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\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Chapter 1:
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I stood under the massive brick building's shadows. Waiting for Rose to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 arrive. She was assigned to
take a test that all novices do. It was known as
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the Qualifier. Every novice takes it their jun
ior year. Rose was a senior and
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had yet to take it. She had escaped the Academ
y along with her Moroi best
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 friend Lissa Dragomir. It took everything to g
et her back, thanks to me and
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my team of guardians. If it wern't for us Rose
and Lissa would still be on
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the run.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 It just had begun to snow, light ,crystal-line flakes drifted gently dow
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Melting as they made contact
with the wet Earth. I stood in front of a Honda
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Pilot. A car that Rose and I will be driving i
n for the next five hours. High-up
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians visited the novices at the Academy, a
nd met individually to
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 discuss students' commitment to being guardian
s. Rose was scheduled to
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 meet with Arthur Schoenberg, a friend of mine,
and someone I highly
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 respect.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose arrived, her profile coming into view as she rushed towards me, lat
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 like ususal. A couple of mon
ths ago I had fallen for her, and no matter how
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hard I tried I couldn't seem to stop those fee
lings from pouring out of me. It
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was only a week now that I finally took hold of
them. I kept repeating the
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 phrase:\i It's the right thing.\i0 Rose neede
d a teacher that was strict,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 understanding, determined and much much more. A
nd those simple four
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1106 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 words had prevented my fee
lings from leaking through the cracks.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4998 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "I know, I know. Sorry I'm late."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I couldn't help but wonder why she was late. But instantly reminded mys
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that it didn't matter. I was
Roses teacher and mentor and that was it. There
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was nothing more to it.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Who else is going?" She asked, the snowflakes landing on her dark hair,

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6584 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 melting instantly.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5032 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I shrugged. "Just you and me."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "How far away is it?" I
could see the old attraction in her eyes. The feeling
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of wanting something we could
n't have had taken over both of us. And all
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the feelings had burst out when Victor Dashkov
put a lust charm on us. It
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was cruel of him, and wouldn't have worked unle
ss both victims had
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 feelings for each other. And back then I did h
ave feelings for her. They still
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 remained locked up, but I knew they were still
there, growing stronger and
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stronger.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7033 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Five hours."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7873 \expndtw-18 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Oh."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We got in the car, Rose in the passenger seat while I drove. The dim,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 snowy roads would have been d
ifficult for humans to navigate, but they
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were no problem for our dhampir eyes. It was a
while before any of us
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4175 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 spoke. Silence falling hea
vy in the car.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Don't they ususally come to the Academy? I mean, I'm all for the field
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3466 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 but why are we going to th
em?" Rose asked.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Actually, you're just gong to a\i him\i0 , not a\i them\i0 . Since t
his is a special case
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1999 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and he's doing us a favor,
we're the ones making the trip."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7020 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Who is he?"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6093 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Arthur Schoenberg."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3867 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She jerked her gaze from the road to me.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5800 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "What?" She squeaked.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I knew why she was so shocked. Arthur was a legend. He was one of the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 great Strigoi slayers in all
of guardian history. And used to be the head of
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the Guardian's Council. He eventually retired a
nd gone back to protecting
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one of the royal families, the Badicas.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri198 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 "Wasn't...wasn't there anyone else available?" She asked in a small vo
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I tried my best to hide
the smile that was playing at my lips. "You'll be fine.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Besides, if Art approves of y
ou, that's a great recommendation to have on
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7024 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 your record."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Silence fell in the car once again. By the way I saw her body tense out
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the corner of my eye I knew
she was nervous. I needed to calm her down,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4871 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it\i was\i0 my job to do
such a thing.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri394 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 "You'll be fine." I repeated. "The good in your record outweighs the b
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I could see the corners of her lips tighten up in a smile. She turned h
er face
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 towards me, sneaking a peek
that she thought only she knew about. After a
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 long moment she averted her gaze.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1153 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Thanks, Coach." She teased as she snuggled back into the seat.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I'm here to help." I replied. I found myself relaxing more as we travel
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 down the snowy road. Somethin
g that didn't happen often, I was usually
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tense and ready for action. But like in the van
, that Rose and I had took
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when we escorted Lissa to the mall, I relaxed.
Not much can happen in a
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 car when it's in motion. Although my eyes were
still darting back and forth
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as we passed tall looming trees.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3016 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "You know what would really help?" Rose asked.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri8376 \expndtw-17 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Hmm?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "If you turned off this crap music and put on something that came out a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5398 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the Berlin Wall went down.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I laughed. "Your worst class is history, yet somehow, you know everythi
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5848 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 about Eastern Europe."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2875 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Hey, gotta have material for my jokes, Comrade."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Still smiling, I turne
d the radio dial. To a country station. Knowing what her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reaction would be. I was the
mentor and she was the student. Whose to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5467 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 say that I can't torture h
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2729 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Hey! This isn't what I had in mind." She exclaimed.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1243 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I was on the verge of laughing again. "Pick. It's one or the other."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3819 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She sighed. "Go back to the 1980's stuff."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I flipped the dial as she crossed her arms over her chest. The song: Vid
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2954 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Killed the Radio Star boom
ed through the Honda.
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \
expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Arthur and the Badicas lived in a small town along I-9
0, not far from the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Billings. Some of the Moroi w
orld believed that big cities were best since
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 they allowed vampires to be lost in the crowds;
that their nocturnal
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 schedules didn't raise suspicion. Others opted
for less populated towns,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 believing that if there were fewer people to no
tice you, then you were less
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 likely to be noticed.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose convinced me to stop for food at a twenty-four-hour diner along the

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 way. I had to admit I was hu
ngry as well. The only other stop we made was
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to buy gas. It was around noon when we arrived.
The house was built in a
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rambler style, all one level with gray-stained
wood sliding and big bay
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 windows--tinted to block the sunlight. It was
new and expensive--the royals
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had no problem with money. It was located out i
n the middle of the forest.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Away from population and curious eyes.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose jumped down from the Pilot. She and I walked up to the house,
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 following a river rock sidew
alk that cut through the front yard. Careful of my
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 footing as I walked, I knew there would be patc
hes of ice along the rocky
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sidewalk.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose slipped on the ice
, proving my theory. I instantly reached out to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 steady her. In that moment I
had the weird feeling of\i deja vu\i0 , flashing back
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to the first night we'd met, when I had saved h
er from a similar fall. I held
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 on to her a moment longer.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5004 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Letting go I asked: "you okay?"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Yeah, she said casting accusing eyes at the icy sidewalk. "Haven't thes
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri5454 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 people ever heard of salt?
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I suddenly stopped walking. Salt... I remembered the time when Arthur t
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me that he hated it when peo
ple didn't ice the roadways or sidewalks in the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 winter. He had once done it himself when one of
his charges didn't. This
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shouldn't have been any different. Something w
as wrong.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I looked around the broad white plains that were surrounding us, before
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 turning my attention back on
the house. Rose stayed silent besides me,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knowing that now wasn't the time to ask questio
ns. I studied the building,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 looking down at the icy sidewalk. Arthur said
he was going to be here, I had
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 talked on the phone with him the other night.
There should be no reason for
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 him not to be here. Let alone salt the sidewalk
. I glanced at the driveway,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 covered in a sheet of snow broken only by\i o
ur\i0 footprints.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I approached the front door, I could hear Rose's footsteps in tow. I st
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 again, this time to study the
door. It had been broken into, the lock on it
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shattered, as if someone slammed their body up
against the door. Closer
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 observation showed scuffs along the door's edge
. I lightly ran my fingers
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 along where the door met its frame. When I touc
hed the doors handle it
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 jiggled, it had most definitely been broken in
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5579 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Rose, go wait in the car."
\sl-239\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7426 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "But wh-"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri106 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Go." I filled that word with power, making her back up as she retreate
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 down the lawn and to the Hond
a. She was safe, that's all that mattered to
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me. As soon as I heard
the door shut to the Pilot I pushed the door open,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6847 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 moving inside.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 There wasn't as much damage as I had expected. But that didn't stop me
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 from observing every room. T
here were claw marks here and there against
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the wall, as if someone had slashed at somethin
g. I touched them, they
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4426 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were set deep in the chest
nut wood.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 As I made my way to the back of the house I noticed the broken window,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the snow drifting in from it.
And bodies. I realized now that it had been
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi, how they got past the wards was beyond
me. Concerned I made
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my way out of the house. Ready to protect Rose.
I didn't know if the
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 intruders were still here, but instincts ran t
oo strong.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I looked at the Pilot, not surprised when I saw that it's door was wide
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 It was sunny out, she couldn'
t be in trouble. Why didn't she ever listen to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri8854 \expndtw-27 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me?
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Following Rose's footsteps and to the back of the house. Where the bodi
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were. I found her standing s
till as as statue, inside the house, taking in the
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 horrible scene. I could tell by her posture tha
t she was about to let a
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scream escape her. Quickly I put a gloved hand
over her mouth. Closing
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the scream. She started to struggle. And after
a moment realized that it
\plain\expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was me.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1205 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Why don't you ever listen? You'd be dead if\i they\i0 were still h
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She didn't make any attempts to answer me. Even with my hand over her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mouth. After a long moment I
removed my hand, but stayed close to her.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Ready to protect her if anything decided to ju
mp out at us.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 There was a dead woman, Lady Badica, and a man, Lord Badica, and their
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 child, a small body that was
slumped beside the couch. Across the room as
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 another. And another. Bodies and blood everywh
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 A few minutes had passe
d before she turned around to face me. "It's
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 daytime." She whispered. "Ba
d things don't happen in the day." There was
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a hint of desperation in her voice.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Bad things can happen anytime. And this dind't happen during the day.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3062 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 This probably happened a c
ouple of nights ago."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose peeked at the bodies. She glanced at a man's body near the room's
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri2521 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 entrance to the hallway. S
udden realization kicked in.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5351 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Arthur Schoenberg." I said.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She continued to stare at him. "He's dead. How can he be dead? How
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4084 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could a Strigoi kill Arthu
r Schoenberg?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I didn't answer. I had noticed something shining in her hand before I ev
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 entered. Although it didn't o
ccur to me, until now, that it was a stake. My
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hand traveled down, closing around the hand tha
t held the stake. She
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 flinched.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri46 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Where did you get this?" She loosened her grip, letting me take it fro
m her.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5717 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Outside. In the ground."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I held up the stake, studying the surface as it shone in the sunlight.
A stake
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1713 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in the ground could only m
ean one thing. "It broke the ward."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Wards were magic rings cast by Moroi. Like the stakes, they were made
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 using magic from all four of
the elements. They required strong Moroi
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 magic-users, often a couple for each element. T
he wards could block
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi because magic was charged with life, a
nd the Strigoi had none. But
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wards faded quickly and took a lot of maintenan
ce. Most Moroi didn't use
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them, but certain places kept them up. St. Vlad
imir's Academy was ringed
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 with several.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 There had been a ward h
ere, but it had been shattered when someone
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 drove the stake through it. T
heir magic conflicted with each other, making
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the stake win.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1231 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Strigoi can't touch stakes. And no Moroi or dhampir would do it."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She was right, but Moroi, dhampirs and Strigoi wern't the only species o
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7240 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 this planet.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3296 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "A human might." I stated looking down at her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She met my eyes. "Humans don't help Strigoi--" She stopped. I saw
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 realization flash in her brow
n eyes. Realizing that Strigoi wern't limited to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2130 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the sunlight and magic if
they had a human to help them.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I still was ready for anything to attack. But watching her wage this men
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 battle made me have sympathy.
She was too young to be witnessing
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 death. This incident would affect her life fore
ver, no novice her age should
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be seeing the things she had. And because of t
his, was the reason why she
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was going to make a kick ass guardian. She was
already dealing with
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 death at a very young age. Who knew what she wi
ll be dealing with in a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7196 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 year or so?
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2979 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "This changes everything, doesn't it?" she asked.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6739 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Yeah, it does."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 2:
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I pulled out my cell phone, dialing the head of the Guardian Council.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Reporting what had happened a
t the Badica house. They said they'd be
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 here in a couple of hours.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose left me in the house, saying that she was going to wait out in the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I examined the house further,
trying to see if there was any evidence on
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 who the Strigoi might be. For instance: hair, f
ingernails, skin cells. But to
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my dismay, nothing was left. Sighing I decided
to join Rose.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We didn't say anything,
but that was okay. I was lost in thought anyways.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Thinking about how this incid
ent was going to change the Moroi world.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Never before had humans worked with Strigoi. N
ever before had they even
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 known they'd existed. As Rose said: This chang
es everything.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Finally the first group of guardians showed up, I opened the car door an
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2077 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 glanced over at Rose. "You
should see how this is done."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I figured since all of this happened Rose should receive somewhat of her

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri222 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 test. She needed to graduat
e, and I was determined to make that happen.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She hesitated for a moment and then got out of the car to follow me. I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the guardians that had arrive
d. Some I wen't to school with, the others I
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 met when guarding Moroi. They were surprised to
find a novice on the
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scene, but none of them protested Rose's prese
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She walked behind us as the guardians examined the house. They didn't
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 touch anything but they knel
t by the bodies and studied the bloodstains and
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 broken windows. I had discovered earlier that t
he Strigoi had entered the
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 house through more than just the front door an
d back patio.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The guardians discussed what was best to do about this situation. They
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 asked me how this had all hap
pened, how they had managed to get
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 through the wards. I reported telling them that
it was most likely humans. I
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was positive. Tamara, the only girl in the grou
p of guardians, knelt down
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 next to Arthur. She was my age, we had guarded
the same Moroi for years.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She had black hair that barely touched her sho
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Sadness flickered in her gray eyes as she studied the dead guardian's
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 face. "Oh, Arthur." She sigh
ed. "Never thought I'd see this day. He was my
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mentor." With another sigh Tamara rose.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I had known her well enough to remember her mentioning Arthur. Back
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 then I was shocked that she h
ad possessed such skills. Later on learning
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4076 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that Arthur was the answer
behind that.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I could see Rose tense
. She was at a distance from me but that didn't stop
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me form noticing the way her
muscles flexed. I prepared myself for Rose's
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 outburst.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "How could they do that?" She blurted out. Six sets of eyes turned to h
er. I
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was curious as to what she wa
s going to say next. "How could they kill
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7823 \expndtw-18 \i \f10 \fs28 \cf44 him?\i0 "
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tamara gave a small shrug. "The same way they kill everyone else. He's
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5093 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mortal, just like the rest
of us."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3006 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Yeah, but he's... you know, Arthur Schoenberg."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Time for her test. "You tell us, Rose. You've seen the house. tell us ho
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6479 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 they did it." I said.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She took a moment to think about my question. Finally she spoke, and I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knew she was going to be corr
ect, by the flash of realization in her eyes.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "There were four points of entry, which means a
t least four Strigoi. There
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were seven Moroi...And three guardians. Too man
y kills. Four Strigoi
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 couldn't have taken down that many. Six probab
ly could if they went for the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians first and caught them by surprise. Th
e family would have been
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5442 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 too panicked to fight back
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1293 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "And how did they catch the guardians by surprise?" I prompted.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I knew the answer already but I wanted Rose to think of it for herself.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2703 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knew she was bright, I jus
t had to bring it out of her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She hesitated. But only for a moment. "Because the wards were broken. I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a household without wards th
ere'd probably be a guardian walking the yard
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3112 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 at night. But they wouldn'
t have done that here."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She waited for my next question. But I didn't ask it. There was no need
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri107 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ask how the wards had been
broken. We all knew. We'd all seen the stake.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I simply nodded and the
group continued their survey. When we reached
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the bathroom I refused to ave
rt my gaze. I had seen this room with Rose
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 earlier and knew every detail. There was a dea
d man in here, his dry blood
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 standing out in a stark contrast against the wh
ite tile. The smell of death
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6150 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 filled the small room.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 As Rose turned away she caught a glimpse of the mirror. I followed her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 gaze. There was something da
rk red--more like brown--on the mirror. I had
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 noticed it before. It was a note on the mirror
done in blood. Written in
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scrawny letters.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \i \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Poor, poor Badicas. So few left. One royal family nearly gone. Others
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2182 \expndtw-3 \i \f10 \fs28 \cf44 follow\i0 . I could hea
r Tamara snort in disgust from behind.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The Badicas were one of the smaller royal clans. But there were more
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Badicas out there probably ab
out two hundred. Although there were a lot
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 more royals with bigger families. Like the Iva
shkovs. That family was huge
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and widespread. But some royal families didn't
have as much as the
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Badicas or the Ivashkovs.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6273 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Like the Dragomirs.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5433 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Lissa was the only one left.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 If the Strigoi were meaning to kill off all the royals then surely they'
d go
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri1106 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 after Lissa next. Which me
ant more protection from me and Rose.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I took the guardians around the rest of the house. Rose was quiet. So q
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that I had forgotten that she
was there. When we finally got into the car to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2166 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ride back to St. Vladimir'
s, Rose slammed the door hard.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3512 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I glanced at her in surprise. "What's wrong?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Are you serious? How could you ask that? You were there. You saw that.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5307 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She exclaimed, incredulous
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2608 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "I did," I agreed. "But I'm not taking it out on the car."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She fastened her seat b
elt and glowered in my direction. "I hate them. I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hate them all! I wish\i I'
d\i0 been there. I would have ripped\i their\i0 throats out!"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She was yelling by now. And I stared at her calmly, astonished at her
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7478 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 outburst.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "You really think that's true?" I asked her. "You think you could have d
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 better than Art Schoenberg a
fter seeing what the Strigoi did in there? After
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4870 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seeing what Natalie did to
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She faltered. Natalie, Victor's daughter, had turned Strigoi in order to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her father. And in the proces
s of doing so Rose had gotten in the way and
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 nearly got herself killed. Luckily for her I ha
d found the blood and tracked
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Natalie down. Just in time to square off with
her and kill her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. After a long moment she
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 opened her eyes. "I'm sorry."
She said more calmly. I was surprised and
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 concerned from her sudden outburst. That wasn'
t like Rose. Sure she was
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1248 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reckless and got out of ha
nd at times but she was never like this.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "It's okay." I said concerned for her as I reached over and placed my ha
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 on hers for a few moments. Th
en I removed it and started the car. "It's
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5050 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been a long day. For all o
f us."
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \
expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 When we got back to the Academy around midnight, ever
yone knew about
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the massacre. The vampiric sc
hool day had just ended. I noticed Rose's
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sluggish posture and ordered her to immediatel
y go back to her dorm room
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and get some sleep. I started to feel the same
way. Although I didn't show
\plain\expndtw-27 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I left her to consult with the other guardians about the attack after sh
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 promised to do as I said. I a
rrived at the main office and Kirova practically
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 dragged me inside.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 All the school guardia
ns were huddled in her office talking about the attack.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 As soon as I stepped in the r
oom they started bombarding me with
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 questions. I told them everything, how we disco
verd that humans had
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 helped the Strigoi and and what the crime scen
e looked like.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 At the end of everything Kirova spoke up. "We need to send the students
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2614 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a safer place if the Strig
oi are really after the royals."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4079 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Yes but where?" A guardian spoke up.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "We could send them to the Court, that's the safest place." She replied
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7856 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 back.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri793 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 I shook my head, "we cant, not all of the Academy's student's will fit
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4773 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Then we'll send only the royals."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I looked at her shocked. Why was it that Moroi were more worried about
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the royals? Why not worry abo
ut all of their race. I shook my head again.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4584 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "No, we have to protect ev
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She sighed, tapping her long fingers on the hard wood of her desk. "Then

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4296 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 what do you suggest we do
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I shrugged. "Can't we rent a place out?" I had remembered hearing that
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi would rent a place out
that belonged to them, in order to keep
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 themselves safe. "There has to be a place that
is equipped with wards and
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7211 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians?
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "What about the ski lodge in Idaho?" Alberta spoke up. "That's where mo
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2601 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of the Moroi families go d
uring the Christmas break."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I nodded in agreement. "We have the money to rent out rooms to each of
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the students." Kirova started
to protest but I cut her off. "If you don't like
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2698 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that idea then assign two
or three students a room."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Kirova looked at me thr
ough her glasses. Scorning at the thought of
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4492 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 spending money. "I'll thin
k about it."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Alberta wouldn't take that. "Please, the students would love it, and if
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 royals are really worried abo
ut everything\i they\i0 can go to Court, but the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3311 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 non-royal families\i have
\i0 to go to the ski lodge."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Kirova looked between Alberta and I. The other guardians had fallen sil
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Obviously liking the idea. A
fter a dreading two minutes Kirova finally spoke.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3679 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Alright, we'll go at the
beginning of break."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 3:
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 As I walked out into the fresh night air I could tell there was a change
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 subject between the students.
By the way they were buzzing with
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 excitement I had a pretty good idea on what it
was. The word got out that
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 there was a mandatory ski trip. I wasn't surpri
se that all the students knew
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 about it, gossip spread around the Academy lik
e wildfire.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \fi79 \expndtw0 \f1
0 \fs28 \cf44 As I walked around the gym to wait for Rose to arrive, I descovere
d that I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 didn't have to. She was talk
ing to a red headed boy just in front of the gyms
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 doors. He noticed me first and stared past Rose
, causing her to turn
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 around meeting my eyes. Mason swept an gallant
bow. Saying something
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to Rose before he opened the door and disappear
ed into the frigid
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3837 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 darkness. Rose turned arou
nd to join me.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I had a special exercise planned for her today. Although it wasn't at a
ll what
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she expected. I could see the
excitement in her eyes as she took in the
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scene before us. Practice dummies arranged on
the far wall, dummies that
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 looked lifelike. Men and woman who wore ordinar
y clothes, with rubbery
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 skin and different hair and eye colors. Their e
xpressions ranged from
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 happy to scared to angry. Rose has practiced wi
th the dummies before,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 using them to work on her kicks and punches. Bu
t today she will be doing
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 something entirely different.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I saw her glance down
at the stake in my hand. Her eyes eager to hold the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7507 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 weapon.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4233 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Sweet." She breathed. As if in shock.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The stakes wern't wooden like most faerie tales make them up to be.\i R
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stakes were made of silver,
and had a hand grip on the bottom, almost like
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a dagger's. The rest of the stake lost its rese
mblance from there. Rather
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 than having a flat blade, the stake had a thic
k, rounded body that narrowed
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to a point. It was about the size of my forearm
, and was heavier than it
\plain\expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seemed.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I leaned against the wall. With one hand I tossed the stake in the air,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 making it spin around in a c
artwheel a couple of times before it came back
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 down. Without effort I caught it, hilt first.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Excitement burst through her. "Please tell me I get to learn how to do\i
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7683 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 today."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Amusement filled me. "You'll be lucky if I let you\i hold\i0 it today.
" I said as I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 flipped the stake into the ai
r again. I could see her eyes following it
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 longingly.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 After a few protests she finally tossed her backpack on the floor, throw
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri45 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 off her coat in the process a
nd crossed her arms expectantly. She wore
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 loose pants and a hoodie. Her hair had been pul
led back into a ponytail.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She was dressed in complete guardian uniform.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "You want me to tell you how they work and why I should always be
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3971 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 cautious around them." She
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I stopped flipping the stake, starting at her in astonishment, how'd she

\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7239 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 know that?
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She laughed. "Come on.
You don't think I know how you work by now?
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We've been doing this for alm
ost three months. You always make me talk
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2419 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 safety and responsibility
before I can do anything fun."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I see. Well, I guess you've got it all figured out. By all means, go on
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1917 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the lesson. I'll just wait
over here until you need me again."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tucking the stake away into my leather sheath that was hanging at my be
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I walked away, making myself
comfortable against the wall, stuffing my
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hands into my pockets. Waiting for her to star
t. She stared at me, confused,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 yes Rose I\i am\i0 serious. At last she figur
ed out that I wasn't joking. With a
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shrug she launched into what she knew.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Silver always has powerful effects on any magical creature--it can help
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hurt them if you put enough
power into it. These stakes are really hard-core
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 because it takes four different Moroi to make t
hem, and they use each of
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the elements during the forging." She frowned.
"Well, except spirit. So
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 these things are supercharged and are about the
only non-decapitating
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 weapon that can do damage to a Strigoi--but to
kill them, it has to be
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6379 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 through the heart."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6207 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Will they hurt\i you\i0 ?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She shook her head. "No. I mean, well, yeah, if you drive one through my

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 heart it will, but it won't h
urt me like it would a Moroi. Scratch one of them
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 with this, and it'll hurt them pretty hard--but
not as hard as it'd hit a Strigoi.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4414 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And they won't hurt humans
, either."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She stopped for a moment, staring absentmindedly behind me, most likely

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 at the window. A few moments
passed before she continued the lesson. I
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would occasionally nod or ask a clarifying ques
tion. I could tell by the
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eagerness in her eyes that she wanted to work w
ith the stake badly.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Purposely I waited until ten minutes before the
end of our session before
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 leading her over to one of the dummies. Who was
a man with blond hair
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and a goatee. I reached
down to my sheath, taking out the stake without
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6358 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 handing it to Rose.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3686 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Where are you going to put this?" I asked.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "In the heart." She replied irritably. "I already told you that like a h
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5541 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 times. Can I have it now?"

