Vampire Academy Dimitri S Point of View

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\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri7126 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 By : Val Wurth
\plain\sl-85\fs8\par\sl-240\fs24\par\par\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2996 \fi32
86 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 Vampire Academy - Book 1
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li120 \ri3324 \fi3533 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 D
imitri's Perspective
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li120 \ri148 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Hey this i
s my first book so please be understanding - Disclaimer!! These characters don't

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 belong to me but to the wonderful Richelle Mead and
no intended copyright infringement.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri721 \fi760 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Let me know what you think
and I'll be sure to be working on it! Thanks! -Val
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-340 \li0 \ri7862 \expndtw-14 \b \f13 \fs28 Chapter
\sl-286\fs29\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri596 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I woke up fr
om another terrifying number, seeing Zeklos face. I felt so disappointed in
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 myself. All I had ever wanted grow
ing up was to be the best guardian; I prided myself in my
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri636 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 work. And now, after taking a sim
ple vacation, he'd been murdered. I knew there was
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 nothing I could have done, everyone takes vacations
but I shouldn't have taken it. If I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hadn't, maybe he would still be a
live and I wouldn't be exiled here at the Academy. I had
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 failed him. I remembered the fune
ral now, the way his family looked, their sadness; I could
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have saved him -if only things had been different. I
f only I had been there.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri148 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I went for a
walk, unable to stay in this bed confined any longer, I just felt so tortured,
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the sun would give me some fresh
air. It was bright outside since the Academy ran on a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri254 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 nocturnal schedule. Usually, the
sun chased away all of my nightmares, but this loss -was
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 here to stay. I felt so guilty.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When I was gr
owing up, all I had ever wanted was to be a great guardian. I was sure that if
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri459 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I trained as hard as I could poss
ibly could I would be able to protect my moroi from any
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri897 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 danger. I always had the highest
marking in my classes, I worked to be the best at
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri243 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 everything, and I'd been gifted w
ith incredible height and strength. But in the end, all that
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 skill and determination was for nothing because I fa
iled, my charge had died.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1440 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 As I walked
along the walls of the Academy, I suddenly knocked into Alberta.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2380 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Dimitri, w
hat are you doing up this late?" she asked with concern.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5461 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Couldn't s
leep," I answered her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri421 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Still havin
g trouble with your loss, Dimitri?" She asked, but it was more of a statement.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri111 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Somewhat. I
just feel like I should have been there, that I let him down. If I wouldn't hav
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 been on vacation, he would still be here today." I l
et out. I was so frustrated for myself and
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 suddenly couldn't contain the words.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri592 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Dimitri -yo
u have to stop this. You were on vacation because you hadn't taken one in
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri194 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 almost two years. And you don't k
now if it would have changed anything. You need to stop
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 blaming yourself, you did not mur
der him, strigoi did. And honestly, you really should get
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 some sleep. In a few hours you'll be leaving on that
mission," Alberta reminded me.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri5027 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, I hope all goes well
," I told her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri144 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It will," s
he assured me, "you are very good you know. Just remember, the Princess has a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri424 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 huge value, she is the last Drago
mir so be careful. Rosemary Hathaway, the novice that
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri312 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 took her is not a bad fighter nor
it she dumb, she would have made a great guardian one
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 day if she wasn't so busy getting in trouble," she s
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6432 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "I won't,"
I answered.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4460 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Ok. Then g
o get some sleep," she told me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri360 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Alright," I
told her, I knew she was right. I should be worried about getting the Princess
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 back. Who knows what kind of trouble those two have
faced out there.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri388 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When I had h
eard the story, I couldn't believe it. Security was strong at the academy. It
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri155 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was easier to escape prison than
the Academy, and managing to escape and go on without
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri291 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 getting caught was completely unh
eard of, yet this novice who seemed to only be trouble
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and of no value from what I had be
en told had managed it. I reached my bedroom and tried
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2350 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 to go back to bed. Soon enough,
my mind relaxed and I was gone.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 A few hours l
ater I awoke to get on the plane, we'd been briefed on the plan. A few sources
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 had realized that the two girls were staying on a co
llege campus in a house, and we were to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 go there and retrieve the two girls.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I couldn't h
elp but feel a bit of excitement. All that I had been doing lately was working o
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri246 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and patrolling the academy but re
ally, it had only been giving me time to think about how
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 things could have different had I only been there fo
r my charge. Now at least I could focus
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri683 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 all of my energy on something els
e. I was to lead the group. There were eleven of us
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri193 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 guardians and we were well prepar
ed. I thought the group was rather big considering they
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were only two troublesome teenage
girls, but then again when one of those girls was the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5409 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 last of the Dragomirs, it counte
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked ove
r the portfolio again, trying to memorize every angle. Suddenly a pictured fell
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri411 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 out of Rosemary Hathaway, the nov
ice, who had long hair and big almond, shaped deep
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri964 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 brown eyes. Her beauty basically
radiated off the image. I felt a bit immersed and
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6025 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 captivated all of a sudden.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6226 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Dimitri,"
called Alberta.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked up
instantly realizing that I had been busy admiring the Hathaway girl, which was
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3938 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 completely out of line. What had
I been thinking?
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6038 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Yes," I an
swered Alberta.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5515 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You ready
for this?" she asked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri161 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Of course,"
I smiled to her, the last think I needed was for her to start worrying about me

\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 becoming incompetent.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri781 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The plane wa
s descending now as we arrived in California. We decided to take three
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 separate cars and leave them parke
d about a mile away. We would walk the rest of the way
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri825 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in the shadows, trying to a
void being seen by people. The last thing we needed was
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 attention. It should be a quick g
rab and go. We pick to go late at night when at least there
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri306 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would be less people around. Unfo
rtunately, they lived very close to a college campus, so
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5920 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 people were barely settling.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri446 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I was in the
front lines. I think the air was actually cool, but I was sweating and tense -
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri685 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 ready for whatever was the come.
We walked to the house, each of us sticking to the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 shadows. We would have to invade t
he house as quietly as possible and I stood close to the
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 trees so as to not be seen. I sto
pped, then realizing we had gotten to the house. I saw her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri915 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 then, Rosemary Hathaway, she look
ed tired and seemed to be having some sort of
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 conversation with the black cat. I
stuck to the shadows, trying to assess the situation. There
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 could be other people in the house and we didn't wan
t to hurt innocent bystanders.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri725 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then I came
to a halt at the closest tree to the house, careful not to move, the other
\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri184 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 guardians stopped as well, all of
us turned into statues. The cat suddenly looked out at the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri845 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 tree, damn, he'd seen me, he tens
ed up, as expected, animals didn't like dhampirs.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri152 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemary then eyed the window and
approached, looking out into the darkness. I tried not
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri471 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to move, but judging by the way h
er expression changed I could tell that she saw me. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 then disappeared back into the darkness to alert the
other. I told them to surround the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 house, that she had seen me. They
told me we should invade now, but I contrasted, she
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri836 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 had only seen one man, this way t
he two girls would run out and there would be no
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 witnesses.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri672 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We then all
encircled the house, assuring that they would be caught regardless of the
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 direction that they ran out.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Suddenly, I
saw the front door open, I tensed, adrenaline pulsed through my veins -they
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri142 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were making a run for it. I hurri
ed along, taking notice of the two girls, the blonde one, the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 princess had only fear in her eye
s, panic really and I could very faintly hear their hushed
\plain\expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 whispers.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri207 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 On the other
hand, Hathaway, the one with the long dark hair held no fear in her eyes any
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 longer -instead determination. My
impressions at the academy had been that these two
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri249 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 girls had left because they didn'
t want to follow the rules and just have fun. I found that a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 little hard to believe looking at them. Something, s
omething was there. An unspoken bond
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri308 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and Rosemary seemed so determined
to protect the Princess I could hardly believe it was
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 about having fun. I didn't believe someone that dete
rmined to protect would not be more
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 interested in being reckless.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri307 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The two girl
s struggled, so much fear in their eyes, they had no idea what was to come. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 then saw my opportunity. I wouldn't give them any ch
ance to escape and charged forward.
\pard\sl-243 \li0 \ri2525 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I heard one of them ask in a tre
mbled voice, "Do you hear that?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We were almo
st to them. They tried to run, but they were hardly fast enough. I was sure
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemary could run faster but I supposed that she ch
ose not to so that she could stick to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri627 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the princess, dhampirs were much
more physically adapt than moroi. I saw what they
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 aimed for then, there was a sole car in that area of
the parking lot, a green Honda and
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri51 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemary began to pull out a pair
of keys, I picked up the pace and stepped directly in their
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2810 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 path -there was no way I would a
llow them to get in that car.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri774 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemary cam
e to a screeching halt, jerking back the Princess with her; at least her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri401 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 reflexes weren't completely hopel
ess. I saw recognition in her eyes that told me she had
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 realized I was the man star
ing at her from the trees. The others slowed, realizing that we
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri124 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 had them; I don't think she had r
ealized that there were almost a dozen of us. If she would
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have, would it have stopped her from trying to escap
e? There was no way she could get out
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1482 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of this situation, we had them a
nd they looked resigned, ready to surrender.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri472 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemary pre
ssed up against Lissa, putting her behind her and looked up at me, nearly
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 growling, she let out, "Don't touc
h her!" through gritted teeth. I don't think she realized that
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 we didn't mean any harm, I realiz
ed how much she cared for the Princess right then, here
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she was, ready to take on almost a
dozen guardians by herself -even if it got her killed-just
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to protect her. I didn't see that a lot, the kind of
passion in guarding, the willingness to give
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 up her life immediately. I didn't expect that from h
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri363 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I held out m
y hands to her, I didn't want her to get hurt if she didn't have to and I didn't

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri46 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 think the other guardians would tr
y avoiding conflict when she seemed so offensive. I hoped
\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri266 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 that she would realize that my in
tentions meant no harm and spoke as I stepped forward,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6637 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 "I'm not going to{\f63 \u8212\'3
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri181 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I saw her at
tack immediately, and like a cobra I knocked her off and sent her backwards, I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri461 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 didn't mean to hit her so hard an
d seeing her lose her footing heading towards the floor
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri139 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 with her hip, I reached out and c
aught her arm pulling her towards me. As I did, I caught a
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri302 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 glimpse of her neck. She reached
up to touch her throat and realized that she still held to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri203 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 dark spots of dark blood on her n
eck. She had given blood recently. It made sense -it was
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the only way Lissa could have survived. But she must
be so weak and drugged up.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri661 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked e
mbarrassed then, clearly aware of the taboo that ensued with permitting
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 someone to drink from you. She pul
led her thick long hair down and completely covered her
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri603 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 neck. It surprised me too that sh
e must have given blood a very short time before the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri851 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 attack. I knew of the kind of eff
ect it had on a person, the endorphin rush, the light
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri717 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 headedness and weakness. I couldn
't believe she would try to run in that state or try
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 attacking such a large group so much more advanced t
han her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She jerked ou
t of my hold and our eyes met. Hers were beautiful and showing defiance, she
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 backed toward Lissa now, bracing herself for another
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then Lissa s
poke, "Rose, don't." I didn't think Rosemary would change her mind, but then
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her fierceness faltered, and she calmed down. I coul
d see the tension escaping her as she
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri558 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 realized that there was no way to
win right now and sensing her resignation, I stepped
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri363 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 forward looking at Lissa, trying
to look as calm and composed as possible. I swept a bow
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and introduced myself, "My name is Dimitri Belikov.
I've come to take you back to St.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5723 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Vladimir's Academy Princess."
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-340 \li0 \ri7842 \expndtw-14 \b \f13 \fs28 Chapter
\sl-285\fs29\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri86 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We managed to
get the two girls to the airport and onto the jet without much difficulty. The
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri372 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 academy's private jet was ready f
or us when we reached it. I looked over to the Princess
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri773 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and Rosemarie and suddenly realiz
ed their secretive whispering couldn't be innocent
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri344 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 conversation so I told the guardi
an who escorted Rosemarie, "Don't let them talk to each
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri984 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 other. Five minutes together, and
they'll come up with an escape plan," there was
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4629 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 absolutely no way that I would a
llow that.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri92 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Once the plane took off, how
ever, I relaxed, ever so slightly. The possibility of them getting
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri452 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 off this plane was nonexistent. P
rincess Dragomir sat next to me, holding a water bottle
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri283 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 unnecessarily tight and when I to
ok a look at her, her eyes showed nothing but fear. Why
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was she so afraid of me? Then I realized that she wa
s eyeing the tattooed symbols on the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri783 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 back of my neck -my molnija marks
-the streaks of jagged lightning crossing in an X
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri640 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 symbol. Each one was for a strigo
i I killed. It wasn't exactly something I was proud of
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri262 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 either, because even though I kne
w strigoi were completely evil, it was still taking a life. I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4515 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 hadn't completely come to terms
with that.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri228 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I also start
ed to notice the way Rosemarie and her stole glances to each other, it was as if

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 they were almost having a silent conversation, readi
ng each other's thoughts. Where had I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri526 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 heard that from? I pondered and r
ealized that it was from the guardian stories, when a
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri397 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 moroi and their guardian would be
come bonded and the guardian could read the moroi's
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 thoughts. That couldn't be possibl
e though, it hadn't happened in a very long time -or else I
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 would have probably heard of it.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked at
Rosemarie then; she seemed, gone, distant, out of it. It was as if she had left
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her body and suddenly I saw her face become twisted,
and she grimaced. It was like she
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri669 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was back once again. What had jus
t happened? Could it be true? Could they really be
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8532 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 bonded?
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Towards the
end of the flight, I decided to go sit next to Rosemarie, asking the guardian
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 there to switch seats with me. As
soon as I sat down she turned away pointedly, staring at
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri729 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the window absentmindedly. It was
a bit juvenile since I was very aware of her arms
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri121 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 clenched in tight fists, but I de
cided to still try to talk to her, there was something I needed
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 to ask. I hadn't completely ruled out the bonded the
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri193 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Were you re
ally going to attack all of us?" I asked finally. She didn't respond though. So
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 continued, "Doing that\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}protecting her like that -it was very brave. Stupid, but
brave. Why
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6595 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 did you even try it?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri121 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She then bru
shed hair out of her face, looked at me straight in the eyes and said, "Because
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri239 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I'm her guardian," and turned bac
k towards the window like it was the most obvious thing
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri678 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in the world. And I suppose it sh
ould be, but most novices wouldn't take their jobs so
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 seriously. I remembered that I had always taken my j
ob seriously, even when I was a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 novice and the other students would insist that I ta
ke a break. And their connection, it
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 seemed more than just that. After
several moment I realized she didn't really want me to sit
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri351 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 next to her and I decided to go b
ack to the front of the jet, after all, hell was about to be
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 paid once she visited Headmistress Kirova, it was no
secret that she detested Rosemarie.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri241 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When we land
ed after, we drove Rosemarie and Lissa back to the academy. It was around
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sunset, the beginning of the day for the academy. Th
is academy wasn't as old as the one
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri759 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 that I had attended in Europe, bu
t it was built in the same beautiful architecture, it's
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri375 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 medievalness reminded me of home
in Siberia. As we walked, suddenly I saw Rosemarie
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 break from her guardian and run up to me.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5892 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Hey, Comra
de," she called.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I kept walki
ng and refused to acknowledge her with that sort of comment, I called, "You
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 want to talk now?" as sped up as did she to catch up
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri3660 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Are you taking us to Kiro
va?" she asked vulnerably.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri116 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Headmistres
s Kirova," I corrected her. She then looked at Lissa and again, I saw the silent

\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 conversation happening between them.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri422 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Headmistres
s. Whatever. She's still a self-righteous old bit-," but she suddenly stopped
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 talking when she realized we were walking through th
e commons. It was breakfast time,
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri91 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and all their class was gathered t
ogether instantly. Hundreds of eyes set on both Rosemarie
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri618 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and Princess Dragomir all of a su
dden. There was so much tension I thought someone
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 would burst.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri58 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked at R
osemarie and noticed her reaction, a lazy grin. Everyone gawked at them, their
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 eyes widening, they were legends here at the academy
. Most of the stares were curious, but
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 one of them from a small Moroi girl was not friendly
at all. She looked more like she wanted
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri863 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to rip the Princess's eyes out. I
t looked like they had been popular back here at the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4534 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 academy when they had actually a
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri366 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We finally r
eached Headmistress Kirova's office and most of the other guardians left with
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the exception of Alberta and me. We stood along the
wall and tried to fade out while they
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri586 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 talked. The Headmistress looked t
erribly angry, and just as she was about to open her
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 mouth Prince Victor Dashkov cut her off.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6755 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Vasilia" h
e spoke.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Prince Dashk
ov then rose from the chair he had been seated at with what looked like great
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri59 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 effort, since he was very ill and
the Princess ran to him, throwing her arms around him for a
\plain\expndtw-26 \f13 \fs19 h u g.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1155 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Uncle" she
whispered, sounding like teardrops would come out at any moment.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You have no
idea how glad I am to see you safe Vasilisa," he smiled, " and you too Rose."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri484 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 They talked
for few moments and then Vasilisa returned to her chair. The Headmistress
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 lectured the girls, but then the attention shifted t
o Rosemarie.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri486 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You, Miss H
athaway, broke the most sacred promise among out kind: the promise of a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri254 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 guardian to protect a Moroi. It i
s a great trust. A trust that you violated by selfishly taking
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the princess away from here. The Strigoi would love
to finish of the Dragomirs, you nearly
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6342 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 enabled them to do it."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1533 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Rose didn'
t kidnap me," spoke up Lissa, "I wanted to go. Don't blame her."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri1208 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The headmis
tress continued, "Miss Dragomir, you could have been the one who
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri379 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 orchestrated the entire plan for
all I know, but it was still her responsibility to make sure
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you didn't carry it out. If she'd done her duty, she
would have notified someone. If she'd
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4201 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 done her duty, she would have ke
pt you safe."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri376 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie sn
apped then, "I did my duty!" she shouted, I flinched and I think Alberta did
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri280 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 too. "I did keep her safe! I kept
her safe when none of you could do it. I took her away to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri175 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 protect her. I did what I had to.
You certainly weren't going to." I wonder what exactly she
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7093 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 meant by that.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri235 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Kirova stared, "Miss Hathaw
ay, forgive me if I fail to see the logic of how taking her out of
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri82 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 heavily guarded, magically secured
environment is protecting her. Unless there's something
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6457 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 you aren't telling us?"
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6021 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie t
han bit her lip.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri272 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I see," she
continued, "well then. By my estimation, the only reason you left -aside from
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the novelty of it, no doubt, was
to avoid the consequences of that horrible destructive stunt
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4482 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 you pulled just before your disa
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri559 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I had read r
eports about the incident, and it had said that Rose grabbed a baseball bat
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri283 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 during one of the parties a stude
nt was having without permission and smashed an entire
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 student's room.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3782 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No, that's
not-" Rose began but Kirova cut her off.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri106 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "And that on
ly makes my decision that much easier. As a Moroi, the princess must continue
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 here at the Academy for her own safety, but we have
no such obligations to you. You will be
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5565 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 sent away as soon as possible."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri820 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I\expndtw-1
4{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}what?" Rose began, suddenly realizin
g the severity of the situation, her audacity
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 faltering.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1706 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa then
stood up to defend her, "You can't do that, she's my guardian."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She is no su
ch thing, particularly since she isn't even a guardian at all. She's still a nov
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5508 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "But my par
ents{\f63 \u8212\'3f}" Lissa began.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri514 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I know what
your parents wanted, God rest their souls, but things have changed. Miss
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri833 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Hathaway is expendable. She doesn
't deserve to be a guardian, and she will leave."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri412 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I didn't rea
lly like the way Kirova spoke about us like that. Expendable -when guardians
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri157 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were out there risking their live
s every day and dedicating everything to them. And I didn't
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri461 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 think it was right for her to thr
ow Rosemarie out like that. It'd be a waste of talent. She
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6515 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 could see that, right?
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Where are yo
u going to send me? To my mom in Nepal? Did she even know I was gone? Or
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 maybe you'll send me off to my father? Or maybe you'
re going to try and send me off to be
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2436 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 a blood whore. Try that, and we'
ll be gone by the end of the day."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3832 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Miss Hatha
way," she hissed, "you are out of line."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri612 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I knew where
this was going. I had to admit, this girl had guts, especially to stick it to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri194 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Kirova and try to protect Lissa a
gainst all odds last night. Sending her off, I thought again,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri812 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would never work out, with the wa
y they acted, especially if they really are bonded.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri394 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I hadn't rea
lized I spoke aloud until it was too late, "they have a bond." Kirova eyed me,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri488 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and I knew I would have to explai
n. I looked at Rosemarie this time, "Rose knows what
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5711 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Vasilisa is feeling. Don't you?"

\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fl
dinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" Kirova began, not wanting to believe it, "that's
impossible. That hasn't happened in
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7433 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 centuries."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2592 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It's obvio
us, I suspected it as soon as I started watching them.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri167 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Neither Liss
a nor Rose responded, and when I looked at Rose again, she averted her eyes.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2531 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Victor then
chimed in "that is a gift, a rare and wonderful thing."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2346 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I added, "t
he best guardians always had that bond, in the stories."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri272 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Kirova began
again, outrage painted in every word, "Stories that are centuries old, surely
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri828 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you aren't suggesting we let her
stay at the Academy after everything she's done?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri71 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I admitted, "
She might be wild and disrespectful, but she has potential{\f63 \u8212\'3f}" she
reminded me
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 so much of me when I was younger.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Wild and di
srespectful," Rose began, "Who the hell are you anyway? Outsourced help?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri722 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I couldn't b
elieve she'd say that. After all, here I was advocating for her. She was so
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 juvenile, she didn't even understand when to pick he
r battles.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri77 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Kirova quickl
y informed her, "Guardian Belikov is the princess's guardian now," said Kirova.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Her sanctioned guardian." I didn't think Rose would
like that one too much.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You got chea
p foreign labor to protect Lissa?" Ouch, like she was even American. Nearly all
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 moroi and dhampir roots are Eastern European.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Kirova then t
hrew her hands up in exasperation, "You see? Completely undisciplined! All the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri696 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 psychic bonds and very raw potent
ial in the world can't make up for that. A guardian
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri4271 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 without discipline is worse than
no guardian."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri92 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So teach her
discipline," I insisted determined not to lose this battle, "Classes just start
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Put her back in and get her training again.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1844 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Impossible
," argued Kirova, "She'll still be hopelessly behind her peers.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5340 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No I won't
," Rose tried to assert.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri322 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Then give h
er extra training sessions." I insisted. I didn't want to see her talent wasted.

