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(a) Define business report and list out the

essential of a good report. (4 marks)
(b)What are the main parts of a business
report and their essential elements?
Explain briefly
(6 marks)
!usiness "eport is a formal statement of the results of an in#estigation or of any matter on
$hi%h definite information is re&uired' made by some person or body instru%ted or re&uired to
do so.("eports help in De%ision )a*ing $ith more rational and e#aluated pro%ess. +robably the
best o#er#ie$ of reports %an be obtained by grouping and des%ribing them a%%ording to purpose
and format , style.
The essentials of a good report are as follo$s-
are $ritten in po$erful and %on#in%ing style to fa%ilitate the de%ision ma*ers
%o#er all possible aspe%ts of information re&uired
.reate moti#ation among readers
+ro#ide all statisti%al data $ith the use of graphs' and other aids.
/upported $ith supplementary and prefatory parts
0re $ell stru%tured $ith introdu%tion' body and %lose.
(b) +0"T/ F 0 F")01 "E+"T
Prefatory .o#er - The title of the reportTitle - Title that tells about the
sub2e%t 1etter of 0uthori3ation - Name of the indi#idual $ho authorised the report
1etter of 0%%eptan%e -1etter of Transmittal Table of .ontents1ist of Illustrations/ynopsis or
Text of the parts
Define all terms that unfamiliar to a meaning in your in the table of report
1ist your glossary and its first page number in the table of %ontents
1ist all terms in alphabeti%al order. 5nderline ea%h term and use a %olon to separate it from its
single6spa%ed definition
Define only terms that need it.
/tatisti%al or measurements
.omplex formulas
1ong &uotations
"elated %orresponden%e (letters of in&uiry et%)
Texts of la$' regulations et%.
The index lists topi%s alphabeti%ally and guides the readers to #arious pla%es that dis%uss %ertain
topi%s !ibliography
They are part of your reports i

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