\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I smiled down at her. "Where's the heart?" Making a gesture for her to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7380 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 show me.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4202 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She gave me a cold glare. I shrugged.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 With overdramatic emphasis, she pointed to the left side of the dummy's
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri3866 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 chest. I shook my head, sh
e was way off.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3917 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "That's not where the heart is." I told her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Sure it is. People put their hands over their hearts when they say the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2893 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Pledge of Allegiance or si
ng the national anthem."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1506 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I stared at her. Shocked that\i that's\i0 were she got the idea fro
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She turned back to the dummy, staring at it for a while. Finally she tap
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4840 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the center of the dymmy's
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7173 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Is it here?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I arched an eyebrow at her. "I don't know. Is it?" She was closer but he
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3130 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 uncertainty wasn't enough
to give her the stake.
\sl-240\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5264 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "That's what I'm asking you!"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri622 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 "You shouldn't have to ask me. Don't you all have to take physiology?"

\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Yeah. Junior year. I was on 'vacation', remember?" She pointed at the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2105 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stake that I was still hol
ding. "Can I please touch it now?"
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I flipped the stake aga
in, it caught the light, flashing brightly before it
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 disappeared into the sheath.
"I want you to\i tell\i0 me where the heart is the
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 next time we meet. Exactly where. And I want t
o know what's in the way of
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7752 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it too."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She gave me an even icer glare than earlier, before storming off to her
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7815 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 class.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I hadn't meant to be so cruel but that's what had to be done. I\i had\i
0 to be a
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tough love mentor. I\i had\i
0 to try to forget her. Even if it was nearly
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 impossible. I\i had\i0 to try. As I walked ac
ross campus the same words
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 flashed through my mind.\i It's the right thi
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 4:
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I passed some of the student's parents on the way to my first class. I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 recognized more than half of
them. They were easy to pick out of the crowd
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 too. Since they wern't from the school's regime
nt. Parents and their
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians had already started coming to campus
to accompany their
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 children to the ski resort. And I knew my next
class would have more of the
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 schools guardians than usual.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I arrived at Rose's bodyguard theory class. I had known that guardians
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 normally worked out side the
Academy were paying a visit today, although I
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 didn't know who.Until I saw the bright red hair
that belonged to a short
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Scottish woman. Janine Hathaway, Rose's mother
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I was surprised to see her standing in front of the class, among two oth
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians whom I faintly reco
gnized. Both men, one tall but old while the
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 other was strong and young. I nodded out of res
pect before taking my
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rightful place in the back of the class room.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine was tough, she was the kind of guardian that you didn't want to
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stuck battling with. She was
one of the few woman we had, and the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shortest. With being only five foot tall she lo
oked small and helpless. But
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fought like a tiger. I had seen her in action,
she had guarded one of my
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi's friends. And I
remember the way she fought. Light as a feather and
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 quick as a whip. If\i I\i0
was this surprised to see her I couldn't imagine what
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose's reaction might be.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The students started to pile into the room then. And as usual Rose was
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 last of them. Walking in wit
h Mason at her side. I saw her look up her eyes
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri502 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 darting immediately to Jani
ne. Her face darkening as she took her seat.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 But as she sat down her posture slummed as she seemed to sink into her
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 chair. As if to melt right
in it. Staring at her mother in complete bafalment.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Stan spoke up now, introducing the guests and explaining that they were
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 going to share real-life expe
riences with the class. I glanced around
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 checking the windows and doors for any sign of
dangers, although not
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 surprisingly, found none.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Stan paced the front of the room. "I know this is unusual. Visiting gua
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 usually don't have time to s
top by our classes. Our three guests, however,
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 have made time to come talk to you today in lig
ht of what's happened
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 recently..." Everyone in the room knew he was r
eferring to the Badica
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 incident. Clearing his throat he tried again.
"In light of waht's happened, we
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thought it might be better to prepare you to le
arn from those currently
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6213 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 working in the field."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The class tensed with excitement. Apparently hearing gory stories was
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 more interesting than learnin
g from a textbook. The one time I glanced in
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose's direction she turned around and met my e
yes, I averted mine
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 quickly, hoping she didn't catch me staring at
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The old guy launched into his story. His descibed the time when the
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 youngest son of the family he
guarded had wandered off in a public place
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri5490 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that Stirgoi were lurking
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "The sun was about to set." He told them gravely. He swept his hands in
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 downward motion, showing the
class how a sunset worked. I hid a smile
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that was playing at my
lips. "There were only two of us, and we had to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3719 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 make a snap decision on ho
w to proceed."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I could see Rose lean forward out of the corner of my eye. She was clea
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 engrossed in the story. "We
had the family stay inside a restaurant with my
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 partner while I swept the rest of the area." Co
ntinued the old guardian, he
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 spread his hands out in a sweeping motion. By t
he time he finished his
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri267 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 story the boy had been foun
d with no Strigoi encounters. A happy ending.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The younger guardian went next. Talking about howhe'd gotten the drop o
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a Stirgoi stalking a Moroi. W
hich tended to happen a lot more than others
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thought.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I wasn't even technically on duty." He said. "I was visiting a friend
and the
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 family he guarded. As I was
leaving their apartment, I saw a Strigoi lurking
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in the shadows. He never expected a guardian t
o be out there. I circled the
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 block, came up behind him, and..." Then he made
a staking motion, far
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 more dramatic than it needed to be. He finishe
d off his staking with a twist.
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Which was really unnecessary.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I glanced around the classroom, mainly at the girls. They looked as if t
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were about to fall out of the
ir chairs they were so awed by the young
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians looks. Each of them were swooning wi
th wide adoring eyes. I felt
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a pang of jealousy inside my chest. Hoping tha
t Rose didn't share the same
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 expression. And from this angle I couldn't tel
l if she did or not. Which made
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that jealous feeling tighten.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 It was Janine's turn next. By the posture of Rose's back I could tell t
hat she
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 despised hearing a word from
her mother. And as she launched into her
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3426 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 story Rose's posture grew
darker and darker.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine talked about how her charge, Lord Szelsky, and his wife had
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attended a ball put on by ano
ther prominent royal family. Several Strigoi
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had been lying in wait. Janine had discovered
one, promptly staked it, and
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 then alerted the other
guardians present. With their help, she hunted down
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1093 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the other Strigoi lurking
around and performed most of the killings.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "It wasn't easy." She explained, she had a briskness to the way she spo
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 making her statement far from
sounding like bragging. "There were three
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 others on the premises. At the time, that was
considered an unusually large
\plain\expndtw4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 number to be working together. That's not neces
sarily true now,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 considering the Badica massacre." I could see a
few people flinch at the
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 casual way she spoke about the attack. She was
n't there, so there was no
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reason for her not to. She hadn't seen the thin
gs I saw at that house. But
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when your charge lives outside of the wards the
n I guess that "massacre"
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was a normal every day thing. She continued. "W
e had to dispatch the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 remaining Strigoi as quickly and quietly as pos
sible, so as not to alert the
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 others. Now, if you have the element of surpris
e, the best way to take
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi is to come around from behind, break th
eir necks, and then stake
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them. Breaking their necks won't kill them, of
course, but it stuns them and
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 allows you to do the staking before they can ma
ke any noise. The most
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 difficult part is actually sneaking up on them,
because their hearing is so
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 acute. Since I'm smaller and lighter than most
guardians, I can move fairly
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1496 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 quietly. So I ended up per
forming two of the three kills myself."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Everyone's face shone with wonder, as if they couldn't believe that a
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardian was capable of kill
ing that many Strigoi in one night. I was kind of
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 awed myself, never before had I heard of so ma
ny killings in one night.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She continued with the story. When she and the other guardians had kill
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the remaining Strigoi, they'
d discovered two Moroi had been taken from the
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 party. Such an act wasn't uncommon for Strigoi
. Sometimes they wanted to
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 save the Moroi for a later "snack"; sometimes l
ower-ranking Strigoi were
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 dispatched by more powerful ones to bring back
pray. Regardless, two
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi were gone from the ball, and their guard
ian had been injured.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Naturally, we couldn'
t leave those Moroi in Stirgoi clutches." She said. "We
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tracked the Strigoi to their
hideout and found several of them living
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2439 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 together. I'm sure you can
recognize how rare that is."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 And it was. Strigoi had evil and selfish nature, which made them turn
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 against each other vary easil
y. Organizing for attacks--when they had an
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 immediate and bloody goal in mind--was the best
they could do. But living
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 together? It was almost impossible to imagine.

\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "We managed to free the two captive Moroi, only to discover that others
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were being held prisoner. we
couldn't send the ones we'd rescued back by
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 themselves, though, so the guardians who were
with me escorted them out
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4686 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and left it to me to get t
he others."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She went on telling how she got captured but managed to escape and
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rescue the prisoners. In doin
g so, she performed what had to be the hat
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 trick of the century, killing Strigoi in all th
ree ways: staking, decapitation,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5667 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and setting them on fire."

\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I had just staked a Strigoi when tow more attacked." She explained. "I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 didn't have time to pull the
stake out when the others jumped me.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Fortunately, there was an open fireplace nearby
, and I pushed one of the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi into it. The last one chased me outsid
e, into an old shed. There was
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 an axe inside and I used that to cut off her he
ad. I then took a can of
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 gasoline and returned to the house. The one I'd
thrown into the fireplace
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hadn't completely burned, but once I doused him
in gasoline, he went up
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6829 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pretty quickly."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The class were in awe as she spoke. Mouths gapeing open, eyes bluging
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out of their skulls and not a
sound to be heard. Rose glanced around the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 frozen classroom. Seeming ultimitly bored out o
f her mind. When Janine
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had finished more than a dozen hands flew up in
to the air. And questions
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 came pouring out.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 After about the tenth q
uestion Rose's hand went up in the air. I silently
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pleaded her not to start any
thing. Although I knew she wouldn't listen, even
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 if she could read my mind. It took Janine a wh
ile to notice and call on Rose.
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She was a little astonished to find Rose among
st the class, as if she never
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 saw her. But I knew with enough training and ex
perience that that wasn't
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the case. Dhampir's are trained to examine a ro
om very closely and to
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 know every detail.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "So, Guardian HAthaway." Rose began.\i Oh boy.\i0 "Why didn't you guy
s just
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6381 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 secure the place?"
\sl-240\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4103 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Janine frowned. "What do you mean?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 It was amazing looking at these two, mother and daughter, side by side.
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 They were nothing alike. Save
for the same dark eyes. With Rose's dark
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 long flowing hair, and Janine's short red hair
. Their heights contrasted a lot
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and their attitudes especially.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose shrugged, slouching back into her desk. "I don't know. It seems to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 like you guys messed up. Why
didn't you scope out the place and make
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sure it was clear of Strigoi in the first place
? Seems like you could have
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri5008 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 saved yourself a lot of tr
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I could see everyone's eyes and attention shift to Rose. "If we hadn't g
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 through all that 'trouble,' t
here'd be seven more Strigoi walking the world,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1142 \expndtw-3 \i \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and\i0 those other cap
tured Moroi would be dead or turned by now."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Yeah, yeah, I get how you guys saved the day and all that, but I'm goin
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 back to the principles here.
I mean, this is a theory class right?" She head
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 moved to Stan's direction, who was regarding Ro
se with a very stormy
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 look. "So I just want to figure out what went
wrong in the beginning." Rose's
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4397 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attention turned back on h
er mother.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine was known for her self control. She didn't loose it once with Ro
se as
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she stared at her with a calm
face. But by the tightness of her lips I knew
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she was mad with her daughter.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "It's not that simple.
" Janine replied. "The venue had an extremely complex
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 layout. We went through it in
itially and found nothing. It's believed the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi came in after the festivities had start
ed--or that there might have
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1696 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been passages and hidden r
ooms we hadn't been aware of."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "The class ooh'ed and ahh'ed over the idea of hidden passages. But I co
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3370 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tell Rose wasn't even the
slightest impressed.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "So what you're saying is that you guys either failed to detect them dur
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 your first sweep, or they bro
ke through the 'security' you set up during the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2742 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 party. Seems like someone
messed up either way."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The tightness in Janine's lips increased, and when she spoke her voice
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a frosty tone to it. "We did
the best we could with an unusual situation. I
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 can see how someone at your level might not be
able to grasp the
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 intricacies of what I'm describing, but once y
ou've actually learned enough
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to go beyond\i theory\i0 , you'll see how diff
erent it is when you're actually out
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4645 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 there and lives are in you
r hands."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "No doubt." Rose agreed. "Who am I to question your methods? I mean,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3507 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 whatever gets you the\i m
olnija\i0 marks, right?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I stared at Rose then,\i really\i0 stared at her. I knew she didn't l
ike her mother
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that much, but to shun her in
front of an entire class\i with\i0 adults present?
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 That was way out of line. And I couldn't see ho
w she could single her
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mother out like that.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Miss Hathaway." Stan's deep voice rumbled through the room. "Please
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri944 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 take your things and go wai
t outside for the remainder of the class."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose turned to him. "Are you serious? Since when is there anything wron
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5833 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 with asking questions?"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1710 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Your attitude is what's wrong." He pointed to the door. "Go."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 A silence heavier and d
eeper than when Janine told her story descended
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 over everyone. Slinging her b
ackpack over he shoulder, she crossed the
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 short distance to the door refusing to make ey
e contact with her mother as
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she stalked out of the classroom.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The remainder of the period consisted of students asking questions and
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians answering them. I w
as to surprised to hear some of the schools
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians speak up and ask their questions. I
stayed silent, thinking of how
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 much trouble Rose was going to be in with Janin
e. No one I knew had the
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 courage to stand up to her that way.\i I\i0
was even afraid of her.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Five minutes before class ended Janine excused herself from the room. I
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wouldn't doubt that it was to
talk to Rose. I stretched my hearing to the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2477 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 door, hoping to catch some
what of their conversation.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 At first their voices were calm and stern. But toward the end of the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 conversation their voices--m
ainly Rose's--rose to a shout. I flinched, it was
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one thing to yell at Rose, and another to be Ja
nine Hathaway and yell at
\plain\expndtw-21 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The bell rung then, I took my time getting out of the class room. Knowin
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one of Rose's friends would c
omfort her, in some way. I knew I couldn't
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knew I shouldn't even think about it, but ther
e it was. The feeling of wanting
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to pull her into my arms and whisper that ever
ything will be alright.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I pushed that painful image away. Repeating over and over as I made my
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4727 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 way to the gym\i it's the
right thing.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 5:
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 When training with Rose finally came she practically ran up to the pract
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 dummy. With a curled fist she
slapped its chest, slightly left of the center.
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Right above the heart.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "There." She told me. "The heart is there, and the sternum and ribs are
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4380 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the way. Can I have the st
ake now?"
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She crossed her arms a
s she looked up at me triumphantly, waiting for my
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reply. Instead of answering I
simply nodded in acknowledgement. Looking
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 at her this way made me think of what had happe
ned in Stan's class.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Although I didn't want to mention it, I was af
raid I'd upset her.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1247 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "And how do you get through the sternum and the ribs?" I asked.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 With a sigh she answered. Not surprised that I asked her more after that
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri5996 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She knew me by now.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We spent a large part of the practice going over that, and I demonstrate
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2705 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 several techniques that wo
uld yield the quickest kill.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Finally after an hours worth of demonstrating I extended my hand and
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 offered the stake to her. I t
hought she would rip it out of my hand like a
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 starved bear, but she didn't. She just simply
stared at it. "You're giving it to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7879 \expndtw-23 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I can't believe you're holding back. I figured you'd have taken it and
run by
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7093 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 now." I said.
\sl-240\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1974 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Aren't you always teaching me to hold back?" She asked.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6236 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Not on everything."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6052 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "But on\i some\i0 things."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I simply stared at her. After all this time of building up a wall betwee
n us I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 forgot what it felt like to
look at her in a romantic sort of way. And looking at
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her now, I knew her slip up was just as surpris
ing to her as it was to me.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 What had gone between us had been powerful and
lustful. And some part
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of me didn't want to let that go. While the oth
er part screamed at the other
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to do the right thing. And I was struggling to
keep myself in control as well
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as Rose. One slip up like that could turn into
something else. And that
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6888 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would be bad.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Of course." I said in
a cool tone, keeping my guardian face on. There was
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 no way that I was going to sh
ow any romantic emotion towards Rose.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Because that slip up from her will most definit
ely turn into something else.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "It's like everything else. Balance. Know which
things to run forward with--
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and know which to leave alone." I purposely pl
aced heavy emphasis on the
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 last statement.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Our eyes met briefly. And in that small moment I saw her face lite up, a
s if
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she understood that I\i did\
i0 understand what she was talking about. But I
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 simply ignored it because I was her teacher and
that's what I was
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 supposed to do. With a sigh she stared down at
the weapon, considering
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 whether or not to take it.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Finally she reached out and curled her bony fingers around the hilt. She

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stared down at it trailing h
er long fingers over its surface. Feeling the glass-
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 like texture that it was made out of. She lifte
d it from my hand and brought
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it to her, taking a long time to study it and g
et used to its weight. She
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 looked down at the stake as if it held all the
answers in the world. And then
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 surprised me even more when she looked up at me
. "What should I do
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7823 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 first?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I covered the basics first, honing the way she held and and moved with
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri45 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stake. Later on, I finally l
et her attack one of the dummies, and the way she
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 struggled I knew she thought it was harder tha
n it looked. And through it all
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I gave her patience sitting back and guiding h
er through the manuvers and
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 motions on staking.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Slide\i up\i0 through the ribs." I explained, as I watched her try t
o fit the stake's
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 point through a gap in the bo
nes. "It'll be easier since you're shorter than
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri645 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 most of your attackers. Plu
s, you can slide along the lower rib's edge."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 When practice ended, I took the stake back and nodded in approval.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6305 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Good. Very good."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3967 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She glanced at me in surprise. "Really?"
\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri3413 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "You do it like you'
ve been doing it for years."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 And that was true. Never before had I seen someone as young as Rose
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 take on the dummies like that
. She attacked them as if they were real
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She smiled as we walked side by side out of the practice room. When we
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1649 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 neared the door Rose's pre
tty smile disapeared, into a scowl.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4792 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Can I stake that one next time?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I picked up my coat and put it on. I followed her gaze and saw that she
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 having a stare down with the
dummy with red curly hair. Instantly reminding
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6946 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me of Janine.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4276 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "I don't think that'd be healthy." I said.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "It'd be better than me actually doing it to\i her\i0 ," Rose grumbled
, slinging her
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2144 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 backpack over one shoulder
. We headed out to the gym.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2744 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Violence isn't the answer to your problems." I said.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "She's the one with the problem. And I thought the whole point of my
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3650 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 education was that violenc
e\i is\i0 the answer."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Only to those who bring it to you first. Your mother isn't assaulting y
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3744 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 You tow are just too much
alike, that's all."
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose stopped walking at that. "I'm not anything like her! I mean... we k
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of have the same eyes. But I'
m a lot taller. And my hair's completely
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 different." She pointed to her ponytail indicat
ing that her thick black-brown
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 locks were contrasted to her mothers auburn cu
\sl-239\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1987 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "I'm not talking about your appearances, and you know it."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2769 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She looked away from me. "You think I'm jealous?"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1872 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Are you?" I asked. "If so, what are you jealous of exactly?"
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She glanced back up at
me. "I don't know. Maybe I'm jealous of her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reputation. Maybe I'm jealous
because she's put more time into her
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4313 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reputation that into me. I
don't know."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3834 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "You don't think what she did was great?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Yes. No. I don't know. IT just sounded like such a... I don't know...
like she
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was bragging. Like she did i
t for the glory." She grimaced. "For the marks."
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 'The marks' could only mean one thing.\i Moln
ija\i0 marks. Which were tattoos
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 awarded to guardians when they killed Strigoi.
Each one looked like a tiny x
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 made of lightning bolts. They went on the backs
of our necks and showed
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 how experienced a guardian was.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "You think facing down Strigoi is worth a few marks? I thought you'd
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3636 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 learned something from the
Badica house."
\sl-239\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6270 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "That's not what I--"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7186 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Come on."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5085 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She stopped walking. "What?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We'd been heading towards Rose's dorm, but now I nodded my head
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri790 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 toward the opposite side of
campus. "I want to show you something."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7049 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "What is is?"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3881 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "That not all marks are badges of honor."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 6:
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose followed me obediently. I led her towards the boundaries of the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 campus and into the surround
ing woods. The Academy owned a lot of land,
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and not all of it had been used for educational
purposes. We were in a
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 remote part of Montana, and at times, it seeme
d as though the school was
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4075 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 just barely holding back t
he wilderness.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 WE walked quietly for a
while, our feet crunching through the thick,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 unbroken snow. A few birds fl
itted by, singing their greetings to the rising
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sun. And at times like this, where the wilderne
ss was all you could hear,
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was the best thing in the world. And I found my
self relaxing as I led her
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 further into the woods. Rose's crunching feet s
taggering was the only
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sound, other than nature, and her irregular str
ide told me that she was
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 trying hard to keep up with my more normal and
longer one.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Ahead was the old watch-post, its small dark shape came into view as we
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 approached it. It was more of
an old cabin, made out of logs. Yet overtime
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the logs had became worn and rotten in some pla
ces. The roof sagged a
\plain\expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 little.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5338 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "What is that?" Rose asked.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Old watch-post." I said. "Guardians used to live ont eh edge of campus
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5386 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and keep watch for Strigoi
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5430 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Why don't they anymore?"
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "We don't have enough guardians to staff it. Besides, Moroi have warded
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 campus with enough protectiv
e magic that most don't think its necessary to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 have actual people on guard." Provided no huma
ns staked the wards.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I was about to turn her away from the sad looming building when I heard
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri3713 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 voices on the opposite sid
e of the building.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Curious Rose and I rounded the corner of the building, coming up on a
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 surprising scene. A small fro
zen pond lay there, and Christian and Lissa
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were ice skating on it. A woman that looked odd
ly familiar was with them,
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her back to us.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 As the woman skated a wave of jet black hair followed her, and it was t
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that I realized that it was T
asha Ozera, as she skated to a graceful stop.
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Her hair arced around her.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I couldn't recall the l
ast time I had seen Tasha, it had felt like ages. And
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seeing her now brought back
good memories. And I tried my best to hide a
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 smile that was curving at my lips.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Lissa grinned when she saw Rose standing next to me. "Rose!" Christian
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 glanced over at Rose as she s
poke, not too happy to see us. As if we
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4891 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ruined some romantic get a
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Lissa moved in awkward strides to the pond's edge. She obviously wasn't
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6273 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 so adept at skating.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I could see Rose's body stiffen at my side. Her voice full of jealousy w
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3128 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she spoke. "Thanks for inv
iting me to the party."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I figured you were busy." Lissa said. "And this is secret anyway. We a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6001 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 supposed to be here."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Christian skated up beside her, with Tasha in tow. "You brining party
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1701 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 crashers, Dimka?" She aske
d looking at me for the first time.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Her eyes, that resembled Christians so much, as well as her hair, were
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 only things that made her and
Christian distinguishable. And the purple
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scar on the left side of her face was exactly
as I remembered it, purple and
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 raised; and looked as if someone had bitten in
to it and ripped off her flesh.
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Which was exactly what happened.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I laughed at her old Russian nickname for me. Which only brought back
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wonderful, sweet, memories. "
It's impossible to keep Rose away from
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1809 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 places she shouldn't be. S
he always finds them eventually."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha grinned and turned around, flipping her long hair over one should
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I could see Rose stiffen as s
he took in Tasha's scar. And I hoped that
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha didn't notice Rose staring at her. I sile
ntly wished Rose would find
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 respect and not stare. But Rose was Rose and t
here was no changing that.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha was Christain's A
unt. When his parents had turned Strigoi, they'd
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 come back for him, hoping to
hide him away and turn him Strigoi when he
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was older. Tasha had fended them off, taking a
nasty battle wound in
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 return. She had saved Christain by providing en
ough distraction until the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5994 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians showed up.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha extended her gloved hand out to Rose. "Tasha Ozera," she said.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4661 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "I've heard a lot about yo
u, Rose."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I caught Rose glaring at Christian. Tasha saw this and laughed. "Don't
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5946 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 worry, it was all good."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4591 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "No it wasn't " Christian countered.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha shook her head in exasperation. "Honestly, I don't know where he
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1727 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 got such horrible social s
kills. He didn't learn them from me."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2889 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "What are you guys doing out here?" Rose asked.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I wanted to spend some time with these two." A small frown wrinkled her

