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Group Meeting #1

William Chen

Reality versus Dream no control over anything
o Juxtaposition dream is described as colorful; reality is gray/black
o He was learning how to wake himself from just such siren worlds
(McCarthy, 18).
Man has a pessimistic mentality - given up on humanity
Constantly aware of his surrounding: food, supplies for survival
Colors: Black/gray
o Gray snowflakes from the ashes
o Barren environment except from the wind picks up the ashes
o Uses a binocular and sees nothing; no sign of life
Man lost his wife already; does not want to lose his son as well
Thought-provoking quote: How does the never to be differ from what never
was? (McCarthy, 32).
The Road is a synecdoche for all the paths they take or may be interpreted as
a symbol for the dark side of life; lifes challenges
o But the roads still there (McCarthy, 43).
Paradoxical statement: You forget what you want to remember and you
remember what you want to forget (McCarthy, 12).
Dialogue between the Man and the Boy is very choppy and concise; some
parts seem awkward
Author includes profound statements, but does not elaborate them
(examples are the previously mentioned quotes on pages 12 and 32)
Boy: symbol of innocence, pure
o Does not know about coca cola, dam, earthquakes
o Also a symbol of fathers hope when the Man talks about how there is
no point to life if the boy dies
Importance of faith and religion If he is not the work of God, God never
spoke (McCarthy, 5).
o Christendom, mentions his memories in his home and his Christmas
tree; may show how his strength stems from his faith in religion
Nostalgic tone whenever the Man talks about his vacant home; Boy is
constantly scared of the house and wants to leave
Man and Boys relationship: Ironic because the two figures are so close
together and their survival depend on each other; however, they are actually
quite distant since the boy is unable to relate to his fathers experience

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