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We already had such a shortage of guardians, especia
lly female guardians as it is.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2650 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Who's goin
g to put in the extra time? You?" Kirova demanded.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3667 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 That caught
me off guard. "Well that's not what I{\f63 \u8212\'3f}"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3112 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes. That'
s what I thought," Kirova said with satisfaction.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2407 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I frowned a
nd looked as Rose and Lisa, their eyes pleading to me.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri262 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes," I finally said, deci
ding, it wasn't like I had much to do anyway, "I can mentor Rose.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3379 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I'll give her extra sessions alo
ng with her normal ones."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3465 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "And then w
hat? She goes unpunished?" asked Kirova.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri303 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Find some o
ther way to punish her. Guardian numbers have gone down too much to risk
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 losing another. A girl, in particular.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri601 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Victor sudde
nly supported my argument, "I'm inclined to agree with Guardian Belikov.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri3160 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Sending Rose away would be a sha
me. A waste of talent."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3984 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Please Ms.
Kirova, let Rose stay," Lissa pleaded.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri96 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "If Miss Hath
away stays, here's how it will be. Your continued enrollment at St. Vladimir's i
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 strictly probationary. Step out of line once, and yo
u're gone. You will attend all classes and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri361 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 required trainings for novices yo
ur age. You will also train with Guardian Belikov in every
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri56 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 spare moment you have -before and
after classes. Other than that, you are banned from all
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 social activities, except meals,
and will stay in your dorm. Fail to comply with any of this,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5945 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 and you will be sent away."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri405 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose bickere
d, "Banned from all social activities? Are you trying to keep us apart? Afraid
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6485 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 we'll run away again?
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri680 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'm taking
precautions. As I'm sure you recall, you were never properly punished for
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri485 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 destroying school property. You h
ave a lot to make up for. You are being offered a very
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2390 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 generous deal. I suggest you do
not let your attitude endanger it."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri49 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then Rose loo
ked at me. She was about to say something to screw herself over but I looked
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri776 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 deeply into her eyes and she stop
ped herself from going on any further realizing her
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 predicament.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3878 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Fine, I ac
cept." Rose finally said with resignation.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5673 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 This defini
tely changed things.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-340 \li0 \ri7842 \expndtw-14 \b \f13 \fs28 Chapter
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After the me
eting Rosemarie and Princess Vasilisa were sent directly to their counselors to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri133 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 get schedules and then to whateve
r class they were assigned for the period -no break time
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri631 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 for them -on the other hand, I'd
finally get a break from these two before committing
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri149 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 myself to something else. All in
all, I didn't think mentoring Rose would be so bad; she had
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 been disrespectful, but she was so intent on protect
ing Vasilisa that I felt assured she would
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6251 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 commit to the trainings.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri81 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 As for me, it
wasn't like I had some big social life that these trainings would interfere wit
h -
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and honestly, less downtime would let me repress som
e of my thoughts about Lord Zeklos.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri396 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I still felt terribly guilty, we
had both gone to the Academy in Siberia, grown up together
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and had been close friends. He had
actually requested me when we graduated, thinking that
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri3399 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I could be able to protect him -
but instead I failed him.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri452 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After the schedules Alberta
and I escorted Rosemarie to the guardians' gym, none of us
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri380 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 speaking. The other novices were
in the middle of gym setting up when we entered, and
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 just like before, all eyes were glued to Rosemarie.
Truthfully, I was sure most boys' eyes
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were glued to her regularly. She had a very womanly
body, curvy, thin and with a much
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri253 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 larger than average upper chest,
especially in a school full of Moroi girls who were usually
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 extremely thin. Her face was exoti
c -tan, beautiful big brown eyes and long thick black hair.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked more like some alluring desert princess t
han a student in high school.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri272 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I noticed Ro
semarie then, she seemed to be gathering her courage as she looked around,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 probably searching for someone she was well acquaint
ed with before her "vacation".
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri165 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hey Mason,
wipe the drool off your face. If you're going to think about me naked, do it on
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 your own time," Rose called out to the crowd eyeing
her. Mason was a red haired boy with
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 freckles all over his face and becoming one of the b
est novices. Did she have to put herself
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6689 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 out there like that?
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He snapped o
ut of his haze then and answered her with a lopsided smile, "This is my time,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4800 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Hathaway. I'm leading today's se
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri236 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh yeah," s
he continued, "Huh, well I guess this is a good time to think about me naked,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri480 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 then." Something strange happened
when she said that -I noticed their interaction and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri120 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 realized that it bothered me. Aft
er deciding to be her mentor -I guess I started to feel a bit
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 protective over her. Besides, she didn't need these
sorts of futile distractions. She had a lot
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6443 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 of catching up to you.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri509 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It's always
a good time to think about you naked," replied Eddie Castile, another good
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 novice who didn't seem so great anymore to me.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1269 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The comment
seemed to hit a nerve. Rosemarie was very beautiful, and it was
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 understandable with the fact that
she is a teenager that she is going to flirt, but I didn't
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri247 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 really like the way the boys look
ed at her -like she was a piece of meat. It bothered more
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 than it should have, and I really
wanted her to respect herself. I cursed out loud in Russian
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 then and walked off, shaking my head at her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri454 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked a
t me for a moment and shrugged, deciding not to let it get to her and then
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri809 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 joined her class. I went off to t
he back of the gym where I could easily watch them,
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri533 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 although they couldn't see me. I
also was curious to where she stood at this point with
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri182 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 regards to her body. Had she trai
ned while she was away? If she hadn't, practice would be
\plain\expndtw-15 \f13 \fs19 hell.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri698 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I watched as
the class engulfed her, hearing people question her as to the reason for
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri241 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 leaving and catching up -she neve
r did tell them. Finally, Guardian Steven came over and
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 scowled at Mason for neglecting hi
s duties. Still with a sloppy smile, eyes basically attached
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1755 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to Rosemarie, he barked out orde
rs to everyone explaining the exercises.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He then proc
eeded to grab Rosemarie by the arm, telling her, "Come on, Hathaway. You
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri139 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 can be my partner. Let's see what
you've been doing all this time." After that, I watched at
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie was beat on, time after time. She was real
ly out of shape. I felt a small pleasure
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in having Mason do the beating, m
aybe now she wouldn't be so interested in flirting with
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri236 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 boys and actually take her respon
sibilities more seriously. The way she trained now would
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri91 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 affect how she would handle
Strigoi in the future, and more importantly whether she would
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4385 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 protect her Moroi or get both of
them killed.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3306 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After pract
ice was over, he asked, "No practicing, huh?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4535 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Ow," she g
roaned. There was his answer.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri647 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He grabbed h
er by the hand and pulled her up, holding her hand a little longer than I
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 deemed necessary.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1447 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I hate you
," she told him, rubbing her thigh where she had taken a bad hit.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3931 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You'd hate
me more if I held back," he retorted.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2204 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, that
's true," she answered as they put their equipment back.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You actually
did okay," he told her, clearly trying to make her feel better. She really hadn
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 though -she'd be killed in an instant if it had been
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3658 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "What? I ha
d my ass handed to me," she answered.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1051 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Well, of c
ourse you did. It's been two years. But hey, you're still walking. That's
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 something," he told her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4078 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Did I ment
ion I hate you?" she asked jokingly.
\sl-277\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He flashed h
er another smile and then it faded, telling her the harsh truth, "Don't take thi
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the wrong way\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }}I mean, you really are a scrapper, but there' no way you'll be ab
le to take
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6118 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 your trials in the spring."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1442 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 They hadn't
seen me standing in the corner, not realizing I could hear them.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1007 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "They're ma
king me take extra practice sessions. I'll be ready," she assured him.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5013 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Extra sess
ions with who?" he asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4829 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "That tall
guy. Dimitri," she responded.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri85 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I had the ple
asure of seeing his expression abruptly change; he stopped walking altogether
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1118 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and stared at her for a few seco
nds, "You're putting in extra time with Belikov?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5028 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, so w
hat?" she asked casually.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri349 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So the man
is a god." A god? Really. I didn't know I had that big of a reputation among
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 novices.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3767 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Exaggerate
much?" she questioned, not buying it.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri286 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No, I'm serious. I mean, h
e's all quiet and antisocial usually, but when he fights\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fl
dinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}wow. If
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you think you're hurting now, you
're going to be dead when he's done with you," he told
\plain\expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 her.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri293 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose didn't
seem too pleased with this comment and they left class. I left too, deciding to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri187 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 go to Guardian Stan Alto's class,
I knew it would be her next class and I was curious about
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4428 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 her. On the way Alberta came to
talk to me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hey Dimitri
, I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but I'm pretty impressed with you fo
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3646 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 standing up for Princess Vasilis
a and Ms. Hathaway."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4017 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Oh that,"
I said, nonchalantly, "It was nothing."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri494 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, that'
s what you say now, wait until you have to deal with her," she retorted, her
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 voice teasing.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5455 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Is she rea
lly that bad?" I asked.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Honestly, no
. She just seems to always find herself in these horrible situations. The girl h
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2701 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 potential though. And if anyone
can hone those skills, it's you."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6595 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Thanks," I
told her.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5447 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Where you
headed?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2488 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Guardian A
lto's class, I wanted to observe Rosemarie," I replied.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri313 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Guardian Al
to," she said, "that should be interesting. Those two have never been able to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri454 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 see eye to eye. And with the way
Stan is, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to humiliate
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7996 \expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 her."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1882 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Great, the
n she should be in an excellent mood when I get her," I said.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri309 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She laughed,
"Don't worry; she won't bite -that hard." She became serious then, "I think
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri49 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 this will actually help you too. I
t'll keep you busy." I knew what she meant about that, you'll
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 spend less time tormenting yourself over Lord Zeklos
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri332 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, I kno
w. I'll see you later Alberta," I said as I walked out to Stan's class. I stood
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the back of the class as everyone took their seats.
Again, all the pairs of eyes jumped and
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1324 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 stared at Rosemarie. Stan's eyes
, however, did not look as friendly or curious.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri851 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "What's this
?" he began, "No one told me we had a guest speaker here today. Rose
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri715 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Hathaway. What a privilege! How v
ery generous of you to take time out of your busy
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1493 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 schedule and share your knowledg
e with us," he added, bitterly sarcastically
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1753 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie's
face grew angry and her cheeks began to look a flaming red.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Well come o
n, come on." He gestured to her to stand up, "Don't sit there! Come up to the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri4493 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 front so you can help me lecture
the class."
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri1620 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose seemed to want to dis
appear into her seat, "You don't really mean{\f63 \u8212\'3f}"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri286 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But he cut h
er off with a taunting smile, "I mean exactly what I say, Hathaway. Go to the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 front of the class," meaning he wasn't taking no for
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri437 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I felt bad a
t this point. Even though she had taken Vasilisa away from the Academy and
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 safety, I knew there had to be some logical explanat
ion, something she wasn't telling us
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri153 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 because while Rosemarie was no an
gel, she would do anything to protect Vasilisa. Besides,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri312 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 his taunting of her seemed immatu
re, like he was just taking her weak moment to use to
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 his advantage.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie man
aged to go to the front of the class, attempting a bold look as she tossed her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri531 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hair over her shoulder. A few of
the other students gave her sympathetic looks. As she
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 scanned the room, her eyes halted
when they landed on mine. She saw me lingering in the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1463 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 back of the room. I put on a sto
ne face -not wanting her to see my feelings.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1503 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So, Hathaw
ay," said Stan, "Enlighten us about your protective techniques."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2578 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie a
nswered, voice cracking a little, "my \expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \
\f Symbol }} techniques?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri149 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Of course,"
replied Stan with a smirk, "Because presumable you must have had some sort
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri301 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of plan the rest of us couldn't u
nderstand when you took and underage Moroi royal out of
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3089 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 the Academy and exposed her to c
onstant Strigoi threats."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4000 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I felt de j
a vu over Kirova's lecture this morning.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri292 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "We never ra
n into Strigoi," Rosemarie answered, basically inviting Stan to humiliate her.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri456 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Obviously,
I already figured that out, seeing as how you're still alive," he replied dryly.

\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri481 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie lo
oked defeated, realizing his words and probably pondering today's beating
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri336 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 from Mason. If she couldn't take
out a novice, there was no way in hell she had a chance
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 with Strigoi.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Stan started
pacing as he spoke, "So what'd you do? How'd you make sure she stayed safe?
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5316 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Did you avoid going out at night
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2777 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Sometimes,
" Rose answered. Bad choice of words, I thought.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri507 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Sometimes,"
Stan mimicked, trying to make it sound like a ridiculously stupid answer.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Well then," he continued, "I suppose you slept duri
ng the day and stayed on guard at
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7814 \expndtw-11 \f13 \fs19 night."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6200 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Er\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}no," Rose admitted.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri682 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No?" asked
Stan, "But that's one of the first things mentioned in the chapter on solo
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2435 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 guarding. Oh wait, you wouldn't
know because you weren't here."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri504 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Next time Rosemarie opened
her mouth I could hear her voice cracking a lot, his words
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were hurting her as she realized
she could have gotten Vasilisa killed, "I watched the area
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6239 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 whenever we went out."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri376 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh? Well th
at's something. Did you use Carnegie's Quadrant Surveillance Method or the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6651 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 Rotational Survey?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1587 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Through her
silence I presumed she didn't know what those methods were.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri438 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Ah." He con
tinued triumphantly, "I'm guessing you used the Hathaway Glance-Around-
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5411 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Whenever-You-Remember-To Method.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri189 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No!" Rose s
napped, anger leaking out of her words, "That's not true. I watched her. She's
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6582 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 still alive, isn't she?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Stan then pr
oceeded to lean right into Rosemarie's face and say, "Because you got lucky."
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He was being a jerk about the way he presented this,
humiliating her in front of her peers,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 but I had to admit -he was absolutely right.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri118 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rosemarie tr
ied to defend herself, "Strigoi aren't lurking around every corner out there. It
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1799 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 not like what we've been taught.
It's safer that you guys make it sound."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Safer? Safer
? We are at war with the Strigoi!" he yelled now. "One of them could walk right
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri434 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 up to you and snap your pretty li
ttle neck before you even noticed him -and he'd barely
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri162 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 break a sweat doing it. You might
have more speed and strength than a Moroi or a human,
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri888 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but you are nothing, nothing, com
pared to a Strigoi. They are deadly, and they are
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2726 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 powerful. And do you know what m
akes them more powerful?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri332 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She was on t
he verge of tears now, searching around the room, again, she met my eyes,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri676 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and this time, it caused some str
ange feelings to stir inside of me. Suddenly, I wasn't
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri819 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 looking at a student; I was looki
ng at a stunning and enticing angel. She was so, so
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri193 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 beautiful. It'd been a very long
time since I felt something like that. Her eyes attracted me
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to an alluring world. Then I reali
zed what I was thinking -how out of line it was. What had I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 been thinking? Her voice brought
me back to Earth and I snapped out of my haze, "Moroi
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 blood," she answered.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5734 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "What was t
hat?" asked Stan.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1011 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She turned
to him and shouted, "Moroi blood! Moroi blood makes them stronger."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri643 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes. It doe
s. It makes them stronger\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
He continued, but I tuned him out. For some
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri385 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 reason I couldn't comprehend, I f
elt sorry for Rose, really sorry. I wanted to go wrap my
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri880 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 arms around her and comfort her.
I wanted to protect her. When he finally finished
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 tormenting her she took her seat and sulked, looking
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri623 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 While I admi
t Stan had a point in what he said, she had been completely wrong in her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri506 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 choices but I knew there just had
to be some other reason for her actions, I just hadn't
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri728 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 discovered it yet. Training her w
asn't going to be easy, but I definitely wanted her to
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 succeed. I wanted her to prove Stan wrong and show e
veryone that she wasn't just a
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 defiant teenager. I wanted to tea
ch her to protect herself so that she would never get hurt.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri248 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After class let out I staye
d, wanting to confront Stan. What he'd said, the way that he had
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri560 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 treated her, brought out a dark e
motion and I wanted him to know that I was ready to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri456 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 protect to Rose if I needed to. "
Guardian Alto," I called. We weren't on first name basis.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3582 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yes? Guard
ian Belikov," he answered, voice puzzled.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4993 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "What was a
ll that about?" I snapped.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6215 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "What was w
hat about?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "The way you
spoke to Rosemarie Hathaway," I told him, my tone informing that I found it
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 quite of line.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1264 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh that. S
he needed to hear that what she did was wrong," he replied simply.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri50 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You humiliat
ed her in front of her whole class, she was on the verge of tears," I responded,

\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 growing angry.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri368 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He seemed ta
ken aback, maybe he hadn't realized that I didn't approve, "Look Belikov, I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri796 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 understand that you've been out t
here in the world and that you are one of the best
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 guardians, but when it comes to t
eaching, that's my realm. You can't be soft-hearted with
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2285 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 these students when they will ev
entually have a life in their hands."
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri127 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I understan
d that, but if you felt that you needed to talk to Miss Hathaway, why didn't you

\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri1220 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 just wait until after class? Why
would you want to hurt her like that -it wasn't\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SY
MBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7206 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 professional."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri227 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Look Beliko
v," Stan's tone harsh now, "this is my class, and if I want to show an example
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 over some girl who only cares about having fun and d
oes not understand the gravity of the
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 situation -that's my business. Whe
n you're in my class, you are here to protect the novices,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri178 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 not intervene. And I heard that y
ou are going to be Hathaway's mentor, and if you want to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 get anywhere with her, I suggest y
ou don't go soft on her. She does not deserve it. Besides,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4075 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I really don't believe she'll be
able to graduate."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri284 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She will gr
aduate actually," I retorted, "And she will do it with flying colors because I w
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 teach her. And you're right, this
is you're class and I get that but don't think that I will allow
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri519 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 my student to be harassed by her
teacher. Have some professionalism -yes Rosemarie
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 seems like she can be trouble but
you're stooping to her level because you are an adult -
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6807 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 she's still a child."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri266 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 With that, I
stocked off. I wasn't ever someone to intervene with someone else's business
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but I watched the way he tormented
Rosemarie. Everyone seemed to think the worst of her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 -but they forgot to acknowledge t
hat she did protect the Princess, and with the way that
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she cares about her -they couldn't have just left so
that Rosemarie could avoid trouble. I
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 was sure of that.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 A few hours l
ater I managed to catch up to Rosemarie. I really was rooting for her -she was
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the underdog, no one believed in
her and to me -that just made her so vulnerable. I felt
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri558 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 some need to protect her that I d
idn't understand. I suppose that she sort of felt like a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 troublesome younger sister -at least that's the way
I should be looking at her.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri159 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I fell into step with her a
s she was walking across the campus to the commons. She spoke
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7968 \expndtw-13 \f13 \fs19 first.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri497 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I suppose y
ou saw what happened in Stan's class?" she began not beating around the
\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 bush.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6634 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Yes," I re
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5666 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "And you th
ink that was fair?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri97 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 No, I thought
, but Stan was right about one thing -going soft on Rosemarie would not help
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri279 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her, "Was he right?" I replied, "
Do you think you were fully prepared to protect Vasilisa?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I kept her a
live," she mumbled looking towards the floor. I think after the beating she took

\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 today against Mason she realized how powerless she w
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "How did you
do fighting against your classmates today?" I asked, knowing the answer.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked h
urt -and I felt bad -again that feeling to protect her came in and I wanted to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri114 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 give her a hug -but instead I kep
t my face a stone revealing nothing of the sort. When she
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3720 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 didn't answer, I pointed, "If yo
u can't fight them{\f63 \u8212\'3f}"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3047 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But she cut
me off, "Yeah, yeah, I know," with an attitude.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri207 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I felt bad,
I think she was starting to lose faith in herself, so I told her, "You're strong
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 fast by nature. You just need to keep yourself train
ed. Didn't you play any sports why you
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7264 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 were gone?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4838 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Sure," she
shrugged, "Now and then."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1541 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You didn't
join any teams," I asked -realizing she really was in bad shape.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Too much wo
rk. If I'd wanted to practice that much, I'd have stayed here." Great -that
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri237 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would be a fantastic attitude to
work with. Maybe I was wrong and she really did not take
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 her job seriously.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri285 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You'll neve
r be able to protect the princess if you don't hone your skills. You'll always b
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7605 \expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 lacking."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri108 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'll be abl
e to protect her," she responded, attempting to sound fierce. I saw right throug
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 it and I realized she needed some motivation.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri227 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You have no
guarantees of being assigned to her, you know -for your field experience or
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri447 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 after you graduate. No one wants
to waste the bond -but no one's going to give her an
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri311 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 inadequate guardian either. If yo
u want to be with her, then you need to work for it. You
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have your lessons. You have me. Use us or don't. You
're an ideal choice to guard Vasilisa
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2233 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 when you both graduate -if you c
an prove worthy. I hope you will."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri111 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Lissa, call her Lissa," sh
e corrected. Was that all she heard just now? I was growing a little
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri409 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 impatient, what had I just commit
ted myself to? I walked away before saying anything I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 might regret later. I passed Victor Dashkov on the w
ay; he was heading to talk to Rose.
\sl-276\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-340 \li0 \ri7842 \expndtw-14 \b \f13 \fs28 Chapter
\sl-285\fs29\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I spent the r
est of the day stepping into classrooms, blending in and protecting the novices.