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 forehead. "But I don't really
like hanging around the school itself. They
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5479 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 aren't always hospitable..
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Normally, school officials fell all over themselves whenever royals cam
e to
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 visit. But because Lucas and
Moira had decided to turn Strigoi, the Moroi
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1521 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 world hadn't been too kind
whenever the Ozeras were around.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2595 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Because...because of what happened..." Rose said.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha shrugged it off. "That's the way it is." She rubbed her hands tog
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and exhaled, her breath maki
ng a frosty cloud in the air. "But let's not stand
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3383 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out here, not when we can
build a fire inside."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I led them all into the cabin, Rose was the last one to arrive inside. T
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 cabin was bare, covered in la
yers of dust and dirt. It consisted of only one
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 room. there was a narrow bed with no covers in
the corner and a few
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shelves where food had once been stored. There
was a fireplace, and after
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a few moments Tasha had
lit the logs, and we had a blaze going that
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 warmed the small area. The f
ive of us sat down, huddling around its head,
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha then produced a bag of marshmallows that
we cooked over the
\plain\expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 flames.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha always had a kind and loving heart, always caring about others an
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri771 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 never for herself. She has
been like that since the first time I met her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 As we feasted, Lisssa and Christain talked to each other in an easy,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 comfortable way the always ha
d. And although I wanted to deny it, in the
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 back of my mind I found myself wishing that Ros
e and I could do that.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Where we could just sit down and talk and not
worry about our complicated
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 love life. But life wasn't that easy when you
were a dhampir.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 To get my mind off Rose I turned to Tasha, talking to her in the same
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 familiar light way. She was
always easy to talk to, and made me feel like an
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 equal rather than someone lower than her. I rel
axed minute by minute
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 finding myself familiar with Tasha. She was the
only one who made life
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seem easy, with that laid back air of hers. And
in no time I found myself
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 laughing and smiling more than I have in a lon
g time.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We had been catching up with each other. Talking about our busy lives.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2662 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 After a while into our con
versation Rose interrupted.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4470 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "So are you coming on the ski trip?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha nodded. Stiffening a yawn, she stretched herself out like a cat. "
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri326 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 haven't been skiing in age.
No time. been saving all my vacation for this."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1128 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Vacation?" Rose gave her a curious look. "Do you have... a job?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Sadly, yes." Tasha said, though I knew she wasn't sad about it at all.
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri5455 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 teach martial arts classes
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose stared at Tasha i
n astonishment. I knew why she had caught sudden
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 interest in martial arts was
because of what happened with Christians
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 parents.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 A lot of royals didn't work at all, and if they did, it was for some inv
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 or other moneymaking business
that furthered their family fortunes. And
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 those who\i did\i0 work certainly didn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t' do a lot of martial arts or physically
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 demanding jobs. Moroi had a lot of great attrib
utes: exceptional senses--
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 smell, sight, and hearing--and the power to wo
rk magic. But physically, they
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were tall and slender, often small-boned. They
also got weak from being in
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sunlight. But those things weren't enough to pr
event someone from
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 becoming a fighter, but it did make it more cha
llenging. Most Moroi had
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shielded away from the physical combat. Hiding
in places like the Academy
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to depend on strong and trained dhampirs to pr
otect them.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "What do you think, Rose?" Christain seemed highly amused. "Think you
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6647 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could take her?"
\sl-239\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5661 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Hard to say." Rose said.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha gave Rose a crooked grin. "You're being modest. I've seen what yo
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3358 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guys can do. This is just
a hobby I picked up."
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I chuckled. "Now\i you're\i0 being modest. You could teach half the cl
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6943 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 around here."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Not likely." She said. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be pretty embarrassing to
be beaten up by a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6146 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 bunch of teenagers."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d happen." I said.
"I seem to remember you doing some
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 damage to Neil Szelsky." I t
ried to lighten up her mood. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t like it when
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she put herself down occasionally.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 To my disappointment she rolled her eyes. "Throwing my drink in his face

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t actua
lly damage{\f63 \u8212\'3f}unless you consider the damage it did to his suit.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3388 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And we all know how he is
about his clothes."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We both laughed at the
private joke of when Neil overly obsessed when his
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1960 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 clothes got wrinkled or we
ren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t hung correctly in his closet.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose broke our laughter with: "Did you start learning to fight before o
r after
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5235 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that happened to your face
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I could feel shock rising up in my chest. I knew Rose had a lack of self
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 control every once in a while
, but to have it in front of Tasha was
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 embarrassing.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Rose!" Lissa hissed, cutting off my attempts to scorn Rose for her rude

\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7352 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 comment.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 But as I glanced back at Tasha I was surprised to se her not even upset.

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And as my eyes moved toward
Christian I noticed the same expression had
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been placed upon his face as well. Tasha regard
ed Rose with a level,
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thoughtful look.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "After." She said. She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t lower her gaze or look em
barrassed, though I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1136 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sensed sadness coursing th
rough her. "How much do you know?"
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4046 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Rose glanced a Christian. "The basics."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She nodded. "I knew\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }
}I knew what Lucas and Moira had become, but that
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 still didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
prepare me. Mentally, physically, or emotionally. I think if I had to
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 live through it again, I still wouldn{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t be ready. But after that night, I looked at
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 myself{\f63 \u8212\'3f}figuratively{\f63 \u8212
\'3f}and realized how defenseless I was. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d spent my
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 whole life expecting guardians to protect me a
nd take care of me.
\sl-215\fs22\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4
\f10 \fs28 \cf44 "And that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not to say the guardians aren{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t capable. Like I said, you could
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 probably take me in a fight.
But they{\f63 \u8212\'3f}Lucas and Moira{\f63 \u8212\'3f}cut down our two
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians before we realized what had happened.
I stalled them from
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 taking Christian{\f63 \u8212\'3f}but just bare
ly. If the others hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t shown up, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be dead,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d{\f63 \u8212\'3f}" She
stopped, frowned, and kept going. "I decided that I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 want to die that way, not without putting up a
real fight and doing everything
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I could to protect myse
lf and those I love. So I learned all sorts of self-
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 defense. And after a while,
I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t really, uh, fit in so well with high society
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 around here. So I moved to Minneapolis and made
a living from teaching
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri7602 \expndtw-27 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 others."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She had moved there and integrated herself with humans, keeping away
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 from other vampires. I had kn
own what she meant by "all sorts of self-
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 defense" although Rose didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t.
I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t doubt that Christian and Lissa knew.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha had been learning how to fight with fire
, which was highly against the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi rules. Offensive magic was punishable by
law. Yet if the roles had
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been reversed I too would h
ave learned how to fight with not only my fists.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Silence fell. But only for a moment before Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s ligh
t mood returned as
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she told us all funny stories
. I knew a lot of people she has spoke of as
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 well. Some of them I heard of, but most of them
I went to school with or
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 worked with. We were all in hysterics until Ta
sha looked at her watch.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri293 \expndtw-9 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 "Where{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the best place a girl can go shopping around
here?" She asked.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1078 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Lissa and Rose exchanged looks. "Missoula." They said in unison.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha sighed at this. "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a couple hours away, but
if I leave soon, I can
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 probably still get in some ti
me before the stores close. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m hopelessly
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4983 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 behind in Christmas shoppi
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4146 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Rose groaned. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d kill to go shopping."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5574 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Me too." Lissa chimed in.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1384 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Maybe we could sneak along\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \
\f Symbol }}" Rose gave me a hopeful look.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "No." I said immediately. I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t going to get in trou
ble for letting her go on
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4031 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 some shopping spree. She g
ave a sigh.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha Yawned again. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll have to grab some coffee, so
I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t sleep on the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7492 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 drive in."
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri3601 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Can{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t one of your guardians drive for you?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4049 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 She shook her head. "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have any."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri953 \expndtw-15 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have any\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }}" Rose frowned. "You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have any guardians?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7618 \expndtw-34 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Nope."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri45 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose shot up. "But that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not possible! You{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}re royal. You should have at
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5927 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 least one. Two, really."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Guardians were distributed among Moroi. Royals always got first pick,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1652 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 leaving the lower class Mo
roi, with one or no guardians at all.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "The Ozeras aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t exactly first in line when guardians
get assigned." Said
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Christian bitterly. "Ever sin
ce\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} my parents died\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s kind of b
een a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7324 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shortage."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I could see the grim set of Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s mouth, her hunched ba
ck and curling
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fists. Which were early warni
ngs of a Rose-sudden-outburst. I braced
\pard\sl-486 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 myself. "But that{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}s not fair. They can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t punish you for what your parents
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7967 \expndtw-32 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 did."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not punishment Rose." Tasha said. "It{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}s just\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} a rearranging o
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7352 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 priorities."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri730 \expndtw-11 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re leaving you defenseless. You can{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t go out there by yourself!"
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not defenseless, Rose. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve told yo
u that. And if I really wanted a
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardian, I could make a nui
sance of myself, but it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a lot of hassle. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m f
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7479 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for now."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 And then it clicked. The problem{\f63 \u8212\'3f}the reason{\f63 \u8212
\'3f}why I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t forget Rose
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 or my feelings for her was be
cause I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t\i trying\i0 hard enough. If I could
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 actually try to date someone else, or even try
to flirt with someone else,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 maybe\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }} just maybe, I could forget Rose and find someone else.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2746 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I glanced over at Tasha. "Want me to go with you?"
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "And keep you up all n
ight?" Tasha shook her head, locking her blue gaze
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3740 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 on mine. "I wouldn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t do that to you Dimka."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2761 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "He doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mind." Rose said quickly and excitedly.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I was amused by how she had suddenly jumped in. I would have thought
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her to be jealous. If Rose co
ntinued to act this way around Tasha then I
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could definitely give my theory a try.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5895 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "I really don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t" I replied.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1724 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Tasha hesitated. "All right. But we should probably go soon."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Our party dispersed shortly after that. The Moroi going one direction wh
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose and I went the other. I
had made plans with Tasha to meet up in a
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 half an hour.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I needed to know what Rose truly thought of Tasha. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t want to hurt
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her, I knew it had to be don
e, but as of right now I just couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t bring myself
\plain\expndtw-28 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1778 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "So what do you think of her?" I asked when we were alone.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I like her. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s cool." She stopped, face thoughtful.
"And I get what you
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5797 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mean about the marks."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7813 \expndtw-26 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Oh?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose nodded. Watching her footing as we walked along the paths. They
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tended to sneak a patch of ic
e now and then. Even when shoveled and
\plain\expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 salted.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t do what she did for glory. She did it becau
se she had to. Just
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri555 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 like\expndtw-14{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} just like my mom did. The marks don{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t matter.\i Molnijas\i0 or scars."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3656 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re a fast learner." I said with approval.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4847 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Why does she call you Dimka?"
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri3558 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I laughed softly. "I
t{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a nickname for Dimitri."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "That doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t make any sense. It doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
t sound anything like Dimitri. You
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2829 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 should be called, I don{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t know, Dimi or something."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3669 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not how it works in Russain." I said.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6456 \expndtw-26 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Russian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s weird."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6762 \expndtw-22 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "So is English."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She gave me a sly look. "If you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d teach me to swear in R
ussian, I might
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5011 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 have a new appreciation fo
r it."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5029 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You swear too much already."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5058 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "I just want to express myself."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Oh Roza\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I sighed
. "You express yourself more than anyone else I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7717 \expndtw-30 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 know."
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1445 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She smiled as we walked on a bit without saying anything else.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 We walked in silence for a few minutes longer before she said: "You kno
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3306 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s s
omething funny about Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s scars."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5938 \expndtw-23 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s that?" I asked.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "The scars\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} they m
ess up her face." She began slowly, as if to choose her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 words wisely. I was proud of
her for trying. "I mean, it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s obvious she used to
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be really pretty. But even with the scars now\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t kn
ow. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s pretty in
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri782 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a different way. It{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}s like\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} like they{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}re part of her. They complete her."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t say anything, but gave her a sidelong glance.
She returned it, and
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as our eyes met, I felt the b
riefest moment of the old attraction. I still
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wanted her, so badly that it hurt. I had never
ever felt like this. She was the
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 only girl to make my chest tighten, and my hear
t beat faster whenever I
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 saw her. I put my guar
dian face back on, hoping to show her only pride and
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7423 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 approval.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Trying to forget her was going to be the hardest thing I have ever done
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2409 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my entire life. And I knew
, I would die a little everyday.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5223 \expndtw-18 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re a fast learner, Roza."
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 7:
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \
expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Half an hour later I met Tasha at the front of the sch
ool. As I got closer I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 noticed that she was standin
g in front of a Honda Civic. I knew it would just
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be her and I today, since all of the extra gua
rdians had "plans".
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \fi79 \expndtw-3 \f
10 \fs28 \cf44 As I approached Tasha I gave her one of my warm smiles. She retur
ned it.
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "So its just me and you Dimk
a?" Tasha asked, although I knew she wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7353 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 surprised.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3035 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 I nodded. "The extra guardians couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t make it."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha let out a heavy sigh. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not surprised, most Mor
oi and guardians
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t like me
." Tasha looked back up at me and gave me a reassuring
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1598 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 smile. "But lets not let t
hat get in the way of our day together."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha threw me the keys. I walked over to the passenger door and opened

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it up for her. She stepped in
side the vehicle. And when she had buckled
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri590 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her seatbelt I shut the doo
r and walked around the front end of the car.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The sky was a pink orange color, indicating that it was now dawn. The b
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in the tall dark trees surrou
nding us were chirping loudly. Singing their
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6735 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 morning songs.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We rode in silence for a while. Even though I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t sho
w it, I was really
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tired. The human schedule had
messed up my Moroi one. And seeing
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha yawn made me real
ize that I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t the only one who was sleep
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7423 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 deprived.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 After a while Tasha spoke. "So how have you been Dimka?" She asked in
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7313 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mid-yawn.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I smiled and glanced over at her. "Good, I miss the action, but it{\f63
\u8223\'3f}s nice to be
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a guardian at the Academy." W
hich was true, although I wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t come
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 close to mentioning Rose.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 That thought ended all too quickly. "I bet, especially with Rose as your

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 student. She seems like the f
ast learning type." Tasha said as we
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 continued our path in the dimly lit forest.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I managed a shrug. "Yeah, but you haven{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seen her bad s
ide. She can
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6650 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be\expndtw-14{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}a hothead."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha looked over at me, and I returned her gaze. "Well isn{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t that a good
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thing? Wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t that make her fight better? When my students are slacking
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1048 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in my class I make them th
ink of something that aggravates them."
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Combat classes were the one of many things Tasha and I had in common.
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "I suppose so. But Rose\expnd
tw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}well she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not o
ne you want to piss off. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4634 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scary when she is in a bad
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha laughed that familiar laugh I was so used to. "Oh is the big bad
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2465 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Dimiti afraid of a teenage
girl?" She said smiling wide.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri800 \expndtw-9 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 I returned her smile. "You haven{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seen her hit. She c
an do damage."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1777 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Tasha shrugged. "Still, you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re tougher. You can hand
le her."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I raised an eyebrow as I kept my eyes on the now pavement road.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1375 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Yeah\expndtw-14{\field{\*
\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" If only she knew just how much Rose drove me
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The rest of the ride th
ere consisted of a sleeping Tasha and soft music in
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the background. And in that t
ime my mind went back to the time when
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha and I had first met.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The charge that I had been watching had been best friends with her. Of
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1891 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 course this was before the
incident with Christians parents.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 And back then Tasha had two guardians. Since she was royal she was
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 allowed. When one of her guar
dians got deathly ill I took responsibility to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3053 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 watch over her. We had bee
n friends ever since.
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \
expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The mall came into view then. I turned off the highwa
y, and reached over to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri966 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wake up Tasha. Grabbing her
shoulder I gently shook her. "Tasha."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5853 \expndtw-19 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Hmm?" She mumbled.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5909 \expndtw-24 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Wake up, we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re here."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She rubbed at her eyes and blinked against the sunlight, even with the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1823 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 windows deeply tinted. Mor
oi still were sensitive to the light.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Sitting up she pulled down the visor to glance at herself in the mirror.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 God\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I look horrible." She said as she ran a hand throug
h her tangled and
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 matted hair.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3935 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I tried to hide my smile. "You look great."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4076 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 She rolled her eyes. "Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be modest."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I pulled into the closest parking space. I was surprised at how many car
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3474 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were in the lot. Consideri
ng how early it was.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I turned off the car and walked around to open her door. It was cold as
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 chilly wind picked up. Tasha
shivered as she stepped out of the car.
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Looking down I noticed her outfit for the first
time. Pants and a thin
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sleeveless top. Feelin
g sympathy I took off my duster and draped it around
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3123 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her shoulders. She looked
up at me and smiled.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Thanks Dimka." She said. And as I looked into her eyes I could make ou
t a
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4022 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hint of the old attraction
from years ago.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 My mind flashed back to the time when I had kissed her. I hadn{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t meant to,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 but I was curious and intere
sted in her. Although it obviously hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t worked
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out. It was nice and sweet. And by looking down
into those blue eyes I
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could tell that she wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t ove
r me.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Grabbing hold of my arm Tasha practically dragged me towards the mall.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We spent hours going through
every store. She had bought something in
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 each one too. And I was reminded of how much m
oney royals had. Even if
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the Moroi world had turned their backs on them
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 After four hours of endless shopping Tasha had reached her budget. And
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1288 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as I drove her back to the
Academy she had fallen asleep again.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We arrived in the middle of the Moroi night. The sun was high, indicatin
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that it was noon. Smiling at
Tasha I gave her a hug goodbye, letting her
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 keep my duster until the next day. After I wal
ked towards the dorms.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The school was still sleeping when I walked through the dorms halls.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Sleepy I opened up the door t
o my room and practically fell into bed.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Although I had managed to take off my pants an
d shoes.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri238 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 I then fell into a deep sleep and dreamed of someone I hadn{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}t in a while\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri8338 \expndtw0 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Tasha\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 8:
\plain\sl-287\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \
expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Sometime during the middle of the night I had called
the head office telling
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them that I needed some time
to sleep in. And that I wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t make it to
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
practice today. Which I had looked at as a good thing; because I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2703 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t h
ave to deal with all my emotions for once.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I woke up when the Moroi day was just ending. Meaning that everyone was

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3967 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 going back to their dorms
before curfew.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Standing up out of bed I got dressed and headed for the guardian{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}s loft.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Walking in I grabbed a cup of
coffee and sat down on one of the nearby
\plain\expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tables.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 A couple minutes passed before Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s mom came walking
towards me.
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri643 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Sitting up straight I have
her a respectable nod, in which she returned.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1402 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Belikov." She said as she sat down with her own cup of coffee.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Hathaway, how are you doing?" I asked, although I really didn{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t care, I just
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri6301 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wanted out of here.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She looked down at her coffee before answering. "Good. I{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}m guessing that
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1496 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
hear about what happened to Rose during practice."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Hearing the mentioning of Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s name and that she was p
ossibly hurt
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2341 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 made me sit even straighte
r in my chair. "Is she okay?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine looked up at me, I had realized then that I had let some of those

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 emotions slip. And was soon r
elieved that Janine had taken it in a teacher
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 concern instead. "Yes, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s f
ine. We were fighting and I punched her in
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the head. When I took her to the clinic they sa
id she would have a bruised
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri4006 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eye. But was saved from a
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3752 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 I let out at sigh of relief. "Well that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s good."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine took a sip of her coffee. "Yeah, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m just surpri
sed at how much of a
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri6020 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hot head she can be."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I tried to hide my smile at that. "Yeah, try dealing with her everyday.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4174 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Especially when she{\f63
\u8223\'3f}s in a bad mood."
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri1160 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine didn{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}t even smile. "I guess I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know my own daughter."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I looked at her filled with sympathy. Rose was a great kid, but when it
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1108 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to a situation that she di
dn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t like, well then she was uncontrollable.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1599 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Shrugging Janine stood up. "Great seeing you again Belikov."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 And before I could say anything more she stood up and left her barely
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5349 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 touched coffee on the tabl
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri45 \
expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Later that day I decided to go to the gym to practice
. I was surprised when I
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri5421 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 saw Tasha in there as well
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Dimka!" She said as she ran up to hug me. Surprised I hugged her back.

