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Drawing down the lower ip as when poutinq, caused by con1racton of the

depressor labii inferioris muscle;

Drawing down the corners of the mouth as when frowning, caused by con-
1raction.of the depressor anguli oris musc!e, which runs from the corners of
the mouth downward to the chin;
rin!ling of the chin, caused by contraction of the mentalis musc!e, located
at the point of the mandib!e;
"le#ing the $aw and upper nec! in a grimace through contraction ot the
platysma musc!e. %he platysma was pre&iously discussed as a depressor of
the $aw and is a large sheath of muscle that e#1ends from the rnandlble
downward o&er the upper nec!;
'ifting and wiggling the ears, caused by contraction () the auricularis supe
rior, anterior and .posterior rnuscles.

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