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri496 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 There were a lot of guardians on
campus -not nearly as many as there used to be{\f63 \u8212\'3f}but
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 enough so that I could ease up just a little. Most o
f the time I just sort of thought it was
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1218 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 tedious to just stand there all
the time and watch the students. I overheard the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 conversations too every now and th
en; today those conversations seemed to revolve around
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 only one thing: the Princess and Rose's return.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 There were m
any rumors as to why they had left -from Rose being pregnant and going to
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 get an abortion to that the girls left and went to h
ang out with Guardian Hathaway, Rose's
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri93 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 mother. The mother theory was ridi
culous considering who Guardian Hathaway was -one of
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri383 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the greatest Guardians who had ki
lled several Strigoi in her lifetime. She would never be
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 irresponsible or reckless -she contrasted her daught
er Rose like black and white.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri283 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Eventually, I heard some of the r
umors switch to other subjects\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbo
l }} subjects that were a bit
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6949 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 more provoking.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri151 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 One particul
ar conversation jumped out at me, it was between two Moroi, Jesse Zeklos and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri566 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Ralf. Ralf was a chubby Moroi, an
unlikely scenario for his specie. He basically followed
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri872 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Jesse's lead. Jesse, on the other
hand, was the typical royal Moroi, completely self-
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 absorbed, nothing like his cousin
Lord Zeklos -he pretty much believed he was God's gift to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri440 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Earth and that he could get anyth
ing, or anyone, in this particular case. I was especially
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sensitive to Moroi men trying to s
leep with Dhampir girls; they never really wanted anything
\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri340 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 serious and felt that they were a
bove them. I grew up in a commune of women and their
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 children in Siberia, my mother decided not to be a G
uardian so she could raise me. These
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri107 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 communes had a bad reputation for
being Blood Whore centers -when a dhampir, usually a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri324 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 woman, let a Moroi drink blood fr
om her during sex; it was considered a very skanky and
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri877 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 dirty thing to do. Every once in
a while I'd hear Moroi boys talk about sleeping with
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri284 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Dhampirs at the school -and it re
minded me so much of the Moroi men back home that it
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 really through me off.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri288 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 My father ha
d been one of those men. He would drop in every once in a while, expect sex
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 from my mother and not acknowledge his children. Lik
e most Moroi men I met there, they
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 believed they would do whatever t
he hell they wanted and get away with it. I beat up my
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri60 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 father when I was fifteen for this
particular belief -he dropped in expecting to be able to get
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri234 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 whatever he wanted from my mother
, she told him to go but he wouldn't listen and began
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to push her. I then proceeded to b
eating his ass. Even though I was fifteen, I was extremely
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 tall and muscular and I worked ou
t constantly. I barely broke a sweat. After that, I never
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6524 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 saw my father again.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri412 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose sort of
reminded me of the person I'd been then at fifteen. I'd learned a lot of self-
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri222 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 control since then, but there was
a time when I rushed into things as she did. At the same
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 time, I realized she didn't have a family backing he
r up and supporting her and telling her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri387 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 when she was making an ass out of
herself. Without my family I wouldn't be where I am
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri131 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 today and Rose -Rose doesn't real
ly have anyone. I don't believe she knows her father and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri425 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 while her mother sacrificed her l
ife to protect Moroi which is the honorable thing to do, I
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 don't think it was a good thing for Rose at all.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri182 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Now I was hearing Jesse and
Ralf's conversation -they were just like those Moroi men that
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri119 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 thought every Dhampir girl was a
whore. Jesse and Ralf discussed the return of Rose to the
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri357 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Academy, why Lissa and Rose had l
eft in the first place and the fact that another Moroi a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 year younger, Mia, had some friction with Lissa and
Rose because Mia was dating Aaron,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri254 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa's ex-boyfriend. It began wi
th the usual high school juvenile stuff. Eventually though,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the conversation took a different
road. They began to chat about Rose's body, her larger
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 breasts and more defined hips. Je
sse was convinced that he could sleep with her and fulfill
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 his "exotic conquest." Jesse also told Ralf that he
had seen Rose and talked to her at lunch
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and that Rose had "basically melted when they spoke"
and that he'd have her in no time.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 With that, I started to become angry -they thought s
o little of her. Jesse was in over his
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 head if he thought his plan would
work. I would keep Rose safe -which included keeping her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri439 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 away from any Moroi who wanted to
take advantage of her. I also realized there was no
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 way he could ever be alone since
Rose was not allowed to do anything social, this reminder
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 calmed me down\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }} a little. Rose was too beautiful for her own good.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was silly
, really, to get all worked up about something like that. They were only being
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri68 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 teenage boys to some extent; Jesse
probably didn't really think what he was saying, he was
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri342 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 probably just trying to impress R
alf. I tried to make myself believe that at least. Besides,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose was under lock-down, all she could do was go to
class and practice with me. These
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri135 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 boys could keep fantasizing all t
hey want but I would make sure Jesse wouldn't so much as
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6139 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 touch a hair on her head.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri152 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Later that e
vening I had practice with Rose, she hadn't showed up yet so I went to find her
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 -she was talking to Lissa when I came up to her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6956 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Rose?" I c
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri153 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 They both lo
oked up then at me, scared that I had overheard whatever they were saying. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hadn't, unfortunately, I was going to have to watch
these two like a hawk -or at least Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1294 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You're lat
e for practice," I said evenly, then nodded towards Lissa, "Princess."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose then fo
llowed me and we walked away. She looked worried and kept looking back -I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 suspected it was about Lissa. The
students hadn't made their return to the Academy easier.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7424 \expndtw-27 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 5
\sl-95\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri553 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs
19 I noticed Rose was suddenly doing that thing again that she did on the plane
-she was
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri296 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 somewhere else and completely out
of it. I tried to call her attention. "Rose, Rose?" I was
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 gripping her shoulders now and shaking her. We had s
topped walking and I began to get
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 worried.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2786 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She finally
snapped out of it then. "Are you all right?" I asked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri468 \expndtw-1 \f13 \fs19 "I\expndtw-1
4{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}yeah. I was\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I was with Lissa\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMB
OL 188 \\f Symbol }}" she said as she put her hand on her forehead -that
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3533 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 would take some getting used to,
"I was in her head."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri899 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Her\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}head?" I asked, a bit puzzled, I d
idn't really know much about being bonded.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2367 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, it's
part of the bond," she answered simply, without details.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri5459 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Is she all right?" I aske
d warily.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri276 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah she's\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" she hesitated before cont
inuing, "coasting through the middle. She's not in
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 danger," she said, with a doubting tone.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri113 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Can you kee
p going?" I asked quite concerned. She looked at me then, really looked -that
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 way she had in Stan's class -stirring up all these e
motions in me I didn't quite understand.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose really was too beautiful for her own good -or m
aybe my own good.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri626 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah. I'm f
ine," she answered, snapping me back to reality. I had to stop doing that.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She then proc
eeded to go to the gym's dressing room and change to workout clothes. When
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she came out she actually suggested I let her off th
is time.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7035 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 I laughed t
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4392 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Why is tha
t funny?" she asked not amused.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1755 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I'd have to
be tough with her, "Oh," my smile fading, "You were serious."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri301 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Of course I
was!" she replied, gaining an attitude, "Look, I've technically been awake for
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 two days. Why do we have to start this training now?
Let me go to be. It's just one hour."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri285 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Now she actu
ally sounded whiny, how was she supposed to ever learn to be a Guardian if
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6270 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 she didn't push herself?
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri189 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I crossed my
arms and looked at her, all hint of humor gone from my visage, "How do you
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 feel right now? After the training you've done so fa
r?" I asked her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5023 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I hurt lik
e hell," she replied honesty.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri367 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You'll feel
worse tomorrow," maybe reasoning with her would help, though I doubted it.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4906 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "So?" she a
sked, not getting my point.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3005 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So, better
to jump in now while you still feel\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }} not as bad."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4663 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "What kind
of logic is that?" she retorted.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri281 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I just led h
er into the weight room, showing her the weights and reps I wanted her to do.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 While she performed this I sat in
a corner and read one of my favorite Western novels. The
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 book was quite beaten down after hundreds of reading
s. When she finished, I stood beside
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3572 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 her and demonstrated her some co
ol down stretches.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri253 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "How'd you e
nd up as Lissa's guardian? You weren't here a few years ago. Were you even
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 trained at this school," she asked, I hesitated, not
wanting to relay my failure. It wasn't a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 subject I found easy to converse about. At the same
time, I realized she seemed like the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 persistent type anyway -so I decided to answer part
of her question.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5213 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No. I atte
nded the one in Siberia."
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri1546 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Whoa." She paused, "That'
s got to be the only worse place than Montana."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri241 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That amused
me, "After I graduated," I continued, "I was a guardian for a Zeklos lord. He
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri794 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was killed recently," I continued
, smile now gone from my face. "They sent me here
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri114 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 because they needed extras on cam
pus. When the princess turned up, they assigned me to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1324 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her, since I'd already be around
. Not that it matters until she leaves campus."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri88 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She pondered
what I said for a moment, finally speaking, "Did this lord die on your watch?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri297 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 This wasn't
something I usually felt comfortable talking about, but in the strangest way it
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was easy with Rose and almost\expndtw-14{\field{\*\f
ldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}relieving. Rose may be a lot of things -but she d
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 takes guarding Lissa seriously. "N
o. He was with his other guardian. I was away," I told her.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We were sile
nt then for a moment, both of us thinking about this. I still felt guilty that h
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri61 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 died -I'd been on legitimate leave
, I hadn't taken a vacation in a long time and had actually
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri363 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 denied vacation time -Lord Zeklos
told me to go though I couldn't help be torment, if I'd
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri4309 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 been there, he'd probably still
be alive today.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri192 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hey," Rose
said suddenly, "did you help come up with the plan to get us back? Because it
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4585 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 was pretty good. Brute force and
all that."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri585 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That caught
me off guard and brought me back, I arched an eyebrow at her curiously,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You're complimenting me on that?"
I asked her. I didn't think that she liked me because of
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 that -after I forced her to come back to the Academy
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2741 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Well, it w
as a hell of a lot better than the last one they tried."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1607 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Last one?"
I asked, this was actually the first time that we found the girls.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3984 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah. In C
hicago. With the pack of psi-hounds."
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2137 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That worrie
d me, "This was the first time we found you. In Portland."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri117 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She then sat
up from her stretches and crossed her legs, "Um, I don't think I imagined psi-
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri392 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hounds. Who else would have sent
them? They only answer to Moroi. Maybe no you told
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7185 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 you about it."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri441 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Maybe," I r
esponded though I didn't think so because it would have been on the files -
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 besides the fact that the Academy
wouldn't send psi-hounds, the point was to keep them
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 from danger not bring it to them.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri174 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After Rose l
eft to her room in the novice building, I went to mine, still a little shaken ab
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri498 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the psi-hounds thing. I went to l
ook at the files and it said nothing about psi-hounds or
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3053 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 finding them before. I knew the
Academy wouldn't do that.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri326 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That night I
lay in bed, recalling the day and for some reason, not being able to get Rose
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 out of my head. She worried me, a
mused me, angered me, puzzled me\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sym
bol }} and yet I couldn't
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri528 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 help but like her. I've always so
rt of kept to myself. You can't really have many friends
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 when you're a guardian because you will never see th
em. No distractions -that's what's
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri151 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 best. I did get lonely from time
to time, but that was the price to pay for saving someone's
\plain\expndtw-15 \f13 \fs19 life.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri551 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Now, Rose seemed to fill th
at gap. She had so much potential, if only I could teach her
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3926 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 some self-control -then we'd be
on to something.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 There was som
ething else about her too though that I couldn't shake off -I cared about her.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri423 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I think it was hard not to, she w
as beautiful and dedicated. She was an adventure every
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri137 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 time. The more I spent time with
her, however, the moreI confused myself. I wasn't sure if
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri273 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I was crossing the line between m
entor and student. I already considered her my friend -
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but sometimes, she'd look at me a
nd I just felt blown away. She was so beautiful -she was
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri256 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sort of driving me crazy. I shoul
dn't have those feelings for her. She's my student -I tried
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to tell myself. I tormented myself about it for the
rest of the night -trying to find a way to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 not think about her in\i that\i0 way.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri273 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The next day
Rose and I had a before school practice. It looked like she was pretty sore -
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri390 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but I pushed her on, I knew I cou
ldn't coddle her when her life might depend on her one
\plain\expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 day.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7424 \expndtw-27 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 6
\sl-93\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri144 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 It was Sunday and like all other Sundays, I went to Church. I've never really
been religious
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but after killing six Strigoi, church became a habit
. There was an Eastern Orthodox Church
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri552 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 on campus which most students att
ended like me. I always sat in the back and I didn't
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri200 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 partake in communion. I went to t
ry to find peace. Even though Strigoi were evil creatures
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of the night who killed innocent lives', to me, it w
as still taking a life. I had killed -and that
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri538 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 haunted me sometimes, thinking of
their faces. They all had been human, Dhampirs or
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Moroi at some point. Many of them had been turned by
brute force.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri801 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Today I noti
ced Rose in church sitting next to Lissa, somehow I didn't think she was
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri518 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 religious either as she didn't pa
rtake in communion -but I guess when you were on full
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 lockdown, church was the only option to see your bes
t friend on Sunday.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri159 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Today I was
especially conflicted, after thinking about Rose all night -the way she smelled,

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri268 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 those mysterious laughing eyes, h
er body, her curves -Jesus what was I thinking I was in
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 church. I looked over to her -not being able to help
myself. Her long dark brown thick hair
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was down -that hair, it looked so
great, if only I could run my hands through it just one
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri74 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 time. Finally, church ended and I
left guilty for thinking those sorts of thoughts in the house
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of God, well more guilty for thinking those thoughts
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri122 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When I walke
d out, the smell of trouble radiated. Apparently, icy water had landed on Rose
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri265 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and Lissa's necks -Rose was just
then giving Lissa her coat. That sort of thing showed me
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri670 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 just how much she really did care
-it proved to me that she would put in the effort to
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 become a guardian.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri243 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then I heard
the idiot Moroi Ralf speak, "Wish you hadn't been wearing a coat, Rose. That
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri5245 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 shirt would have looked good wet
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri295 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I resisted t
he urge to slam him into the wall. My fists started to clench. He had absolutely

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 no respect. I don't think Rose was very fond of his
comment either by the look on her face.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2231 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I wanted to walk away, but there
were crowds of students filing out.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri58 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "That shirt's
so ugly it should be burned. Did you get that from a homeless person," asked a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri583 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 very pale, skinny and young looki
ng Moroi girl. I felt bad -I knew Rose didn't have the
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri346 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 means to buy expensive clot
hing -then again, she could probably wear a rubber suit and
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5967 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 look out of this world sexy.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri713 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I suppose y
ou want to offer to burn it, huh? Rose retorted, "Oh, wait -fire isn't your
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 element is it? You work with water. What a coinciden
ce that a bunch just fell on us."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri151 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Ahh, I reali
zed, this must be the Mia girl the students talk about who seems to dislike Rose

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and Lissa. Rose, don't do anything stupid I thought
to myself.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I think I he
ard Mia deny her claims -but there were a lot of people, and she didn't talk as
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 loud as Rose.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Nothing to
me. But Ms. Kirova will probably have something to say when she finds out you
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 used magic against another student." Not if she knew
it was against Rose\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I tho
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I finally man
aged to stalk off. I didn't want to have any part of that. Besides, it sort of m
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri383 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me realize just how big our age d
ifference was; in numbers, I was twenty-four and Rose
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri170 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was seventeen. Seven years wasn't
that much in the great realm, but right now, it was life
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 time. She was getting in fights with teenage girls;
I was getting in battles with murderous
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 Strigoi.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri58 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Later I spott
ed Rose with the Mason kid, all huddled up in a corner table. She was supposed
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri631 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to be in her room. Knowing Rose,
I didn't want to be the one getting her in trouble so
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 instead I walked up to the matron and pointed out th
at Rose was not supposed to be
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri343 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hanging out -she was on probation
. It was cowardly, I admit, but the last thing I needed
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 was an angry Rose.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri249 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The matron s
aid she would take care of it and I walked off, suddenly feeling a little guilty
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Mason was harmless, mostly, but I didn't want someon
e else catching them together when
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose was supposed to be in her room. I tried to conv
ince myself that was the only reason -
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but truth be told I hated the way that Mason kid loo
ked at her. I envied him -because Rose
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri276 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was something that he could have
right now. Something I couldn't have. I could never go
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and just sit close to her, hold her hand or flirt wi
th her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri590 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I couldn't b
elieve this was happening to me. I can't believe I was even thinking that. I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri787 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 wondered about it. I finally deci
ded that it wasn't so bad. Nothing was ever going to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri168 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 happen, she was my student and I
was her mentor. I simply cared about her and admitted
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 that she was a very beautiful girl.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Later I read
a letter from my grandmother -she's always been a bit crazy and sometimes
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would try to tell the future. She lives in Siberia w
ith my mother and sisters and I haven't
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1999 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 seen them in over four years. It
made me realize how homesick I was.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri622 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The letter s
aid the following: Sometimes you have to stop playing by the rules and do
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 whatever you want. Steal a Roza from the garden.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 What did tha
t mean? Grandma always found some way to freak me out, especially because
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Roza was Rose in Russian. And the only rule I wanted
to break was with Roza.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri181 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I spent the
rest of the day in my room reading a Western novel -the book was my escape.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 If we all lived in the West, there would be no socia
l constraints. You could do whatever you
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 want, protect whoever you w
ant edand marry the\i girl\i0 you wanted. And I only wanted one
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8033 \expndtw-15 \f13 \fs19 girl.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7370 \expndtw-27 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 7
\sl-91\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri313 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 The weeks began to pass; I spent most of my free time with Rose, training her,
trying to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri154 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 get her to stay out of trouble. I
continued to have her stretch and send her to run because
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3272 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in truth, if she ran into Strigo
i, that was her only option.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri745 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose continu
ed to haunt my dreams at night, or rather continue to torment me with
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri93 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 beautiful bliss I could only see,
but never touch or possess. Additionally, my grandmother's
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 words kept coming into my head -steal a Roza from th
e garden. Oh Grandma, that garden
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6822 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 is forbidden fruit.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri246 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Sometimes in
the dreams I would just watch her. But lately, they were getting a bit more
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri77 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 personal. Suddenly I wasn't just l
ooking, I was touching -feeling what I could never have -
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her hair, her eyes, cupping her chin and slowly my h
ands would mid-ways down her body.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then I'd wake up, sweat all over me -I'd usually go
for a run after that, unable to trust my
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7650 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 dreams.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 In general, w
e got along pretty well -she wasn't a difficult person to get along with, at lea
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri439 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 not with me. She was respectful t
owards me, with the exception of her witty comments
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri168 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 making fun of my jacket which she
swore was a Western or calling me comrade. Honestly,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri368 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she was nice to be around, she fi
lled the gap I had always felt and suddenly, I wasn't so
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 lonely anymore.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri249 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 One day, aft
er three weeks of Rose's return to the Academy, she walked in and found me
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sprawled on a mat listening to mus
ic. At first, she seemed excited about the boom box, but
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I think when she realized I was listening to "When D
oves Cry," that excitement dimmed.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri470 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Whoa, Dimit
ri," she said as she tossed her bag on the floor, "I realize this is actually a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri907 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 current hit in Eastern Europe rig
ht now, but do you think we could maybe listen to
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3930 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 something that was recorded befo
re I was born."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I tried to a
ct like that didn't bother me, only letting my eyes react to her comment, "What
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri867 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 does it matter to you?" I asked,
"I'm the one who's listening to it. You'll be outside
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7545 \expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 running."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She made a f
ace as she set her foot up on one of the bars as she stretched her hamstring.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri491 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 All in all, I didn't really mind
Rose's running commentary, so long as she didn't slack in
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 training, I didn't really care.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri544 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hey," she a
sked suddenly, "What's with all the running anyway? I mean, I realize the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri177 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 importance of stamina and all tha
t, but shouldn't I be moving on to something with a little
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri3926 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hitting? They're still killing m
e in group practice."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri331 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I didn't rea
lly appreciate her questioning my methods -knowing it would only lead to me
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri420 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 telling her a veracity that she w
asn't really interested in hearing. "Maybe you should hit
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 harder," I responded dryly, trying to evade this con
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri5773 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "I'm serious," she respond
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri498 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hard to tel
l the difference I said, setting my book down, "my job is to get you ready to
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3704 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 defend the princess and fight da
rk creatures, right?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6402 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Yup," Rose
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri552 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So tell me
this: suppose you manage to kidnap her again and take her off to the mall.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2816 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 While you're there, a Strigoi co
mes at you. What will you do?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri345 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Depends on
what store we're in," she answered. This wasn't something I wanted to joke
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 around about.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5728 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I looked at
her seriously then.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3719 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Fine," she
began, "I'll stab him with a silver stake."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I sat up now
, "Oh?" I raised my eyebrows at her, "Do you have a silver stake? Do you even
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 know how to use one?" I knew she didn't.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5951 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Okay. I'll
cut his head off."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri68 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Ignoring the
fact that you don't have a weapon to do that, how will you compensate for the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4523 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 fact that he may be a foot talle
r than you?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3501 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She was ann
oyed now, "Fine, then I'll set him on fire."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6487 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "With what?
" I asked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri139 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "All right,
I give up. You've already got the answer. You're just messing with me. I'm at th
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4858 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 mall and I see a Strigoi. What d
o I do?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri108 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked at
her deep in her eyes, "You run." Because I knew that she had no chance against
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 a Strigoi.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri672 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked a
ngry but more so hurt -that bothered me a lot. I didn't mean to hurt her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 feelings; I just wanted to keep h
er safe. We didn't speak until it was time to run and then I
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri495 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 told her that I would run with he
r, hoping she wouldn't be so angry with me anymore. I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri388 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hated her being mad at me. She ch
eered up then, and together, we headed to the track.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri146 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We began run
ning, I was a lot faster than her, so I slowed down to match her, that way we
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri461 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 could stay together -and I'd actu
ally get to look at her, I couldn't if she was behind me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri84 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She seemed bo
thered by the fact that she slowed me down because she suddenly picked up
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her own pace trying to get my approval, I guessed. I
t was \expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} well\expndtw-14{\fi
eld{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} really cute.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After reachin
g the third to last loop, a couple of novices passed by who were preparing to go

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2251 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to group practice, and then I he
ard Mason cheer, "Good form Rose."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri434 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That wouldn't have bothered
me if she hadn't acknowledged them, but when she turned
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3195 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 around to smile and wave back, I
grew incredibly jealous.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You're slow
ing down," I told her harshly, she looked surprised at my tone but I was angry,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1634 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Is this why your times aren't g
etting any faster? You're easily distracted?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri104 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Her face tur
ned beet red then, portraying her embarrassment. She picked up the pace once
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 more; when we finished, I realized she'd shaved off
two minutes off her best time.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Not bad, hu
h?" she asked, "Looks like I could get as far as the Limited before the Strigoi
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3896 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 got me at the mall. Not sure how
Lissa would do."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri303 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I felt bad a
bout what I had said earlier, remembering how I had hurt her so I told her, "If
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5351 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 she was with you, she'd be okay.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri301 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked u
p surprised then, her face lit up with joy and I couldn't help feel amused and
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 elated that I had caused that reaction in her.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri309 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I knew that
it was only because she looked up to me -probably because of my reputation
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri409 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 here at the Academy and that it w
asn't anything like the feelings I was unable to control
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri778 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 towards her -but it still felt gr
eat to be admired by someone so absolutely beautiful.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri802 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We were look
ing at each other for a minute, both us not speaking, just enjoying the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 moment of being close to one another and then someth
ing happened.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri141 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 All I saw wa
s Rose suddenly gasp in pain and cradle up -I panicked for an instant -but just
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 like that she was sprinting down across the track to
wards the Moroi dorms. She hadn't said
\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri353 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 a word, but I realized -Lissa. It
didn't matter that she had just run a mini-marathon, she
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri114 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sprinted, legs now at a much fast
er pace than before and I just followed after her. It wasn't
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 long before I caught up to her, I
kept trying to get her to tell me what was wrong, but she
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 was so determined to reach Lissa she wouldn't answer
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri573 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We finally r
eached the Moroi dorms and Rose immediately demanded to Lissa, "What's
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6120 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 wrong? What happened?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri275 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa didn't
answer at first; she just put her arms around Rose and sobbed into her chest.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri158 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose held her there, comforting h
er, stroking her hair and told her everything was going to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 be alright. I hovered over them, a
drenaline pulsing through my veins, my body coiling ready
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 to attack.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri194 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 About a half
hour later, we managed to get inside Lissa's dorm with three other guardians,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Headmistress Kirova and the hall matron so they coul
d see what had happened. Outside in
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1475 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the hallway, immature Moroi girl
s crowded, trying to see what was going on.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri781 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 There was a
reddish orange fox on Lissa's pillow whose throat had been sliced open.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3092 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Disgust see
med to show on everyone's face including mine
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri786 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It was stil
l alive when I got back," Lissa whispered to Rose, "Barely. Oh God, it was
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri4553 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 twitching. It must have suffered
so much."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri511 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Did you{\f63 \u8212\'3f}?"
Rose asked her. Did you what? They started to do that silent conversation
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri164 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 thing again, only this time, it w
as getting on my nerves. I didn't like not knowing what was
\plain\expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 going on.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1196 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No. I want
ed to\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I started to\expndtw-
14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" Lissa responded making my curiosi
ty augment.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Then forget
about it," Rose told her sharply, "It's stupid. Somebody's stupid joke. They'll