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6093 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "How did you sleep?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2326 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I smiled down at her. "Great. I had a dream about you."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Oh?" She said, and under that pale skin I saw the blood rise to her ch
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Yeah, and it was\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
" I stopped then. Seeing her look at me the way Rose
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 did was just too much for me.
What was I doing? Yes I was locking my
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 feelings away for Rose. But to hit on another w
oman was shameful and
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wrong. I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to hurt R
ose in that way.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1414 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Looking back at Tasha I swallowed hard. "Sorry, I\expndtw-14{\field{\
*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I got to go."
\plain\sl-253\fs25\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \
expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Leaving the gym as quickly as possible I couldn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t help but think at how
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stupid I was. I shouldn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t be flirting with Tasha. Especially a Moroi. I had a
\plain\expndtw5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reputation to keep and if I kept doing that I w
ould end up losing
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 concentration and skill.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I practically ran to t
he dorms, I needed to get as far away as possible from
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 both Rose and Tasha. The one
who I actually wanted, and the other who I
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had wanted a long time ago.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2428 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Who said being a teacher at a High School was easy?
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Chapter 9:
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \
expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The rest of the day consisted of me hiding in my dorm
. Mainly from Tasha. I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1641 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 needed time to reflect on
my feelings for her as well as Rose.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose was dangerous, I couldn't love her without it ending badly for the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of us. Our feelings for each
other was also distracting. And a distraction like
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that could lead to death or worse. And I couldn
't afford loosing that
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 concentration. Neither could she. Maybe in fiv
e more years Rose and I can
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 settle down and finally stop putting our feeli
ngs aside, but for right now she
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 needed a mentor that was strict and focused. No
t some love crazed
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 teacher that couldn't control his feelings for
his student.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha on the other hand, I could have a relationship with, and it would
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 safe. No one would question
it. She's also of age and would provide a great
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 distraction from Rose. But that was the proble
m; I couldn't just leave Rose
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for Tasha, not only would it make me a jerk, b
ut it would also break Rose's
\plain\expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 heart.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I was positive in the beginning that I could hurt Rose and it would be
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 But now I wasn't so sure. Ros
e didn't deserve such punishment. Yet it
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would be the only solution to get her off my ba
ck and get her to focus. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hated being mean, but at the same time all I c
ould think of was\i it's the right
\plain\expndtw-15 \i \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thing.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2
\f10 \fs28 \cf44 So I went to bed that night trying to come up with ideas on how
to get Rose
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri2243 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 away from me, but at the s
ame time without hurting her.
\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri3810 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And sadly... I came
up with one solution...
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \
expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The next day I found Rose laughing and smiling with Ma
son. Careful as to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 not let my feelings over take
me I made my way towards her. Mason
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wandered off just as I showed up for our practi
ce. As we walked towards
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the gym I could feel Rose's mood shift. As she
went out of her way to avert
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her gaze. Although she didn't know that I knew
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We returned to the training room with the dummies, and I told her that I

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 simply wanted her to practic
e the maneuvers from two days ago. She went
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 loose then, punching and stabbing them with th
e stake I had given her. And
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she was giving them her all; as if they were re
al Strigoi. I let her go,
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knowing that she was in alot of stress and nee
ded to work it out. I sat back
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and watched her, occasionally critiquing her te
chnique and offering
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 suggestions for new tactics.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Your hair's in the way." I said at one point. "Not only are you blocki
ng your
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 peripheral vision, you're run
ning the risk of letting your enemy get a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7261 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 handhold."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "If I'm actually in a fight, I'll wear it up." She grunted as she shoved
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stake neatly up between the d
ummy's "ribs." She added a little more force
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri298 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 then needed in the last sta
king. "I'm just wearing it down today, that's all."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I could hear the lie in her voice. And knew that I had to calm her down
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 before she really attacked so
meone with the stake. "Rose." I said
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 warningly. Ignoring me she plunged again. I rai
sed my voice, making it
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5968 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sharper. "\i Rose.\i0 Sto
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She backed away from the dummy, her breathing labored. Her back hit the

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wall then. With nowhere to go
, she looked away from me, directing her
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eyes toward the ground. Hiding her face.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5816 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Look at me." I ordered.
\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri7397 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Dimitri--"
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6963 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "\i Look at me.\i0 "
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose knew she couldn't refuse a direct order. So slowly she turned towa
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me, still tilting her head s
lightly down so the hair hung over the sides of her
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 face. Rising from my chair, I walked over and
stood before her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Still avoiding my eyes I reached up to brush her hair away. But then
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stopped, remembering my self
control; if I touched her hair all that hard
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 work of staying in control would collapse, and
I would give in to her. Which
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3936 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was the exact thing I was
trying to avoid.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Her breathing stopped the same time my hand did. Our short-lived
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2045 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attraction had been filled
with questions and reservations.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 My hand hovered there, as she waited to see what I would do. I knew I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shouldn't give in. Because i
f I did there was no going back. I hated it; hated
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 how I couldn't have her without some huge cons
equence. I hated myself for
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 falling victim to her. And I was afraid to tou
ch her.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 After a long dragging moment I let my hand gradually fall back to my sid
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose slowly tipped her head b
ack so that we made eye contact. Most of
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her hair fell back from her face--but not all.
My hand trembled again, it
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri660 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ached to touch that silky h
air of hers. And I fought hard to hold it back.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Under that dark hair of hers I could see the blue bruise that was formin
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 around her right eye. My hand
steadied itself before I made an attempt for
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 conversation.
\sl-239\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri5899 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Does it hurt?" I asked.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6837 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "No," She lied.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3622 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "It doesn't look so bad," I told her."It'll heal."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3548 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "I hate her." She said, venom at every word.
\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri201 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "No, you don't." I sa
id gently not wanting those harsh words to turn on me.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7788 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "\i I do.\i0 "
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "You don't have time to hate anyone." I advised, still attempting to be
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Not in our profession. You s
hould make peace with her." I tried my best
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 not to tell her that I had seen her mother that
day. Afraid that she would
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 turn against me.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I could see her face darken. Her brown eyes turning black as she glared
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me. I braced myself for yet a
nother wrath of Rose. "Make peace with her?
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 After she gave me a black eye\i on purpose?\i0
Why am I the only one who
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5752 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sees how crazy that is?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Hearing that made my blood boil. I knew Rose didn't like her mother, bu
t to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 say that was just too much. S
o much for keeping the meeting with her
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mother a secret.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "She absolutely did\i not\i0 do it on purpose." I said, voice hard. "N
o matter
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 how much you resent her, you
have to believe that. She wouldn't do that,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1089 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and anyway, I saw her late
r that day. She was worried about you."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Probably more worried someone will bring her up on child abuse charges
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She grumbled. Mentally I let
out a sigh of relief. Rose wasn't as mad as I
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thought she would be.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1820 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Don't you think this is the time of the year for forgiveness?"
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She sighed loudly. "This isn't a Christmas special! This is my life. In
the real
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2985 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 world, miracles and goodne
ss just don't happen."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri561 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 I eyed her calmly. "In the real world, you can make your own miracles.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Something shifted in Rose then. I could see the change in mood as well.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Her eyes glistened as she sta
red back at me. And for a second I thought
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri561 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she was about to cry. Until
those dark eyes of hers turned even darker.
\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Okay, can you just st
op this for once?" She demanded, hands on her hips.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7018 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Stop what?"
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "The whole profound Zen crap thing. You don't talk to me like a real pe
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Everything you say is just so
me wise, life lesson nonsense. You really do
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sound like a Christmas special." She lashed out
, full of anger. Her voice
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rose even higher, to where she was practically
shouting. "I swear,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sometimes it's like you just want to hear your
self talk! And I\i know\i0 you're not
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 always this way. You were perfectly normal whe
n you talked to Tasha. But
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 with me? You're just going through the motions.
You don't care about me.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 You're just stuck in your stupid mentor role.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I stared at her, never before had she hurt me that bad before. And I
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wouldn't let her see me that
way, so I hid it as best I could. "I don't care
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7123 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 about you?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "No." She jabbed my chest with her finger. And just that slightest poke
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me more than a stake would "I
'm another student to you. You just go on
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3465 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and on with your stupid li
fe lessons so that--"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I had enough of her then; I suddenly reached out and grabbed her pointi
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hand. I pinned it to the wall
, and I could see the surprised look on her face
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as I did so.
\sl-239\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3844 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "\i Don't\i0 tell me what I'm feeling." I growled.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I knew deep down that I shouldn't be this upset. But half of the things
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had said were true. I was alm
ost always calm, and in control--even when
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fighting. I had been exactly like her once--alw
ays on the verge of acting
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 without thinking, done things I knew I shouldn
't. And she was headed down
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the same path.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2849 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Her eyes lit up then. "That's it, isn't it?" She asked.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7551 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "What?"
\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri1854 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "You're always fight
ing for control. You're the same as me."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3628 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "No," I said. "I've learned my control." I lied.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "No, you haven't. You put on a good face, and most of the time you do s
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in control. But sometimes yo
u can't. And sometimes..." She leaned forward,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2813 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lowering her voice. "Somet
imes you don't want to."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7482 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Rose..."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 My breathing was labored, my heart racing as I tried my best to stay in
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7631 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 control.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 And before I had realized what she was about to do she kissed me. Our
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lips met, and uncontrollably
I kissed her back. I pressed myself closer
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 trapping her between me and the wall. I wanted
more of her, and all of
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri940 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 those emotions that I had t
ried to keep locked up came pouring out.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I held her hand as my other one snaked behind her head, sliding into her

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hair. The kiss was filled wi
th intensity, anger, passion, release and so much
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 more. And I couldn't help but think back to tha
t night in my room. My body
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ached to bring her back and finished what we h
ad left undone.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3187 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 And that's when I realized what I had just done.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I jerked away from her and took several steps back. "Do\i not\i0 do t
hat again."
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7144 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I said stiffly.
\sl-240\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3962 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Don't kiss me back then." She resorted.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 i stared at her for a long time. "I don't give 'Zen lessons' to hear my
self talk.
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I don't give them because you
're another student. I'm doing this to teach
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7066 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you control."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3611 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "You're doing a great job." She said bitterly.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I closed my eyes for a
moment, trying to regain my control back before I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lashed out at her. Exhaling I
muttered 'you're right' in Russian. Without
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 another glance at her, I turned and left the r
\plain\sl-285\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140
\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Chapter 10:
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I left the gym that day angry and confused. What Rose had done was
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 unacceptable. I had called la
ter that night telling her that we needed to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 cancel her next two trainings because of the s
ki trip. But really I just wanted
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to get away from her. I had to regain my contro
l back. And I vowed that
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 night never to let my feelings slip like that
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Yet until that day I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t realized just how much I ha
d missed kissing her.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The way her lips felt agains
t mine: soft and desirable. The way her hair had
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 felt between my fingers, silky and smooth and
oh so beautiful. And the way
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she kissed me. How much desire and hunger that
kiss had held was
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2856 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 breathtaking. I{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}d give anything to do it again and\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }}
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I stopped in mid-thought. Knowing what I had just done was wrong. I kne
w I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had to forget Rose. Forget he
r and what she does to me. Forget the way
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she makes my body tremble when we{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}re touching. The way she clouds up
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my mind whenever she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s near. B
ut how am I supposed to forget her after
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5586 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 all that she{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}s done to me?
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 As I made my way across the campus{\f63 \u8223\'3f} grounds I tried to
clear my head of
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose. My mind drifted off to
Tasha. She had came up to me that night I had
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fled the gym, asking if I wanted to attend a Ch
ristmas brunch she was
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hosting in an elegant parlor in the Academy{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}s guest quarters. That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s where
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I was headed to now.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I said yes, not only because I was starting to like her; but because thi
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would provide a good opportu
nity to push Rose out of my head. And Tasha
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5882 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was a good distraction.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Lots of group activitie
s and parties were occurring throughout the school.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 As they always did every year
. Only this year, there happened to be more
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 parties because of the Badica accident. Every c
hild{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s family was here to
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 escort them to the ski lodge.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 And because of that, it had caused Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s presence to
be a disturbance.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 People either secretly stared
or went out of their way to avoid her.
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Sometimes she would challenge them. Sometimes s
he would lie low.
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Today, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d chosen to stay ou
t of the other royal{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s way and simply enjoy a
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 small, private party of her own with those who
didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t shun her.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose had been invited to the gathering, and a bit of my resolve faltered

\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when I saw her. And looking i
nto those deep eyes I could tell she felt the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 same as her eyes lingered on my attire. It was
different from my normal
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wear. I had tied my hair at the back of my neck
, my attempt at making it
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 neat. I wore my usual jeans and leather boots,
but instead of a T-shirt or
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thermal shirt, I had on a finely knit black swe
ater; that I had bought just for
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6973 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the occasion.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw6 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 To my surprise Rose had kept to herself around me. This was
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 unbelievable, considering her
usual impulsive nature. In return I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t go
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out of my way to talk to her. That kiss was unf
orgivable, and I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 anything to do with Rose, because of that.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Instead I made conversation with Tasha. This wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t all
that hard. And
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1080 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 while talking to her I cou
ld feel Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes like thorns in my back.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Five?" I asked Tasha in surprise. We had been discussing our dear old
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4283 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 friend{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
children. "I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t heard that."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha nodded. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s insane. I swear, I don{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t think his wife{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s had more than
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 six months off between kids.
She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s short, too{\f63 \u8212\'3f}so she just gets wider and
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7703 \expndtw-28 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wider."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but feel sympathy for the mother. "When
I first met him, he
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4874 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 swore he didn{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t even want kids."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
eyes widened with excitement. "I\i know\i0 ! I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t believe i
t. You
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 should see him now. He just m
elts around them. I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even understand
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1037 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 him half the time. I swear
, he speaks more baby talk than English."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The thought of him doing that brought a smile to my lips that I didn{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t try to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4033 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hide. "Well\expndtw-14{\fi
eld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}children do that to people."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t imagine it happening to\i you\i0 ," She laugh
ed. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re always so stoic.
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Of course\expndtw-14{\field{\
*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I suppose you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be doing baby
talk in Russian, so no one
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6429 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would ever know."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We both laughed at the thought of that. After a few moments Tasha
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lowered her voice to almost
a whisper, so the others wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t hear. "I have
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been meaning to ask you this for a while Dimka.
I had talked to Janine
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri5390 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 about it and she approved.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I gave her a smile, and kept my voice low as well. "And what might that
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7954 \expndtw-35 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She took a deep breath and looked at me seriously, for the first time t
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4986 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "I want you to be my guard
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I stared at her dumbly. Of course she wanted me to be her guardian. We
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were great friends, and she
didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have protection. I nodded. "Of course,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 but I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m assigned to Liss{\f63 \
u8212\'3f}Princess Dragomir. I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just leave her\expndtw-14{\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 trailed off.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 My chest bubbled with nervousness and excitement all at once. If Tasha
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wanted me as a guardian that
would provide a distraction and a way to get
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 away from Rose. I could leave her in the hands
of that Mason boy and she
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would never be hurt by me again. But then agai
n, that would give Rose full
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 responsibility of Lissa, but as I thought about
it more and more I was
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 starting to consider her request.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 After a few minutes I c
leared my throat and tried to keep the nervousness
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out of my voice. "I{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}ll consider your request. I have to see if I can make the
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 arrangement." I lied.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just leave Rose and Lissa just yet. In a cou
ple of years when they
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had graduated then I might co
nsider it. But then again, they were in a
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 school full of guardians and all the protectio
n a Moroi could need.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She smiled at me sweetly. "No pressure, just something to think about."
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She was about to say somethin
g else, but stopped when she looked up at
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6417 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the door. "Janine!"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1122 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s mother stood there, looking as stiff and impas
sive as ever.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2021 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Sorry I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m late." She said. "I had business to take
care of."
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri880 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Usual Hathaway. Always working and never leaving time for herself.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I stole a glance at Rose then. Her face was a bright red as she took in
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mother. And as she did her fa
ce twisted into anger as she continued to
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stare down her mom.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine ignored her daughter and sat down with us and soon joined in the
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 conversation, but only talke
d about guardian business. Which I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mind,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 but Rose looked like she was about to scream. T
he Badica attack was on
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 everyone{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s mind, and this drov
e her into a conversation about some similar
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fight she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been in. Mason lea
ned in taking in every word.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Well, decapitations aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t as easy as they seem" she s
tarted. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve go
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3586 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to get through the spinal
cord and tendons."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1838 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes lit up. "What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the bes
t weapon to do it with?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine considered. Although I already knew the answer. "An axe. You can

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 get more weight behind it." S
he made a swinging motion by way of
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 illustration.
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri2313 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Cool." He said. "M
an, I hope they let me carry an axe."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The thought of Mason getting excited about action made me smile. He was

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 going to be one good guardia
n when he grew up; I knew this only because
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I was just like him at that age.
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \
expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Eventually the gathering dispersed. Christian and Lis
sa went off to do their
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri979 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 own thing, while Tasha and
I walked, catching up with one another.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She had asked again about me being her guardian. And although I gave
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her the same answer she stil
l seemed to push the subject. I knew I should
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 take that as a sign to get away from Rose. To n
ever have to deal with her,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and breaking her heart. To never have to hurt
her again.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Even though it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d kill me to leave Rose, I knew I had to
do it. For both of us.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She needed to focus on schoo
l and protecting Lissa; and I was just a huge
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 distraction waiting to happen. And as I stared
into Tasha's eyes the words
\plain\expndtw-4 \i \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it's the right thing\i0 flashed behind my
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The thought of giving Rose her freedom made me smile. And before we
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 retired to our dorms I gave
her a hug. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been thinking\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMB
OL 188 \\f Symbol }} about your offer
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6596 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and\expndtw-14{\field{\*\
fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll do it\expndtw-14{\field{\*
\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3710 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Never again Rose will you be heartbroken.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Chapter 11:
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 When I finally arrived back at my dorm I spent the rest of Christmas
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 packing and getting ready for
the ski trip. Even though Rose would be
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1190 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 going, I couldn{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}t help but feel that this trip would be unforgettable.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We left late on the twenty-sixth. I{\f63 \u8212\'3f}as well as several g
uardians{\f63 \u8212\'3f}had
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 arrived before the students.
I took a seat by the window, and waited for the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 others to board. I pulled out my favorite weath
ered and tattered western
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 book, and as I did so
dj vu hit me. Sending me back to the first day I had
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7309 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 met Rose.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She and Lissa had ran away from the school; and it took two years to get

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them back. We had found them
in Portland living off campus. When we had
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 finally caught both her and Lissa we brought t
hem back to the Academy on
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5995 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the same exact plane.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I shook the memory from my head. Not wanting anything to do with Rose.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6806 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 must move on.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Just as I was getting to my favorite part of the book someone sat down
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to me. I looked and wasn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t surprised to see Tasha sitting in the now
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2307 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 occupied seat. I smiled at
her, glad to have her around.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Good morning Belikov." Tasha said to me as she placed her hand on top
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of mine. I didn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t cringe away from it either. I welcomed that hand; it felt so
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 right against mine and made my heart race fast
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Morning." I said and smiled back. That smile faltered when Rose walked

\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 past us, sitting next to Maso
n; diagonally from where Tasha and I were
\plain\expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seated.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I shifted uncomfortably. Tasha noticed this and started to rub my hand
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5670 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 soothingly. "You alright?
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I tore my eyes from Rose and focused on Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s blue ey
es, which were
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 full of concern. I can{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t let her know about Rose, I had to protect her at all
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 costs; I won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let Rose get in
between us.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I smiled at her, hoping it would reassure her. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m gre
at." I said swallowing
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the lie. I knew I had to for
get Rose. But seeing her with Mason was just too
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 much for me.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 When the plane finally took off I settled down in my seat. After a while

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha had dozed off, laying
her head on my chest as we made our way to
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the ski lodge. The sme
ll of her hair brought back good memories, ones that
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5715 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I wanted to pick up from.
0 \li0 \ri38 \fi79 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 As we landed I reminded myself tha
t we were all here because of a
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tragedy, that there were Stri
goi and humans out there who might strike
\plain\expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 again.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The resort was gorgeous. It was built to look like a log cabin, but no
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 cabin could have held hundred
s of people or had such luxury
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 accommodations. Three stories of gleaming, gold
en-colored wood sat
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 among lofty pine trees. The windows were tall
and gracefully arched, tinted
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for Moroi convenience. Crystal lanterns{\f63 \u
8212\'3f}electric, but shaped to look like
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 torches{\f63 \u8212\'3f}hung around all the ent
rances, giving the entire building a
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 glittering, almost bejeweled look.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Mountains{\f63 \u8212\'3f}which my enhanced eyes could just barely make
out in the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 night{\f63 \u8212\'3f}surroun
ded us. One side of the grounds led off to the skiing area,
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 complete with steep hills and moguls, as well a
s lifts and tow ropes.
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Another side of the lodge had an ice rink, near
that smooth hills were
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reserved for sledding.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Inside, all sorts of arrangements had been made to cater to Moroi needs.

\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Feeders stayed on hand; read
y to serve twenty-four hours day. The slopes
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ran on a nocturnal schedule. Wards and guardia
ns circled the entire place.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Everything a living vampire could want.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The main lobby had a cathedral ceiling and an enormous chandelier
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hanging over it. Its floor wa
s intricately tiled marble, and the front desk
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stayed open around the clock, ready to indulge
our every need. The rest of
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the lodge, hallways and lounges, had a red, bl
ack, and gold color scheme.
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The deep shade of red dominated over the other
hues. Mirrors and art
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 adorned the walls, and little ornamental tables
had been placed here and
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 there. They held vases
of pale green, purple spotted orchids that filled the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6065 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 air with a spicy scent.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The room I shared with another guardian was bigger than my dorm room. I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had the same rich colors as
the rest of the lodge. The carpet was so plush
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and deep that I sank into the softness. We had
king-size beds, covered in
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 feather duvets and set with so many pillows tha
t a person could get lost in
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 all of them. French doors opened on to a spacio
us balcony. There was a
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hot tub on the far end of the room that would
make up for the cold.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 There was a jetted marble bathtub, plasma-screen T.V. A basket of
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5321 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 chocolate and other snacks
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 A knock on my door pulled me from the luxurious room. When I answered i
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri280 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha stood there smiling a
t me. "Well? Aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you going to invite me in?"
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4064 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 I laughed at her. "Yes, please come in."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She stepped in my room and sat immediately on one of the beds. We
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stared at each other for the
longest time, not saying a thing. Finally she
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2464 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 broke the silence. "Would
you like to go somewhere?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I smiled at her, relieved that she had asked that. It had been so long
since I
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had felt something for her.
And I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to mess it up this time, I won{\f63 \u8223\'3f
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri5322 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mess it up. "I would love
\plain\sl-287\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \
expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 After a good twenty minutes of debating we finally dec
ided to go ice-
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 skating. We grabbed a pair o
f skates from the lodge and headed out to the
\plain\expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rink.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha immediately took my hand when our skates hit the ice. Although it
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was more out of affection th
an it was safety. She was a great skater, better
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 than me. And as we skated around for a few hou
rs her feet finally gave out
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 under her.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I caught her with guar
dian like reflexes. She wrapped her arms around my
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 neck and stared deeply into
my eyes. I smiled down at her, but didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let go.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to; nor did I in
tend to either. She must have had the same idea
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 because she snuggled into my chest and sighed.
"Oh Dimka, how I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7030 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 missed you."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I stroked her hair, it wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t as soft as I would have p
referred but it was dark
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3643 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and I loved dark hair. "I{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve missed you too."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 And it was then that I realized I was telling the truth. I had missed h
er, since
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the day she came to the Acade
my I felt as though the part of me that had
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been missing was whole again.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Finally I let her go, lifting her up so she could regain her balance. Th
e sun
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was going to rise in a few ho
urs and I was tired from the trip here. Tasha
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 agreed and followed me inside, although we didn
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t hold hands it was still
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 nice to be close to her.
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \
expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Later that night I fell asleep not having to worry ab
out my troubled love life.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1793 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I had found a new one, and
this time, it was going to work\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sym
bol }}
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Chapter 12:
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The next day I got called in early to help guard the ski resort. Which
I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 really mind, except for the
fact that it meant I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t see Tasha. My mind
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was lingering on last night. The way she felt r
ight in my arms, the way she
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sent trembles in my body whenever she laughed.
And that hair, which was
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 dark and thick. It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t as so
ft as Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s but that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t stop me from
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wanting to run my fingers through it.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 As I arrived at the west side of the gate, three guardians stood there l
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 statues. The night air was c
hilly and it was a wonder how they could stand
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 there without shivering. I nodded to one of the
m, giving him the okay to
\plain\expndtw-16 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 leave.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I took his place in the
snow, facing the ski slopes without saying a word to
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the other guardians. I had n
ever seen them before, and they didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t look all
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that friendly either. One was tall with bright
blond hair. That was so light it
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could easily be mistaken as white if not for t
he snow surrounding him. The
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 other had dark skin and hair. He was very shor
t, although I wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t doubt
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 he could kick someone{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s ass as
easily as me.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 As the day wore on so did the snow. It drifted slowly in the wind, and
as the
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lamp{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s light
hit the small flakes one would think it was light out. I gazed
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 beyond the vast white land towards the ski slop
es. My eyes lingering on
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 two skiers.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 They were going down the slow and easy slopes, and by the looks of their

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 height and muscles I could te
ll they were dhampirs. Only they were much
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 too old to be going down easy slopes like that
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I saw a flash of red hair as one of the skiers out of the two slid under
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri965 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 light. And immediately I kn
ew who the red hair belonged to. Mason.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The dhampir that followed him was a girl no doubt. But even my vast
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eyesight could barely make o
ut her face. Until she too skied under the lamp
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 post{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s light, revealing hersel
f to me.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The dark hair was unmistakable, as well as her laugh. And I felt my numb

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 body tense up as I took Rose
in. Just the sight of seeing her was too much
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for me. And I recapped on the last time I had s
een her on the plane, with
\plain\expndtw-16 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Mason.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \fi79 \expndtw-1 \f
10 \fs28 \cf44 She looked so happy with Mason. Laughing and punching him playful
ly in
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the arm. Something even I co
uldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t bring out without getting us in trouble. I
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 despised Mason for that. He could laugh and pla
y with her whenever he
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pleased, and I had to stand here and watch her;
watch her fall in love with
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 other boys and leave me behind.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2143 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Which was the exact same thing I was doing with Tasha.
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Maybe it was best to le
ave Rose for Tasha. Since that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what she had in
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mind with Mason. It could wo
rk; I could avoid her now without feeling guilty
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for doing so. The thought of this brought a sm
ile to my lips. Never again will
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose have to be alone, she has Mason now.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 After a while Rose and Mason walked back towards the ski lodge. They
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were about to open the door
when a snowball flung at Mason, hitting him in
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the face.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose turned around, the way she always had in the gym when I was about
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri59 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to attack. Her muscles were
tight ready to lunge at any threat thrown at her.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 But there wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t one, only sounds of cheers from the op
posite side of the
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri1851 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ski lodge. I repressed the
urge to smile as a fight broke out.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \fi79 \expndtw-2 \f
10 \fs28 \cf44 Snowball fights weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t allowed in the Academy, a
s well as here, but they
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were having fun. And if an ac
tivity brought a smile to Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face then I
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 approved of it. Right or wrong.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 One of the guardians picked up his walkie-talkie ready to report the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 problem. I had to hold back t
he urge to jump him as I carefully placed a
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hand on his shoulder.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri687 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Shaking my head I explained, "let them have their fun, they never do."

