4right "u' Hock 140
Copy Hoop of elected Area of (te's Ctrl : Alt : H Gro$4hrink left edge of ite' Ctrl : "u' Hock 941
Ti'e stretch +$arp- ite' Alt click and drag fro' start or end Gro$4hrink right edge of ite' Alt : "i' Hock 149
ho$ FJ Chain for Acti&e Take hift : E Eo&e cursor to left4right edge of ite' Ctrl : R 4 Ctrl : S
(! ,ana#in# and Editin# ,I"I Items
The $ay in $hich E()( ite's are 'anaged and edited in #EA%E# is &ery significantly different fro' !"A#. This really is an area $here you 'ay need to take so'e ti'e to ad<ust to the
differences. The follo$ing table contains so'e useful pointers.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Create ,I"I Items #ecord, or use %iano #oll Fie$. #ecord, or select track and 'ake ti'e selection, then (nsert "e$ E()( (te'. )ouble?
click on this to open E()( Editor.
2oo' Enable ,I"I Item Clip %roperties Enable Hooping =y default, all 'edia ite's +including E()(- are loop enabled. This can be changed for
indi&idual ite's +or selections of ite's- using the (te' ettings Hoop (te' ource toggle
co''and fro' the right?click context 'enu.
To change the default beha&ior for ne$ ite's, disable Hoop source for ne$ E()( ite's in
%ro<ect )efaults.
Assi#n ,I"I Items to a S>nt8! >se a separate audio track or instru'ent track. (nsert ynth in track FJ chain.
Assi#n "ifferent C8annels from t8e
Same ,I"I Item to "ifferent S>nt8s!
!"A# does not support this feature. >se a separate send +track i4o button- for each channel that re,uires a separate
Edit ,I"I Items or Cli's >se in?line %iano #oll, standard %iano #oll, or
E&ent Hist Fie$.
)ouble click to open in standard E()( Editor or right?click and choose !pen (te's in Editor
!pen (te's in (nline Editor. >se Fie$ Eode3 e&ent list in the standard E()( editor
for CCs and other e&ents.
,ana#e Items in SeAuence on a Sin#le
All E()( notes on the sa'e track are essentially
treated as a single clip +ite'-. For exa'ple, all
are accessible $hen you open the %iano #oll or
E&ent Hist Fie$. 5ou 'ay also =ounce to Clip to
<oin a selection of shorter ite's.
Each ite' is separate and can be opened in its o$n E()( Editor *indo$. =y default, the
di'ensions of that E()( Editor $indo$ $ill be constrained by the di'ensions of the E()(
ite'. This issue si'ply does not arise in !"A#. (f in #EA%E# you think you are likely to
need to add notes +or other e&ents- before an ite', after an ite', or bet$een existing
ite's then it $ould be $ise to prepare for this before opening the E()( Editor.
To do this, you should disable the Hoop (te' ource option +right?click, then (te' ettings,
then disable the Hoop (te' ource toggle option-, then stretch its edges out$ards +slip edit
style-, or Koin the ite's together, by selecting the', then right clicking and choose Glue
(te's fro' the context 'enu. ee screen shots belo$ table. This enables you to open
the' all together in the E()( Editor and add notes in bet$een the original ite's.
5ou can also drag the edge of a loop disabled ite' in the E()( Editor in order to extend it.
Also, if $ithin the E()( Editor you insert a note that goes beyond the end of the ite' then
that ite' $ill auto'atically be extended.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Read Cake;alk !ins Instrument
"efinition File for .ank=Patc8 Names!
!ptions (nstru'ents, then click on )efine,
then ('port. elect file, click on !pen.
#ight?click on track na'e or nu'ber and choose ho$ Track E()( Controls. This opens
#eaControl E()( in the track FJ chain. )isplay this, click on Hoad File, select file, then click
on !pen.
#eaControl E()( can also be used $ith indi&idual E()( ite's, &ia their FJ chains.