\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri55 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 clean it up. Probably even give yo
u a new room if you want." There was something going on
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7972 \expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 here.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri609 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Rose\expndt
w-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} do you remember that one time\ex
pndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}." Is this why they had left?
Is this what was
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6763 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 happening before?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1615 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Stop it,"
Rose answered Lissa, "Forget about it. This isn't the same thing."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2253 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "What if so
meone saw? What if someone knows\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sym
bol }}?" Lissa continued.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri183 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No. It's no
t the same. It has nothing to do with that. Do you hear me?" Rose then noticed
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me starring at her in what had to be a bewildered ex
pression, "It's going to be okay.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri5604 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Everything's going to be okay."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Get this cle
aned up. And find out if anyone knows anything," ordered Headmistress Kirova.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She then rea
lized Rose was there and ordered me to take her away. Rose begged to stay
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri495 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 with Lissa -that hurt -for one, I
hated not giving her what she wanted, but I also cared
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 about Lissa and she was hurting ri
ght now and she really needed her best friend there, but I
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 couldn't question the Headmistress's orders.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri401 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I walked her
back to the novices' dorm, trying to find the best approach to find out what
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Rose and Lissa's hushed whispers had been about.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri249 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When we were
almost there I realized it's now or never so I asked, "You know something.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri589 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Something about what happened. Is
this what you meant when you told Headmistress
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5420 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Kirova that Lissa was in danger?
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri688 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't kno
w anything. It's just some sick joke." I could read right through her lies -
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 especially since she wouldn't look at me in the eyes
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1279 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I just igno
red her and continued. "Do you have any idea who'd do it? Or why?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2341 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She pondere
d this for minute, then finally answered, "No, no clue."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri262 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I tried to r
eason with her, "Rose, if you know something, tell me. We're on the same side.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4320 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 We both want to protect her. Thi
s is serious."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri290 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She spun aro
und then, anger written all over her face, "Yeah, it is serious. It's all seriou
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 And you have me doing laps every d
ay when I should be learning to fight and defend her! If
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you want to help her, then teach me something! Teach
me how to fight. I already know how
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri7214 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 to run away."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri185 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I knew that she was angry a
bout the fox and that she was taking it out on me. It still hurt
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri208 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 though -she didn't understand tha
t we didn't spend enough time together for her to learn
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 how to fight and flight -and right now flight was mo
re important -it would keep her alive.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri196 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 During her o
utburst, I kept my expression composed, figuring this wasn't the best time to
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 confront her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When she fini
shed, I beckoned her forward, no longer wishing to be around her, "Come on.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6171 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 You're late for practice."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri57 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I spent the r
est of the day sad that Rose had lashed out on me. I cared so much about her.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri300 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I enjoyed her company, her wit an
d humorous remarks, the way her hair hung down her
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 face, the way she smelled and she'd hurt me with her
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri56 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was stupid
anyway. For one, any feeling other than the professional one we had together
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was completely immoral and despicable of me to feel.
It'd be me taking advantage of her.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri545 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Also, she had been really angry a
bout what had happen to Lissa, and I'm sure anyone
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri677 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 within a close vicinity of her at
that moment would have received the same reaction.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4429 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 It didn't m
ake me feel much better though.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7352 \expndtw-27 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 8
\sl-94\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3298 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs
19 "Hey Dimitri," called Alberta as she walked towards me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6664 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 "Yes?" I an
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri411 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I just want
ed to talk to you in regards to the incident that happened with Lissa. I don't
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1201 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 know why but I got the feeling t
hat they were both hiding something from us."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5239 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, me t
oo," I agreed with her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4210 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Do you hav
e any idea what it is?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri351 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No," I answ
ered, "But I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the reason they left."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5064 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You really
think so?" asked Alberta.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Absolutely,
Rose would never endanger the Liss{\f63 \u8212\'3f}I mean Princess Vasilisa unle
ss she felt it
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6909 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 was necessary."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3693 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh, well t
hen you should really get it out of Rose."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1927 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, but t
hat's a lot easier said than done, she's a little hard-headed."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri248 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah but sh
e trusts you and she looks up to you. If anyone can get her to talk, it's you,"
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 Alberta told me.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I didn't really like the th
ought of trying to conspire against Rose, using our relationship to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri211 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 my advantage -but I hated not kno
wing what was going on more so I responded, "Yes, I'll
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri8041 \expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 try."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri67 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh and by th
e way, Rose had a decent day today in group training. I think she's starting to
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 get a lot better. Keep up the good work." With that,
Alberta walked away.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri56 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That made me
happy -maybe she had taken my jerk comment seriously, hit harder. I had a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 feeling it had more to do though with being ticked o
ff about the fox incident though.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Later that d
ay, I learned of some events, unfortunate events, I\i should\i0 say, regarding
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa, Ralf and Christian Ozera, a royal Moroi whose
parents had turned Strigoi on purpose.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri497 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The students were basically buzzi
ng over the situation. Apparently, Christian Ozera had
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 used his element fire against Ral
f when he was teasing Lissa and Rose. No one really knew
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 why he of all people would even ge
t involved with something like that. Probably to try to get
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in good with Rose, I thought, then immediately chast
ised myself for thinking that. Christian
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was the nephew of a good friend o
f mine, Tasha. She and I had dated during high school
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri248 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and I felt bad about saying that
over her nephew. Besides, he did it to protect Rose, and I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would have loved to see it happen because that Moroi
Ralf was a complete idiot.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When I was gu
arding class, I noticed Ralf and Jesse whispering to each other and decided to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 go try and listen. Sometimes it's
better to hear things from the source. Besides, I was sure
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri801 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 now their interest in Rose had fa
ded and I couldn't help but feel happy about it. The
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4913 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 happiness didn't last very long
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Ralf, what
the hell man, why'd you go say that stuff to Rose?" Jesse asked Ralf. I guess
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Jesse cared more about his love escapades than his f
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2126 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Are you se
rious?" exclaimed Ralf, "You saw what that bitch caused?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She didn't d
o anything, Ozera did," answered Jesse, "Besides, you made fun of Lissa about
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3976 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 the fox thing, and you know how
close they are."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri332 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, but i
t was a dare, and I wasn't going to back out," replied Ralf, revealing just how
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 pathetic he was.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Well you sh
ould've. You might have just ruined things for me and Rose," answered Jesse.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri500 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Are you del
usional? There's nothing going on between you and Rose and you know it,"
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 replied Ralf. And there won't ever be, I thought sil
ently to myself.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri571 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh really,
you doubt me my friend?" asked Jesse confidently. That really irritated me.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri34 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah. Rose i
sn't the same anymore. Her and Lissa aren't into the party scene," replied Ralf.

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri320 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I hadn't known Rose then but I ha
d heard that both girls had a reputation for being party
\plain\expndtw-13 \f13 \fs19 girls.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri531 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "They may no
t be into partying, but Rose is definitely into me. If not, then why did she
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri697 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 agree to go 'study' later?" asked
Jesse, pronouncing study like it was a code word for
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 something else. I had to try very
hard to keep myself composed, Jesse and Ralf hadn't seen
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri236 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me standing there, but I do
n't think it worked caused suddenly Ralf looked up at me. How
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1763 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was Rose even supposed to meet h
im when she couldn't leave her room?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2373 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Isn't she
on lockdown?" asked Ralf, as if reading my last thought.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri526 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, so? I
t's not like she's ever good," replied Jesse. This was really pissing me off. I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 understood that I could never hav
e Rose, and if there was a nice, respectable guy that she
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 liked, I supposed I'd try to accept it, but Jesse di
dn't care about Rose at all, he just wanted
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6885 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 her for her body.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri56 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You think yo
u guys will actually hook up?" asked Ralf. No, I thought to myself, but I sort o
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4988 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 started my thoughts. What if she
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri122 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "After tonig
ht, there won't be much Rose and I haven't done," remarked Jesse. I wanted to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri327 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 walk up and fling him across the
room. I wanted to go grab Roza and take her away with
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me -keep her for myself. Never have any other man la
y eyes on someone so beautiful.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Have her be mine forever. There was no way in hell I
'd allow some retard Moroi to take
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 advantage of Roza.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri332 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I guess Ralf
must have caught me glaring at them then because he quickly said to Jesse,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Hey Jesse, shh," as he pointed up with his eyes tow
ards me.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri553 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Jesse turned
around but I put on my most absent minded look, like I hadn't overheard
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri681 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 anything. Inside, I was fuming. T
here was absolutely no way Jesse was going to take
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6679 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 advantage of Rose.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7406 \expndtw-27 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 9
\sl-91\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri364 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 I checked the dorms several times, attempting not to look suspicious. I had to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 avoid the matron. I didn't want to
get Rose in any trouble. She actually had spent the entire
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 time after classes locked in her room so far, luckil
y not permitting Jesse's plan to work.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1038 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Unfortunately, Jesse was in the
novice dorms apparently working on a homework
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 assignment with another novice, Meredith. I couldn't
exactly tell him to go.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 TAs I was wa
iting to see if any changes occurred, I received a call, Alberta wanted me to
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri658 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 come meet her. Great, how was I s
upposed to keep tabs on Rose? {\f63 \u1077\'3f}{\f63 \u1073\'3f}{\f63 \u1072\'3f
}{\f63 \u1090\'3f}{\f63 \u1100\'3f} - I swore in
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri232 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Russian. I considered telling Alb
erta what was going on with Rose but it wouldn't really do
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri129 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 any good. Rose would get in more
trouble and who knows, Headmistress Kirova could even
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 expel her over something as futil
e as Jesse. I tried to walk as fast as I could, trying to get
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3234 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 this over as soon as possible so
I could get back to Rose.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5577 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Alberta,"
I called as I met her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri243 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hey Dimitri
. I just wanted to know if you found out what it was that Princess Vasilisa and
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5957 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Miss Hathaway are hiding."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2547 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh, that,"
I responded, "No, not yet, I'm working on it though."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3035 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Do you hav
e any idea who could have done such a thing?"
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri93 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No not really," I answered,
a little annoyed she was asking me at this time. Thinking about
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 what Jesse could be doing to Rose
was making my heart beat faster, ready to take him on. I
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 think she sensed my tension, judging from her next w
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3055 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Are you ok
ay?" she asked, clearly noticing my uneasiness.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri704 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes," I res
ponded, "I'm fine." I tried to put on a calm facade, but I doubted that she
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 believed it.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri375 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Are you sur
e, you look a little agitated. Does this have anything to do with Rose? Is she
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4741 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 being too difficult -I could tal
k to her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri365 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "{\f63 \u821
2\'3f}No, nothing's wrong," I answered quickly, too quickly, realizing she wasn'
t buying it, I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri461 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 decided my best option then was l
ying, not something I enjoyed doing, but something I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2347 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 wasn't exactly bad at, "I'm just
concerned about Princess Vasilisa."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3506 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh, yes. W
e'll get to the bottom of this, don't worry."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5810 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, of co
urse," I answered.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3956 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Alright th
en," she continued, "you're free to go."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri278 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 With that, I
returned as quickly as I could to the commons. Since I had left, I hadn't been
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri145 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 able to keep an eye on Rose and a
fter looking for a little while I decided to go knock on the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 door, figuring I'd just make up an excuse since I co
uldn't be sure she was in there. As I did
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2683 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 this, I was especially wary so t
hat the matron wouldn't see me.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6217 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I knocked s
everal times.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4909 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 No answer.
My heart sank a little then.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1617 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After a few
moments I turned the knob and walked in. She\i wasn't\i0 in there.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri362 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Dammit, I cu
rsed silently. I decided to try to look for her. If she was caught, she'd throw
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 away everything she just worked for and would be kic
ked out of the Academy.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri191 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I tried to s
earch through the commons, room after room I went. Then I remembered there
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri66 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were a lot of empty rooms on the f
ourth floor that no one really went to. Rooms Rose would
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 probably be aware of.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I tried one o
f the doors, but no one was in there. I hadn't braced myself for what I saw afte
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I opened the second door.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2975 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 In it, I fo
und Jesse on top of a half-naked Rose. No shirt on.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7730 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 I lost it.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri80 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Suddenly, I d
idn't care anymore what I was supposed to do and how I was supposed to act.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4452 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 That bastar
d had put his hands all over her.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri679 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Whatever self control I had
faded from me and I think I was going to rip his head off.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 They sprang a
part as they saw me coming, but they weren't fast enough. Within the blink of
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 an eye, I held Jesse up by his shirt, nearly holding
him off the ground.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri149 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I realized t
he similarities between Lord Zeklos and him then, and I had to discard whatever
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri511 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 menacing threat I was just thinki
ng, and go for something more rational, I managed to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri5909 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 growl, "What's your name?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5604 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "J-Jesse, s
ir. Jesse Zeklos, sir."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri193 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Mr. Zeklos,
do you have permission to be in this part of the dorm?" I asked, putting on as
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 fierce a look as I could, I didn't need to try very
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4581 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No sir," h
e replied, voice breaking a little.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri572 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Do you know
the rules about male and female interactions around here?" I asked him
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 bitterly, knowing that he did.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7551 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, sir."

\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Then I sugg
est you get out of here as fast as you can before I turn you over to someone
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 who will punish you accordingly. If I ever see you l
ike this again," I warned him, pointing
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 towards Rose, who was half-dressed
, "I will be the one to punish you. And it will hurt. A lot.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6536 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 Do you understand?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1644 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Jesse swall
owed hard, his eyes widened and he looked petrified, "Yes, sir!"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Then go," I
released him, more for my own good than his I think. I was walking a very fine
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 line with my self-control right now. Jesse ran out a
s fast as he could.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4204 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I had so mu
ch rage -it was almost animalistic.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3192 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I looked at
Rose, disapprovement painted all over myself.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri416 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then -all of
a sudden -I noticed her. I mean really noticed her. Her long and thick black
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri689 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hair was down, her tan stomach ex
posed, as well as her black bra which showed how
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri370 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 voluptuous her breasts were and I
could see some of her curves. Suddenly, suddenly, all
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri472 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 that animalistic passion I'd just
felt against Jesse switched into a passion towards Roza.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri498 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked s
o beautiful. So sexy. She wasn't my student anymore, she was a gorgeous
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri284 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 goddess and it was hard to contro
l myself. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, pin her
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 down and show her what a real man is.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4834 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She seemed
to be checking me out too.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri460 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then she spo
ke, looking sort of embarrassed, "You see something you like?" she asked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri298 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Immediately,
I snapped out of my haze, ashamed at what I had just felt, and angry, very
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 angry, I told her, "Get dressed," coldly.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri3401 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She immediately put her sh
irt on\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} she looked\expndtw-
14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} scared.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1967 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "How'd you
find me? You following me to make sure I don't run away?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri412 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Be quiet,"
I snapped. I had no patience for this. I couldn't admit that I sort of had been
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 following her so instead, I lied, "A janitor saw you
and reported it. Do you have any idea
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6410 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 how stupid this was? "
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2842 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I know, I
know, the whole probation thing right?" she asked.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri224 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Not just th
at. I'm talking about the stupidity of getting in that kind of situation in the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7823 \expndtw-11 \f13 \fs19 place."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I get in th
at kind of situation all the time, Comrade. It's not a big deal." That really bu
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me. I didn't want to think of her
getting in that sort of situation with anyone, except for,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri296 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 well me. It also showed me that s
he had no self-respect. She was so beautiful. She didn't
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 need to get in this situation. Any guy would fall in
love with her.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri797 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Stop callin
g me that." I snapped, "You don't even know what you're talking about."
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri411 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Comrade was something you called
a person in a communist party with a strongly leftist
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3710 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 view. I was not in the mood for
her jokes right now.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri482 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Sure I do,"
she responded, "I had to do a report on Russia and the R.S.S.R. last year."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri585 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "US.S.S.R. a
nd it is a big deal for a Moroi to be with a dhampir girl. They like to brag."
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3830 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Didn't she know what the student
s said about her?
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5818 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 She simply
responded, "So?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri334 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So?" was sh
e fucking serious. I think the disgust showed all over my face, "So don't you
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have any respect? Think about Lissa. You make yourse
lf look cheap. You live up to what a
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri765 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 lot of people already think about
dhampir girls, and it reflects back on her. And me."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri147 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh I see. I
s that what this is about? Am I hurting your big, bad male pride? Are you afraid

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6156 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I'll ruin your reputation?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri351 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "My reputati
on is already made. Rose, I set my standards and lived up to them long ago.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 What you do with yours remains to
be seen. Now get back to your room -if you can manage
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 it without throwing yourself at someone else," I tol
d her harshly.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3029 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Is that yo
ur subtle way of calling me a slut? She retorted."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1532 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I responded
, "I hear the stories you guys tell. I've heard stories about you."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She suddenly
looked like she was about to cry, and I immediately felt bad, "Why is it wrong
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri893 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst S
YMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I don't know, have fun? I'm seventeen, you know. I should
be able to enjoy it."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You're seven
teen and in less than a year, someone's life and death will be in your hands. If

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri510 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you were a human or Moroi, you co
uld have fun. You could do things other girls could."
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri4928 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "But you're saying I can't
?" she asked.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri381 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I glanced aw
ay then, trying to approach this touchy situation as best as I could, "When I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri286 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was seventeen, I met Ivan Zeklos.
We weren't like you and Lissa, but we became friends,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and he requested me as his guardi
an when I graduated. I was the top student in my school
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I paid attention to everything in my classes, but in
the end, it wasn't enough. That's how it
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3807 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 is in life. One slip, one distra
ction, and it's too late.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5288 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Jesse's a
Zeklos," she finally said.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6386 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "I know," I
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri278 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Does it bot
her you? Does he remind you of Ivan?" Rose asked me. I didn't want to admit
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 that it was the reason I had just held back on Jesse
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri286 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It doesn't
matter how I feel. It doesn't matter how any of us feel," I responded, realizing

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 that it didn't matter how I felt about Rose. She was
my student, and I was her mentor.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Moreover though, we couldn't be d
istracted by a relationship when we were supposed to be
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5333 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 protecting the Princess, I reali
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri297 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "But it does
bother you," she continued, "You hurt, every day. Don't you? You miss him?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri86 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I was surpris
ed that she had noticed that. I had never really admitted that to anyone, much
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri368 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 less her. Looking back again, I b
ecame serious, "It doesn't matter how I feel. They come
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6368 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 first. Protecting them."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5525 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, they
do," Rose admitted.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri82 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 A long silenc
e fell between us -Rose might be a lot of things, but she took her responsibilit
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 as a guardian seriously.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2595 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You told m
e you want to fight, to really right. Is that still true?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6835 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Yes. Absol
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri490 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Rose\expndt
w-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}I can teach you, but I have to be
lieve you're dedicated. Really dedicated. I can't
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri392 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have you distracted by things lik
e this," I said, gesturing around the lounge. "Can I trust
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7137 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 you?" I asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5537 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, I pro
mise," she answered.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri154 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "All right.
I'll teach you, but I need you strong. I know you hate the running, but it reall
y is
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 necessary. You have no idea what Strigoi are like. T
he school tries to prepare you, but until
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri453 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you've seen how strong they are a
nd how fast\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} well, you can'
t even imagine. So I can't
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 stop the running and conditioning.
If you want to learn more about fighting, we need to add
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 more trainings. It'll take up more of your time. You
won't have much left for your homework
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4920 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 or anything else. You'll be tire
d. A lot."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri248 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She thought
for a minute, then looked me dead on and said, "It doesn't matter. If you tell
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6478 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 me to do it, I'll do it."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I studied her hard, trying
to see if I could trust her. I finally gave her a sharp nod and said,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6360 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "We'll start tomorrow."
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7296 \expndtw-25 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 10
\sl-91\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri269 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 I was excited to be spending more time with Rose -even though I knew it was co
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri123 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 wrong. I just figured that even t
hough we couldn't have any sort of relationship, aside from
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri324 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 our professional one, and if she'
d ever even be interested in me, there wasn't any reason
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 we couldn't spend time together at the Academy.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After this -
everything would change but for now, there wasn't too much harm being done
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 by watching her and teaching her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri381 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She really d
id need learn to fight also. It worried me that she didn't know how to protect
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 herself and it killed me to think of anything ever h
appening to her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri575 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She was so p
recious and so beautiful -I figured the sky should fall down and the Earth
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 should stop rotating if anything ever happened to he
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri534 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I'd replayed
the Jesse scene several times in my head too. It wasn't something easy to
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 ignore. Rose was so perfect, and seeing Jesse with h
is hands all over her, and her half-
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 dressed, burned me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5622 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Rose deserv
ed so much better.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4016 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Not me, but
someone who cared a lot about her.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4789 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I knew that
we could never be together.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri560 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 For one, the
re was the whole thing about her actually wanting me back. I'd caught her
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri358 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 looking at me, but I just figured
if anything it was just admiring -or maybe a school girls
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6005 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 crush, but nothing serious.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 There was al
so the age difference and the fact that she was my student. I could get thrown
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri464 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in prison for taking advantage of
a minor. Rose was seven years younger than me -and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri165 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 even if we waited until she gradu
ated, it would still be frowned upon. Not only because she
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri284 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was so much younger and she had b
een my student, but relationships between guardians
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6113 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 weren't socially accepted.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-243 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Dhampirs wer
e the offspring of a Moroi and Dhampir or human. Their genetic combination
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 made more Dhampirs; however, Dhampirs and other Dham
pirs could not reproduce. Only
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Moroi could keep the Dhampir race alive, which is wh
y we protected them. We were also a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri452 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 lot stronger and more muscular so
we could actually protect them. An adult relationship
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri312 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 between two Dhampir guardians wou
ld be considered a waste -we wouldn't be furthering
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 our kind and as more Strigoi walke
d the Earth, Moroi numbers were decreasing but Dhampir
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 numbers were really diminishing.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5499 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Many Strigo
i had killed our kind.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri75 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The final reason why Rose an
d I could never be together -and perhaps the most important,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the one I couldn't deal with was
the fact that I was going to be Lissa's guardian and with
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose's bond, I was sure that she would be Lissa's ot
her guardian.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri416 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 If Strigoi e
ver attacked us -and Rose and I had a relationship -I'd put myself in front of
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri613 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose not Lissa. I would worry abo
ut protecting Roza and that wasn't fair to Lissa. She
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4001 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 needed two guardians who were fo
cused on her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5973 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Rose and I
could never be.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3193 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 But for now
-spending time together was enough for me.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Unfortunately
, the Jesse incident had spread. I'd heard while I guarded some classes. From
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 what I managed to decipher from the rumors, Rose and
Lissa had been passing notes in Mr.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Nagy's class and he had caught them, taken the note
and read it out loud.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri246 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lucky for Je
sse, since it hadn't been his doings of spreading the word -even though there
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 wasn't much to say, nothing had really happened.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1216 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He'd touche
d her, kissed her, felt her -but it was nothing, I tried to tell myself.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2188 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It wasn't l
ike she had slept with him or let him drink blood from her.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri65 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I chastised m
yself for even thinking about it. Rose was my student, Rose was my student, I
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 repeated to myself.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5477 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 It wasn't m
aking me feel better.
\sl-101\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7260 \expndtw-25 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 11
\sl-93\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri262 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 Rose and I had our extra practices now -which meant she spent two hours before
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 with me and two hours after. When she arrived at the
gym today, I noticed her looking at
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri576 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me; I wasn't wearing my usual jea
ns. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that she was
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6848 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 checking me out.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri327 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I positioned
myself then so that we stood facing each other on the mat and I crossed my
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri917 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 arms. I asked her, "What's the fi
rst problem you'll run into when facing a Strigoi?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5104 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "They're im
mortal?" Rose answered.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4415 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Think of s
omething more basic," I told her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri356 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She consider
ed this for a minute before responding, "They could be bigger than me. And
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7498 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 stronger."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri433 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I nodded and
told her, "That makes it difficult but not impossible. You can usually use a
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4030 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 person's extra height and weight
against them."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I then turned and demonstrat
ed several maneuvers, pointing out where to move and how to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 strike someone. Rose went through
the motions with me, gaining some insight I hoped that
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would help her understand why she took a regular bea
ting in group practice.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri430 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She was a qu
ick learner and towards the end of practice I told her, "Go ahead, try to hit
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri8013 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 me."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri262 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She didn't n
eed to be told twice because she immediately lunged forward, trying to land a
\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 blow.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri151 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I blocked he
r immediately and almost effortlessly and she was knocked down on the mat. I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri497 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 saw that it hurt her, but she fou
ght through the pain and jumped right back up again, I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 supposed trying to catch me off guard. The girl had
heart when it came to fighting.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2910 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She wasn't
able to land a blow on me though, I was too fast.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri258 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After severa
l more attempts of her trying to get a blow in and me blocking her, she finally
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1734 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 held her hands out in a truce an
d asked, "Okay, what am I doing wrong?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5705 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Nothing,"
I told her honestly.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri275 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She didn't s
eem convinced and said, "If I wasn't doing anything wrong; I'd have rendered
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 you unconscious by now." Hardly, I thought.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri522 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Unlikely,"
I told her, "Your moves are all correct, but this is the first time you've reall
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5854 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 tried. I've done it for years."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri60 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She shook her
head and rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say, Grandpa. Can we try it again?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri430 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I wanted to
but knew that we were out of time. There would be a banquet later with the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri636 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 queen that Rose was actually allo
wed to attend. I would have to bring her back to the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri492 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 dorms immediately after though. "
We're out of time," I told her, "Don't you want to get
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7752 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 ready?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri378 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked a
t the clock and then perked up, looking a little giddy and said, "Hell, yeah, I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8073 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 do."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri600 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I walked off
in front of her. I then heard her yell a battle cry and I immediately turned
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri321 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 around, she was going for my back
, taking her opportunity to surprise me. I spun around
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 too quickly for her, grabbed her
like she was nothing because she hardly weighed anything
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 and threw her on the ground, pinning her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4528 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She groaned
, "I didn't do anything wrong!"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri190 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That made me
laugh; I looked levelly at her beautiful deep brown eyes as I held her wrists
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1328 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and told her, "The battle cry so
rt of gave you away. Try not to yell next time."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2149 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Would it h
ave really made a difference if I'd been quiet?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4564 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I thought a
nd realized, "No. Probably not."
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri812 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She sighed loudly. This mad
e me want to laugh more -sometime she was so\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} cute.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri155 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I started to
notice her then, her hair, her eyes, her smell, her body which was now pressed
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 against me. Her nearness was intoxicating.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri93 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I was still h
olding her down, feeling the warmth of her skin where I clutched her wrists. Our