\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The guardian gave me a wary look but finally dismissed it and put his r
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 back in his pocket. A few min
utes passed before someone came out and
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 yelled at the kids for being disrespectful. Lau
ghing and covered in snow
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose and Mason started to walk back to the ski
lodge hand in hand. But
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3756 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 not before Rose leaned in
and kissed him.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3739 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 My whole world shattered before my eyes.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just a sweet and short kiss either, it was lo
ng and desirable. Just
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 like it had been in the gym w
hen Rose kissed me. Seeing this, Mason and
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose kiss, set me on edge. How could she do som
ething like that when
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she had made it clear
how much she cared about me in the gym? I started
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to feel queasy and weak at t
he knees. It felt like a stake had been plunged
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 into my heart.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 It must have showed on my face because one the guardians turned to me
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri2516 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and placed a hand on my sh
oulder. "Are you alright?"
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1638 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I stared at him with as much control as I could muster. "Fine."
\plain\sl-287\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \
expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha came a short time after to retrieve me. I embrac
ed her in a hug
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 before we walked back inside.
I let one tear slip before I hastily wiped it
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 away. Rose had hurt me bad, whether she knew i
t or not. But I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to ruin whatever relationship she had created
with Mason. I had vowed not
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to hurt her anymore, and that meant letting her
go. No matter how much it
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hurt me.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri206 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 But if she wanted to date someone else, then two could play at that ga
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \
expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 After a long night of talking and laughing with Tasha
I finally went to bed. I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 refused to recap on what happ
ened between Rose and Mason. She must
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 never know that I knew. If she did she would fe
el bad and hurt poor
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s heart. I had to forgiv
e her; she was a kid and had a lot of growing
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 up to do.
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \
fi79 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 A loud knock pulled me out of my dream. Answerin
g the door in only my
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri813 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pajama bottoms Janine Hatha
way stood there stiff and guardian like.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4007 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "There has been another Strigoi attack."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 This sprung me to action. Grabbing whatever outfit I picked first I put
it on
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and was soon in Janine{\f63
\u8223\'3f}s room. It was filled with guardians milling around,
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 moving in and out, and
discussing strategy. Soon we were all crammed
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5698 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and huddled in one spot.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine and the rest of us stood, trying to get as much information abou
t the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attack as possible. Somethin
g moved on my left side and as I glanced over
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my eyes caught Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s. She qui
ckly turned away from me, leaving me with
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 confused and hurt feelings. Although I wouldn{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t show it. Not with this many
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 witnesses.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We had learned that Eight Moroi had been killed along with their five
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians. Three Moroi were m
issing, either dead or turned Strigoi. The
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attack hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t really happened n
ear here; it had been somewhere in
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 northern California. Nonetheless, a tragedy lik
e this couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reverberate within the Moroi world, and for som
e two states away was far
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 too close. People were terrified.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2814 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "There had to be more than last time," said Janine.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "More?" exclaimed one of the other guardians. "That last group was
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 unheard of. I still can{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t believe nine Strigoi managed to work together---you
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1303 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 expect me to believe they
managed to get more organized still?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5867 \expndtw-17 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yes." Janine snapped.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2900 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Any evidence of humans?" Someone else asked.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine hesitated then as all eyes turned to her. "Yes. More broken ward
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri816 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And the way it was all cond
ucted\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
identical to the Badica attack."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Her voice was hard, but there was a kind of weariness in it, too. It was
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 physical exhaustion, though.
It was mental. Strained and hurt over what
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had happened. It was a hard and ugly matter to
discuss---but at the same
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri1653 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 time, she was tackling it
without hesitation. It was our duty to.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Humans. Identical to the Badica attack. Ever since that massacre, we{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}d
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 extensively analyzed the odd
ity of such a large group of Strigoi teaming up
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and recruiting humans.
We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d spoken in vague terms about it. But no one
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had seriously talked about\i
this\i0 group---the Badica killers---doing it again.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Onetime was a fluke---maybe a bunch of Strigoi
had happened to gather
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and impulsively decided to go on a raid. It was
horrible, but we could write
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7618 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that off.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 But now\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} now it loo
ked as though that group of Strigoi hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t been a
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 random occurrence. They{\f63
\u8223\'3f}d united with purpose, utilized humans
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 strategically, and had attacked again. We now
had what could be a pattern:
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi actively seeking out large groups of p
rey. Serial killings we could no
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 longer trust the protective magic of ward. We
couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even trust sunlight.
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Humans could move around in the day, scouting
and sabotaging. The light
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was no longer safe.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I remembered the day Rose and I had seen the Badica house, she had
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1650 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 whispered almost in fear,\
i this changes everything, doesn't it?
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine flipped through some papers on a clipboard. "They don{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t have
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 forensic details yet, but th
e same number of Strigoi couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have done this.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 None of the Drozdovs or their staff escaped. Wi
th five guardians, seven
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi would have been preoccupied---at least
temporarily---for some to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3392 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 escape. We{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}re looking at nine or ten, maybe."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I had suspected this. Strigoi working in groups was something everyone
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 us feared. Even the tough gu
ardians like Janine. "Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s right. And if you
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 look at the venue\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s too big. Seven couldn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t have covered it." I said.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The Drozdovs were one of the twelve royal families. They were large and
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 prosperous, not like Lissa{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s dying clan. They had plenty of family members
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2801 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to go around, but obviousl
y, not so much anymore.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I looked around the room, trying my best to avoid Rose. Every guardian
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 looked keyed up and ready to
go out there and kill every Strigoi in sight.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And if it weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t for Janine{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s voice of reason, that would be the exact thing
\plain\expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d happen.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We discussed the attack
more, how the Drozdovs had been having a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri951 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 belated Christmas party in
a banquet hall when they were attacked.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "First Badicas, now Drozdovs," Muttered on guardian. "They{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}re going after
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7632 \expndtw-27 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 royals."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Every guardian in this room knew he was right. But I refused to let Rose

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 live in fear for the next co
uple of days. And taking a quick glance at her told
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me that she was scared for not only her life b
ut for Lissa's as well. "They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri949 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 going after Moroi." I said
flatly. "Royal. Non-royal. It doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t matter."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 After a while of discussing and getting nowhere the group dispersed. Th
at{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when Rose decided to leap up
off the sofa and push her way toward
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine. I quickly moved out of the room. Decid
ing to head where everyone
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 else seemed to be going.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I walked slowly to the banquet hall. I never particularly liked the way
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 handled things. They only dis
cussed and cowered in fear. Unlike us
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians who took action the minute it{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}s handed to us.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 By the time I got to the banquet hall people were still piling in. Altho
ugh it
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was pretty packed. Despite t
he businesslike atmosphere, you could tell this
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 room had been designed for things other than me
etings about massacres
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and defense. The carpet had the texture of velv
et and showed an ornate
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 floral design in shades of silver and black. Th
e chairs were made of black
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 polished wood and had high backs. Paintings of
long-dead Moroi royalty
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hung on the walls.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I glanced among the sea of heads and found Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s in th
e back. Despite
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me wanting to avoid her I de
cided against it. I wanted to show her that I still
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 cared about her, even though she was leaving m
e for someone else.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I sat down on the other side of Rose, my leather coat draping around me
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I settled in my chair, heart
beating fast. I saw Rose glance in surprise from
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the corner of my eye. Although I didn{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t acknowledge her. Guardians were
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rare at these kind of
gatherings. Most were too busy doing damage control.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3166 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 So I could only imagine ho
w confused she was.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The meeting kicked off then. Everyone was eager to talk about how they
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thought the Moroi should be s
aved, but really, two theories got the most
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attention.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "The answer{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s all around us." Said one royal. He stood
by his chair and
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 looked around the room. "\i
Here\i0 . In places like this lodge. And St. Vladimir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s.
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We send our children to safe places, places whe
re they have safety in
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 numbers and can be easily guarded. And look how
many of us made it
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri520 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 here, children and adults a
like. Why don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t we live this way all the time?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2914 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Plenty of us already do," someone shouted back.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The man waved that off. "A couple of families here or there. Or a town
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a large Moroi population but
those Moroi are still decentralized. Most don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pool their resources---their guardians, their
magic. If we could emulate this
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 model\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \
\f Symbol }}" He spread his hands out. "\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }}we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d never have to worry about
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6903 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi again."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "And Moroi could never interact with the rest of the world again," Rose
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 muttered. "Well, until human
s discovered secret vampire cities sprouting up
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in the wilderness. Then we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d ha
ve\i lots\i0 of interactions." I knew she was
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4027 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 right, although I didn't a
cknowledge that
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "The problem is simply that we don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have enough guardi
ans." This plan{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 advocate was some woman from
the Szelsky clan. "And so, the answer is
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 simple:\i get more.\i0 The Drozdovs had five
guardians, and that wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 enough. Only six to protect over a dozen Moroi
! That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s unacceptable. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri2899 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 no wonder these kinds of t
hings keep happening."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Where do you propose getting more guardians from?" asked the man
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 who{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been i
n favor of Moroi banding together. "They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re kind of a limited
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7324 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 resource."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She pointed to where I
and a few other novices sat. "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve got plenty
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 already. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}v
e watched them train. They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re deadly. Why are we waiting until
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 they turn eighteen? If we accelerated the train
ing program and focused
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 more on combat training than bookwork, we could
turn out new guardians
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6007 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when they{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}re sixteen."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I grumbled at that. Seeing Rose fight in the gym was proof that they wer
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 strong and skilled but not en
ough to take down Strigoi. I leaned forward,
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 placing my elbows on my knees and rested my ch
in in my hands.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Not only that, we have plenty of potential guardians going to waste. W
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 are all the dhampir women? O
ur races are intertwined. The Moroi are doing
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 their part to help the dhampirs survive. Why ar
en{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t these women doing
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5082 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 theirs? Why aren{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t they here?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I tensed at that, she was referring to the blood-whores. This hit a sor
e spot
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in my heart, I was born and r
aised in a blood-whore community. My mom
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri288 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had been one, and they were
n't as bad as everyone made them up to be.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 A long, sultry laugh came as an answer. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d recognize t
hat laugh anywhere.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha Ozera. She was dressed
up casual for the occasion, whereas the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 other royals had dressed formal. She wore her u
sual jeans, a white tank
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 top that showed a bit of midriff, and a blue, l
acy knit cardigan that came to
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her knees.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3194 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Glancing at the moderator, she asked, "May I?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 He nodded. The Szelsky woman sat down; Tasha stood up. Unlike the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 other speakers, she strode ri
ght up to the podium, so she could be clearly
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seen by everyone. Her glossy black hair was pul
led back into a ponytail,
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 exposing her scars. Her face was bold and defi
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Those woman aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t here, Monica, because they{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}re too busy raising their
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 children---you know, the one
s you want to start sending out to the fronts as
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 soon as they can walk. And please don{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}t insult us all by acting like the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi do a huge favor to the dhampirs by helpin
g them reproduce. Maybe
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s d
ifferent in your family, but for the rest of us, sex is fun. The Moroi doing
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1921 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it with dhampirs aren{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t really making that big of a sacrifice."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I straightened up at the sound of Tasha defending dhampirs and
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 particularly blood-whores. T
hat didn't happen very often. And I praised her
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for that.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "And the reason we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re waiting for these guardians to tur
n eighteen is so
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that we can allow them to en
joy some pretense of a life before forcing them
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to spend the rest of their days in constant dan
ger. They need those extra
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 years to develop mentally as well as physicall
y. Pull them out before they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ready, treat them like they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re
parts on an assembly line---and you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re just
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri5838 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 creating Strigoi fodder."

\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 There were a few gasps in the crowd at Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s callous c
hoice of words.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 But she went on. "You create
more fodder still if you try making the other
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 dhampir women become guardians. You can{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}t force them into that life if
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 they don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want it. This entir
e plan of yours to get more guardians relies on
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 throwing children and the unwilling into harm{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s way, just so you can---
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 barely---stay one step ahead of the enemy. I wo
uld have said it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri854 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stupidest plan I{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}ve ever heard, if I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t already had to listen to his."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She gestured at the first speaker, the one who had wanted Moroi
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2842 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 compounds. Embarrassment c
louded his features.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Enlighten us then, Natasha," he said. "Tell us what\i you\i0 think w
e should do,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2505 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seeing as you have so much
experience with Strigoi."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 A thin smile played on her lips, but she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t rise to
the insult. "What do I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 think?" She strode closer to
the stage{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s front, so that her audience could
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 get a better view of her. "I think we should st
op coming up with plans that
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 involve us relying on someone or something to p
rotect us. You think there
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 are too few guardians? That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s n
ot the problem. The problem is there are
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 too many Strigoi. And we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve le
t them multiply and become more powerful
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 because we do nothing about them except have s
tupid arguments like this.
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We run and hide behind
the dhampirs and let the Strigoi go unchecked. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 our fault.\i We\i0 are the
reason those Drozdovs died. You want an army?
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Well, here we are. Dhampirs aren{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t the only ones who can learn to fight.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The question, Monica, isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t wh
ere the dhampir women are in this fight. The
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5374 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 question is:\i where are
we?\i0 "
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha was shouting now, and the exertion turned her cheeks pink. Her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eyes shone with her impassion
ed feelings, and when combined with the
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rest of her pretty features---and the scar---s
he made a striking figure. Most
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 people couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t take their eye
s off her.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Monica Szelsky looked less awed, and she fixed her gaze on Tasha.
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Surely you aren{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t suggesting the Moroi fight alongside the guardians when
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6412 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the Strigoi come?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha regarded her levelly. "No. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m suggesting the Moro
i and the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3079 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians go fight the Str
igoi\i before\i0 they come."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 A guy in his twenties shot up. He untied an expensive sweater from arou
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 his waist and draped it over
the back of his chair. "Oh," he said in a
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mocking voice, speaking out of turn. "So, you{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to just give us clubs
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3697 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and stakes and send us off
to do a battle?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha shrugged. "If that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what it takes, Andrew, then
sure." A sly smile
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 crossed her pretty lips. "Bu
t there are other weapons we can learn to use,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5014 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 too. Ones the guardians c
an{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The look on his face showed how insane he thought that idea was. He
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4255 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rolled his eyes. Oh yeah?
Like what?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2827 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Her smile turned into a full-fledged grin. "Like this."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She waved her hand, and the sweater he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d placed on the
back of his chair
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri6541 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 burst into flames.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 He yelped in surprise a
nd knocked it to the floor, stamping it out with his
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7968 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 feet.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 There was a brief, collective intake of breath throughout the room. And
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri5852 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 then\expndtw-14{\field{\*\
fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}chaos broke out.
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Chapter 13:
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 People stood up and shouted, everyone wanted their opinion to be heard.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 As it was, most of them held
the same view: Tasha was wrong. They told
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her she was crazy. They told her that in sendi
ng out Moroi and dhampirs to
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fight the Strigoi, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be ex
pediting the extinction of both races. They even
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 said that Tasha was siding with the Strigoi.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I stood up at the sound of the Moroi making Tasha sound like a traitor.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 might as well leave. Nothing
useful{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to happen now." I told both
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose and Mason.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Mason and Rose stood up, but I shook my head when they started to follo
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7618 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me out.
\sl-208\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2004 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You go on." Mason said. "I want to check something out."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri99 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I could hear Rose pause before she said over the rising noise. "Good lu
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 It was surprising that I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t talked to Rose in a whil
e. Stepping out into
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the hall with her, it felt li
ke it had been years. Being with Tasha had been
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 amazing, but seeing Rose, standing next to me,
made my heart beat faster,
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my knees go weak, and my body shudder with exci
tement. Something
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha would never bring out in me.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I found myself wishing that I had said no to Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s of
fer. I could never be
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 happy with her like I could
be with Rose. But then again, that won{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t be for
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 another few years, and my heart ached for how l
ong I had to wait. Even
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 though I vowed to leave Rose alone with Mason.

\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose put a hand to her
hip as she looked up at me. "Shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you be in
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 there protecting Tasha? Befo
re the mob gets her? She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to get in big
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4817 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 trouble for using magic li
ke that."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I raised an eyebrow, curious what road she was taking me down. "She can

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6163 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 take care of herself."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Yeah, yeah, because she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a badass karate magic user.
I get all that. I just
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri2323 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 figured since you{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}re going to be her guardian and all\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 This took me aback. Not to mention how calm she talked about it. Still
I had
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 no idea how she knew about th
at. I wanted to keep it a secret from her,
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri2031 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 until we got back from the
trip. "Where did you hear that?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I have my sources." She stated matter-of-factly. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
ve decided to, right?
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I mean, it sounds like a goo
d deal, seeing as she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to give you fringe
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7421 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 benefits."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 That hit home. "What happens between her and me is none of your
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6064 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 business." I snapped.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face fell, hurt in her eyes. But the hot tempere
d Rose bounced back
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a second later giving me a l
evel and calm look. "Well, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure you guys{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be happy together. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s just y
our type, too---I know how much you like
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 women who aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t your own age.
I mean, she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s what, six years older than
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2466 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you? Seven? And I{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}m seven years younger than you."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I could feel my heart tighten at the cruelness of her words. I still car
ed for
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her yes. But she was way out
of line. "Yes. You are. And every second this
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1261 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 conversation goes on, you
only prove how young you really are."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Her jaw dropped at that. And when I saw the astonishment flash in her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eyes I was full of regret. I
realized how harsh I had been to her. But I
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let that show. As well
as my undying love for her. I knew I had to
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 forget her, and I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t come
this far to let her bring me down with her.
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri3291 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Little dhampir." A
voice suddenly said nearby.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Adrian Ivashkov stood behind Rose, she turned around and he smiled at
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her. He nodded to me out of
respect but I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t nod back, he may be close
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to my age, but that didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t sto
p me from disliking him for his past.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 He held up his hands in a casual gesture. "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want
to interrupt or
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2058 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 anything. Just wanted to t
alk to you when you have time."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I looked at Adrian disapproving. If there was one person I{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}d fight for Rose it
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was him. Rose must have seen
this because she gave him one of her best
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 smiles and walked over to him, putting a hand
on his arm.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 This unnerved me. Making my body shake with rage and jealousy. "I{\f63
\u8223\'3f}ve got
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 time now." Rose gave me a no
d and steered Adrian away, walking so close
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to him I would have ripped his head off if he
wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t a royal. "See you later,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6387 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Guardian Belikov."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I continued to stare Adrian down until they turned a corner and were ou
t of
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sight. Mason I was okay with,
but Adrian. He was bad news, and would
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 never love Rose the way Mason does. And for a s
hort moment I felt
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sympathy for Mason. He must be in hell right no
w seeing Rose all over
\plain\expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Adrian.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Shaking my head I dismissed Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s love life. She could
do whatever she
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wanted with the both of them
. Although Adrian was an adult, they could get
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in serious trouble if caught doing something ou
t of line. And for a second I
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 considered the idea of turning them in. But dis
missed it immediately, if
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose was happy then I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d have t
o learn to be as well.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Sighing I walked back into the main room that was a mass mob. Pushing
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my way through people I foun
d Tasha in the center of the stage smirking at
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 all her haters. Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s actions
still stung. But I willed it down as I made my
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 way up on the stage and next to Tasha.
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She whispered in my ear
, "I think I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve started something that will change
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi history forever." I cou
ld barely hear her over the angry sounds
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 coming from the mob below our feet.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I nodded. "Yes, but let{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s get you out of here before yo
u try more offensive
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri5432 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 magic on innocent people.
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She scoffed at that but let me drag her through the room, out into the
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hallway and all the way back
to her room. We, or rather Tasha, got a lot of
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stares, some even went out of their way to gla
re and "bump" into her.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 By the time we reached her room I was practically running. She opened t
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 door, smiling like a maniac.
"I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sorry I dragged you into all of this." She
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 turned back and looked up at me, blue eyes ful
l of questions and fire. They
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 way Rose looked at me in the gym the day we ki
ssed. Hastily I pushed that
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 memory away; I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let he
r get in between Tasha and me.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2818 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I returned her smile. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s fine, I just want you saf
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha giggled at that, and I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t realized how much I
missed her laugh.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3780 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Well I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
safe now, and really exhausted."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I nodded. "Of course," I said and started to back away from her door so
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2339 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could close it. But her sm
all hand stopped me. "What?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1373 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Tasha smiled brightly at me and gestured inside. "Care to join?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Oh how tempting that was. Filled with anguish I shook my head. "I{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}ve got
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1144 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardian business to take
care of." I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t lying, but I wish I was.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Sadness and rejection masked her features, as she nodded. "Of course,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5377 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s wh
at you have to do."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I placed a hand on her cheek, right over her scar. And I pretended for a

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 moment that the skin under m
y hand was smooth and untouched. Without
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 saying a word I leaned down and kissed her, swe
et and light. But enough
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to make my heart race.
And when I pulled back I could tell by the way her
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3573 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eyes lit up that I had cau
ght her by surprise.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Without saying a word I left her, standing there confused and awed at th
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7225 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 same time.
\plain\sl-256\fs26\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \
expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 When I arrived back to my room that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
when I took in a deep breath. Her
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lips may not have that elect
ric feel Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s did, but it was nice. And I found
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 myself wanting more.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Eventually I picked up my cell phone and called the Guardian council.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Asking if they had any more i
nformation on the Drozdovs incident. They
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reported back with enough information to get s
omewhere. Which led me to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my next call, the Moroi Government. They repor
ted the same thing and told
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me that we couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t do anythin
g as of right now. Which made me mad.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 After talking with both the governments I called Janine. She answered on

