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For all which want reliable backtest:

- Download 1 minute data for EUR/USD from 2004.06.16 to

2005.10.11 (at Formats - !"# $%&# !eta'tock the monthl( datas):
- ,n !etatrader click on "ools+-istor( .enter and then on
Fore/+0121'D+1 !inute (!1). ,m*ort all downloaded 3.hst files
- .lick on "ools+&*tions and then on .harts. %ut in !a/ bars in
histor( a 4er( hi5h number (66666666666666)
- &*en a 1 !inute (!1) chart and doubleclick the %eriod7con4erter
scri*t from the left 8a4i5ator
%ut at ,n*uts+0/t%eriod!ulti*lier the number 5 and hit &9. 8ow the 5
!inute histor( is created from the 1 minute histor( datas. ,t should be
immediatel( com*leted. 8o notification about the com*letion. :fter
some seconds# doubleclick %eriod7con4erter a5ain and *ut at
,n*uts+0/t%eriod!ulti*lier the number 15 and hit &9. 8ow the 15
minute histor( is created from the 1 minute histor( data. Do this as
often as needed for all the time *eriods (ou want run backtests. -a4e
a look into the ;-istor( .enter; to make sure the con4ertions were
successful. For e/am*le# click on ;5 minute; and scroll down# the last
date should be the 2004.06.16 where (ou ha4e histor( data for the 5
minute *eriod.
- 8ow in the 'trate5(-"ester choose the 1se date o*tion and *ut in
the test*eriod from 2004.06.16 to 2005.10.11# click on ;recalculation;
and run the tests. :fter the test is com*leted (ou should see in the
;2e*ort;-"ab a modellin5 <ualit( about 60= which means 4er(
accurate results. >ou ha4e then a backtest for 1.? (ears.
1se !"4 build 1@2# it seems more reliable. "he 4ersion with build 1@?
ha4e failures in the backtestin5. .om*are backtests between !"4 build
1@2 and !"4 build 1@? and (ou will see itA
!"4 build 1@2 can (ou 5et here:

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