&se ?arious ,I"I Track Controls >se $idgets in track control panel. >se the &arious #eaControl E()( controls. Also, 'any K E()( plug?ins are a&ailable. Type
@E()(B in the FJ Filter for a list.
Dandlin# S>stem EEclusi<e "ata >se ysx Fie$. )rag and drop a .syx file directly on to the track to load directly into a track, or >se
#eaControl E()(3 click on ysex Edit button and paste data in. F0 and F2 are added
auto'atically at the start and end respecti&ely.
EE'ort ,I"I "ata as ,I"I File File a&e As. For indi&idual clips, Export
E()( Groo&e Clip
File Export %ro<ect E()(. For indi&idual ite's, open in E()( editor, then File Export to
ne$ E()( File.
Add 2>rics to Pro4ect Fie$s Hyrics. #EA%E# has no lyrics &ie$, but has rudi'entary lyrics handling &ia text i'port. (n the
E()( editor, choose ('port Hyrics for elected "otes fro' File fro' the Action list. Hyrics
and other text can also be displayed directly on the ite'3 #ight?click, then (te' ettings
(te' "otes. 5ou can then use the Hoad button to i'port a file, or paste text in.
Ioinin# ,I"I Items in REAPER
.efore D t$o separate discrete E()(
ite's on a track.
After selecting both ite's and choosing
Glue Items fro' the context 'enu.
/! Plu#-in and F0 ,ana#ement
Section O<er<ie;
Eost !"A# users $ho co'e to #EA%E# find that at first they 'iss being able to 'anage a track8s plug?ins directly fro' a bin in the track control panel +although these can be accessed
directly in the Eixer &ie$-. Go$e&er, you $ill soon disco&er that #EA%E#8s FJ *indo$ includes an i'pressi&e selection of other features $hich should 'ore than 'ake up for this.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Add F0 to a Track #ight?click o&er FJ bin, then follo$ 'enu. Click Add button on track FJ $indo$. )ouble?click on re,uired FJ or drag and drop.
C8an#e Order of Track F0 )rag and drop. )rag and drop.
"elete F0 from Track elect FJ, press )elete. elect FJ, press )elete.
.>'ass F0 Bto##leC >se FJ =ypass toggle in track FJ bin. >se FJ =ypass toggle in track FJ Chain $indo$ or FJ $indo$.
Rename and Reor#ani5e Plu#ins Tools Cake$alk %lug?(n Eanager. Fie$ FJ =ro$ser.
Create F0 C8ain !"A# does not support this feature. #ight?click on track FJ chain then a&e FJ Chain or a&e elected FJ as Chain.
Create Track "efault F0 C8ain !"A# does not support this feature. #ight?click on track FJ chain then a&e Chain as )efault for "e$ Tracks.
Add F0 C8ain to a Track !"A# does not support this feature. (n FJ Chain *indo$ choose FJ Add FJ Chain fro' top 'enu.
Rename Indi<idual F0 Instance !"A# does not support this feature. elect the FJ, then press F2 or right?click, then #ena'e FJ (nstance.
Ad4ust F0 7et="r> ,iE !"A# does not support this feature. >se *et4)ry rotary control next to bypass checkbox in FJ $indo$.
&se in Track Parallel F0 Processin# !"A# does not support this feature. Click on pin connector +labeled 9 in 2 out or si'ilar- to assign FJ inputs and outputs to
specific channels. >se a K 'ixer plug?in to 'ix different parallel FJ strea's.
Add Parameter Controls to Track
Control Panel and ,iEer Control Panel
>p to four controls per track can be displayed
at any one ti'e in Console Fie$ only.
Touch para'eter control $ith 'ouse, then click on %ara' button in FJ chain $indo$.
Choose ho$ in Track Controls.
S8o; 'er Track EQ in ,iEer ?ie;! >se EL %lot and EL toggle buttons in Console
"eed to be added indi&idually to each track +or use FJ chains or track te'plates-.