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri688 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 faces only inches away -so close
-I could just move a tiny inch and our lips would be
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7820 \expndtw-11 \f13 \fs19 kissing
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1149 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Oh how I lo
nged for that kiss. I wondered what it would be like to kiss an angel.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 My legs and
torso we pressed against her -and suddenly kissing didn't seem like enough to
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 satisfy me.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5330 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 We stayed l
ike that for a moment.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5999 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Then the sp
ell was broken.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1987 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She said ve
ry calmly, "So um\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} you got
any other moves to show me?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri85 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I repressed a
smile. I think she was trying to flirt with me, but I leaped off with what had
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 look like visible effort. I shouldn't have allowed m
yself to do that.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5084 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I told her,
"Come on. We should go."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri743 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She scramble
d to her feet then and followed me out gym. I refused to look back as I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 walked. I shouldn't have held her like that -it was
so intimate.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6876 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 So inapprop
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri110 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 An hour late
r I had to go to the reception for the banquet. It was held in the commons. The
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 room had been turned into a gorgeous ball room fit f
or the Queen.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I saw Roza as
she entered then. Her sweater was plain -but she looked incredibly perfect. It
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 seemed effortless for her and I had to try to avert
my eyes.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri275 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I noticed Ro
za look around and stop when she found me, I stared straight ahead trying to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 pretend I hadn't been looking at her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2147 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Everyone in
the room stood up respectively when the royals came in.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri458 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Queen Tatian
a finally followed, along with her guards who hovered alert and ready. She
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 stopped when she passed Lissa, "Vasilisa Dragomir,"
she called.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5782 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I doubted t
his could be good.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1808 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I noticed R
ose's head shoot up in alarm as she tried to get a better view.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri360 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "We heard yo
u had returned. We are glad to have the Dragomirs back, even though only
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri99 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 one remains. We deeply regret the
loss of your parents and your brother; they were among
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri788 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the finest of Moroi, their
deaths a true tragedy. You have an interesting name. Many
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 heroines in Russian fairy tales a
re named Vasilisa. Vasilisa the Brave, Vasilisa the Beautiful.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri864 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 They are different young women, a
ll having the same name and the same excellent
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1006 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 qualities: strength, intelligenc
e, discipline, and virtue. All accomplish great things,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri97 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 triumphing over their adversaries.
Likewise, the Dragomir name commands its own respect.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Dragomir kings and queens have ruled wisely and just
ly in our history. They have used their
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 powers for miraculous ends. They have slain Strigoi,
fighting right alongside their guardians.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri532 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 They are royal for a reason. She
paused for a moment before continuing, "Yes, you are
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri371 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 doubly named with power. Your nam
es represent the finest qualities people have to offer
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and hearken back in time to deeds
of greatness and valor. But, as you have demonstrated,
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri357 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 names do not make a person. Nor d
o they have any bearing on how that person will turn
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8018 \expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 out."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 With that, s
he continued walking. I could see the mortification on Lissa's face and the rage

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 on Roza's; I prayed that she didn't try anything stu
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri556 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After the po
st-dinner reception, I tried to find Rose and make sure to tell her not to try
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri203 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 anything against the Queen; I wou
ldn't put it past her. She was very protective over Lissa.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2696 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I noticed t
hen that she wasn't there and that neither was Lissa.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2296 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I went look
ing for the two of them knowing they would be together.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I saw a crow
d of girls gathered around them in the garden and immediately smelled a fight.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose noticed me as I strode forwa
rd, shifting my attention to the girls I asked, "Everything
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7584 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 all right?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri521 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Sure thing,
Guardian Belikov," Rose answered smiling; the fact that she had called me
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 something respectful told me the opposite.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1010 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "We were ju
st swapping family stories," Rose continued, "Ever heard of Mia's? It's
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7334 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 fascinating."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2104 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Come on,"
the Mia girl said and the little Moroi and her followers left.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'm suppose
d to take you back to your dorm," I told Rose dryly. "You weren't about to just
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6256 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 start a fight, were you?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri120 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Of course n
ot," Rose answered, her eyes still looking at Mia and her friends as they walked

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri3668 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 off, "I don't start fights where
people can see them."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Rose," groa
ned Lissa. I agreed, what the hell was I going to do with Rose, I couldn't even
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 leave her alone for one minute.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1550 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Let's go,"
I told her, "Good night, Princess." I turned but Rose didn't move.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You going to
be okay, Liss?" she asked. I gave her a minute, waiting for the answer myself.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1964 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa nodde
d, "I'm fine." She looked like she was on the verge of tears.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6630 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Liss\expnd
tw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" began Rose.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri1368 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa gave her a small smi
le and said, "I told you, I'm fine. You've got to go."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5614 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Reluctantly
, Rose followed me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2113 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "We may nee
d to add an extra training on self-control," I finally said.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri504 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I have plen
ty of self-control -hey!" Rose called off to Christian Ozera refuting her own
\plain\expndtw-13 \f13 \fs19 claim.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4673 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You going
to see Lissa?" she demanded.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri930 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 He stuffed h
is hands in his pocket and answered, "What if I am?" with an attitude.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4875 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Rose, this
isn't the time," I urged her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She ignored m
e, "Why don't you just leave her alone? Are you so messed up and desperate
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 for attention that you can't tell when someone doesn
't like you? You're some crazy stalker,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri52 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and she knows it. She's told me al
l about your weird obsession -how you're always hanging
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 out in the attic together, how you set Ralf on fire
to impress her. She thinks you're a freak,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5193 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 but she's too nice to say anythi
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I understood
the whole Christian sticking up for Roza and Lissa now. He was actually after
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa. I also had an idea that Rose was lying to him
, I could always tell when she lied.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2993 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No," he to
ld her, his face paling, "But you aren't too nice?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri157 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No." Rose r
esponded, "Not when I feel sorry for someone." I doubted that was the reason
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri446 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and didn't really get why Rose wa
s getting all agitated about Christian hanging out with
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri65 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa. His parents had turned Stri
goi willingly and that hung over him, he was royal actually
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri994 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but no one spoke to him because o
f his family. I would think Rose would be more
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri554 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 understanding to the poor kid, bu
t I figured she just thought she was protecting Lissa.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4375 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Enough," I
said finally, steering Rose away.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3671 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Thanks for
helping then," Christian snapped at her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3833 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No problem
," Rose called back over her shoulder.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri678 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I noticed he
r glancing back looking satisfied which I figured meant that Christian had
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri38 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 decided to stay away. I didn't ask
her about it, figuring she would probably just snap at me,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 now wasn't the time for reasonable conversations.
\sl-98\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7260 \expndtw-25 \b \f1
0 \fs28 Chapter 12
\sl-95\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri177 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs
19 I received a call during the middle of the night -at least middle of the nigh
t for vampires -
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 from Rose's matron who said Rose insisted that she s
peak to me and that it was some sort
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of emergency. I dressed as fast as I possibly could
and ran to her, when I reached her, one
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 look told me everything.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7098 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Lissa." I
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri6729 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 Rose nodded back.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri122 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Without a wo
rd, I turned around and started back down the stairs, conscious that Rose was
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri289 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 following me. We walked across th
e quad in silence towards the Moroi dorms. It was day-
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 time for vampires and sun shone. I missed the sun, M
oroi could be out in the sun for short
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri610 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 periods of time, but it weakened
them. Strigoi couldn't be in the sunlight at all or they
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri427 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would burn. Dhampirs however, did
n't have any problem with the sun at all. Our human
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 genes took care of that.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri453 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When we reac
hed the Moroi dorms Lissa's hall matron gaped at us, but I quickly walked
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 past her, refusing to get deterred.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5108 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "She in the
bathroom," Rose told us.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The matron t
ried to follow Rose inside the bathroom but she stopped her, "She's too upset.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6251 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Let me talk to her first."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2466 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I considere
d this and told the matron, "Yes. Give them a minute."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1498 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose then p
ushed the door open. I heard a soft sob as she opened the door.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4500 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 After a min
ute, I knocked, "Rose?" I asked.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5813 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Just a sec
," she called back.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5187 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "We're comi
ng in," said the matron.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri318 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I realized a
s I came in that Rose had taken off the hooded sweater she had been wearing
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and Lissa was slipping it on. I took one look at Lis
sa and instantly raced to her side; there
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6390 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 was blood on her face.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3264 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It's not m
ine," Lissa said quickly. "It's\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symb
ol }} it's the rabbits."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1838 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I assessed
her for a minute, just to be sure and then accepted her word.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6321 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "What rabbi
t?" I asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 With shaking
hands, Lissa pointed to the trash can. "I cleaned it up so Natalie wouldn't see.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri297 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I walked ove
r to where Lissa had pointed and Rose followed. I noticed Rose pulled herself
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 back immediately, there was blood everywhere and it
smelled horrible.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I shifted cl
oser to Lissa then, looking at her eye levelly, "Tell me what happened." I hande
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 her some tissues.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri391 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I came back
about an hour ago. And it was there. Right there in the middle of the floor.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri99 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Torn apart. It was like it had\exp
ndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}.exploded. I didn't want Natal
ie to find it, didn't want to scare
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symb
ol }}so I cleaned up. Then I just couldn't\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }}I couldn't go back." Lissa began to cry.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri723 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No one should be able to g
et into those rooms!" exclaimed the matron. "How is this
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7280 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 happening?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri227 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Do you know
who did it?" I asked as gently as possible, Lissa looked so fragile right now.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She reached f
or her pajama pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. It was soaked
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri257 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in blood. It read, "I know what y
ou are. You won't survive being here. I'll make sure of it.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri3135 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Leave now. It's the only way you
might live through this."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5242 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Who could h
ave sent such a thing?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'm getting
Ellen," the Matron quickly informed, that was Headmistress Kirova's first name.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri237 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Tell her we
'll be at the clinic," I told her, realizing Lissa needed to rest but I doubted
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 she felt like going back to her room right now.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3946 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 When she le
ft I told Lissa, "You should lie down."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She didn't mo
ve but Rose linked arms with her and urged, "Come on, Liss. Let's get you out
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7619 \expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 of here."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri248 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Slowly, she
started walking towards the clinic. The nurse there offered to wake one of the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1895 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 doctors, but I assured her it wa
sn't necessary, "She just needs to rest."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri216 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The minute L
issa laid down, however, the Headmistress walked in, immediately going into
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 full on interrogation.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri239 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose thruste
d herself in front of the Headmistress and yelled, "Leave her alone! Can't you
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2687 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 see she doesn't want to about it
? Let her get some sleep first!"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri437 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Miss Hathaw
ay, you're out of line as usual. I don't even know what you're doing here,"
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 responded Headmistress Kirova.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I felt bad t
hat Lissa was getting questioned like that because I could see she was still ver
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 upset so I asked the Headmistress if I could speak w
ith her in the hall. Knowing Rose, the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 tension could escalate very quickly if the two of th
em were in the same room for too long.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2459 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Headmistre
ss, please allow the Princess some rest, she's upset."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1438 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Guardian B
elikov, we need to get to the bottom of this," she told me coldly.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri630 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I know and
we will, just wait until tomorrow. I'll personally find out what happened."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3412 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She hesitat
ed for a moment, but I put on a harsh look.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5394 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Fine, but
get Rose out of there."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3644 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "But Vasili
sa needs her right now, she's very upset."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1933 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Fine," she
said stiffly, "But if Rose causes any trouble -this is on you."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri393 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 With that, she walked back
into the room and said to Rose, "You may stay with her for a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri393 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 little while. We'll have janitors
do further cleaning and investigation in the bathroom and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri905 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 your room, Miss Dragomir, and the
n discuss the situation in detail in the morning."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri349 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Don't wake
Natalie," Lissa whispered, "I don't want to scare her. I cleaned everything in
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6716 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 the room anyway."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri250 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The Headmist
ress looked doubtful but we all retreated, leaving the two girls alone. I knew
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Rose would be able to comfort her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri348 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Back in my r
oom, I was trying to figure out who would do such a thing. I know that Lissa
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri214 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and Rose didn't exactly get along
with everyone, but wasn't the traditional thing to just go
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 spread rumors about them, not kill little furry anim
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri910 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Some puzzle
piece was missing and I was pretty sure Rose and Lissa were keeping
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 something from me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The next day
there were rumors going around about what had happened in Lissa's room last
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 night but later, I wasn't hearing Lissa's name said
so much as Roses'.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3201 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 It was weir
d -like they were all over something new now.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4485 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Eventually,
I heard some girls discussing it.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh my god. D
id you hear what Rose did?" I heard a Moroi girl say, my head shot up when I
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 heard her name.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4299 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No. What d
id she do now?" asked her friend.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri102 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She screwed
with Jesse and Ralf." I cursed in Russian silently. I knew her actions with tha
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 idiot would have repercussions. Stupid Moroi boys.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4833 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 And Ralf. W
hat the hell was that about?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3083 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "{\f63 \u82
12\'3f}Oh my god are you serious? Jesse's hot but Ralf -eww."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4234 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Wait -it g
ets worse." How could it get worse?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4260 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "What she h
ad sex with the basketball team?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1842 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No -worse.
" What could possibly be worse? Then I thought of it. Oh no.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1158 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She let th
em drink from her while they had sex. She's a freaking blood whore."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3442 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No! Are yo
u serious?" This was bad, really, really bad.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri123 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, I hea
rd Rose get in Ralf and Jesse's face in my last class. Rose was all like, what t
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri290 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hell do you think you're doing to
Ralf, and he was all like we didn't do anything you didn't
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 want us to do. Start a fight and K
irova will kick you out to live with the other blood whores."
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri6695 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "I don't believe it."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri299 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No she did
it. She did it with Lissa too while they were away -that's how they got blood.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She's a freaking addict blood whore. She should just
drop out and go live in one of those
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 communes." I repressed the urge to say anything.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1798 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 They're jus
t little girls Dimitri, I told myself. They don't know any better.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3926 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "So what di
d Rose do to them for telling?" Uh oh.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri656 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Nothing -sh
e walked away. So of course she did it." Thank God. Although I wouldn't
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri168 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 exactly blame her for hurting the
m -honestly, I wanted to. Fury was building inside of me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri178 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Wow. I woul
d just kill myself if I was her, I mean, I always knew she was a slut but jeeze
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5445 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 she hit a new low with this one.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7560 \expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 "I know."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2262 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't ev
en know what guys see in her, she's just a blood whore."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri348 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was bad\e
xpndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} really bad. I walked away.
But I heard the same similar story everywhere. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 knew Rose hadn't done any of those things but that d
idn't matter.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1284 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was obvi
ous that Lissa had drank from her, how else had they gotten blood.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri197 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I wasn't eve
n surprised about hearing it, it was exactly what I had warned Rose that night
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 when I caught her with Jesse.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1954 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 A Moroi dat
ing a Dhampir was a bad thing -they liked to brag -and lie.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4569 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 And there w
as nothing I could do about it.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Later that da
y I saw Rose at practice, she looked like a zombie. She ran into the gym pretty
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 fast, I gave her a puzzled look but decided it was b
est not to ask questions.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri235 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I had to go
ask Lissa some questions later that day about the rabbit incident. She told me
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 basically the same thing that she had said last nigh
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5780 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 After I ask
ed her, "Princess."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri981 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It's Lissa,
Dimitri. You're going to be my guardian so you need to get used to it."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri790 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Sorry. Liss
a. I noticed Rose was very upset today. I sort of overheard the rumors."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2811 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh god, th
ey're awful. You know she wouldn't do that right."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5799 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, of co
urse I know that."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri574 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I can't bel
ieve Jesse and Ralf. They're horrible. I wish I could do something to them."
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri7071 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 "Yes -me too."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She looked u
p surprised. "Wow. I think Rose is growing on you. Authority usually doesn't
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6531 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 respond well to her."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri303 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I laughed, "
Yeah well she's not so bad. She'll make a great guardian someday. Anyway, I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri54 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was going to ask you. I know the s
hifts change between Matrons in about twenty minutes. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 could sneak you over there. Maybe you could console
her. It wouldn't be for very long, but I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1941 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 know she's hurting a lot right n
ow and seeing you would cheer her up."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4548 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah of co
urse," Lissa responded eagerly.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri608 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Alright, le
t me just check the halls then, and we have to be very careful. If Rose gets
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri294 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 caught she'll be in a lot of trou
ble -hell I'll be in a lot of trouble. I'll be right back. When I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri422 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 come get you, I'll take you to th
is back stair wall, it's closed off to students and you can
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7298 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 wait there. "
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri80 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I checked the
novice dorms then and waited until the matron left. Quickly, I hurried back to
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 the Moroi dorms.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6340 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Lissa, we
have to go."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4807 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Okay," she
answered and followed me.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri855 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I left her b
ehind the stair wall and went to get Rose. When I reached Rose's door, I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri469 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 knocked. I saw Rose then, she was
in her pajamas and l looked at her face. It was very
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1311 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 obvious she'd been crying. I loo
ked away immediately, not wanting her to feel
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 uncomfortable.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6171 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Are you ok
ay?" I asked.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri50 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It doesn't m
atter if I am, remember?" she said bitterly, looking at me then. My heart broke
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 for her. Blood whore wasn't something you came back
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Is Lissa ok
ay? This'll be hard on her." I couldn't believe she was actually worried about
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri323 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa. The rumors weren't about h
er at all and I knew just how bad she was hurting right
\plain\expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 now.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri136 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I beckoned h
er to follow me and led her to a back stairwell, one usually locked to students.

\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6106 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Five minut
es," I warned.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3437 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Curiosity s
pread over her face as she opened the door.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1092 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I kept a cl
ose watch. Getting caught in this situation would look very bad on me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri645 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But Rose nee
ded this right now even though I didn't think Headmistress Kirova would
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 exactly be sympathetic about it.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri734 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After about four minutes I
stuck my head in, "You've got to back inside Rose, before
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6555 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 someone finds you."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4641 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I noticed h
er shoot Lissa a panicked look.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1157 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then I hear
d Lissa say, "I'll take care of everything this time Rose. Everything."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3726 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Rose then w
ent back to her room and I walked out.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4953 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "What was t
hat about?" I asked Lissa.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4121 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "That. It w
as nothing," Lissa said nonchalantly.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4327 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Are you su
re, Rose seemed a bit panicked?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3291 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I haven't
seen Rose cry since she was in kindergarten."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6248 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 That took m
e off guard.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5408 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, she's
very upset isn't she?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, but d
on't worry about Rose. I'll have everyone kissing her feet by the end of the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7792 \expndtw-14 \f13 \fs19 week."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3008 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I doubted t
hat -once a blood whore, always a blood whore.
\sl-101\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7260 \expndtw-25 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 13
\sl-91\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19
I was sure that the rumors Jesse and Ralf had spread would stay forever inside
the school -
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri434 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 always tormenting Rose but surpri
singly, I actually heard people defending her. I would
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri292 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hear students say that Rose givin
g Lissa blood was no big deal -that they had to do it for
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri389 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 survival and that Ralf and Jesse
had made the whole scenario up. There was definitely a
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri263 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 shift in power among the students
and Lissa was becoming the center of attention all of a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sudden. I would hear countless students discuss what
she wore and who she was dating.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa really had kept her promise. Of course, that w
asn't all too surprising, most students
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 wanted to get in good with the last royal Dragomir.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri472 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose I conti
nued with our practice before classes the next day, and she always seemed
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 genuinely happy to be there, even
though I knew how much she loved her sleep. We would
\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri484 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 run together now as usual, bracin
g the cold Montana weather. I was quiet during these
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri661 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 times and I tried to be gentle -a
bit afraid of causing her a breakdown after what the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 students had said about her. I ne
ver mentioned the rumors to her -but I think she knew
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 that they had reach me.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri243 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After we fin
ished running today, I led Rose through an offensive exercise where she could
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri371 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 use any makeshift weapon she coul
d find to attack me. I was surprised that she actually
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri689 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 managed to land a few blows on me
-usually I was way too fast for her, but she was
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 learning quickly.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri322 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The hits, however, seemed t
o do more damage to me than her because the impact would
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri385 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 always make her stagger back and
I never budged. I had a lot of weight and strength on
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri85 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 her though, so she was doing a pre
tty good job. She continued to attack and attack though,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2867 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 regardless of the odds and fight
ing with an almost blind rage.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I finally cal
led a break and we carried the equipment we used on the field back to the supply

