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Alberto A. Prez F. La Laja Villa Lourdes Los Santos Province.

English teacher. Email

The General Eleven October, located in the Province of Panama,
district of Arraijan, Township of Burunga , community Eleven of
October began its educational work with CEFACEI program, which was
built by the Parents Community Basic Education Center performing
various activities like selling tamales and collecting various supplies
materials throughout the community .
After going to grow the student population and the difficulty children
had so far remaining schools and how difficult it was to get quotas , the
community organized and supported by some authorities is achieved
MEDUCA September 3 2003 primary school is approved , which is
given the name ONCE OCTOBER school .
The first teacher working in this school the teacher was Taira
This school since its construction has been on the population growth of
450 students , 27 teachers working in both morning and afternoon
sessions , one administrative secretary , 2 manual workers, 1 general
helper 1 Inspector , 1 Sub - Manager Education ( Deputy Carlos
Aparicio ) Educational Manager (Director Victor F.
Contest holder by Prez Pea administrative tasks which start on 18
September 2013), Association of Parents, educational community
infrastructure (8 regular classrooms, 1 technological innovation, 1
dining room 2 bathrooms hygienic and with a projection in 2015 of
offering the PREMEDIA in this school.

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