\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri4440 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the second ring. "What is
it Belikov."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I swallowed and cleared my throat. "I have more information on the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6301 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Drozdovs incident."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 This seemed to perk her up because her voice took on a lighter tone. "W
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6525 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 did you find out?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The way the Guardian and Moroi government worked was different. In
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 order to get more information
we had to call them, they never called us.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Unless there was a world shattering crisis. Wh
ich there never had been.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I reported back what both the Moroi and Guardian government had told me
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1136 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine sighed into the pho
ne. "Yes, of course, thank you Belikov."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I hung up after, knowing that there was nothing to do but wait for the
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri5781 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 government{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}s guidance.
\plain\pard\sl-341 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The next morning I deci
ded to go to Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s room. I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t figured out

\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 everything last night. But so
mething told me to go to her so we could
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 brainstorm on the case. The Guardians may not b
e able to act on impulse
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 but nothing stopped us from coming up with a p
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 As I was making my way to Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s room a familiar voic
e echoed down the
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hall. I stopped, stretching m
y hearing so I could pick up on the
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 conversation. "What are you doing here?" Rose
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She sounded sick, or at least in pain. And my instincts kicked in. Alth
ough I
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri1164 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know
how she could be in trouble in a secure place like this.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "What are\i you\i0 doing here?" Asked another voice that I assumed be
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7519 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to Lissa.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri783 \expndtw-10 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Ladies, ladies," Another voice chimed in. "No need to fight over me.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 That voice, it belonged to Adrian. And just the thought of him made rage

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 boil up inside of me. And th
e worst part of it was that Rose was there, with
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 him, in his room.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-10 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re not. I just want to know what{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
going on here." Rose voice appeared
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri1932 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 louder as I turned around
the corner and stood behind her.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She was outside of Adrian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s room, with him on the other
side of the door.
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri3277 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And Lissa sitting on the w
indowsill in his room.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7449 \expndtw-31 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Me too."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose jumped, spinning around, she looked up at me. Her eyes filled with
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 bewilderment and longing. Th
e way her brown eyes gazed into mine sent a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shiver through me. I may be with Tasha now, bu
t we weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t a done deal.
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And Rose was making it harder for me to forget
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 But I wasn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t surprised; Rose always seemed to get in trouble, but Lissa.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 This was new for her, althoug
h if Rose was involved in a mix up I had no
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 doubt Lissa would come to her rescue.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Male and female students aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t supposed to be in each
other{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s rooms." I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4132 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 said looking directly into
Adrian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s eyes.
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose opened her mouth to protest but eventually decided against it.
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Instead she whipped around to
glare at Adrian. "How do you keep doing
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4833 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 this?" She asked him, frus
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3980 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Do what?" Adrian asked her innocently.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5394 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Keep making us look bad!"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2376 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 He chuckled. "You guys are the ones who came here."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 This made my rage fume, and it took every ounce of my being not to lose
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 control. "You shouldn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t have let them in," I scolded. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m sure you know the

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5936 \expndtw-16 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rules at St. Vladimir{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}s."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Adrian shrugged that off like it was nothing. "Yeah, but I don{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t have to follow
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5560 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 any school{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}s stupid rules."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Perhaps not," I said coldly. "But I would have thought you{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}d still respect
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7071 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 those rules."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Adrian rolled his eyes at that. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m kind of surprised t
o find\i you\i0 lecturing
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6006 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 about underage girls."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The anger and rage started to boil inside of me, taunting me to reveal i
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ugly face. I stared at him wi
th as much impassiveness I could muster,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2857 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 clenching my hands into fi
sts to fight off the anger.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Adrian didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seem to notice. "Besides, nothing sordid
was going on. We
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5907 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were just hanging out."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The thought of Rose "h
anging out" in his room set me off again. Although I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 managed to keep my voice cal
m. "If you want to {\f63 \u8222\'3f}hang out{\f63 \u8223\'3f} with young girls,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4928 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 do it at one of the public
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Adrian laughed just then, a weird kind of laugh that made me want to pu
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 him. "Young girls?\i Young\i
0 girls? Sure. Young and old at the same time.
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve barely seen anything i
n life, yet they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve already seen too much.
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 One{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s marked with life, and on
e{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s marked with death\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\
f Symbol }}but they{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re the ones
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re worried about? Worry ab
out yourself, dhampir. Worry about you, and
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3012 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 worry about me. We{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}re the ones who are young."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The rest of us stared. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think anyone had expecte
d Adrian to suddenly
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri4919 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 take an abrupt trip to Cra
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Adrian was calm and looked perfectly normal again. He turned away and
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 strolled toward the window, g
lancing casually back at the rest of us as he
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pulled out his cigarettes.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "You ladies should probably go. He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s right. I am a bad
influence." This took
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri1286 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me aback. Never before had
I came to similar terms with Adrian.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 My mind flashed back to the time when I had met his father. The one who
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was mean and arrogant, and lo
oking at Adrian now, I could tell that that
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was where he was headed.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Lissa leapt off the windowsill and she and Rose followed me down the ha
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6415 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 towards the lobby.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2035 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "That was\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}strang
e," Rose said a couple of minutes later.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Very," I agreed. I was confused as to why Adrian made me so mad. Even
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri2227 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 watching Rose and Mason ki
ss didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t get me that upset.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 When we reached the lobby, Rose started to follow Lissa back towards
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1160 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 their room, but I called t
o her. Wanting to talk to her about Adrian.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She glanced back at Lis
sa who had stopped and ushered her on. Finally
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose turned around and stepp
ed off to the side of the room, out of the way
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of those passing through. A part of Moroi in di
amonds and fur swept past
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 us, anxious looks on their faces. Bellhops foll
owed with luggage. People
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were still leaving in search of safer places. T
he Strigoi paranoia was far
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 from over.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I snapped Rose out of her haze. "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Adrian Ivashkov.
" I said, not
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri589 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 bothering to keep the harsh
ness out of my voice when I said his name.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6764 \expndtw-23 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yeah, I know."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3095 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "This is the second time I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve seen you with him."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2550 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yeah," She replied glibly. "We hang out sometimes."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I arched an eyebrow and then jerked my head back toward where we{\f63 \u
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3473 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 come from. "You hang out i
n his room a lot?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose took a moment to consider this. Then her face twisted as she stared

\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 evenly into my eyes. "What h
appens between him and me is none of your
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 business." She managed a tone similar to the on
e I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d used on her when
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 making a similar comment about me and Tasha.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Only this time, that insult wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t work. "Actually, a
s long as you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re at the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4034 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Academy, what you do\i is
\i0 my business."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2480 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Not my personal life. You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have any say in tha
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5699 \expndtw-20 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re not an adult yet."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m close enough. Besides, it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not li
ke I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll magically become an adult on
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5759 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my eighteenth birthday."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6694 \expndtw-20 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Clearly." I said.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2894 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She blushed. "That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not what I meant. I meant---"
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "I know what you meant.
And the technicalities don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t matter right now.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re an Ac
ademy student. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m your instructor. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s my job
to help you and
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to keep you safe. Being in the bedroom of someo
ne like\i him\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}\i0 well, th
at{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7408 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 not safe."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I can handle Adrian Ivashkov." She muttered. "He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s weir
d---really weird,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 apparently---but harmless." S
he paused for a moment. Considering
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 something. "Speaking of personal lives\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" uh oh. "I suppose you were off
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6134 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 visiting Tasha, huh?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 It was very petty of her to ask that. And I figured that just to please
her it
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri1120 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t h
urt to tell the truth. "Actually, I was visiting your mother."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The way I said it and by the look on Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face, I knew
I had said it the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3194 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wrong way. "You going to h
ook up with her too"
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I knew that quip seemed too good to pass up for her. I gave her a weary
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 glance. "No, we were looking
over some new data about the Strigoi in the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6624 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Drozdov attack."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Her face fell at that, all the anger and snarkiness dried up. "What{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}d you find
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5757 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out?" She asked quietly.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve managed to track some of the Strigoi." I said. "O
r at least the
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 humans with them. There were
witnesses who lived nearby who spotted a
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 few of the cars the group used. The plates were
all from different states---
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the group appears to have split up, probably to
make it harder for us. But
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one of the witnesses did catch on plate number.
It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s registered to an
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6078 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 address in Spokane."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Spokane?" She asked incredulously. "Spokane,\i Washington?\i0 Who ma
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5782 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Spokane their hideout?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I knew what she was thinking. Spokane was about as boring as every othe
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 backwoods northwest city. And
she should know, that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s where she and
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Lissa had ran off to. S
o it shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have been that big of a surprise that
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4284 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 someone would make it thei
r hideout.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Strigoi, apparently. The address was fake, but other evidence shows th
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 really are there. There{\f63
\u8223\'3f}s a kind of shopping plaza that has some
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri475 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 underground tunnels. There{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been Strigoi sightings around that area."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Then\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" she frowne
d. "Are you going to go after them? Is somebody going
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to? I mean, this is what Tash
a{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s been saying all along\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }}If we know where
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1874 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 they are\expndtw-14{\field
{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I could see the wheels turning behind her
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I shook my head, not wanting her to get any thoughts of running out the
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 revengeful on the Strigoi. "T
he guardians can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t do anything without
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri700 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 permission from higher up.
That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not going to happen anytime soon."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3149 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She sighed. "Because the Moroi talk too much."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4942 \expndtw-16 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re being cautious," I said.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s body tensed an early sign that she was about to l
ose control.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Come\i on.\i0 Even you can
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to be careful on this one. You actually
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 know where Strigoi are hiding out. Strigoi who
massacred children. Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you want to go after them when they don{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t expect it?" Revenge burning in
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7422 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her eyes.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not that easy," I said. "We answer to the Guardian
Council and the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi government. We can{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t just run off and act on impulse. And anyway,
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 we don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know everything yet. Y
ou should never walk into any situation
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4970 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 without knowing all the de
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Zen life lessons again." She sighed. Running a hand through her hair a
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she tucked it behind her ear
s. My fingers itched to touch that hair. "Why{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you tell me this, anyway? This is guardian stu
ff. Not the kind of thing you let
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7099 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 novices on."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I considered my words,
my tone softened. She had got to me once again.
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve said a
few things.. the other day and today\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }}that I shouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have.
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Things that insulted your age. You{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}re seventeen\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}but you{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}re capable of
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 handling and processing the
same things those much older than you do."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5759 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Her face lit up. "Really?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I nodded. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re still really young in a lot of ways--
-and act young---but the
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 only way to really change th
at is to treat you like an adult. I need to do that
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 more. I know you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll take this
information and understand how important it is
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and keep it to yourself." I had full trust in
her with this.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The way she looked up at me with approval and understanding broke my
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 heart.\i I'm sorry Rose. I c
are about you, I really do, but you have to move
\plain\expndtw-26 \i \f10 \fs28 \cf44 on.
\sl-240\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Just as I was about to tell her that a light voice came up from behind m
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Dimka." Tasha walked up to
us. She smiled when she saw Rose. "Hello,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7714 \expndtw-30 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1289 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I could see her face drop into a scowl as she replied flatly: "hey."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tasha placed a hand on my forearm, sliding her fingers over my leather
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 coat. And even with the thick
layers I could feel the warmth coming off
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them. I glanced at Rose and saw her eyeing Tas
ha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s fingers angrily.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1934 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve got that look," Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s voic
e pulled me from Rose.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "What look?" I asked smiling down at her. Looking at her brought me bac
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to last night{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}s events. I would have recapped that kiss if it weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t for
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s presence. For some reas
on I thought I owed her that.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2341 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "That look that says you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re going to be on duty all
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4874 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Really? I have a look like that?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2547 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She nodded. "When does your shift technically end?"
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri1276 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I looked at her asha
med for not finding her faster. "An hour ago."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1564 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t keep doing this," she groaned ."You need
a break."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2157 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Well..if you consider that I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m always Lissa{\f63 \u
8223\'3f}s guardian\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "For now," Tasha said knowingly. "There{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a big pool to
urnament going on
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7421 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 upstairs."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t" I said still smiling, wishing that I could. "E
ven though I haven{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5811 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 played in a long time\expn
dtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Her eyes flashed with desire. "Come on, then," she begged. "Just one
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4973 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 round! We could take them
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1609 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t," I repeated regretfully. "Not with everyth
ing going on."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She sobered a little. "No. I suppose not." Glancing at Rose, she said
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 teasingly, "I hope you realiz
e what a hard-gore role model you have here.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6206 \expndtw-19 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 He{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s neve
r off duty."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri458 \expndtw-8 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 "Well," Rose said copying her lilting tone from earlier. "\i for now\i
0 , at least."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \i \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Oh Rose\i0 , I thought. She couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t play nice for on
e minute. Tasha looked
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 puzzled. She was oblivious to
the fact that Rose was making fun of her.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And I hoped the look on my face proved just ho
w disapproved I was.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2662 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re finished here, Rose. Remember what I said."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3713 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yeah," she said turning away. "Definitely."
\plain\sl-284\fs28\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \
expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Eventually Tasha coached me up into her room. But not
before I could call
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine and ask if she needed
me. She reported: "No, I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t need another
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardian sitting here debat
ing on what to do when we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re getting nowhere."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 After that I hung up and let Tasha drag me up to her room. At first we
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1960 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 talked the way we always ha
d. And then\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}things got hot\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I had been sitting on t
he edge of her bed, talking to her about older times.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 And before I knew it she was
sitting next to me, making my breath shallow
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as my heart beat faster for her. She may not be
able to do the things that
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose does to me, but she was pretty close.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She leaned in to kiss me and I let her. Sometime between the kissing I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 managed to get her top off, f
eeling her body against mine felt perfect. She
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 edged her fingers up under my shirt, feeling my
stomach and chest, which
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 only made me moan.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The last time I had been in this position was with Rose. The night she
and I
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had both fallen victim to Vi
ctor Dashkov{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s lust charm, there had been a lot
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of passion going on there. I had controlled it,
though, so we had taken
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 things slowly\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMB
OL 188 \\f Symbol }} that had been wonderful in it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s own way. Bu
t most of the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 time, we hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t been able to ho
ld ourselves back. I could feel it all over
\plain\expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 again.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The way her hands had run over my body. The deep, powerful kisses. The
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1851 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 way her hair had felt betw
een my fingers, silky and smooth.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I ran my hands through her hair then, and realized something. This was
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hair
. And I was kissing her, but in my head, I was with Rose. I was
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 imagining I was with her, right now. With my ey
es closed it was easy to
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 imagine.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 But when I opened them I saw Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s deep blue ones. The
y were filled
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 with love and longing and it
was then that I knew this wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t right. I wiggled
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out of her arms and stood up. I realized then
that I could never be with her
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 this way, if this was the result.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri3362 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I finally accepted to let Rose back into my life.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She sat up on the bed in only her bra and underwear, completely surpris
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri3277 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 by my abruptness. "Someth
ing wrong Dimka?"
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I ran a shaky hand thr
ough my hair. "yes\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} but I{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}m sorry\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} Thi
s isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t going
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7492 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to work."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She nodded as if she understood. "I was going to fast for you I underst
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5180 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We can take things slower-
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I shook my head cutting her off. "No. I meant this isn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
t going to work. You
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7279 \expndtw-17 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and me\expndtw-14{\field{
\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2634 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She gave me a resentful look. "What do you mean?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1131 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I sighed and headed for the door, shirt in hand. "Goodbye Tasha."
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Chapter 14:
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I left Tasha just in time to take my rightful place in the back at Prisc
illa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri1175 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 banquet. It was a formal r
oyal dinner, out of respect of the queen.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I reached the banquet room before anyone else did, well besides the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians. The room was done
in all silver and blue. Midnight blue silk
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 cloths covered the tables, shiny and smooth. S
conces of beeswax candles
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hung all over the walls, and a fireplace decora
ted with stained glass
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 crackled away in one corner. The effect was a s
pectacular panorama of
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 color and light, dizzying to the eye. In the co
rner, a slim Moroi woman set
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 up her station to play cello music.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Eventually all the royals arrived. And among them were Rose and Lissa.
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 My breath caught in my throa
t as I took in Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s attire. She was wearing
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s dress that had been giv
en to her at Christmas. The shade of red
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was a killer on her, bringing out her skin tone
and dark hair. It was long,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Asian style dress with flowers embroidered int
o the silk. The high neck and
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 long hem covered a lot of skin, but the materia
l clung to her features
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4202 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 making her look all the mo
re amazing.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Lissa too looked just as good. She wore a deep purple dress. It was
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sleeveless and made of satin.
The tiny amethyst-like crystals set into the
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 straps sparkled against
her pale skin. She wore her hair up in a loose,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6429 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 artfully styled bun.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I stood in the back watching her and Rose as they ate their dinner on c
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 plates. After the plates had
been cleared from the table Rose and Lissa
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 socialized with the mingling Moroi in the room.
Lissa flittered around the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 room smiling and putting on her charm, while Ro
se followed her like a lost
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 puppy. I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but chu
ckle at that. The tables had turned on both of
\plain\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them tonight.
\plain\tx2793 \tab \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Which didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t surp
rise me, considering that Rose was
\plain\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri3827 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the only dhampir att
ending the ceremony.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw4 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 They traveled over to a group, one that got Rose talking. Closer
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 observation told me that thi
s was a group that belonged to Adrian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s dad. All
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my blissfulness and interest with Rose dried up
. And a short time later
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Adrian showed up next to her. Once again I foun
d myself fighting for self
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 control. She seemed drawn to him, but not in t
he way she was to me.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 As the conversation went on Rose shifted uncomfortably when he leaned
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 down and whispered in her ea
r. Making her blush a red shade similar to the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 dress she wore. She took a sip of her red cham
pagne smiling up at Adrian.
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I silently prayed that she wouldn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t get drunk. Because then, Adrian would
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 take that to his advantage and I{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}d have to step in; witnesses or not. He
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stepped closer to her, obviously noticing the
alcohol in her hand.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Rose!" Janine strode towards her daughter angry as hell. And for once
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3419 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my life I was thankful for
Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hot temper.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \fi79 \expndtw-6 \f
10 \fs28 \cf44 "What do you think you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re doing?" She demanded. H
er voice was so loud
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri5282 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that I could hear every wo
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Rose seemed appalled, as she tried to explain, but her mother cut her
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Excuse us, Lord Ivashkov," she growled. Then as if Rose was a five yea
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri307 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 old, she grabbed her daught
er by the arm and jerked her out of the room.
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t hear what they were saying, but the harsh sounds coming from
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine it didn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t sound good. Slowly and unexpectedly I scooted closer to
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the door.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}why are you talk
ing to me like I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m a child?" Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s rage was cry
stal clear
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri7100 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in her voice.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Because you act like one." Her mother replied. It was exactly what I h
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri7546 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 told her.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s voice dropped an octave. "So you{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}re going to send me to my room
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7774 \expndtw-33 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 now?"
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "No rose." Janine sounded beaten, tired. "You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t hav
e to go to your
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 room, but don{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t go back in there, either. Hopefully you didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t draw too much

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7337 \expndtw-20 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attention."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "You make it sound like I was giving a lap dance in there." Rose told h
er. "I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5476 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 just had dinner with Lissa
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d be surprised what things can spark rumors." Janin
e warned.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4708 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Especially with Adrian I
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I could hear Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s light steps walk away then. I pee
ked my head around
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the doors frame, watching as
Rose stared dumfound at her mother. A
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 couple Moroi walked past me then, glancing at R
ose before whispering to
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 each other.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5086 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Thanks, Mom," she muttered.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She took off then. Stalking over to the back of the lodge. I would have
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her go if it weren{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}t for the sadness in her voice. Looking around quickly I left
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the banquet room and followed Rose.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The hall she was walking down eventually ended, but a door leading to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 some stairs sat on the left.
She opened it and disappeared. Looking around
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one more time I descended the stairs after her
. I went slowly at first, unsure
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 if Rose even wanted me
here. But after what happened with Tasha, I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4677 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 needed some time with her
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Finally I opened the door to find her sitting on a box that belonged to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ventilation system. Her arms
wrapped around herself indicating how cold
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she was.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She looked back startled, but then turned away when our eyes met. My
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 heart fluttered as I made my
way towards her. My boots crunching in the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 snow as I walked over to where she was sitting.
A moment later, I took off
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my long coat and draped it over her shaking sh
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I sat down besides her, "you must be freezing." I looked down at her dr
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2815 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 which was no match for the
freezing temperatures.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri937 \expndtw-9 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 She shrugged at that, snuggling more into my coat. "The sun{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}s out."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I looked up at the perfect blue sky. My human genes welcomed it; until
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 then, I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}t realized how much I missed the sun{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s warm rays. "It is. But
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3082 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re stil
l on a mountain in the middle of winter."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t answer. Instead we sat there in a comfortabl
e silence for a while.
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Occasionally, a light wind bl
ew clouds of snow around. It was night for
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri435 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi, and most would be go
ing to bed soon, so the ski runs were quiet.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4288 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "My life is a disaster," she finally said.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not a disaster," I said all too quickly. I didn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t intend for her to find out
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri856 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 about me spying on her. It
would only make her question me further.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4541 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Did you follow me from the party?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5407 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yes." I answered carefully.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even know you were there." She took in my atti
re, realization
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 flashing in her eyes. "So yo
u saw the illustrious Janine cause a commotion
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 by dragging me out." H
er voice still held that wounded tone. My heart ache
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri7659 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for her.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t a commotion." I comforted her. "Hardly anyon
e noticed. I saw
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 because I was watching you."
For some reason I thought that if she knew
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 this, it would cheer her up.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 But much to my dismay she said sullenly, "that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not wh
at she said. I might
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1081 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as well have been working
a corner as far as she was concerned."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She relayed the conversation from the hallway. Telling me what I already

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5500 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knew from eavesdropping.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2227 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s just worried about you." I said when she fini
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6371 \expndtw-20 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "She overreacted."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I recalled the time my mother had told my sisters that they had to stay
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 home and raise their childre
n while the boys went out and protected Moroi.
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Both of them had had a hard time with that, but
eventually it paid off for
\plain\expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3151 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Sometimes mothers are overprotective." I said.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She stared at me. "Yea, but this is\i my\i0 mother. And she didn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t seem that
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 protective, really. I think s
he was more worried I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d embarrass her or
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 something. And all that becoming-a-mother-too-
young stuff was stupid. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4675 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 not going to do anything l
ike that."
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I knew she was blaming Janine just for the sake of blaming. But she was
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thinking this whole situation
through. And when it involved Adrian I had to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2114 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 agree with Janine. "Maybe
she wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t talking about you."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 More silence. Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s jaw dropped. Realization kicking i
n. After a while she
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2437 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sighed. "We aren{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t fighting right now." She blurted out.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2914 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I gave her a sidelong look. "Do you want to fight?"
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri618 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "No. I hate fighting
with you. Verbally, I mean. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t mind in the gym."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I tried my best to keep my smile hidden. Although I was pretty sure she
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3419 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 caught it. "I don{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}t like fighting with you either."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Sitting next to her there, I marveled at the warm and happy emotions
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 springing up inside of me. Th
ere was something about being around her
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that felt so good, that moved me the way Tasha
couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5097 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You should take it." She said.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I flinched. Caught off guard by her abrupt change in subject. I knew wha
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she was talking about. The of
fer Tasha had given me, to be her guardian.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4592 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Too bad I soiled that pla
n. "What?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Tasha{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s offer. You should take her up on it. It{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}s a really great chance." She
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4637 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 said unselfishly and with
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Her words still shocked me. "I never expected to hear you say anything
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5880 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that, especially after---"

