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Marcel Turra 9B

Mr. Phillips
English 9B
24 September 2013
To Build a Humble
What was a little frost? A bit painful, that was all. It was never serious (68). One
topic that can be easily noticed in To Build a Fire, ignorance. He seems to not care
about the dog, he also thinks that he is really experienced and doesnt need help from
anyone and ignores the old man advice.
The reader can start to notice the mans ignorance when he obviously cares only
about himself, not even caring about the dog, which is around him and accompanies
him all the time. The quote the dog was sorry to leave and looked toward the fire (70).
The man does not cares about how the dog feels, he feels just like reaching his goal,
not caring about who is surrounding him.
He gives the impression that he wants to be the best, or reach his goal as main
priority, which is getting to the camp, ignoring any danger and inappropriate situation
that can happen, like when he sinks his feets into the ice. And soon he acts selfishly; he
starts to be ignorant, as we can see in the quote What was a little frost? A bit painful,
that was all. It was never serious (68). He just want to do it, whatever it takes.
Ignoring the more experienced people is not a good idea, when the old man tries
to warn the man about how cold it could get there. As we notice in this quote That man
from Sulphur Creek had spoken, the truth when telling how cold it sometimes got in this
country. And he had laughed at him at the time (68). At first he doesnt care about the
old mans advice, because it seemed silly to him, but at this time he really thought back
in how he reacted. Never act ignorantly, when sometimes you can learn with something,
and do not think about you first, think about the next.

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