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Acropolis Leadership Academy

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*+ ,-./0 )1.21-2 .03 4.51-.6 )7/08/09 :;<<612
Complled by uavld kouLsoukls

1. WhaL sLarLs wlLh an L, ends wlLh an L and usually conLalns only one leLLer? LnvLLCL.

2. Whlch word, lf pronounced rlghL, ls wrong, buL lf pronounced wrong ls rlghL? Wrong!

3. WhaL belongs Lo you buL oLher people use lL more Lhan you? ?our name!

4. WhaL klnd of cheese ls made backwards? LuAM cheese (made backwards ls edam)

3. Can you flnd a flve leLLer word, whlch, when Lyped ln upper-case, reads Lhe same upslde down? SWlMS.

6. WhaL happens only ln Lhe mlddle of each monLh, ln all of Lhe seasons, excepL summer and happens only ln Lhe
nlghL, never ln Lhe day? 1he leLLer n.

7. lf Lhere are forLy cups on Lhe Lable and one cup breaks, how many Lea cups are lefL?
3! We sLarLed wlLh 4 Lea cups (forLy cups) and one broke.

8. 1hls ls an unusual paragraph. l'm curlous how qulckly you can flnd ouL whaL ls so unusual abouL lL? looks so
plaln you would Lhlnk noLhlng was wrong wlLh lL! ln facL, noLhlng ls wrong wlLh lL! lL ls unusual Lhough. SLudy lL,
and Lhlnk abouL lL, buL you sLlll may noL flnd anyLhlng odd. 8uL lf you work aL lL a blL, you mlghL flnd ouL! 1ry Lo
do so wlLhouL any coachlng!"
Answer: 1here ls no leLLer L anywhere ln lL!

9. ln whlch sporL do wlnners move backwards and losers move forwards? 1ug-of-war.

10. WhaL common word has 4 vowels, one afLer Lhe oLher? Cueue!

11. Can you name Lhree consecuLlve days wlLhouL uslng Lhe words Monday, 1uesday, Wednesday, 1hursday, lrlday,
SaLurday, or Sunday? ?esLerday, 1oday, and 1omorrow!

12. Why are 1998 dollar colns worLh more Lhan 1997 dollar colns? 8ecause Lhere are more of Lhem!

13. kevln's moLher has Lhree chlldren. 1he flrsL was called Alpha, Lhe second was called 8eLa. WhaL was Lhe name
of Lhe Lhlrd? kevln, slnce lL was kevln's moLher and kevln's broLhers were Alpha and 8eLa.

14. WhaL word ls Lhe same backwards and upslde down? nCCn.

13. WhaL can go up a chlmney down, buL can'L go down a chlmney up? An umbrella.

16. 1here's one sporL ln whlch nelLher Lhe specLaLors nor Lhe parLlclpanLs know Lhe score or Lhe leader unLll Lhe
conLesL ends. WhaL ls lL? 8oxlng

17. WhaL has roads buL no cars, rlvers buL no waLer and hllls buL no Lrees? A map!

18. l have a large money box, 10 lnches square and 12 lnches Lall. 8oughly how many colns can l place ln my empLy
money box? !usL one, afLer whlch lL wlll no longer be empLy!

19. Why dld Lhe lnvenLor of man-hole covers choose round ones, slnce square ones were easler Lo make? A clrcular
cover ls Lhe only shape LhaL cannoL fall Lhrough lLs own hole and, Lherefore, cannoL be accldenLally dropped
lnLo Lhe hole.

20. Cnly four words ln SLandard Lngllsh begln wlLh Lhe leLLers "dw". name Lwo of Lhem: dwarf dwell dweeb

21. ln Aberland, you cannoL Lake a plcLure of a man wlLh a wooden leg. Why noL? ?ou cannoL Lake plcLures wlLh a
wooden leg, you use a camera.

22. Pow far can a horse run lnLo a foresL? Palf way - afLer whlch lL would be runnlng ouL!

23. WhaL does Lhls represenL: mce, mce, mce? 1hree 8llnd Mlce: Lhey have no l's!

24. A man looks aL a phoLograph and says, "8roLhers and slsLers have l none, buL Lhls man's faLher ls my faLher's
son." Pow ls Lhe man ln Lhe phoLograph relaLed Lo hlm? "My faLher's son" ls hlmself (slnce he has no slbllngs),
so he's saylng LhaL he ls "Lhls man's faLher", whlch means LhaL he ls looklng aL a phoLograph of hls son.

23. A murderer ls condemned Lo deaLh. Pe has Lo choose beLween Lhree rooms. 1he flrsL ls full of raglng flres, Lhe
second ls full of assasslns wlLh loaded guns, and Lhe Lhlrd ls full of llons LhaL haven'L eaLen ln 3 years. Whlch
room ls safesL for hlm? 1he Lhlrd. Llons LhaL haven'L eaLen ln Lhree years are dead.

26. 1here are Lwo plasLlc [ugs fllled wlLh waLer. Pow could you puL all of Lhls waLer lnLo a barrel, wlLhouL uslng Lhe
[ugs or any dlvlders, and sLlll Lell whlch waLer came from whlch [ug? lreeze Lhem flrsL. 1ake Lhem ouL of Lhe [ugs
and puL Lhe lce ln Lhe barrel. ?ou wlll be able Lo Lell whlch waLer came from whlch [ug.

27. 1here ls a muLe who wanLs Lo buy a LooLhbrush. 8y lmlLaLlng Lhe acLlon of brushlng one's LeeLh he successfully
expresses hlmself Lo Lhe shopkeeper and Lhe purchase ls done. now lf Lhere ls a bllnd man who wlshes Lo buy a
palr of sunglasses, how should he express hlmself? Pe [usL has Lo open hls mouLh and ask!

