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(c) You have been offered a job in a firm. Write a letter of acceptance.

(5 marks)
80-A Omer Hayat loc!
"#OH$% &"' (oad
*+ ,ovember -..+
&r. Omer "man
/irector H(
0.Y.1. 2arachi
/ear $ir
3O A##45'A,#4
(eference i6 made to your letter ,o. *7*89.83ob dated 9 6eptember%*008
confirmin: my po6ition a6 director ;inance in your e6teemed or:ani<ation. . "t =a6
my lon: cheri6hed de6ire to be a part of your team and " e>tend my humble than!6
to you and your or:ani<ation for my 6election.
" =ill join my 6ervice on -9
/ecember a6 per mentioned in contract.
e6t (e:ard6.

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