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Ami Hibatul Jameel

What should government improve to make

Garut a better city?

Why Garut?

What makes Garut diferent from other city?

Uniqueness = Swiss Van Java
How to spend the money Citizens concern


Chaotic cadgers

Human resources and education
Based on the information above, so many areas should be
developed. The recommendations I can give to spend the money
in developing the tourism, human resources, infrastructures and
facilities in Garut.
1. Tourism should be more exposed by adding facilities and
provide it good public transportation. help seller to promote
their unique products and give modals for help the
2. human resources and education: build many schools with
well-educated teacher and reduce the school fee by provide
subsidy for students. government should be concern in this
area because it can determined how good the next
generations gonna be. government can make the program
called Schools for all, so its free for all students.
3. infrastructures and facilities: streets and roads should be
well-developed and rebuild. transportation should available
for any citizen. government should replace the cadger to a
better place.

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