\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "What a bitch I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been? Yeah." She interrupted as she
tugged my coat
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tighter against the cold. "W
ell. Like I said, I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want to fight anymore. I
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want us to hate each othe
r. And\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}well\expndtw-14{\fie
ld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" She squeezed her eyes
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shut and then opened them. "No matter how I fe
el about\i us\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}\i0 I want
you to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7267 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be happy."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 It was the most surprising and unselfish thing I had ever heard her say
. And
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I realized that we weren{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t that far off from each other. I accepted the fact
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that she and Mason might be a couple, but only
because that meant she
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would be happy, he could give her something I c
ouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. But now\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sym
bol }} now I
\plain\expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t sure anymore.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I reached out then, and put my arm around her. I pulled her to me and s
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4300 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rested her head on my che
st. "Roza."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 It was the first time
I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d really touched her since the night of the lust charm.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The practice room had been so
mething different. This was about being
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 close to someone you cared about, about the emo
tion that kind of
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 connection flooded you with.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose might run off with Mason, but I would still love her. I would proba
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6653 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 always love her.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri2352 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I cared about Tasha. But I knew I could never love her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She sighed into my chest; it felt right being with her. And no matter ho
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 much the thought of her and M
ason made me ache doing what was best
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for her felt right.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Unexpectedly she pulled away and handed me back my coat. Standing up I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5715 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could sense her unease.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5293 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Where you going?" I asked.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3922 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "To break someone{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s heart," she replied.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She looked at me for a heartbeat more, her dark eyes swimming with regr
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and longing. Then she turned
around and walked away from me. Putting
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the door between us.
\plain\sl-285\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140
\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Chapter 15:
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I sat there for a few more moments. Taking in the scenery before me, and

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the remaining perfume that st
irred in the air from where Rose sat. It was
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 high noon before I decided to head back inside
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I had almost made it to my room when I ran into Tasha. With a mumbled
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "sorry" she sidestepped me an
d started to walk away. Sympathetically I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2477 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 reached out and put a hand
on her shoulder. "Tasha."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri996 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 She turned around, her eyes mortified as she started at me. "Yes?"
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I sighed and let go of
her shoulder, running a hand through my long hair.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6427 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "About\expndtw-14{\field{
\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}earlier\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Tasha stopped me with a shake of her head. "Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t Dimit
ri\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I understand.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4619 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re in
love with someone else."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I looked at her dumfounded. How could she have possibly found out? I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knew I kept my love for Rose
well hidden. The shock on my face must have
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 said otherwise. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve seen the
way you look at her. Rose. I thought I could
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 change that. But seeing the way she watches yo
u when I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m around, I knew
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it would never work. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s obvi
ous she makes you happy." She gave me a
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4411 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 small sad smile. "Somethi
ng I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I wanted to say something to comfort her. But really what was there to
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 So instead I nodded. She nodd
ed back and turned to walk away. But not
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri394 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 before she smiled back at m
e, tears filling her eyes. "Good luck Belikov."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 After that I walked in a dream like state back to my room. Not really n
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3656 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 anything around me. Until
I ran into Janine.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I would have nodded to her and walked on but something flashed in her
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eyes. Something I couldn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t avoid. Fear, true fear. I caught hold of her arm,
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "what{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s wrong?" For a moment I
thought she found something more about
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the Drozdovs attack. But her response wasn{\f6
3 \u8223\'3f}t at all what I expected.
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6456 \expndtw-20 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Rose is missing."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I was in action before she could say anything else. My first instinct wa
s to
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 call the guardian Council and
tell them that we had a missing novice. But
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knowing them, they would go ballistic. And the
n expel Rose when she was
\plain\expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 caught.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1882 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 So instead of calling them I went to my first source. Mason.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 We walked to Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s room, fast, practically knocking o
ver people in the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 process. When I reached his d
oor it took all of my self control to not knock
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 it down. Shane answered
after an agonizing minute. "Hey." He said
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4050 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 surprised, his hair ruffle
d from sleeping.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6553 \expndtw-22 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Is Mason here?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 He looked back and forth between Janine and me, confused. "Funny. Rose
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri3375 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 came by earlier today aski
ng the same thing."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2251 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I grabbed his shirt. "Did she say where she was going?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 His eyes widened in shock. "No, she left after I told her Mason was
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 throwing stuff in a bag earli
er\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}dude," he looked down at
my clenched
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3109 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hand holding his shirt. "C
ould you let go of me?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I dropped him. "When did he leave?" If Mason was headed somewhere,
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri4749 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 then Rose would be with hi
m too.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Shane rubbed his chest where my hand had clutched his shirt. "This
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7393 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 morning."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I left Shane without asking anymore questions. I was one step closer fro
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6988 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 finding Rose.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine and I looked at each other once the door shut in our faces. If M
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3695 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and Rose weren{\f63 \u8223
\'3f}t here. What about Lissa?
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine picked up her phone and made a couple of calls. Then she looked
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 back at me, frustration in h
er voice. "You have no idea where they headed
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6063 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 off to? No idea at all."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I thought about that for a moment. There was nothing I could have told
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} Spokane. That was where I had told her Strigoi had
been spotted.
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She and Mason were a thing now.\i And\i0 she
and Mason both wanted
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5095 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 revenge on the Strigoi\expn
dtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}shit\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I told Janine everythin
g I told Rose. And when I was finished I felt like a
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 child caught with my hand in
the cookie jar before dinner. "You said\i what?\i0 "
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 All five feet of fury came out at me then.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3693 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I looked at her sheepishly. "I trusted her---"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine laughed at that. A dry and heartless laugh that sounded alien. "
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 trusted Rose? Out of all peo
ple to trust\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" She shook he
r head and picked
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 up her phone again. Calling what I assumed the
mall. When they reported
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 there hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t been any sighting
s that left the bus stations and cabs.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 A man reported at the bus station that he hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seen a
nyone come by with
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2622 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the identity of Mason or R
ose. My heart sank at that.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I picked up my phone then as we both traveled through the lodge. I knew
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the guardian posts. And if w
hat Shane said was correct then the guardians
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guarding the northern gate must have had sight
ings of them.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \fi79 \expndtw-1 \f
10 \fs28 \cf44 "Guardian Alan? This is Dimitri Belikov. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m call
ing to ask if you had any
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri2787 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sightings of Rose Hathaway
, and Mason Ashford?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Background noise came through the phone. "Yeah, I saw them. Rose
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri5572 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 actually not too long ago.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3053 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 My heart sank even more. "What do you mean?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 He sounded bored. "Rose came by asking if I had seen Mason and I told
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her I did. When she asked wh
ere he was I reported back no, and that I had
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 let him and Eddie Castile and the Rinaldi girl
out through the north gate and
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5532 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t se
e them after that."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I held back the anger in my voice as I gritted my teeth. "You let all t
hree of
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4409 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them through the north gat
e?\i Why?\i0 "
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5530 \expndtw-16 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Because they asked me."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 He didn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t find that at all wrong. And it was then I realized that he had been
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 compelled. I called the othe
r watchman that was with Alan and he reported
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5979 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the same thing. Shit\expnd
tw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 When I called the current guardian at the northern gate; and he reported

\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d had
seen Christian earlier today, that was after some girl had
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 knocked him out with a Maglite. I instantly kne
w that girl had to be Rose.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 No one would have had the courage to do that t
o another guardian.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The only question was why Rose needed Christian. A Moroi at that.
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Unless\expndtw-14{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}of course. Compulsion. Rose wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3
f}t have brought Christian
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 without a reason.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I relayed Janine on the conversation with the guardians. And soon we
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 found ourselves knocking on o
ur next resort: Lissa. If Christian was
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4328 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 involved she had to know s
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She answered her eyes sleepy, and her hair a mess. We obviously just
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 woke her up. She stiffiled a
yawn before greeting us with what I assumed to
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be a hello.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She gestured to her room, letting us in. I waited until Janine shut the
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 before going into questioning
. "Where is she?" I asked trying to keep my
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tone light.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She sat on the bed, looking up at us, face masked of confusion. "What{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7550 \expndtw-28 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wrong?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2397 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Janine asked in a business like tone. "Where{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s Rose?
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Lissa looked at us even more confused. "I thought she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d
be with you guys,
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri936 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 or at least Mason." She fur
rowed her brow looking down at her feet.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \fi79 \expndtw0 \f1
0 \fs28 \cf44 "They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re missing Lissa along with Eddie, Mia, and
Christian.\i Where is
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4341 \expndtw-4 \i \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she\i0 ?" I asked in a
guardian like tone.
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
s confusion turned into worry and fear, along with a hint of pain. "I\expndtw-14
{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4159 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t kno
w. I haven{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t seen her all day."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 This made me stand up straighter, my muscles going stiff. Janine looked
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri2689 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me evenly. "Last I saw her
she was at the banquet."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2225 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Lissa nodded as if she were agreeing. "Yeah\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldi
nst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} me too."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine and Lissa both turned to me then, hope flickering in their eyes.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4426 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine almost whispered,
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t want either of them to know about the roof. Bu
t they had to know, it
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 might get us somewhere. No ma
tter how much I wanted to keep my love
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for Rose a secret. I knew this was important. R
ose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s, and possibly
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Christian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s, life depended on
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I sighed. "Last I saw her she was on the roof. I went up there to make
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1737 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she was alright, and then
she left, she had to talk to Mason."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1369 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Janine shook her head. "And no one has seen her since then?"{\f63 \u
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We all shook our heads. And I knew Lissa would hate me for this, but her

\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5783 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 bond was our last hope.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine noticed this as well because at the same time we looked at Lissa.

\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She had to know something. So
mething that could help us find them. "I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri698 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 know you want to protect th
em, but we need to know where they are."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Lissa remained sitting on the bed while we stared her down. "I told you
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3822 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t kno
w. I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know what happened."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Her face twisted into frustration and fear. She shifted anxiously under
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 gaze. Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}s voice came out from behind me, she was all business again.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t believe they wouldn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t have told you where they were going." Her
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 words were flat, but there was a hint of worry
in them too. "Especially with
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7002 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 your\expndtw-14{\field{\*
\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}bond."
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri1985 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "It only works one
way," Lissa said sadly. "You know that."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I knelt down so I could be at Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s height and look h
er in the eye. I had to
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 do that to look at anyone in
the eye. "Are you sure there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s nothing? Nothing
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 at all you can tell us? They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}r
e nowhere in town. The man at the bus station
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t see them\expndtw-14{\fie
ld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}though we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re pretty sure t
hat{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s where they must have
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri3286 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 gone. We need something,\i
anything\i0 to go on."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Lissa gritted her teeth and glared. "Don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you think if
I knew, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d tell you?
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 You don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t th
ink I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m worried about them too? I have\i no\i0 idea where they
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 None. And why{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d they even leave
\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}it doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
make any sense either.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3068 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Especially why they{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}d go with Mia, of all people."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t like we could just go out there and find the
novices and Moroi. We
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 needed further information be
fore we got the okay with the Guardian and
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Moroi government. And every minute of it was ag
onizing. I just wanted
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose back, safe.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I sighed and leaned back on my heels. I believed her. Rose wouldn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t have
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 involved Lissa if it were da
ngerous. And knowing Rose, everything she did
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was deadly.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Chapter 16:
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I paced the floor while Lissa and Janine watched me. I couldn{\f63 \u82
23\'3f}t believe that
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose and the rest had managed
to get away with so much in so little time
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 without getting the slightest attention. I want
ed to jump into action, wanted
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to go and find Rose to see that she were safe.
But knew I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The look on Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face told me she wanted to do the s
ame thing. She
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shook her head, knowing what
I wanted. "We can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t Belikov. We need to
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wait until there{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s more informa
tion and the government approves." She
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rubbed her arm, looking as worried as a mother
of a missing child should
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri2328 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 be. "It wouldn{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}t be hard if there weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t Moroi involved."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I nodded. The Guardian
Council may let us go, but the Moroi Government
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 had other arrangements. They
wanted more information. More than we
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 could give at the moment. I sighed heavily. "I
can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just stay here and wait."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine strode up to me then. "Maybe we should take this conversation
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 elsewhere." She threw her hea
d back in the direction of Lissa. I nodded.
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 From the look of determination on Lissa{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}s face, I knew we didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have much
\plain\expndtw4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 time before another Moroi went missing. And thi
s time for good,
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 considering how good Lissa is at compulsion.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 We left Lissa shortly after making sure she was okay enough to stay in
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lodge. She looked at me like
I was an idiot. "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m not going anywhere; I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d ju
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri211 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 make a mess of things, and
get Rose in more trouble than she already is."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I nodded, she was very smart. And as I closed the door to her room I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1384 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 silently wished some of he
r cleverness had rubbed off on Rose.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 A few minutes later Janine and I had reported what happened with the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 other novices and Moroi to th
e guardians. They were as mad as I had
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been. Wishing they could do something, but kno
wing they couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Does anyone know who can help find them?" I asked as the day wore on
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and the sky turned a dark blu
e, a warning that night was approaching. We
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were running out of time. Rose could be anywhe
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 They all shook their heads. I grunted and clutched my hands into fists.
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Trying to regain my self cont
rol. Rose could be hurt right now, or worse\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }}
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and the others... they don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t{\
f63 \u8223\'3f} stand a chance. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve seen them fight compared
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to Rose and they were nowhere near ready to ta
ke on a Strigoi.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Through all the mess and commotion that was going on I barely even
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 noticed a sober Adrian. He st
ood next to Tasha looking just as concerned
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as all the rest of the Moroi. Which made some
anger spark inside of me. He
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was only concerned for Rose.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Lissa made her way thro
ugh the crowed and up to Adrian. He glanced
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 down at her and smiled. Mayb
e she didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know anything, but if Rose and
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5868 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Adrian were together\expnd
tw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I was in front of him before I could even finish the thought. He looked
up at
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me surprised and cocked his
head to the side. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re a little anxious aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2085 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you?" He smiled at me, sho
wing all teeth, even his fangs.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Most Moroi kept their fangs hidden from the rest of the world. They lea
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to eat around them and to smi
le without showing too much. But some, like
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Adrian and Tasha, had no problem flashing them
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I looked at him evenly in the eye. Which made him flinch as his smile
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3738 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 faltered. "Shouldn{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}t you? Rose is missing."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 He shrugged. "Yeah, I know. I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve been trying to reach h
er but she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6132 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 responding I think---"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1860 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 It took all my effort not to grab hold of his shirt. "You\i what\i0
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 He looked surprised at my sudden outburst but quickly dismissed it. "I{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}m a
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 spirit user." He glanced down
at Lissa who was still standing by his side.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She looked back up at me sheepishly. "I can wa
lk in people{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s dreams. Ask
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri908 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them information." He shrug
ged like it was no big deal. "The works."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "And you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re telling me this\i now\i0 ?" I almost lost m
y self control again as I
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 grabbed onto his arm dragging
him away from the rest of the crowed. He
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stumbled and fought to keep his balance. Knocki
ng people over in the
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri4970 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 process. "Dude, what the
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3250 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I let go of him and glared. "Tell me everything."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri950 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Adrian sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Sure, but not here."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have time for his stupid games, if Adrian was
the closest thing I had
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri191 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to finding Rose; then I was
going to get information out of him. "No\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }}\i now\i0 ."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Adrian shrugged. "What
ever," he seemed ultimately bored with the subject.
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 This made my skin crawl. How
could he be so calm when his friends were
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out there?\i Because he could buy more\i0 , a
voice echoed in my head. "I can
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 walk in dreams, but it only works if they{\f63
\u8223\'3f}re sleeping. I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t just\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}\i do it.\i0 I can
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3854 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 get information out of th
em, but it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s risky."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1164 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I glanced around to make sure no one was listening. "How risky?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri68 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Adrian raised an eyebrow at my sudden interest in his power. "How much?
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Adrian!" Lissa groaned. All this time in my quest to find Rose I had
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 forgotten she was there. I s
ilently scolded myself for being such a careless
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardian.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Adrian put his hands up as if to surrender. "Relax, I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m
kidding cousin." He
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 glanced down at Lissa before
back up at me. "She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s still awake. We need
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7576 \expndtw-24 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to wait."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t let him out of my sight. And he knew that as
he let me drag him
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 back up to my room. Although
he didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t question it. Both Lissa and Janine
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 followed us, wanting to know every detail when
Adrian had gotten through
\plain\expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 We all sat in my room, with Janine on the chair, Lissa sitting Indian s
tyle on
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the floor, Adrian laying on
the bed, and me pacing the floor. It felt as if days
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were going by. Each minute was agonizing.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Adrian gave us the same report every three to five minutes. Saying that
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t get a
good read on her, that she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s still awake. But every time I heard

\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that it was like music, sweet music. It meant s
he was alive, and okay.
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Whatever that might mean.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Lissa ended up nodding off and in no time she was passed out on the flo
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 My roommate wasn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t going to be in tonight, he had watch post at the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eastern gate. Seeing this, Lissa sleeping on th
e velvet floor, I decided to
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pick her up. She wasn{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}t at all that heavy. If anything she was a good twenty
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri5589 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pounds lighter than Rose.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 But that was expected, Rose was a dhampir, and was packed with muscle.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Born with it even. And Lissa
was a Moroi, slim and super model like in the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 human world. Her head was cradled against my ch
est, her feet dangling
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 free in the air. Both Janine and Adrian didn{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}t question me. It was simply the
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 right thing to do.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I placed her on my roommate{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s bed. She practically got l
ost in all the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 pillows. After draping the be
d{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s covers over her I returned to my place in
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the corner, leaning against the wall.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I knew I should be tired, but the adrenaline and anxiety ran too strong
in my
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 blood. Keeping me up and aler
t. I had expected Adrian to slack off and
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 doze off, but he didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. He si
mply kept his eyes open, staring blankly at the
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ceiling.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine looked at me with concern lined on her face. She hadn{\f63 \u822
3\'3f}t slept at all
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lately. "Do you believe Adria
n?" she looked over at the Moroi boy on the
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 bed. I knew he could hear us, although he chos
e not to show it.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3515 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I looked at Janine confused. "Believe what?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 She looked down at her hands, which were folded neatly in her lap. "Tha
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri6233 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 he can find Rose\expndtw-1
4{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I nodded. "I have to believe him, he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s our only chance i
n getting Rose
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7771 \expndtw-30 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 back."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 More silence. Then Janine cleared her throat. "I just hope we get her b
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4214 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 soon before something bad
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3765 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 I placed a hand on her shoulder. "Me too."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri45 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 A couple hours went by
and the sun started to rise, turning the sky from a
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 light blue to a very rosy pin
k. I stared out the window, eyes still alert and
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 awake as ever. If we didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t fin
d Rose soon, I was sure I was going to do
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 something stupid.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Then Adrian started mumbling. "Little dhampir. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s abo
ut time." He waited a
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2992 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 moment before adding: "Sti
ll got your protection."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 There was a long pause. Janine and I looked at each other, both curious
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 to what was happening, and c
oncerned for Adrian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s health. Janine walked
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 over and kneeled down next to Adrian, careful
as to not disturb whatever it
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was he was doing.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Lissa started stirring then, so I walked over and woke her up. She mumb
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 something before wiping sleep
ily at her eyes. It was amazing how well
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2508 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 rested she looked, even af
ter three hours of sleeping.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2382 \expndtw-6 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Adrian spoke again in a dreamy state. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s our dream
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 My heat fluttered then. So it\i was\i0 true. He was there, with Rose,
right now. It
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was only a matter of time bef
ore he revealed where she was. I looked at
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine, her eyes full of hope. Mirroring my em
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri625 \expndtw-9 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Lissa looked at him and then back up at me. "What{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s wr
ong with him?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I shook my head, and put a finger up to my mouth. I was afraid that if
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 anyone talked in the real wor
ld Adrian would lose Rose and we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d lose all
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 contact with her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Lissa took the hint and kept her mouth shut. Staring at Adrian with
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6161 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fascination and awe.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1780 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "People share dreams all the time, Rose." Adrian continued.
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The sound of Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s name made my heart beat faster. Come
\i on\i0 Rose,
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri6722 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 where\i are\i0 you?
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 More silence, and then
: "honestly, I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know. Everyone has light around
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri756 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them, except for you. You h
ave shadows. You take them from Lissa."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Lissa, Janine and I looked at each other confused. Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}s eyes full of
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 curiosity. She was smart enou
gh not to say a word, although by the way
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her body tensed up I could tell she was anxiou
s. I put a reassuring hand on
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her back, in hopes to calm her before she made
an outburst. After a minute
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I had realized what I had just done.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I forgot how different she and Rose were. I had expected Lissa to act up

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and talk without thinking, j
ust like Rose would. But instead she stayed quiet
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and stared at Adrian, eyes wide.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t get into it right now, that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
not why I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m here." He paused again,
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 concern and worry masked his
features. It was the first time I had ever
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seen him sober\i and\i0 worried for someone e
lse that wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t him or liquor.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6498 \expndtw-22 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "Where are you?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 There was another brief pause. "No, that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s not what I me
an. In the real
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5840 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 world. Where are you?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I looked anxiously at the clock, we were running out of time. Soon Rose
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri854 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 realize it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
s a dream and wake up, and we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll have to wait even longer.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I leaned forward, placing my elbows on my knees staring at Adrian. His
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 face turned to pure pain and
concern then his eyes fully focused on what I
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri2366 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 assumed to be Rose. "Where
? Where are you, Rose?"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 A moment later Adrian bolted out of bed as if he had been jerked out of
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 He looked frantically betwee
n all three of us. "She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s in a basement. With
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6344 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Christian and Mia."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I let out a deep breath that I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t realized I had be
en holding. Rose was
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2208 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in a basement, or perhaps
underground\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} underground!
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I shot out of my chair
and raced for the door. But not before Janine could
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 grab hold of my arm. "What i
s it Belikov?" I could tell that she was trying to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 keep calm and business like, but her tone falt
ered into worry and pain.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5098 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Rose\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I know w
here she is."
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7140 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Chapter 17:
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 After shaking out of Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s grasp I managed to make it
to the hallway
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 before I was stopped again. H
er eyes were full of hope and worry. Lissa
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 came up behind her, followed by Adrian. All of
them looking at me in hopes
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7422 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of a plan.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Rose\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}she{\f63 \u8
223\'3f}s in the tunnels." I said. Rose was in more trouble than ever if
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she really was in those tunn
els. Strigoi were lurking in them, waiting for the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sun to go down to snatch their next victim. But
if five teenagers wondered
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 down there, unarmed and inexperienced, well, t
he Strigoi would love that.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-10 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Janine{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s brow furrowed at that. "You{\f63 \u8223\'3f}r
e sure of this?" Well I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t positive
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 but it was worth a shot. I no
dded. Janine nodded back and picked up her
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 phone. I stopped her before she could make the
call. "What?" She sounded
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 irritated and annoyed.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Adrian leaned against the wall staring at both me and Janine while Lissa

\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 looked frantically around, wa
nting to do anything to help. I sighed. "You
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2073 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t call
the Guardian Council or the Moroi government."
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine looked at me in surprise. "Why not." She looked down at the phon
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in her hand. Frowning at it b
efore looking back up at me. "They need to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5979 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 know where they are."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I shook my head. "Even if they did, do you know how long it would take
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri1551 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 them to reach Rose and the
others? We{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re faster,\i and\i0 closer."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1582 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Janine raised an eyebrow at that. "What are you suggesting?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3319 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I took in a deep breath. "That we go after her."
\plain\pard\sl-341 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I was surprised that J
anine didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t argue with that. She wanted her daughter
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 safe just as much as I did. A
nd after forty minutes of planning with the
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians from all the schools they finally agr
eed with it and followed us
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out. I was about to get in one of the vans whe
n I spotted Lissa following us.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2478 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Turning away from the othe
rs I shook my head at her.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She placed a hand on her hip. A gesture similar to the one Rose used
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when she was told no. They r
eally weren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t that far apart. "I want to come."
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She said in an even voice.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3543 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I shook my head again. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s too dangerous."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Lissa rolled her eyes at that. "This is Rose we{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re talk
ing about. Everything
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5768 \expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she does is dangerous."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Despite my worry for Rose and the teenager{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s safety I co
uldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t help but
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 smile at that. "Right now Ros
e needs you safe. Why do you think she left
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you here?" Lissa considered this. I continued b
efore she could reply. "It
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4142 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would be too dangerous for
you to go."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Lissa looked at me evenly in the eye. "Fine. Just promise me you{\f63 \
u8223\'3f}ll keep
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2366 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her safe and save her from
whatever trouble she{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s in?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I nodded. It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t hard to keep that promise. Eventual
ly Lissa turned and
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 walked back to the lodge, the
snow crunching beneath her feet. The sun
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shining down on her pale head made her look mor
e of an angel than a
\plain\expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 vampire.
\plain\sl-285\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \
expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We decided to take three vans. One to search the town
, while the other two
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 searched in and around the tu
nnels. We all piled in, every seat was taken.
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine sat next to me, as stiff and ready for
action as I was. No one talked
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as we traveled down the road at high speed.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I glanced around the va
n. Every guardian had on their gear, stakes, guns
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and dark clothing. Most of th
em were from St. Vladimir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s, only two had
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 came from a different school. I picked out the
best guardians in this van,
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 only because we will be the ones going down in
the tunnels filled with
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7674 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Strigoi.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The drive was agonizing. Every minute that went by I couldn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t help but
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 wonder if that was Rose{\f63
\u8223\'3f}s last moment. But I knew I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think that way.