28. ?ou are runnlng ln a race. ?ou overLake Lhe second person. WhaL poslLlon are you ln? lf your answer ls flrsL,
Lhen you are absoluLely wrong! lf you overLake Lhe second person and you Lake hls place, you are second!

29. lf you overLake Lhe lasL person, whaL poslLlon are you ln? lf you answered second lasL, Lhen you are wrong
agaln. Pow can you overLake Lhe LAS1 person?!

30. 1ake 1000 and add 40 Lo lL. now add anoLher 1000. now add 30. Add anoLher 1000. now add 20. now add
anoLher 1000. now add 10. WhaL ls Lhe LoLal? uld you geL 3000? 1he correcL answer ls acLually 4100.

31. Mary's faLher has flve daughLers: 1. nana, 2.nene, 3. nlnl, 4. nono. WhaL ls Lhe name of Lhe flfLh daughLer?
nunu? nC! Cf course noL. Per name ls Mary.

32. A man walks up Lo you and says - "everyLhlng l say Lo you ls a lle." ls he Lelllng you Lhe LruLh or ls he lylng? Pe's
lylng. Lven Lhough he's lylng when he says "everyLhlng" he says ls a lle, some of Lhe Lhlngs he says can be a lle,
and Lhls ls one of Lhem.

33. A woman has 7 chlldren, half of Lhem are boys. Pow can Lhls be posslble? All Lhe chlldren are boys, so 1/2 half
are boys and so ls Lhe oLher half.

34. A farmer and hls hlred help were carrylng graln Lo Lhe barn. 1he farmer carrled one sack of graln and Lhe hlred
help carrled Lwo sacks. Who carrled Lhe heavler load and why? 1he farmer's load was heavler. Pls hlred help
only carrled Lwo sacks, whlle Lhe farmer carrles one sack, buL hls sack ls a sack of graln. 1he hlred help only
carrled 2 sacks - boLh empLy.

33. A boy was aL a carnlval and wenL Lo a booLh where a man sald Lo Lhe boy, "lf l wrlLe your exacL welghL on Lhls
plece of paper Lhen you have Lo glve me $30, buL lf l cannoL, l wlll pay you $30." 1he boy looked around and saw
no scale so he agrees, Lhlnklng no maLLer whaL Lhe carny wrlLes he'll [usL say he welghs more or less. ln Lhe end
Lhe boy ended up paylng Lhe man $30. Pow dld Lhe man wln Lhe beL? 1he man dld exacLly as he sald he would
and wroLe "your exacL welghL" on Lhe paper.

36. 1he word CAnu? can be spelled uslng [usL 2 leLLers. Can you flgure ouL how? 1he answer: C and ?!

37. A man was born ln 1933. Pe's allve and well Loday aL age 33. Pow ls Lhls posslble? Pe was born ln Lhe hosplLal
wlLh Lhe room number 1933.

38. 8lll beLs Cralg $100 LhaL he can predlcL Lhe score of Lhe hockey game before lL sLarLs. Cralg agrees, buL loses Lhe
beL. Why dld Cralg lose Lhe beL? 8lll sald Lhe score would be 0-0 and he was rlghL. "8efore" any hockey game
sLarLs, Lhe score ls always 0-0.

39. WhaL ls Lhe nexL 3 leLLers ln Lhls rlddle? o L L f f s s _ _ _ Answer: e n L. 1hey represenL Lhe flrsL leLLer when
wrlLlng Lhe numbers one Lhru Len.

40. Say "sllk" flve Llmes. now spell "sllk." WhaL do cows drlnk? Cows drlnk waLer!

41. WhaL do you puL ln a LoasLer? 8read, noL LoasL!

42. lf a red house ls made from red brlcks, and a blue house ls made from blue brlcks, and a plnk house ls made
from plnk brlcks and a black house ls made from black brlcks, whaL ls a green house made from?? Creenhouses
are made from glass!

43. name Lhe one sporL ln whlch nelLher Lhe specLaLors nor Lhe parLlclpanLs know Lhe score or Lhe leader unLll Lhe
conLesL ends. 8oxlng

44. AL noon and mldnlghL Lhe hour and mlnuLe hands are exacLly colncldenL wlLh each oLher. Pow many oLher
Llmes beLween noon and mldnlghL do Lhe hour and mlnuLe hands cross? 10 Llmes (noL 11 as mosL people Lhlnk.)

43. ln many llquor sLores, you can buy pear brandy, wlLh a real pear lnslde Lhe boLLle. 1he pear ls whole and rlpe,
and Lhe boLLle ls genulne, lL hasn'L been cuL ln any way. Pow dld Lhe pear geL lnslde Lhe boLLle? 1he pear grew
lnslde Lhe boLLle.

46. 1here were an elecLrlclan and a plumber walLlng ln llne for admlsslon Lo Lhe Pome Show. Cne of Lhem was Lhe
faLher of Lhe oLher's son. Pow could Lhls be posslble? 1hey were husband and wlfe.

47. ln whlch sporL are Lhe shoes made enLlrely of meLal? Porse raclng.

48. WhaL ls so fraglle LhaL when you say lLs name you break lL? Sllence

49. lorward l am heavy, backwards l am noL. WhaL am l? A 1Cn

30. Pow would you rearrange Lhe leLLers ln Lhe words "new door" Lo make one word? 1here ls only one correcL
answer. 8earranglng Lhe leLLers of "new door" makes one word"?

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Why noL have uavld kouLsoukls presenL aL your nexL conference?

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