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 room. While putting it away, I looked at Rose's hand
s and did a double take.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3049 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Your hands
," I swore in Russian, "Where are your gloves?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri88 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose looked d
own at her hands then, the skin on them was raw and chapped, full of swelled
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 blisters and some of them were even bleeding.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2290 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Don't have
any," she responded, "Never needed them in Portland."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1341 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I swore aga
in and told her to go sit on the chair while I grabbed a first-aid kit.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri714 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 While I wipe
d off the blood I assured her, "We'll get you some." Hadn't anyone in the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3822 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Academy thought of this -her mat
ron for instance?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri836 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose looked
down at her weathered hands and said, "This is only the start, isn't it?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5944 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Of what?"
I asked puzzled.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Me. Turning
into Alberta. Her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}.and all
the other female guardians, they're all leathery and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri366 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 stuff. Fighting and training and
always being outdoors -they aren't pretty anymore." She
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri2751 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 paused, "This\expndtw-14{\field{
\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}this life. It destroys them. Their looks, I m
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3058 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I hesitated
for a moment and looked up to her eyes levelly.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri491 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It won't ha
ppen to you," I began, "You're too\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f S
ymbol }}" I paused before allowing myself to say
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2028 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 something I would regret, finall
y settling for, "It won't happen to you."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1264 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I turned my
attention back to her hands then, damn, I almost had just slipped.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It happened
to my mom," Rose continued, "She used to be beautiful. I guess she still is,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri236 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sort of. But not the way she used
to be." Bitterly, she added, "Haven't seen her in a while.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3860 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She could look completely differ
ent for all I know."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4724 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You don't
like your mother," I observed.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4875 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You notice
d that, huh?" she answered.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri763 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You barely
know her," I told her. Janine Hathaway was a phenomenal guardian, her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri229 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 reputation traveled everywhere an
d I didn't really understand why Rose wouldn't be proud
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 of that.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri476 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "That's the
point," Rose explained. "She abandoned me. She left me to be raised by the
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri7502 \expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 academy."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When I finished cleaning up
the wounds, I found a jar of salve and began rubbing it into the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6301 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 rough parts of her skin.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You say tha
t\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} but what else should she
have done? I know you want to be a guardian. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 know how much it means to you. Do you think she feel
s any differently? Do you think she
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1195 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 should have quit to raise you wh
en you'd spent most of your life here anyway?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4242 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Are you sa
ying I'm a hypocrite?" asked Rose.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri359 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'm just sa
ying maybe you shouldn't be so hard on her. She's a very respected Dhampir
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3763 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 woman. She's set you on the path
to be the same."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri72 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It wouldn't
kill her to visit more," Rose muttered. "But I guess you're right. A little. It
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1842 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have been worse, I suppose. I co
uld have been raised by blood whores."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri316 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked up
then, "I was raised in a Dhampir commune. They aren't as bad as you think."
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 The communes had a bad reputation, but I adored my f
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5153 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Oh," Rose
began, "I didn't mean{\f63 \u8212\'3f}"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2125 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It's all r
ight." I cut her off, focusing my attention back on her hands.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1942 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So, did yo
u, like, have family there? Grow up with them?" Rose asked.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I nodded, "My
mother and two sisters. I didn't see them much after I went to school, but we
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri155 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 still keep in touch. Mostly, the
communities are all about family. There's a lot of love there,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri4996 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 no matter what stories you've he
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri624 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, but i
sn't it weird?" asked Rose. "Aren't there a lot of Moroi men visiting to, you
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8650 \expndtw-14 \f13 \fs19 know?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri486 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Sometimes,"
I said, as I rubbed circles into Rose's hands. I didn't mean for my tone to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 sound that dangerous with the words.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3053 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'm-I'm so
rry. I didn't mean to bring up something bad\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }}."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri658 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Actually\ex
pndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} you probably wouldn't think
it's bad," I said after about a minute, deciding
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 whether I should tell her about my father or not.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri444 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 A tight smil
e formed on my face and I asked her, "You don't know your father, do you?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1070 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose shook
her head, "No. All I know is that he must have had wicked cool hair."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri274 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I glanced up
then, "Yes, he must have," then returned to her hands. I shouldn't have said
\plain\expndtw-15 \f13 \fs19 that.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4101 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I knew min
e," I said, careful now of my words.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri524 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose froze t
hen. "Really? Most Moroi guys don't stay{\f63 \u8212\'3f}I mean, some do, but yo
u know,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6678 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 usually they just{\f63 \u8212\'3
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Well, he liked my mother. A
nd he visited her a lot. He's my sisters' father too. But when he
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 came\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst
SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} well, he didn't treat my mother very well. He did some
horrible things," I continued.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4205 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Like\expnd
tw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" Rose hesitated, "Blood whore t
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3599 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Like beati
ng-her-up kinds of things," I replied flatly.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri133 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh God," Ro
se said as she tightened her hands, I couldn't help but squeeze back, noticing
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri329 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 that I'd been long done with the
bandages and now I was really, just holding them. Rose
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 wasn't pulling away.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2358 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "That's hor
rible." She continued, and she\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbo
l }} she just let it happen?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4256 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "She did,"
I smiled, a little sad, "But I didn't."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri286 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I could almo
st see the excitement jumping out of her, "Tell me, tell me you beat the crap
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7326 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 out of him."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4998 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 My smile gr
ew as I answered, "I did."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri55 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Wow. You bea
t up your dad. I mean, that's really horrible\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBO
L 188 \\f Symbol }} what happened. But, wow. You
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6838 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 really are a god."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6755 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 I blinked,
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri731 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Uh nothing,
" Rose said nervously, trying to evade the subject, "How old were you?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I was still
wondering about the comment. Did she really think so highly of me? But I didn't
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 want her to feel uncomfortable so I just answered he
r question.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6591 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Fifteen,"
I told her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2817 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You beat u
p your Dad when you were fifteen?" she shrieked.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri518 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It wasn't t
hat hard. I was stronger than he was, almost as tall. I couldn't let him keep
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 doing that. He had to learn that
being royal and Moroi doesn't mean you can do anything
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4103 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 you want to other people -even b
lood whores."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6246 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 She stared,
"I'm sorry."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5797 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "It's all r
ight," I assured her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri511 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "That's why
you got so upset about Jesse, isn't it? He was another royal, trying to take
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri5739 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 advantage of a dhampir girl."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri69 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I averted my
eyes, not wanting to lie to her face, "I got upset over that for a lot of reason
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri4334 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After all, you were breaking the
rules, and\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri109 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But I didn't
finish, I just looked deep into her eyes, wondering if she could see through me
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri2537 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I know you heard what peo
ple are saying, that I{\f63 \u8212\'3f}"Rose began.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5149 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I know it'
s not true," I interrupted.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6064 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Yeah, but
how do you{\f63 \u8212\'3f}"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri355 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Because I k
now you," I said firmly. "I know your character. I know you're going to be a
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6906 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 great guardian."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1845 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'm glad s
omeone does. Everyone else thinks I'm totally irresponsible."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri546 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "With the wa
y you worry more about Lissa then yourself\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }}" I shook my head. "No. you
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri130 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 understand your responsibilities
better than some guardians twice your age. You'll do what
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri5857 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 you have to do to succeed."
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2421 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't kn
ow if I can do everything I have to do," Rose admitted.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3500 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I lifted an
eyebrow at her, signaling for her elaborate.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2853 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She got the
message and said, "I don't want to cut my hair."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1331 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I gave her
a puzzled look, "You don't have to cut your hair. It's not required."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1294 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "All the ot
her guardian women do. They show off their tattoos," Rose insisted.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I reached ove
r then, grabbing a lock of her hair and twisted it around my finger. I loved her

\plain\expndtw-15 \f13 \fs19 hair.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2019 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I let go th
en, a little surprised with my actions and a bit embarrassed.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5395 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Don't cut
it," I told Rose gruffly.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3332 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "But no one
will see my tattoos if I don't," she retorted.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri334 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I moved towa
rd the doorway then, better to leave before I do something worse, "wear it
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 up," I said, smiling at her.
\sl-98\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7242 \expndtw-25 \b \f1
0 \fs28 Chapter 14
\sl-97\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri315 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs
19 The next day I went to church and all I was contemplating was the way I felt
for Rose. It
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was wrong, she was my student and I felt like I was
taking advantage of her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri341 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 All night I
had thought about the way I'd held her hands -the way it made me feel when
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she squeezed my hands, the way that I had squeezed b
ack, it was so\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}comforting.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5839 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I'd acted s
o inappropriately.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6016 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I basically
flirted with her.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri183 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I'd almost slipped up and t
old her she was too beautiful\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol
}} that she could never be like the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1902 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 other guardians because she coul
d never be like any of the other girls.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5701 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 It was so e
asy to talk to her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri396 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I couldn't b
elieve I'd actually told her about my family, that I grew up in a blood whore
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 commune, most people would look down on that, but Ro
se believed me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2929 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Most people
would also chastise me for beating up my dad.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3376 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Then again,
most people weren't as irrational as Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5048 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 She always
did what she wanted to.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3505 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Even if som
etimes she failed to think things through.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri901 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I searched t
he building for her then, knowing she'd probably be sitting with Lissa.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri602 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 All I saw we
re two boys on their knees\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
begging for something from Rose and Lissa.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4751 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I hoped tha
t they weren't mocking her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4334 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 All my life
, I've always done the right thing.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4140 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Doing somet
hing immoral, it would haunt me.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri489 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Even killing
Strigoi, who were technically already gone, their souls separate from their
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri154 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 body's and their dark remains wal
king the Earth and killing, even evil Strigoi, haunted me
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 because I killed them.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3151 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Taking a li
fe isn't something easy to come to terms with.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4898 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Now -I was
feeling something wrong.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1340 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Maybe the r
ight thing was to try to get re-assigned and get away from Rose.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But I thought
that I could hold my control. Yesterday though\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYM
BOL 188 \\f Symbol }} things sort of heated up. I'd
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 twireled a piece of her hair, advised her not to cut
it and even held her hands.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri209 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I guess it w
as inappropriate for a mentor and his pupil to act this way, but it wasn't like
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 was an old man.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4689 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I was only
seven years older than Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2449 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That wouldn
't be a lot in seven years but right now, it was huge.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2344 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Not to ment
ion the fact that I need to be focused on the Princess.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6275 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I'd never b
een in love.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri6544 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 No I wasn't in love.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5056 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I don't kno
w what it was with Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2879 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I just can'
t explain it to myself I just know that, I want her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri191 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 And when I s
ee her, it's like the whole world stops spinning and there she is, loose-bullet
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 and all. Ready to act and usually not think.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri283 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She was lear
ning though, I had to teach her or else who knows, she could get killed one
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7906 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 day,
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4347 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She needed
to learn how to protect herself.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri103 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I spent the
rest of the day in my room seeing that it was my day off. I wrote letters to my
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 family back in Siberia and read one of my Western no
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6263 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 They were m
y escape.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5120 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Even if Ros
e made fun of me for it.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri562 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 If I lived t
hen though, I could grab Rose and carry her off into the sunset on a horse.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri8713 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 But\expndt
w-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7640 \expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 I don't.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri834 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 And I need t
o accept that, there will never be anything between us aside from our
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 professional relationship.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7152 \expndtw-25 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 15
\sl-93\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri272 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 A couple of days later I was sent for to go speak to the Headmistress. When I
got there,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Lissa happened to be outside the office.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6020 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Hey Dimitr
i," she called.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4639 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Hello Prin
cess," I answered with a bow.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It's Lissa,"
she insisted, "And I just wanted to tell you the Headmistress is going to infor
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri173 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you that you're going to come wit
h me to the mall," a funny feeling came over me as she
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3388 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 looked into my eyes, "convince h
er to let Rose come."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri455 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "What? I don
't know if the Headmistress will budge," I told her, trying to shake off the
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 feeling.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri707 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You'll conv
ince her," she said. "Go and convince Kirova," she gestured to the door.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri116 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I walked into the office an
d Headmistress Kirova informed me that Lissa, Natalie and Victor
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri120 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Dashkov and a few guardians would
be going on a trip to the mall together and since I was
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Lissa's guardian I would be going too.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2845 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Will Miss
Hathaway be going?" I asked Headmistress Kirova.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1041 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh please
don't tell me Vasilisa put you up to this\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }} she's still supposed to be on
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 probation," she continued.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes," I agr
eed, "But she has behaved accordingly, followed every rule and even asked for
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri654 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 more practices, now I have her fo
r two additional hours a day. I think she deserves a
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 break," I told her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri363 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Are you sur
e she won't try to escape the Academy again, I'm still not sure if she can be
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 trusted," she replied.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri346 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'll keep m
y eyes on both on them, besides I think it would be more of a training than a
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri546 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 mall escape," I told her, "Rose h
asn't had field experience and I believe that this could
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6164 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 really help her," I urged.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri721 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Fine, but i
f anything goes wrong, it'll be on you Guardian Belikov, understood?" she
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 informed me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4286 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, of co
urse Headmistress," I assured her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri960 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh, and I'd
like to know how her so called field experience at the mall goes," she
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4286 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 continued, "I'll be sure to ask
Guardian Alto."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Of course,"
I replied, realizing Rose wasn't going to be able to get much free time during
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 the trip then.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri89 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She would pro
bably be ecstatic anyway though just to get away which made me happy just
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 thinking about it.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2691 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She really
did deserve a break with all that had been going on.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2379 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was a li
ttle out of character of me to ask the Headmistress that.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri189 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But I just s
hrugged it off\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} even though
the way Lissa had urged me sort of felt \expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }} strange.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3114 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I guess she
really did have some serious persuasive skills.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri461 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Later at pra
ctice I informed Rose of the good news, and the strings that were attached.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri837 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Headmistres
s Kirova thinks you've done well since coming back," I informed Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2862 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Aside from
starting a fight in Mr. Nagy's class?" asked Rose.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She doesn't
blame you for that. No entirely. I convinced her you needed a break\expndtw-14{\
field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} and that
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you could use this as a training exercise," I was a
little nervous to mention the second part.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri5486 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Training exercise?" asked
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I gave her a
brief explanation as we walked off to meet the others, Prince Victor Dashkov,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 his guardians Ben and Spiridon, Guardian Stan Alto,
Natalie, Lissa and Camille.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri320 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Victor was g
oing into a coughing frenzy, he seemed very ill yet I admired the fact that he
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 came to spend time with his daughter anyway.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri272 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We rode out
the two hour trip to Missoula in a large school van, leaving just after sunrise.

\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri35 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The malls would be open during the
day so we couldn't go at night. The van had tinted glass
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2470 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to filter out the light and keep
the worst away from the vampires.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri56 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I sat at the
back of the van with Rose and Spiridon so I could dispense guardian information
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 to Rose.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri301 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Camille and
Natalie don't have personal guardians," I explained, "They're both under the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri189 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 protection of their families' gua
rdians. Since they are Academy students leaving campus, a
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri97 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 school guardian accompanies them -
Stan. I go because I'm Lissa's assigned guardian. Most
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri160 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 girls her age wouldn't have a per
sonal guardian yet, but circumstances make her unusual."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri353 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She's suppo
sed to have two guardians. Princes and princesses always do," replied Rose.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Spiridon answ
ered her with his Southern accent despite his Greek name, "Don't worry, she'll
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have plenty when the time comes. Dimitri's already o
ne of them. Odds are you'll be one too.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5285 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 And that's why you're here today
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5198 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "The traini
ng part," answered Rose.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2832 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yup," Spir
idon replied, "You're going to be Dimitri's partner."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri93 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 A moment of f
unny silence fell then probably not noticeable to anyone except Rose and me,
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 and our eyes locked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3096 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I felt the
need to clarify unnecessarily, "Guarding partner."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2969 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yup," agre
ed Spiridon, oblivious to the tension around him.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri376 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You'll prob
ably always be near guard," I continued, "You're female and the same age as
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1918 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the princess. You can say close
to her without attracting any attention."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2784 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "And I can'
t ever take my eyes off her," Rose noted, "Or you."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri46 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Spiridon laug
hed and elbowed me at that, "You've got a star student there. Did you give her
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 a stake?" he asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5317 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No, she's
not ready," I answered.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri439 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose respond
ed just I had expected, "I would be if someone would show me how to use
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri7964 \expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 one."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "More to it than just using
the stake," I argued, "You've still got to subdue them. And you've
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5375 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 got to bring yourself to kill th
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4623 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Why wouldn
't I kill them?" inquired Rose.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri116 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Most Strigo
i used to be Moroi who purposely turned. Sometimes they're Moroi or Dhampirs
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 turned by force. It doesn't matter. There's a strong
chance you might know one of them.
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Could you kill someone you used to know?" I asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3718 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I guess so
. I'd have to right? If it's them or Lissa\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri494 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I didn't lik
e her answer, "You might still hesitate. And that hesitation could kill you. And

\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri8014 \expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 her."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2896 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Then how d
o you make sure you don't hesitate?" she asked.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri403 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I told her w
hat I always did, "You have to keep telling yourself that they aren't the same
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri251 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 people you knew. They've become s
omething dark and twisted. Something unnatural. You
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri437 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have to let go of attachments and
do what's right. If they have any grain of their former
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri4828 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 selves left, they'll probably be
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4070 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Grateful f
or me killing them?" Rose questioned.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1683 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "If someone
turned you into a Strigoi, what would you want?" I asked her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri827 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She didn't r
eply at that, but I urged on, never taking my eyes off her beautiful face.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri417 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "What would
you want if you knew you were going to be converted into a Strigoi against
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 your will? If you knew you would lose all sense of y
our old morals and understanding of
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 what's right and wrong? If you knew you'd live the r
est of your life -your immortal life -
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 killing innocent people? What would you want?" I ask
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri638 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The van had
grown uncomfortably silent and I knew that she would come to the same
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 realization I had long ago.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2530 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "If I becam
e Strigoi," began Rose, "I'd want someone to kill me."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri602 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So would I,
" I answered quietly, realizing that Roza and I had this strange connection
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 between us, we both understood the relationship betw
een good and evil.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2364 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It reminds
me of Mikhail hunting Sonya," murmured Prince Victor.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4206 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Sonya Kar\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}you mean Ms. Karp?" asked R
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5624 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "What about
her?" asked Lissa.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri172 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose answere
d her, "She became Strigoi. By choice, but I don't know who Mikhail is," Rose
\plain\expndtw-14 \f13 \fs19 asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5105 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Mikhail Ta
nner," Spiridon answered.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri504 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Oh. Guardian Tanner. He wa
s here before we left. Why is he chasing Ms. Karp?" asked
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7938 \expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 Rosd.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3831 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "To kill he
r," I answered flatly, "They were lovers."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri417 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 There was te
nsion all inside the van and Prince Victor politely said, "Perhaps it is time to

\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1586 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 talk about something else. Today
isn't a day to dwell on depressing topics."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri117 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I think ever
yone was relieved went we finally arrived at the mall; I immediately shifted int
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri358 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 my Guardian role, becoming increa
singly aware of my surroundings, making sure danger
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 wasn't lurking in the shadows. Rose stayed near Liss
a as near guard while they wandered
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 from store to store and Rose sort of looked delighte
d. She hadn't really had any fun since
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 she came back to the Academy.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 All of the Gu
ardians received communication devices that we sometimes used in large areas
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 with group guarding; Rose immediately protested her
lack of one.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3027 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Why don't
I get one if I'm on this assignment?" she asked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri368 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You'll lear
n better without one," I assured her. "If you can guard Lissa the old fashioned
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5574 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 way, you can handle anything."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1818 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I didn't th
ink she'd budge but she just said, "Fine," with a slight attitude.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri398 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Prince Victo
r and Spiridon stayed near the girls while Ben and I fanned out, trying not to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 look like creepy stalker guys watching teenage girls
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri449 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I watched th
e girls intently and scanned the area, making sure that they were safe. The
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 chances of them getting attacked here were very slim
, but I wasn't taking any chances.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3654 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I also got
the chance to see Rose interact with Lissa.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri218 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa was sh
owing Rose a skimpy low cut tank top then, embellished with lace; I think she
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 was offering to buy it for her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri29 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose's eyes l
ooked longing so I assumed she'd say yes, and then she made eye contact with
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 me, shook her head and handed the tank top back to R
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5388 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I took a sm
all satisfaction in that.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri319 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 At the end,
Rose ended up with three thermal shirts and a sweatshirt, luckily Lissa hadn't
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 convinced her to buy any slutty tops.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri148 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose had her
hair up now; like I'd told her to wear it and I'd smiled at her when I had seen

\plain\expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri296 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then, as Lis
sa was walking towards the dressing room something caught her eye and she
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri186 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 pulled a black dress off the rack
. The dress was made of silky black material, strapless and
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri335 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 sleek and falling to about the kn
ees with just a slight flair at the hemline, everything else
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri900 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 looked clingy, like it could show
everything making any guy's imagination run wild.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I had a feeling Lissa hadn't
been planning on wearing it herself and she immediately showed
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7515 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 it to Rose.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri178 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I think Liss
a tried to get Rose to try it on but she shook her head, however, Lissa bought i
\plain\expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 anyway.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri616 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose would l
ook dead sexy in the dress; maybe even challenge the school dress code.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri207 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 While we wer
e waiting I remembered that Rose had complained that she didn't have much
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri518 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 lip gloss left, it was the only m
aterialistic thing I'd heard her complain about and it was
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5395 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 something I could actually affor
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri107 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It may have
seemed inappropriate for a mentor to buy his students lip gloss but the minute
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I saw it I knew it would make Rose happy.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri480 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Prince Victo
r then said he was going to buy Rose a necklace that both the Lissa and her
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri622 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were admiring but couldn't afford
. It would probably make my gift look even less than
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri496 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 nothing, but that's the way it is
. I didn't exactly have the means to buy Rose expensive
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3029 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 things, but she also wasn't the
time to long for such things.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri419 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The ride hom
e was in tired silence with everyone's sleeping schedules messed up by the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 daylight trip -it didn't affect me
much though, I was used to doing night guard which meant
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 staying up during the day.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri366 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose sat nex
t to me and leaned back, our arms touching and the closeness felt amazing.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri249 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "So I can't
ever try on clothes again?" Rose asked quietly. All of the girls had fallen asle
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 but Prince Victor and the guardians remained awake.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri560 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "When you ar
en't on duty, you can," I responded, "You can do it during your time off."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri73 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't ever
want time off," Rose replied. "I want to take care of Lissa always," she yawned

\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 then, obviously tired.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1305 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then her to
ne shifted and her question surprised me, "Did you see the dress?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5175 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I saw the
dress," I answered flatly.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5021 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Did you li
ke it?" she asked curiously.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3674 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I didn't an
swer -it would be inappropriate for me to.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1454 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Am I going
to endanger my reputation if I wear it to the dance?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1631 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When I spok
e, it was barely above a whisper, "You'll endanger the school."
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri790 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She smiled a
t that, and then shortly after fell asleep. Her head eventually fell on my
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri501 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 shoulder. I just stared at her, e
njoying this precious moment where I actually get to be
\pard\sl-239 \li0 \ri7320 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 close to her.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri156 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I noticed goose bumps on he
r arm then and put my long coat over her, covering her like a
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7653 \expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 blanket.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri254 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose woke up
when the van stopped at the school and pulled my coat off of her, climbing
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 out after me, she looked happy and awake.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri545 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She sighed,
"Back to prison," and started walking next to Lissa towards the commons.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri121 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Maybe if you fake a heart attack
, I can make a break for it," Rose suggested sarcastically.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1076 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Without yo
ur clothes?" asked Lissa handing her the bag. Rose swung it happily.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4290 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I can't wa
it to see the dress," Lissa told her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri449 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Me either,"
responded Rose. "If they let me go. Kirova's still deciding if I've been good
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7570 \expndtw-11 \f13 \fs19 enough."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Show her th
ose boring shirts you bought. She'll go into a coma. I'm about ready to," Lissa
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 answered. The shirts weren't boring, it was cold in
Montana and they would keep her warm.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Besides, Rose didn't need to attract any more attent
ion than she already received.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri230 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose just la
ughed and hopped onto one of the wooden benches, pacing with Lissa as they
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 walked along, "They aren't that boring," she respond
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2391 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose then h
opped onto another bench, "I'm not that responsible."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri190 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hey," calle
d Spiridon as the rest of us trailed behind, "You're still on duty. No fun allow
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7475 \expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 up there."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4052 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No fun her
e," Rose called back. "I swear -shit"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri182 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 And that's w
hen she fell into the bench. I think that she was trying to jump off, but as she