\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose was strong, and brave, she will survive.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Eventually we arrived at the mall. The sun was up now, illuminating our
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 chance to sneak in, but provi
ding us the wonderful opportunity of trapping
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the Strigoi inside the tunnels.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The mall was packed with people. And occasionally we would get stares,
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 and I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}
t help but think what a sight we must be. A group of thirteen
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 dressed in all black, but we didn{\f63 \u8223\'
3f}t worry about being seen. Even if there
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 were humans working for Strigoi watching us. We
were the ones trying to
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 find the Strigoi anyway.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We had no specific idea on where the tunnels were located. So when one
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of the guardians pointed out
that it was pointless, I nearly lost my self
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7631 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 control.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri687 \expndtw-14 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "They{\f63 \u8223\'3f}re here." I nearly growled. "We{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}re just not looking hard enough."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine tapped me on the shoulder. At first I thought it was to warn me
that I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was speaking down to another
guardian. But she was looking somewhere
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 else. My eyes followed hers to see a janitor c
loset just on the far end of the
\plain\expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 mall.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Did anyone check that out?" Janine asked, taking a step closer in the
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri6007 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 direction of the closet.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We all shook our heads,
and headed towards it. I went first, with Janine
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 bringing up the back of the g
roup. We may look ridiculous to the other
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 shoppers, but this was a strategy we were taug
ht at a young age.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The strongest and fastest one of the group went first when there was onl
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one entrance. This was incase
a Strigoi jumped at us right when we
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 opened the door. The one who was the next in l
ine for strongest and fastest
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 went last, and since Janine appeared to be the
weakest one of the group I
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 put her last. The Strigoi could be easily fool
ed by her height and small size.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 When I opened the door I braced myself for anything to pop out. Instead
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was faced with a set of stair
s going down. My heart skipped a beat. The
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 tunnels.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6512 \expndtw-17 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 Rose I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m coming.
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The stairs were dirty and smelled pretty nasty as we made our way down,
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine shut the door, closing
off whatever light we had. But our enhanced
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3616 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eye sight allowed us to se
e well in the dark.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We reached the bottom. It wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t so much a tunnel as a n
arrow corridor,
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lined in grime-caked cement.
Ugly fluorescent lights were embedded
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 sporadically along the walls. The passage went
off to our left and right
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 boxes of ordinary cleaning and electrical supp
lies sat around.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I glanced around, putting myself between the guardians and the empty
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 space before us. We waited f
or the longest time. It was strange. There was
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 nothing, no sign of Strigoi anywhere.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Taking this as a good sign we walked down to the right and found more of

\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the same. We passed some bla
ck writing on one of the walls. I stopped and
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 looked at it, It was a list of letters.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9196 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 D
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9212 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 B
\plain\pard\sl-274 \li0 \ri9196 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 C
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9181 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 O
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9227 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 T
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9196 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 D
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9212 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 V
\sl-240\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri8319 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 L
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9196 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 D
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9227 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Z
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri9212 \expndtw-4 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 S
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri8389 \expndtw-1 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Some had lines and x marks next to them, but for the most part the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2496 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 message was incoherent. Ja
nine noticed my scrutiny.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7114 \expndtw-26 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "What is it?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-4 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 I shook my head. "I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know. Some sort of list\expn
dtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" a list of Moroi Royals\expndt
w-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-312 \li0 \ri1342 \expndtw-2 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 My heart beat faster. B for\i Badica\i0 , Z for\i Zeklos\i0 ,\i I\
i0 for\i Ivashkov\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1284 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "Janine\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I whis
pered. True fear in my voice. "This is a list of---"
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I was cut off by a scream that shrieked and pierced my ears. And in the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 next moment a Strigoi lunged
forward. She was old, I could tell by the look
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in her eyes. The other guardians prepared for b
attle but I was faster and
\plain\expndtw-11 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 stronger.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I pulled out my stake just as she landed on me. Knocking the wind out of

\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me as we both landed on the g
round. My back up against the cold stone
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 with her snarling on t
op of me. Her red ringed eyes staring down at me full
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6370 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 of hunger and lust.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I pushed her off with as much force as I could, the other guardians circ
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 around to cut her off from ru
nning away. She looked around snarling and
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 snapping at all of us. But she posed me as the
bigger threat. So when she
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lunged for me Janine was there, between both of
us. Shoving her stake
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 between the Strigoi{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s ribs. Ca
using a blood curtailing scream to echo on the
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 walls, before falling limp into silence.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Janine remained there, staring at the girl. Before pulling her stake ou
t of it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri1960 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 chest and walked back ove
r to me. "Let{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s go." She panted.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I wanted to stay, but knew it was no use; we had searched the tunnels fo
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 more Strigoi. Only we found n
one. It seemed the Strigoi Janine killed was
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the only one present. We left the tunnels short
ly after, I had never felt so
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 defeated in my life. Rose wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f
}t there, but it also meant that she was still
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 alive somewhere. And maybe somewhere safer tha
n here.
\plain\sl-288\fs29\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \
expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We called the other guardians from the vans and repor
ted what happened.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 We agreed to drive around tow
n, hoping we could find something that
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would drive us to Rose and the others. A short
time after calling the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri826 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
from van one, my walkie-talkie broke out in the silent van.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 Janine and I jumped. I put the receiver up to my mouth. "What was that
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2479 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I could barely hear him when he said: "we found Mia."
\plain\sl-284\fs28\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \
expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 My heart raced as we traveled down the road at insane
ly high speeds. The
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians gave us directions.
And by the time we got there we were in a
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 suburb, filled with quiet and peaceful homes. A
cross the street we spotted
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the black van that belo
nged to the guardians. They were parked in front of
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4861 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a white home with blue shu
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Before the car could even pull into a stop Janine and I jumped out, run
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3763 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fast towards the house.\i
Rose. I'm coming\i0 .
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The door was open letting in the sunlight. I could hear the other guardi
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri798 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 following suit. Although I
had one goal and one goal only. Find Rose.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 The home was a wreak, the fish tank had blown to pieces with glass shar
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scattered all over the ground
. Two Strigoi laid decapitated. But they were
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2463 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the least of my worries ri
ght now. I needed to find\i her\i0 .
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have to look far. The other guardians crowded i
n around a
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 screaming and thrashing Rose
. She was huddled against Mason, and from
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the way he was laying I knew he was dead. A swo
rd was clutched in her
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hand as she tried to fend us off.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I looked into her eyes then, willing for her to recognize me. She looked

\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scared, hurt, and revengeful.
Her eyes focused on mine but looking right
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 through me. She didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t recogniz
e any of us. She only saw us as threats,
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 threats to Mason.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Her hair was a wild mess. As well as her clothes. And as I got closer I
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 see burns on her wrists. Ch
ristian. He must have used magic to free them.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Janine and I as well as a couple of guardians approached her. She leapt
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 up, true fear in her eyes. Li
fting the sword and holding it protectively over
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri1415 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Mason{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s b
ody. "Stay back." She warned. "Stay away from him."
\sl-239\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri6582 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 We kept coming.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Stay back!" She yelled. Janine and the other guardians stopped. Expect

\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri7674 \expndtw-13 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for me.
\sl-209\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4215 \expndtw-16 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Rose," I said softly. "Drop the sword."
\plain\pard\sl-315 \li0 \ri1585 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Her hands shook as s
he swallowed hard. "Get away from us."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7630 \expndtw-34 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Rose."
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Hesitantly, she came to, her eyes focusing on me, realization flashed i
n her
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 eyes. For a moment I thought
I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d lost her. Lost what was sane of her
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 anyway. My heart fluttered as I started deeply
into her eyes that were now
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scared and relieved.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri676 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s okay. Everything{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s going to be o
kay. You can let go of the sword."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Her hands shook even harder as she fought to hold on to the hilt. "I ca
n{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t. I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3516 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t lea
ve him alone. I have to protect him."
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4624 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "You have." I said sympathetically.
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The sword fell out of her hands, landing with a loud clatter on the wood
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri3559 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 floor. She followed it, co
llapsing on all fours.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 My arms wrapped around her as I helped her up. This simple gesture of
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 affection to the others woul
d look like I was comforting my student. Which I
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was. But not in the way they thought of. I tugg
ed her toward the door, but
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she refused to move just yet. I knew I needed t
o get her out of here. Away
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 from all this death.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Her hands clutched my shirt, crumpling the fabric. Still keeping one arm

\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 around her, I smoothed her ha
ir back away from her face. She was still so
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scared and hurt. It broke my heart. She leaned
her head against me, and I
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 continued stroking her hair, murmuring that I
loved her and would never let
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that happen again, and how much I worried and c
ared for her. But all in
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Russian of course.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 Guardians were spreading throughout the house, examining it inch by inc
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 A couple of them approached u
s and knelt by the bodies Rose refused to
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7646 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 look at.
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1470 \expndtw-7 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "She did that? Both of them?" One of the guardians exclaimed.
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Another picked up the
sword that Rose had dropped. "That sword hasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5533 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been sharpened in years!"

\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 A funny sound caught in her throat, something between a choke and a cry
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4261 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 I squeezed her shoulder co
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Get her out of here, Belikov." Janine said from behind us. I didn{\f63
\u8223\'3f}t look at
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri2439 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her, but I knew she was ri
ght. Rose had seen enough.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 This time she went. I guided her out of the house holding onto her as sh
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 managed each step. She moved
like a robot, doing everything the
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4215 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians told her. Not sa
ying a word.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 We eventually ended up on one of the Academy{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s jets. Eng
ines roared
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 around us as the plane lifted
off. I sat next to Rose thinking of how much
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 this was going to change her life. And I silen
tly cursed myself for letting her
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out of my sight, and for telling her about Spok
ane. If I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t none of this
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 would have happened. Mason wouldn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t have died and Rose wouldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t have
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri4620 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 been scared for the rest o
f her life.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Mia tapped me on the shoulder then. I murmured to Rose that I would be
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 right back and left her alon
e in her seat. Mia nodded to me, thanking me for
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 getting up and leaving. She held a blanket in h
er hand. And when I took a
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seat in the back I could see her draping it ov
er Rose.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 They talked for a few minutes, then as if on cue Mia got up and grabbed
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Janine. Janine got up and wal
ked over to where Rose was sitting. She
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 barely got any words out before Rose started so
bbing. Janine pulled her
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 daughter to her chest, something so affectiona
te I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t even know Janine
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was capable of doing it.
\plain\sl-256\fs26\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \
expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The weather warmed up on the day of Rose{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}s\i molnija\i0 ceremony. In fact, it
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was so warm that a lot of the
snow on campus began melting, running
\pard\sl-486 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 down the sides of the Academ
y{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s stone buildings in slim, silvery streams.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Winter was far from bei
ng over, so I knew everything would just freeze up
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 again in a few days. For now
, though, it felt as though the entire world was
\plain\expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 weeping.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I had learned that Rose and the other{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s were barely hur
t. Eddie had a lot of
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 blood loss from the Strigoi.
But we were positive that aside from the girl in
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the tunnels. The two Strigoi she beheaded were
the only ones involved.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s burns were from Christian freeing her. Although I
got most of the
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri519 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 information out of the othe
r three, since Rose refused to talk to anyone.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I canceled our trainings, although I knew telling Rose wasn{\f63 \u8223\
'3f}t necessary.
\pard\sl-479 \li0 \ri3851 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She knew that it was the r
ight thing to do.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 The ceremony took place in the guardians{\f63 \u8223\'3f} building, in a
large room we
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 used for meetings and banquet
s. It wsa nothing at all like the great dining
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 room at the resort. It was efficient and practi
cal, like the guardians were.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The carpet was a bluish gray shade, low and ti
ghtly woven. The bare white
\plain\expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 walls held framed black-and-white photos of St
Vladimir{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s though the years.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 There were no other decorations or fanfare, ye
t the solemnity and power of
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the moment were palpable. All the guardians on
campus---but no novices---
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 attended. They milled around in the building{\
f63 \u8223\'3f}s main meeting room, hanging
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 out in clusters but not talking. When the cerem
ony started, we fell into
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 orderly ranks without being told and watched R
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She sat on a stool in the corner of the room, leaning forward with her h
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hanging over the front of her
face. Behind her a guardian named Lionel
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 held a tattooist{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s needle to t
he back of her neck. He did all the tattoo{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s at
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the school.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri1149 \expndtw-3 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Before he started, he had a conversation with Janine and Alberta.
\sl-242\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 After a few minutes he started doing her tattoo. Rose bit her lip, refu
sing to
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 show how much pain the tatto
o caused her. I smiled at that, she was one of
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri3068 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 the bravest and strongest
novice I had ever met.
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 After it was done he a
llowed her to see it before bandaging it up. After that
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 all the gathered guardians ca
me up to her one by one. They each gave
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Rose some sort of sign of affection.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Alberta pulled Rose into a tight embrace saying something to her that I
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri6414 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t m
ake out.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I was next in line. Although I didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t say anything when
my turn came. But as
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 always her eyes understood ev
erything mine were saying. I was proud of
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her for pulling through and keeping the other t
hree safe, even Mason who
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 was dead, she had refused to leave his side. I
was also hurt that she had to
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 experience all this at a young age. She swallow
ed back tears as I rested
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one hand on her cheek, nodded, and walked away
\plain\sl-254\fs25\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \
expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 A couple of days later I was reading a Western novel i
n the gym. I hadn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 seen Tasha at all, and assume
d she was off moping somewhere at my
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 decline to be her guardian. She had asked again
right after Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 ceremony. Although I had told her no once more
. After seeing Rose{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s face
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 in that house when we found her. I knew I coul
dn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t leave her. She had so
\plain\expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 much to learn.
\sl-213\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I wasn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t surprised to hear the gym door open and see Ro
se standing there.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5057 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "I thought you might come
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri6038 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s time for practice."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri969 \expndtw-7 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 I shook my head. "No. No practice today. You still need to recover."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ve got a clean bill of health I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m go
od to go." She said trying to sound like
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri7156 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her old self.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2758 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I gestured to the chair beside me, "sit down, Rose."
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She hesitated before co
mplying. I moved my own chair close to hers so
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that we sat directly across f
rom each other. My heart fluttered as I looked
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 into those dark eyes.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I had done a lot of thinking over the past few days and wanted her to k
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7044 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a few things.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "No one gets over their first kill\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }}kills\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}easil
y. Even with Strigoi\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}well,
it{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\pard\sl-484 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 still technically taking a li
fe. That{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hard to come to terms with. And after
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 everything else you went through\expndtw-14{\fi
eld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I sighed and reached out and caught
\plain\expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 her hand in mine. "When I saw your face\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}when we found you in that
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri4326 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 house\expndtw-14{\field{\*
\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}you can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t imagine how I felt."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3755 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 She swallowed. "How\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbo
l }}how did you feel?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "Devastated\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}grief-s
tricken. You were alive, but the way you looked\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYM
BOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t think
you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d ever recover. And it tore me apart to think of that
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 happening to you so young." I squeezed her hand
. "You will recover---I
\plain\expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 know that now, and I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}m glad. B
ut you aren{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t there. Not yet. Losing someone
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5086 \expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 you care about is never ea
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1123 \expndtw-5 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 Her eyes dropped at that. "It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s my fault." She said i
n a small voice.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7550 \expndtw-36 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Hmm?"
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5867 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Mason. Getting killed."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I felt a pain of compassion at the sound of her putting herself down. "O
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Roza. No. You made some bad d
ecisions\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}you should have to
ld others
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when you knew he was gone\expndtw-14{\field{\*
\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}but you can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t blame yourself. Y
ou didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t kill
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7898 \expndtw-32 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 him."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Tears brimmed in her eyes as she looked back up at me. "I might as well
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 have. The whole reason he wen
t there---it was my fault. We had a
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 fight\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \
\f Symbol }}and I told him about the Spokane thing, even though you asked me
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7492 \expndtw-16 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 not to\expndtw-14{\field{
\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\plain\pard\sl-277 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 One tear leaked out of
the corner of her eye. My heart squeezed at seeing
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 that as I delicately wiped t
he tear of her cheek. "You can{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t blame yourself
\plain\expndtw3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 for that. You can regret your decisions and wis
h you{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d one things
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 differently, but in the end, Mason made his de
cisions too. That was what he
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri504 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 chose to do. It was his dec
ision in the end, no matter your original role."
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I had realized this after taking some thought into it. Mason had loved
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 as much as I loved her. And s
eeing that happen. Was the exact reason
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 why I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t love her, not wh
en we were both going to be Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s
\plain\expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 guardians.
\sl-209\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri2101 \expndtw-8 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 "I just wish I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}d been able to\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fl
dinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know, do anything\expndtw-
14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She pulled her hand from mine and stood up. "I should go. Let me know
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri1206 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 when you want to start pra
cticing again. And thanks for\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol
\sl-241\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw2 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I could tell by the hint in her voice something else was bothering her.
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri4802 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 Something about me and Tas
\sl-211\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri458 \expndtw-3 \f10 \f
s28 \cf44 She started to turn; but I caught her off guard when I said abruptly,
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5419 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 She glanced back. "What?"
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I held her gaze and something warm and wonderful and powerful shot
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri2716 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 between us. "No," I repeat
ed. "I told her no. Tasha."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "I\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"she shut her m
outh. Dumbfounded. "But\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}why
? That was a once-in-a-
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 lifetime thing. You could hav
e had a baby. And she\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}she w
as, you know,
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7239 \expndtw-14 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 into you\expndtw-14{\fiel
d{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-7 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I smiled at her. "Yes, she was. Is. And that{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s why I ha
d to say no. I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 return that\expndtw-14{\fiel
d{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t give her what she
wanted. Not when\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I stood,
\plain\expndtw2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a few steps towards her. Recalling the night I
had kissed Tasha, and
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri2114 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 thought of Rose. "Not when
my heat is somewhere else."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "But you seemed so into her. And you kept going on about how young I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri7687 \expndtw-28 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 acted."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 "You act young because
you\i are\i0 young. But you know things, Roza. Things
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-5 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 people older than you don{\f
63 \u8223\'3f}t even know. That day\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }}" I thought of the day up
\plain\expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 against the wall, right before we left for the
ski trip. "You were right, about
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 how I fight to stay in control. No one else has
ever figured that out---and it
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5433 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 scared me.\i You\i0 sca
re me."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4115 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Why don{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t you want anyone to know?"
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I shrugged. I honestly didn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t know. "Whether they know t
hat fact or not
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t matte
r. What matters is that someone---that you---know me that
\plain\expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 well. When a person can see into your soul, it{
\f63 \u8223\'3f}s hard. It forces you to be
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 open. Vulnerable. It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s much ea
sier being with someone who{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s just more of
\plain\expndtw-9 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 a casual friend." Like Tasha.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4063 \expndtw-11 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Like Tasha." She echoed my thoughts.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 "Tasha Ozera is an amazing women. She{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s beautiful and s
he{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s brave. But
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri6833 \expndtw-18 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 she doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4467 \expndtw-15 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "She doesn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t\i get\i0 you." She finished.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I nodded. "I knew that. But I still wanted the relationship. I knew it
would be
\pard\sl-483 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 easy and that she could take
me away from you. I thought she could make
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri6765 \expndtw-15 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 me forget you."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri1106 \expndtw-9 \f10 \
fs28 \cf44 I knew she thought the same thing with Mason. "But she couldn{\f63 \u
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4746 \expndtw-14 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yes. And, so\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}t
hat{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s a problem."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri3766 \expndtw-13 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Because It{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s wrong for us to be together."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7786 \expndtw-36 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yes."
\sl-207\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri4873 \expndtw-12 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Because of the age difference."
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7786 \expndtw-36 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yes."
\plain\pard\sl-318 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 She paused, furrowing h
er brow before gazing back up at me. "But more
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 importantly because we{\f63
\u8223\'3f}re going to be Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardians and need to focus
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5728 \expndtw-10 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 on her---not each other."

\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri7785 \expndtw-36 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "Yes."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 She thought for a moment and then looked straight into my eyes. "Well.
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2896 \expndtw-12 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 The way I see it, we aren
{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t Lissa{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s guardian{\f63 \u8223\'3f}s\i yet.\i0
\sl-243\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I knew she was right. We still had time. And I planned on making up the
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri2733 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 time I had left her for Ta
sha. I pulled her into a kiss.
\sl-245\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Time stopped as I reached out and cupped her face between my hands. I
\pard\sl-482 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 brought my mouth down and br
ushed it against her lips. It was barely a kiss
\plain\expndtw-3 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 at first but soon increased, becoming heady an
d deep. When I finally pulled
\plain\expndtw-2 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 away, it was to kiss her forehead. I left my l
ips there for several seconds as
\plain\expndtw-6 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 my arms held her close.
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f10 \fs
28 \cf44 I wished the kiss could have gone on forever. Breaking the embrace I ra
n a
\pard\sl-485 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 few fingers through that hair
that I had missed so much, and then let my
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri2309 \expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 hand fall down to her chee
k. I stepped toward the door.
\sl-210\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri5742 \expndtw-10 \f10
\fs28 \cf44 "I{\f63 \u8223\'3f}ll see you later, Roza."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 "At our next practice? We\i are\i0 starting those up again, right? I m
ean, you
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri5195 \expndtw-8 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 still have things to teach
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 Standing in the doorway I looked over at her and smiled. "Yes. Lots of
\pard\sl-480 \li0 \ri7631 \expndtw-27 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 things."
\sl-212\fs21\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-313 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw0 \f10 \fs2
8 \cf44 I realized then, that I couldn{\f63 \u8223\'3f}t leave her for another w
oman. She was the
\pard\sl-481 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw1 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 one, and if I wanted her I ha
d to accept the fact that we were made for
\plain\expndtw-4 \f10 \fs28 \cf44 each other. I smiled more as I walked into the
\sl-244\fs24\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri4762 \expndtw-4 \i \f1
0 \fs28 \cf44 Never again Rose, will I hurt you.

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