,ana#e Plu#-in Preferences=Settin#s !ptions Global FT %lug?ins !ptions %references then %lug?ins, FT, and #e*ire4)J pages.
*! Automation
Section O<er<ie;
=oth !"A# and #EA%E# use en&elopes to auto'ate track and FJ para'eter data, but their respecti&e feature sets are significantly different. This table should help steer you thru these.
%robably the 'ost significant difference bet$een the t$o is that !"A# does not support %ara'eter Eodulation.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Create Track Control or Send En<elo'e #ight?click on 'edia ite', En&elopes Create
Track En&elope then choose fro' 'enu.
Click on track En& button to display en&elopes $indo$ for track, then check boxes for
en&elopes re,uired, or use keyboard shortcuts +F for Folu'e, % for %an-.
Create Track F0 Parameter En<elo'e #ight?click on 'edia ite', En&elopes Create
Track En&elope then select FJ, then select
Click on track En& button to display en&elopes $indo$ for track, then check boxes for FJ
para'eter for en&elopes re,uired, or (n FJ $indo$, touch para'eter $ith 'ouse then click
on %ara' button, then ho$ Track En&elope.
Create ,edia Item Control En<elo'e #ight?click on 'edia ite', En&elopes Create
Clip En&elope then select para'eter..
#ight?click on 'edia ite', then Take, then select Folu'e, Eute or %an en&elope fro'
Create Item F0 Parameter En<elo'e #ight?click 'edia ite', En&elopes Create
Clip En&elope then select FJ and para'eter.
#EA%E# does not support this feature.
Settin# Automation ,ode >se Track Controls I #ead or *rite only. #ight?click on En& button, select one of Tri'4#ead, #ead, *rite, Touch, or Hatch.
Global Automation O<erride !"A# does not support this feature. #ight?click Global Auto'ation !&erride button on Transport =ar.
Add=,ana#e En<elo'e Points >se 'ouse. !ptions %references Editing =eha&ior En&elopes sets 'ouse beha&ior +click, shift?
click, double?click, etc.- for adding, editing and resetting points, ad<usting seg'ents, etc.
Cur<e S8a'e and Ot8er O'tions #ight?click on en&elope. #ight?click on en&elope.
S8o; En<elo'e in Se'arate 2ane !"A# does not support this feature. #ight?click on en&elope, choose ho$ En&elope in Hane +toggle-.
"ra; En<elo'e Cur<es ;it8 ,ouse elect En&elope )ra$ tool, click and drag. )epending on preferences, Ctrl?click and drag.
En<elo'e .>'ass ,ode Bto##leC! #ight?click en&elope, then Auto'ation #ead
#ight?click on en&elope, then =ypass En&elope.
Parameter ,odulation !"A# does not support this feature. %ara'eter Eodulation is a &ery big topic. To co&er it in detail $ould go beyond the scope of
this docu'ent. (n short,it lets you use any audio strea' or FJ para'eter fro' any track to
control the beha&ior of any FJ para'eter on itself or any other track.
1! 2oo's3 ,arkers and Re#ions
Section O<er<ie;
=oth !"A# and #EA%E# use loops and 'arkers to help you 'anage your pro<ects. *ith the addition of the * Extensions, #EA%E# offers you se&eral extra features. The infor'ation in
this table assu'es that the * Extensions ha&e been installed. #EA%E# also uses regions, so'ething that !"A# does not recogniAe.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Create 2oo' Selection Click and drag along ti'eline, then Hoop
et Hoop %oints.
Click and drag along ti'eline.
Create Time Selection Click and drag along ti'eline. Click and drag in background area in Arrange Fie$.
2ink 2oo' Points to Time Selection !"A# does not use this concept. !ptions Hoop %oints Hinked to Ti'e election +toggle-.
Create ,arker (nsert Earker or +on the fly- press F11 (nsert Earker or +on the fly- press E or hift:E.