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri424 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 did, the wood caved beneath her l
ike it was made of paper and her foot got caught, not
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 going with the rest of her body. R
ose's ankle bent in an unnatural direction and she crashed
\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 down.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri846 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I immediatel
y ran to her a little panicked that she wasn't okay. She was screaming
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri247 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 obscenities and I kept telling he
r to calm down, my adrenaline was pumping and Spiridon
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1357 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and I immediately went to try to
break her foot out of the wood and free her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri100 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We finally m
anaged to break the bench apart, freeing Rose's foot and I carried her towards
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 the infirmary.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri566 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The entire t
ime she complained that she might not be able to take her trainings in the
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 spring and then she won't graduate.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2672 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I assured h
er that it wasn't important, that she would be okay.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri785 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa came w
ith me and stayed with Rose up until a little while before she woke up.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1674 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Dr. Olendzk
i gave Rose some medicine so she was out for a couple hours.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri1585 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I stayed with her, I didn'
t want her to wake up and there be no one there.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri68 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Luckily, the
doctor informed me she hadn't broken anything, that it was just a scare. I was
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 relieved; it would be horrible for Rose if she could
n't take her finals in the spring.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3654 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Eventually
she woke up, looking a little disoriented.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6880 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Rose," I c
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2111 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She turned
her head towards me sitting on the chair beside the bed.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3359 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Hey," she
answered, her voice coming out as a croak.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5818 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "How do you
feel?" I asked.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5000 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Weird. Kin
d of groggy," she replied.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri208 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Dr. Olendzk
i gave you something for the pain -you seemed pretty bad when we brought
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri453 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you in," I informed her, even tho
ugh the pain killers had been somewhat unnecessary.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2533 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't re
member that\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}How long have I
been out?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5818 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "A few hour
s," I responded.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri383 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Must have b
een strong. Must still be strong. I don't hurt at all," she said looking at her
\plain\expndtw-15 \f13 \fs19 foot.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1652 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I shook my
head and explained, "No because you weren't seriously hurt."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri78 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Are you sure
? I remember \expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} the way it b
ent. No. Something must be broken." She sat up
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3871 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 then examining her ankle, "Or at
least sprained."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I moved forwa
rd to stop her, "Be careful. Your ankle might be fine, but you're probably still

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6841 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 a little out of it."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1583 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She careful
ly shifted to the edge of the bed and looked down at her ankle.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri484 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "God, I got
lucky," she said after an examination, "If I'd hurt it, it would put me out of
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6459 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 practice for a while."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri467 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I smiled the
n remembering what it felt like to hold her in my arms and returned to the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri349 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 chair, "I know. You kept telling
me that while I was carrying you. You were very upset."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5131 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You\expndt
w-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} you carried me?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2326 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "After we b
roke the bench apart and freed your foot," I explained.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1786 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose looked
excited but then her expression faded into embarrassment.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4199 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "I was take
n down by a bench," she groaned.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri6914 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 "What?" I asked.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri332 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She elaborat
ed, "I survived the whole day guarding Lissa, and you guys said I did a good
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri170 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 job. Then, I get back here and me
et my downfall in the form of a bench. Do you know how
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4019 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 embarrassing it is? And all thos
e guys saw, too."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It wasn't y
our fault," I tried to console her; "No one knew the bench was rotted. It looked

\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7959 \expndtw-13 \f13 \fs19 fine."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri50 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Still," she
argued, "I should have just stuck to the sidewalk like a normal person. The othe
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3768 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 novices are going to give me shi
t when I get back."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2272 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I smiled at
her then and asked, "Maybe presents will cheer you up."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4825 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Presents?"
she asked straightening up.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I smiled and
handed her a small box with a piece of paper. It was Prince Victor's present, he

\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 had asked me to give it to Rose when she awoke.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4983 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "This is fr
om Prince Victor," I told her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri70 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She read the
note and said, "That's nice of him," and then looked inside. "Whoa. Very nice."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1505 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was a ro
se necklace, I noticed as she held it up. It looked very expensive.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3079 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "This is pr
etty extreme for a get well present," Rose noted.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri105 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "He actually
bought it in honor of you doing so well on your first day as an official guardi
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 He saw you and Lissa looking at it," I explained.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3505 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Wow. I don
't think I did that good of a job," she said.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6882 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "I do," I t
old her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri611 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Grinning, sh
e placed the necklace back in the box and set it near a table. "You did say
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 presents right? Like more than one?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri345 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I laughed at
her and handed her the small plain bag with the lip gloss, "This is from me."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5236 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Puzzled and
excited, she opened it.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri750 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "How'd you m
anage to buy this?" she asked. "I saw you the whole time at the mall."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5715 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Guardian s
ecrets," I told her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4227 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "What's thi
s for? For my first day?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1874 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I answered
honestly, "No. Because I thought it would make you happy."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2477 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Rose then l
eaned forward and hugged me, taking me by surprise.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri5840 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Thank you," she whispered
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri67 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I was stiff a
t first, but then I relaxed and reached around, resting my hands on Rose's lower

\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 back.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3094 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'm glad y
ou're better," I told her, "When I saw you fall\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYM
BOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3809 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You though
t, Wow she's a loser," suggested Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4929 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "That's not
what I thought," I told her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri489 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I pulled bac
k slightly then, looking at her eyes. Then slowly and carefully, I reached my
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri182 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hand out, tracing the edge of her
cheekbone and moving up the side of her seductive face.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri384 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She shivered at my touch, but did
n't pull away at all. I wounded a lock of her hair in one
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4134 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 finger then, just like I had tha
t day at the gym.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1706 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose then d
ragged her eyes down, and I think she was looking at my lips.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri395 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The haze was
broken when there was a soft knock at the door, hastily; we drew back, "I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 thought I heard you talking. How do you feel?" asked
Dr. Olendzki.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri87 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I couldn't be
lieve I'd just touched Rose like that, it was weird, like something had just cam
\plain\expndtw-11 \f13 \fs19 over me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4961 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She hadn't
pulled back though, either.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The Doctor ma
de Rose lie down, touch and bend her ankle, assessing for damage and shook
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 her head when she finished.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri302 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You're luck
y," she said. "With all the noise you make coming in here, I thought your foot
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri436 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 had been amputated. Must have jus
t been shock. I'd feel better if you sat out from your
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2786 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 normal trainings tomorrow, but o
therwise, you're good to go."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri26 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose then beg
an putting on her slippers and looked at me; again, I felt that warm flush take
\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 over.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4827 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "You have a
guardian angel," I told her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1098 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't be
lieve in angels," she answered. "I believe in what I can do for myself."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3449 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Well then,
" I concluded, "You have an amazing body."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri613 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose glanced
up questioningly at me then and I felt the need to clarify, "For healing, I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5177 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 mean. I heard about the accident
\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Everyone sa
id I shouldn't have survived," Rose explained, "Because of where I sat and the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri367 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 way the car hit the tree. Lissa w
as really the only one in a secure spot. She and I walked
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri5472 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 away with only a few scratches."

\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3677 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "And you do
n't believe in angels or miracles." I said.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri1285 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Nope. I{\f63 \u8212\'3f}"
she began but then a shift happened. She looked really concerned.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5652 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "What's wro
ng?" I asked Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2900 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Where's Li
ssa? Was she here?" she asked almost frantically.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri156 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't kno
w where she is," I answered. "She wouldn't leave your side while I brought you
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri408 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 in. She stayed right next to the
bed; right up until the doctor came in. You calmed down
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5999 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 when she sat next to you."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri280 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose closed
her eyes then, I think trying to do that bond thing where she can read Lissa's
\plain\expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 thoughts.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri26 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After five mi
nutes, I tried shaking Rose back to reality, trying to figure out what the hell
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 going on. Doctor Olenzki was helping me and it seeme
d like ages before she snapped back.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri32 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose's voice
cracked a little then as she spoke, "I know where she is. Lissa. We have to help

\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 her," she pleaded.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7296 \expndtw-25 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 16
\sl-93\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri221 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 "Rose, what is it?" I asked, I could tell she had something on her mind, somet
hing difficult
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to get off her chest\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SY
MBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} and I had an idea of who it was about.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4080 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "It's Lissa
-she's, she's in danger," she told me.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4249 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Where is s
he?" I asked, trying to be efficient.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri430 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "At the chur
ch\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} in the attic\expndtw-14
{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" Rose answered a little out of it. S
he was doing that whole
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 bond thing again.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri762 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Okay -stay
here{\f63 \u8212\'3f}I'll go get Alberta," I told her and immediately ran to get
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3852 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I reached h
er office a few seconds later, "Alberta."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri396 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Dimitri, is
something wrong?" she asked, probably guessing from the seriousness in my
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 face and she immediately began getting up.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri849 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, someth
ing is wrong with Vasilisa, Rose just informed me through the bond," I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 answered and I went out the room, running now knowin
g she'd follow.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3959 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 We ran towa
rds the church and then up the attic.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri820 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I thought th
at she had been hurt or attacked maybe, but no, that wasn't the case. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 would've been okay with that. What I saw, both surpr
ised and horrified me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6283 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I wasn't pr
epared for it.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri356 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 An unconscious Lissa on the
floor, at first I thought she'd been attacked but after further
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri135 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 assessment I realized -she was bl
eeding from her wrists and she had a sharp object in one
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri37 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of her hands. She'd done the damag
e herself. How long had this been going on? Why hadn't
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7514 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 I realized.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri30 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I picked Liss
a up and immediately rushed her to the clinic; I could tell that she had lost a
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of blood. Alberta rushed to get a feeder and we trie
d rousing Lissa to consciousness to drink
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 some blood.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri414 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Finally, the
y were able to wake her up to drink some blood. She was going to be okay. I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 never thought I'd have to worry about protecting one
of my charges\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} from themse
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri134 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I waited aro
und the exit after Rose had been allowed to visit her in the middle of the night
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose didn't notice me when she ca
me out, she just walked right passed me but I saw the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri495 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 look on her face. I don't think L
issa was happy with Rose telling on her. However, Lissa
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri303 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 could have died had it not been f
or Rose and I'm glad she had the courage to speak up. I
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 know how she is, always trying to
take care of situations herself, but she did the right thing
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7577 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 in telling.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri364 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She should h
ave told sooner, however, this all could have been avoided. But then wasn't
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 realy like Rose, I realized a little frustrated that
she would keep something from me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4561 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Dr. Olendzk
i came out then and we spoke.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri274 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "We'll be re
leasing Vasilisa tomorrow morning on the condition that she has to come back
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri114 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 for daily visits with a counselor
. We are also going to put her on some sort of medication to
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 help with the depression," Dr. Olendzki informed me.

\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6197 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Of course,
" I answered.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1910 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Rest assur
ed Guardian Belikov, she's going to be fine," she responded.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2478 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Okay," I a
nswered and headed back to my room for some sleep.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri568 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The next mor
ning I informed Rose about Lissa's condition that she would be out of the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hospital but that she would need therapy and be put
on an anti-depressant.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3217 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Are you an
d Lissa going to be okay?" I asked Rose then.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri306 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I don't kno
w, well, yeah eventually," Rose responded. "She'll probably be angry with me
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri6396 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 for a while for telling."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2703 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You did th
e right thing," I assured her, "She could have died."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5692 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "I know," R
ose added bitterly.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri379 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She'll come
around, don't worry about it," I told Rose and then we went ahead with our
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 normal practices.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri427 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The rest of the week went b
y pretty normal. I did my rounds and trained with Rose who
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri346 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 seemed a little sad and distanced
, but I knew that Lissa would come around soon and be
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 her friend again.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri842 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Saturday was
the dance and Alberta asked me to go take a walk with her. We were
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri495 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 discussing the current security s
ystem at the academy when we knocked into Rose and
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7783 \expndtw-14 \f13 \fs19 Mason.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri354 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I did a doub
le take and whatever we had just bend discussing completely faded from the
\plain\expndtw-13 \f13 \fs19 world.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5921 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 She was wea
ring\i the dress\i0 .
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri175 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose looked
stunning, and like I had told her before\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }} she'd endanger the school\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188
\\f Symbol }} because
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 she'd endanger me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4792 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Then I noti
ced Mason's arm around her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6346 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Envy filled
me all over.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But Rose's b
eauty distracted her. All I could do was stare and stare. Rose looked back, but
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 neither of us said a world.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2197 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Alberta gav
e them a smile however, clearly not as affected as I was.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri526 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I could hear
their conversation faintly in the background as Alberta said to Mason, "Mr.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri1549 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Ashford, Miss Hathaway. I'm surp
rised you aren't already in the commons."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2703 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But all I s
aw was Rose\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I looked and l
ooked and couldn't stop.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5310 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 I tried to
keep my face composed.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri566 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Mason defend
ed himself, "Got delayed, Guardian Petrov. You know how it is with girls.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2179 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Always got to look perfect. You
especially must know all about that."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6957 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 What a suck
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Besides, Ros
e always looked perfect, even after getting all hot and sweaty at the gym. I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 could think of other times when sh
e could be hot and sweaty\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
but those places shouldn't be
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 visited.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose always
looked great but tonight, she looked out of this world. A part of me wanted to
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 grab her a take her away, but I have a feeling that
wouldn't be in our best interest.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri310 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose just ke
pt staring back at me, our eyes were locked. I could hear their conversations
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 going around us, but all I saw was Rose and the a ha
ze was building between us. In that
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri443 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 moment, she was everything. I tri
ed to keep my expression from giving away anything.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri295 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The dress Ro
se wore clung everywhere exposing every curve and the rest of the shape of
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 her body.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri6328 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 It was almost taunting.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2033 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Finally, Ma
son and Alberta stopped their remarks and we parted ways.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2487 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 As Alberta
and I walked on, I couldn't help but look back at Rose.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3444 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "They make
a good couple, don't they?" asked Alberta.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5708 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "No," I res
ponded too quickly.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri430 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No? Dimitri
!" she joked, " I think you're getting all protective over Rose, Mason's a star
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 student and I think he's always liked Rose," respond
ed Alberta.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri700 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Did you see
how he was touching her? I'm sure his interest are more hormonal than
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 anything else" I answered.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Dimitri! Ros
e can handle Mason, I think he'd be good for her, don't worry about them. Rose
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 is a smart and beautiful girl, maybe dating a guy li
ke Mason would be good for her," Alberta
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 told me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri281 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Maybe she d
oesn't need to date right now," I answered, silently adding unless it's me, of
\plain\expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 course.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I'll see you
later Alberta," I commented and started to walk off, it was getting hard to mas
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 my feelings.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4696 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Wait, Dimi
tri, are you okay?" she asked.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1220 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes of cou
rse," I answered and stocked off before she could say anything else.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2204 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I ended in
my room, angry and not able to get Rose out of my head.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri28 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 For a second
I had decided to march right into the commons and yank her away from Mason
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 and take her away with me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6558 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 What was I
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2729 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Seeing her
though had caused some animalistic passion in me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5861 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She stared
back\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I thought.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri325 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 When I had l
ooked at her, her eyes had been tied to mine too. She had held my gaze the
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 whole time too.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri967 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I refused to
take satisfaction in that, because allowing myself that privilege meant
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 fantasying other things that would never be able to
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2887 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 That seemed
like the saddest thought in the world right now.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri175 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 To want something so desper
ately, to be taunted by the sight of it, to be so close to it, but
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5248 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 to never be able to touch or fee
l it.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7604 \expndtw-11 \f13 \fs19 Oh Roza.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri646 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Eventually,
as the night drew on, I was able to fall asleep but it wasn't in the least bit
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri290 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 peaceful. I moved all over the be
d, yanking the sheets all over and all I could think about
\plain\expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 was Rose.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Some hours pa
ssed when I heard continual loud banging on my door. I immediately jumped
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 out of bed, anxious to see what could be the problem
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri616 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I didn't exp
ect to see Rose when I opened the door, and my eyes widened as I asked,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7726 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 "Rose?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5246 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Let me in.
it's Lissa," she insisted.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri445 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I immediatel
y stepped aside so that she could walk in. She was assessing the room and
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 then she stopped and gazed at me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1976 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I expected
her to explain herself, but she didn't, she just stared at me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6135 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "What's wro
ng?" I urged.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri349 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She just gaz
ed at me, and then looked at my bare chest\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 1
88 \\f Symbol }}. Almost as if checking me out.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3067 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose then a
imed at my chest, trying to touch it and kiss it.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2813 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Rose," I e
xclaimed as I stepped back, "What are you doing?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri389 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "What do you
think?" she responded, charging forth again, trying to kiss me. Smart ass.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri469 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Are you dru
nk?" I asked, holding my hand out in a warding gesture, trying to stop this
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri267 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 situation from happening\expndtw-
14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} it was too tempting. It was only s
o long before my self-control
\plain\expndtw-14 \f13 \fs19 waned.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3175 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Don't I wi
sh," she answered, trying to dodge around me.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri303 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then her con
fidence seemed to diminish because she stopped her attempts and stared at
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri434 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me with an uncertain look, finall
y she said, "I thought you wanted to---" damn, she had
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7702 \expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 noticed.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4766 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Don't you
think I'm pretty?" she asked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri27 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Was she ridic
ulous, of course she was beautiful but that wasn't the situation? Besides, didn'
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 she understand it wasn't about that.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri453 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I tried to b
e stern, "Rose, I don't know what's going on, but you need to go back to you
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 room." Please leave Rose, before I can't hold back.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri750 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Instead, she moved at me ag
ain, not being deterred but this time, I reached out and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri294 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 gripped her wrists and suddenly,
whatever self-control I had completely faded. It was like
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri181 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 an electric current shot through
the both of us and whatever I had been thinking to tell her
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1466 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 fell away. Suddenly, all I wante
d was Rose. Suddenly, nothing held me back.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri204 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I released h
er wrists then and moved my hands up her arms, slowly feeling her soft skin. I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri58 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 held her gaze, and I was hungry, h
ungry to feel and touch her and do so many other things.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri608 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I grabbed he
r then pull her towards me and pressing her against my body. One on my
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri428 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hands moved up the back of her ne
ck, grabbing a hand full of her hair while I tipped her
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 face towards me. Then I brought my lips down, barely
brushing my lips to her. She had
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5757 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 been untouchable for so long.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri36 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I had wanted
this for so long, it seemed like if I moved too fast this haze would melt away.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri415 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 wanted to treasure this moment, b
ut I wanted to do so many things I don't think I could
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5574 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 contain myself for much longer.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1733 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose than a
sked, "Do you think I'm pretty?" grabbing me out of my head.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1361 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I regarded
her with utter seriousness then and said, "I think you're beautiful."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6365 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Beautiful?
" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1835 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I continued
and admitted, "You are so beautiful, it hurts me sometimes."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri145 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I moved my l
ips back to hers then, and kissed her gently; however, soon passion took over
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri522 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 me and I kissed her hard and hung
ry. Her kisses consumed me but soon kissing wasn't
\plain\expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 enough.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri254 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 My hands sli
d down her arms, down her hips down to the edge of her dress, feeling her all
\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 over.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri245 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I gathered t
he fabric of her dress then and began pushing it up her legs. I continued while
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri129 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she kissed me, sliding the dress
up and up, until I'd pulled it over her head and tossed it on
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 the floor.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri316 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} you got rid of that dress fast,"
Rose said in between heavy breaths. "I thought you
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 liked it," she commented.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri208 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I do like i
t," I answered, "I love it," I said in between my heavy breaths. I liked her bet
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 without it though.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1202 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I grabbed h
er body then and took her to my bed, getting her completely naked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri710 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose seemed
a little scared, so I took thinks slow, even though it was the last thing I
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 wanted to do.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri314 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We laid on t
he covers, clinging to each other and kissing and kissing. Every touch felt like

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 fire on my skin\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }} I couldn't believe this was happening.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri1538 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Touching her like this\exp
ndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} it had always been a fantasy,
something untangible.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri842 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It wasn't ju
st because she was beautiful, but just being so close to her felt so good.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri558 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I murmured h
er name "Roza, Roza," as I kissed her and she seemed to melt under my
\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 gaze.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri265 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I could tell
by the way she acted that she wasn't as experienced as people it was rumored
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 as it was. She was almost shaking and I guessed she
was really nervous.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I wanted to
do so much more, and I think she realized that but I kept my pajama pants on
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 so as to not pressure her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri210 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 At one point
she hovered over me and as I tilted my head slightly, and she caught sight of
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 my neck and lightly brushed my marks tattooed there.

\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5639 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Did you re
ally kill six Strigoi?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7573 \expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 I nodded.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6906 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 "Wow," she
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri143 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I brought he
r own neck down and kissed it, my teeth gently grazing her skin, "Don't worry,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 you'll have a lot more than me someday," I told her.

