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Belief/disbelief systems

How do you get through density and belief/disbelief systems whether in the individual or in a
business or society?
- from a comment on our 2002 entry in the Fast 50 competition
One way to begin doing this is to examine your own belief/disbelief systems.
Do ha!e any belief systems" f yes# how many"
Do ha!e any disbelief systems" f yes# how many"
$ny about the %armonic# %armonic accessing# or immunics"
$re there any belief or disbelief systems had in the past but remo!ed" f yes# how many"
&emo!e any belief/disbelief systems that you still ha!e. 'hen access about them.
s there any residual damage to myself from my past belief or disbelief systems that still
need to remo!e"
$ny residual damage to other people" f yes# do need to ta(e any actions )e.g.# apologi*e#
heal# contribute in some way+"
%a!e any of my belief/disbelief systems slowed me down" nterfered with my mission"
,ow test whether it would be instructi!e for you to examine some other people-s
belief/disbelief systems. f yes# as( some of these initial .uestions about !arious people. /ee
what you can obser!e about their belief/disbelief systems and test on what you come up with.

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