"is'la> ,arker ?ie; Fie$s Earkers Fie$ * EarkerHist.
Reorder=Renumber ,arkers !"A# does this auto'atically. #ight?click in EarkerHist $indo$, #eorder Earker ()s
Go to ,arker >se Transport =ar or Earkers $indo$. Type nu'ber or use EarkerHist $indo$.
"elete ,arker elect in Earkers $indo$, press )elete. Alt click on 'arker in ti'eline, or right?click and choose #e'o&e Earker.
Create Smart BCommandC ,arkers !"A# does not support this feature. =egin 'arker na'e $ith ; Follo$ed by co''and () or ()s.
Create ,arker Sets and Sub-Sets !"A# does not support this feature. #ight?click in EarkerHist $indo$, a&e Earker et.
Recall ,arker Set or Sub-Set !"A# does not support this feature. #ight?click in EarkerHist $indo$, choose Hoad Earkerna'e.
Co'> ,arkers to Anot8er Pro4ect !"A# does not support this feature. #ight?click in EarkerHist $indo$, Copy Earker et to Clipboard. !pen other pro<ect in ne$
pro<ect tab, then right?click in EarkerHist $indo$, %aste Earker et fro' Clipboard.
Create a Re#ion !"A# does not support this feature. )efine ti'e selection, then either right?click on ti'eline, Create #egion fro' election or
press hift:#.
,o<e Re#ion !"A# does not support this feature. Click and drag along ti'eline.
Co'> Re#ion !"A# does not support this feature. Ctrl click and drag along ti'eline.
-!Pro4ect Renderin# and Related To'ics
Section O<er<ie;
*ith both !"A# and #EA%E# you can 'ix do$n and render your pro<ects for export, for exa'ple, as internet ready E%0 or C) ready *AF files, or for export to other progra's. The
topics listed here fall loosely into this category. There are so'e interesting differences bet$een the t$o feature sets.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
EE'ort as O,F File File Export !EF #EA%E# does not support this feature.
EE'ort as E"2 or E"2 TeEt File !"A# does not support this feature. File a&e As, then select file type.
EE'ort ,iE as Stereo ,P) File File Export Audio.
!"A# also includes %yro *eb %ublisher.
File #ender. elect tereo fro' Channels drop do$n list and E%0 as output for'at.
elect #ender Easter Eix.
EE'ort ,iE as Stereo ( bit 7A? File Bfor
audio C"C
File Export Audio.
!"A# also includes %yro C) =urner.
File #ender. elect tereo fro' Channels drop do$n list and *AF as output for'at.
elect #ender Easter Eix. elect =it )epth 11, a'ple rate 99100.
EE'ort Indi<idual Tracks as Se'arate
Farious options and per'utations a&ailable
fro' ource Category drop?do$n list.
(nclude $ith your settings and specifications #ender te's +elected Tracks-.
EE'ort in ,ultic8annel Format #e,uires Eultichannel For'at to ha&e been
specified in urround tab of %ro<ect !ptions.
Choose Eultichannel fro' Channel For'at
drop?do$n list.
Along $ith your other settings, select the re,uired nu'ber of Channels and if re,uired
enable the option #ender Eultichannel Tracks to Eultichannel Files.
Im'ort Audio from C" File ('port Audio C). >se the Eedia Explorer Fie$. )rag and drop to arrange &ie$.
EE'ort ,iE to Audio C" After preparing pro<ects to re,uired for'at,
Tools =urn Audio C).
After preparing pro<ect to re,uired for'at, File #ender. A'ongst other options, select
!utput For'at Audio C) ('age. ee >ser Guide for details.
.atc8 Render Files !"A# does not support this feature. %repare indi&idual files in File #ender dialog box, clicking each ti'e on Lueue #ender.
Then File ho$ #ender Lueue, $ith #ender All or #ender elected.
Section O<er<ie;
>nderstanding #EA%E#8s custo'iAation lies at the &ery heart of really getting to grips $ith the progra'. "o$ read on ..