\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4789 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Do you fee
l guilty about it?" she asked.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6437 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 "Hmm?" I qu
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri276 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Killing the
m," she responded, "You said in the van that it was the right thing to do, but i
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 still bothers you. It's why you go to church, isn't
it? I see you there, but you aren't really
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6805 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 into the services."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri253 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I smiled at
her, surprised and amused that she had guessed another secret of mine, "How
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri44 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 do you know these things?" I quest
ioned. "I'm not guilty exactly\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbo
l }} just sad sometimes. All of
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 them used to be human or dhampir or Moroi. It's a wa
ste, that's all, but as I said before, it's
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri382 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 something I have to do. Something
we all have to do. Sometimes it bothers me, and the
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri279 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 chapel is a good place to think a
bout those kinds of things. Sometimes I find peace there,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri4545 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 but not often. I find more peace
with you."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri600 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I rolled her
off of me then and moved on top, this time the kissing was harder, I could
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 barely hold back when she was completely naked here
in my bed.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri660 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked at
her eyes then and saw the decision in there; she wanted me inside of her.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri138 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Smiling, I s
lid my hands behind her neck and unfastened Victor's necklace and set it on the
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 bedside table.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri580 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The minute t
he chain left my fingers; however, I felt like I'd been punched in the face.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri3803 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I blinked in surprise and
asked, "What happened?"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2188 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I\expndtw-
14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} I don't know," Rose answered, voic
e relaying that she felt it too.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri242 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I felt like
I was trying to wake up out of this haze. I still wanted Rose, but that animalis
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 passion was gone and the current situation was slowl
y dawning on me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri6244 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 Rose. Naked
in my bed.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3160 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 My head fel
t strange, and I frowned, no longer turned on.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2913 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I pondered
for a few minutes, retracing what had happened.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3907 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Everything
changed when I took off the necklace.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri106 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The necklace
, I realized, and I grabbed it. Suddenly, desire swept all over me and I slid my

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 hand onto Rose's hip, trying not to keep it from goi
ng and tracing all over her naked body.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri293 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I saw Rose's
expression changed and she perked up her body, and her breathing became
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 heavy once again.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri85 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I moved my li
ps to her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} neglecting what
had just happened. All I wanted was to touch her,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 nothing else in the world mattered.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then she whis
pered, "Lissa," voice strained. "I have to tell you something about Lissa. But I

\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5051 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 can't\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldin
st SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}remember. I feel so strange\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldi
nst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}"
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1178 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I know," I
responded, still holding on to her, laying my cheek on her forehead.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1760 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then the pi
eces seemed to fall into place and I realized what I had to do.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I would never
get to touch Rose or see her like this again, I realized. But it was something
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 had to do. We were trapped here by someone. Someone\
expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "There's some
thing\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}." I tried to explain
, "Something here." I pulled my face away and said,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3420 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "This necklace. That's the one P
rince Victor gave you?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri182 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose nodded
and I took a deep breath, removing my hand from her hip and pulling myself
\plain\expndtw-16 \f13 \fs19 away.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2604 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "What are y
ou doing?" she exclaimed. "Come back\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }}." She said.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri453 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I seriously
wanted to. All I wanted in that moment was to make her mine, but instead I
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 climbed out the bed. I felt animal passion and had t
o fight myself the whole way to the
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7660 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 window.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5007 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Couldn't I
just make love to her first?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2619 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 No Dimitri,
you idiot, I thought, you're taking advantage of her.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri2196 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I finally reached the wind
ow and managed to open it one-handedly.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri193 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "What are yo
u going to?" Rose asked, and then realization took place because she sprung
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2030 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 out of bed gasping, "No! Do you
know how much that must have---?"
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3550 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I let the n
ecklace disappear and suddenly I woke up.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1528 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Lissa!" Ro
se immediately gasped out. "Lissa's been taken!" she screamed.
\sl-100\fs10\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-280 \li0 \ri7206 \expndtw-25 \b \f
10 \fs28 Chapter 17
\sl-91\fs9\par\sl-240\fs24\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri335 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs1
9 My body reacted immediately to the present danger. My charge had been taken. I
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri215 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have time to think about what had
just been happening with Rose or even try to decipher
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri364 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 through this whole mess of my per
sonal life, I had one mission right now -and it was to
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6716 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 save the Princess.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri875 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Get dressed
," I ordered without really looking at her and tossed her a sweatshirt.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri268 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I ran out th
e door as fast as I could look somewhat presentable and I was conscious that
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose was following me -but I was much faster and I m
ade no effort to slow down -right
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 now, the Princess had to come first.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri31 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I called Head
mistress Kirova and told her to get the guardians immediately, I also informed
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Alberta that the Princess had been taken and pretty
soon we all ended up in the guardian's
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri525 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 main office. The situation was a
mess as we were trying to sort through what had just
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 happened.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri210 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 How could I
allow myself to become that distracted? I'd let my guards down, almost slept
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri633 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 with my seven year younger studen
t and in the process had lost my charge -the last
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5879 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Dragomir -to some Strigoi.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The entire si
tuation was chaos; no one bought her story though. It seems Rose had gotten
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri302 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 into some trouble at the dance an
d punched Mia so her credibility was waning; however,
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose wouldn't lie about this, especially when there
was a lust spell involved. Still, no one
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 believed her story but me as she explained that Liss
a had been taken until they retrieved
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Christian Ozera who had been with the Princess at th
e time of the accident.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri841 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 How had Stri
goi even gotten past the wards? Where was our security in all of this?
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri684 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Finally, the
Ozera kid came staggering in, supported by two guardians as well as Dr.
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri95 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Olendski. He had blood coming from
the back of his head and wasn't in great shape either.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2106 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "How many S
trigoi were there?" asked one of the guardians to Rose.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "How in the
world did they get in?" muttered someone else. I had been thinking the same
\plain\expndtw-13 \f13 \fs19 thing.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1855 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose stared
at all up us then and said "Wh{\f63 \u8212\'3f}There weren't any Strigoi."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5681 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Houston, we
have a problem.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri180 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 The Headmistress spoke firs
t presumably, "Who else would have taken her. You must have
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri431 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 seen it wrong through the\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} vision," she assessed, obviously
blaming Rose -not that she
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 had that much credibility.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri498 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No. I'm pos
itive," Rose insisted, "It was \expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symb
ol }}they were\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}.guardians,"
she finally assessed.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri453 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "She's right
," muttered a hurt Christian, wincing as Dr. Olendski touched the back of his
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 head, "Guardians," he assured.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3545 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "That's imp
ossible," responded someone immediately.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri520 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "They weren'
t school guardians," Rose began, rubbing her forehead as if trying to think
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 really hard, "Will you guys get moving? She's gettin
g father away!" she exclaimed.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri263 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You're sayi
ng a group of privately retained guardians came in and kidnapped her?" asked
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 the Headmistress in an incredulous tone.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri95 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes," Rose r
eplied with gritted teeth. "They\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Sym
bol }}" she paused, "They work for Victor Dashkov,"
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she gasped out focusing on the Headmistress's eyes,
"They're his," she finally claimed.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri554 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was a sho
ck. Why would Prince Victor Dashkov kidnap the Princess? Suddenly, I was
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri317 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 beginning to realize I was missin
g some pieces of her story and I almost started doubting
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7301 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 Rose myself.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2257 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Prince Vic
tor Dashkov?" asked someone. No the other Victor -idiot.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri500 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Please," Ro
se moaned as she clutched her head, "Do something. They're getting so far
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri118 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 away. They're on\expndtw-14{\fiel
d{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}eighty-three. Headed south," she finally cl
aimed. I knew this would bring
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 trouble. Eighty-three was really far.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri655 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Eighty-thre
e already?" asked the Headmistress, as expected, "How long ago did they
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5058 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 leave? Why didn't you come soone
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4245 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I better th
ink fast as all eyes scrutinized Rose.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri321 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She just eye
d me anxiously, and I realized I needed to protect her right now. Besides the
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri79 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 outburst of telling them there was
a lust spell and what it would cause -then we'd never get
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri3598 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 the Princess and I'd be imprison
ed for statutory rape.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri252 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I spoke for
Rose then, "A compulsion spell. A compulsion spell put into a necklace he gave
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to her. It made her attack me," I answered, the lie
coming out flawlessly.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1156 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No one can
use that kind of compulsion. No one's done it in ages," reverted the
\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 Headmistress.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Well, someon
e did," I argued, "By the time I'd restrained her," or myself, "A lot of time ha
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7685 \expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 passed."
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri347 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 No one questioned the lie a
nd the group then sprang into action. We decided to separate
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri39 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 into three SUVs. No one wanted to
bring Rose -but how the hell would we find Lissa without
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri8030 \expndtw-12 \f13 \fs19 her?
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri179 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I convinced
them that we needed her and she ended up sitting in the passenger seat, next
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 to me as we drove. The time seemed to slow down then
and I drove fast, really fast, Rose
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5921 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 only spoke to give a report.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri362 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "They're sti
ll on Eighty-three\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} but the
ir turn is coming. They aren't speeding. They don't
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6168 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 want to get pulled over."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri487 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I nodded wit
hout looking at her;\i don't get distracted,\i0 I told myself. Rose had asked
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri242 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 what a compulsion spell was, and
I simply told her that there had actually been a lust one
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 on the necklace and when she asked further questions
, I simply told her magic earth users
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6914 \expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 used to practice.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri556 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Had it reall
y been the entire lust spell? I think there had to be attraction for it to reall
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri339 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 work. At least, that's what I had
read about it, but who knows. There had definitely been
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 attraction on my side of the spectrum.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri525 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose probabl
y felt completely awkward -probably like I'd taken advantage of her. That
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 thought sickened me; I would never want to do anythi
ng to hurt her.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4595 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Don't get d
istracted, I repeated to myself.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri112 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "They're tur
ning," Rose said suddenly, "I can't see the road name, but I'll know when we're
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7823 \expndtw-11 \f13 \fs19 close."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1078 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I grunted a
nd I noticed Rose sitting farther down in her seat, very, very pensive.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5446 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 She probabl
y thinks I'm a rapist.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri115 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "There," she
called about twenty minutes later of awkward and tension filled silence. It was

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 a rough road without any paved gravel -the SUV could
take it though.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri604 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "They're tur
ning again. They're in a small cabin\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f
Symbol }} They're taking her -" she continued.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Suddenly Ros
e screamed making me flinch and the SUV swerved a little in surprise as my
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 grip on the steering wheel jerked, I started to pull
over, terribly frightened for Rose now -
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 afraid that I couldn't protect her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri270 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No no! Keep
going!" Rose insisted as she pressed her palms to her temples, "We have to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7447 \expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 get there."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri774 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Alberta then
put her hand on Rose's shoulder and asked, "Rose, what's happening?"
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri176 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She blinked
back tears, "They're torturing her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f S
ymbol }}with air. This guy\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}
Kenneth.. he's making it
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 press against her\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBO
L 188 \\f Symbol }} into her head. The pressure's insane. It feels like my -her-
skull's gonna
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 explode," she sobbed.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri333 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I looked at her alarmed and
sped up -I had to put a stop to this. Rose started to explain,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri76 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 that they were torturing Lissa and
that finally she gave in and\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol
}} healed Victor of his disease.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri751 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 It was all strange -how could she
heal Victor? She tried to explain how Victor looked
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2533 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 younger now and that Lissa had p
assed out from the exhaustion.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri195 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 My anger fla
red then -that pig -had taken the girls to the mall and had plotted against my
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 charge, me and worst of all\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fld
inst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} Rose. Now she would never want to be around me aga
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri228 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I started cu
rsing in Russian because it was the only way to vent out some of the orchestra
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 of emotions that I was currently feeling.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri45 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Finally, we w
ere in eye reach of the cabin and Rose signaled that this is where they had her.

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We pulled over as well as the two SUVs behind us. Al
l of us got out, and it was over a dozen
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri447 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 of guardians. One of them scouted
and then reported how many people were inside and
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri96 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 outside of the cabin. We came up w
ith a plan -who would go in and who would stay outside
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 and go around the door -and then dispersed. Rose sta
rted getting out of the car then and I
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 quickly stopped that from happening.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3957 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 No way was
I going to allow Rose to face danger.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5125 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "No Roza. Y
ou stay here," I told her.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri40 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "The hell wit
h that. I have to go help her." Is she crazy? She could get hurt? Besides I'd ju
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri295 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have to worry about protecting he
r the whole time. It was bad enough leaving her behind
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri98 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 alone in the car -and unprotected.
But I would make sure none of these bastards got out of
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 the cabin and that no one would ever hurt Roza.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri487 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I cupped her
chin then, trying to reason with her. I so did not need this right now, "You
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri78 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 have helped her. Your job is done.
You did it well. But this isn't any place for you. She and I
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri357 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 both need you to stay safe." Mayb
e the closeness was a bit inappropriate -but desperate
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2885 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 times call for inappropriate mea
sures when it comes to Roza.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri542 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Something cl
icked then, luckily and she nodded, swallowing whatever protests she had
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri111 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 planned and got back into the car
. I slipped off then, trying to blend into the trees. My eyes
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were on Rose for just a second longer before we char
ged into the house, I noticed her kick
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6185 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 the passenger seat then.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7055 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 It was so R
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri312 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Victor's hen
chmen were surprised but they put up a fight -but after fighting Strigoi -they
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri511 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 were nothing. Besides, I fought w
ith almost a blind rage -and these men weren't really
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri238 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 willing to be taken as prisoners,
they were fighting to the death. All of the events that had
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri95 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 occurred tonight burned through me
, and I let that rage take over, giving me an extra edge
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7057 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 on my fighting.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri125 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After the ma
ssacre of them, someone took Victor prisoner as we searched the house -only,
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 there was no Lissa.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri217 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Had she slip
ped off in the madness? We sent a search team and I immediately ran back to
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 the SUV knowing Rose's mental tracking device would
probably save some time.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri6166 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Only, there was no Rose.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4130 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I felt my h
eart sink then. What if she was hurt?
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri240 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Goddammit! C
an she ever listen? I started getting frantic then, hauling orders. Find them!
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri770 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Find Rose! And I immediately ran,
desperate to find Roza. I'd never forgive myself if
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 something happened to her -if I wasn't able to prote
ct her.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri426 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I finally fo
und Rose after about twenty minutes of searching in the damn woods, Alberta
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was trying to hold her up -and she
was unconscious. Lissa and Christian were there too, but
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri6178 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 Alberta saw my reaction.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3914 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 It felt lik
e all the blood had drained from my face.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1380 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Alberta qui
ckly explained, "She's okay. Lissa had to drink from her," she said.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri667 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 My legs felt
like jelly. I took her from Alberta then and carried her in my arms. I can't
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 describe how badly it felt to see her in such a stat
e, even if she was going to be okay.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri47 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I'd been figh
ting the way I felt about Rose for months now, but now, it was like whatever lid

\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I had put on my heart had been flung open and I knew
for sure now -that I was completely
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 in love with her.
\sl-278\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri385 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Eventually,
we got the girls to the SUV and Alberta explained to me what had happened.
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri153 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa had run away trying to esca
pe, not knowing that we were coming to rescue her. Rose
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 had realized and Christian had actually been hiding
in the trunk and came with her to try to
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri538 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 get Lissa, they were quite a pair
, only they ran into trouble. Victor had psi-hounds that
\pard\sl-245 \li0 \ri121 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 attacked, probably the same psi-h
ounds he sent after them that Rose told me about -when
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri422 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she thought the Academy had sent
them. Rose had fought that off -but they had gotten
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 Christian.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri337 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then, bizarr
ely, Lissa was able to heal Christian's wounds, after feeding off Rose because
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she was too weak and that was why Rose had passed ou
t -utter exhaustion.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri56 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Rose stayed i
n the clinic then where they forced fluids and sugar into her. I stayed too, unt
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 she started waking up -making sure that she was safe
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri198 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa then e
xplained to us about her powers, that she had healed Christian and Victor, and
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 even Rose after the car accident. It was all shockin
g, but overall we decided that it should
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 be kept a secret. A lot of abuse could come from suc
h great power.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri101 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Victor was b
eing held now in prison at the school until he had a trial and was under 24 hour

\plain\expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 surveillance.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri192 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We also foun
d out that it was Natalie who had rotted the bench and that Lissa had actually
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri329 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 healed her ankle. All the pieces
that I had been trying to figure out all made sense now -
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4277 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 why they had left and the animal
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri335 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Lissa also s
tarted dating the Ozera kid, Christian, Tasha's nephew. It was nice, especially
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 since people held so much prejudice towards him.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri370 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 And I tried to stay away fr
om Rose -for now. I didn't visit her during her recovery, and I
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1324 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 was still trying to handle what
had happened and what I was going to tell her.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri578 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I should tur
n myself in. But then, who would take care of Rose? How did she even feel
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri7149 \expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 about all this?
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri406 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I wasn't ready to deal with all t
hat yet though, so I suspended our practices indefinitely,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1341 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 until finally on the fourth day
after Lissa's kidnapping, we ran into each other.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri52 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She had come
into the gym and then she noticed I was there. She couldn't speak -probably
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri311 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 traumatized that her older mentor
had taken advantage of her. I started to walk past her
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 but then stopped and decided that I needed to face t
he facts and man up.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri33 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Rose\expndtw
-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }}" I began after a few awkward mome
nts, and decided one of the hardest decisions of
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 my life -to condemn myself. "You need to report what
happened. With us," I told her.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3353 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I can't do
that. They're fire you. Or worse," she began.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2037 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "They shoul
d fire me," I answered, ashamed. "What I did was wrong."
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri207 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "You couldn'
t help it. It was the spell\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }
}" so that's what she thought. It'd probably been like
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri63 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 that for her. It's not like this g
oddess looking girl would fall in love with her old mentor. She
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1123 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 probably thought it was disgusti
ng. How could she even stand to be around me?
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4332 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "It doesn't
matter. It was wrong and stupid."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3376 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She bit her
lip then and said, "Look, it's not a big deal."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "It is a big
deal!" I exclaimed, I'd attack any other teacher if that were to happen between

\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5427 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 them. "I took advantage of you."

\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri457 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No. You did
n't," she said evenly. And then I knew\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \
\f Symbol }} she had wanted me \expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symb
ol }}too, and that
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 there was only one way to deal with this.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri48 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Rose, I'm se
ven years older than you. In ten years, that won't mean so much, but for now,
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri4923 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 it's huge. I'm an adult. You're
a child."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri94 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She flinched
then, obviously hurt. "You didn't seem to think I was a child when you were all
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7532 \expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 over me."
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri62 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I flinched th
en; it hadn't been about that\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol
}} not entirely, "Just because your body\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 18
8 \\f Symbol }} well, that
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri363 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 doesn't make you an adult. We're
in two different places. I've been out in the world. I've
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri227 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 been out on my own. I've killed,
Rose -people, not animals. And you\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f S
ymbol }} you're just starting
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 out. Your life is about homework and clothes and dan
ces," I tried to explain.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2462 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "That's all
you think I care about?" she retorted, clearly offended.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri531 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No, of cour
se not," I defended, "Not entirely. But it's all part of your world. You're stil
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 growing up and figuring out who you are what's impor
tant. You need to keep doing that.
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri864 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 You need to be with boys your own
age. Even if you choose not to tell, you need to
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri1633 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 understand that it was a mistake
. And it isn't ever going to happen again."
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri1774 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Because you're too old fo
r me? Because it isn't responsible?" she asked.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri126 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I made my fa
ce as blank as I could and decided that lying would be best, "No. Because I'm
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri5117 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 just not interested in you that
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri559 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She stared t
hen, searching my face as if trying to tell whether or not she believed me.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1733 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I continued
, "It only happened because of the spell. Do you understand?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1171 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She blushed
beet red then and just shrugged, sounding like a hurt child, "Yeah.
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Understood," and then she stormed out of the room ki
cking the door open.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3738 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 As soon as
she was out of sight I punched the wall.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri392 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I just had h
urt the one person that I never wanted to hurt. I'd just ruined any chance of
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 ever being with the girl that I have fallen for.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3836 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 And the wor
st part is -it was the right thing to do.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri213 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I made the r
est of my day with rounds, making sure everything was in place, trying to tell
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 myself, convince myself, I did the right thing.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri7038 \expndtw-7 \f13 \fs19 I walked aw
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri157 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I mean, how
can I protect Lissa, when all I want to do is protect Rose? It isn't fair to her
. I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri61 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 could get over people calling me a
pervert. I could get over dealing with what people said. I
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri606 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 could deal with Rose's mom kickin
g my ass, but what I couldn't deal with, was having
\plain\expndtw-5 \f13 \fs19 another charge die.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4040 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 One slip -a
nd it could mean death for someone.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri115 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I was a guar
dian, above all things. I had my duties and needed to get over this whole Rose
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 thing at once. She had her duties too.
\sl-280\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri149 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 As I was mak
ing my rounds then I got near the prison and then I noticed the two guardian
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 bodies lying on the floor.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri2177 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Adrenaline
surged for me -how could have Victor pulled this one off.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5577 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I opened th
e door then, warily.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri503 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Then I saw R
ose on the wall, injured. And Natalie, Victor's daughter, hutched over her,
\plain\expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 about to feed off her, about to hurt my Roza.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri377 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Fury sizzled
through me and I immediately attacked Natalie. She was fast, maybe faster
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri205 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 than me with her new Strigoi abil
ities, but I was much more experienced. She didn't know
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri95 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 how to work with her new powers. W
e both gave and received some vicious hits, but finally
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I saw my opening and took it, staking Natalie right
though her heart. I then yanked it back
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri43 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 as she screamed to her bloody deat
h and after making sure she was dead, I ran as fast as I
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 could to Rose.
\plain\pard\sl-300 \li0 \ri4382 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 I leaned over and picked h
er up in my arms.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri357 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Hey comrade
," she called softly, way too softly for Roza. "You were right about Strigoi,"
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri509 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 she said and I noticed her eyelid
s start to close. She must be hurt -she admitted I was
\plain\expndtw-13 \f13 \fs19 right.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri305 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Roza, Roza!
" I screamed frantically. "Open your eyes. Don't go to sleep on me, not yet,"
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 please God let her be okay.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri820 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 She squinted
her eyes and me then as I ran towards the clinic with her in my arms.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri5977 \expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 "Was he rig
ht?" she asked.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3027 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Who?" I qu
estioned, trying to keep her awake and talking.
\sl-279\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3331 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Victor\exp
ndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} he said it couldn't have work
ed. The necklace."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri3002 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Damn, she k
new. Hurting her this morning was for nothing.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri50 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I wouldn't ha
ve kept her talking except her eyes started to close again so I asked, "What do
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri8164 \expndtw-9 \f13 \fs19 you mean?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri371 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "The spell,"
she continued, "Victor said you had to want me\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYM
BOL 188 \\f Symbol }} to care about me\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \
\f Symbol }} for it to
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri7838 \expndtw-14 \f13 \fs19 work."
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri735 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I didn't say
anything and she gripped my shirt, prying, "Did you? Did you want me?"
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri380 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I couldn't l
ie to her then, not like this, so I told her the truth, I just let it poor out o
f me,
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri2223 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Yes, Roza. I did want you. I st
ill do. I wish\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL 188 \\f Symbol }} we could be
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4200 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Then why d
id you lie to me?" she questioned.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri102 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 We reached t
he clinic then and I opened the door still holding her with one arm. I yelled fo
\plain\expndtw-8 \f13 \fs19 help then.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4885 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 "Because we
can't be together," I said.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1727 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "Because of
the age thing, right? Because you're my mentor?" she asked.
\sl-282\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri412 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 No, I could
deal with that, "That's part of it. But also\expndtw-14{\field{\*\fldinst SYMBOL
188 \\f Symbol }}" I explained, "Well, you and I will
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 both be Lissa's guardians someday. I need to protect
her at all costs. If a pack of Strigoi
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri3294 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 come, I need to throw my body be
tween them and her."
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri547 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "I know that
. Of course that's what you have to do," she answered, not getting the big
\plain\expndtw-10 \f13 \fs19 picture.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri42 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 "No. If I let
myself love you, I won't throw myself in front of her, I'll throw myself in fro
nt of
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri432 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 you," I said as the medical team
came and took her from my arms, ripping a part of my
\plain\expndtw-15 \f13 \fs19 soul.
\plain\pard\sl-302 \li0 \ri75 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 I had to wait frantically to
know whether the girl I was in love with would die or live. Shortly
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri714 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 after though, Lissa arrived heari
ng what had happened and I think she did that weird
\pard\sl-244 \li0 \ri170 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 healing thing because Rose came a
round shortly after Lissa spent a few minutes with her -
\pard\sl-240 \li0 \ri4068 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 thank god. And Rose wasn't even
hurt anymore.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri4690 \expndtw-3 \f13 \fs19 Maybe she h
ad a guardian angel after all.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri41 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 Victor had be
en found on campus and recaptured luckily so I didn't have to worry about that
\plain\expndtw-6 \f13 \fs19 asshole anymore.
\sl-283\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri152 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 After a few
days, Rose and I went back to our regular practices again and for the most part
\pard\sl-242 \li0 \ri577 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 -we acted as usual. I remained st
rict with her and there was almost nothing out of the
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 ordinary, except once in a while our eyes would lock
with some longing passion and I'd
\plain\expndtw-4 \f13 \fs19 suddenly feel desire fill me.
\sl-284\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri363 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But Rose and
I restrained whatever our feelings held; I hoped that these emotions would
\plain\expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 fade so that one day, we would both be protecting th
e princess as guardians.
\sl-281\fs28\par\pard\pard\sl-241 \li0 \ri1947 \expndtw-2 \f13 \fs19 But honestl
y, I only felt myself falling for her more each and every day.

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