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ICFCA’2010 – AGADIR, MARCH 15-18, 2010


Registration fees include the conference proceedings, the tutorials, on-site lunches,
coffee breaks as well as social events (banquet and welcome reception).

Early registration (before or on January 15, 2010)

- Students: 100 €

- Academics living outside Morocco: 300 €

- Local academics: 150 €

Late registration (after January 15, 2010)

- Students: 150 €

- Academics living outside Morocco: 350 €

- Local academics: 200 €.

Extra Banquet Ticket: 40 €.

It is important to note that at least one author of any accepted paper must attend
(and register to) the conference to present his/her contribution. Otherwise, the
paper will not be included in the proceedings of the conference.


Payment can be done either through by bank transfer or on the conference site
between March 14 and March 18, 2010.

Bank : BMCI
Address : AVENUE Général Kettani Agadir,
Account : 013010010120040390012796

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