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Create Custom Actions o'e ability to bind keys to co''ands thru
!ptions 7ey =indings. Cannot create
custo' actions or 'acros.
>se Actions ho$ Actions Hist to access actions editor. Any co''and can be assigned a
keyboard shortcut. Eany hundreds of additional actions that can be assigned to keyboard
shortcuts, 'enus, toolbars, or control de&ices.
Any nu'ber of actions can be chained together to create custo' 'acros, also assignable
to keyboard shortcuts, 'enus, toolbars, or control de&ices.
Custom ,enus >se !ptions Eenu Editor to rearrange
!"A# 'enus, including hiding un$anted
>se !ptions Custo'iAe Eenus4Toolbars to custo'iAe 'enus and4or toolbars.
5ou can rearrange #EA%E#8s 'enus, including hiding un$anted co''ands.
5ou can also add #EA%E# actions and your o$n custo' actions to #EA%E# 'enus and
toolbars. Custom Toolbars #ight?click on any displayed toolbar and
choose Custo'iAe. Finite range of custo'
tools is a&ailable.
Custom Colors and Skins !"A# supports custo' color sche'es but is
not skinnable.
>se !ptions %references then Appearance, The'e Editor to 'odify or create your o$n
color sche'es.
5ou can also create and i'port your o$n skins.
%!,iscellaneous6 78at Else Is Similar3 78at9s "ifferent and 78at9s ,issin#:
Section O<er<ie;
This section su''ariAes in o&er&ie$ those areas $here !"A# and #EA%E# are 'ost significantly different. Also included here are so'e features that are present in one or other of these
)A*s but not the other.
Task=Acti<it> In SONAR >ou did t8is !!! In REAPER >ou do t8is !!!
Assi#n Parameter Controls to Control
>se ACT. #EA%E# handles this &ery differently, &ia %ara' button in FJ $indo$ and Actions list editor.
Create=&se Audio=,I"I ,atriE >se Eatrix Fie$. #EA%E# does not ha&e a Eatrix &ie$.
Edit Notation or 2>rics >se taff Fie$ or Hyrics Fie$. #EA%E# does not include a taff Fie$ or Hyrics &ie$, but you can use an external E()( Editor
for this.
Stretc8 and fit items to tem'o3 etc! >se Audio nap. The closest e,ui&alent to this in #EA%E# is )yna'ic plitting3 right?click on 'edia ite', then
(te' %rocessing )yna'ic plit (te's.
Automaticall> correct <ocal 'itc8 >se F?Focal. The closest e,ui&alent in #EA%E# is the Cockos FT plug?in #eaTune.
Surround 'annin# >se the urround %anner. #EA%E# does not ha&e a surround panner. 5ou can 'ix for surround sound in #EA%E#, but if
you $ish to do so it is ad&isable to use a third party FT plug?in.
Automaticall> color tracks accordin#
to t8e label
!"A# does not support this feature. Fie$ * Auto Color +re,uires * extensions-.
Create and mana#e miEer sna's8ots !"A# does not support this feature. Fie$ * napshots +re,uires * extensions-. napshots allo$ 'any different 'ixer, track,
FJ, etc. settings +and different per'utations of these- to be sa&ed and recalled $ithin a single
pro<ect file, and e&en to be copied bet$een pro<ect files.
Create and mana#e screen sets >se Fie$s Hayouts $indo$ to create and
'anage layouts.
Fie$ creen ets. creen sets allo$ different $indo$s and track layouts to be sa&ed and
instantly recalled.
,onitor and mana#e CP&3 disk and
RA, 'erformance
!"A# displays only 'ini'al infor'ation on
its C%> and )isk 'eters.
Fie$ %erfor'ance Eeter for co'prehensi&e perfor'ance 'anage'ent. )ouble?click on any
track na'e in the %erfor'ance Eeter *indo$ to open FJ $indo$ for that track.

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